The Dodo Cat Crazy uploaded to You Tube 1/302021
Since quarantine began, one of my two cats has decided that the best way to socialize with me is by shedding (although I believe he feels it is sharing), all of his loose fur with me while walking across my keyboard totally blocking the screen and licking my face and/or fingers. We used to have respect for each other's personal space...sigh.
My comment posted on 02/09/2021 to Katie Couric You Tube video uploaded 02/09/2021-Impeachment Day One
The short answer to Katie Couric's question concerning the ease that rioters entered The White House...Trump. He ignored the potential of a pandemic and dismissed (in 2018) the entire response team. Trump ignored the CDC then proceeded to fire anyone (should Fauci ever write a book we will find out how he survived Trump tantrums) who disagreed with him. The answer to why did the Capitol Police seem so unprepared along with the lack of National Guard presence until it was almost too late seems so obvious that it hurts when I hear certain legislators deny the obvious. My answer is hubris, cluelessness and just plain stupidity from the one person who should taken steps to help those police protect the capitol, its legislators and our democracy. That one person was watching the insurrection on video, enjoying the chaos. He is ill and the horrible result of a horrible parent. Unfortunately many current Republicans do not have that explanation for their past and current lack of assistance to their constituents and the rest of us.
My comment posted on 02/10/2021 to David Packman You Tube video uploaded 02/10/2021
Perhaps it is being in self-quarantine so long that has intensified my filter, but listening to Bruce Castor and Sarah Palin was SO painfully difficult and listening to Professor Hansen was SO easy to comprehend. Perhaps I should credit the internet which has brought us so much knowledge so easy to access, but has also magnified all those unpleasant things that we never knew (or wanted to know) was there all the time.
My comment posted on 02/11/2021 to Reel Rejects You Tube video uploaded 02/11/2021
RE: Gina Carano firing
I haven't done a lot of research on this subject. I read the tweet in question. Basically comparing the victims of a genocide to Republicans especially after the riot on January 6 2021 was not smart or accurate. Should she have been fired, probably yes especially if she was warned by Disney last year concerning her previous tweets. Will I miss her character, yes but not to the extent where I will stop watching The Mandalorian or subscribing to Disney+.
My comment posted on 02/11/2021 to David Packman You Tube video uploaded 02/10/2021
RE: Republicans SLEPT During Trump Impeachment Trial
Why doesn't the video also include the seating area (aka jurors)? Live video would take the "fake news" trope out of the equation when, for example, Kentucky citizens learn that their Senator (Rand Paul) doodled through relevant testimony. No matter the outcome, the absolute necessity of this trial is putting the reality of the Trump presidency leading to January 6 riot into all media. No network or streaming service that values the number of viewers it can report to advertisers can ignore this news. Sadly, it does come down to money as a motivating factor. The hoped for result, informing the people of the U.S. and abroad what happened here.
My comment posted on 02/12/2021 to Corey Ryan Forrester You Tube video uploaded 01/29/2021
Mr. Forrester you are one of the good ones, as in one of the good, intelligent and analytical citizens of THIS country.I listen to the wellRED podcast and I did not know about this YouTube channel, so I am feeling somewhat stupid. I am from a Northeastern (U.S.) state so I am sure that I have an accent that would cause others to profile me. However Ms. Greene is not ethnically or geographically or red/blue state crazy, she is universally crazy. The really sad thing is that I think she likes the social media coverage. After listening to a speech she gave after being removed from a committee, I get the sense that her primary ambition is to be a social media influencer...correction a super-famous, super-rich social media influencer.
My comment posted on 02/12/2021 to Late Night with Seth Meyers video uploaded 02/11/2021
I am not of the opinion that the Democratic Party is composed of only saints, heroes and members of MENSA, so it puzzles me as to why the Republican Party seems insistent on doing a "180" on anything and everything stated by any Democrat legislator as a way of separating the political parties. Actually that could be a good SNL sketch (hear they lookin' for ideas lately): with someone let's say Pelosi saying that about the parties. So the next scene is the legislators filing in with Democrats cosplaying as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Republicans as...well just guess.
My comment posted on 02/13/2021 to David Pakman You Tube video uploaded 02/11/2021
Being immersed in criminal investigations for the remainder of his (Trump's) life...couldn't happen to a more worthy person. What Republicans do not realize, or maybe do not care, is that impeachment has highlighted and enabled other entities to perhaps deliver the justice than probably will not happen at the conclusion of the impeachment process.
My comment posted on 02/18/2021 to David Pakman You Tube video uploaded 02/18/2021
It is most likely true, Trump is mentally ill. My money is on narcissistic personality disorder with the additional damage of both parental neglect and emotional abuse. I am guessing there are also cognitive issues affecting his reading, mathematical skills and vocabulary. Trump is the perfect storm, a damaged child in the care of damaged parents, with inherited wealth and power. Time will tell if clinical dementia is in his future.
My comment posted on 02/19/2021 to Farron Balanced You Tube video uploaded on 02/19/2021
What shocks me more than anything else is his self-awareness that there is so much out there that can produce lawsuits. This may mean that everything he did from day one: touting the wall, separating parents from the children at the border, letting COVID explode, denying science and finally the riots and insurrection of January 6 2021; was all done with knowledge of what would result. I knew he was a narcissist with money and power, but could he really be that evil?
My comment posted on 02/21/2021 to neurodivergent me You Tube video uploaded on 01/15/2021
RE: Autism traits in girls and women
While I have never been diagnosed as being on the spectrum, the noise aspect resonated (no pun intended) with me. Unexpected/sudden noise actually hurts as if something impacted with my body. This noise sensitivity reaction is not helped by the fact that I am legally bind in one eye. Socially, I have to concentrate in order to maintain eye contact when I am speaking. Although this may sound odd, maintaining eye contact wears me out as if I were holding something very heavy. As I result I alienate people who think of me as disinterested or bored. Thank you for clearly outlining the issues that have haunted me for years, believing I was "the only one". Information, easily accessed, is truly is the answer for all of us.
my comment posted on 02/21/2021 to Farron Balanced You Tube video uploaded on 02/21/2021
Should these insurrectionists actually show up, my dream team of "negotiators" would be Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Lindsey Graham, Senator Mitch McConnell, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Rep. Lauren Boebert (without weapons as we all know negotiators are not armed) and just for the ** of it let's throw in this guy; Tim Boyd, the former mayor of Colorado City, Texas. The dialogue would be fascinating.
my comment posted on 02/21/2021-Being Patient Alzheimer's You Tube video uploaded on 03/25/2020
I wonder, it is probably in the medical literature, but it seems unusual to me for a disease to be one way today, maybe better tomorrow and then back again. Remissions can occur in patients with cancer, but those usually occur after drug and/or surgical treatment(s). I am also assuming that these people who bounce back and forth regarding their cognitive impairment, are not in a drug trial. So how/why is the brain operating differently on those "good" days versus the "bad" days?
my comment posted on 02/22/2021- CNN/Brian Stelter:...political storm...You Tube video 02/21/2021
The image I saw of the Cruz family's little white poodle looking forlornly out a pane of glass of the family home's front door is a great metaphor for Senator Cruz and his actual relationship with the State of Texas. The punchline to this wild reality of ours was dog's name..."Snowflake". Perhaps it is my quarantined-altered brain, but shouldn't this story have been an SNL sketch not reality? Sadly none of this had to happen if the fiercely independent, but clueless legislators had learned from the 2011 storm disaster.
my comment posted on 02/22/2021 - Farron Balanced:Republican Donors You Tube video 02/22/2021
While the financial oligarchy in which we appear to exist in does make me uncomfortable, withholding money from Trump Republicans may be the only road exiting TrumpTown to SanityCity. Ironic, I just realized that sanity rhymes with Hannity. Maybe we do live in a malfunctioning Matrix? 😉
my comment posted on 02/25/2021 - Mike LIndell Sued for 1.3 billion You Tube video -02/25/2021
Are we sure Mr. Lindell is responsible for building a (until recently) successful company?
I have an average IQ, got average grades in high school and even more average grades in college. Very often my mediocre grade got raised to a B or even an A due to professors grading "on a curve" or me being one of the few students who noticed the extra credit question at the end of a test. However even those sad students whose incomplete tests resulted in raising my grades, were not as stupid, clueless and vapid as the current clown parade that run in circles in the Senate at Washington DC and/or hang out at Mar-a-Lago playing golf and visiting spas. Sorry for the rant. Sometimes I want to scream, but I cannot as it scares my two cats.