posted to Footless Jo (RE: #Shorts ... I am not a monster) uploaded to You Tube12/08/2021
That type of ignorant response to an amputee is exactly why early readers or audio books in kindergarten or even pre-k should contain or describe images of all types (races, abilities etc.) of humanity. Children are scared and/or curious about what looks "different" to them. The parent or guardian or teacher can explain in a controlled environment what is going on, why that person in their book looks "different". However when we don't inform children, they will ask/act out in public. Even more sad, is when these children never get to learn, to understand and grow up to be adults who are still afraid and suspicious of people who do not look like them.
posted to John Campea (RE: Matrix Resurrections) uploaded to You Tube 12/23/2021
All right I admit it, I did have a few laughs in the first 25 minutes and wondered what the ** I was watching. However this movie did hold my attention, all the actors seemed to be good, well-cast and yet I am still not sure if I can recommend it. I watched it at home, so perhaps that makes me an easier "critic". I did like the evolution of the machines, not sure AI would go that way, but that is the movie for which I might have had a stronger recommendation. Ironically for a movie where the 'bots outnumber the humans, this movie needed more time to breathe, perhaps in series format?
Posted to The Reel Rejects (RE: Matrix Resurrections) uploaded to You Tube 12/21/2021
Exactly how the movie left me (although full disclosure watched it at home on my MAC). I said to a friend, that I cannot 100% recommend it nor would I be negative about it. The first 1/2 hour almost seemed comedic, while the last 2 hours seem to move by way too fast. I wanted to see the evolution of some of the machines. I cannot say more due to spoilers. I wanted more backstory from Trinity. I also needed more (ironically) data concerning Neil Patrick Harris and even more cat time.Were some of those expanded, I would watch that movie. BTW yes I did wish for more clear action scenes. Hey Netflix!
Posted to Emily D. Baker (RE: Travis Scott Interview) uploaded to You Tube 12/30/2021
While Travis Scott does bear responsibility for this tragedy there are many others who bear a majority of the responsibility. Obviously Live Nation, the venue itself, the Houston police, stage managers and others paid by Scott to "run" the show. My take away from this interview, without knowing this individual, is that he is being medicated due to stress and shock. He could not seem to organize his thoughts and answer many of the questions directly. He was mostly slumped in his chair. Travis Scott deflected frequently with irrelevant comments. By not analyzing past Travis Scott concerts, those in charge of security and safety rightfully appear negligent, incompetent and reluctant to spend the money to prepare for surge behavior. It would have been so easy, admittedly more expensive, to prevent this tragedy.
Posted to The Behavior Panel (RE: Dr. Phil interview w/Erin Caffey) uploaded to You Tube 07/15/2021
I think that I found the portion that the panel mentioned, around 1:22:19 there is the hint of a smile. She can never be let out of custody. At least until someone figures out how to jump start her amygdala.