Tuesday, August 1, 2023



Posted to Lucy Livin' (RE: "Oh Polly" styles recommended by TikTok) Uploaded 08/01/2023

That was fun! I love a good try on when someone else "does the work"๐Ÿ˜‰.  A very emphatic ๐Ÿ‘for the partner photobomb/meme moment at the conclusion. Love the aqua dress, but I feel you wear it once and well, that's it as everyone will remember it. While I liked the red ruffle dress, the hem (hanging material) seemed off balance somehow. I agree on the two-piece. I think that the problem is you need a (something with more length) cropped stretchy top to balance out that beautiful skirt. Return the pink dress. Now the black, I would cut out the half-bodysuit thing. Now that it is yours ๐Ÿคฃ, I would wear it as a tunic over tailored trousers or maybe wear over patterned bike shorts? LOVE TikTok (both the algorithm and the viral) suggestions. It can be like a treasure hunting...sometimes one finds THE one.

Posted to GeoBeats Animals (RE: Sam is smart) Uploaded to You Tube 08/01/2023

My favorite part is, "Who's a good boy?" and Sam turns around to look behind him. Unfortunately a minority of people with large dogs, either treat the animals badly or do not train the animals properly. This minority makes the news, not the majority of those who live with love bugs and couch potatoes. BTW I live with cats, guinea pigs, a chinchilla and fish, but I still love big goofy dogs who love their humans.

Posted to Legal Eagle (RE: Trump employees tried to delete videos) Uploaded to You Tube 07/31/2023

Pinned by LegalEagle

⚖ Are you surprised by these allegations?


Nope. My surprise is at the fact that anyone thinks these indictments will have relevant and critical results.

As of this post guess which Republican is leading the poll in preferred Republican presidential candidate for 2024. 


Posted to Dine in Psychology (RE: Psychology of Lying - Carlee Russell) Uploaded 08/01/2023

Pinned by Dine in Psychology

Chapters in description! How is everyone doing? Since seeing this case unravel, I could not pass up an opportunity to nerd out : ) and examine why people lie..Interested to hear your thoughts on what the secondary gain could have been with this particular case and what your thoughts are on why falsifying crimes continues to happen?


My inexpert hypothesis is that this is some sort of adult immaturity issue. I know with toddlers and young children any attention even negative attention is still valued. So even at 25 years of age this individual needed to grab the attention of her friends, family and all us glued to social media. Infamy still gets clicks, attention, however the possibility of punishment (fines, indictments, prison) seems to be unreal to this type of adult child.


I agree, lying is a skill that becomes easier the more you do it. At Carlee Russell is 25 years old, her frontal lobe should have matured by this point. I am guessing Carlee Russell will be hit with a large bill for services and time that was wasted searching for her. Maybe there will be some jail time? However without sufficient mental health services intervening in this woman's life, prison time may simply create a more effective liar and sociopath.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Lizzo civil suit) Uploaded to You Tube on 08/02/2023

Good reading and wise advice. Hopefully there is someone left on her team that is trustworthy and will sit Lizzo down to listen to reality. Lizzo should settle the suit asap with a general comment on her previous cluelessness and specifically how she is going to change. Ironically rehiring some of the people listed as plaintiffs in this lawsuit might be the best first start along with reassessing those who were in charge of rehearsals and staff as they also need to change.

Posted to Emily D. Baker (RE: Lizzo law suit) Uploaded to You Tube on 08/03/2023

I would not expect "the creative" (aka in this case, Lizzo) to also be an excellent tour manager, lead choreographer and HR specialist, but this is a wake up call for her. You cannot allow employees to be put into a hostile and discriminatory workplace with the viewpoint, situation managed. This attitude came back to haunt Ellen Degeneres also. One must hire managers who can give advance warnings of issues, problems and potential LAWSUITS or better yet avoid all of that sh*t.

Posted to Rachel Maksy (RE: Amphibian Boots) Uploaded to You Tube on 08/04/2023

Those boots are epic! I agree yeet the collar of the dress. Maybe wear that "mossy" corset on top of dress or add a "mossy" corset belt? The pocket is adorably amphibian (and smartphone?) friendly so keep it on dress? Or perhaps get out the trusty glue gun to attach the leaf (formerly known as "pocket") to a hair clip or narrow belt? Unfortunately my ideas both exceed my expertise and sometimes even physics or chemistry. Love these projects, adorable and quirky always brightens my day.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: David Grusch Testimony) Uploaded to You Tube on 08/05/2023

Watching an interview with David Grusch, did leave me with the impression that at least he believes that what he says is the truth. I wondered, even though labeled a "whistleblower" is Mr. Grusch  more of a new approach to informing us regarding what we need to know? With what was said in this reading it would make sense. If we (humanity) only respond collectively to celebrities or controversy, well maybe put a single voice out there, label it "whistleblowing" and see what happens? Well whatever occurs hopefully it will be beneficial to all of us, no matter what dimension our mail goes to, and happen before the next presidential election.๐Ÿ™„

Posted to The Try Guys (RE: Clips of Shakespeare rehearsals) Uploaded to You Tube on 08/05/2023

I am shocked that this is Eugene's first performance regarding Shakespeare. I would have assumed he had major Shakespeare actor cred. I have already purchased my ticket. I have never giggled during Romeo and Juliet before so I am looking forward to this unique experience. Spoiler, when I saw this play performed during a school trip, I almost cried. I had to bite the inside of my mouth to hold it together. Middle school was a nightmare, so giving classmates an actual reason to tease me was not in my mission statement.


Posted to AmandaTheJedi (RE: Review of movie, Talk To Me) Uploaded to You Tube 0n 08/02/2023

Thank you for this service! I always have to read spoilers before seeing a horror or thriller right down to the jump scares and are any animals or children harmed or worse. Interestingly enough I tolerate the John Wick movies and movies like Sisu (2023) without any issues.

Posted to Molly Burke (RE: When to NOT bring guide dog on trips) Uploaded to You Tube 08/04/2023

Even though this dog is basically a working assistant, Molly considering Elton's well-being first before being on a trip with him is a great attitude to have. Your assistant could be allergic to peanuts, may be missing a limb or get an ear infection thus cannot fly. You adapt to the circumstances, rather than "fire" said assistant who is usually efficient and professional. I would like to think that any working assistant, human or animal deserves that fair treatment.

Posted to Charmed Abode (RE: Leslie's Health Update) Uploaded to You Tube 08/06/2023

Please add my joy to all the other comments sending you congratulations. I do not really know you, but I had felt saddened at the original news. Now along with your strength of purpose and faith, you also have strength of body to travel your way through life. Thank you for sharing this news, it cannot be easy being so open and giving.

Posted to Abroad in Japan (RE: 3 Worse Mistakes in Japan) Uploaded to You Tube 06/08/2023

General Comment:

My vote for the worst mistake is the sushi restaurant. Admittedly the toll taker did deserve the cash payment, but foreigners be foreigners regarding language issues. Yes you lied to Ken, but you did not personally dishonor him. Now the chef who witnessed the sprint from the counter and then heard what went on "behind the scene" most likely felt...miffed.  Recent subscriber, am enjoying this channel immensely.

Posted to pinned comment:

I can avoid two:  I hardly ever drive, thus toll booths are not my ethical responsibility. Ken Watanabe and I travel in slightly different social circles. The sushi restaurant is both the most egregious mistake (although the proximity of the bathroom seemed slightly odd) in general and the one I might fall into. As just looking at Geo Duck, squid, Ark Shell Clam, Horned Turban SeaSnail on this video made my stomach vocally concerned.

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Kohberger alibi) Uploaded to You Tube 08/07/2023

I have to keep reminding myself that innocent until proven guilty. I am glad that I am not in the jury pool. Being awkward socially, is not illegal (I am still "at large" is proof of that). Perhaps as a student of criminology, advance planning might be more routine for Kohberger. He would obviously understand the transfer of DNA is a big issue. What I am curious about is any location data from the vehicle, his phone(s), posts to social media, security camera video in places he has been, his recent search history (assuming there is no search history correlation to school assignments) and obviously his knowledge of the victims/routines.

Posted to Emily D. Baker (RE: Leah Remini law suit) Uploaded to You Tube 08/08/2023

I agree with other comments. Silence has long been the enabler of this cult. As was said most people do not have the financial resources to fight this "church". My hypothesis is that Leah Remini probably knows that years will pass before this cult can be taken to court. This suit will force discovery, which will shed light, information and evidence as to the damage that this bully (with tax exempt status no less), has done to so many innocents who just wanted to be part of something positive. 

This is an excellent site for getting background on this cult:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ms4UinjMGzM&t=24s   (Growing Up In Scientology -- uploaded live video 08/08/2023)

Posted to Footless Jo (RE: Posit that no-fault divorce should be eliminated) Uploaded 08/09/2023

Sometimes (as a U.S. citizen) I do not recognize my own country. Women vote (well at least until someone tries to make THAT illegal), so the recent issues regarding health care and now this ridiculous idea seems like we are turning the clock back to the 19th century. So isn't this trend counterproductive for votes? While the 19th century has much to recommend, rights for women and minorities were not omnipresent.

Posted to Dan Murrell (RE: VFX onsite Artists vote to unionize) Uploaded to You Tube 08/09/2023

Dan Murrell brought up a sad fact. If the entertainment industry treated their workers fairly, paid their workers fairly everyone, that includes the studios and the corporations that own them, would be back earning money right now. Instead we have petty behavior involving a "coincidental" order to cut down trees thus removing shade for striking writers and actors. A rumor spread around, but in this climate of obstinacy and greed is reasonable to believe, is that these studios and corporations are waiting for mortgages of these striking employees to become past due.

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Depp vs. Heard mistake by defense attorney)Uploaded 08/09/2023

Didn't we find out that Elaine Bredehoft had minimal criminal trial experience? I could not work effectively in that profession as my brain doesn't work in that format. You need to be an expert in 3D chess, in regards strategy, technique and memory. Unfortunately for Heard, Bredehoft was not up to the task at hand. I would love for Runkle to pull out more moments like this from completed trials. When I was in (any) mathematics class, centuries ago ๐Ÿ™„, the best way for me to learn was seeing the correct ways and the incorrect ways that a problem or equation could be solved. Took forever for me to learn, but I did at least get passing grades.

Posted to Lets Talk IBD (RE: Texas Trip and Public Speaking) Uploaded to You Tube 08/10/2023

I do not have an ostomy, but I do have an abject fear (I hyperventilate) of public speaking anywhere, You Tube, business meetings or in front of an audience. You do well on You Tube, that ability to be friendly and open is a skill set for all public speaking. As for suggestions, I am guessing "Relationship with an Ostomy" will go in two directions: (1) when your significant other is also a sometime caregiver and occasionally an  advocate in public situations...security checks and (2) intimacy issues (there have been several videos on this channel that have already addressed that subject quite well). BTW take industrial strength deodorant with you, Texas in August! Also take a sweater or shawl as hotels/conference areas tend to over cool!

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Correction of mistake) Uploaded to You Tube 08/10/2023

You admitted to the mistake, corrected the mistake and published the correct fact on a video of equal import to the video which contained the mistake. Most legacy media mistakes are made on a page 1 or 2 with the correction made in small font buried well inside. As for Alexee Trevizo, I wonder if she has been screened for Postpartum Psychosis? I mean if she premeditated infanticide, why show up at a hospital? Her lawyer is doing the spaghetti defense (throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks). It is easy one to engender reasonable doubt by blaming the hospital and/or medical staff. Discovery process should provide more information, at least from the hospital. I am not sure how much medical info about the defendant can be made public, although her defense will probably have to allow it in order to mount a defense.

Posted to Dan Murrell (RE: Gran Turismo Review) Uploaded to You Tube 08/11/2023

Excellent review as Dan Murrell mentioned the good with the not so good. It allows me to choose the movies that I wish to see in a theater much more accurately than a "love it or hate it" type of review. In this movie's favor beyond its origin story (real video game, real person), is that this probably is more immersive on a big screen with fantastic audio. I am so happy to see Djimon Hounsou and David Harbour being effectively utilized as the great actors that they are.

Posted to Modern Gurlz (RE: LISA FRANK brand) Uploaded to You Tube 08/12/2023

I am glad LISA FRANK brand is still out there. While middle school was not always a happy time for me, picking out the LF school supplies was always exciting and fun. As for cloud-land flat situation, I mean LF brand was always about rainbows, colors and imaginary things. I would say neither copied the other, of course they were similar. A lot of LF DNA was involved in the birth of the cloud-land flat which is something to be celebrated not litigated especially where cloud-land was more of an indie than a full-fledged corporation. Glad LF has joined the 21st century with apps and fashion (like crocs). I think that factor is taking advantage of that all-important tweens demo that instigated the original success of LF. They should sneak in some non-binary individuals. I say "sneak" as well, you know social media!!

Posted to The Behavioral Arts (RE: James Foxx Medical Emergency) Uploaded 08/12/2023

I suspect that he had a minor stroke, which thanks to his sister, was caught quickly hence a good recovery. As for not telling people, well when I had a similar situation happen to me I did not wish to inform every friend I have on social media. Celebrities deserve the same rights as the rest of us. Being a public person does not mean you are obligated to release your medical data. As for that unfortunate insta post, I agree the hashtag fake friends says it all. I believe the most important fact we can take away from that post, is that he (unfortunately) does many of his own social media posts.

BTW I enjoyed that "the great clone controversy" was not completely taken off The Behavioral Arts' table.๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted to Growing Up in Scientology (RE: Mark Bunker running for Clearwater mayor) 08/12/2023

I am not a resident of Clearwater or even of Florida, but I am a citizen of the U.S. It is gratifying to see an intelligent, ethical person who wants to serve the public equitably. I have been frequently disappointed by most of the behavior those currently (or recent past) holding public office. Thank you Mark Bunker for being out there working for fair treatment of us all.

Posted to coolirpa (RE: Full How To on Clawdeen cosplay) Uploaded to You Tube 07/11/2023

Love Clawdeen's cosplay ensemble. Seeing the entire process with the commentary on WHY choices were made adds to the "how to" of it all. YES, agreed on avoidance of the zipper. I will go to any lengths before ending up with a zipper. I seem to be incapable, even with the help of You Tube videos, to line up both tracks of a zipper. Usually I use snaps or hooks or frog closures or laces. I have even glued a vintage button onto a snap. ETSY and Amazon have tons of interesting fasteners at affordable prices. I will even use small amount of velcro to avoid the zipper, but velcro is my substitute of last resort.

Posted to Dine In Psychology (RE: Lori Vallow statement after guilty verdict) Uploaded 08/10/2023

PINNED COMMENT by DIP:   I know it's been a bit since she gave her statement in court but what were your thoughts on Lori Vallow's statement? Seems to be a great display of the different levels of manipulation and justification of one's actions/decisions that can occur.....Thank you for watching, interested to hear your thoughts!

MY RESPONSE:  I agree with the DARVO hypothesis/explanation. Lori Vallow was no doubt always THAT person from a young age and into adulthood. This behavior may have been rewarded by adults (parents, relatives, teachers, counselors) or at least ignored thus not corrected. Then the "not my fault" person met a wannabe cult leader with narcissism and a wife and family he no longer wanted. This Bermuda Triangle of chaos produced so much death and pain.

MY GENERAL COMMENT:  Q: For teachers, pediatricians and parents who are on the front line between a child and potential psychopathy, how can we differentiate from "normal" stubbornness and that me first behavior?  Both behaviors are not unusual for very young children and teens. When does this behavior cross a line with a child growing into an adult who cannot function in our society?

Posted to Nate The Lawyer (RE: verdict/prison time re:GeorgeFloyd's death) Uploaded 08/12/2023

I agree with Nate The Lawyer regarding Tou Thao. Thao should have actively requested that the other 3 officers stop. I do not believe that holding back spectators was the crime he should have been convicted of. In the melee there could have been multiple casualties. His crime was in not attempting to stop or to reason with the other 3 officers and when that did not work, immediately contact headquarters. He also should have requested an ambulance. Tou Thao did not show due diligence regarding his job, "to protect and serve". He should be punished: (1) removed from the force (2) lose his pension, not sure prison time is applicable. Full disclosure I did not watch the complete trial of all 4 (former) officers. 

QUESTION: Can this prison term be challenged? Basis: judge's statement?

Sounds like the judge was just mad that Tou Thao did not seem contrite.

Posted to Abby Cox (RE: Victorians were obsessed with ugly children) Uploaded  08/13/2023

The Abby Cox Players showed dramatic flair matched with comedic tones. I hope they will return in future videos. Just wondering, could there be a correlation between the industrial age and all this baggage (as in emotional) we carry with us? While beauty in any century was probably passage to another life, perhaps a more comfortable one, could the switch from a primarily agrarian workforce to working in an office/factory/school/store maybe have led to these tropes of the must be...?

Posted to Roxxsaurus (RE: Building new home, Roxi and Matt) Uploaded to You Tube 08/13/2023

I live in the suburbs, and we have the usual wildlife (turkeys, deer, rabbits and more) however that area looks so untouched, unpopulated, at least by humans, it almost looks like a protected national park. I do understand security though, you have to be careful about showing too much that is identifiable. I would love any content building, decorating, restoring absolutely anything that is permissible to be shown. One thing I am extremely curious about is the lizards. Is there footage of catching and rehoming those lizards? I find that subject equally as fascinating as a bespoke garment or beautiful decor. CONGRATULATIONS to Roxi and Matt๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Depp vs. Heard...Eve Barlow incident) Uploaded 08/13/2023

I had wondered why Depp had taken this jump of "legal" faith. At least until Amber Heard, people seemed to believe the woman only regarding a situation like SA. Now I see why he took this risk. He knew that the crazy, logical conflicts and lies would emerge in the structure of a trial where judges literally rule. LOVE these pivotal moments, previously white noised-out, now being analyzed.

Posted to jeffostroff (RE: Update on Champlain Towers South collapse) Uploaded 08/13/2023

I love these analyses. It seems to come down to chemistry, geology, physics and finances, none of which I am adept at. I am not looking for a conspiracy pulled from a bad action movie. Think Occam's razor in the sense this disaster was not the carefully initiated plot of a James Bond villain, but most likely resulted from general incompetence, abject greed and inadequate inspections by overworked/undereducated individuals. It would be in the best interests of Miami and the State of Florida (and all citizens who live there) to get a third party of repute to review the structural integrity of similar buildings.

Posted to Kevin Heimbach (RE: Halloween Items at Stores) Uploaded to You Tube 08/14/2023

Not sure if it would scare more living things than simply my cats, but I am loving that dancing broom @5:37-9.  Stores are missing out on a good sales technique. Instead of setting up a costly set, clogging shelf space and risking theft/breakage, post a QR code on shelf of anything capable of motion. You scan the code and see your potential purchase in action. However caveat emptor, ALWAYS keep a record of purchase. These items break down more than reality show participants.๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ•ท๐Ÿ•ธ

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Recent UFO sightings in Peru) Uploaded to You Tube 08/14/2023

I hadn't heard of this. Any of this activity near the Nazca Lines? I think these Lines are in a protected (non-residential)area. I am not sure if the reasons behind these images was ever proven. Also not sure if that subject has been part of a reading on this channel. Don't you have to be over 900 feet up to view the images? I am with the Aliens, I am inpatient with our government. For example, admittedly the warning infrastructure on the Maui island of Hawaii failed the residents. However, the drought caused by climate change made the wild fire even more faster and more devastating.

Posted to Living With Dementia (RE: Jason's Medication Update) Uploaded to You Tube 08/14/2023

Good♥!  I felt that any meds for "mood management" might have been affecting his difficulty in differentiating dream from reality along with the irritability. This could have been  evidence of too big a dose, drug interaction or just meds not working properly. I am on certain meds (not for this pathology) that took months to regulate to produce the optimal results. As for sailing, how about this (if affordable): (1) buy a huge screen (for that new room) with excellent sound system, (2) get a good gaming computer and (3) acquire software that simulates sailing and power boats. Even airplane pilots can learn or increase their expertise on flight simulators!

Posted to the Lawyer You Know(RE: Attorneys for Heuermann,wife & children) Uploaded 08/14/2023

Regarding the interviews by Cuomo, I do not like attorneys making snide comments about one another either. It seems lazy, unprofessional and is irrelevant concerning the subject at hand. Each attorney should only speak out for their client(s), no one else. My guess is the accomplice theory arose, from the usual "spaghetti defense", counsel for accused serial killer, Heuermann is trying to create reasonable doubt. GoFundMe may not be suss as the family income is probably zero (even if the firm is still active, I would imagine their client list has recently diminished considerably) and especially relevant if there are medical bills to be paid.

Posted to Growing Up in Scientology (RE: an old Travolta Interview) Uploaded 08/14/2023

Actually Travolta (for those who know nothing of Scientology) makes his "religious" choice sound fairly reasonable. If this is the video that I believe it to be, it was broadcast March 30 2007. Travolta's son Jett died in 2009 and his wife Kelly Preston died in July 2020 in Clearwater Florida (which gives me pause as her illness was quite advanced by 2020). It would be intriguing to hear that same line of questioning of Travolta by an interviewer in 2023.

Posted to Emily D. Baker (RE: Sidebars in the Depp vs. Heard Trial) Uploaded 08/15/2023

After listening to EDB analyze these sidebars I am left wondering, how many future courses in criminal law will be using Amber Heard's legal team (I am trying to avoid singling any one out๐Ÿ™„)  as examples of what not to do during a criminal trial? Actually an even more fascinating mind game or lesson would be to present this to the law class: reverse the legal teams, same judge, same plaintiff, same defendant and same jury, now retry this case, present the verdict. I would love to read those student papers.

Posted to Nate The Lawyer (RE: Olympic Swimming Gender Rules)Uploaded to You Tube 08/16/2023

I absolutely love how Nate The Lawyer examines, but does not repeat data mindlessly like a ChatGPT. Bone density, muscle mass no matter when or even if you experience puberty most likely has average range for men and women in terms of percentages. There is a condition (may be rare?) where a baby is born XX but may have been atypically exposed to concentrations of testosterone or other androgenic hormones prenatally. That syndrome can result in unusual test results for this female in adulthood. People on all parts of the political and sports spectrum need to come to an agreement. This bickering and posturing only drives us apart. For now trust the science with the knowledge the science advances and testing improves. Since no test is 100% accurate, then there should be a protocol for an athlete's objections to the result of such testing. Have several general events where genetics is not tested (just the usual test for performance enhancing drugs). Any athlete who qualifies for that contest (Olympics, etc) can also participate in those scheduled general events.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Were Maui fires set deliberately) Uploaded to You Tube 08/16/2023

I do feel that Ant is correct, not to the extent where someone lit the proverbial match, but that the government allowed warning systems in place to be cheap, obviously ineffective and not maintained properly. I have heard the residents of Lahaina are worried that developers will swoop in and make it impossible financially for them to go back and rebuild their homes. The lack of warning was suss. Having no back up of the electrical early warning sonic system, seems VERY odd. I had heard there was a severe drought situation due to global warming (I have no back up link unfortunately) along with an unusually strong wind system. Again odd there were not meteorological warnings. BTW I have donated to the American Red Cross and the Maui Humane Society, but do your due diligence sadly there is a lot of phishing going on after any tragedy.

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Gun re-examined by new company) Uploaded 08/16/2023

I would still like to know where those "live" bullets came from. Judging by the deplorable condition of that weapon, H G-R, did not even do the basics of her job. However someone hired H G-R knowing her inexperience, did not allow her job to be full time, did not allow for payment for an experienced armorer, ignored H G-R pleas (texts) for more time for the armorer position. I would like to see those people punished more severely than an individual who was obviously just a "nepo baby" (she is the daughter of Thell Reed, an armorer with decades of experience). As for Alec Baldwin, well it is too late for him to mature and he is too famous and wealthy for certain prosecutors. Mr. Baldwin and his ego will be just fine.๐Ÿ˜‘

Posted to withwendy (RE: Dyeing naturally with flowers) Uploaded to You Tube 08/16/2023

Pinned Question:

Sooo what flowers are we trying next year? Tell me your favourite blooms! Thanks so much for watching I hope your summer is wrapping up in sunshine (for us northern hemisphere folks of course)

My Answer:

When I visited Japan a few years ago (after the cherry blossom festivals, as it was cheaper), my favorite flower became the huge pink peonies with frothy-looking petals which I saw in gardens all over. I just fell in love with this beautiful creation. It was happiness in a garden.


Social media has made sadness un-photogenic and unwanted. Think of it as a Star Wars thing, happiness is "the force", but sadness gives it balance. Yup sounds very woo-woo๐Ÿ˜‰. Hey, it gets me through the day.๐Ÿ’ฎ

BTW the reveal looks like a summer dress that I would happily wear over a flowy top to an afternoon tea or wedding.

Posted to Dan Murrell (RE: Disney+ partner accuses Disney of theft) Uploaded 08/16/2023

Appreciation directed to Dan Murrell for his usual thankless job of bring clarity to chaos. He is correct, they (suits) are making the same error over and over. I know it is the entertainment business not the cathedral of creativity. Still know your product. Multi-national corporations are playing Pac-Man with studios. They do not understand their "new" inventory. Your business depends on creatives being creative. Creativity is not in a box on a shelf or parked in a huge warehouse. Creativity is within people who want to be paid for their work, own their likeness and have proper medical coverage. Yeah I know, a lot to be on a tee shirt, but if I had the spare cash I would slap it onto a few hundred tee shirts and do a massively large mailing to CEOs and their Boards.

Posted to Micarah Tewers (RE: Review of new Barbie movie) Uploaded to You Tube 08/16/2023

I only trust reviewers who have a differing opinions from my own. It is film criticism, not sorcery obliterating a movie from our reality 'cause that would be SO weird. BTW, random question...was/is that chicken potty trained? Asking for a friend who allows her guinea pig at age 6 (Guinea Pig's age, not the "friend's" age) who basically poops while walking...anywhere. Did I say that I was asking for a friend?๐Ÿ‘€

Posted to Nate The Lawyer (RE: Blind Men kicked out of gym due to womens' complaints) 08/17/2023

Were this not Nate The Lawyer, I would assume that these blind guys may be like some of these complaining women, desperately searching for their 15 minutes. I know NTL vets/researches before posting so we are left with this odd sociological happening worthy of some (betting on you Netflix) documentary. QUESTIONS: (1) After determining yes, these individuals were in fact blind and STILL kicked them out of the gym don't we have a federal (U.S.) case here regarding The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA -1990)?  Maybe it doesn't apply. (2) Ok, then what about Hate Crime Laws (these might be different per U.S. state)? Now the 2nd individual did sound Australian (apologies if I am incorrect), so I am not sure concerning the relevancy/power of their legislation.

Posted to The TryPod (RE: Starbucks, Moldovan treats) Uploaded to You Tube 08/17/2023

I have been doing Starbucks all wrong. I have been adding a monetary tip to my orders. Now I have to find a bag of imported Moldovan cookies? Until this video I thought that Moldova was a country that Hallmark made up (it is a country in Eastern Europe, formerly part of Soviet Union, now known for their vineyards, per my search results) for one of their holiday princess movies. Yes, I am a product of the U.S. public education system...but I am still willing to learn new geographical facts from The TryPod.๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted to NatalieLawyerChick (RE: Michel Oher seeks to end custodianship) Uploaded 08/16/2023

Let me parse this out concerning Mr. Oher's conservatorship at 18: (1) MO was/is not infirm in body or mind, (2) MO lost control of ability to make contracts or even get medical care on his own (3) no guardian ad litem assigned to MO (4) judge did not question why MO who had/has normal mental and physical abilities was to be put in a conservatorship (5) no accountings were ever made (6) attorney listed as a representative to the court for Mr. Oher is a Touhy family friend.  I know what this sounds like to me and it is not a heartwarming story of kind rich white people adopting one poor 18 year old person. The Touhy family is now claiming Michael Oher had recently demanded money from them. Mr. Oher threatened to post his story to social media. In anger, I might have said the same thing. Hopefully when conservatorship is concluded, we will get more information from both sides. I still wonder how did this remain hidden for almost 20 years without MO being aware that he was not adopted? The IRS, NFL, book companies (Oher himself has written a book), medical facilities all entities that are usually careful concerning who pays the bills and who gets paid the income.

Posted to Nate The Lawyer (RE: Teacher Fired for Racist Comments) Uploaded on 08/17/2023

Hate is an infectious virus which weakens us all. I would have hoped a teacher would understand that inoculation to hate would be in the education of children. BTW why, why, why do people continue to spill their vitriol on social media not understanding there are thousands of amateur detectives out there who will find you, out you and enjoy that feeling because it is satisfying to solve a mystery and identify the previously unknown. I would like to insert a little schadenfreude here. I am usually in dread when the holidays approach regarding huge gatherings of relatives. However it appears that there are those who will have it worse than I this year. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Brittany Spears and Sam Asghari Divorce) Uploaded on/08/18/2023

When I heard about this divorce, I felt sad for all concerned. I felt that Britany needed Sam Asghari This reading by Ant, made me realize that I may just be overlaying my feelings and my hopes onto Brittany Spears. With this upcoming divorce, Brittany is now completely free. Wishing her love and thanking Ant regarding the gift of self-awareness for myself.

Posted to Mia Maples (RE: Stolen Designs) Uploaded to You Tube 08/18/2023

Enjoyable AND ethically-themed videos! Do more. Not with the objective to shame the thieves (they have obviously no knowledge of that concept), but to celebrate these creatives. More importantly to share their details with the hope of acquiring additional sales. For creatives, I know attorneys are expensive but before publishing and selling your wares, check into copyright and trademark law. Bet that there are info You Tube videos on that.๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted to Nate The Lawyer (RE: Latest regarding Michael Oher and The Tuohys) Uploaded 08/18/2023

On their website and in their book The Tuohys indicated they adopted Michael. Michael Oher thought he was adopted. Mr. Oher learned otherwise so he is devastated, sad and probably furious that he was never officially adopted. I can easily see his mindset traveling to if they lied about this maybe they lied about the movie and book profits. The Tuohys made a bad deal with the studio settling for net profits (the studio was probably ecstatic with that mistake), mishandled the conservatorship (no guardian ad litem, no yearly accountings) and let Michael think he was adopted. At this point to learn THE truth, not HIS truth or THEIR truth, we will have to wait for the conservatorship to be voided. If a lawsuit is filed, we will learn even more in the discovery process.

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE:Tuohy Family and Michael Oher) Uploaded on 08/18/2023

This whole situation is so weird. I agree with Runkle that this is a family dispute being fought way too publicly due to the existence of a book, a movie and a family's (The Tuohy family) foundation. The conservatorship does what adoption accomplishes however without the familial objective. Conservatorship also extends the period of minority well beyond the age 18 in the legal sense. With the data that I currently have all I can take away from this is that the Tuohys are utterly clueless regarding adoption laws, conservatorship rules and financial negotiation. Michael Oher is both furious and grieving. As Runkle says, it would be nice if everyone settles and unites as a family. Ironically that would be how the movie based on this mess of misunderstandings would end.

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: The Great Duck Egg Theft) Uploaded to You Tube 08/19/2023

Crows were not on my bingo card of culprits. I have no experience with crows, but as other posts have mentioned crows are smart, can learn and most importantly remember. Again no experience with crows, but maybe the only way to defeat them is to reward them for not eating eggs with a more attractive substitute. Nearby "the crime scenes" maybe set up crow food stations with a few shiny objects dangling or attached to station. Now there are squirrels, raccoons and other birds afoot (Sherlock Holmes ref) so problematic in perhaps creating new issues. As for crows,  Morgan is correct this is CONTENT. A few crow-themed videos would be informative and entertaining (also an excuse to show a 5 second excerpt from a certain quite famous Hitchcock movie).  BTW so happy to see Flashlight has returned to her superhero status of Abby the farm guard dog. We all need additional lessons after not using our skillset, but she will relearn at a faster pace.

Posted to The Behavioral Arts (RE: "Crazy Plane Lady") Uploaded to You Tube 08/19/2023

I agree that makeup, lighting, filters and enough sleep can transform us all.  I believe that in the description of her website, "Join me on my journey of promoting positive mental health and standing up against cyberbullying"  she has given us the answer we seek (I have not consulted her site) in the mental health portion of this statement. I am guessing she dropped/misplaced her AirPods which led to a massive panic attack when the person seated next to her could not help her. It got worse when she perceived that the flight attendant was also not going to be of help.  It is not unusual for a relatively minor misfortune or accident to initiate a massive panic attack. This behavior is not uncommon (hypothesis only) in someone not properly medicated or reacting unusually to medication.

Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Tiffany Gomas) Uploaded to You Tube 08'19/2023

I had not thought of this event as someone looking for their 15 minutes. She is the owner of a small marketing company. I wonder how her company's finances and customer base are doing? I had assumed that this was a panic attack as those can spiral out fairly quickly unless one is on meds. In her apology video, her makeup, lighting, filters, hair everything was quite polished. The internet is full of wannabe sleuths so if this incident was manufactured to enhance her fame and/or finances, exposure is inevitable. Not bullying her online is not only ethical but if this incident was staged returning her to anonymity will be the most effective punishment of all.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Judge leaves Remini Case) Uploaded to You Tube 08/19/23

Were I an attorney, would I knowingly represent this organization no. However, I bought grapes the other day, were the workers who picked, packed and sold them paid properly? While most of my clothing is thrifted, was their origin in a sweatshop? Innocence is a difficult state to maintain after childhood. All we can do is try the best we can to be ethical, while understanding that all U.S. citizens/corporate entities accused of a crime is guaranteed their rights by the Sixth Amendment to our constitution. I have to credit Emily D. Baker who on her eponymous You Tube channel constantly reminds her subscribers of that fact.

Posted to NatalieLawyerChick (RE: Sovereign Citizen) Uploaded to You Tube 08/20/2023

You know that interesting time when children are about 2 1/2 - 3 years old. Let's say they write on the wall. They won't admit to it, in their view there is no writing on wall, they will repeatedly state ignorance of said event, they say I am not ___ (insert their name), I am __ (insert another name, usually cartoon-related), assert that you have no control over them, you are not their real mom and then it all ends in tears with them seated and refusing to move. Unfortunately SC are not adorable quirky toddlers, they are chronologically adults who abuse and clog up the legal system. It is nice to see a Judge cutting absolutely no slack.

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: Theft) Uploaded to You Tube 08/21/2023

Lots of good suggestions, especially the one who suggested to move the cell cameras to edge of the farm and the "old" cameras to areas where tampering and theft (by a human) would be less likely. However, keep in mind that whoever took that SIM card isn't above stealing top of the line cameras just for their worth or worse yet, just for spite. Perhaps write a number, any number you would recognize, photo camera with number for proof of ownership. I would keep a RING Door bell on the house. Check into them first as I think that they had a software hack 6 or 7 months ago. This type of preparation sounds depressing I know, but whoever committed theft along with the act of trespassing is in the minority of humanity. Some entities aren't as civilized and well-mannered as Abby (the dog formerly known as Flashlight).

Posted to Dine in Psychology (RE: Leah Remini Lawsuit) Uploaded to You Tube on 08/17/2023

The points reviewed on how a cult insinuates itself into the lives of people who are desiring to improve themselves and the world are protective methods which we should all learn to recognize. What hurts me deeply, is the children and their families who wander in this cult manufactured reality that both victimizes and then blames the victims. I applaud Leah Remini for devoting her life to helping those swallowed up by this cult by exposing the crimes committed by this cult.

Posted to Nate The Lawyer (RE: Gun from RUST shooting reexamined) Uploaded on 08/22/2023

I am still waiting for that perfect world where the producers and the production company are all indicted along with the implementation of a federal law requiring an experienced armorer on set all day, all week when guns are used with MANDATORY (as in removed from set permanently if noncompliance plus fined) daily classes and safety checks of guns and bullets. Is AB guilty of involuntary manslaughter yes. Will AB be indicted depends on the will of the NM district attorney's office. Their last two years have not been stellar regarding their legal expertise. What will happen, H G-R will probably be found guilty 18 months - 2 years jail time. Her attorneys will appeal and well...Halyna Hutchins is still dead and this horrific accident could reoccur. BTW how and why did live bullets arrive on the set without confirmation of the sender's identification, no records kept and unchecked condition of contents? Unlike Western movies, where the good guy usually wins, there will be no winners when this case finally ends.

Posted to Nate The Lawyer (RE: Entire police force at Goodhue quit) Uploaded on 08/23/2023

With a population of approximately 1,000 unless some tech CEOs live there in big homes with even bigger taxes, it seems that this was inevitable economically. All I can think of is monetary assistance by the state or federal government for communities with small populations. Admittedly that would impact taxes but be more spread out. What about the replacements sent in by the county, what costs will be involved in the transported personnel/equipment vs raising salaries of the former officers of Goodhue?

Posted to The Lawyer You Know (RE: Sarah Boone's 6th lawyer wishes to quit case) 08/23/2023

Can an individual choosing the pro se route, have a court assigned paralegal to do research, prepare exhibits and advise on certain rules of courtroom behavior? As for attorney#6 yeeting himself, yes the defendant could be difficult to work with but I agree with Peter, where are the dates and times where attorney#6 tried to contact Boone? The lack of details in this filing seems weird, at least to someone without legal expertise or education (aka me).

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Jordan Peterson losing his lawsuit) Uploaded on 08/25/2023

I was only vaguely aware of this case, so I appreciate being informed on its status. While I do not agree with certain comments by Dr. Peterson, this mandatory class sounds like "re-education" (1984) and Dr. Peterson must pay for this? This doctor would probably benefit from a few short convos with other professionals regarding a reality check on the polarization of his messages which only push people further. More than a dislike of certain statements by Dr. Peterson what I HATE is the precedence that this mandatory class sets. I know this is a Canadian legal situation, but "every journey begins with a first step" (by Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher). I do not like this journey's destination.

Posted to Nate The Lawyer (RE: Blindfolded people deciding who is black) Uploaded on 08/25/2023

I am not familiar with this series. As a subscriber to this channel this video showed up in my queue. If Nate likes it, I have to see how this shakes out. After watching this video, my guess is that this show belongs to one of these 3 categories: (1) an interesting sociological experiment, (2) a WEIRD reality show or (3) they are all actors thus viewers are being punked. As a participant not being able to see during this process I would be stuttering, hesitation in my responses and absolutely been unable to lie or use deductive reasoning. But then I am not an actor.๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted to HauteLeMode (RE: Audrey Hepburn and Givenchy) Uploaded to You Tube on 08/24/2023

Audrey Hepburn is my style go-to. I had heard of the Edith Head situation. It is sad because it tarnishes what might have been a glorious legacy for Ms.Head as now the creative origin of other items could be seen as problematic. On the other hand with Audrey Hepburn's legendary style and association with charities in her retirement her name will be kept known for a very long time. Thank you Luke and HauteLeMode staff for the historical research and the showcasing of an icon. 

For any fashion history suggestions: Katherine Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly, Lauren Bacall, Ingrid Bergman and Jean Harlow all wore fashion which still affects design.

Posted to Dr, Todd Grande (RE: Death of a porter of K2, Pakistan) Uploaded on 08/25/2023

There was too much confusion in this situation to blame any one climber or even all the climbers and porters on K2 that day. Inaccurate weather reports, ill-equipped porters, and seemingly no in-place procedure regarding casualties. Before risking one's life there should be clear, concise rules in place regarding climbing K2, whether you paid thousands to a travel agent or get paid a small amount as a porter. The more dangerous the situation is, the more that regulations are needed and safety measures are in place. A certain submersible company neglected rules and the end was also tragedy. 

Posted to The Behavioral Arts (RE: Bethany Mandel Interview) Uploaded to You Tube 08/26/2023

I agree with Spidey, this looked like cognitive overload possibly due to Bethany Mandel trying formulate a defense to a perceived/possible attack. Answering questions live while formulating a potential defense at the same time would be difficult for anyone. Spidey's advice of prepping possible responses, even practicing an interview process with a friend is an excellent idea. Attorneys do this all the time with their clients. After Mrs. Mandel's rapid blinking, once the "woke" question was posed, she stopped smiling. Her eyes moved up and down and side to side. Her expression and upper body stiffened. To give her behavior more context, her wiki (if correct) indicates she is quite conservative, often posting controversial opinions on social media regarding censorship, COVID pandemic and politics. I am guessing she has had to defend her opinions quite often in the past.

Posted to The Try Guys (RE: Keith Eats the menu at AMC Theaters)Uploaded on 08/26/2023

My snacks during the theatrical experience are always only 2 items:  popcorn (no butter) and water (way too expense for bottled water but I feel guilty smuggling in a water bottle). I do LOVE popcorn, plus water is necessary for my species. I feel eating anything else is playing a dangerous game that involves tripping on peoples' feet as I try to quietly move down the aisle in the dark to spend time in a room in blinding white light without video or audio access to the movie for which I probably paid too much. The return is the same, tripping over the same feet and bags in the dark to find my seat and be told by my friend that, "OMG you would not believe what __(protagonist) just ___ (did, said or both)".

Posted to Nicole Rudolph (RE: Origins of Stiletto Heels) Uploaded to You Tube 08/26/2023

Those imaged shoes are works of art. However walking in them transcends my abilities.The only way I can wear any heels over 2 inches is to choose a shoe (preferably a short boot) with at least a 1/2 - 1 inch+ platform on the sole.  How anyone can walk in stiletto heels is a mystery to me. I see models wearing seemingly impossible shoes. They walk down stairs with no bannister and they do not face plant. How? I wish I could emulate their balance, but not in my DNA.

Posted to Costuming Drama (RE: Sewing Room Tour - Part 2) Uploaded to You Tube 08/27/2023

That Sewing Room is part library and museum! I used to be a fabric hoarder. A few years ago I came to terms with my abilities, which involves being more motivated in making, adding or even subtracting fasteners and accessories from thrifted acquisitions than sewing. For painting the sewing room perhaps make one accent wall a jewel tone/saturated color. Use it to display much of the drawings, pins, framed prints and cards. For the rest of the walls...some kind of white. This is not as boring as it sounds there are multiple paint tones all grouped under the title "white". It is both amazing and scary.

Posted to The Big Thing (RE: Miri Jedeikin) Uploaded to You Tube 08/28/2023

It was good seeing Miri Jedeikin. In "You Tube" years, it has almost been 1/4 of a century since I last watched her talk with Kristian Harloff! It is so ironic as had she been a long-time producer in film work,  she might have been one of those executives now involved in the talks to settle the strikes by WGA and SAG-AFTRA. Judging by the recent negotiations with the WGA, (which turned out to be more of a flat statement by the Studios), seems like the AMPTP could use a few Miri Jedeikin's to make this process move more coherently and equitably.

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Kotanko Raid and Shooting) Uploaded to You Tube 08/28/2023

I wonder if CW only has used initials as CW has been involved with police in the past or is even employed by a police-type organization. As for the adult children (SW, HW RW), initials might simply be due to privacy issues as their reveal would easily lead to CW's identity being common knowledge. I did not notice any attorney, is this pro se? Some of the language in the filing along with a few glaring spelling errors seems odd. The officers in this raid made such obvious errors (1)not notifying local law enforcement, (2) allowing a customer to enter and (3) waiting until Kotanko was in his GUN workshop seems beyond stupid or incompetent. I am left with the hypothesis that officers' actions were deliberate. I do hope Runkle gets more information as to the context of this raid and its damage. Right now it is a puzzle missing several pieces.

Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Marion County Police Chief Raid) Uploaded on 08/28/2023

This chief is petty, a bully and worse yet unconcerned over the welfare of citizens that his job's mission statement most likely lists as a prominent requirement. This (former?) police chief had to know that the raid would cause distress to ALL inhabitants of the home. There are courses that teach anger management effectively. I am not sure if there also exists a reliable an "anti-stupidity " course.

Posted to Nate The Lawyer (RE: Status of Michael Oher and Tuohys) Uploaded 08/29/2023

I think that it is too early to assign blame, well maybe except for the attorney responsible for the conservatorship. Any data from the court yet? Or perhaps that would not happen unless there is a filed civil suit after the conservatorship is ended? The Tuohys (or their management) made a less than advantageous deal settling for net not gross profits from The Blind Side. Then there was the really odd format of the conservatorship's wording and lack of representation for Michael Oher. However the conservatorship started, Mr. Oher probably thought that it either equated to adoption or would lead to an adoption. He is angry emotional and who knows  perhaps in financial difficulty. The Tuoys appear somewhat clueless, at least regarding legal matters. Even if it takes place in a lawyer's conference room, I hope that this family (and I include Oher in that descriptive noun) has a rational and clear discussion of the years since the conservatorship began to now.

Posted to Nate The Lawyer (RE: Another mistaken shooting by homeowner) Uploaded 08/30/2023

Why aren't news outlets focusing on why all these homeowners have guns loaded and ready to fire on any unexpected knocks on the door? What is the crime rate in these neighborhoods? What is the police response time to break-in reports? Are the homeowners/renters mentally stable and intellectually aware (trained in gun safety) to be owners of said weapons? This is why legacy media may become extinct media in a few years, it goes for the clicks, doesn't research the facts and has become lazy.   BTW Nate, is not wrong. In a last gasp to remain relevant (edgy?), legacy news media is instead drowning itself in misstatements, suppositions and incompetence.

Posted to Safiya Nygaard (RE: Mixing all soaps from Whole Foods) Uploaded 08/30/2023

Pinned by Safiya Nygaard: I hope you guys enjoyed watching this ๐Ÿงผ mad soap experiment ๐Ÿงผ & don’t forget to enter the giveaway in the description for your chance to win one of these whole-franken-bars!! what did you think of the final product?? and what should we franken next?? xoxo, saf

MY RESPONSE (also entered contest):(1) Cereals:  healthy, sugary, imported. (2) Deodorants: liquid, cream, roll-on whatever (3)Snacks: grind up chips or popcorn reform into...something (I cannot cook obviously) edible (4) Chocolate Bars - may have already been done on this channel, made into a Halloween themed snack.

MY GENERAL COMMENT TO VIDEO:While yes I had to "yeet" the toenail impression from my brain I found this soap saga very entertaining and yes, highly soothing. Giant ๐Ÿ‘for that non-human super hero of this story (Kitchen Aid mixer with shredding attachment) who made this process doable without loss of blood.๐Ÿ˜‰