Tuesday, April 30, 2024

MAY 2024

 Posted to Internet Today (RE: News of the week) Uploaded to You Tube 04/30/2024

Alright so Governor Kristi Noem won't be a Republican VP candidate in the next U.S. presidential election. The situation is still scary as Noem is in charge of the entire state of South Dakota until January 4, 2027. The absolute wacky thing is that with social and news media having short attention spans and even shorter memories, these deaths would be forgotten by the 2026 election, but...SHE PUT IT IN A BOOK.

Posted to Marilyn Honig (RE: The Aftermath Foundation and Mike Rinder) Uploaded 04/28/2024

The really ironic thing is all Mike Rinder had to do was to lay low. I believe he is assisting Leah Remini in her civil suit against this cult. The major theme of that civil suit, is "fair-gaming".  So having the newest member of The Aftermath Foundation trolling anti-scientology sites on social  media using "fair-gaming" techniques is beyond clueless, beyond irony and way way beyond what one would expect from a Foundation set up to assist former members of this cult.

Posted to Colin and Samir (RE: Watcher) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/30/2024

When I learned that Watcher had 25 employees I was shocked. Yes the videos look polished, professional, sound great, excellently scripted, well-researched. For the support of a company with 25 - 28 employees plus freelancers is not for the faint of heart. Finding creatives who are also excellent in business is difficult, just ask Disney. Running a streaming service is also difficult ask Netflix or any of these major streamers.  Watcher may actually have been  lucky. Their errors were made early enough to pivot. Maybe Watcher needs to start this new direction slowly, beginning as a level on Patreon. Growing up on Patreon would allow this new entity to be more sure of its identity, audience and future.

Posted to HauteLeMode (RE: Zendaya's fashions promoting movie, Challengers) Uploaded 05/02/2024

Zendaya never disappoints, compliments to her AND her stylist. Luke's commentary drawing in fashion history, trends of a certain time affecting our current fashion and appreciating the craftspeople whose talents makes these garments take center stage is amazingly comprehensive (as usual). 

Posted to The Behavior Panel (RE: Astronauts did they really walk on the moon) Uploaded 05/03/2024

Unlike Chase Hughes, I am not motivated (aka I am too lazy) to watch all existing video on these 3, so I cannot know their baselines. However I do know human nature. I hypothesize that co-workers, family, friends by the time of this news conference are now treating these 3 men differently, even reverentially. These men did not change as much as the rest of us changed, when in their presence. Taylor Swift has had considerable time to come to terms with being an icon. These 3 men only had a few weeks. I enjoyed Chase playing devil's advocate, as echo chambers are boring, pointless and even dangerous.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Depositions in Cardone civil suit) Uploaded 05/03/2024

As a public service for the plaintiff and all others of their level of experience and intellect, let me post a link to the definition and requirements of the word, "discovery" as it pertains to legal matters.      https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/discovery        

In summary both sides have to answer ALL questions accurately during this process. While I believe the defense's side will be prepared, however the plaintiff's...?

Posted to Down The Rabbit Hole News (RE: Trolling and Fair Gaming) Uploaded 05/05/2024

3 words...The Streisand Effect should be directed to these individuals using an amoral cult's tactic to try to hurt people on the same road as they are (?were) which should be to end this cult. These trolls (whether celebrity or not) are bringing attention to their own fragmentation, irrationality and incompetence. 

Posted to LetsTalkIBD (RE: delivery and organization of ostomy supplies) Uploaded 05/05/2024

Just for a laugh, email this company with a portion (skills, jobs) of your CV offering your services as a (paid) consultant in getting this rumored (maybe yeet that adjective?) online catalog up and running in beta format. What you are actually telling them is that their customer service s**** big time. I find veiled sarcasm, as long as you are being very polite and use very formal discourse, a joy for the soul (yes I am that odd). BTW I have a friend who deals with a local subsidiary of the company mentioned in this video that has similar comical and irritating snafus regarding orders.

Posted to Marilyn Honig-Coffee, Cults and Crafts (RE: Aftermath Foundation) Uploaded on 05/05/2024

As Aaron Smith-Levin has said on his channel, this troll-like behavior is either being done by (or at least approved by) either that "elephant" or by individual(s) with some value for said "elephant".  These trollish attacks on ex-cult members diminish the legacy and effectiveness of the Aftermath Foundation. If those on the Aftermath board are so confident in their own superiority, why not flood social media with a listing of their good works. Where is the good...and why all this bad? This is what I would ask of each board member of this formerly respected foundation.

Posted to HauteLeMode (RE: 2004 MET Gala) Uploaded to You Tube 05/06/2024

"I respect where we are coming from, but I don't like where we went"...HauteLeMode regarding fashion worn by Gemma Ward at the 2004 MET Gala. Luke never disappoints!    I love the idea of showing unidentified guests who GET IT. 

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Karen Read Trial Day5) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/06/2024

I wanted to have a fair viewpoint as the defendant is innocent until proven guilty with no decision until both sides rest and it goes to the jury. Right now I cannot think of one piece of evidence that proves guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.  Thus far this investigation looks less professional and less comprehensive than seen in a 2014 movie comedy called, "Let's Be Cops".  With red solo cups, Stop & Shop grocery bags really all they needed was a Dunkin' Donuts Coolatta. Oh maybe that is what was in the red solo cups ? I mean no disrespect to the late Officer O'Keefe and his family, I will leave that to the local police department and the prosecutor's office, they seem to be on point in that regard.

BTW had to add, I want proof of life regarding Chloe.

Posted to Chris Cillizza (RE: Kristi Noem - part 2) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/07/2024

This whole story has gone lightyears beyond basic political party differences. I believe we have now entered, "The Twilight Zone" of political theater which says a lot considering that one of the candidates in the next U. S. national election spends more time in court rooms than meeting rooms. I still want to laugh at Kristi Noem, compare her to a low-grade comic book villain. However, this individual has control of an entire U. S. state. Her current term as governor of South Dakota, ends January 202SEVEN. The population of South Dakota has my prayers, best wishes and hopes, all 909,824 of them (as of a 2022 census). BTW old comic book trope, don't make her angry...you would not like her when she is angry.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Convo with Jenna) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/07/204

The cult that I will not name did not, will not, "win" regarding any former cult member's divorce. Ironically the act of divorce has probably helped former members regain the sense of individuality which cults in general wish to obliterate. It no longer matters if while as members, people were strongly encouraged to marry or strongly discouraged to marry. To quote A-Aron, "What do I know, I grew up in a cult..." I would add, what can I learn and what can I be, now that I am no longer in a cult.

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: A Vexatious Litigant) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/08/2024

Now the Canadian courts AND the Edmonton Police have documentation regarding this individual's state of mind. It was extremely generous of this individual to add yet one more piece of evidence to the current inventory of documents for the courts to peruse...as was said documents that are available to THE PUBLIC.

Posted to Legal Bytes (RE: Days 5+6 of Karen Read Trial) Uploaded to You Tube 0n 05/08/2024

I live in Massachusetts, while global warming (or whatever one chooses to call it) has made our recent winters more mild, a police officer in a suburb (which is 20 miles outside of Boston MA) for over 30 years to have never had to process a crime scene during or after a snow storm is nothing less than perjury. As for the leaf blower, unless it was cleaned, then sterilized (per online search:  121°C (250°F) and 132°C (270°F), then tested and finally re-sterilized, the answer to using a leaf blower for anything regarding forensics...is a NO. Apologies for badly mangling a Star Wars quote but, the reasonable doubt is strong in this one. The police investigation and the Commonwealth's prosecution of this case has disrespected the memory of the late Officer O'Keefe and abjectly failed his family.

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Day 7 of Karen Read Trial) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/08/2024

I can only give an opinion, but after 7 days of trial I am not sure why this was even prosecuted. The police work was unprofessional even incompetent, several witnesses seem to have forgotten how long they knew one another and (while a minor detail but goes to show believability) a police officer (who I believe that had been at the department over 20 years) who was first at the scene stated with a straight face and under oath that he had never processed or investigated a crime scene during a snow fall or after a snow fall.  BTW at a party full of police officers, their relatives and friends of said police officers and not a breathalyzer in sight. While there is no actual social host law regarding over-serving another adult, THERE IS THIS,  the case of McGuiggan v. New England Telephone and Telegraph Co., 398 Mass. 152, 162 (1986).

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: Elliott's passing) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/09/2024

So sorry about Elliott. I can see how hard his humans tried to save him. I am very glad that a necropsy was decided upon. His passing may lead to an alert that will assist his siblings. Possible female names: Bambi (only because I think it would be hilarious to name a heifer a deer name) or Barbie.

Posted to Let'sTalkIBD (RE:Update on health) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/09/2024

The physical effects of this event heal before one's brain can come to terms with it.  Yes, you do not forget; nor should you. However the intensity of the pain, in my mind I image the sharp edges of a triangle, will become less sharp as times goes on. The object isn't to forget or wipe out the memory, the your job (whether you choose to accept it or not😉) is to make this memory part of your history, your past. For now work on the present with the veggies, flowers, butterflies, puppies and the person who has been by your side this whole time. We all deserve a vacation, make this your time.

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Reed Trial Day 8) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/09/2024

I would love to be impartial, waiting until this case goes to the jury before stating my opinion. As of now reasonable doubt is plentiful. The prosecution is giving us nothing. The judge doesn't seem to want to be at this trial, appearing quite bored and impatient. Multiple witnesses argue over the definition of "friend". The close familial relationships of most of the witnesses would put the "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" game to shame. I highly doubt any of this group has the skill set to institute an intricate conspiracy/plot. Was the death of Officer O'Keefe a tragic accident, a murder? Thanks to the local police and decision to prosecute, we may never know.

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Reed Trial Day 9) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/20/2024

Aidan Kearney (aka TurtleBoy) does not lose his seat, per judge's instruction it will stay empty (seemingly for most of the prosecution witness list) nor can anyone else sit there. The way the judge made her ruling, now Mr. Kearney also cannot have anyone take his place in the courtroom itself. Did this Judge have a description of the "intimidation" submitted by the prosecution?  Federally witness intimidation "...is a form of obstruction of justice and under 18 U.S. Code § 1512". If as Mr. Kearney said all he did was ask questions and vlog about the trial, that usage seems to fit the definition of,  freedom of the press.  As for the whole Chloe thing, I still want "proof of life" along with a measurement of her jaw and teeth.

Posted to LegalBytes (RE: Reed Trial Day 9) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/10/2024

Replay Crew here. Q:   I know lawyers cannot (or should not) feed their witnesses a testimony script, but isn't it normal/permissible for either side to prepare witnesses by acting as an opposing attorney? Most of these witnesses seemed to "forget" dates, times, places and even relationships (such as friends). I know Officer O"Keefe died in January 2022, but there seemed to be a lot of memory loss floating around that witness box. Q:   After watching (summaries not full day sessions) 9 days of trial, I have so many questions for the prosecution regarding forensics, time line, investigation. Is the less than stellar performance by the prosecution seem unusual (it does to me, a non-lawyer)?

Posted to Micarah Tewers (RE: Dressing Room reno) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/10/2024

To quote my childhood movie hero, Indiana Jones (full disclosure haven't seen 2023 movie) regarding this reno, "It belongs in a museum." I will say (with a search engine's assist), c'est un dressing à la mode. BTW when can we expect a waxen Micarah Tewers and the real Dan Chudzinski to make their next appearances on this channel?  

Posted to Observe (RE: Real life situation behind film, Baby Reindeer) Uploaded on 05/10/2024

While I am amazed that she is giving interviews, I am not surprised that this particular interviewer would allow this questioning. I will admit to that prejudice. Stalking behavior needs to be taken more seriously by law enforcement. In time, this aberrant behavior can become even more toxic with threats made to person being stalked, the victim's friends, relatives and employers. I would like to see such an individual being sentenced to mandatory intensive counseling in a highly controlled (prison or hospital) environment. She will re-offend, this is her nature until, or if, therapy could give her the self-control and self-awareness, that as of this interview, she does not have. Will I watch "Baby Reindeer"...no, the subject is too triggering.

Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Real life situation behind series, Baby Reindeer) Uploaded 05/10/2024

I have not watched the Netflix series, Baby Reindeer, as that subject is highly triggering to me. I have seen the interview with Piers Morgan and read an interview with Richard Gadd (Donny Dunn in that series). Judging only by the Piers Morgan interview of this person, I heard lying, non-answers to direct questions and a view of reality where this is her world and the rest of us are shadows without rights or needs. I am guessing that she has had no therapy or if she has then it simply did not take. She will re-offend, maybe not regarding Gadd, but regarding someone. Judging simply by the Morgan interview this person will not or cannot acknowledge ever being or doing anything hurtful or dangerous. I hope that I am wrong, a distinct possibility as I have no training in the field of mental health.

Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Pedestrian causes death of cyclist) Uploaded 05/11/2024

These two facts are definitive: (1) Auriol Grey acted in a way to endanger the cyclist and (2) Auriol Grey left the scene of a serious accident.  I know nothing of this case beyond what Dr. Grande has discussed. Did any of trials consider these two facts:  (1)Auriol Grey's impaired peripheral vision and (2) her cognitive impairment? Two very good reasons for her not to walk alone. I wonder if a psych evaluation along with an eye exam was performed? This woman may be mean-spirited, without empathy and a danger to the community due to a lack of judgement, but leaving her in an environment which she obviously cannot handle might be more the fault of her family and/or NHS. As Dr. Grande said, this is a tragedy affecting so many. I cannot imagine the enormous guilt of the driver of the car who had no time to avoid the cyclist.

Posted to Nate The Lawyer (RE: School Superintendent fired for bullying...everyone) 05/07/2024

This is such an odd sad story. The only defense for the superintendent might have is that her phone was hacked, guessing that the investigation ruled that out. Which means "the call was coming from within the house". What bothers me even more than this utter lack of ethics by those in power is that with multiple students, parents and coaches seemingly having the same story still the school board failed to act in a timely manner. The damage has been done and as Nate mentioned the local tax payers will be the final victims. One hopes that when election time comes around the entire school board will be replaced or at the very least forced to "re-apply" for their jobs. 

Posted to The Behavioral Analyst (RE: Kevin Spacey Interview with Dan Wooten) 05/13/204

Whatever you think of this man, his acting is powerful, is very believable and he is like a chameleon when it comes to becoming his movie characters. As Spidey points out, Kevin Spacey understands nuance which is quite evident in these clips.  So then how could Kevin Spacey not realize that young (sometimes waaay too young) actors would be drawn to his power in the industry and to his expertise as an actor but really not interested in any kind of relationship? Almost seems like a contradiction unless this ability to use nuance is only accessible in "controlled" situations like studying for a part in a movie or even as a participant in an interview. This very big actor's very big ego has resulted in a now 64 year old man who either doesn't get the concept of power imbalance in relationships or doesn't really care.

Posted to Meidas Touch (RE: Mother's Day for Trump) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/13/2024

I think that Melania is way past embarrassment which probably began to peak some time during the events of the 2015 campaign and came to fruition when Melania was given the speech to read at the 2016 victory party. Guessing she was not told that Michelle Obama had read the same speech years earlier.  At this point Melania is probably keeping a separate account where finances go to hide, along with waiting until Barron is of age to make a life separate from the circus that is his father.

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Day 10 Karen Read trial) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/13/2024

I think that the defense with all the "fake fighting" is attempting to show that this group (at least the men) like to drink,  push each other verbally and physically and generally act like younger teens. A tragic accident would be so easy to happen under those circumstances. As for blaming Karen Read, I think that came later when she arrived at the house distraught, giving CPR to Officer O'Keefe and generally falling apart. So instead of an accident, this became 2nd degree homicide. Or maybe she drunk drove, if so the Commonwealth chose the wrong crime to prosecute.Thanks to the (thus far) lackluster presentation by the prosecution, their almost universally forgetful local witnesses along with no expert witnesses to explain the Commonwealth's view of what happened that night, it is hard for me to remain unbiased. Thanks to LYK for the helpful commentary.

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Karen Read Trial Day 11) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/14/2024

QUESTION: There has been lots of online chat about the judge's rulings on this case. Are her rulings proper, relevant, at least according to law? My opinion is that she reminds me of someone who has decided to "work-to-rule".  As of this post, we are approaching day 12 of the Read trial. The reasonable doubt vastly exceeds any (currently submitted) evidence. Most of the testimony indicates a level of memory loss which makes me suspect the water in that community. My hypothesis is that the death of Officer O'Keefe was initially an accident. However then came panic by the individual(s) involved, monumental incompetence by the police, a lackluster prosecutor, a judge who really doesn't want to be there and more connections between the all the witnesses than even Kevin Bacon could imagine. 

Posted to jeffostroff (RE: NTSB preliminary report on the Dali ship collision) Uploaded on 05/14/2024

I agree with other comments, sounded like at least during the 2 power outages the crew did the best that they could with the situation immediately at hand. QUESTIONS: (1)Why were not the maintenance workers on the bridge supplied with proper (on body) communication equipment so they could have vacated immediately? (2a)Why aren't tugs always nearby? (2b)What good are these tugs in emergencies if they are too far away to reach a ship in time? Perhaps the final report detailing the analysis of the electrical system along with the incorrectly closed an inline exhaust damper's (@20:40-20:57) effect on the catastrophic electrical failure to come will provide enlightenment. I just hope that the relevant people learn from this tragedy that killed 6 and injured 2. 

Posted to Emily D. Baker (RE: Karen Read Trial Day 12) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/15/2024

As EDB has said multiple times to chat questions, "We just don't know yet." To have that be a professional's observation after 12 days of trial seems astounding to me (not an attorney just a subscriber). Theoretically, the prosecution could come up with a "da da DA' moment late in the trial, but that is much too theatrical to do to what is most likely a currently unhappy and impatient jury. Anyways, I believe that a Sherlock Holmes moment is out of Lally's skill set.

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Karen Read Trial) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/16/2024

The thumbnail indicates that this judge is "biased and infirm". What if the judge and this prosecutor are simply "working-to-rule"?  I would even hypothesize that they expect to be reversed on appeal. Perhaps the trial itself may be the sole reason we are watching this very oddly constructed case?  A trial can provide a reason for and closure to, the untimely death of Officer O'Keefe. Admittedly my hypotheses are random, unsupported and perhaps even theatrical. However, then how do we find ourselves so deep within a murder trial that seems to be more concerned with defining various relationships along with proximities of multiple chess pieces on the relatively small area labeled "Canton"?

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Karen Read Trial Day#13) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/16/2024

This is a murder trial. Before such a trial can move forward, the prosecution requires information such as motive, witness, opportunity and forensics to plan and to prove their case. Prosecutors like to (ego) and/or need to (elected or appointed) rack up wins. This trial feels so very different. As of Day#13 even the window of "opportunity" that this defendant might have had appears to be less and less plausible. I have been laughing at these prosecution witnesses with selective amnesia. I should not be laughing on a daily basis while watching a trial regarding a murder. QUESTION: What is going on? Is this trial unusual?

Posted to JustineLeconteofficiel (RE: MET Gala 2024) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/18/204

I loved all the choices made by Justine. I would like to add: Keke Palmer in Marc Jacobs (both Gala and Exhibit themes), Charli XCX in Marni (both Gala and Exhibit themes), Tyla in Balmain (both Gala and Exhibit themes-->dress actually made of sand) and Dan Levy in Dia Dipasupil (Gala theme). Honorable Mention as they looked adorable together along with taking a reference from both themes, I would like to add, Hannah Bagshawe and Eddie Redmayne in custom Steve O Smith.

Posted to Footless Jo (RE: 4 months after the stroke) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/18/2024

I get the impression that some of the joy (maybe its the puppies?) in life is back. I find the difference amazing, no matter how many edits were made. That was a STROKE.  Finding a new challenge such learning to dance was a fantastic idea. I have a friend who went from earning a brown belt in Karate to West Coast Swing (dancing). She has gotten so good, she even teaches that form of dancing. It is never about the measuring the difficulty level (like feeling one HAS TO climb Everest), it is just taking on a challenge any challenge whether long walks on a beach, coloring inside the lines or managing to dance with a partner. It is all going in the right direction, forward. ❤

Posted to Emily D. Baker (RE: Karen Read Trial Day#14) Uploaded to You Tube 05/17/2024

I do think the play-fighting of these men, especially when drunk is relevant. Alcohol is well-known to diminish inhibitions, self-control and physical coordination. Hypothetically an older large drunk man might stumble as a result of a hit or in trying to hit someone else. Such a hypothetical man might fall backwards, hitting the back of his head on a piece of furniture or something heavy causing concussion, blood loss, unconsciousness and perhaps a tragedy. Panic ensues and years later we find ourselves in Day#14 of a trial without even a cause or a time of death. Did Karen Read drive while impaired and cause fatal injuries? Thanks to an amateurish, sloppy investigation there may never be a definitive answer acceptable to either side.

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: firing of Massachusetts High School critical thinking prof) 05/18/2024

Do I agree with his firing (with only what I know from this video) I do NOT.  I am guessing that Warren Smith's former employer never liked this individual having such a popular You Tube channel. Perhaps when this video of his interaction with a student regarding the subject of bias got posted then re-posted by Mr Musk then going viral, his former employer had an "ah Ha" moment. Even though the student was not identified, with only the student's voice being used, this still could have activated a clause in school district policy or Smith's contract regarding privacy of students.  I feel that there is an anomaly  in this story. Why would anyone put their private financials, book writing projects and general life on a not secure (I believe he indicated his data was not encrypted or gated by a pw) laptop that was basically a "loaner".  So there is no thumb drive, no flash drive, no cloud, no backup of any kind?  I like to look for patterns. His seeming lack of awareness of computers bothers me, it does not fit the image of a thoughtful scholar who also has a You Tube channel. Perhaps answers can be found in his content on You Tube or tracking his comments through the social media jungle,  I would advise caution, careful thought and thorough research before gathering up the virtual pitchforks and torches to storm the internet.

Posted to Andrea Burkhart (RE: Karen Read Trial Day#14) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/17/2024

Cross of Matthew McCabe was much more informative. Not saying he is lying, but he certainly likes to extend his responses waaaay beyond yes or no, get theatrical and volunteer details not relevant to the defense's question. Again, not saying he is lying but....  His wife, Jen McCabe was more polished, but I still found a few contradictions in her testimony. My only education in legal matters has been from attorneys like Andrea Burkhart on You Tube. That being said this trial seems off to me. The role of defendant in this case seems to be played by the portion of Canton, Massachusetts with ties to the police. BTW what is with a murder trial where the ME's report is seemingly deemed less important to the prosecution's case than that of certain citizens of Canton, Massachusetts?

Posted to Chris Cillizza (RE: Donald Trump accusing Joe Biden about drugs) Uploaded 05/20/2024

Deflection, misdirection and distraction is how the average/amateur magician can cause an average/uniformed audience to trust that the actions being performed on stage are reality. Don't be that average/uniformed audience looking to where the performer is pointing. Why not try looking elsewhere?

Posted to The DUI Guy+ (RE: Day 14 Karen Read Trial) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/19/2024

Day 14 and about half of the prosecution's witnesses seem potentially more guilty than the defendant. I don't know about bias on the judge's part, but she definitely does not want to be at this trial. Which adds to the weird of this case as this judge has a personal connection to several prosecution witnesses so why not use that excuse to remove herself? Again, I keep coming back to the word "weird". It is human nature to try to make order of chaos, so far I cannot make sense of this trial without using conspiracy theories. Who knows, maybe Lally (prosecution) will surprise us all...someday.

Posted to Emily D. Baker (RE: Day 15 Karen Read Trial) Uploaded to You Tube 0n 05/21/2024

QUESTION: Is the lack of scientific and factual evidence being presented thus far from the prosecution seem odd or unusual?  Had this investigation been handled professionally and thoroughly, we probably would not be ending Day#15 with so many questions. Where is the ME report, accident reconstruction, ALL phone records,  documentation regarding the protocol/source for those swabs sent to UC-Davis and details on treatment of the evidence gathered near the late Officer O'Keefe. Human memory is quite fallible, as Emily says we need, "facts not f*****y". 

Posted to Chris Cillizza (RE: Trump Rhetoric) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/21/2024

I think that these random comments praising certain past despots, tyrants and cruelties is to keep those who disagree with him, perpetually fighting shadows instead of raising relevant issues.  I agree it is hard to tell if these comments are actual or affected regarding Trump and his sycophants. What scares me is not that he believes it, it is that these statements appear to resonant with his followers. I truly feel if Trump thought that a visit to Area 51 to see an interplanetary vehicle would garner him the presidency, he would make that a permanent part of his rally speeches.

Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Bridge Operator Negligence) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/19/2024

I agree that the woman in charge of this bridge is criminally at fault, but so is the company who hired her. At 10-USD per hour (currently12-USD per hour is minimum wage in Florida) with no background checks, this company is not getting "the best of the best". What about adding a default safety system linked with the bridge opening system aligned with the pressing of button1 to activate a simple mechanism emitting a continuous blaring horn and blinking lights (in case of pedestrian deafness). These warnings would be in place until the last of the 5 buttons was pressed. The bicyclist died due to the bridge operator's incompetence, but was aided and abetted by a company who did not allow for operator error. 

Posted to The Behavioral Analyst (RE: Diddy/Sean Combs Video Apology) Uploaded  05/22/2024

I view all celebrity public comments and apologies through the lens of a lawyer (I am only You Tube trained😉). To protect personal assets (sort of a pun) one must first profess innocence of the commission of a violent crime, then profess ignorance of the violent crime, then regarding the evidence if it appears of said violent crime release a video apology listing therapy, rehab and relevant deity in your video without, as Spidey points out, any specifics.  Behavioral points are helpful, but even without video with only audio Sean Combs comes off as less than honest. One month in rehab, a few therapy sessions do not rehabilitate all that quickly.

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Karen Read Trial Day# 16) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/22/2024

Jen McCabe is relaxed and fluent on direct (by prosecution) then argumentative and an amnesiac on cross (by defense). She is her own worst enemy, not the defendant, not the defense attorneys. If what Jen McCabe says about the harassment on social media and on her street is accurate, that is very wrong. However that should have no relevance in this trial. One could query, in a town full of police with seemingly lots of free time, why she cannot get adequate security in her own town and privatize her and her family's social media?


@Culperistic  comment made on the above Uncivil Law video: 

I've now seen more evidence this witness is guilty of the crime than the defendant

MY Reply to comment:   I have never wanted to see an ME report, accident reconstruction and computer expert (Life360 and Cellebrite) testimony so urgently. Remember the interminable financials and gun expert testimony on the Murdaugh trial? I still do.

Posted to Down The Rabbit Hole News (RE: Board Member left Aftermath Fdn) Uploaded 05/22/2024

Sounds like this newly former member of the Aftermath Foundation was as classy and self-aware when leaving the Foundation as this individual was while on the board of the Aftermath Foundation. Well, points for consistency anyway.   BTW --- appreciating Rabbit's new mic!

Posted to Melanie Little (RE: Animal expert looks at photo of Officer O'Keefe's arm) from March 2024

I am commenting on this video after watching (on May 22 2024) Day#16 of Karen Read's trial. We have had approximately 40 prosecution witnesses, with only one expert. This one expert's field was in animal DNA from U.C. Davis. She did not find any canine DNA on the 2-swab sample sent to her. Ironically (I am NOT joking) she found pig DNA. This animal DNA expert was given no information as to the protocol used in acquiring the DNA or a list of witnesses to the collection and storage of sample before it was sent to U.C. Davis. As of this comment all we have is the insistence of the former owners of Chloe that she was "re-homed to a farm Vermont". 

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Aruba Trip - Day 16 Karen Reid Trial) Uploaded 05/22/2024

Karen got jealous in Aruba, over-reacted, later apologized to the person and offered to pay some of this person's Aruba costs. Lally (and thus the judge) may have assisted the defense with showing how Karen Read reacts to a stressful situation. Dating someone with a very vocal, very closed, very "us vs. them" friend/relative group is stressful especially when participating in social situations. GREAT catch by Jackson, showing that Proctor knew enough to question the sisters from the Aruba trip separately, but yet not the Albert/McCabe friend and relative group. So so so many mistakes by the police in this case has produced reasonable doubt in such abundance that we probably will never know what events led to the death of Officer O'Keefe. Sad for his memory. Sad for his family.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Graceland any Scientology connection?) 05/23/2024

To commit such a public, improbable fraud does not reek of intelligence, planning and skills. Instead it reeks of stupidity, cluelessness and zero skills. Hence I thought it was initiated by a certain cult. The notary is curious as don't they have to stamp any signed contract with their ID# and license expiration date? How did this fraudster know that notary's data unless they had used this notary in the past? I would be interested in a follow up. Although maybe I am just too interested in true crime stories.😉

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Reporter for Scientology) Uploaded 05/24/2024

The National Enquirer fired this individual? That is all the information that I need regarding his credentials. Should his current employer ever tire of his acceptance of calls from all these "SPs" which forces him to assemble his CV, any prospective employer should find the decision to hire or not hire quite simple.

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Week's News) Uploaded to You Tube on 05//23/2024

That Graceland attempted fraud seems weird. What criminal would be so clueless and incompetent as to try to attach ownership to such a celebrated piece of real estate? I am going with Occam's Razor plus Kurt and consider this to be a work of a less than adept person. Except, I have one problem, when a notary signs (or stamps) a document, their name, license# and expiration date of said license should also be on form. While the notary in question has denied any such participation, my QUESTION is how did said clueless incompetent criminal get that notary's details? Notary might wish to check their client list..soon.  Also: I very much appreciated the sass and the documentation enclosed in the reply to a certain police department whose attorneys basically need to repeat their courses in Copyright and (especially) Trademark law.

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Discrepancies from witness Colin Albert) Uploaded 05/23/2024

Lying under oath successfully, requires 3D chess skills. The witness must predict the moves and directions of the attorney questioning you in order to answer appropriately; all the while being consistent with all details. Unfortunately most of these witnesses would have trouble winning at checkers or even tic tac toe.  I would prefer to remain neutral regarding guilty or not guilty. I am trying to maintain that ideal position, but it is exhausting.

@burkhartlaw1 --- Andrea Burhart's comment:

I was a criminal defense attorney for 20+ years. This trial is giving me ptsd because the judge is helping the prosecution so much.


It has been said this judge has bias, possibly. However what I have noticed is her tone with both the defense and the prosecution. She seems impatient, dismissive and overly apologetic in an almost "there-there" "poor dears" fashion to the jurors (an excellent passive aggressive way of yelling at the attorneys). So as EDB often says, "I have questions."

@marypounders659 --- comment:

I hope when this is all over Karen Read sues the police department and the state.


I do also, but even if sovereign immunity is not an issue, as a resident in the CW (but not Canton) I fear what my local taxes will look like WHEN (notice I do not say IF) she wins. The errors made by the police and the prosecution will ultimately become the tax payers' burden.

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Karen Read Trial Day#17) Uploaded to You Tube 05/24/2024

THANK YOU to LYK, sometimes I just want an abbreviated version with valid points highlighted. This case has more word salad and incongruities than a political rally. It really is not much of a stretch to imagine a drunken fight between some of the men, one slips, hits the back of his head on something very hard and here we are. There may be no innocents in this case beyond the children (well maybe Chloe if she still lives). This is just an amazing amount of bad choices by all the involved adults. However I especially blame those who should have known and been better. Those who were involved in evidence gathering and investigation. Their shoddy job doomed this case to most likely never being definitively solved.QUESTION: Too soon to consider how "sovereign immunity" affects who can file civil suits against Canton and CW?

Posted to Melanie Little (RE: Karen Read Trial Day# 17) Uploaded to You Tube 05/24/2024

I watch this case thinking that it can not get any weirder, yet it does. On Day#17 in a regionally (but not century) appropriate manner the CW seemed set upon awarding its own scarlet letter for problematic texting to Karen Read. (The Scarlet Letter is a novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne regarding power imbalance, hypocrisy and spitefulness of 17th century Puritans in Massachusetts Bay Colony.). While the texts to Brian Higgins do not show KR in a good light, it also does not show KR committed 2nd degree homicide. However does show a possible motive for a drunken fistfight resulting in a tragic accident among certain males in a certain house in Canton, Massachusetts. QUESTION: Do we know anything about the status of the FBI investigation regarding Michael Proctor (another ironic historical ref: a John Proctor was executed in 1692 during the Salem Witch Trials.) The amount of weirdness in this case is only exceeded by the amount of reasonable doubt.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Is Karen Read Guilty) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/15/22024

If ant could do it safely (the venom is strong in this one), I would love to see a reading on the peripheral players in this tragic circus such as,  police in charge of the investigation (Michael Proctor), the judge (Beverly Cannone) and the local friend group (multiple McCabes and Alberts) of Officer O'Keefe who have been witnesses called by the prosecution.  The trial is a mess due to incompetent investigation, really odd prosecution strategy, an impatient judge who seems to dislike everyone. This judge also has connections to the prosecution's witnesses. Ant is spot on regarding the toxicity of everyone involved and that most likely a series of events lead to an accidental death. I agree that Karen Read is more on trial because no one liked her rather than anyone holding her solely responsible for the death of Officer O'Keefe. 

Posted to Miles Bonsignore (RE: Joining The Try Guys...Second Try) Uploaded  05/26/2024

Obviously this is good news. I especially appreciated the last minute or so when through the magic of light filters and editing that we were told a rather particular back story. Not a fan of change, it can make me insecure, but I do love see such positive evolution on You Tube. Lots of angst and burnout out there. We can be a touch melancholy to see Eugene set sail for his future (now I am getting misty, plus somehow I am now thinking of Frodo) and still feel happy that these guys continue to try and make us think and laugh...😉not necessarily in that order.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Editing of Scientology literature) Uploaded 05/26/2024

Fascinating how there was such a concerted effort to remove politically incorrect statements in "scripture" all the while seeing no problems in acceptance of fair gaming, dividing families and mistreatment of its own followers. 

Posted to ThatUmbrellaGuy (RE: Nick Rekieta arrest) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/25/2024

Originally when I heard what happened to Nick Rekieta, not watching his streams for a while, I thought OMG he was "swatted". Whoever visited that house then filed that complaint may have in the long term saved lives. In the short term Nick Rekieta and his wife will have the fight of their lives, with the hopeful assumption that they wish to win.

Posted to Pretty Pastel Please (RE: TEMU haul) Uploaded to You Tube on 5/22/2024

Keep forgetting about Alex being on Twitch. Glad this video made it to You Tube. Always enjoy the birds who flock around Alex, including the peaceful, the pooping and the stuffed. I appreciate the efficiency of having an unpaid and invisible intern. I stay off TEMU as I have no sales resistance. Cursed would be the word to describe me as my home would be all set for some weird reality show should I be allowed to fly free over TEMU. HOWEVER, I do enjoy seeing others with more self-control buying the random items to play that perennially entertaining TEMU game, "Expectation vs. Reality".

Posted to Little Adventures (RE: Update on Zelda's eye and Goodbye Lulu) Uploaded 05/28/2024

Animals are so adapt at hiding their pain. I know it's an evolutionary thing, but I still irrationally want events to be different. Being on You Tube with the herd so much is shared, I hope the rest of the herd and humans are doing well after this sudden loss. Hopefully Wilby will be the leader we all know he is and give the herd a feeling of stability and safety. These losses of beloved animal companions always has me saying never again, yet I go back to the shelter to fall in love all over again. Love to you all.

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Rekieta Warrant now public) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/29/2024

It is said that addicts have to hit bottom in order to turn their lives around. Hopefully seeing the fear in their children's eyes when the police had to forcibly enter the Rekieta home will be that bottom for Nick and Kayla Rekieta. I am trying to get all news concerning this tragedy from Nick Rekieta's friends as I can only imagine the click bait of certain media outlets.

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE:all chgs dropped against Scottie Scheffler) Uploaded 05/29/2024

As a taxpayer (not in KY) I appreciate that Mr Scheffler was cognizant of the fact that suing the police would probably result in a tax hike for the residents of that area.  QUESTION: Could Mr. Scheffler have added these provisos before signing the no law suit order: (1) a proper protocol in place in case of need of officers elsewhere than this golf course on tournament days. (2) 3 month paid leave for the officer who physically assaulted then over-charged Mr. Scheffler with the mandatory condition of weekly counseling and re-training in crowd and traffic control. That officer "lost it" that day, no one wants a burnt out, volatile officer with a weapon out there trying to make critical decisions.

Posted to Caitlin Doughty (RE: Civil War Submarine vanished 136 years) Uploaded 05/28/2024

I love Caitlin's videos regarding unusual deaths with origins from hubris, misinformation or misfortune, sometimes all three. I was aware that the Confederacy had their own sub, but was ignorant of its sub's  history. Stories should be told. Accurate historical details and study of artifacts should be not limited to that of the victors. We can learn without submitting to the cause from which the object arose. IRONY ALERT:  An inventor full of bravado who did not allow for human error or an escape route who insisted his sub was safe and talked others into joining him, H. L. Hunley captaining the submarine "The Hunley" on October 15  1863... or  Stockton Rush captaining the submersible "Titan" on June 18 2023.  Somehow not listening to history makes the modern version of this story even more tragic.

Posted to Mormon Stories (RE: Megan Conner) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/30/2024

Megan Conner had so many excellent points. One particular statement that resonated with me is that a religion must correct those who take its teachings into extremes like Chad Daybell, Lori Vallow, Jodi Hildebrandt and Ruby Franke or risk losing their membership or worse their tax exemption.

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Thursday Night RoundUp) Uploaded to You Tube on 05/30/2024

Didn't realize along with co-writing a book that Ms.Becky was capable of sooooo many crimes. More of that Murdaugh "magic" during that family's decades of influence spreading throughout the county.  NRA does deserve rights under the U. S. Constitution. Perhaps someone might offer that organization some non-legal advice to the NRA. You may win this battle but lose the war (of public opinion) as the Parkland tragedy will be revisited in any future court case in that county. QUESTION: Do you think that incident would be kept out of court records if NRA decides to sue?  Even if the jury is not allowed to hear of the tragedy in court, they have memories of reading about the actual event. Also I highly doubt social and news media will be as circumspect as the court on this subject.