Dr. John Campbell (RE: Putin's invasion of Ukraine) uploaded to You Tube 02/28/2022
Thank you to Dr. Campbell and Vlad for this informative video. Medical news presented fairly and clearly is clearly not Dr. Campbell's only skill!
While I knew that Putin was not insane, I felt that there was something off in him. Knowing that his global view is so binary is terrifying. He must view the United Nations or even food donations as treacherous and traitorous. Sadly this makes the Kursk incident (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kursk_submarine_disaster) make a kind of perverse sense. Hearing the words that "Putin is bombing and killing his own people" is chilling. I had been against all the media coverage of the war, thinking that it was making views and money out of tragedy. Maybe it is, however it will also flood so many electronic pathways into Russia that it just may cause a course change that the sycophants in Putin's government do not dare or care to suggest.
Molly Burke (RE: Q&A on Breakups) uploaded to You Tube 03/01/2022
POSTED TO MOLLY'S pinned Q: Advice on breakups
Give yourself a "vacation" from the grief and pain, which are natural emotions but can be toxic if you get caught in a loop. Do something frivolous whether it is binging a season of a series, buying/using a way too expensive candle or literally a walk in the park where you can think of the here and now not the past or the what if. BTW I would love to hear about experiences regarding dating all kinds of people whatever their physical situation. My visual disability is relatively minor but does impact my daily life. Explaining the same thing repeatedly can become emotionally exhausting, when you do not "look" disabled. Makes me remember waaay back when Molly had videos on people who did not believe that she was blind.
POSTED TO MOLLY'S video on Q&A -- Breakups
Ghosting is hard to manage emotionally. You cannot have that final conversation giving answers with someone who emotionally and literally is just not there. Without malice or anger, I have blocked, muted or simply ignored news of the "ex", to save my sanity and my soul. If the two of you shared acquaintances, a neighborhood or even worse a workplace, get help from friends. Do not try to go it alone.
Let's Talk IBD (RE: Cooking and Meals) uploaded to You Tube 03/01/2022
I too have burned a pot in my time. I was hard boiling eggs and got a little too aggressive on the temperature controls while simultaneously being a little lazy on the water distribution. Fortunately the result was only comedic not catastrophic. I wonder if someone with IBD not being lactose-intolerant is rare, common or just the same as everyone else? I have to block out time and take a pill before I consume any dairy item. Human metabolisms are quite odd sometimes. I always blame it on our cavemen ancestors. We may have better nutrition and health than those guys, but basically we still are the same internally.
Philip DeFranco (RE: Where do you get your news) uploaded to You Tube 03/04/2022
I get news from (not in order of importance, except for THE Mr. DeFranco's channel): YouTube (Philip DeFranco, Katie Couric, Dr. John Campbell, Neal Katyal, CNN, NY TIMES, BBC and sometimes a ( U.S.) national network like ABC), Apps (CNN, NY TIMES, BBC, WSJ) and occasionally news pieces from "vetted" individuals on TikTok and Instagram.
Molly Burke (RE: Vision Board/Book with life goals) uploaded to You Tube 03/04/2022
I love how Ben is into everything, like a toddler with Gallop sitting in solid civilized adult support while Lavender is keeping everyone in line by appropriately dusting all within her view with cat fur. I wondered why there wasn't accompanying braille slips along with the visible english tags? Probably space, but who says vision boards/journals need to be low in page count?😉 It was enjoyable hearing someone clearly state their life goals and repartee with "Mom" (Nieve, but that means snow in...Spanish not Gaelic ! Maybe Niamh?). Love to you all (animals and humans).
Dr. John Campbell (RE: Review, Infections and Complications) uploaded to You Tube 03/07/2022
It is a pleasant thought that at least one thing that threatens us globally is slowly diminishing. I worry that we have not learned enough. We need more testing accompanied by more data, so that the next time (and unfortunately history shows that will happen) we are prepared with a scientifically accurate protocol concerning diagnosis, immunization and treatment. Adding to my "wish list" would be a thorough study regarding the efficacy of aspiration in injections. I know that I have been quite fortunate, health-wise, through the last 2 - 3 years, but this has been all so defeating, depressing and terrifying. A huge THANK YOU to Dr. Campbell for disseminating apolitical yet scientific data to help explain this pandemic.
Dr. John Campbell (RE: Excess Mortality data) uploaded to You Tube 03/13/2022
I agree with Dr. Campbell in that we will need a plan for the next wave, in producing vaccines, allowing hospitals to treat both infected patients while treating the patients with disease not related to a pandemic along with a plan to keep massive contagion at a more manageable (by health care workers and institutions) levels. We do not, and have never had, the time to keep "reinventing the wheel" whenever contagious disease spreads. This is a very small planet, what affects (or infects) one group leads to consequences for us all.
Chris Stuckmann (RE: Turning Red movie review) uploaded to You Tube 03/13/2022
I enjoyed Turning Red. While a few characters, were somewhat hedging into DSM–5 (mental disorders) territory there was an arc for those characters that made them more relatable. My only complaint was the way the school kept "The Panda" a secret for seemingly days, at least a week+ (in kid time that is over a decade). However, most viewers of an animated film are probably shelving their "WTF" and choosing wonder so I was fine with that anomaly.
NatalieLawyerChick (RE: Jussie Smolett sentencing) uploaded to You Tube 03/15/2022
QUESTION: Can a defendant demand a specific closing statement by their attorney? If so, must the attorney accede to the client's wishes, in spite of reservations by said attorney? I agree with NatalieLawyerChick, the words of the defense's closing statement seemed to echo Jussie Smollett''s opinions rather than help him to avoid incarceration.
Smollett, due to his fame (and infamy), will cause the implementation of additional security measures further draining budgetary amounts that would be better served elsewhere. Send Mr. Smollett to perform public service in homeless shelters, food banks and free medical clinics for a LONG time...along with an appropriate fee (above the $10,000 that was forfeited) being paid by Mr. Smollett to the city of Chicago.
Observe (RE: Jeff Wittke on David Dobrik) uploaded to You Tube 03/15/2022
Thank you for analyzing the Jeff Wittek video. I feel that Jeff Wittek (age 32 as of this post) feels embarrassed and ashamed that he so blindly followed David Dobrik (age 25 as of this post) for so long. Perhaps it is that guilt, diminished self-confidence, that is showing through his body language as not being 100% honest in some topics such as "the roast". Mr Wittek is correct, unless there is a substantial change in David Dobrik and his group, this, or something, will happen again. Sadly David Dobrik keeps bouncing back from scandals any one of which would ordinarily get an influencer "canceled", so I have doubts that he will change until a serious accident becomes something far worse. At that point, redemption may not be possible.
Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Jussie Smollett sentencing) uploaded to You Tube 03/16/2022
The lying, insisting on being correct, concocting an elaborately unbelievable story, reminds me of a 3 year old child who has been caught misbehaving. Ironically Jussie Smollett wanted to be more, more famous, more wealthy, more loved. Being a recognizable actor on a famous show is what made the police over-react and most likely this notoriety is what put him into jail. He has done damage, the best punishment is to try to get him mentally healthy. Although if he did reach that level of self-awareness, he would probably need more therapy to handle the guilt and the shame of his past actions.
Rachel Maksy (RE: new hair color) uploaded to You Tube 03/18/2022
About 8 months ago, I felt that my solitary confinement needed an upgrade, so I went for pink hair. We are talking roots to the middle of my back...PINK hair. No one spoke to me, glanced at me or appeared appalled by me on my several forays into the wilds of the grocery store. Of course it helped that I wore a hoodie, a KN95 mask and appeared slightly crazed in my dash dodging viruses (yeah I know it doesn't work that way) through the store. So a little hair dye on a channel that I always find interesting is just another day. Appreciate all sharing with the home reno...seeing transformations (personal or architectural) is always fun.
LegalEagle (RE: Tucker asking for LSAT scores) uploaded to You Tube 03/18/2022
I am not a fan of Tucker Carlson, video clips of his broadcasts feature random, bizarre and nonsensical statements...even for a Tucker tirade. He is derivative, deranged and just plain dumb, but he knows self-promotion. My guess is that he expels these odd soundbites to get them replayed on other media organizations and channels for free advertising and material he can address on a future program. So, mischief managed ?
RedLetterMedia (RE: Bruce Willis movies/rumor of dementia) uploaded to You Tube 03/20/2022
For whatever reasons Bruce Willis is apparently making a movie every 3 weeks, as a film fan I feel that he deserves a "get out of movie jail forever" card for his participation in Die Hard, The Sixth Sense and (one of my favorite movies) The Fifth Element. Besides, look at his face, his eyes in some of these clips, he knows that he is in a c*** movie. As long as he is in on the joke, then I say keep making sarcastic, ironic comments about these movies of a lesser craft.
Dr. John Campbell (RE:International COVID disease spread ) uploaded to You Tube 03/20/2022
Thank you for mentioning that you are on the look out for "long Covid" cases from the Omicron variant. As far as I can determine, through casual not scholarly reading, all the statements regarding the damage left by COVID seems to be from the ones who got it before Omicron popped. I wonder if anyone has studied whether people who have the Omicron (most populations) variant were free from the cytokine storm that put so many people on ventilators during the Delta portion of our pandemic? Perhaps an absence from Omicron variant, might lead towards effective treatment protocols for those who had Delta? I also would be interested in what kind of research and treatment is being done for those who actually had up a reaction to the vaccine itself to go on to develop myocarditis, pericarditis, or cardiac arrhythmias? We need to learn so much from this, because it will happen again.
Dr. John Campbell (RE: 4th Vaccine Dose) uploaded to You Tube 03/22/2022
I agree with Dr. Campbell in that wouldn't a test to measure our level of resistance to COVID be done first? Perhaps those immunosuppressed due to ongoing medical condition(s) should be given an additional booster, along with anyone living in care home. However for the rest of us, why? Jessica's (Queensland, Australia) data was interesting and I think I see where the data is pointing. However as she said, this data should be reviewed by medical professionals and statisticians before the internet takes up its virtual torches and marches to the proverbial castle.
BTW wasn't there at least a palliative effect to Long COVID suffers when given a vaccine (or booster)? I am not sure if that was proven to be a placebo effect, dismissed as apocryphal, or simply did not qualify as scientific data.
Morgan Donner (RE: LATEX gown) uploaded to You Tube 03/23/2022
What do they call that treacherous difficult form of athletic contests? Is this Ironman (no not the guy who has the red and gold smart suit) Sewing and Tailoring? The reveal was amazing, I never would have thought it possible that it would be so attractive. Love the way it twirls! The belt is "chef's kiss"❤️
NEXT LATEX PROJECT: Galadriel and Arwen gowns, from LOTR (specifically costumes from the 2001 The Fellowship of the Ring movie) or go in another direction with more tailored outfit such as what Éowyn wore into battle (The Return of The King) to--->SPOILERS---> kill the Witch-king of Angmar? (Sigh, I am such a nerd.)
Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Death of Barbara Gustern) uploaded to You Tube 03/24/2022
I agree in that the issues of this woman not playing well with others in second grade or derided by her neighbors, still is not enough of an explanation for me. Catching a taxi and potentially losing it may be annoying, but unlike that proverbial chicken we do know why Lauren crossed the road. I am sure Uber, Lyft and other ride shares were just minutes away from being acquired. Hopefully she gets more time in anger management class, community service then jail. The last thing that any community she may relocate to needs is angry person with fighting skills. Also I think Dad should spring for a considerable amount of restitution. Maybe a 4 year scholarship to Juilliard in the name of Barbara Gustern? (The deceased, Barbara Maier Gustern, was a famous Broadway vocal coach.)
Emily D. Baker (RE: Vanderbilt Nurse found guilty) uploaded to You Tube 03/25/2022
I am not saying that the Vanderbilt (now ex-) nurse should be imprisoned for this particular error, but a Google search (yes I know its the internet) mentioned that this nurse could not find Versed in the automatic medication dispenser. Her next action was to do an override which ended up with Vecuronium which she mistakenly administered to the patient. I think the override played a major part in her conviction. Yes she could have been exhausted, but made the override choice. Prosecution also made the point that this nurse did not properly monitor the patient. That lack of monitoring might be blamed on staffing issues. QUESTION: What if this automatic dispenser had a history of requiring an override, in other words is defective. If true that might give her attorneys a way to appeal the verdict.
Antphrodite (RE: Kitsune/killing stone opened in Japan) uploaded to You Tube 03/25/2022
I only know what a quick Google-search produced regarding the kitsune. Sounds like they are rather pragmatic in their treatment of humans. Basically you want the spirit on your side which can be accomplished with a good deed (not necessarily anything evil) benefiting the kitsune.
This reading sounds probable as history is written by the winners. A powerful human outside the stone not the spirit within, would have been alive and in charge of the narrative. Judging by certain recent national and international events, the perpetrator (or monster/demon) might look just like us.
SUGGESTION: While at first card reading on mythology and/or ancient history seemed odd, the readings seem to result in very plausible possibilities.I know there have been several readings on historical people and places, but there are countless myths and tales which resulted in literature, sculptures and even whole societies on which it would be fascinating to get alternate origin theories.
WFLA News Channel 8(RE:Boy who fell to his death on a park ride) uploaded to You Tube 03/25/2022
When I get into my car and do not engage seat belt, lights blink all over my dashboard accompanied by an annoying pinging sound. This is very old tech. So a device that could potentially kill multiple riders has its only safeguard being a probably underpaid, undertrained, bored and obviously unsupervised single human being? Images look like the harness was not engaged. Why wasn't there a safeguard within the ride's system to prevent engagement of ride without every (even empty) seats being properly secured? This child's death could have been so easily prevented with several lines of computer code.
Breakfast All Day movie reviews (RE: Will Smith slapped Chris Rock) You Tube 03/28/2022
I agree you just don't hit another person because you do not like what they say. That was a lesson taught in my pre-school. Chris Rock told a bad joke, a stupid joke (referenced a 1997 movie?!), but there were other ways for Will Smith to "connect" with Chris Rock. Will Smith is (maybe was) a very powerful figure in Hollywood. I agree with Alonso, watching someone lose it on live TV and that someone be as media savvy and as self-aware as Will Smith, made me question my own perception of this event. I thought that Sean Penn's statement would be the weirdest thing that happened regarding the 2022 Oscars. Mr. Penn spoke about melting down his Oscar if Volodymyr Zelenskyy was not invited or allowed to speak at the Oscars telecast.
Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Will Smith slapped Chris Rock) uploaded to You Tube 03/28/2022
QUESTION: The behavior shown by the Academy Awards audience is interesting. Is it also typical for a large group? They were compliant, agreeable and even polite (clapping/standing ovation). Examining the behavior of large groups in a public setting during a stressful situation, might prove interesting. Why as a group would everyone be so acceptable with unacceptable behavior? Is it the safety and anonymity (in a group of mostly famous people perhaps being famous makes one in effect, anonymous) of the group?
Philip DeFranco (RE: response to pinned comment about "The Slap") uploaded to You Tube 02/18/2022
Chris Rock told a stupid, clueless joke referencing a movie that is over 20 years out of date with current times. I do not know who wrote the joke, but check Jada's IMDb, potential of Matrix jokes is immense. Obviously the G.I. Jane comment would also be a cruel joke if Mr. Rock knew about Jada's Alopecia (I did not know, but I hear it was discussed frequently on Jada's show, Red Table) Will Smith basically committed a felony when with his money and his influence he could have "educated" Chris Rock far more effectively (and legally).
Internet Today (RE: Oscar News) uploaded to You Tube 03/28/2022
I resent the fact that Australia and Japan are considered mature enough to receive an uncensored transmission of an Oscar telecast featuring an adult acting like a recalcitrant pre-k toddler and another adult making a random not funny joke referencing a movie not exactly in the current zeitgeist. This plus that Oscar Twitter poll and Sean Penn threatening to melt down his Oscar makes me feel that everyone involved needs to take an extended time out.
Legal Eagle (RE: Will Smith slapping Chris Rock) uploaded to You Tube 03/29/2022
QUESTIONS: Is there grounds for a class action suit against Will Smith? Could, for example, The League of Traveling Comedians (I just made that up) sue Will Smith for making their comedy performances now at risk for crazed copycats? Could, for example, The Confederation of Clubs and Pubs (also just made up) sue Will Smith for making them pay for broken crockery, extra security and higher insurance rates?
As for the award, with the amount of questionable winners (did Harvey Weinstein lose his Oscar?) maybe let him keep it or better yet instruct Mr. Smith to regift the award to King Richard's director, writer or more ethically to the Williams family.
John Campea (RE: What should Will Smith's punishment be) uploaded to You Tube 03/29/2022
I do agree with Will Smith keeping his Oscar. However I disagree with the Academy not removing him from the audience immediately. The most significant punishment would have been to deny him being imaged on stage holding the Oscar AND making any acceptance speech. All they had to do was run a couple of commercials during which authorities could politely indicate that Will Smith depart immediately in the custody of his wife. Will Smith could have put his apology on his social media accounts in the limo going home. Since we cannot turn back time, Will Smith should lose his membership in the Academy for a period of time. Who knows what crazy copycats in the next 12 - 24 months will try to do a "Will Smith" in a club or theater. They have to make an example of him. If Smith was having a reaction to some medication, fine advertise the h*** out of that condition as an explanation. Otherwise he must be suspended from the Academy for a period of time.
Dr. John Campbell (RE: UK Surge Continues) uploaded to You Tube 03/29/2022
QUESTION: Could an entire program be devoted to the efficacy of a 2nd booster (aka 4th dose of COVID vaccine). I know that there has been brief coverage of this matter on this channel, but I could use a refresher with any new data. I have had 2 vaccines and 1 booster (Moderna). I am due to go to a convention in April 2022. I may have had COVID in its early days (would have definitely been the Delta variant). I have a comorbidity (not diabetes, not obesity). I will try to do research on my own, however I would love to see a followup on this channel.
Emily D. Baker (RE: Community Page/Will Smith asked to leave) uploaded to You Tube 03/30/2022
I heard that also WOW! It depends how Academy asked Will Smith to leave:
(1) Mr. Smith, are you feeling unwell? Do you wish to leave? <---questions (too deferential, seemingly powerless)
(2) Mr. Smith, please come with us now. <---statement (more powerful, less room for misunderstanding)
No to (1) is understandable. No to (2) says a lot about Will Smith's mental health and sense of entitlement.
Obviously (2) would indicate that there will (should) be major consequences.
NatalieLawyerChick (RE: Civil Suit against Laundrie parents) uploaded to You Tube 03/30/2022
This suit may not be viable, legally. Most likely this suit will be expensive and probably is not even tax deductible. However, it may be the only punishment the Laundrie family receives and it does keep Gabbie Petito and her untimely death in the minds of law enforcement and the general public. How much money are those factors worth to Gabbie's family and friends? I would guess, priceless.
BTW Interesting showcase (on Laundrie dismissal lawsuit) of the First Amendment (page 13 @1:57) regarding to speak or not to speak. My private, uneducated, internet theory is that the attorney did not wish to emphasize the Fifth Amendment as most (non-legal) people mistakenly assume that the person must be guilty as charged if they plead the Fifth. This firm seems to be very media savvy. They are aware that internet access to this lawsuit is relatively easy. Most people would have pause seeing the Fifth amendment mentioned. Instead this particular amendment was placed further down in the paragraph mentioning "...First, Fifth and Sixth..."
Dan Murrell (RE: Review of Moon Knight episode 1) uploaded to You Tube 03/30/2022
Loved Moon Knight. I disagree with Dan in one aspect only, I believe most Marvel series should be at an 8 - 9 episode length. Perhaps at the conclusion of episode 6, I will say that count is perfect. I would rather see a story breathe, a new world's details explored and the arcs of not only the superhero and villain, but also the important secondary characters. I wonder if a 6 episode season is something more due to the accountants rather than the creatives?
John Campea (RE: Advance Reviews of Morbius) uploaded to You Tube 03/31/2022
I also haven't seen this movie. It was never going to get me into a theater, I am waiting for it stream.
The death knell (all puns intended) was rung on Morbius if the editors truly were instructed to remove all lifelines to other Marvel characters. It is sad to see Morbius suck, as he is such a long lived antihero (1971 intro in comics). What was the life span (last pun) of the deal with Sony?
Emily D. Baker (RE: Community Page/Will Smith sue for defamation?) You Tube 03/31/2022
Judging by all the he, she and they saids now out there, who knows who can sue for what? We don't yet know the full extent of the "what". (Guessing at least Aaron Sorkin and Adam McKay already have scripts in development.)
Let Smith keep his award, suspend him from the Academy for 2 years (reduced to 1 or less if he attends a substantial amount of (non-Scientology) anger management classes. Chris Rock should write (or approve) better jokes, beyond a lazy tasteless joke he did nothing wrong.The Academy needs to hire a crisis management firm, a security training team and event producers with more sense and ethics.
Emily D. Baker (RE: #shorts ----- Can Will Smith sue for defamation?) You Tube 03/31/2022
This thing is evolving like Rashomon (which ironically won an HONORARY Oscar in the early 1950's), but with less than epic acting, bad stunt work and an inferior soundtrack. I feel that "The Slap" will be a movie made by Adam McKay or Andrew Sorkin which will be filmed in late 2023 and released a month before ('cause these Academy people have memories worse than goldfish) the deadline for best picture 2024.