Saturday, June 1, 2024

JUNE 2024

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: security guard Jason Jordan may wise to leave) 06/01/2024

Judging by this cult's past behavior rectifying this man's life is not in their mission statement. I will go with the illogical fork in the road in that he will be treated even worse, yet still be expected to stay.  QUESTION: As someone who was formerly close to DM, wouldn't this person's departure generate enough concern to result in some illegal measures to quiet him? Admittedly that would an extremely imprudent and foolish move, but when has being prudent and wise ever been part of their methodology?

Posted to  (RE conversation with Sean McDonough) Uploaded to You Tube on 06/01/2024

The prosecution's witness order is odd. Few experts have been called as of Day 19 of this trial. Most prosecutors lead with experts testifying with the ME report, accident reconstruction, verification of phone data) to make their case. As of  Day 19 (Day 20 will be June 3 2024) we are still on prosecution witnesses. Sean McDonough may have come up with the best hypothesis. The Commonwealth never intended to win this case. There was only the need to imply but not prove that Karen Read was to blame in order to absolve a certain friend group. Karen Read may be no saint, but she does not deserve to take the blame for what was someone else's drunken, tragic mistake.

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Brian Higgins (cross) testimony) Uploaded to You Tube on 06/01/2024

I understand that during cross witnesses can get flustered, forgetful and less than fluent. It would be a stressful situation for most of us. Most of the prosecution's witnesses seem to have taken clueless amnesia to a new level. I had hopes that Lally (prosecutor) would shake off his obsession with snow and irrelevant details to finally present a coherent strategy. Probably rhetorical QUESTION:  Is it just me, or is the only logical reason that this farce of a trial exists to be found within the theme of Agatha Christie's "Murder on The Orient Express"...they all knew about the murder and they all were complicit? Ugh, I am really trying to make some kind of order out of this chaos.

Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Valerie Cooke suing Scientology) Uploaded to You Tube 06/01/2024

I would guess that Your Lawyer Friend Zac is not available but perhaps send a dm to Kurt of Uncivil Law on You Tube regarding this issue. My search for a definition of arbitration provided this, "Arbitration is a dispute-resolution process in which the parties select a neutral third party to resolve their claims." How does what is happening to Valerie agree with that definition?  In using the phrase arbitration while professing that all claims must go through arbitration, the defendants have departed their religious world and entered the world of law. Without irritating the judge (NEVER EVER irritate a judge) request what the court expects from the process of a proper arbitration. Doubtful that Scientology's version is anything that this judge would recognize as legal arbitration.

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: Changes after 6 years of farming) Uploaded to You Tube 06/03/2024

This is a journey. Learning from the past of Gold Shaw Farm and adjusting appropriately for the future seems like a healthy and logical way to live. Whether one comes here for weird chickens with a futuristic home or the costs involved with feeding cattle, I have come to appreciate the source of food and the work it takes to produce. And yes those weird chickens and indomitable barn cats are also a drawing point for me. Looking forward to possible leads about why those 2 calves became ill so quickly.

Posted to Attorney Melanie Little (RE: Karen Read trial thru Day#19) Uploaded on 06/03/2024

Good listing by Attorney Melanie of the multitude of mistakes, omissions and just plain F*****y involved in this case. I wish these  "mistakes" and odd (civilian) testimonies would be input to a spreadsheet as this case has, as of Day19, has exhausted my brain's RAM. I am sure the jury would appreciate such a summary, but doubtful that the Judge would allow. 

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Karen Read trial Day#?) Uploaded to You Tube on 06/04/24

I am surprised that since we are talking about a relatively small area in front of a private home in a residential neighborhood, that instructions that should have been given were to:  find, extract, label and bag ANY ITEMS on #34's lawn and in the berm in front of lawn. We are not taking Amazonian jungle, Grand Canyon rock formations or everything on Fifth Avenue (NYC) here. Why do searchers need to be told specifically what inanimate/inorganic objects that they are looking for? Please talk me down, as I am left with only conspiracy theories that makes this mess of a trial compute. The top "theory" I have heard is that CW is going to draw out this circus for as long as possible to imply reasonable doubt for the involvement of the Canton PD along with their friends and families.

Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Stefani Hutchinson former Aftermath Board member) 06/04/2024

Aaron and Nora said far better than I could, in that this person's irrational attacks on and invasion of privacy of, former cult members only reflects badly on The Aftermath Foundation and its board. The vital goal of all never-ins and former members should be to have this cult's tax exempt status removed thus allowing this cult to wither away.  Personal attacks on former cult members through an aggressive and unstable individual is both eerily reminiscent of this cult's punishment method of  "fair gaming" along with diminishing the good that the Aftermath Foundation has done in the past and still might do sometime in the future. Why can't the Aftermath Foundation see that?

Uncivil Law (RE: Man with driver's license issues - part 2) Uploaded to You Tube 06/06/2024

QUESTION: Is it ethical or even legal for an to "research" their prospective or current client regarding things like warrants and arrests? It seems not the norm to be blindsided by one's client's history IN COURT. I appreciate this attorney's passion in the defense of her client, saying that her client is not capable of uploading a video to social media or even thinking through this entire situation. While I do admit dealing with bureaucracy is daunting, he could have asked for help. A hypothetical I would like to mention, is this individual capable of driving unattended with the requisite decisions required of any driver.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Law Suit and Arbitration) Uploaded on 06/05/2024

I am confused about the judge's ruling on basically what is perpetual arbitration. If what the plaintiff, says is to be taken as hearsay when recounted to her attorney then why is the defendants (aka THE cult) recounting to their attorneys taken as fact? There is no video, no audio or non-Scientology witnesses to verify either side, so it is plausible that someone is lying. Why can't the judge appoint an amicus curiae? However, like any miscreants (aka this cult) when they are closely monitored might "playact" for the amicus curiae. This judge needs a legal (but polite) nudge regarding legal precedents to hang her decision on. Maybe plaintiff's attorney needs to accumulate and analyze past cases and decisions in which a judge enforced arbitration end dates or simply ruled that arbitration itself was not properly handled.

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Karen Read Trial Day#21) Uploaded to You Tube on 06/06/2024

Felony trials 101:  the prosecution has to PROVE their case for a guilty verdict. All the defense needs to prove for a not guilty verdict is REASONABLE DOUBT. This trial is twisted with the prosecution eliciting lots of REASONABLE DOUBT which usually results in a not guilty verdict. A not guilty verdict will sentence Karen Read to a lifetime of being someone that possibly un-alived a police officer who was a son, a brother and a father of 2 adopted children.  Now the defense has to PROVE that other party/parties committed this crime. While this trial does not improve my migraines, I did enjoy defense "mistakenly" calling Trooper B...Proctor.

Posted to Molly Burke (RE: Aging without seeing yourself) Uploaded to You Tube 0n 06/06/2024

Regarding fashion and our bodies "THE look" seem to change as frequently as the seasons. However I never thought about how a person without sight might be affected by unfortunate posts or clueless potential employers. Someone can tell me my hair is bad, but I can go home look in the mirror to be assured that it was not true, just one person's opinion. It is something all of us should be aware whenever we post or verbalize our opinions.  BTW adult acne is a concern for me also so whenever the product testing is done, please post. If possible try to keep product regime simple with affordable items that are non-prescription. 

Posted to Rachel Maksy (RE: Turning a painting into wallpaper mural) Uploaded on 06/08/2024

I enjoy murals whether painted by a creative human or assisted into existence by technology. I am guessing (as I have no skills) that papering the door frame would involve things like removing the door frame, hmm so maybe paint doorframe to blend into mural or attach (by magic, glue, tape, teeny tiny nails or hope) a fantasy wooden frame? A home ideally should be comforting, diverting and rejuvenating so my advice is keep going if the muse (and Nick) agrees.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: News This Week - drama   ) Uploaded on 06/08/2024

I am a never-in and probably was one of those who wished that everyone could get along working toward the goal of eliminating this cult's tax exempt status. I was being somewhat naive. Humanity's history is tribal,  Us vs. Them and very distrustful of any changes or anything new. If I could speak to those trolling SPTV channels or simply looking for drama, I would suggest this, it's called "parallel play". This is usually a reference to young children playing in the same room, but each child is playing peacefully by themselves. Plausible for adults against cults?

Posted to Growing Up in Scientology (RE: Judge failing to monitor arbitration) Uploaded 06/09/2024

I admire Valerie and her attorneys for persisting among all this misconduct by the defendant and cowardice by the judge. Thank you to Aaron for this explanation. I now understand that this is the long game that unfortunately will take a considerable amount of time to resolve. Just my opinion, but the court should be ashamed on an ethical level and removed from this case due to behavior antithetical to the proper behavior of a judge of any court.

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: CrimeCon Recap) Uploaded to You Tube on 06/09//2024

I go to many cons, but they relate to Anime, Renaissance, Comic and Gaming topics. I was about to comment that it is always caveat emptor regarding provenance, cost and quality of the products available for purchase. After some thought, I agree that at this type of con there should be a higher bar for truth in advertising. Selling less than effective devices to customers who do not have effective security training or knowledge, but who have a strong need for security should equate to fraud. As for that particular mention of Halyna Hutchins in the RUST panel, that is beyond contemptible.  BTW I hope the police have not only warned Runkle, but also alerted appropriate individuals in this mentally unstable person's home turf.

Posted to Robert Reacts (RE: North West's performance as Simba at H.Bowl) Uploaded 06/06/2024

I have been in the audience for quite a few school plays. Enthusiasm and smiling can take a school play actor to a rousing performance with a standing ovation. However in most cases, it does not take you to a top tier performance at the Hollywood Bowl. Actually I blame the producers even more than the parents, for putting a young child in this situation. Who knows, maybe in 10 years due to all this negativity through hard work she will burst onto the Broadway scene and star in a show. Unfortunately she could also just be in the 10th year of therapy. Shame on all the adults who allowed this to happen knowing how cruel social media can be.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: You Tube Demonetization actions) Uploaded on 06/12/2024

You Tube should have made a point to clarify this rule with the newer, smaller channels. I can see how people all streaming at once at a demonstration communicating with each other is fun to watch and why can't they all be monetized.  However if some channel pops up then uses all one creator's content just to be lazy and greedy that certainly is not ethical or fair. What You Tube is doing is going the easy route. By making the process algorithmic so AI can be the primary "enforcers" rather than humans. I hear AI doesn't need health benefits, vacation time or pleasant working conditions so I doubt YT will change anytime soon.

Posted to Rumple of The Bailey (RE: Karen Read Trial Day#23 - Proctor) Uploaded on 06/12/2024

I have officially lost my ability, at least for this trial, to accept anything said by the prosecution's witnesses (civilian and most police) as accurate and relevant. I would contemplate a law suit against the CW for damages, but since I live in the CW (NOT Canton) such a lawsuit would be detrimental to my income. 

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: D.O.A./Scotty) Uploaded to You Tube 06/13/2024

I really do not know what is going on but moderators have to work quickly regarding trolls, 'bots and the seemingly unhinged. Mistakes could happen. Feelings could get hurt. Mention the mistake to the mods, the creator and try again later. As for doxxing, not good, not ethical and certainly unsafe for the person doxxed. I have seen identifying details such addresses and phone numbers released in court documents. There is no excuse for making anyone feel unsafe. Hope everything resolves soon.

Posted to Cathy Hay (RE: Selling The Business) Uploaded to You Tube on 06/15/2024

I admire people, like Cathy Hay who can create, grow and then "release" a business. It literally takes cooperation between one's heart and mind. So congratulations on the sale, extra time benefit and allowing "the baby" to take their steps in their journey.

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Karen Reid Trial - Cross of Proctor) Uploaded on 06/15/2024

I obviously live in a bubble. Most of the adults who shaped my brain and behavior while I was maturing are and were academics (I live in Massachusetts, but not the community of Canton). I did not know that I shared my home state with such corrupt, misogynistic, incompetent and essentially adult-teenage hybrids who have the adult responsibility of providing safety, security and equitable treatment under the law for the citizens of Massachusetts. All I can do is vote. The Norfolk County DA, Michael W. Morrissey's current term expires in 2026. He had to "sign off" on this farce.  I hope that in 2026 the voters of Massachusetts remember what happened during this trial. I know that I will.

Posted to NBC News (RE: upcoming meeting of Putin and Kim Jong Un in North Korea) 06/18/2024

While I do not wish to minimize the potential danger should these two dictators form an alliance, my mind goes to that ferocious Sunday school teacher and animal annihilator, Governor of South Dakota and infamous author...Kristi Noem. Since she purports to putting a dictator in their place, perhaps we should fly (Economy Class of course) her over to this meeting?

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Explanation of Alec Baldwin's gun use) Uploaded 06/17/2024

It would be nice if this video could be seen by unions in the entertainment industry along with their insurers.  Enforcing and strengthening rules already in union charters for handling weapons on any set by ANYONE would be a wonderful way to honor the life lost of Halyna Hutchins. Punishing HG and even AB will not change the next film set that has producers deciding that safety is simply a line item that can be easily removed or ignored.

Posted to The Behavior Panel (RE: Karen Read Interview) Uploaded to You Tube on 06/13/2024

Until the edited clip shown here, I had never heard Karen Read's voice. As of this date, I have watched most of this trial. During trial Karen Read's body language and facial expressions are mostly under control. I would not be surprised if (I have NO supporting data just a hypothesis) she had botox a month before trial to assist in this control. Karen Read is no angel, but she is also not a murderer. The Commonwealth has provided more reasonable doubt through an incompetent investigation and less than credible prosecution witnesses than even a defense attorney would have to provide. In my opinion we have an imperfect, less than likable person on trial that is populated by even less likable and less believable prosecution witnesses, prosecutor and judge. REQUEST: I would LOVE to see The Behavior Panel analyze other "players" in this farce of a trial (oops gave away my bias).

Posted to Legal Bytes (RE: Karen Read Trial -Day#27 - Voir dire) Uploaded to You Tube on 0619/2024

I believe that all 3 defense witnesses should be admitted for testimony. Allowing Dr. Russell's testimony in, has an easy solution. Get all parties involved in this chain to be on record (aka subject to perjury) regarding Dr. Marie Russell's route from Boston Globe notification viewer to the witness box at the Karen Read trial Day#27. For the Boston Globe notification on Dr. Russell's phone, I am sure that Cellebrite could be involved in verifying or disputing this lightbulb moment. What do I think will happen:  (1) the 2 accident reconstructions will be admitted (2) the judge will consider Rule 14 broken regarding Dr. Russell's expert testimony(3) Dr. Russell's testimony allowed if/when prosecution comes up with their expert (4) the trial goes beyond  July 4 (5) the judge blames this lateness on the defense (6) 1 - 3 jurors will request to leave service (7) and the circus will "stay in town" until mid July.

Posted to SciShow (RE: Facial processing disorder:  Prosopometamorphopsia  )Uploaded  06/14/2024

I thought having prosopagnosia was annoying. This seems so much worse. In general, I cannot recognize people if I see them out of their native environment. I once walked by my own mother in a grocery store. I also have difficult recognizing anyone unless I see them on a routine/daily basis. People I met last week, talked to and even exchange names, in a few weeks their image will return my rather large internal file of "strangers".

Posted to Rachel Maksy (RE: Toothless (baby) as a puppet) Uploaded to You Tube 06/21/2024

Those eyes (Toothless's😉) are my favorite, they FOLLOW you EVERYWHERE. Structurally I love the tail. And the entire creature looks very very huggable. However the lack of mechanics is good right? Otherwise, you have to watch your son go through the tender mercies of whatever security that one must pass through to get onto planes and into cons.

Posted to Emily D. Baker (RE: Instructions for The Jury - Karen Read Trial Day#30) 06/24/2024

Whatever the verdict, Karen Read will carry the "did she or didn't she...?" cloud of suspicion for the rest of her life unless the FBI has come up with  "new" suspect(s) to prosecute. I am bumping up the blame for the ineffective investigative work and oddly presented prosecution to the office of Mr. Michael W. Morrissey, DA of Norfolk County. His term comes up for re-election in 2026. Whatever his party, even if he runs unopposed, I would not vote for the de facto ringmaster in this circus of a trial. IMO he either knew or should have known, what the investigative problems and inconsistencies were concerning this officer's January 29 2022 death by February 2022.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Leah Remini's attorneys resign) Uploaded on 06/24/2024

Certain individuals of The Aftermath Fdn seemingly have been elevated to some sort of superior status in the mind of SH. These individuals used SH when she was valuable to them. Ignoring her now is analogous to knowingly driving a vehicle at full speed, without brakes, down a busy public street. At this point, SH probably cannot, or does not wish to, stop herself.  Rhetorically, as I highly doubt that this comment will be read by certain individuals. If your end game is removing this cult's tax exempt status and freeing its "members",  then harnessing the mental illness of someone to punish critics/former victims of this cult is beyond contemptible and quite reminiscent of this cult's criminal behavior of "fair-gaming". 

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Leah Remini) Uploaded to You Tube on 06/25/2024

Thank you to Aaron and Your Lawyer Friend Zac for making this mess somewhat more clear. The layers of who knew what when is wild.  When I learned about Leah Remini's lawsuit I felt that she was a hero as she knew how toxic and damaging this cult could be to those who challenge its existence. However now, in trying to hide a monumental error done on CHILD USA's watch, former cult members who are also working against this cult's tax exempt status are now being libeled, stalked and threatened. That LR and MR cannot see this horrible irony is sad, tragic and ignorant.

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Karen Read Trial - jury in deliberation) Uploaded to You Tube 06/25/2024

If/when KR gets a not-guilty verdict, along with thanking her attorneys, there are many individuals on the prosecution's witness (REALLY wanted to type witless) list whose "expertise" directly added to that reasonable doubt factor that allows any defendant of a criminal trial to be acquitted. If for some reason the jury is deadlocked or votes for a guilty verdict, this continuing nightmare will sink the reputations and careers of many CW agencies and probably even the town of Canton's tax base with people seeking to leave Canton or even Norfolk County.

---->Question: It has been a loooong trial so maybe this has been asked and answered thus redundant or otherwise irrelevant. As an active (at least in 2022) ATF agent, isn't Brian Higgins kind of in Proctor's situation regarding,  "the AGENCY who shall not be named" least until after this jury issues a verdict?

Posted to Court TV (RE: Vinnie Pollitano on death of Sandra Birchmore) Uploaded 06/2/2024

It is beyond irony that in trying to make Karen Read directly responsible for the death of Officer O'Keefe with this circus of a trial, it has made all involved civilians and State Trooper prosecution witnesses infamous and very recognizable. If the actual cause of the death of Sandra Birchmore can be documented, then her friends and family will get far more closure than Officer O'Keefe's. I cannot imagine how the ME supported not getting a DNA test done on the fetus. Whatever one's opinion is concerning the start of a life, this fetus was essentially an "unquestioned" witness or direct evidence regarding the data which could have been provided to indicate homicide more likely action than self-harm.

Posted to Legal Bytes (RE: Cross of one of the accident reconstructionists) Uploaded 06/26/2024

I am used to interacting (virtually) with chats in various Law Tubers live streams. I do not agree with all the comments, but I can appreciate the thoughts and consideration behind their posts. As for the social media entity formerly known as Twitter, where responses can be from 'bots, trolls or clueless humans, I do not, nor do I ever intend to, acquire an account. There is no useful debate to be had or knowledge to be gained from those whose opinions are binary without a thoughtful consideration of the opinions of others.


What did you think of the defense's experts on Day 30?? Did you see them as helpful to the defense as I did?

My response:

"Mic drop" moments was in your question. I felt every word out of this witness's mouth deserved a "mic drop". Karen Read is guilty of mean girl behavior (those texts with Brian Higgins), she is guilty of using inappropriate tone and terms (in texts to Officer O'Keefe), but the CW has provided no supportable evidence indicating her guilt of 2nd degree murder. The CW has only added to the reasonable doubt pile. Thanks to the Canton PD, the State Troopers and the office of the Norfolk County DA, family and friends of the late Officer O'Keefe will probably never get closure.

Posted to Tragos Law on Instagram (Lawyer You Know on You Tube) on June 27 2024

This is my hope, the jury is taking so long to decide as they want their reasoning to be coherent, detail-oriented and above reproach. There is also the emotional aspect of how a very quick jury return with a not guilty verdict would have affected the O'Keefe family.

Posted to Emily D. Baker (RE: Karen Read Trial-Jury Verdict Watch Day#4) Uploaded 06/28/2024

As a non-juror I have had access to data that was not shared with this jury with the BIG one being the (ongoing?) FBI investigation. Perhaps knowing the bigger picture is why I am surprised at the deadlocked status. I agree with comments indicating that the verdict slip, that the judge was adamant in saying was perfectly clear, was instead confusing.  QUESTION1: Can't the judge at least determine if the deadlocked status is primarily concerning the verdict slip? [perhaps not relevant but I am curious and have questions] QUESTION2: Do we know this judge's stats, as in total cases she presided over vs. how many reversals on appeals? 

Posted to The DUI Guy+ (RE: Interview with a former juror from Washington State)  06/28/2024

I am getting VERY strong middle school teacher burnout vibes from Judge Beverly Cannone. She speaks to the jury as if they were children. This judge often speaks to the lawyers as if they need an intellectual assist in grasping simple details of law or even phrasing questions (Lally probably😉, but certainly not Yannetti and Jackson). The witnesses are threatened with the loss of air conditioning if they do not speak louder. When the defense indicated that there might be some confusion with the jury verdict form, Judge Cannone indicated this form was crystal clear and quite obvious as she, (multiple times) waved the physical page in front of her. This was not a high point in either this trial or history of justices in the CW. Probably not relevant, but I would LOVE to know this judge's stats on total trials served on matched with reversals on appeal. 

Posted to Law & Lumber (RE: Friday Night Roundup) Uploaded to You Tube on 06/28/2024

What seems like a very long time ago, I remember being doubtful about all the conspiracies flying around the then upcoming Read trial. Then came prosecution witnesses with family and close friends of the late officer. It was difficult to listen to the raw pain when they spoke about Officer O'Keefe. Later the complete circus came to town and the clowns testified. There were clowns with amnesia. There were arrogant clowns.  There were clowns who had trouble with the English language regarding such words as  "friend" "close friend" and "acquaintance". Finally there were clowns with very important jobs for which they were obviously unsuited for.  Now we find ourselves here, with probably best case scenario being a mistrial.  Perhaps like in the final scene in a play of questionable merit, there will be a Deus ex Machina moment...if the Feds show up.

Posted to Collier Landry (RE: Interview with Melanie Little on Read Trial) Uploaded on 06/29/2024

The Canton PD and the State Troopers of the CW have much to answer for to the family of Officer John O'Keefe. These "professionals'" with their inconsistencies, laziness, cluelessness, apathy and yes even misogyny has probably ensured (unless the FBI knows more than it is currently telling) that this case will never reach a satisfactory solution for any involved parties. The Governor of the Commonwealth should request the Norfolk County DA to resign (the DA's elected term does not end until 2026) and start internal investigations ASAP before past convictions start crowding the docket of appellate court.