Wednesday, February 28, 2018

February 28, 2018

Miscellaneous Thoughts on a Screen Junkies News video published on 02/28/18

Love all the tangents, ellipses, arcs and angles that a ScreenJunkies News video can take. All of it was interesting. I would love to see Billy's listing for discussion points with requisite time codes as compared with the actual topics discussed and real time codes. Always entertaining, SJnews, please never alter your trajectory.♥︎

Miscellaneous thoughts on a Collider Movie News video published on 02/28/2018

Read the article. takeaway? We (subscribers) are OLD (per Complex). The cryptocurrency/Ethereum references in the article confuse me, because I am OLD and cryptocurrency volatility scares me. As for the term "Nakamoto consensus" (just Google Ethereum) sounds like the next DieHard movie, because I am OLD. Staying a subscriber, will enjoy the ride wherever it goes as I do not feel OLD. Hope to see some familiar faces added along with new ones.

Miscellaneous thoughts on a Philip DeFrabci video published on 02/28/2018

Colton Haab and CNN Controversey: (00:06)
Dick's Sporting Goods to Stop Selling Assault Rifles: (7:31)
South Africa Will Expropriate Land From White Landowners: (13:39)

(1) Maybe CNN is not a sympathetic survivor or a misguided/ethically challenged parent, but I agree with CNN that it is too bad that this situation may take away from the primary purpose of the town hall event. And wow, Tucker Carlson good on you for update. (2) Yup "Assault" says it all. Not that I ever shopped there, but this effort makes me appreciate Dick's Sporting Goods as a merchandiser (3) No compensation hardly seems fair. The trail of legal ownership should be easy to prove. Maybe the current South African government should take a look at Black Panther film themes. The way for redress of past injuries or to improve current status is not a 180, just need a bit of empathy, some morality and a lot of logic.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Joe Rogan Experience #1084 - Douglas Murray

published 02/26/2018

I agree with a lot of what Mr. Murray discussed. However I disagree with the example (@1:44) he used of a woman not interfering in a situation where a man was verbally abusive to his female companion. She was correct to not personally get involved, however not because of any privilege due to her color. Ideally she should have contacted transit police when she exited the train. The most dangerously volatile situation that police dread, is domestic violence. In an instant either party in this situation can turn on those trying to interfere or the original aggressor's behavior can escalate in seconds. I am guessing Mr. Murray was trying to make a point how doing the right thing is and should be 100% color/race/creed/nationality blind.


seen at a theater------02/23/2018

I liked both the book (currently reading #2 of  The Southern Reach Trilogy, entitled Authority) and the movie. Although some of the themes are similar, it is correct to assume that this movie is different from the book. Reading the book first, gave me some insight into the movie. As the book is mostly told from the thoughts and actions of the biologist (played by Natalie Portman in the film), transferring the book to the movie 100% intact was probably not feasible.

Fake Oscar Isaac with a little humanity mixed in and Real Natalie Portman with a little alien mixed in, were left at the end. The movie did deviate from the novel, but the novel was very cerebral within one person's perspective that would  not have  translated well onto film. Not sure cancer is the exact analogy, as many have said. The change was more like a vector towards something else.  Sorry being too cerebral, must be the film's fault. I will cleanse my palate with a chipmunks movie and if that does not work a recent Adam Sandler movie should bring me back down.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Gun Violence

I keep returning to the same bottom line. Collecting historical artifacts (aka pistols, muskets, derringers etc), skeet shooting, even hunting is not the problem and is already being regulated. Allowing automatic weapons to be purchased and owned by private users is a bit like allowing uranium to be sold at Target (pun intended).

Thoughts regarding a Philip DeFranco video published on You Tube February 22, 2018.

While I agree with some of what Rubio said (yes I am shocked), I disagree with his conclusion. Proposed law can be amended to consider plastic pieces, gun sales at all locations. His conclusion will only work if mental health care coverage is improved and made affordable--obviously if Florida proves anything, it proves we cannot wait for that to happen.

As for putting guns in the hands of certain trained individuals in schools, it is not a panacea: There was an armed policeman at that Florida school.

Full Metal Alchemist

(live action - 2017)

Watched on Netflix February 20 2018

Somehow viewing a movie on Netflix, softens my critique. It must somehow relate to not paying for a movie ticket, having a wide selection of free concessions at my disposal and in possession of a pause button. I am a fan of Full Metal Alchemist anime and manga. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...I cosplayed as Winry (luckily for me this was not captured on social media). That being said, I was ok with this live action version of FMA. However I agree with other critics in that too much data with hardly any time for character development ended up being compressed into a two hour and 15 minute movie, probably angering some fans and confusing new viewers.  Abridged content is never satisfying. This IP would have been better served in a 6 - 10 episode format. I would never see this in a theater if I had to pay, however seeing it at home I would give it a C-.

Yeah, they aged up Edward and Alphonse, left out the show's heart, humor and highlighted the most violent/twisted scenes, but the characters' look and set design are decent. This live action movie is just too abridged and compressed to work as a stand-a-lone film.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The Ritual

on Netflix - February 20, 2018

From the synopsis, this movie seemed tired and trope-heavy. However due to its energy it improves. It is an interesting amalgam of The Hills Have Eyes, Norse Mythology (the serious non-Thor/Marvel variety) and "bro" movies. It was filmed in the spookily historical. but a beautiful place, Romania. Due to an enthusiastic review of a movie critic on YouTube (Perri Nemiroff), I watched. I almost bailed several times due to an unbelievable amount of bad decisions by the characters. I stayed for the acting, cinematography, soundtrack and of course, Perri's recommendation. Being on a streaming service that one already has a subscription to, seems to give just about everything at least a passing grade.  This movie, well I have to think about long term, but just in view of one characters arc, I would have to give it at least a 3.0 out of 4.0 (using an American school grading system). The last scene was the ultimate in catharsis.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Black Panther (2018)

This was a film, with well-crafted characters, dialogue,  directing, acting, editing and soundtrack. This was also a superhero movie. Proving that sometimes a creation can be both things. Sometimes all those things do not fit smoothly. In this film almost everything fit. There were a few tiny moments of CGI gone awry,  but that did not detract from the enjoyment of this film.

As much as I enjoy closing credits scenes, I am glad that there were only 2 in Black Panther. Being only two scenes, gave them deeper meaning than some other Marvel films. I felt that the Bucky scene was touching. The look on his face when he said thank you to Shuri was touching. It reminded me of the relief and the peace that one feels after being very sick for a very long time.The 5 Guardian extra scenes were almost too much of a good thing. As usual.the Stan Lee cameo was fun (placed early in this movie).

BASED on comment to RLM YouTube video published 02/18/2018
Mike's opener is the best hyperbole that I have heard in minutes (internet minutes = reality weeks). Black Panther is one movie that I didn't need an advertising push to view, but thanks RedLetterMedia for posting this review--->after<---the actual premiere. There are more Black Panther reviews, trailers and impressions floating around the internet than trolls targeting celebrities and the rest of us. BTW loved this superhero comic book Marvel movie, because it was a film.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Who Will Die First in the Streaming Wars (Amazon, Hulu, Netflix)??

(Screen Junkies News video streamed on You Tube published on 02/14/2018)

I live in both worlds. I call the landline, my "spambox" and the television, my "white noise machine". Primarily I watch movies and multiple episode series, on my desk top through Amazon Prime, Netflix and Crunchyroll. I am guessing, at least within my subscriptions, Crunchyroll will be the first to go if I take on Disney streaming. I watch YouTube on every piece of tech that I own (except the television). While I am excited for the new streaming services, no way can I afford to leap over the multiple pay walls that Disney (aka Marvel, Pixar, LucasFilm and ??Fox??) will be erecting next year.

Monday, February 5, 2018

The Cloverfield Paradox  (2018)
Watched on Netflix 02/05/2018

Take the title of this movie at its word. Not that the entire movie will make sense, but it will help. This is the third entry (previous 2 were theatrically released as: Cloverfield (2008) and 10 Cloverfield Lane  (2016) in the Cloverfield series. Halfway through, this movie does give one pause, maybe even a headache. There are so many threads of plot applied; some woven in, some hanging loose and some on the floor. Perhaps the confusion was intentional, given all the fan anger at variations from canon on series projects like Star Trek, Star Wars and DC superheroes.

The acting, set design, CGI, editing and directing were all done well. The plot was confusing, due to the basic themes the movie itself presents fairly early on. The tech, communications facilities (cell towers must be made of adamantium or some super material), thin plotting, does give one pause. I think the confusing details are hopefully just a part of this one episode in the series For a successful anthology series, there should be some logic, continuity within the Cloverfield universe.  I would advise viewers to not try to keep up with details on its first viewing. Although multiple views might lower (this) viewer's opinion. For now, I will accept this story as a thrill ride.For my next ride at this "park", I would like a wider variety of options, especially on story and character.

I just watched this movie on Netflix. The higher than the usual indie budget makes sense as excluding the superior acting, the set design and CGI were very well done. The acting was great. Sad that the plot was not in that same league. An impressive feat, within this movie, were all those cell phone calls, texts and Skype-type transmissions that went through no matter what was exploding and/or lurking outside the main action. Paramount's weakness (that studio sold this movie to Netflix) is a given. However Netflix is probably working beyond this movie, expanding their options for the future. With Disney set to soon expand into their territory while simultaneously removing inventory, Netflix needs this publicity and power to create and to produce.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

The Curse of Sleeping Beauty (2016)

watched on Netflix 02/04/2018

Leaning towards a 2.5 rating, but not rounding up for obvious reasons.  The leading actors, Ethan Peck (as Thomas) and India Eisley (as Briar Rose) have some charisma, but not enough to put this movie into 3 star territory. While I could see the ending coming a mile away (actually about an hour and a few minutes away), I decided to watch the entire movie. The set design appeared as if someone took the entire year's Halloween inventory for Party City along with the contents of one complete Pier One Imports store, with the addition of pseudo-weeping angel action from Doctor Who and you have the set. The usual horror tropes were present and accounted for (jump scares, decrepit house with an unsavory rep, missing people, an unusual amount of beautiful twenty-something females and an old text written in, surprise, Aramaic). The ending was a cliffhanger, probably hoping for The Return of the Curse movie.  Staying until the end, did gift me with some knowledge. The true curse of this movie was... (insert ominous music here) the lack of a completed script.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric

(a documentary made for the Nat Geo channel--watched on Netflix 02/03/2018)

This was a very upbeat, informative and entertaining documentary. The editing, cinematography, directing and of course the Katie Couric effect was all quite positive. My only negative was the soundtrack which was perky on steroids (I know an ironic analogy due to the subject matter of this doc). Not a negative, most likely a symptom of my age, were the multi-pronouns used in and by the student discussion group. Not sure what the future will bring, I just hope that we can all communicate without stumbling over verbal hurdles. That being said, this is a good entry level documentary for people who are a little confused about the evolution (as mentioned by Renée Richards in the closing interview) of gender attitudes in the 21st century.