My comment to The Ring of Fire (Rep Matt Gaetz) channel uploaded to You Tube 04/01/2021
While Gaetz is obviously no innocent, I get the feeling that he is being offered as sacrificed pawn in a chess game that Republicans hope will save their "King". As there are 8 pawns per side in chess, guessing the names of the other seven might be an even more interesting game than chess itself.
My comment to Katie Couric (Interview with Kathryn Hahn) channel uploaded 03/31/2021
That was such a fun interview. Kathryn Hahn has been a funny, intelligent and talented performer for years. It is such a pleasure to watch a deserving person like her be so successful. I agree with the topic of quarantine-brain issues. Please have Sanjay Gupta come on to tell us why our brains appear to be leaking vocabulary, losing short-term memories (I misplace my phone on a daily basis...IN MY HOUSE.) and cause me to speak as if I had a mouth full of caramel during a Zoom meeting. All I need is a few school bullies and I have duplicated my life in middle school!
My comment to CNN (ER Doctor who treated George Floyd) video uploaded 04/05/2021
I hope that this case when resolved does more than punish only one or two people. Police training needs to be revised. Methods of restraint needs to be improved. While I do not expect every officer to be a mental health professional, I expect them to be self aware and intelligent enough to know when they need outside opinions.
My comment to David Pakman Show (Fundraising Scam by Trump) video uploaded 04/05/2021
I do feel pity for those caught in this scam. Who hasn't checked the "I Agree" box when your IOS updates without reading anything? However me being shocked, surprised or unbelieving of this scam, no not at all. After November 2016, there isn't much about politicians that does shock, surprise or cause me disbelief.
My comment-David Pakman Show (RE: Dan Crenshaw-Rep.Congressman) video uploaded 04/08/2021
What bothers me the most concerning certain politicians, is that they use terms like Fascist or Nazi and dilute the word's power by inaccurate/in appropriate comparisons to dissent, strikes and demonstrations. A viable democracy requires constant maintenance, admittedly it can get messy. However call differing opinions Fascist is not intelligent discourse, it is verbal clickbait.
My comment to Molly Burke (RE: PTSD) video uploaded 04/09/2021
Molly is correct, one should not simply "move on". Trauma has to be understood, explained, studied (with the help of a professional counselor), because mental anxieties can fester and cause issues more insidiously than obvious physical infections.
My comment to Internet Today (RE: FB data breach...again) video uploaded 04/09/2021
I use FB as kind of a video Pinterest. Lots of saved videos from from sites involving SNL, musicals, comedies, superhero stuff and of course cats (real ones not the aberration that is CATS the movie-musical). As far as I know beyond my name and address (and shhh maybe an obsolete phone number), FB does not have any problematic data on me. I do not link anything to FB, in spite of their perennial entreaties to do so. No doubt there has been some incursion to my accounts regarding spammers and scammers, but nothing too critical. I screen EVERYTHING and block all unknowns so can I be hurt virtually? Probably, but I am not as promising a target as they would like me to be.
My comment to Breakfast All Day (RE: Voyagers) video uploaded 04/09/2021
Yet another film that I have never heard of and probably will never see. My freedom is at hand as my 2nd vaccine inoculation is due soon. I can take my extra time watching movies that fall short in plot or direction and spend this time in a more effective way...having in internal debate over ice cream sizes and flavors in the freezer aisle. Admittedly this is not a superior cinematic experience, but at least I know it ends well.
My comment to David Pakman Show (RE: Conspiracy Conflict) video uploaded 04/11/2021
I knew I lived in a country with a variety of opinions, religions and politics. I accept those realities. I understand philosophical differences. Even as it saddens me, I can comprehend how those with a fear of strangers can de-evolve into irrational anger and pointless prejudice. However, the depth of delusion "out there" seems to be at the same level of as those who believe in the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny.
My comment to HauteLeMode (RE: 2021 BAFTA red carpet fashion) video uploaded 04/12/2021
Vanessa Kirby in Versace was also my favorite look. Would that I could afford a gown in that fabric! My next favorite look was GuGu Mbatha-Raw in Louis Vuitton. Rather than trying to match fabric to skin, I would have dyed the wannabe skin-tone fabric to match one of the accent colors in the Louis Vuitton look. I also wonder why not more boots? I wear boots (tall, short skinny etc.) 99% of my time in the outside (admittedly due to quarantine, 99% of my time has been spent inside wearing geta or zori) world. I do not know why, but the McQueen look on Kosar Ali made me smile. I think it was because the look had a certain "Bridgerton" flair to its silhouette...and I believe Kosar Ali was wearing boots!
My comment to The Dodo (RE: woman becomes 3rd wheel with cat/spouse) video 04/12/2021
I have two cats, admittedly they are fixated on me, but I find cats are both opportunists and pragmatists. As other comments have suggested, lavish bribes (toys, catnip, healthy treats and canned cat food) go a long way convincing a cat to "love" you. Love is in quotes, because as I said, cats are pragmatists !
My comment to Stone Gremlin (RE: Cinema Snob reviews Roe vs. Wade) video uploaded 04/12/2021
For a propaganda film cosplaying as a documentary with even more unbelievable dialogue, unexpected laughs and most importantly no annoying narrator giving pointless exposition, watch Reefer Madness (1936).
My comment to Philip DeFranco video uploaded 04//14/2021
While I have absolutely no expertise in middle east politics, it just seems as if we exist in a horrific time loop. With passing from dictatorships to terrorists to presence of police/army not native to the area, with said army departing, resulting in the vacuum in leadership being filled with religious extremism which then leads to a dictatorship and on and on. Solution? Who knows, but I would certainly build up the middle class economically, educationally and the infrastructure before leaving the area.
My comment to Lindsay Ellis video uploaded to You Tube 04/15/2021
Someone once told me when I flirted (you can tell that I am old by the use of that word) with joining Twitter. This person, to who I will remain forever grateful said, "Do not do it. Twitter is where intelligent discourse goes to die." I know that there are exceptions but, I feel that should I join I would probably be one of its "casualties". So the tweet that launched a million trolls was not liking a Disney movie (per the always correct internet 😉, Disney's 2019 net worth was 193.98 billion USD) turned a human into a trampoline to be jumped upon by those who do not even know what a trampoline is or that Disney's view would involve words like, "don't care".
My comment to Caitlin Doughty- Ask A Mortician You Tube video uploaded 04/17/2021
Were I able to choose my own death, I would choose Luke Skywalker's. I know Star Wars is fantasy, but him sitting on a cliff facing the setting sun (actually 2 suns) having saved the lives of many of the main characters in the Star Wars series, he just vanishes leaving only his clothing. Now that is peace and closure. I am guessing that as advanced and as open-minded that Caitlin's company is, that type of service is probably not doable?
My comment to David Pakman Show (Creationism-Arkansas) You Tube video uploaded 04/17/2021
One of the absolutes we need in order to produce a generation less amenable to cults masquerading as political parties who seem treat science as an opt in, opt out situation, is education for all. Religious views can be explored elsewhere.
My comment to Jessica Kobeissi (America's Next Top Model) You Tube video uploaded 04/17/2021
A model's primary job is to favorably showcase clothing, accessories and makeup. The only risks should involve wearing revealing attire and/or walking in freakishly high stilettos. Making the model look dramatic, exciting and exotic is more on the photographer or videographer. That show's producers should hang the photographers in safety-vests with ropes and let the models walk as they usually do, on a floor.
My comment: The Ring of Fire (Matt Gaetz's former mates) You Tube video uploaded 04/18/2021
I am so bad. I laughed when I read the thumbnail. In retrospect, this is probably not funny. Where were all these people in 2016 when Matt Gaetz ran and was elected with 69% of the votes (per Wikipedia). It may be satisfying to see him fall, fail and hopefully forfeit his political office, but he is only the symptom of an "infection" for which there is no quick cure.
My comment to Farron Balanced (RE: Rittenhouse defense fund) You Tube video uploaded 0419/2021
Tacit or outright official approval of vigilantism is something that even right-wing police officers should fear and avoid at all costs. This attitude could destroy us all no matter our color, socio-economic status or political leanings.
My comment to Farron Balanced (RE: FOX news commercials for bald,fat,impotent) 04/20/2021
Well that got scary, real fast. That insecurity mixed with narcissism is also my hypothesis for mass shooters and probably half of the people who prefer to live in boxes beneath bridges. Everyone should not only have a primary care physician, but also have a primary care therapist. However with the problems in gaining affordable health care (at least in the U.S.) that is not going to happen any time soon. The ultimate irony and tragedy is that those who need therapy the most cannot afford it nor will elect legislators who would have passed bills to fund it.
My comment to Philip DeFranco (RE: Maxine Waters) video uploaded on 04/20/2021
I do not think Maxine Waters' statement prejudiced the jury, but one has to wonder about her mindset along with timing. I am guessing that she made the statement Saturday evening. However I believe the jurors were not sequestered until Monday afternoon (04/19/2021). I know that police departments and police education need major changes, but couldn't she have made her statement once jurors were sequestered? As for the context of her statement, it isn't exactly MLK in content, but I have only read portions of her speech. I wish we did not have to read every news report using 5 or 6 different sources to be sure what we read is accurate. It is so fatiguing to spend more time on that search than my prep for college term papers.
My comment to Dan Murrell (RE: The Falcon and The Winter Soldier) uploaded on 4/23/2021
Overall I liked this series.I keep thinking with every new Marvel series, how will this succeed and yet it does. I assumed (swear that I did not cheat) that Sharon Carter was The Power Broker very early on. While I liked Emily VanCamp's portrayal of Sharon Carter, the character itself seemed more like a plot device than a person. The Sharon Carter who the helped Steve and Sharon Carter, The Power Broker seems a huge jump, at least only knowing her from past movies and this series. Kevin Feige seems to be "the visionary" (hmm good super name) in the Marvel-verse so who knows what is to come.
My comment to Justine Leconte officiel (RE: Fast Fashion and Greenwashing) uploaded 04/22/2021
Yes, please do more on this topic. Make it easier for all of us to be better and maybe I can find my perfect jeans somewhere else!
I am afraid to ask about one particular fast fashion brand (not H&M or Primark) as their jeans are the only ones that: fit me consistently, are of decent quality and affordable pricing. All of my other clothing I buy from an online thrift site. Even there I try to avoid fast fashion brands. I am no hero, but I am trying to be better.
My comment to Observe (RE: Demi Lovato apology) video uploaded 04/23/2021
I agree that her apology, as with most public apologies, seems a bit hollow. Who can say what her youth was like regarding food. That is her private experience. As for her narcissism (evident in blaming the shop she entered but not society in which we reside), in small doses, is a trait that is helpful in performers. All I can say is for all social media users, wait 5 minutes before posting. Optimally type comments into a word file then read it aloud. However for celebrities, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS run your posts by your representation.
My comment to Stone Gremlin Productions (RE: Demon Slayer: the movie Mugen Train 04/23/2021
I did like Demon Slayer: KImetsu no Yaiba (Netflix). I cannot imagine anyone seeing the movie without constantly looking up data on a wiki. Kudos to Brad and Jerrid for trying something different from the usual. This anime combines Japanese folk tales, magical creatures, individualized (think wands in HP) swords, heroes and a really good sense of fashion. I think of anime as visual sushi. Some love to consume it, some excel in its creation and some just do not like uncooked fish with rice and seaweed. Hmm, I think that my diet to lose quarantine weight may be affecting my metaphors.😉
My comment to CNN (RE: alternate juror in Chauvin trial) video uploaded 04/22/2021
I always wondered what happens to jurors exposed to uncensored video, in-person testimony or audio recordings regarding violent crimes. Are they offered therapy? Followed up by therapists for PTSD care? I cannot imagine what my state of mind would be after serving on that jury or any jury regarding a violent crime. Maybe it is just me, I just do not know if I could summon the courage and stamina to keep my perspective clear.
My comment to Farron Balanced (RE: Biden's Infrastructure Plan) video uploaded 04/22/2021
I love Biden's strategy. It is simple. It is helpful. It is a positive effort. And if just one Republican has a good idea which becomes part of the infrastructure plans, it may even encourage similar behavior in other Republicans. Republicans saying no to everything and anything proposed by a Democrat will not fill those potholes or strengthen those bridges.
My comment to Philip DeFranco channel video uploaded on 04/26/2021
Only 90%? I demand to see the statistical data analysis algorithm behind that percentage! Sounds those Florida men are going for the subterranean level regarding the Florida Man meme. Taking about men who would be memes, can we have a Jake Paul-free week? Give India whatever they need regarding testing and vaccination. COVID-19 does not care about borders, ethnicity or personal wealth. One bad strain in one village anywhere on this planet could produce a variant that even the current vaccines cannot fight.
My comment to Farron Balanced (RE: Republican leader now defending Trump) uploaded 04/27/2021
That is so true, it never occurred to me. Republicans appear to be acting like the beaten up significant other who cannot bring themselves to the cold truth that the abuser doesn't love you, never did, never will. This abuser is only with you to exert power over you. Perhaps the next time a larger group of people assemble at The White House, they should all be vetted social workers, psychologists and trauma workers. I would estimate that 262 counselors proficient in domestic violence therapies might be enough?
(NOTE TO ME: as of this date 212 Republicans in House with 50 Republicans in Senate)
My comment to Footless Jo (RE: Dating and Disabilities) video uploaded on 0429/2021
Honesty is best. If that is not acceptable to either or both individuals in a potential relationship, the next step would be learning about yourself before trying to navigate a new relationship. Full disclosure, my disability is not apparent resulting in me having the luxury of observation and time before any discussion regarding disabilities begins.
My comment to Philip DeFranco video uploaded on 04/29/2021
Like every other horrific crime, there is even more horror to the Ahmaud Arbery murder. These men were yelling and chasing a person through multiple neighborhoods. No one noticed and called 911? And if they did, where were the police? You know the police the ones legally responsible for questioning/safely holding a person in custody as opposed to vigilantes? This law enforcement agency, unfortunately also the one that tried to hide information from the public. While I agree these 3 men should be charged, there is a lot more wrong that needs to be addressed.