Sunday, December 1, 2024


Posted to Safiya Nygaard (RE:Plane Health Hacks) Uploaded to You Tube 12/01/2024

I have used gua sha (usually with a moisturizer) for over 2 years now. It actually does have a positive effect on diminishing swelling and (WICKED ALERT) defying gravity. Not to get too personal but did the water consumption mean more trips to the bathroom?  I can see the value of the frequent internal moisture and the act of walking to and from one's destination but on a crowded flight with long lines it might not work for me. That ostrich pillow was hilarious. I desperately want one, in pink if possible. A definite no, for me, on the sticky face mask as it seems like too much gooey work along with mask disposal. How long did the whole hydration process last?  I mean an hour later after landing were you now thirsty along with having dry facial skin? TMI on my queries? Probably not a problem, as when I post this comment there are over 1600 other comments! Whether inappropriately or appropriately this comment will be hidden.🀣

Posted to Nik Starow (RE: Prosecution Denied Access of Phone Records of K.Read's parents)12/01/2024

I wonder if there are any legal precedents for getting the respondents' (aka judges and attorneys) regarding cell phone/email records for any communications from or mentioning the DA of Norfolk County,  Michael W. Morrissey? Yes Judge Cannone denied the prosecution's request for the private phone records of Karen Read's friends and relatives, but as was said in this video public officials are subject to different criteria.

Posted to penguinz0 (RE: Concert Prices) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/01/2024

I got priced out of most concert tickets years ago. So long ago that fees and scalpers were my only nemeses (yes folks that is the plural of nemesis per Google AI). The widespread scourge that is dynamic pricing has simply transported me into the "not in my lifetime" realm. BTW Can we have a very short, pointless discussion on that term, "dynamic pricing"...I mean talk about your euphemisms that descriptor makes it sound like a fun theme park ride or magical happenings. 

Posted to Morgan Gold (RE: NYC vlog) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/29/2024

I appreciate Morgan including a brief clip of that well-known 2006 documentary...oops I mean comedy, into this vlog. I also wasn't really too surprised with what happened in the U.S. on November 5 2024. My private totally unsubstantiated fantastical theory is that "none of the above" won the election. I loved the ending of this video which indicates that we all need  one another wherever we are currently living. Full disclosure, while I do not live in a metropolitan-type locale, the nearest Apple store to me is minutes away.🀣

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: Moving?) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/02/2024

While I am not a farmer, a move to another country as Morgan said, is complicated for any immigrants no matter the species. My home is not only a structure rather firmly ensconced in its current area, it is also where emotionally, I am also rather firmly connected. I agree that this is the time to spend additional attention to local government. Whoever (or whatever as, there be 'bots ahead) "Western Hemisphere aka A Viewer who Loves America" is, I thank them for triggering an interesting thought experiment for Morgan Gold to mull over. As a viewer, I need that chicken and the egg video. Also I am sure that most of us would love a conclusion to The Mysterious Evaporation of Sir Porkington".  Who knows what could happen should Netflix decide to film and stream that topic as a new series.

Posted to Chase Hughes(RE: How to "shut down" a narcissist safely)Uploaded to You Tube 12/02/2024

While I am currently self-employed, very long ago in a time before that pandemic which hit us all, I worked in a cubicle "jungle". The strategies discussed in this video are good survival techniques. I use the term survival in terms of not having your boss or co-worker be responsible for your either voluntary or involuntary departure from the business. However, I also noticed a good many of these strategies would also work great with toddlers and teenagers.πŸ˜‰

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Ezra Miller Interview) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/02/22024

Maybe I am being too literal, but doesn't the red stain on the hands sort of match the red stain on the tee shirt? I do not know what Ezra Miller's internal demons are, but I am guessing by the behavior, the sniffing a bit and making no sense that one or more controlled or even illegal substances was involved. I think the higher powers (aka studio executives) let Ezra Miller get away with a lot because they saw currency signs not a person who was struggling with self-control. FUTURE TOPIC: I know press junkets can be problematic for all concerned, but have you been on one that was handled professionally and without drama? What made it a good (or a bad) junket?

Posted to Smokey Glow (RE: The Evolution of Mikayla Nogueira) Uploaded on 12/02/2024

Her accent is a bit off (I am from Eastern Massachusetts area). It almost sounds like she is trying for a Russian or a generic Eastern European sound. I have only watched her infrequently, but I noticed some subversive, snarky humor along with the obvious product placements. I LOVE subversive, snarky humor. I get product ideas from all over social media. When it comes to an actual purchase I go to Sephora or Ulta or Amazon or even CVS to buy what I can afford. I am human though, if a company sells pretty glittery and matte colors of eye shadow in an even prettier palette case then charge under $25, I will try it at least once whether social media wants me to buy it or not.πŸ˜‰

posted to antphrodite (RE: Women vs. Men) Uploaded onto You Tube on 12/02/2024  

Those we put into power who are in charge of making, passing and administering laws appear to think it is 1946-1950. I feel schools, health care, child care, body autonomy and jobs that employ women in management positions is being set back to mid 20th century.  At the moment, I feel numb and apathetic which is better then being depressed about things beyond my control.  I hope ant is correct about the jump forward and I hope it happens in my lifetime. Probably odd READING REQUEST: Melania Trump's next 4 years. IMO a shocked Melania Trump after her spouse's first win agreed to play the political game and cosplay as First Lady. From 2025-2029 I would be very surprised if she even set one stiletto heel in Washington DC, never mind The White House.

Posted to Jessica Kellgren-Fozard (RE: Advent Calendars) Uploaded onto You Tube on 11/19/2024

(my comment was on 12/03/2024). As this video just posted to my feed, You Tube's algorithm gets a πŸ‘Ž from me.  My absolute favorite was the Advent Musical Box with a different track for each day. It is charming, fun, adorable, entertaining and I am going to check out that link. Of course, should anyone be roaming around gifting Advent Boxes (a thought that is both scary and charming) I would not refuse the contents of items such as chocolate, makeup or poetry. I know that the time ahead looks less than promising, so we should cherish family, friends and neighbors along with assistance given where it is in our power and ability to do so.  Love and please 🀟.

Posted to LTL Media (RE: "Drama") Uploaded onto You Tube on 12/02/2024

Backlash usually comes from a combination of fear, misunderstanding and a lack of information. I am not very eloquent hence my previous statement is a "lifted" mash-up of that famous Yoda (Star Wars) quote regarding the existence and lure of the dark side. Justice for Officer John O'Keefe and freedom for Karen Read are in no way mutually exclusive. Yes You Tube monetizes content, yes discussing this case is content, but an active, trustworthy, accountable platform is a necessity to publicize the corruption and incompetence which is doing so much damage. Legacy media, cable tv and other dinosaurs raging against extinction, seemingly no longer have the will or the ability to know the difference between reporting based on provable facts and editorials based on personal opinions. Facts and editorials can coexist, as long as their motives are clear. The 2 concepts of Justice and Freedom are ideals that we must always aspire to and fight for in this time and in this place.  (Sorry for rant, lately it has been difficult to maintain optimistic outlook.)

Posted to Smokey Glow (Bougie Holiday Gift Catalogues) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/03/2024

That was a HILARIOUS video and made me SO happy (not laughing much these days). HOWEVER...I have a theory on all this. Full disclosure I am not a social scientist, I am not obscenely (or any variety) wealthy, I do not know any obscenely wealthy person with whom I can do a ride share to Cannes on their private jet.  All that being disclosed, my uneducated hypothesis is that these luxury catalogs are the rich person's version of a joke store. Chortle, chortle, here's your frisbee, oops flying disc or here is your wacky dinner tray for eating in front of your 80 foot home screen during cozy evenings at your Aspen chalet.

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Review of the Bryna) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/03/2024

When Runkle was saying that the pig eyes should be put in something shaped like a human eye socket for testing, I still wasn't expecting a skull with seemingly more aesthetically pleasing teeth than I have to be that placement. It looked to me that the Byrna was only a few inches (or millimeters) away from the pig eye. I am guessing Canadian law does not specify distance when using this test to determine the category of a weapon? If I am that close to anyone, even with an unsharpened pencil, as long as my arm was steady couldn't even said pencil also piece an eye? Byrna should be actually pleased with this review. A consultant being paid for such a report would probably charge the company into the thousands. This review pointed out quite clearly (I understood it and I can barely assemble and/or fire a super soaker accurately) the positives and the negatives and even a possible future should Byrna license their patent out to manufacturers. 

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (Re: Murder of United Healthcare CEO) Uploaded on 12/04/2024

Thanks to education by Runkle and others on You Tube, I felt that this was not a professional hit. While it was obviously planned by someone with gun skills, still it was quite messy. The victim was shot multiple times in survivable areas (calf, back), the gun jammed and then multiple shots were fired into the victim. The shooter, per the available video, was standing in a place where a professional could have easily hit the head and/or the brain stem area. As Runkle and other comments have said, this was personal, whoever fired that gun, was very very angry.  As for the efficacy of the multiple theories on twitter, well consider the source. 

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Disappearance of Hannah Kobayashi) Uploaded to You Tube 12/04/2024

PLEASE DO A FOLLOWUP READING: I wonder how this ties into the recent (over a week ago as of this comment) un-aliving of Hannah's father, Ryan Kobayashi. As of this comment news indicates authorities feel that this is a self-unaliving. Kind of makes me wonder if the father also found himself in a trap maybe from someone falsely claiming to have info on his daughter? Or was it some sort of personal guilt that ended Ryan Kobayashi's journey? Also appreciate ant's reading. I am not concerned with his level of knowledge on the subject, pre-reading.

COMMENT to this video by@editordaniellemarie

Please do a reading on the healthcare CEO executive who was shot and killed in midtown Manhattan this morning! If possible. Thank you!!! πŸ’—πŸ™


My top 3 guesses regarding the motive of the person with the weapon:  (1) a very very unhappy investor in United Healthcare stock (2) a very very dissatisfied ex-employee or (3) a very very angry subscriber to a United Healthcare medical plan. While this person did seem to have a weapons skillset,  their actions indicated that this was "personal" not professional.

Posted to Lucy Livin' (RE: Korean Skin Care - gone viral on TikTok) Uploaded to You Tube 12/04/2024

I blocked the image on the needle section.  I have major body horror issues (so many horror films that I cannot watch) which includes certain potentially invasive skin care techniques. However I did listen and APPRECIATE the bravery that went into voluntarily putting that cream on living skin. As for any cosmetics (TikTok or wherever) that go viral I usually stay away. When a song goes viral sure I will listen, but when a product goes viral that is to be put on me, well not going to happen. ONE QUESTION/Video Idea: Dups for expensive skin care. I apologize if this is already on the spreadsheet or recent video, but I am looking for an affordable dups for Tatcha The Dewy Skin Cream and The Water Cream. I can afford the travel size (approx. 21-23 usd each) but not the big, all grown up, adult size. I find the travel size tends to sell out quickly. My usage on facial cream tends to be "a little more is more and more is better" regarding skin care.πŸ˜‰

Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Killing of United Healthcare CEO) Uploaded to You Tube 12/05/2024

I do not think some of the mistakes were actual errors in judgement. I think this person expects to be eventually caught. With the messages on the shells, this individual probably wishes to use the trial as a platform of sorts. My guess is that this individual wished more to inflict pain along with severe injuries requiring long term care...and money. Imagine the irony of a medical insurance CEO, admittedly with more privilege and money than his policyholders, going through "the system" along with watching others go through "the system". If anyone wants to vilify (looking at you twitter) or lay blame (looking at the rest of us), then blame the enablers of our broken, unfair and inadequate insurance system. Spoiler, we vote them in all the time. The enablers are in The House of Representatives and in The Senate of both the U.S. states and the U.S. federal government.

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Daniel Penny jury deadlocked on count #1) Uploaded on 12/06/2024

I always enjoy actually listening to the internal debate of an expert in constitutional law turned into a video, so thank you Uncivil. As of this comment count 1 (manslaughter in 2nd degree) has been reportedly dismissed, However, count 2  (criminally negligent homicide) is also an "overcharge". Whether there is a guilty or a not guilty, verdict on count 2 what is the result? Now we all just watch as someone kills or hurts someone else? There is a Good Samaritan Law in New York State regarding calling 911 without fear of the caller being arrested. However, kind of problematic when you are locked into a confined area below ground with someone who has professed the need to un-alive you with no one to assist. While it is sad that a person died, that is more the fault of the mental health system in the U.S. than the fault of one man who chose to protect strangers from harm.

Posted to Mia Maples (RE: Advent Calendars) Uploaded to You Tube 12/06/2024

I have seen scams by luxury clothing brands, by Advent Calendars from many brands and gift shops on luxury sites, but the 2021 Chanel Advent Calendar is the ABSOLUTE WORST that I seen in recent memory (aka post-pandemic). That being said I laugh-cried through the entire Chanel section...brought to you by Mama & Mia Maples AND THE NUMBER 5. I do enjoy looking through Advent Calendars, especially when purchased by others.😜

Posted to Smoky Glow (RE:YouTubers who have gone off-grid aka social media)Uploaded 12/07/2024

I enjoyed hearing the history of these You Tubers and how reality rose up in so many ways causing them to walk away from success. IMO they made the appropriate and necessary decisions to depart. Whether one's personal life needs some R & R or not, I think the magic sanity medicine is warning your subscribers that time off from weekly/frequent videos will happen for months maybe longer. Maybe throw in a few "shorts" or IG reels so that fans have proof of life. I always enjoy these videos where there is a history and where (if at all) are they now on social media without disrupting anyone's privacy.

Posted to Attorney Melanie Little (RE: Conversation w/Joshua Ritter [@CRconfidential])12/07/2024

Very good discussion with Joshua Ritter. I have subscribed to Mr. Ritter's channel (@CRconfidential). Daniel Penny should not have been put on trial. There are reports that indicate that the victim had a pulse when the police showed up. The problematic ME stating that drugs in a person's system does not matter is beyond incompetent. IMO should invalidate the final autopsy report. If the City of New York is interested in prosecuting persons of interest in the death of Mr.Jordan Neely they are (in no particular order): Medical insurers, doctors, hospitals, social services, police and let's not forget those who enable all that expensive, often inadequate care and performance; the legislators at Albany and at Washington DC. The complete failure of these groups placed Mr. Jordan Neely on that subway threatening to kill on May 1 2023. 

Posted to penguin0z (RE: Health Insurance Industry) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/08/2024

I cannot condone un-aliving anyone unless done to protect oneself or others from imminent harm. I believe that I am an ethical individual. However, ethics is NOT a part of the medical insurance industry, no matter what their protestations are. The enablers of the medical insurance industry in the U.S. by ignorance, corruption or both are the U.S. state and federal representatives and senators irregardless as to political party. These individuals are the villains. Banish them to obscurity and searching for their own insurance provider by voting all of them out, unless there is a clear and definitive effort to clean up the mess that they helped create and sustain.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Riley Keough & Chelsea Handler) Uploaded on 12/08/2-24

Years ago, I used to watch and enjoy Chelsea Handler's late night show. She was funny, snarky along with being quite blunt and truthful. In recent years, I have not watched her shows or stand-ups. At least from these clips, it seems that Chelsea has turned into a vapid talking head without an ounce of sense. So sad to see someone de-evolve in that way. As for Riley Keough, whether due to fear of, or utter immersion in, this cult she is very much NOT a success story.

Posted to Morgan Gold (RE: American Health Care Industry) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/08/2024

The "sudden passing" of an American CEO of a health care insurer with a very high rate of denied in-network claims (sorry cannot find specific link so--> admittedly does not engender much sympathy. This highly covered and talked about event is an ugly symptom of how dire our medical coverage situation has become in the United States. Insurance companies have enablers. SPOILER:  U.S. voters habitually re-elect these enablers, irregardless as to political party, to offices in our state and federal government. Thank you Morgan Gold for the data, whether or not it was fueled by ADHD.  Loved the MatPat "theory" reference.  Much appreciation for lending his time, humor and opinions, of course I am referring to the inimitable PabloBarnCat along with AI generated, but still cute, cats.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Person who shot CEO of United Healthcare) Uploaded on 12/09/2024

YES, pls do a part 2. As of this comment, a person of interest has been "caught" (he was eating at a McDonalds in Altoona Pennsylvania) spotted by a clerk. l think that he wanted to be caught from the beginning. The hunt, publicity, arrest, trial everything is part of what he considers essential for his platform. According to his manifesto, as of course he has a manifesto, he wanted to pattern himself on the Unabomber (Ted Kaczynski). Vigilantism is dangerous. Most people are not capable of being judge, jury and executioner.  Were I the police I would go to his social media. They should emphasize investigation of the followers he had BEFORE he was caught. His current follower count is huge. 

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Suri Cruise at 18 inherits a trust fund) Uploaded 12/09/2024

Shocker, child of two celebrities gets a trust fund at 18. Admittedly Daily Mail has a "rep", but click-bait stories like that one is why legacy media is going extinct. It is simple math multiple each item by 4: college tuition, transport (vehicle maintenance and fuel if not 100% electric), dorms/off--campus housing, books, tech, clothing, food, perhaps a semester or two abroad (in which case more housing, food, transport expenses) and most likely due to who Suri While Suri will not have to resort to being on any state aid program, after 4 years that trust fund is not going to add Suri onto that Forbes list of the 100 richest women in America.

Posted to Courtroom Confidential (RE: Daniel Penny not guilty verdict) Uploaded on 12/09/2024

Thank you for a very careful, calm description of this case. I hate that people are politicizing this tragedy. Mr. Neely did not "fall" through the cracks of our society into that subway. Jordan Neely was flung into an abyss that he could not comprehend by people and organizations which did not treat or protect him. At the top of that list are the legislators who should be passing laws to help the weakest and least able among us. There are other people just as hurt, damaged and alone as Jordan Neely out there in many U.S. cities. QUESTIONS to legislators, What will happen the next time that someone acts out, but no one is willing to help? Especially directed to NYC legislators, what will you do then?

Posted to Collier Laundry (RE: Tweets from Luigi Mangione's twitter feed) Uploaded on 12/10/2024

Please be well Collier Landry. I can only imagine how this is affecting him. There is so much PTSD for anyone whose life was upended by just one action on one day by one family member. Mangione's intense interest in Ted Kaczynski (Unabomber) is very disturbing. Kaczynski died at 81 on June 10, 2023 while incarcerated at FMC at Butner NC. FMC is a U.S. federal prison for inmates with "special needs". I wonder what tweets were made by Luigi Mangione on that day. As Ted Kaczynski's playbook seemingly played an important part in Mangione's plans I would hope that all unexpected packages to any healthcare execs be left unopened for a security check. Luigi Mangione was (past tense as the life he might have lived is gone) gifted, intelligent and had the tech skillset to do far more damage from within rather serve as  self-appointed judge, jury and un-aliver to someone I doubt he ever spoke to.


Luigi Mangione was diagnosed with spondylolisthesis  April 2022 and underwent surgery later 

(diagnosis per the posted video by Dr. Todd Grande published on YT on 12/10/2024)


AI Overview----as of 12/11/2024

Yes, spondylolisthesis can be considered part of Marfan syndrome, as people with Marfan syndrome have a significantly higher likelihood of developing this condition due to the weakened connective tissue that affects their spine, making them more prone to vertebral slippage; it is considered one of the musculoskeletal manifestations of the disease. Marfan syndrome is a genetic condition

Key points about spondylolisthesis and Marfan syndrome:

Increased risk:  Individuals with Marfan syndrome have a much higher incidence of spondylolisthesis compared to the general population. 

Mechanism:  The weakened connective tissue in Marfan syndrome can lead to instability in the spine, facilitating the forward slippage of a vertebra. 

Symptoms:  People with Marfan syndrome experiencing spondylolisthesis may have low back pain, stiffness, and difficulty bending forward. 


Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Update on Luigi Mangione) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/10/2024

In a few of the images of Luigi Mangione, his profile reminded me of Marfan syndrome. The diagnosis of spondylolisthesis is often seen in individuals with Marfan. Simply treating the back issues is akin to prescribing a bandage instead of administering a full spectrum antibiotic for a severe bacterial infection. While neither Marfan syndrome generally or spondyloisthesis specifically, affects cognitive abilities, I have no doubt that the constant pain, life changes even with adequate healthcare no doubt affected Luigi Mangione's mental state. Marfan is also a genetic condition, or as some insurers like to call it a "pre-existing" condition.

Posted to Smokey Glow (RE: Best and Worst purchases of 2024) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/10/2024

I cannot beat the BEST mentioned here which was becoming a healthy and a happy person. I guess my BEST was adopting 3 animal companions from a shelter. It qualifies as a purchase as you do have to pay the shelter for past veterinary care along with food and bedding expense.  My current non-human housemates (all adopted from shelters) are: 2 cats, 2 guinea pigs and 1 chinchilla.  Also, I have one huge fish (cichlid variety), actually she (? he) was free from an aquarium store as this fish was a sickly runt picked on by the other fish. Highly ironic as the healthy siblings which I paid for, died after less than one year. Somehow "Mr/Ms Unknown" has survived, thus far for 3 years. My WORST purchases are various glittery, shimmery and shiny items which sit and wait in vain for me to use. 

Posted to Morgan Gold (RE: Capture of Luigi Mangione) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/12/2024

Morgan had me going for almost half of this video. Humans are evolved for fight or flight and to make order out of the chaos. These abilities are sometimes at odds with our modern reality. As damaged is our healthcare, choosing to be judge, jury and executioner cannot be the norm for any society. Jordan Neely (Daniel Penny case) was on a subway May 1, 2023 instead of receiving proper care and meds. I often use public transport in a large city. Speaking from a very scary personal experience, there are many more people suffering out there who act out suddenly, irrationally and with violence. The answer is in legislation not un-aliving.

Posted to Smokey Glow (RE: Living at home and friends) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/12/2024

I also went home during a turbulent time. It is healing, comforting and occasionally (as in telling others) quite annoying. While I cannot say it is a fun time, putting on makeup for me is always calming, soothing and, this sounds highly narcissistic, "centering". Dating can be h*** on earth. My only advice is to put yourself in activities and places where you are surrounded with people you like at events you like. Not that THE person will be in the crowd just waiting for you, but being around happy people who like me, makes me happy (sounds confusing as I type that, oh well). Of course this comes from the person who has been in "parallel play" mode since pre-k. Totally mystified my teachers!πŸ˜‰

Posted to Neurodivergent Doctor (RE: Healthcare-Neurodivergent Patients&clinicians) 12/12/2024

I knew that some clerk at some insurance corporation in somewhere, USA had access to my blood test results, but I hadn't thought it through to the highly personal notes taken by a therapist also being accessible data. The recent tragic shooting of the CEO of United Healthcare, is morally (and of course legally) wrong. As for its legacy, being a glass is half empty type, I am guessing that healthcare for profits will probably pass on all those extra security costs for their buildings and their executives into extra insurance fees in the form of higher premiums, co-pays, deductibles and the very familiar deny-deny-deny response. Why correct their system with complex laws and ethical patient rights when these for-profits can apply a useless, pointless and short-sighted bandage to it?

Posted to Breakfast All Day (RE: review of the movie Kraven The Hunter) Uploaded on 12/13/1024

I think that Tim Grierson summed it up accurately, the era when ANY superhero/antihero/supervillain would be wildly accepted and highly profitable has ended. These less well-known "supers" belong on a streaming channel where the audience can learn the backstory. Should the personality catch on, then there is the potential of a theatrically released film based solely on that character or even including the character in another's story.  BTW this comment did cause me huge laughs, "Not an abomination"....Christy Lemire.  Kudos to Christy as that statement works on several levels if one remembers Abomination's first role in the 2008 version of The Incredible Hulk film. Starring in that role was yet another actor who deserved better material Tim Roth.

Posted to Rachel Maksy (RE: Gingerbread House bag) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/13/2024

Whenever I have to go into Home Depot, I approach it like a plan for a major conflict. Go online, get map coordinates (aka aisle and bin numbers),  get civilian population numbers (aka be sure there are multiple items in stock), march firmly and deliberately to where the action is (aka product of interest), take my prisoner (aka product of interest) and march directly to the safe/required exit point (aka computer self-check out) and then with the prisoner and I liberated, I swiftly exit to my safe point (aka my car). Sorry about the of my story's length, I got started and could not stop. I LOVE the bag. I bet it gets second looks from random people wondering, hey that looked like....

Posted to Sarah Spaceman (RE: 2013 show Heroes of Cosplay) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/13/2024

My cosplay is more in the homage category as my crafting and sewing skills are more applicable for, "let's have a middle school". Once I choose a character there are many online and in person thrift store visits. I never watched Heroes of Cosplay.  Thanks for the deep dive into this show, as flawed as it was, Yaya Han was correct. This show (maybe superficially) explained cosplay to the parents, SO's and friends of the individuals who have so much dedication to this craft. I am interested in going further so I have ordered a paperback ('cause I'm old fashioned) of Yaya Han's book.  BTW I am not sure what it says about me but those blue screen transformations appealed to me.

Posted to John Campea (RE: Review of Kraven The Hunter) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/13/2024

I have not seen this movie, although I do intend to check it out when it streams. I have heard of all the CGI, editing, continuity, even lip-syncing issues. These errors are very easy to avoid, if there is enough money. This is not the Marvel character everyone was shouting for, waiting for or longing for. This movie should have premiered as a multi-part series on any streaming service. Kraven could have done cameos in other Marvel films. Well, probably not now!

Posted to The Behavioral Arts (RE: Review of Episode 2 on Jon Benet Ramsey Cold Case)12/14/2024

I LOVE these cooperative videos, fascinating to hear impressions of two such intelligent and sharp experts. As I never used to recognize social cues, I do now thanks to experts like Spidey and Chase. The civil suit deposition with Steve Thomas (former detective) to me showed an individual who is aware that he was wrong, does regret it, but will not admit to anything probably due to the liability issues involved in the civil suit. The adjective mentioned was smug which is defined as being highly self-satisfied. What I see is a reluctance. Thomas does not like admitting being wrong in anything whether important or unimportant. My private theory of this case was that parents initially suspected their older child of this act, altered the scene and when they realized the son was not involved it was too late. Of course Occam's razor was also at play, regarding the less than competent job done by LE in the entire investigation. I am currently in the U.S.

Posted to Laid-Back Law (RE: Daniel Penny Not-Guilty Verdict) Uploaded to You Tube 12/14/2024

Enjoyed this group immensely. I agree that the case against Daniel Penny should never have gone to court. I wonder even with the not-guilty verdict, will anyone become involved to help others without thinking about the repercussions? I get stressed with the noise, confusion and crowds of a city. I am considered (arguably) sort of sane. Now add those environmental elements to an individual to whose concept of reality is tenuous at best. Tragedies are inevitable. Jordan Neely was failed by so many, but essentially by New York State legislators who failed to allow for treatment and protection for the members of society who need our help the most. How did the indictment and trial of Daniel Penny help any of the people like Jordan Neely who wander (and unlike the a quote from The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien) and are so very lost.  BTW I agree with Runkle on the AI story, I need more data. Just a thought, is Microsoft (who is an investor in OpenAI. Open AI owns ChatGPT) perhaps prepping for an investor meeting on enlarging their stake in OpenAI or introducing a new product using AI?

Posted to Morgan Gold (RE: I was the only Jew in Catholic School) Uploaded to You Tube April 2024

Except for the Off-Grid documentary, I haven't spent enough time being a viewer on the Morgan Gold channel as I have on the Gold Shaw Farm channel. This video was a better origin story, both in comedy and drama than DC or Marvel recently have been able to accomplish (low bar but still....) Even the special effects (animation and cat people) was more creative and effective than I have seen in big budget productions. This origin story answers questions that I did not know I had about someone who went from one type of life to a totally new one with the same enthusiasm, daring and intensity of that boy in Catholic School. It is so Morgan to include that final detail about the Catholic School's headmaster, Father Kerouac. Have a feeling that detail would not make it to the final read-through by studio suits.πŸ˜‰

Posted to Abby Cox (RE: History of "Merry" Christmas) Uploaded to You Tube 12/15/2024

The "historical recreation" with the "historical" character running (aka gamboling) through the back yard followed by a (?) kitchen implement (?) was my fav part.  I love how all through history alcohol is fine, alcohol is sinful, alcohol is fine, alcohol is illegal, alcohol is fine and finally our modern version, alcohol is fine but be sure to watch your drink constantly for...reasons. MERRY and HAPPY holidays to everyone, whether celebrating, ruminating, gamboling or just plain hiding beneath a pile blankets on a sofa (I am doing that last one).

Posted to Zaid Tabani (RE: News) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/15/2024

Glad Zaid Tabani is healing and becoming healthy. The past few months have been fairly stressful, I am  guessing for more than just me. I did enjoy hearing, " got this.", so thank you ZT.  I avoid legacy media. They often compose what used to be fact pieces into an unlabeled mixtures they call news. Legacy media ignores history seemingly in most articles (were all the researchers fired?) published. BTW for that less than culturally relevant TIME'S "Person of The Year" I would have made "The Health Care Consumer" the person of the year. As a health care consumer myself, I believe that all of us might benefit from more publicity about the wreck of a system that we literally try to live with and not dwelling on one irrational, unethical, illegal and immoral act of one individual who has a "cause".

Posted to Smokey Glow (RE: Celebrities ) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/15/2024

I go to many cons for anime, comic, RenFaire, gaming. There is an old expression "cosplay is not consent". I would also say that celebrity is not consent. In both situations the person is putting themselves out there, in full view, quite distinctive, but all of these people whether the individual is cosplaying as Wonder Woman or is actually THE Chappell Roan deserves our respect and their personal space.

Posted to Dr. Patrice Berry (RE: Sarah Boone latest letter) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/14/2024

Replay crew here. I agree with Dr. Berry, Sarah Boone is stuck in the 11 - 13 age level of a self-absorbed I know it all, not listening to any adult, stage. How does this all end?  Obviously any appeal will be denied. When that goes away, what will she do to regain attention?  Scarily (at least in Florida) an inmate can file a civil suit. QUESTIONS: How does Dr. Berry think Sarah Boone will handle the next several decades incarcerated? How does a prison handle narcissists regarding their interactions with guards and other prisoners? Would Sarah Boone be entitled to give interviews to media either remotely or on site? Would someone like Sarah Boone ever be content with anonymity after her infamy (or in her view, fame)?

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Deaths of Jeff-Legal Vices and son of  CLR Bruce Rivers) 12/16/2024

This must have been an unimaginably difficult video to make. Yet we needed to know so thank you Kurt. I have no familiarity with @CLRBruce Rivers or his son but I have felt the pain of a loved one passing. Jeff of LegalVices was only a virtual acquaintance, but still this news is a shock. I had not realized until this moment how much I cared about him. His 2 YT co-stars Strawberry and Yoda snoring or barking always made me smile. While I admired his intelligence and legal knowledge, I will miss the snark and that look in his eyes when he knew he said something very politically incorrect. My thoughts are with Jeff's family and the family of Michael Rivers.

Posted to Nik Starow (RE: Death of Jeff Harrison-Legal Vices) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/16/2024

Thank you Nik Starow for the best tribute that we can give to Jeff@Legal Vices with this video proof of his intellect, joy and humor that was always generously sprinkled with snark.

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey -- Community Page -- Uploaded to You Tube 12/17/2024

A friend of mine has passed away.  There won't be a show tonight.  Maybe Wednesday, we'll see.

My comment:

Not sure if you mean Jeff Harrison@Legal Vices, but either way a break is quite understandable. News of a sudden death is like a blow to one's body, you have to sit down, breathe, compose your thoughts and come to terms with reality. It all can be so difficult. Even though I never really knew the man who was Legal Vices, I did care and I am sad.

Posted to Kaiser Pineapple (RE: Death of Jeff Harrison-Legal Vices) Uploaded to You Tube 12/18/2024

That look in his eyes just after he said something that most of us were thinking but would not dare say aloud or in chat was always epic. He tackled the absurd (TEMU). He actually was able to follow instructions more confounding than IKEA with his Lego videos. He did commentary on the USCG hearing in September 2024 regarding the Titan tragedy making the science, naval regs and maritime legalities comprehensible. Range does not begin to describe what Legal Vices provided. Condolences to his family and to his friends of that man, aka Lawrax, who made us all smarter and happier.

Posted to Law News & Laughter with Aussie Overlaw'd (RE: Death of Jeff-Legal Vices) 12/17/2024

I was not able to join while this video was streaming, but even watching on replay I am comforted. Aussie Overlaw'd was a good friend to Jeff and really to all of us by putting himself though the emotions of this video. I have never and will never meet Jeff@Legal Vices, yet I will miss him. Cowboy hats, adorable potato pig dogs (aka his beloved bulldogs, Strawberry and Yoda) and even ships are going to make me cry for a while.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: 2nd Look at viral Blake Lively interview) Uploaded on 12/17/2024

I think that Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds are taking the no response approach. Which in a way is a smart PR move for those who cannot give a succinct, effective apology that works. That really bad movie promotional tour of "It Ends With Us" certainly didn't help her reputation. Even if Blake Lively had no PR rep, where was everyone else's PR reps? The director made it out with his reputation intact, not sure about the others as I know the book's author took some heat. Maybe I am being naive as apparently (film made a massive profit) bad buzz, good buzz is better than no buzz in the entertainment industry. POSSIBLE VIDEO: Who have you interviewed at the earliest part of their career and again once they become popular? Would there be a difference in the interview style? What is interview methodology when questioning a child actor, especially if this is their first film?

Posted to Smokey Glow (RE: Look at 2024 Trends) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/17/2024

I lost track of this year's trends as national election years always stress me out to the point of temporary amnesia so I appreciate the reminders. Rachel Gunn (RayGun) was hilarious (well not if you were an Australian candidate for their breakdance team. I mean who hasn't gone to a karaoke night feeling I can sing then melodically and hysterically, epic fail? Dr. Gunn (yes she has a PhD) for a short time did in front of the world during the 2024 Olympics Games, but forever on the internet.

Posted to Molly Burke (RE: Relationship) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/17/2024

Molly is so generous telling subscribers about her life. My guess is that many people are trying to be protective of Molly when those "percentage" questions are asked. BTW I gasped when SO mentioned he could get lost anywhere. Once I got lost because my reference point which had been a house surrounded on all sides by tall leafy green bushes within a few days (and without my knowledge or consent) lost all the greenery and gained white fence. So I missed my turn. While GPS has prevented me from being put on a missing person list, it is not enough. I have gotten lost in a literal parking lot. Sure it was a huge one that involved a stadium, but still VERY embarrassing.  If SO ever finds a "cure",  please post. To deliberately misquote JRR Tolkien's famous line from LOTR-The Fellowship of The Rings to fit my issue, "...those who wander ARE lost."  Apologies to JRR and the foundation that manages his IP.πŸ˜‰

Posted to Chase Hughes (RE: Manipulation by MSM and the NJ drone sightings) 12/15/2024

My very uneducated guess is that the drones are being launched by humans, done for amusement or perhaps a diversion. Trolls do not only exist on twitter or reddit. Sometimes they buy drones from Walmart and launch them at odd hours. Mainstream media (MSM) seems to focus more on opinions, which is fine when they are in the editorial section, but not when mixed in an article which should be composed of verifiable facts. I have also noticed that cut and paste method in MSM. I am a lazy person, I liked the old days when there were actual researchers and editors who proofread and made relevant corrections. I appreciate the theme of skepticism in this video to assist in decoding what MSM publishes. I am curious though, a certain textbook which teaches deciphering subterfuge was issued somewhat recently, October 2024. Hmmm when did that first sighting of drones happen?  Asking, rhetorically of course as my comment is number 27,769-ish.πŸ˜‰

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Luigi Mangione) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/18/2024

I agree with ant in most elements of this reading, but I do feel that this individual is looking forward to a widely publicized trial. This person WANTS to talk. I believe that the state of New York is not fond of cameras in the courtroom (as in Daniel Penny trial) if so unfortunately Mainstream media will be giving us data. MSM not to mention twitter, have already warped this story beyond recognition making this person a hero, a secret agent or a supervillain. This is not only wrong, it is dangerous. There are too many unstable people out there who also wish fame at any cost. This trial may become somewhat of a circus if this person testifies (probably against legal advice). Two things can be true at the same time, the U.S. health care system is broken and un-aliving another, except in self-defense or defense of others, is immoral and illegal.

Posted to Smokey Glow (RE: Family Channels) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/18/2024

At this point, I have zero confidence that the U.S. government can agree on anything that we would find beneficial. Don't even get me started on the U.S. Supreme Court. While we could all work towards passing these laws in the states where we live, that is a slow multi-year process that can end in failure. However even if successful in one particular state, as was said, moving to a more favorable state such as Utah or Texas is in comparison much faster and easier. I think that the only way to make this protection widespread is for social media sites such as You Tube, where there is profit involved, to require payment to any minor under 18 for on-set work, off-set work and even a separate account for medical/mental health/college assistance. The question is how to make sites like You Tube do the ethical thing?

Posted to Smokey Glow (RE: Questions from Instagram) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/19/2024

I do prefer longer vids, but that is me not taking into account the creator's time or others' preferences. I never felt that Hannah's educational background negatively affected her content or viewpoints...but then I have my own educational history. Wait, I flunked out of grad school, does that give me points?πŸ˜†  Glad to hear the puppies (and of course the humans) are thriving.  As for a podcast, especially with Hannah's sister, really sounds like fun. Having a second person's input can make a podcast more interesting, even exciting. Maybe solicit podcast topics from subscribers, discuss, but also freeform if the conversation takes a turn, coming back to the actual topic at the end? Could infuriate new viewers. Who knows? Theo is certainly not the only living entity on this planet that is highly reactive these days.πŸ˜‰

 Posted to antphrodite (RE: Explanation as to Ariana Grande "stealing" Lilly Jay's husband Ethan Slater video was taken down) 12/20/2024

I believe it takes TWO parties to cheat on their SO's, even if one of the individuals is famous and rich. Since I could only read parts of the article by Lilly Jay on different sites, due to paywall so it is difficult to say what Lilly's state of mind is. She believes that she might have lost a job offer due to this scandal which also may have impacted her relationship with current and future clients. Obviously she has a right to be upset, her ex has damaged her current life. My only complaint about the portions that I was able to find and read is that she shared too much of her personal feelings which for a clinical psychologist might be problematic for her career. The best revenge is success and happiness, both of which I wish for Dr. Jay and her son.


Ariana Grande divorced her husband in March 2024 

Ariana Grande separated from her husband July 2023

Wicked began filming in December 2022

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: First Snow this season in Vermont) Uploaded on 12/19/2024

I really feel for the reluctant birds, stuck Toby Dog and even the *Coyotefox (*a rare northeastern U.S. mammal usually only seen in a very small area of Peacham, Vermont) appear to have the same trouble  that I have EVERY year with the first snow...OMG it's everywhere.

LATER POSTED A SHORT: The Fox Coyote Mistake

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Arrest Warrant for ) Uploaded 0n 12/20/2024

We have premise#1: there are those who will do anything for 15 minutes of fame/infamy. Then we have premise#2: a certain cult's pool of "employees" is reduced to those who are unstable, inevitably uncontrollable and uncivilized. Back to the first premise, people who do the same things multiple times expecting a new/better result are...well without assigning a pejorative label these premise#1 individuals should probably be living with caregivers or guards.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Lawsuit filed by Blake Lively vs. Justin Baldoni) Uploaded on 12/21/2024

I had not heard about this situation. It does explain why Blake Lively has been silent and no doubt will continue to be, due to legal advice.  Maybe the blame for that abysmal PR email chain is with the 4 studios (one of which is Wayfarer co-founded by Baldoni) and 12 producers (Blake Lively is one) which are listed on the film's credits? It certainly has little or nothing to do with one interview done in 2016 about another movie. This does shine a very bright spotlight on MSM and how easily they can be manipulated. Guessing many of their tireless researchers and accuracy-oriented editors were let go? Addendum: (Sorry if behind a paywall) :

Posted to SpillSesh (RE: Lawsuit filed by Blake Lively) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/21/2024

Oh the irony of this film's title, as it seems that this conflict regarding a movie will never end with literally all players being problematic.

Posted to Collier Landry (RE: Conversation with Neama Rahmani on recent legal cases)12/19/2024

I very much learned from and enjoyed watching this conversation between Neama Rahmani and Collier. Respectfully I would like to disagree with Mr Rahmani's brief comment (52:58-53:04, 53:18-20) regarding the culpability of the un-aliving of Officer John O'Keefe (Read Trial). Mr. Rahmani did admit to not being extremely familiar with the case details. (IMO) attorneys should be held to a higher standard as their viewpoints/comments are so impactful. I would enjoy hearing further from Neama Rahmani as this case against Luigi Mangione progresses. My opinion regarding the act of  overcharging by FBI, is that they wish to keep the public calm and self-controlled ASAP. Unfortunately as most public transit riders in major cities can verify, not all of the public is so easily controlled or even capable of being calmed

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Update - NY Times article mentioning 2016 interview w/Lively) 12/23/2024

I had a certain opinion of Kjersti Flaa waaaay back during the beginnings of what I will call, The Floral Tour composed of most of the main players minus Baldoni. I changed once I accessed Kjersti's content on You Tube. I have been on several live YT chats where the 2016 (without the date btw) interview briefly came up. A few who love Blake Lively seem to feel that the mention of this interview was an "aha moment"  regarding a link to a reporter affiliated with Justin Baldoni's PR team. I tried to correct a few people. I felt that they were not actual trolls, just misinformed individuals amenable to being corrected.  The New York Times (who have no doubt "furloughed" many of their researchers and editors) made it worse. While their correction is a nice show of ethics, it does not show how they will endeavor to improve in the future. Did any calls from reporters mention that they had seen the YT channel? If so, why call? Were they hoping for a slip, a contradiction or a "got you" moment? Apparently confirmation bias is doing well not only on Twitter, but also with the fading MSM. Who do I believe, Lively or Baldoni? At the moment no definitive opinion. There are the PR emails/texts, but still Baldoni could claim ignorance. Discovery is a legal process where (pre-trial) both sides literally tell ALL accurately. My guess on how this shakes out, there will be pre-trial settlement (and money) passing through hands very soon...all under an NDA.

Posted to A Charming Abode (RE: Life Updates during gift wrapping) Uploaded on 12/22/2024

I won't give medical advice or suggestions. I will give financial advice as someone who has had the good, bad and ugly experiences with insurance. Regarding any new, probably pricey, tests, I would consider 2 factors: (1) Will insurance pay it in full minus co-pay? (2) Would results A, B, C, or whatever affect future insurance payments for his current treatments and meds? With the U.S. healthcare (for profit) system, we all have to be researchers or know researchers. The statement concerning caregiving made me tear up. I trust in Leslie's strength, intellect and endurance (even if she has to have infusions to keep healthyπŸ˜‰). I am lucky, only one infusion (thus far) a year, but still so many hoops "to jump through", it is wearing. Sending love to Leslie, Jason and their family, you are all such excellent examples of grace under pressure.🌟♥

Posted to Roxxsaurus (RE: TEMU copies of OG gowns) Uploaded to You Tube 0n 12/23/2024

My favorite dress both on Roxx and that I would love for myself (in black though) is the white maxi dress with the pin-on flowers. That is such an amazing idea! Unless when flowers are detached there is some obvious damage or mark on the dress? If no problems then I would have a ridiculous amount of fun creating the best look for me. I love Roxx doing these comparison videos. My holiday plans are curling up under a very comfy blanket, sleeping and later snacking while clicking through different movies that I missed at the theater in 2024. πŸŒŸπŸŽ„⭐❤ HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL. πŸŒŸπŸŽ„⭐❤

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Civil Complaint Blake Lively vs. Justin Baldoni) Uploaded 12/23/2024

This reading seems entirely plausible to me. I agree with ant's take that two stubborn, immature, somewhat egotistical people used to being in charge unfortunately ended up on the same set in jobs that required frequent interaction and cooperation. Baldoni was one of the leads, the director, co-founder of Wayfarer (one of the 4 distributing studios).  Lively being the other lead, with a producer credit along with entirely more fame and clout than Baldoni. Amusingly a scriptwriter could use this material to either develop a movie featuring  a war story or a tale of love with minimal alterations. Rumors are there MIGHT BE a sequel in development. After all this is the entertainment industry were hits are made over and over....πŸ˜‰

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: The Story of the Anterless Buck)Uploaded to You Tube on 12/23/2024

That was an adorable, warm and fuzzy story. At first, I wasn't sure what direction Morgan was going! My version is more reality show which unfortunately ends unresolved. Last week, my daughter and her boyfriend took a scenic roadtrip through a part of the Northeastern U.S. that is also  known (to some as there were no warning signs) for a large population of white-tailed deer. Both are careful drivers, with each being aware of vehicles, speed limits and road conditions. Unfortunately they (nor was I) were aware that in the Northeast, this is the rutting season for deer. A very large buck who obviously did not learn in herd school that one looks both ways before darting across a highway, suddenly appeared in front of their car. My daughter and boyfriend are fine, but naturally a bit shaken from the experience. The car sadly did not make it. The only physical sign that a deer was involved was some fur lodged in the grill of the late lamented motor vehicle. However there was no sign of a body or bodily fluids on the road or the immediate area. The cliffhanger is, we will never be sure if Fergus' distant older cousin made it to his assignation or leapt over the rainbow bridge. We salute you Elder Fergus...and btw you owe my daughter a new carπŸ˜‰. 

Seems somewhat awkward at this point but I do wish happy holidays to all and if you live in the Northeastern part of the U.S. please watch out for Elder Fergus.

Posted to Dr. Grande (RE: Complaint filed by Blake Lively regarding Justin Baldoni et al) 12/14/2024

Dr Grande has made a fair, logical assessment of a group of adults who all seem to be struggling to move beyond their middle school personas and "grow up". I profiled, incorrectly. I had assumed that the studio exec that hired PR rep were both male. For that I apologize. That a female executive and a female PR rep who must have encountered problems in their own careers could still inflict such pain on another woman is beyond depressing. As Dr. Grande has said two things can be accurate at one time, Blake Lively might be somewhat self-centered and feel superior. While Justin Baldoni might be immature, impulsive and irresponsible. With this and what happened on the set of RUST in October 2021, I feel that the entertainment industry also needs to "grow up".

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: "It Ends With Us" update) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/14/2024

Thank you to Spill Sesh for attempting to make sense out of all this chaos. I cannot imagine all the Excel spreadsheets, researching, reading, compiling that had to be done in the hours before uploading this video. I have to know, is there a white board at Spill Sesh headquarters with tons of arrows, dashes, circles, huge red question marks and little photos of the suspectsπŸ˜‰?  All this was for what? My hypothesis is;  not for love of film or the entertainment industry, not for devotion to the cause of a safe work place and personal dignity. This mess was "birthed" in the desire for clout, fame, but mostly...for money.

Posted to Molly Burke (RE: Reaction to movie versions of being blind) Uploaded on 12/24/2024

I very much enjoyed this reaction video. I agree with one of the comments to this video, please  compare/contrast the Ben Affleck film performance vs. the Charlie Cox performance in the streaming series, Daredevil. I think that Cox matched the fantastical with the actual better than Affleck. In Deadpool mythos there is a blind character, actually named "Blind Al" who is played in the Deadpool live action movies by Leslie Uggams. Please react to Al's introduction in the first (2016?) Ryan Reynolds Deadpool movie in the laundromat scene. Molly is right, bottom line blindness is a range not a single point. My vision disability is so minimal that I can currently drive. I am not in the major or the minority of being blind, just in that range.

Posted to penguin0z (RE: Released 1984 CIA report on Life on Mars) Uploaded on 12/24/2024

I was in tears of laughter until I realized, our tax dollars..."at work".  Charlie is right, there are so many holes of insanity in this story that it could cosplay as Swiss cheese served to the residents of Arkham Asylum. CIA docs are auto-declassified after 25 years, with special instances requiring a release date of 50 or 75 years (FYI CIA was formed in September 1947). So why did this highly anime-ized 1984 document get released now instead 2009 or even 2034? Final question, why am I trying to apply logic to this...?🀣

Posted to hankschannel (RE: HONEY Scam) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/24/2024

Centuries (in internet time) when I first learned about the Honey app's claims, with zero research to prove or disprove my impression, I thought that it was too good to be true and moved on. I suppose it was inevitable that in our economy that a successful "too good to be true" company would go on to be enormously successful. See the problem with being enormously successful in our world is that it not only grabs the attention of investors and clients, it grabs the attention of those very committed internet sleuths who LOVE to research, who have TIME to research and who live and breathe to RESEARCH.  (hum that Lion King classic), "It's The Circle of Life...."

Posted to jeffostroff (RE: What happened to the 5 bodies on Titan submersible) Uploaded 12/24/2024

Whatever the recovery mission found, the actual autopsies of these 5 people was probably more of a DNA collection exercise than what is presented as an autopsy on a CSI-type show. BTW Did the Coast Guard ever issue a report based on those September 2024 hearings? My brief online search indicates the investigation is still ongoing? 

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: 2nd lawsuit in the "It Ends With Us Saga") Uploaded on 12/26/204

There is no logic in all these internet conspiracies, there are only fools (or Zul if you are a fan of OG Ghostbusters). I appreciate Kjersti trying to encourage trolls to research, but I fear it is not in their DNA. Actors behaving badly, I am not surprised. However, I am somewhat surprised at women who must have risen to their positions by fighting misogyny now spreading misinformation, disinformation and implying truth where there was no research or followup to be directed at other women. My words of encouragement, not very good I am afraid, is that I am sure that out there somewhere there will soon be a scandal which will relegate "It Ends With Us"(in view of recent events is such an ironic title) to a less click-bait category. It is not just a lack of ethics and empathy that is the problem, it is the abysmal lack of memory many of us seem to have developed. HAVE A HAPPY HOLIDAY=STAYING OFF SOCIAL and LEGACY MEDIA.

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: Laryngitis and The Farmer) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/26/2024

Another vote here for preemptively clipping these phrases from videos:  "Good Morning Ginny Barn Cat", "Good Morning Pablo Barn Cat, ouch Pablo!", "Release The Quackens", "Where are The White Farm Dogs", "Abby, tranquila" and that oldie but goodie, "Come on cows, fresh grass, come on cows, fresh grass" and using these phrases at the appropriate times. TED TALK SUGGESTIONS: (1) How to make a radical career change work both financially and emotionally (2) How a small farmer can supplement their income (3) How to keep relationships (SO, family, friends) active (4) How to avoid burnout in your "new" career (5) How to become a polymath (plumbing, electrical, animal care, writer, publicist, influencer) (6) How to accept help, whether farming, health-wise and emotionally....and (7) How to insert "DAD" jokes in your day to alleviate stress (pizza dough, REALLY?! argh).

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: Partial reading of Blake Lively complaint against Baldoni) 12/27/2024

Thank you for reading that portion of BL's complaint, as last time I checked it was behind a paywall. The background of filming this movie has become so much more complex and layered than the actual film (which I suspect got a financial boost with all this he said/she said). Whether BL is a mean girl or not, seems like the PR women and the female reporter exceeded her "mean-ness" by light years. As for Baldoni, unfortunately the traits of being sleazy, misogynistic,  s**-addicted and utterly unprofessional are common traits in groups with power. BTW what is with all these suggestive nude scenes? Isn't this movie rated PG-13?  Makes one wonder where all those cut scenes of Blake and her body double ended up. It is said men of a certain age still view women as inferiors, Baldoni is 40 so what is his excuse?

Posted to Rachel Maksy (RE: "Lady" Tummnus - Narnia) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/27/2024

The reveal looked great and very Narnian. I would keep it all and investigate a professional "hoof-maker". I have been personally (not during cosplay) been judged for many things, most of which I take full responsibility. Somehow as an adult standing in line to get material cut, the judginess stings more deeply. Note to all individuals standing in a craft/materials store line, please try to control your wtf looks, some of us bruise easily. Even the individual cutting the material will cautiously query (as they have probably seen a lot of s**t), "And what are you making?" (my response) "Oh that's nice." Not another word. Speaking as a former (child) ballerina anything on toes can be very painful, very damaging and will give you very problematic feet in old age (aka post age 35+), unless you wear REALLY expensive pointe (toe) shoes and hang with podiatrists.

Posted to Let'sTalkIBD (RE: Maggie's 2nd trimester) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/27/2024

I admire Maggie. I never felt comfortable when non-medical individuals wished to touch my stomach. I don't have a video, but midway through my first pregnancy my son turned around to breech position. I was half-asleep. At first I thought, we having an earthquake. I fully awoke to see the shape of a tiny arm and definitely a tiny elbow rise above my stomach. It was a real ALIEN moment for a few seconds, but unfortunately did NOT make it onto video. My daughter being very conservative even before birth, stayed in the proper position. As my daughter is now a rule follower while my son gets things done, but in his own way it is interesting comparing their gestation periods to their out-of-the-womb personalities.

Posted to LVcopsTV (RE: Police holding down a suspect too long, person died) Uploaded 12/27/2024

My only knowledge regarding gaps in LE training comes from recent court cases and sadly just daily news, where officers were apparently well-taught to make un-aliving weapon shots, but not in disarming or debilitating-type shots. I recognize that in certain situations there is no time to aim for a knee, leg, elbow or arm. Shooting specifically to un-alive; isn't that how soldiers are taught to react in a war? Now this video indicates that there is yet another huge skill set gap between officers knowing how to hold suspects down, but not sufficiently trained to notice respiratory distress or seizures.  How did we get here? 

Posted to Scientology - Life After a Cult (Interview by Natalie with Julie Walker) Uploaded 12/27/2024

Replay crew here. What Julie said about a trusted family member gently and not combatively asking Julie a few questions about her beliefs was basically the textbook method for trying to help someone extricate themselves from a cult rather than that old fashioned way of  grabbing and "de-programming" a cult member. It is natural to challenge, debate or even shout at a friend or family member because the whole cult thing is so incomprehensible to those of us "never-ins". We can make mistakes, because we just want to help so badly. It takes a very special person to approach a cult member slowly, carefully and humanely.

Posted to Courtroom Confidential (RE: Lively Complain, Luigi Mangione, RUST) 12/28/2024

Even with receipts shown in Blake Lively's complaint, it is still a he said, she said until both sides can present all evidence to a court of law not of public opinion. Regarding the show of marching Luigi Mangione into his pre-trial hearing, the intent of the FBI and the State of New York may have been to scare off copycats. I think that they underestimate just how deeply people wish to be seen irregardless as whether it be fame or infamy. A RUST trial jury did vote to convict a person who catastrophically failed in her job resulting in tragedy. What about the people that hired her, solely due to her step-father's fame? What about the people that did not fire her after multiple complaints in her first week on the job. What about the 2 previous accidents on set regarding guns?  What about allowing a minor to handle a weapon on set without proper supervision. Putting one person in jail for 18 months for the death of Halyna Hutchins is like putting a tiny bandage over a failing heart and saying problem solved.

Posted to The Behavioral Arts (RE: Episode 3 of JonBenet Ramsey Netflix series) 12/28/2024

Rob @Law & Lumber explains law so elegantly and so clearly that it (almost) makes me want to go to law school. While Patsy Ramsey is gone, her son and his father are alive. I cannot imagine their pain with all the renewed interest in this case. I cannot root my theory in any behavioral analysis, it is just a hypothesis ready to be disproved or substituted with something else. Perhaps initially the parents suspected their son of this crime resulting in touched/altered evidence. They realized too late that he had not been responsible for this tragedy. Match that with an ineffective investigation and possible DNA contamination we are left with this tragedy that may never have definitive closure.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: PR involvement in Baldoni and Lively mess) Uploaded 12/29/2024

I love that advice, "don't just jump on a train...."  to extend that metaphor I would add, ...until you can walk on that train being certain that this is THE train that you need to get to your destination. I also love how Kjersti is trying to maintain some humor as all these adult-children are knocking over each others' castles.  Blake Lively can be a bully, a bit clueless concerning her ability to be mean and at the same time and place Justin Baldoni can cosplay as a 13 year old with zero impulse control matched with an heavy dose of misogyny. This whole mess of adult children behaving inappropriately will go away either with a monetary settlement (minus attorney and PR fees) or just the next news cycle (aka scandal).  One possible good result after all those celebrity egos are soothed is that many of us may begin to realize just how easy we are to be controlled and to be weaponized.

Posted to SpillSesh (RE: Lilly Jay's article regarding Ethan and Ariana) Uploaded on 12/29/2024

Who knows, maybe Lilly Jay and Ethan Slater had an unofficial agreement concerning their marriage pre-Ariana? With an NDA within at least one of the two divorce decrees (didn't Ariana also have a pre-nup?) then until it expires or is challenged/struck down by a court the truth might be out there but not in releasable reliable format. Either way everyone needs to read the room. Lilly Jay has no choice but to choose the high road due to her child. Also Dr. Jay's profession requires a certain level of civilized conduct and respect for confidentiality. While Ethan and Ariana need to keep a very very low profile to ride out the storm. Perhaps the "It Ends With Us" ironically endless flow of drama will give Ethan and Ariana PR relief, whether deserved or not, from the media and twits.  

BTW is it just me or is The Daily Mail beginning to supplant TMZ regarding exposΓ©s of celebrity foibles and drama?

Posted to Safiya Nygaard (RE: All nighter in Singapore) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/26/2024

This Singapore all-nighter looked like an enormous amount of fun with my personal favs of eating shopping and pools. That all-night spa is leaving money on the table not selling athleisure fashion. Seems like many customers would choose to buy clean clothes after all that water and relaxation. I do like cooking one's own food at the table. However CATCHING and then cooking your catch is a bridge too far for me. It is illegal to catch prawns with your hands, but what if you want to throw one back? Full disclosure I eat fish and poultry, but not pork or beef, so I understand my full immersion into food hypocrisy. FUTURE ALL-NIGHTERS: maybe for the all-nighter for Japan do multiples? For example, an all-nighter in Tokyo has got to be different than an all-nighter at one of the Islands within the Okinawa Prefecture or meet in the middle with an all-nighter at Okayama (Okayama Prefecture)? Wherever you go, along with available night life, please also pre-check the crime rate.

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: 2024 Gold Shaw Farm German?) Uploaded 12/30/2024

I also have two feline assistants who like Ginny Barn Cat, have no concept of personal space or the sanctity and import of the keyboard  Admittedly I first arrived at this channel curious about a white collar exec who did a 180, while not losing his SO, not losing his sanity and acquiring more skills than I can count. Not being even close to a farm either by birth or choice, all I can say is that one should think of Gold Shaw Farm as a marathon not a sprint. All my love to the inhabitants of Gold Shaw Farm and to those who are still rebuilding in Vermont after the floods. 

Posted to Jessica Kellgren-Fozard (RE: Pregnancy with twins) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/31/2024

Sleep now as much as allowed as much as possible, after first buying Rupert games, puzzles, music and books then dispensing these items at various points in this journey. Maybe get various family and friends to be temporary dog walkers? I find bribes (candy, candles, hand cream) for the unsuspecting humans especially helpful. The hopeful results; Jessica will be less stressed, Rupert will be busy learning and Claudia will be sleeping while the babies grow. LOVE to you ALL.

Posted to Jenna Miscavige (RE: Why their divorce) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/31/2024

Thank you so much for sharing this portion of your story. Two individuals (having a sense of self in a cult is in itself a preliminary covert-type win) got out of a cult, made sure their children had a safe and loving home out of a cult and realizing that could not be in a marriage together, also realized that they could still be in a friendship together. I would say that this cult lost big time regarding Dallas and Jenna.  BTW totally random ideas, but since it was asked: Dallas The Hill, Dallas Tex Hill, Dallas T-He Hill (sorry about that oneπŸ˜‰), Dallas Triple Hill, Dallas Tearoffs Hill and finally Dallas Taco Hill.

Saturday, November 2, 2024



Posted to Hazariel Atelier (RE:1997 Chimera dress -Thierry Mugler) Uploaded on 11/02/2024

I love how this video, along with the scales sorting video, is going to become this tribute dress's own history. I know the internet is forever, but maybe convert color stills to a paper book with a Patreon and scale-maker list in the appendix? Glad that this intricate work is being watched over by such a poufy floofy supervisor who works for cat food, cat videos and cuddles with the human.

Posted to Nurse_Kim (RE: Court TV and Karen Read case with Mark Bederow) Uploaded 11/03/2024

I have not watched Court TV, but based on what I heard here, they need new producers to set up and research these "expert" interviews. No one should say "I hate her" in an interview regarding a criminal case defendant. This attitude is the antithesis of the neutrality that should be expected from an expert commentator.  Having an attorney utter that phrase on a public video, is to me (unfortunately not to The Bar), a sanctionable offense. At the very least, it makes me distrust Court TV.  BTW Whenever Mark spoke about those who wish to opine about the Read case on twitter with their only background being a "twitter law degree" made me laugh out loud every single time. Perfect example of why I am not on twitter.

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Discussion on Closing in Sarah Boone Trial) Uploaded on 11/01/2024

Was this conviction expected, yes. Was the lawyer less than stellar, yes. Was everyone saved from the ordeal of Sarah Boone as defendant AND attorney, YES!        

UNCIVIL Q: (1a) Probably, she knew about air (1b) Maybe, she was out that year in school, (2a) Suitcase as self defense, sure a good swing with those wheels and a filled bag should leave a mark, (2b) Possibly, but might be hard to explain to store security if asked, "why the bag", and finally (3a) Attorney Owens used "the spaghetti defense" unfortunately for him nothing stuck, (3b) Winning an Oscar, well first you have to do something intelligent and entertaining, although sometimes it helps if you sucker punch the host.

Posted to The Behavioral Panel (RE: Sarah Boone behavior at trial) Uploaded on 11/01/2024

Her behavior is childlike, not in an innocence sense, but with a young child's lack of logical thinking. I agree with Chase Hughes @0:58:00--1:00:00. This is a 47 year old woman who is barely functioning at a preadolescence level. The Pam Beesly observation for a defendant's appearance at @1:40  (again by Chase 🀣) was genius. Early meetings with Attorney James Owens, de-evolved into shouting matches. Sarah Boone like any "tween" believed that she knew better than everyone else. Unfortunately for Sarah Boone she was not a child in a parental home but an adult who is in a criminal court. Magical thinking is only believed by very young children, narcissists and some politicians.  

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: Rooster Rotation) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/04/2024

Possible Barred Rock Rooster names: (1)Patriarch (father of many) with Archie as a nickname (2) Jon Snow (because GoT is great, well most of the seasons) , (3) Johnny Cash (because the man had energy, talent and worked diligently) and (4) Bennett (an AI search named John C. Bennett as either the developer or publicist for the Barred Rock breed). Sounds like Dani's backstory and homestead would make a great video. When farm and foot (hope it is healing quickly) permit, road trip!

Posted to Scientology: Life After A Cult (RE: Daily News) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/04/2024

Replay crew here, I enjoy these news updates. It is always refreshing to find someone who understands what they are reading, can comment intelligently and keep to the facts as they stand when the video was uploaded. All those positives for Natalie's channel are why I seldom watch the trad media channels or apps. I am VERY intrigued about the future Nicole Kidman memoir.

BTW mini random rant: election (U.S.) is wearing me down which makes me so happy for "safe places" like this channel.

Posted to Attorney Melanie Little (RE:Joint Plea-Defense & Prosecution to Delay Trial->04/01/2025)

Replay crew here. Unless Special Prosecutor Hank Brennan has a TARDIS to revisit January 28-29 2022 in order to institute a proper investigation then there is no valid case to try. There is only corruption within, and misspent tax money by, The Commonwealth. With the appointment of a special prosecutor we are probably witnessing "smoke and mirrors" aka the art of misdirection by those who think that they are magicians. Under the watch of the DA of Norfolk County, the law has suffered as have those individuals who fall into the Commonwealth's legal system. Michael Morrissey is up for re-election in 2026. I feel the answer to WHY all of this mess is in that factor. On a lighter note, I always enjoy joint commentary by Melanie and Mark. I agree that Court TV needs to upgrade their management staff if they wish to survive as a reliable source of information.

Posted to Little Adventures (RE: Guinea Pigs Aging) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/05/2024

It is hard seeing my companions age. Obviously beats the alternative, but still it is something I never seem to get accustomed to. I have had so many animals share my life over the years, yet losses still pain me. Sorry,  I should be more upbeat. We give these beings a very good life which should be of comfort.  If Lumi is still racing around when she gets outside time, then good for her. Attitude is important and vital!♥

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Positive Changes [eventually] for America)  Uploaded 11/06/2024

I like the title. I want to believe the reading, but I am sad. I am limiting myself to small things, things that I have an actual say in, things that I can somewhat control. I do agree with protecting children from internet dangers. I also like the possibility that all people will cooperate in assisting in the healing of the environment which is sensible as we can't all just pack up and move off-world (not sure about Elon Musk though).  I would love a reading solely on Elon Musk, not Tesla, not twitter but exploring the entity that is Elon. Is Elon Musk the brat, provocateur, narcissist, anarchist that he appears to be in public? Or is Elon Musk simply 3ucking with us because it amuses him, perhaps something else?

Posted to Dan Murrell (RE: Charts With Dan) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/06/2024

In addition to the carefully researched statistics, Dan Murrell is here to give us his opinions on films regarding their ability to entertain, to inform and earn a profit. I value his opinions, but make my own decisions as to where my entertainment dollars land. Expressing contrary opinions on twitter often ends badly. Maintain an account for economics and/or PR reasons but limit the interaction for a while,  like maybe 4 years?πŸ˜‰

Posted to Andrea Burkhart (RE: Closing Remarks in Delphi Murder Case) Uploaded on 11/07/2024

Andrea Burkhart's knowledge of the law, rational thinking and (seemingly as no video allowed) excellent note-taking makes her one of the best analysts on You Tube. All those barbarians, pushing their way up the stairs to reach prime locations in the trial area should be pitied. They are essentially dinosaurs trying to survive in a new environment in which they are inherently incapable of understanding and cannot make the adaptions necessary to survive. This case is beyond troubling as an individual with a psychological past such as Richard Allen makes him an excellent candidate for brain washing. Local LE whether Delphi or Canton seem to prefer the opposite of a proper investigation. As Andrea has said, LE is seemingly making a person of interest fit their narrative of rather than using the evidentiary pieces to lead to possible or probable suspect(s). 

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: A Day in Farm Life - 1st snow)  Uploaded on 11/07/2024

I recognize the body language and the reactions of the geese as they left the hoop coop to encounter the first snow of the season.  Same as mine when I discover that my environment has been altered beyond my routine. LOVE this video. I can imagine the camera set up and take down was lengthy, not to mention the editing, but I very much thank Morgan and the rest of the farm's inhabitants for their dedication to the craft.πŸ˜‰

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Why the national election turned out that way) Uploaded on 11/08/2024

In recent days, I have been avoiding all political discourse except for this channel. I do not trust Republicans, Democrats and legacy media. However while ant's readings may not be what I wish to hear, I feel that ant is the least prejudiced of most individuals out there who analyze or participate in politics. I hope that the U.S. emerges from this mess somehow better. For now I am disappointed, sad, and fearful.   Thank you ant for doing this reading. I admire the strength and insight shown.

Posted to Breakfast All Day (RE: review of movie HERETIC) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/09/2024

I have a "checkered" history regarding religious and cult issues, so the first half of this film sounds fascinating. For the remainder,  I will have to do more research as an R-rated movie by A24 is not usually for those who view horror films through scrim-like devices.

Posted to Jenna Miscavige (RE: Parental relationships) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/08/2024

Cults are responsible for so much damage to individuality. Leaving a cult, does not erase past damage. You have to re-wire your thinking in order to return to the world. This re-wiring (aka therapy) may be too painful for certain individuals to embrace as it entails the confirmation that not only was the cult wrong, but so was the period of time spent in that cult. Follow your own path. Perhaps in that journey, there will be familiar faces, if not there will certainly be new ones who will enhance the journey.  Thank you for Jenna Miscavige for sharing.

Posted to Breakfast All Day (RE: Recent Movies -- Reviews) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/08/2024

Replay crew here. I would like to add my thanks to all the others who appreciate the safe space that is this channel. For approximately 31 minutes, I could relax so thank you Christy and Alonso. BTW I love an entertaining, hopefully snarky, seemingly outrageous, violent (as much as the PG-13 rating will allow) holiday movie, so I am looking forward to the "mind vacation" that I hope Red One will be.

Posted to Karolina Ε»ebrowska (RE: Getting Roasted for Bridgerton Cosplay) 11/05/2024

Loved the dress, got the joke and would only roast Karolina for not bringing an emergency cosplay repair kit (mini scissors, thread, needle, superglue and safety pins) with her. Having just lived through the 2024 U.S. presidential election, I am feeling somewhat unsettled so perhaps my viewpoint is off.  It seems like we chased the bullies out of local schools and neighborhoods only to have them feed in the unsupervised wilderness of social media. In a way I feel sorry for all the haters, trolls and bullies, besides lacking civility, kindness, patience and an open mind, they appear to lack a sense of the absurd and humor.

Posted to Nurse_Kim (RE: Review of testimony of Dr. Justin Rice during Read trial) 11/09/2024

I appreciated Nurse Kim's commentary clarifying, to be blunt, correcting Dr. Rice's testimony. The nearest that I have to possessing medical expertise is my recent proximity to the physician I saw for an annual checkup. Dr. Rice seemed unconcerned with broken limbs, however couldn't a bone break throw clots? IMO this doctor is struggling with more than his ego, he does NOT want to be at this trial, he IS irritated and probably he is fatigued. The Read trial mimics a debilitating virus damaging the lives of everyone it infects. The defense team, defense witnesses and Karen Read have a good prognosis, the rest not so much.

Posted to HotandFlashy (RE: Retirement and YT Algorithm) Uploaded on 11'08/2024

New subscriber here. Ironically due to the subject of this video, I found this channel via a You Tube recommendation in my feed. The analysis of the YT algorithm issue is spot-on. Looking at the comments, views and subscriber numbers, perhaps go with the compromise of adjusting YT schedules and topic lengths to allow for more personal life yet still keeping the current options open. I enjoy makeup, humor and honesty, so maybe the Algorithm had a moment of clarity, when it recommended this channel?🀣

Posted to Collier Landry (RE: Sunday Sessions) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/10/2024

I have been trying to avoid any political discourse. I even took CNN and other news apps off my phone's news feed (but did not delete any apps). Stopping the flood of clickbait nonsense had been in my thoughts for a while. Legacy media in its desperation to survive and be relevant has only succeeded in losing the public's trust. Voting is the most important job of any citizen, however the content of anyone's vote is private. People are upset. Whether we lash out or not, we all need to take a time out, look around and improve what we can where and when we can. 

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: What is living in the hole) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/11/2024

Alright now I have "What's in the HOLE?!" (a mashup of a 1995 film Se7en quote) running on a loop in my less than adequate brain. I know the tech and accessories are pricey, but if I promise to pay waaaay too much for the catnip once it goes on sale, could I request that Morgan purchase longer cords, a smart lens and more lighting? Hmm that is going to be quite pricey catnip, but it's organic right?🀣

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Are celebrities being cloned) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/11/2024

What is the Venn diagram (sorry, but snark alert) of people who voted for a certain individual and also believe in this cloning conspiracy? They have obviously discounted the numerous options open to the rich and famous, including but not limited to procedures and items such as: plastic surgery, fillers, botox, laser resurfacing, personal trainers, film filters, shape-wear and the most unfair advantage of them all, a lucky turn of the genetic roulette wheel. I agree with ant, but also going with Occam's razor. I think that the internet makes the mystery, secrecy and isolation of previous generations of celebrities highly difficult these days hence their influence and power are not at the level of early twentieth century celebs. Apologies for early snarky comment, I am still in "recovery".

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Golden Globes Corruption) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/11/2024

I knew that the GG was problematic, really almost a joke with all the freebies given in return for a good mention.  I did not realize the extent of the corruption and the cruelty. Regarding that "visit", it does not matter how strangers at your door identify themselves. Do not admit them until you have seen their paperwork (subpoena, search warrant). Keep the paperwork. Get all names and all badge numbers/IDs. The second thing you must do before admitting these people is CALL an attorney. Be polite, be non-confrontational, but be firm, make eye contact. Video everything. It is ironic, but what is said about a criminal abduction, "never ever let them take you to a second location", well even if it is LE and the 2nd location is a police station do not go unless accompanied by your attorney. 

Posted to Andrew Gold/Heretic (RE: 2024 U.S. Presidential Election) Uploaded on 11/11/2024

I wish that there had been a box for "none of the above" regarding the 2024 U.S. national election ballot. The U.S. political system is irretrievably broken. The nation is fractured. The name calling from both the Democratic and the Republican parties is beyond pointless and childish.  Name calling diminishes past tragedies and does not end current injustices. Heretic is defined as "one who differs in opinion from an accepted belief or doctrine". Perhaps that should be our starting point.

Posted to Emily D. Baker (RE: Quick Bits) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/11/2024

With many trials out there, quick bits needed to "grow larger" (into quick bites?). While I miss the live interaction with chat, I still find these shorter replay videos very informative and helpful in keeping track of so much data. Thank you to EDB and Team Baker for the data gathering that the rest of us don't have the money or the expertise to accomplish. I would be very interested in a deep dive into the Crichton Estate civil suit.  As for the amount of money, time and personnel to "arrest and execute" an elderly, probably healthy, squirrel I am sure that animals, their caretakers and New York taxpayers would LOVE to get an explanation for that fiasco.

Posted to Andrew Gold Heretic (RE: Interview with Ceri-Lee Galvin) Uploaded on 10/15/2024

I am a resident of the U.S. I have heard of male prisoners who suddenly announce that they are female. However this is the first that I have heard of a convicted pr3dator being allowed to switch genders simply to hide. Pr3dators rarely change or stop. So now somewhere in the UK is a convicted pr3dator wearing a wig who can reoffend whenever they choose. Members of a group are usually judged by their weakest link. This is not fair, but usually happens. I would consider a newly trans individual who is also a convicted p3dofile, to be an extremely weak link and very detrimental to the cause of trans rights.

-----(my post 11/12/2024)

Posted to Andrew Gold & Kinsey Schofield LIVE (RE: Apology Videos) Uploaded on 11/11/2024

There seems to be an epidemic of people embarrassing themselves on social media, then deleting the comments and finally the "I am sorry if you are offended" non-apology apology video.  I agree with Kinsey Schofield, negative attention is still attention. Any attention on social media increases follower numbers, possibly income of the account holder and definitely fame and/or infamy both of which appear to be interchangeable in the minds of certain influencers. I learned as a parent of young children not to reward or acknowledge negative behavior, so my children matured. Now what do we do with this influx of adult toddlers with 24/7 access to the internet?

Posted to LVcopsTV (RE: an improper and incorrect arrest by Phoenix police) Uploaded 11/09/2024

So many mistakes (and I am not in or related to anyone in LE) were made by the police in this video. It took the Governor of Arizona to get this man released with the arrest expunged? That is wild. I would suggest that day one of week one of academy training the instructor should spend that day indicating to the trainees that EVERYONE possesses a camera ready to video. Posting videos online to friends and followers is not a rare act or requires a special set of skills (thank you Liam N). Each trainee should be told, have it lodged firmly in their brain, maybe tattooed on their arm, that everyone is watching, possibly filming and certainly posting what you do at your job. So do it right.

Posted to Bernadette Banner (RE: Making a dark fantasy gown in one week) Uploaded 11/09/2024

Came for the dark fantasy gown (such a dramatically beautiful reveal), but stayed for the guinea pig zoomies. Have to love my 2 pigs' zoomies, but my absolute fav are their popcorn maneuvers. Seeing a rush job was useful for me, as the techniques had to be simple (my forte) so that time was saved. The "joining" of the material mix came together amazingly well, like a 3-D puzzle. Also πŸ‘to the people and pigs responsible for the making of this video.

Posted to Andrew Gold and Kinsey Schofield (RE: Royal Rumors) Uploaded on 11/11/2024

Harry and Meghan really have to hire a better publicist, someone who can "read the room". They live next door to Oprah right? Surely Oprah can offer a few suggestions. To be fair, the era of the typical celebrity (actors, supermodels, entertainers) is diminishing with online influencers being more in demand. Negative comments about anyone trying to recover from cancer and its treatments is beyond contempt.  BTW...shhh, I am a deeply closeted viewer of Hallmark holiday movies, but I agree probably not going to assist in satisfying the dreaded YT algorithmπŸ˜‰.

Posted to Smoky Glow (RE: Can we trust beauty influencers) Uploaded on to You Tube on 11/12/2024

Whether you are scrolling through TikTok or walking through a physical store, it is always wise to remember: caveat emptor (buyer beware). The only thing we can usually take for granted is that the product will not injure us or worse. I know in the "real" world especially finance, you have to acknowledge that you are being paid for being a spokesperson. For any influencer, just be clear. Mention or caption the video itself with relevant info concerning the influencer's relationship to the company. However the question was, do I really believe these people? Yes, but always with skepticism and my own opinions.

Posted to Attorney Melanie Little (RE: Hearing on Karen Read trial date and requests) 11/13/2024

The several fluffs that Attorney Brennan made regarding what side he is on, along with not getting "his homework" done on time, bites vs. bits and that bite expert (dog not computer) mention are not encouraging as to Attorney Brennan's expertise. The "new" information submission by Attorney Brennan given to the defense is somewhat puzzling regarding the Mansfield and the Waltham PDs mentions.  Karen Read is 44 now, in 2000 she was around TWENTY years old. I know twitter likes to punish people for past issues involving comments, views or activities, but being admissible in a court case after TWENTY years is quite another matter.

Posted to antphrodite (RE:  Elon Musk) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/13/2024

I recognize that the result of the 2024 U.S. election is more of a reflection of all of us who voted rather than any conspiracy. Twitter is a dumpster fire, but in fairness it was a dumpster fire before the Elon Musk purchase. As does ant, I see Elon Musk as someone who believes that he is Grand Master (aka chess master) making all the right moves faster and more accurately than anyone else. To continue the chess metaphor, I believe that he sees most of us as pawns, whatever our roles and titles might be.  Minor rant, if Mr. Musk wishes women to have more children here are some suggestions in no particular order: (1) improve quality of health care (2) lower costs of health care (3) make health care universal not tied to a particular job (4) give women absolute control of their own bodies (5) make child care free, safe and easily found (6) allow long maternity leaves without career damage (7) allow paternity leaves without career damage (8) allow flex time (I hear Elon HATES people working from home) at a job (9) fund all fertility treatments. It is not SpaceX technology Elon, the answers are quite simple regarding family and children.         (Not in comment: schools and teachers)

Posted to Down the Rabbit Hole News (RE: Mike Rinder) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/13/2024

I could not make it past a few minutes into Mike Rinder's first video. He looks so ill. Just a hypothesis, while Mike Rinder escaped this cult, I feel that he never actually escaped the changes this cult made to his life view and personality. While in the cult, he allowed very bad things to happen. It is natural to want to block that out once you leave a cult. Who wants to face their own demons? Now he is so ill that he had to resign from the Foundation he cared so much about. His anger at the injustice of it all has resulted in the recent videos. I wish Mr. Rinder and his family peace and resolution of all conflicts, but neither will come as a result of videos which blame and attack others.

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: A day on the Farm) posted 11/15/2024

I enjoy the check in with all the animals at Gold Shaw Farm. Their personalities are as interesting as their names. If Captain "Runaway Red" Janeway could only tell us her motivation, well beyond maybe juicer bugs and seeds situated away from the bigger flock, for roaming. Does Bean feel stress, doubtful as she looks fairly perky. And do Barnacus, Telemachus and Larn, plot during the evening regarding early morning break-ins? Sad about the drone, unless it is deductible as a business expense. If so trade up and devote part of a video (or an entire short) to the new tech on Gold Shaw Farm.

Posted to Mike Brown (RE: Dear Mike Rinder....) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/15/2024

Rosemary Chicwak and Mike Brown are both heroes for enduring then surviving the damage this cult inflicts, yet still be able to assist others. Mike Brown's video was absolutely clear with relevant details, facts and numbers. I hope that Mr. Rinder and family are able to watch or at least be accurately informed of its content. That promise to be there for Mike Rinder's family, both currently in or out of this cult, made me cry. That awful reality of what Mike Rinder and his family are currently enduring is too triggering for me to watch. Mr. Rinder and his foundation helped so many people. May that be his legacy, not the misplaced rage and blame in those videos. May he and his loved ones find peace.

Posted to Molly Burke (RE:  Scams) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/16/2024

I always learn something from Molly Burke's videos, but this was invaluable. I had heard about the Scam#2 and Scam#3 focusing on influencers. I had not heard heard about the QR code scam. Thus far I have received no "free" packages. Several years ago, maybe in 2020 or 2021, I was getting frequent notifications that my Amazon account had been hacked or that I had ordered items costing hundreds of USD ( I had not ) but my input was necessary. After first checking my Amazon account, I replied to none of it. Scam#1, the scan code is SO scary. I go to a lot of cons, there are tons of QR codes available to scan. I know that is a different situation, but one bad actor "refurbishes" a poster and a person could get f****d.  THANK YOU MOLLY!πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—   BTW a thought, if someone searched Molly Burke (the influencer) online chances are they could get size, color pref and even item/brand pref.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Golden Globes Part 2) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/16/2024

I would never have expected this GG war on several journalists to have been initiated by a solitary journalist (no less a citizen of Denmark). Powerful friends in powerful places is an old trope in conspiracies, but seeing the few changes made internally by GG, this trope still rings true.  Greg Goeckner (COO of HFPA and attorney) basically blaming Lorenzo Soria's death (former president of HFPA) on an innocent, is evil, appalling, loathsome and just about any other word found in my dictionary app under "abhorrent". In addition such a comment coming from an individual trained as an attorney, makes one wonder about that individual's ethics and intellect .  POSSIBLE QUESTIONS: (sorry if dup) How are you and your partner being treated now...not only by GG, but all those other (SO MANY) award groups?  Was that instigating Danish journalist only an anomaly or part of many foreign journalists (no individual names pls, just countries) who were never taught to share or that there is safety in numbers?  Advice only: NEVER engage with randos on twitter as whether they be trolls or 'bots there is no reason, no logic and very few facts to be had in their reality.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo co-stars in Wicked) Uploaded 11/16/2024

As others have mentioned in the comments section, the only recent negative in regards to Cynthia Erivo was her over-reacting on social media (twitter?) to a fan's reimagining of the famous Wicked poster. I have seen the musical, Wicked. The characters/voices of Glenda and Elphaba have to be equally as good (or in the case of a film to at least allow an editor to frame an image and/or auto-tune to make that happen). I agree with ant, there is possibly maybe some tenseness which could escalate when the various nominations are announced. Hopefully both women will come to the realization that their fate is not in the noms or those chintzy statues, but in the bottom line (aka profit) of the film. Profit is what pushes any actor up to the front of the line in auditions or a director's "wish list".

Posted to LTL Media (RE: Read Hearing & status of Enrique Delgado-Garcia investigation)11/15/2024

Trooper Enrique Delgado-Garcia died on September 13, 2024.  Yet still no resolution, not even progress status given to his family. This man was fatally injured at a police academy, witnessed by multiple cadets, veteran LE members, trainers and probably cameras. Yet the only thing we hear is crickets.. This is cruel to the family. The handling of this tragedy and subsequent investigation strongly leans toward corruption at high levels...what other answer is there? As of this comment, there is only crickets.

Posted to Collier Landry (RE: Delphi Murder Verdict) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/16/2024

Richard Allen spent a year in that soon to be condemned h***hole. Under those conditions, I might have confessed also. Maybe he is guilty, but the reasonable doubt in this case is enormous, the LE errors egregious, defendant's background is more consistent with self harm than SA and the judge's decisions quite problematic. The jury has proclaimed Richard Allen guilty, I wish I could be as certain as they seemed to have been. 

Posted to Nik Starow (RE: Delphi Murder Trial & Verdict) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/16/2024

I enjoyed the discussion of this panel.  I cannot imagine what these jurors will eventually think if any of them do research on this case. Whether Richard Allen committed this crime or not, his imprisonment was barbaric, he was presumed guilty at the start of the trial and his defense was not allowed to prove reasonable doubt due to Judge Gull's rulings. So much for amendments (to the U.S. Constitution, first 10 amendments are called Bill of Rights) 4, 5, 6 and maybe 8. With several recent questionable jury decisions, I wonder if the concepts of: (1) innocent until proven guilty and (2) reasonable doubt are properly understood and applied by the average juror.


First Amendment: Protects freedom of speech, religion, and the press, as well as the right to peacefully protest and petition the government 

Second Amendment: Assures the right to bear arms 

Third Amendment: Deals with the quartering of soldiers 

Fourth Amendment: Deals with search and arrest 

Fifth Amendment: Includes the provision that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law 

Sixth Amendment: Deals with the right to a fair trial and the right to counsel 

Seventh Amendment: Deals with rights in civil cases 

Eighth Amendment: Deals with bail, fines, and punishment 

Ninth Amendment: Reserves for the people all rights not expressly granted to the government 

Tenth Amendment: Reserves any powers that are not specifically given to the federal government for the states or the people 

Posted to Rachel Maksy (RE: Raccoon from a spun cotton craft) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/16/2024

From something that originally looked like a clone in early format to an adorable clothed raccoon was absolutely magical to watch. I wondered about the glue for eyes, but they came out perfectly. I like the idea of an auction benefitting groups that will no doubt soon be under-funded, if funded at all. Well let's not set our thoughts in that direction, at least for now. Onto more little creatures wearing adorable clothing, beautiful murals or turning another room into someplace from Middle-earth . Talking about cute, I enjoyed the irony of Frodo wearing clothes (well a vest), while a raccoon was also getting an outfit. Thank you for the cleansing breath time out. I may have to be reminded to do that over the next few years. Hope Frodo's new set of stitches hold up to his lifestyle.πŸ˜‰

Posted to Nicole Rudolph (RE: Fashion doesn't matter like it used to) Uploaded 11/16/2024

Over the years I have developed my own "uniform" as for me it makes my life easier. In the last few years, I have purchased most of my clothing at online resale sites. I had started experimenting with colors and patterns as what you want may not be available in the usually worn single color.  Lately I have slid back to blacks and neutrals. Perhaps time will change that. Just an FYI, November on the East Coast of the U.S. has quite the assortment of weather patterns. Currently my car is home to: a rain coat, an insulated quilted jacket, a knit cardigan and a flannel-ish hoodie. By December these items will be joined by snow boots, a hat, a scarf and gloves. I would love to see that variety handled better by some one like Nicole. I desperately need lessons on how not to literally drive around in a closet.πŸ˜‰

Posted to Breakfast All Day (RE: Review of RED ONE) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/16/2024

Christy's description sounds like (I have not seen Big Red but intend to) this 2+ hour movie should have been edited down to a more digestible duration. Candy is enjoyable, but not in huge gallon bag quantities. Warning: diving into more old tropes. Is this the movie that we deserve (shiny, clever, elevated, ready to win Cannes or Sundance)? Or is this the movie we (at least I do) need (batsh3t craziness, loopy themes, entities fighting savagely, plus a Santa who could enter and perhaps win the next Olympic weight lifting event?  I have to go with Alonso's take as I need the holidays (aka happy times), frivolous behavior, fantasy and a movie that will teach me nothing new, just remind me to laugh.

Posted to Breakfast All Day (RE: Review of Hot Frosty) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/16/2024

I just arrived at this review after seeing Christy and Alonso's review of Red One (haven't seen but wish to). Is a copyright infringement suit imminent from the corporate overlords at Hallmark? Still I find it amusing that I disagreed with Christy on Red One and disagreed with Alonso on this movie (which I also have not yet seen, but wish to). Sure Hot Frosty (the cringe obviously begins with the title) sounds a bit awkward, objectifying and weird, but at this point in time I want movies that I can laugh with or even laugh at...besides I already subscribe to Netflix πŸ˜‰.

Posted to LVCopsTV (RE: Cross of Sgt. Bukhenik at Read Trial) Uploaded on 11/15/2024

On a very random note, I adore the self-deprecating ceramics that decorate the front of the LVCopsTV set. This is why I stay here, for the experiences of these individuals who have complete self-awareness, ethics, humor and an excellent sense of what should be, as opposed to was, in conflicts, arrests and trials. Thank you for all you do now and have done in the past.

Posted to Lawyer You Know (RE: Interview with Mark Bederow re:Aidan Kearney)  11/17/2024

In listening to these two highly educated people talk, I wonder if there isn't a reason that the jury was deadlocked. The defense was trying to prove corruption of authority figures and the prosecution was trying to submit an implausible investigation and mostly unreliable witnesses to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Karen Read was guilty. I think that it was a bridge too far for a majority of the jury to blame LE for misconduct. IMO, jurors do not understand two concepts basic to any trial (1) innocent until PROVEN guilty and (2) Reasonable Doubt.  I love what Peter Tragos said, while not a new idea it bears multiple repetitions; if the law is to work it must be applied to protect the worst of us in order to also protect the best and the rest of us. At the conclusion of this interview, when Peter Tragos asked if Mark Bederow had a YT channel, the expression of MB's face was HILARIOUS. MB's mind was probably going when, how, why (not necessarily in that order).πŸ˜‰

Posted to Emily D. Baker Quick Bits (RE: several stories including the below) 11/18/2024

So many questions about a FIFTEEN year old child being traumatized by the "ADULT" Judge Kenneth King. Where was the teacher/instructor/trainer in charge of these students? Why was there not a signed consent for the minor to leave school grounds? Why wasn't the parent immediately notified when this farce began?  How could actual court employees have allowed this? Why hasn't this judge been immediately removed from the bench and disbarred from ever practicing law for the rest of his life? Isn't Judge King's action basically criminal assault and illegal imprisonment?  Has (this hopefully soon to be simply a "Mr.") Kenneth King been criminally charged? How have no authorities commented or reacted?  EDB: PLEASE FOLLOW UP ON THIS CASE. Thank you.

Posted to penguinz0 (RE: Mike Tyson and Jake Paul Pay-per-view Fight) Uploaded 11/16/2024

Talking about resurrecting famous un-alive fighters, P.T. Barnum (died in late 1800's), however I believe that he is alive and well, wearing a Jake Paul mask while currently trying to sell absolutely anything to absolutely anyone.

Posted to Let's Talk IBD (RE: Hauls and pregnancy update) Uploaded 11/19/2024

I come here for education (I do not have IBD), humor, doggie data, life style details, and SO appearances. However, it is supremely enjoying seeing Maggie so happy. Lately I have been soaking up happiness wherever I can find, due to "issues". I know medical portals, medical warehouses and even the occasional medical person can disappoint but the majority of (at least the humans) do want to help. Having a sense of humor, questions and relevant data on one's phone is about all we can do in the U.S. The Netherlands (they have a good health care rep) is too long a commute for me.πŸ˜‰ Enjoyed the hauls. I know hauls are ALL over You Tube, but please show what you can and what you feel comfortable with sharing.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Cult Attorneys try to intimidate jurors) 11/29/2024

So employees (past ones, if you believe these attorneys) of this tax-exempt cult are being linked to exposure of jurors' identities, home and work addresses? These "former" employees do not know the meaning of ethics, integrity or sadly even the law. Legal sanctions often end up being a rap on the hand which does not detour future bad acts. Money is important in our society, but just a rhetorical question to these never-in (maybe?) attorneys, PI's or anyone else, is this cult the entity you wish to pledge your loyalty to and income on? Realistically, the answer is obvious.

Posted to HauteLeMode (RE: Red Carpet at Governor's Awards) Uploaded to You Tube 11/20/2024

IMO the disconnect when looking at Lily-Rose Depp's hair couture is due to the very close position of her open neckline and shoulders to her head. It is an optics thing. Depp's hair style would have looked dramatic in a high neck, very adorned upper portion, gown. That Chanel vintage gown which might have needed more edgy footwear, also needed a focal point from above the neckline area. Perhaps a jeweled hair/forehead ornament or maybe a black or rose gold hair style version of the hair look worn by the character, Leeloo (Milla Jovovich) in the 1997 film, The Fifth Element? Either way, at least from what Luke showed, everyone did kind of step up, or at least try to, in regards to this particular Red Carpet.

Posted to Morgan Gold (RE: Red Death Redemption2 and mid-life crisis) Uploaded 11/20/204

I have no desire to return to the past, even the past of last week. My personal angst and existential crises are more regarding far future times, than the myths of the past. Excluding certain overpriced, crowded, highly publicized, definitely commercialized, theme parks which might offer a decent, albeit very short very expensive time "in space", I will never get to experience interstellar exploration. As for my legacy, perhaps RDR2's character of the Sister had the best advice, assume love exists then try to make a loving choice whenever possible. Who knew RDR2 had valid life lessons, well not me. Thank you Morgan Gold.

Posted to Smokey Glow (RE: Former You Tubers move to Tik Tok, SnapChat) Uploaded 11/18/2024

I am a regular viewer of TikTok, but usually only to follow influencers that I already follow on You Tube. I also use TikTok as a source of an endorphin infusion with puppy, kitten and standup/comedy videos. Due to recent events, I have been watching LOTS of puppy and kitten videos. I have no additional suggestions for influencers who have been cancelled on YT but are doing just fine elsewhere. However, I do find this subject fascinating with influencers so reviled on one site, but yet profiting on another site. If nothing else, the financial success of these moves proves a radical difference in site demographics...or very very short viewer attention spans.πŸ˜‰

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: multiple appeals by Nick Rekeita) Uploaded on 11/19/2024

Replay crew here. I always wonder about the mindset when someone, especially an attorney, files appeals that have zero chance of success. If a client is involved, well there is the fact of the payment. If you are the client then what is the upside? I agree with Uncivil Law, perhaps if one is annoying enough (aka throws enough paperwork at the State) even a State Prosecutor might get worn down. With all this legal warfare, I do hope that Nick Rekeita and his wife get the assistance they need to become and stay free from problematic substances.

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Attorney put into jail - 10 minutes) Uploaded 11/20/2024

Just a guess as I am not an attorney or even Canadian, but for a Judge to go from 0 to 60 in seconds make me wonder what happened in court earlier that day. Defense may have been missing their complete notes, but surely a 10 minute adjournment would have been more productive than putting the defense in a cell for 10 minutes, ironically without files of any kind. As shaken as defense counsel must have been if there were no conflicts (such as transportation issues and/or other legal business) he should have stayed, but compared to the Judge's egregiously inappropriate behavior the defense counsel's sudden departure is understandable. I would be interested in a followup, should Mr. Lebessis agree to share his story with this channel.

Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE:Guilty Verdict for Richard Allen) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/17/2024

While this trial was not televised, I was able to follow the trial by transcriptions taken by attorneys who were present as spectators. There was considerable reasonable doubt within the trial regarding evidence and eyewitnesses. There was also a year of imprisonment in solitary confinement with 24/7 video of Richard Allen. Mr. Allen's mental health background consists of long bouts of depression and anxiety. He had a strong need to please others, but periodically changed jobs when he felt anxious. As far as I know there was no previous history of violence, SA or anything similar. Did he do it, possibly but as Dr. Grande said due to LE and judicial incompetence there may never be a clear answer as to who un-alived those 2 girls.

Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: After 37 years Lee Ann Daigle convicted of murder) 11/20/2024

As I usually wonder in these horrific cases, was there any history of mental illness, was there a forensic psych report done on Lee Ann Daigle shortly before this trial? Beyond the divorce it seemed like this woman's subsequent life was uneventful and stable. As she appears to vary her recollections of that night frequently, we will never know what neurons were firing or not firing in the brain of the 21 year old version of Lee Ann Daigle.  NOTE: description says mother. This should be changed to birth mother or better yet woman? She does not deserve the title of "mother", even peripherally regarding this infant.

Posted to Smokey Glow (RE: Influencers and The Beauty Industry)Uploaded to You Tube 11/21/2024

I think that the influencer/brand fall off was certainly due to quality and even trust issues. The primary reason was mentioned in this video. The market for the product became over-saturated. The brands that relied mostly on influencers got greedy, along with the loss of quality, the uniqueness (aka packaging, color choice, themes) suffered. These fast growing companies seemed to be ineffective when it came to long term planning. It may not be flashy, shiny or exciting, but having some business and financial types on your team, in addition to creatives, is a necessity not a luxury for corporations.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Interview with Clint Eastwood taken down by YT) Uploaded 11/21/2024

I do not agree with some of the man, Clint Eastwood's political views, but I admire the director/actor/writer, Clint Eastwood immensely. IMO this shameful treatment of Mr. Eastwood is due to studio politics and economics. In the last few months there has been a significant number of high cost movies which are not even earning back their budget, not to mention entering profit territory. Studios are trying to get more views, more subscribers onto their streaming services than to have to use theaters. Studios are currently leaning towards movies that the public is pre-sold on, with IP (think Moana 2), sequels (also think Moana 2) or action-related films. "Small" movies are not getting the support that they once had. The entertainment industry treats many people badly for many superficial reasons. In this case, it seems that the most likely reason is avarice rather than cancellation. 

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: 1st Parole hearing (eligibility after 30 years is every 2 years) 11/21/2024

There are women who are beyond reality, beyond understanding the consequences of their actions due to physical and/or mental impairment. The imprisonment of those women is problematic. However, Susan Smith was able to plan this tragedy in horrific detail; without regrets, recrimination or the realization that this act was both selfish and wrong. I do not know how, when or why Susan Smith became a monster, but I do agree with the friends and relatives of those 2 boys. Susan Smith should never know the freedom or the future that she so easily took from these 2 innocents.

Posted to Mia Maples (RE: Using thrift store items to match a popular style theme) 11/22/2024

OLD MONEY style ⭐+ 1/2 - agreed with 3rd place designation

BARBIE style⭐⭐⭐+1/2 - agreed with 2nd place designation

OFFICE SIREN style⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - agreed with 1st place lip (literally) chef's kiss

That was hella fun, PLEASE do more of these eps. Also, give  Mama Maples a theme to match (with NO Mia assistance).

Posted to Molly Burke (RE: Illegal refusal regarding service animals) Uploaded 11/22/2024

So why no dogs, has anyone ever given a specific reason?  Sure lots of fake service dogs out there. However, I am guessing the smell and the shedding are the primary reasons. Time for Lyft and Uber to step up. These services need to supply all ride-share drivers (free of charge) disposable/recyclable mats infused with unscented odor catchers for the back seat area. As for being worried about Fluffy turning into Cujo, easy solution simply mandate that all animals whether service or not must be on harness or leash. As for service related organizations like restaurants and hospitals, ALL employees need education concerning service animals.

Posted to Caitlin Dougherty (RE: The sinking of The Marchioness in 1989) Uploaded 11/22/2204

That was an uncomfortably large group of incompetent, unfeeling and unethical professionals who should have protected water travel for all and who should have cared respectfully for those whose journey had ended. I am glad lessons were learned, but how sad for all those young men and women who never came home. The film is almost too good for You Tube, it should be in a theater somewhere up for awards. Thank you to Caitlin Doughty and everyone who had a part in making this film. May its release help the survivors find peace and those responsible for our safety to do better.

Posted to Abby Cox (RE: Origin Stories: Thanksgiving and Black Friday) Uploaded on11/22/2024

I knew that the Puritans, were well, puritanical and did not play nicely with other cultures, but the label origin of Black Friday was a mystery to me. On Thanksgiving Day my family and friends and myself will be eating out at a moderately priced locale with a picturesque setting with meal options such as, but not limited to, Grilled Salmon, Marinated Steak Tips, Chicken Marsala and oh yes Turkey. It took all of October and half of November to pin down with a "yea or nay" regarding everyone's attendance. I enjoyed that hint of another video down the road, (perhaps the origin story of the department store?) sounds intriguing. Have a happy holiday, and thanks for hanging in there. All the sanity and the humor is especially appreciated at our place in time. BTW, I assume it is too late to return the Puritans...yeah no receipts.πŸ˜‰

Posted to Jenna Miscavige (RE: Why we got divorced) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/23/2024

By this comment there must be several hundred other astonished remarks on the current relationship between Jenna and her ex-husband. These two are AMAZING. I know it is highly personal, but are there any hints, suggestions, anything that can be shared on You Tube as how this successful relationship was developed? I am asking for friends, lots and lots of friends who are in dire need of that algorithm. The wedding story was bat***t crazy. That these 2 individuals managed to stay married for the next 20 days, never mind the next 20+ (I am bad at math so I am staying out of that discussion) years is beyond belief.  Again please do not share what is not comfortable for all concerned.

posted to antphrodite (RE: Are angels real?) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/22/2024

Per my 5-minute online research with results that I am guessing are problematic regarding accuracy, a red aura indicates, "...passion, sensuality, creativity and all-around positive outlook." Maybe those are rare characteristics...out there somewhere.These traits are probably on extinction watch in our reality.πŸ˜‰

READING SUGGESTION: have any readings on AI been done? While I am not sure that I want to know, it might be intriguing to learn the possibility of AI gaining sentience along with its effect on humanity. In other words, would AI raise us up, devastate us or be absolutely irrelevant to our general existence as a species. As I said, maybe I do not really wish to know.πŸ™„

Posted to Andrea Burkhart (RE: Genealogy and Criminal Prosecution) Uploaded on 11/24/2024

This is a personal story with a genetic theme. I knew that I was at high risk for developing life-ending and debilitating conditions. My insurance, which protects my privacy due to HIPAA, would not pay for genetic tests. Hence I went through a "public" genealogical testing service with a data base to get the answers that I desperately needed. I chose knowledge possibly sacrificing my privacy in the process. At this point, I have no regrets but then I am not in Bryan Kohberger's situation. Regarding the innocence or guilt of BK, I am trying to remain unbiased, but admittedly I am leaning towards guilt. With my lack of confidence in the ethics and intellect of LE and prosecutors, my thoughts are confused and conflicted. I hope that Andrea Burkhart continues to cover this case, I need clarity.

Posted to Mama Doctor Jones (RE: Womens' Health Laws) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/25/2024

THANK YOU Mama Doctor Jones for publicizing this issue. I am confounded by the lack of medical knowledge matched with the lack of will to become at least somewhat educated before any law is passed or fails. For medical professionals, being on the front lines, seeing these preventable tragedies, being helpless, talking to the survivors must be devastating.  After November 5, 2024, I feel that the U.S. government no longer can help us. The only thing to be done is for citizens of each U.S. state to try to improve attitudes and laws in their own home state.

Posted to Emily D. Baker (RE: MA vs. Karen Read Discover Hearing) Uploaded on 11/26/2024

Replay crew here.  I agree that any interviews given by any defendant with any media is risky. I do trust Read's defense legal team. Perhaps there are more positives in giving these interviews than negatives that I am not understanding? There is one element though, Karen Read is far more intelligent than either Alec Baldwin or Hannah GutiΓ©rrez, which is admittedly a very low bar, but still a valid point.πŸ˜‰

As for the performance of Special Prosecutor Hank Brennan, IMO while an improvement over Lally, Attorney Brennan is being disingenuous in not thoroughly studying trial#1. I do not think the the phrase "plausible deniability" can apply to any attorney's lack of knowledge of any details in a trial that he is the lead prosecutor.

Posted to HauteLeMode (RE: The Milan Fashion Week Roast & Review) Uploaded 11/25/2/2024

Early in this video Luke uttered a phrase that I could not expunge from my brain, "...I would have rather have seen pandas walk the runway...." for most of this video. Even beautiful (or horrible) couture is assisted (or required) by the commentary provided on this channel.🀣

Posted to LTL Media (RE: Short (from full interview) retired MSP veteran Todd McGhee) 11/26/2024

Yes, Proctor is a misogynist, but he committed far worse crimes in those texts. Proctor indicated that he had already made up his mind as to the "person of interest's" guilt only a few hours into this case. Then it got worse, as Proctor supplied individuals not in LE with proprietary data. My impression was that this was not the first time this unlawful action had been committed by Proctor. For those 2 factors alone, Proctor (and his supervisor) should be immediately yeeted from ever being in LE, anywhere.

Posted to Sarah Spaceman (RE: Expensive Ren Faire) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/27/2024

This Ren Faire was a little expensive, a little scary (on the solo part of the trip), however the fun looked HUGE. I learned about pigs, fairies with quests, bleeding knights, humming hair stylists and most importantly about a vulture who appears to have impeccable taste regarding Ren Faire delicacies. Thanks for the vid, I missed this year's Ren Faire in my area as was too expensive. Oh those kings and their taxes, you know what I mean?πŸ˜‰

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Were Adam and Eve real) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/26/2024

I agree with other comments in that the Bible is full of metaphors, analogies, myths, revised historical events along with literature (stories, songs and poetry). When I think of all the damage done over the millennia of factions trying to prove or to disprove or to treat the Bible as documentary material it is literally a cross we are all forced to bear. A reading on anything from the Bible must be headache-inducing with the enormous amount of relevant background details. Hope ant had a good nap after this reading.

Posted to Smokey Glow (RE: Wicked) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/27/2024

This video was a great deep-dive into the lore, history, myths and actual events that had to happen before the musical, Wicked, appeared in film format. I could have listened to all this for easily twice as long. I consider myself theater kid-adjacent. I loved participating, but beyond a "walk-on/extra" type performance I was WAY too self-conscious. So I was usually props, costumer assistant, set construction and set strike. I forget the play, but it was open in the sense of no curtains in front of the stage to shelter us (there might have been a scrim). Wearing black from neck to toe, we set the stage for the next act. I WAS TERRIFIED. Also, I forgot to stage a candy box. The actor mimed the moment perfectly so the audience never knew. He never let me forget (in a slightly jokey passive-aggressive way) about that candy box, especially at ALL future cast parties.   REGARDING: NEPO Babies, maybe do the good, the bad and the wtf? I cannot really be angry at these people. As a teen with zero work experience, my mom gave me a position in her 2-person small business. She was person#1 and I was person#2.🀣

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Cedar the goat and the 4H) Uploaded to You Tube 11/29/2024

No matter the species of the victim/claimant, LE appears to be ineffective at best and corrupt at worst regarding doing what we all used to believe was their mission statement and their job. As for the 4H organization I would recommend a thorough reading of the definition of such words as,  "hubris",  "law", "ethics" I would also assign 4H to complete a short essay on the subject of "situational optics".  I am repeatedly astounded by powerful groups and organizations who fall into blackholes of legal costs and miserable PR which could have so easily been avoided with soupΓ§on of intellect and care...sigh.

Posted to Rachel Maksy (RE: More Reno to Work Room) Uploaded to You Tube 11/30/2024

My home office is not near as welcoming although I do feel that my  Bulbasaur and 2-Grogus (don't judge it just means I have twice the cuteness overseeing my work) all have a special grin when I I am often only semi-conscious that observation is problematic.  The window looks great, but my monitor is older and my vision even older. Just snark, that window is a chef's kiss to the ambiance of that room. The barrel storage is a great idea and adding the glue drips to the "candles" made them light up even more beautifully.

Posted to jacksepticeye (RE: I have Autism) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/28/204

Never been formally diagnosed, but my child was. We share many similarities in behavior and personality. All through school I deliberately scheduled ordinary medical and dental appoints so that my child could leave school early and not have to return until the next day. School was more stressful than the health care industry to my child.  I also scheduled limited "mental health days" for sniffles and other minor maladies. I will never regret any of those actions as it kept us all sane and functional. So as an unofficial member of this particular group, welcome...we have lots of video games (aka parallel play opportunities) and no judgements.