Sunday, April 3, 2022

APRIL 2022


Dr. John Campbell (RE: XE Recombination Arrives) uploaded to You Tube April 3 2022

I admit I got somewhat confused in the beginning (@4:5l) with X = Delta, but what helped was reading page 12 of the UK Health Security Agency (is 1st link in Dr. Campbell's description). I did not even open the link to WHO report. Admittedly I only read about 15 pages of the UK report, but as Dr. Campbell said right now the only difference is increased transmissibility. QUESTION: I am still curious to know if there are any "long COVID" cases from people who have recovered from an Omicron based variant. Some sites indicate extensive rest when recovering from COVID, others want to get you into physical therapy immediately (sorry I have no links). A HUGE thank you to Dr. Campbell for reading the UK and WHO reports in  their entirety. ❤️

Costuming Drama (RE: Starting 1780's White Stays) uploaded March 31, 2022

I am so not in the league of the level attained in these videos, but I find the sewing both calming and entertaining. It also helps instigate a teeny amount of creativity in me. When I score a buried treasure at thrift/recycle places I am thrilled. There are so many garments that are too long or too wide or bedazzled by seemingly thousands of people or have buttons that somehow have negative charisma. Seeing the "good bones" hidden amongst the chaos always gives me a boost.

Just watched the first episode of Moon Knight (Disney+) and LOVED it. Sadly it is being released as one episode per week (Total of 6 in season). As for Outlander, after 2 seasons I got a bit played out with the concept. Being curious though I caught up with some of the high points on You Tube of all places. These videos are short (5 - 6 minute) segments, that can basically take you up-to-date without the pain of long plaintive looks, some whining and people becoming overwrought in multiple timelines. Admittedly Outlander is the definitive guilty pleasure.

Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Body Language Analysts on Will Smith) uploaded April 3, 2022

Dr. Grande is correct in that different cultures, nationalities, have their own body language and informal verbal language (as in colloquialisms). For example not making eye contact does not automatically mean liar, it could mean Asperger's (a higher functioning form of Autism), a person who culturally has been trained that way or just someone who is tired. Body language analysis is useful, but at this point is not up to the Minority Report (2002 movie) level. It basically is just an additional tool in an investigation. When done by a professional the elements of body language, vocal tone and word usage is noted. These categories are more relevant for interrogators of criminals, people of interest to authorities and, ironically, job interviewees/interviewers. 

The Amber Ruffin Show (RE: Back To Work song) uploaded to You Tube April 1, 2022

Great song, but I give people one week back at their offices until they re-discover the claustrophobia (ironically also with a lack of privacy when discussing certain physical issues on your phone with your primary care) of cubicles, having your lunch disappear (or worse get 1/2 eaten) from the company fridge and the bathrooms that seemingly randomly decide today is a good day to flush up when you ate a burrito for lunch.

Jeremy Jahns (RE: Morbius - Movie Review) Uploaded to You Tube 03/30/2022

These days between expense, viruses and (yes, I will admit it) laziness, this is not a movie that would cause me to visit a theater. I will see it at home where I have powers...ff, pause and rewind. I am sure that the heavy editing by SONY did not help. They probably wanted a PG-13 rating and a movie that was easy to schedule at theaters. Jeremy's phrase, "MacGuffin blood" is an extremely economical and descriptive review. However, one that will not be placed on a poster or PR clip. Sorry Jeremy. BTW Great antihero hair.

Emily D. Baker (RE: Girardi Keese LawSuit) uploaded to You Tube 04/05/2022

So many QUESTIONS and clarification needed as I do not understand the self insured part regarding the law firm: (1) Attorney Firm "GK" simply informs State "C" we got insurance which makes everything ok with State "C" (Go try to install a pool or add on a room in State "C" without reams of paperwork and fees)? (2) State "C" Bar association is fine with firm just saying "yup we insured", also?  (3) Is that the same legally with all licensed professionals, even medical?  When a wound is putrid, often a surgeon will have to remove all contents in and around the wound to properly allow area to heal and regain proper use. Looking at you State "C" and State "C" - Bar association.

Philip DeFranco (RE: Elon Musk Buys majority [9%]share in Twitter) uploaded You Tube 04/04/2022

As for Elon Musk buying a majority share in Twitter, maybe I should be concerned but right now I am not. As for bringing back Trump in the name of free speech, I do not want to bring back my past migraines, I do not want to bring back a past health risk and I do not want to increase toxic waste. I will put it this way, let's say you live with 3 indoor-only cats in your home, now remove all litter boxes (metaphor spoiler:  remove Trump's lifetime ban). Now look around you, is this really how you wish to spend the rest of your life?

SimplyPodLogical (RE: Retirement) uploaded to You Tube 04/05/2022

Retirement Congratulations? Hmmm.  Both are still working so how about:  CONGRATS on adding more time in the day (without needing to locate a TARDIS, a Time Turner or an  Einstein–Rosen bridge)  for family, friends, Holo Taco creations and of course the at home supervisors (aka cats).❤️🎊🪅❤️

Smokey Glow (RE: Life Status Update) uploaded to You Tube 04/08/2022

Self-care is not selfish. Career stress along with planning a big wedding, buying a home and recently losing a loved one is probably the top tier of all stressors.  A "hi there" on Instagram while holding the puppies is probably enough of a reminder for subscribers that one is still out there. I do enjoy the long form videos, with past events, current status and a dash of "what if".  An additional way to monetize these videos is to self-publish an e-book or go through an agent. The plus side would be these "histories" would be copyright protected and saved in another mode. However on the negative side, some people love to sue for libel. I am sure the book could be vetted to avoid that legal pitfall. Simply storing these videos on a personal computer/cloud (not solely on You Tube channel) still has value as a portfolio to show an editor, book publisher or any potential client/employer a full skill set. 

Breakfast All Day (RE: Review of "The Bubble") uploaded to You Tube 04/08/2022

Maybe I was in the right mood, but I found it hysterical. (It has been a looong quarantine, quite possibly I have lost some vital neurons.) Is there a better, more intelligent, clever, even funny story to be told, sure. I took this movie as more of a bat***t crazy view of corporations that desperately desire movies to be highly profitable commodities that are only there to earn money for the stockholders and golden parachutes. Entertainment, creativity, story telling, nuance not in their job descriptions or goals. COVID issues were only the green screen, not the objective.

David Chen (RE: Review of "Morbius) uploaded to You Tube 04/03/2022

I appreciated this discussion,  Patrick and David are often far funnier and smarter than the movies themselves. I have been watching many reviews on this movie (I am waiting until Morbius streams rather than visit a theater). Critics are mostly coming up with the same complaint editing/continuity...for time, for PG-13 rating and of course to make a profit. Investors should make a profit, but had more time and (I really want to say blood)...ok blood into the creation of this movie perhaps they could have made that elusive unicorn appear in the form of a (new) successful film IP.

Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Depp vs. Heard Trial) uploaded to You Tube 04/16/2022

The only good that came out of the Depp and Heard relationship was that there were no children born to or adopted by the couple . At least that area of collateral damage has been avoided. Best result of this trial would be that both be given a long-term restraining orders against the other. Worst result would be a mistrial or no definitive end to this situation. Even more horrific, would be the creation of a movie or series featuring these 2 individuals and their relationship.

SimplyPodLogical (RE: AITA selections from reddit) uploaded to You Tube 04/19/2022

I do love hearing the discourse on AITA. Some posts seem to defy logic. My hypothesis is that some are a first draft of an assignment to be submitted to a class on creative writing. I mean the guy who locked up his clothing? I desperately wanted to know who was doing his laundry at that point. There is a high bar on weird regarding weddings, but still that story seemed really odd as finances and venue were not an issue. Anyway, these stories make me laugh, an invaluable commodity these days, so thank you!

Mia Maples (RE: Community Post about late video and Grandpa) uploaded to You Tube 04/21/2022

While I look forward to all the Mia videos (especially when Mom "co-stars"), You Tubers are people first and people have commitments in the real (aka non social media) world.  Dementia can vary in both the speed of its progression and its debilitating effect, but very often the oldest memories stay intact the longest. See if your Grandpa can tell you stories from his childhood and young adulthood. If he is comfortable, make a video recording or maybe if cameras scare him do an audio tape. This would not be for us it would be for you and your family. I think that there is even an online service (sorry I do not remember the site) which is set up to interview the person involved in a very unstructured, low stress way. Sending love to you all....

Dr. John Campbell (RE: UK, Groundhog day) uploaded to You Tube 04/22/2022

It is disconcerting that many governments are either too wound up in bureaucracy to do proper immunity testing or even worse, perhaps there is thought that if governmental agencies admit that natural immunity is equally good regarding Omicron infection that everyone will refuse to get vaccinations for anything ever again. I feel that we were advised properly through the original strain and into the Delta variant regarding masks, quarantining and vaccination. Omicron (excepting for those with comorbidities of course) changed that reality. I am guessing scientists knew that fact, but did not trust us with the truth. Now more and more people are questioning any science. Thought and judgement seems to be in rare supply. It is all so sad.

Smoky Glow (RE: Family You Tube Channels) uploaded to You Tube 04/24/2022

I would like to ask that family or anyone, what is their opinion on executions, universal health care, subsidized daycare and sex ed? Basically if you want EVERY pregnancy to never be terminated you have to involve yourself in finding effective solutions to those other issues.

As an ObGyn from Texas I am absolutely exhausted with all the government overreach into our exam rooms. I’ve considered addressing the misinformation in their propaganda piece a hundred times and just haven’t been able get my head in the mental space to deal with it yet. You made great points here, thanks for sharing.

(comment by Mama Doctor Jones on this video):
As an ObGyn from Texas I am absolutely exhausted with all the government overreach into our exam rooms. I’ve considered addressing the misinformation in their propaganda piece a hundred times and just haven’t been able get my head in the mental space to deal with it yet. You made great points here, thanks for sharing.
(my comment to her comment)
Stupidity and ignorance is trying and depressing. Thank you Mama Doctor Jones for making a difference by speaking truth and spreading knowledge backed by science.