Friday, May 6, 2022

MAY 2022

Posted to Costume and Conservation (RE: Met Gala 2022- KK wearing Marilyn's Dress)


Billie Eilish wore a very in-theme designed gown that also publicized recycling with its being composed of "dead-stock" fabrics and remnants. I would have been more impressed with Kim Kardashian had she bought and donated the original dress to the Met while wearing only its replica to the Gala thus advertising her donation to posterity. Unfortunately while Kim may be a wonderful daughter, sister, aunt, mother and even person (anything is possible), this behavior emphasized a need for self-promotion for Kim and her family that is put above all other considerations.

Posted to LegalEagle (RE: Depp vs Heard Defamation Case) My comment posted 05/06/2022

Two well-known actors with problematic childhoods unfortunately married each other, mistreated one another and then divorced. And now news time, your time, my time and seemingly all time in our reality is being stuffed with the worst written (thankfully previously unknown) Shakespearean tragedy ever.  Yuck.

Posted to Emily D. Baker's community channel (RE: statement by Depp's PR firm posted 05/06/2022)

I prefer an Emily D. Baker commentary as opposed to the defendant's or the plaintiff's  PR firm version. Multiverses are difficult enough to translate via CGI in movies. Let's stay on point in this universe. I do not need a Greek Chorus of anyone's annoyingly verbose PR team restating anything. I dislike this whole trial, yet it has fixated my attention.

Posted to Emily D. Baker (RE: Depp vs. Heard Day 15) my comment posted 05/07/2022

I am on neither side in this mess. I have been avoiding much of Amber's testimony as whether fabricated or true, it is triggering for me. However I really hope the jury finds for neither party and that the judge tells both to go to their own homes, see their own analysts and try to rebuild their own lives without mentioning the name of their ex or reference this badly written Shakespearean tragedy...ever.

QUESTION: I know that Virginia doesn't have very powerful Anti-SLAPP laws, but can this judge prevent both parties from ever again filing any variant of this suit in Commonwealth of Virginia?

Posted to antphrodite (RE:Illuminati: real or not) uploaded to You Tube 05/07/2022

I always enjoy these readings. Lots of very interesting insight.  I wonder if the modern portion of this reading was regarding the Gates (Bill and Melinda) Foundation origin in 1994. As for the mistake by one, Bill Gates made 2 huge errors, his affair with an employee and of course his connection to Jeffrey Epstein. Not sure, this may have been a rumor, but I believe that there was something about the Gates Foundation not funding locally manufactured vaccines during the early variants (pre-Omicron) of COVID.

Posted to Abby Cox (RE: Marilyn's Gown/copy) uploaded to You Tube 07/07/2022

I agree that this dress should have been sold to a museum at an affordable price. Not sold to an exhibitor with a problematic history. I understand that it is not like Kim broke into Ripley's and appropriated both the copy AND the original.  However I still blame the Kardashian clan for doing something that they shouldn't have done, just because they can. I suppose that we all (those who have viewed the Kardashian reality shows) share some responsibility for the creatures that we have helped create, but it just all feels so wrong, at best clueless, at worst self-entitlement. In a world that feels so unsafe, so unfair it would have been so uplifting had the Kardashians purchased the gown and copy, donated both to the Met, taken a huge tax deduction and improved their karma.

posted to Haute LeMode (RE: Met Gala 2022 Roast part 2) uploaded to You Tube  05/10/2022

The history behind the designers and actual Gilded Age was fascinating. Carey Mulligan's look is my new favorite. I had not seen it on other sites. I appreciated learning about the meaning of the fashion worn by Cynthia Erivo and Erykah Badu. I had not known there was an actual law about what women of a certain race were allowed to wear. Ironically in my news feed I just saw what happened in Afghanistan regarding what women were allowed to wear. Maybe the next Met theme should be unnecessarily restrictive clothing laws put in place by small-minded (and probably small-brained) men. Maybe it would not be colorful or exciting, but it might prove enlightening!😉

posted to Emily D. Baker (RE: Duggar Sentencing) uploaded to You Tube 05/13/2022

Some of the wording of the attorney's brief regarding terms of the Duggar sentencing was beyond irony. Using the high level of scrutiny on Josh Duggar due to the reality show was, in view of certain allegations and self-confessed behavior, beyond irony. Obviously, that the aforementioned harsh intrusive constant scrutiny was NOT at a high enough level to avoid certain criminal behavior.. No judgements, no psychiatric opinions, just dumb old me saying...hmm.

posted to MedCram-Medical Lectures Explained CLEARLY (RE: Repeat COVID infection)05/11/22

The swiss cheese graphic is an excellent way of illustrating how to protect ourselves in a pandemic or even from a less lethal viral infection. This compliment is supported by the fact I had to take 2 (school year) semesters and one-half (summer) semester to get a passing grade in my college biology class, yet I grasped the essentials of personal and shared responsibilities of protection. Too late to raise my cumulative grade average, but still time to increase my knowledge.

posted to Abby Cox (RE: Rainbow Hair Colors) my comment posted 05/15/2022

During the quarantine I had my long hair dyed bright pink, it really cheered me up. Now that I am venturing out into the non-virtual wild (aka stores, movies and "insert gasp here" a gaming con), I am going more for more subtle shadings of rose gold. Regarding history most of us have short memories, hence the punk rockers of the 1970's/early '80s dying their hair colors like green or blue not realizing that their ancestors might have chose that color to "fit in" with the elite...'cause history be ironic!

posted to Dr. John Campbell (RE: North Korean COVID status) uploaded to You Tube 05/16/2022

If the general population of North Korea is weakened by the lack of proper health care, even a less virulent variant like Omicron will likely do much more damage due to co-morbidities. We cannot help, they will not accept our help so I do appreciate Dr. Campbell reminding us of this situation. Publicizing the plight of the ordinary (not highly placed party members) North Koreans sadly might be all we can do.

posted to antphrodite Community Page (RE: Vicky White and Casey White) question ans 05/16/2022

Sadly I think that it was a mid-life crisis. She was close to retirement, lived alone, was widowed (no children) and felt under appreciated and over looked. I am not saying this was a Jack Napier (Joker)/Harleen Quinzel (Harley Quinn) situation, but she wanted a CHANGE (caps intended). Casey White gave her the change of identify, life (albeit brief) excitement and a place to go when her time as a prison guard had ended.

posted to Law & Lumber Community Page (RE: format of channel) uploaded 05/15/2022

Saw Law & Lumber on today's (05/16/2022) Emily D. Baker live commentary on Depp vs. Heard. Giving details concerning the jurors was fascinating. While I have zero interest or need-to-know on any personal or confidential juror data, getting generalized data on age, sex (he/him, she/her, they/them) and physical appearance is tantalizing regarding how each juror might absorb the facts of this case. While I have not kept up with all of it, recent testimony seems seem to run not in a gamut but in only the end points of being either snooze-inducing or an adrenaline-rush.

I would say a mix one day legal (prominent historical/current trials), one day wood (tools/techniques/qualities) would be interesting. However the legendary You Tube algorithm works in mysterious ways, so asking Emily how to organize your content to result in the highest views would be productive. I would cultivate (be friendly, be professional and be helpful) to any You Tube execs or workers you interact with because there will come the day, that someone will randomly pull a video for being too "inflammatory" or copyright strike you for using an extra second or two of problematic (aka owned/claimed) video/audio clips.

posted to antphrodite (RE: Depp vs. Heard) uploaded 05/18/2022

Like any war, both parties have essentially lost before they began hostilities. They lost logic, kindness, intellect and even themselves. They will both be forever changed, maybe even damaged by this lawsuit. I hope neither wins and that they both go on a retreat (separately) to regain themselves and their lives. Practically and factually, Depp's side seems to have the best chance of "winning". However the jury, with their own prejudices, life experiences and views, will make the final call. I am not certain that as in a criminal case, in a civil case a judge can overrule a verdict. Whatever this lawsuit needs to end, permanently.

posted to Building Integrity (RE: 16days before Surfside Collapse-Warning Signs) uploaded 05/16/2022

I highly doubt that this would happen, but revamped municipal laws regarding construction, maintenance and (done by) 3rd party stability checks every 5 years of condo/apartment high-rises would be the only answer to prevent this tragedy from reoccurring . Private individuals from the original (not the "new") homeowners association all the way to the buildings' owners, their insurance companies, engineering companies all failed, either spectacularly or just in a "not getting involved" attitude. As for a criminal case, while it might benefit the current survivors and victims' families of this tragedy, the only long term solution, short of having the mega corporations execs getting an empathy implant, would be to legally enforce proper methods, materials and maintenance of high rise structures. In other words make it advantageous tax-wise to do the right thing.

posted to John Campea (RE: Using CGI/deep fake Stan Lee) my comment posted 05/18/2022

Stan Lee was passionate about superhero characters and the movies. I had the privilege of attending a comic con and hearing Stan Lee speak. I have no idea what his personal opinions were on this particular subject. With what little I know of the man, I do not think that he would mind. As for me personally, I might be slightly creeped out or even sad (thus taking me out of the movie) with a CGI Stan. What I would like to see is a hidden easter egg in the closing credits printing something like, "Thanks Stan or We will always love you Stan" mixed among all the individuals who helped create the movie. A side benefit would be everyone staying and studiously studying all the (non-video) closing credits. I believe that a yelled out comment, "Hey I found Stan" might have made Stan smile.

posted to Dr. John Campbell (RE: SubVariants of Omicron BA 5 ) uploaded 05/20/2022

I too have found it curious, that the vaccine has not been reformulated for Omicron. My science education background, is inadequate (even after watching this channel for 6 months) to totally understand the costs and expertise involved, but as shown in this article by the New England Journal of Medicine: the vaccines are just not as effective against any of the Omicron variants. A preliminary Google search did not supply me with any answers.  I  have had 2 doses of Moderna along with "the booster" (aka 3rd dose). I do not intend to get any further COVID vaccinations until I know that the formulation has changed. QUESTION: Are Pfizer, Moderna, J&J updating their vaccines?

posted to Rachel Maksy (RE: Journal painting) uploaded to You Tube on  05/20/2022

Loved the images of a New England forest. Are they catalogued with date, time and place? Seriously they are beautiful images that require provenance. Documenting the house's evolution might be fun (well educational then)? BTW just before the X-Files theme played, I did wonder about security. There was a Sasquatch vibe of the movement of those particular humanoids.😉

As for the word "perfect" used in connection with typical New England weather, well beyond our November - April winter (only slightly exaggerating) and 2 weeks in July or August (not usually both months) it feels like the Amazon jumped several borders and ended up in New England. For any other days, we  get a "weather buffet". This odd, one might even say "bipolar" (sorry, no slights intended, I am OCD) condition has caused me to turn my car into a moving closet containing numerous articles of coats, jackets and boots. Perhaps our region deserves its own motto, "New England...we got weather."

Posted to The Dodo (RE: Cat loves jumping into a bath) uploaded to You Tube 05/21/2022

I have two cats (BTW that I never bathe). While I do allow some "counter surfing" in the kitchen, when no food is present, if I turn on the faucet, feline departure is instantaneous. I even taught them the word "water". As in "I am going to turn the water on" and now that gets an immediate leap off of the counter. Some people feel cats are untrainable, which is not a fair judgement. Cats are simply pragmatic and very "quid pro quo".

Posted to Emily D. Bakers Community page 05/22/2022 (Will Depp on stand Again hurt Heard)

I also think it will help Depp's side and hurt Heard's side. If Elaine Bredehoft is doing the questioning, (not another attorney on the Heard team) then I am totally mystified. Ms. Bredehoft's questionable style with witnesses along with her questionable client makes for any session with Depp problematic at the very least, case losing at the most. I still feel that the best conclusion for this case is for neither side to win. The extremely short attention span of social and news media, can hopefully allow each (former) litigant to live their own lives more effectively once this fiasco ends.

Posted to Dr. John Campbell (RE: U.S. long COVID-20% of Cases?) uploaded to You Tube 05/25/2022

That was my first thought also, regarding those CDC figures on long COVID. The percentage seemed quite high.  Agreed that data on the number of vaccinations received by this group would be helpful, especially for future pandemic planning. QUESTION: Could that 1 in 5 stat be more applicable to those who recovered from the original and Delta strains? It might simply be that Omicron recovered patients may not have mentioned lingering symptoms to their physicians, or been spoken about in news media. QUESTION: Perhaps vaccination might have limited the damage of long COVID?  I get a majority of my virus education from this channel, so thank you to Dr. Campbell.

Posted to The Try Guys (RE: living in a mansion for one day) uploaded to You Tube 05/25/2022

What would I do with a house like that? Probably try to flip it asap. If any prospective buyer asks what an average year of utilities and taxes are, do not wait for their credit/bank report, these people cannot afford this mansion. Two years later (or longer as people are currently moving to places like Washington (State), Arizona and Texas not Cali) after the sale to an old money Prince or a new Tech Lord, I would find a smaller home with more (unbuilt) land, ginormous fence and live-in security service. Even with my rant (Real Estate-PTSD), it was still fun to take the virtual tour. If this mansion sells, do The Try Guys get a commission?

posted to Dr. John Campbell  (RE: Benefits of Vitamin D) uploaded to You Tube 05/29/2022

Pharmaceutical corporations' power to influence government (I live in U.S.) is immense. Also there is the incomprehensible advertising on cable TV (not streaming) with specific drug suggestions (as in brand names) for patients to bring to their physicians. The even bigger failure in the U.S. is avoiding a heavy dose of prevention. We are reactive not proactive. This fact makes me a little concerned about my country's reaction to the inevitable next pandemic.

Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Closing Remarks in Heard/Depp Defamation Trial) 05/27/2022

Dr. Grande's analysis is spot on. Two damaged people got married, could not communicate, got divorced and forced us (well social and news media helped) to participate in the autopsy of their relationship. I hope that whatever the verdict turns out to be ends this exercise in narcissism and overspending (for attorneys and for clean-up crew at their various residences).

Posted to Mama Doctor Jones (RE: Historical Pregnancy Tests) uploaded 05/30/2022

Awww I thought Hippocrates was better than that, believing in the accuracy of the water/honey test. The only reason I can think of,(to save his rep), is that he probably observed that many pregnant women are nauseous especially in (at least) the first trimester. I am guessing that drinking honey and water would cause anyone even feeling slightly queasy to vomit.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Millie Bobby Brown) uploaded 05/30/2022

I also do not believe that this reading is boring. Some celebrities have a habit of being out of control and simultaneously out of touch, but not Millie Bobby Brown. Even as a child actress she seemed to know who she was and where she wanted to go. This reading confirmed my impression of her. I guess, we are just not used to famous people having their act together!