Monday, January 28, 2019


Comment to video published 01/28/19 on his channel in regards to a 20 minute video on Lillian Vernon

I hope that Lillian Vernon and her sons were happy with the video. This woman lived through some of the most chaotic, violent and sadistic years of the 20th century to emerge sane and successful. The irony of her brother was so sharp that it hurt, even through a video. The Neistat guys honored her epic life with a great story that deserves epic views. And when I shop at later today, I will appreciate an entrepreneur who did it without the internet.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Merry Maids of Madness

Watched 01/27/19 on Amazon Prime

Being familiar with Shakespearean comedies is helpful, but not essential to enjoyment of this film. While the majority of this film's story takes place with seemingly VERY light security) where individuals are sent to regain their sanity and their ability to live in the outside world.

All the characters are well-acted and three dimensional. I can't single anyone out as each character seemed alive and interesting. Directing and editing keeps this story in motion even with limited locations. This is not a documentary of life in an asylum, but it is a comedy with themes that are easily relatable. The soundtrack does the job enhances times of action and odd occurrences.

Maybe a cliché, but the phrase that comes to my mind was "All's well that ends well." This movie is worth your time and thought.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Screen Junkies'Movie Fights (published on You Tube 01/24/2019)

If you could have any celebrity (alive or dead) step into the Movie Fights ring, who would it be?

While it would require some binging on some of these individuals' part, my first choice is William Shakespeare (1564-1616), playwright, poet and actor.   My second choice (out of curiosity due to a certain film) would be William A. Wellman (1896-1975), award winning director.   My third choice would be Elizabeth Taylor(1932-2011), actress. She was a hoot and usually spoke without filter. You want a living person? My fourth choice would be Robert Downey Jr. He has been an actor longer than some of his fans have been alive. He is from a show biz family and has participated in multiple areas of entertainment. That artistic genealogy and his life work, thus far, when paired with personal turmoil and redemption would make him a worthy debater.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Glass (2019)

Watched at a theater January 25, 2019 (matinee)

I liked this movie although the tsunami of negative reviews almost put me off seeing it in a theater.. While I have a few minor complaints regarding the pacing at the beginning and some of the editing (plus M. Night's cameo was a little long for my taste), but overall I enjoyed this film. I wonder how many of the negative reviewers had also seen Unbreakable and Spilt.

I liked this movie. However, knowledge of facts, themes and characters from M. Night Shyamalan's movies Unbreakable(2000) and Spilt (2016) are essential to a full enjoyment of this film. Perhaps to most critics that is contrary to their view of film, but I was fine with that prerequisite.

I think Mr. Glass's view was to the long game, kind of like weakening a wall (sorry about that) with a single but steady drip of (yes I am doing it) water. Actually slowly would be best for humanity especially in terms of a biological and sociological evolutionary turn.I kind of wish David Dunn's son had perhaps intervened, if only by shouting "Dad no" , but I am fine with M. Night's reasoning. Besides, could anyone ever picture Bruce Willis coming back? Ooooo just had a thought, maybe David Dunn is in a coma. I bet Bruce Willis would sign on to another movie for that part!