Thursday, May 31, 2018

Thoughts on 05/31/2018

Comment posted to video published 05/30/18 to What The Flick?! on You Tube

(regarding weird science fiction/general combination)

Actually I thought that one tv show, Doctor Who on BBC, made the random and the weird seem entertaining and fun. It was Season 7 episode 2 (September 8, 2012) "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship".  However thinking about a bats*** crazy combo, what about Coming to America (1988) plus Predator (1987) with a possible tag line for the poster: "They're here, hunting for a...relationship."

Monday, May 28, 2018

Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
PG-13   2hrs 23 min.
Saw in theater 05/25/2018

Comment posted onto SJ News video review of Solo published 05/26/2018 on You Tube:

Ironically, this is not the movie that I was looking for. However this movie was a lot more coherent and flowed better than all the backstage drama would indicate. I was entertained, never bored. Full disclosure though, I saw Solo in MX4D format so maybe my enjoyment level was enhanced by the tech.

Comment posted onto Chris Stuckmann video review of Solo published 05/21/2018 on You Tube:

Not that I need another Solo movie (I am kind of 50-50 on a continuation of a Solo Saga), but with the way this movie ends I assume that Han's grumpy pessimism and skill set occurs (aka arc) in the years between the end of this film and the beginning of Star Wars Episode 4 - A New Hope. I am not into the animated series nor the books, so I do not know those details of  Solo's personality evolution. However I would rate this movie more as a B or at worst B-.

Comment posted onto Jeremy Jahns video discussion of Solo and Disney published 05/30/18 on You Tube:

Disney is primarily a business, no matter how many appearances of castles, fireworks and magic sprinkles that explode in the  opening credits of their eponymous movies and subsidiaries. A business produces products to be sold to customers. Sometimes ART can get lost in a financial forest. All that being said, there was no massive clamoring for a Han Solo movie which probably should have been released in December anyway. Full disclosure; I saw this film in MX4D (a little pricey but worth it) format and had a great time.  I enjoyed this a movie. I do not wish to debate its existence to either being a deviation or clone (yes I went there) regarding the holy writ of CANON. Jeremy Jahns said it best, "It is just a movie."
Thoughts - 05/28/2018

Posted to a SJU video on You Tube published 05/24/2018

They cancelled a Transformers movie, Morgan Freeman is a what? and dog show judges get a lot closer to the animal contestants than I ever imagined.  What I want to know is what idiot killed a butterfly around November 8 2016 and caused all these fractures in our reality.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Howard Bloom (on Joe Rogan Experience #1119--You Tube video published 5/21/2018)
Posted to this video -- 05/22/2018

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is real, however I wonder if Mr. Bloom's problem on that flight when he began to travel again wasn't just a full blown panic attack exacerbated by his realization that he had forgotten his routine dosage. When the item(s) that helped him in the past was/were taken, he returned to health (aka in control). I would be interested to know, if Mr. Bloom has isolated himself at home (or wherever he feels the most safe) for several days and tried to wean himself off these items. If nothing else, results supporting his deterioration and subsequent improvement would indicate this program's efficacy both for him and others. Ideally this regimen would then go mainstream to be used by physicians and accepted by insurers.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Deadpool 2 (2018)


This film has echoes/beats of the first film. Deadpool is an iconoclast. He is defined by his few companions and by the villains. This movie did actually show a difference, maybe even qualifies as an arc with Deadpool's attitude in regards to a particularly combustible individual. Reynolds is smart, he knows that people will tire of smart-ass Deadpool quickly. Most likely this is why he suggested that the next movie be Deadpool AND X-Force.

I am not into the Deadpool comics, but speaking just from the 2 film versions, I liked the DP2 a tiny bit better than DP1. The extra credit scenes pushed DP2 ahead for me. Deadpool humor is my (usually hidden) humor as I have no superpowers to defend myself from recipients of my snarky, rude, basically puerile jokes.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Thoughts:  05/15/2018

Comment posted on Casey Neistate video published 05/15/18 regarding testing 2 drones (1 crashed in lake) and eating a pepper infused candy with a high scoville (hotness of pepper) rating:

Now this is my kind of reality programming. Success is fun,  but failure is more interesting with its teachable moments. EXCEPTION: consuming anything with the word scovilles on the cover.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Room 237 (2012) - documentary

Watched on You Tube 05/09/2018

Comment posted to SJ News video published on You Tube 05/09/18

This panel got me curious. Am going to view Room 237 doc.

Just viewed the doc   ---->         
Wow a lot of people had a copious amounts of time to check continuity errors, posters on the wall and really really ugly carpeting. I did not research Stanley Kubrick's opinions on this film, but I did note that (per the internet⁉️) his IQ was 200. Along with filming the moon landing (😳), I would not put it past Kubrick to laden this movie with "easter eggs" and anomalies to keep his brain entertained. BTW the end credit techno music was very catchy and quirky.

Thoughts on MoviePass

My comment posted to SJnews published on 05/09/2018 on You Tube:

I agree with Roth. Unless MoviePass is playing the loooooonnng game and wants/is able to grow up to become the Cambridge Analytica (albeit less dastardly) of consumer entertainment data or the Netflix of current studio-made movies, they will probably become the graphic next to the definition of unbelievable.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Thoughts - May 2, 2018

Philip DeFranco video published 05/02/18 on You Tube
But be honest... where would you wear those "jeans" besides for an Instagram pic?! >.<
“Jeans”(00:06), Paul v D'Elia(1:17), Cambridge Closing(3:52), Clementine Backlash(5:41), Charlottesville Update(7:55), Trump's Doctor(10:17), Trump v DOJ(12:46)
My comment posted to above:

(1)Jeans: NO. These are not jeans never were jeans never will be jeans...only profit. (2) Chris D'Elia and Logan Paul: Why would Paul take on D'Elia? Guess that 25 year old brain has not quite reached that maturation level. (3) Cambridge Closing: Makes sense. However someone should keep an eye on its CEO and board, because poison by any other name is still poison (shout out to Shakespeare or whomever wrote those plays). (4) Clementine: Hard to judge this situation without seeing a complete journal with ALL tweets. If Twitter were a mathematical equation, its solution would be an imaginary number with a huge negative value. (5) Charlottesville: The Civil War ended May 1865, come on guys. (6) Trump's Doctor: He thinks his correspondence should resemble the scripts of "Fargo", really? (7) Trump vs. DOJ: It does not seem to matter who we elect, whether a statesman or not. We spend 4 - 8 years looking at tax returns, birth records, sexual affairs and the various expressions on the first lady's face.

Comment posted to Jenny Nicholson"Thanos has a great plan" You Tube video published 05/02/18:

Oh that Thanos (sounds like a bad sitcom)!  So in several generations, the shell-shocked/remaining 1/2 populations have regained or come close to regaining former population levels. However, they are now without a percentage of their leaders, scientists, inventors and artists. Is that tumultuous Titan going to reuse those pesky stones again? So in a millennia or two, we will all be sleeping in fetid caves, rubbing 2 sticks together for fire and hanging off trees? Nice job Thanos.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Man Who Knew Infinity (2015)

PG-13         1 hr. 48 min.
(watched on Netflix 05/02/2018)

I regret that I never saw this movie when it appeared in theaters. The cinematography and soundtrack are amazingly beautiful. This biographical drama (based on truth) of a mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan. While his education in what was then called the state of Madras in India was minimal, his grasp of mathematics was beyond what many could imagine.