Monday, September 30, 2024


Posted to Attorney Melanie (RE: Duck Report) Uploaded to You Tube on 1001/2024

Mixed thoughts (sort of sorry for length):   (1)LOGIC: People are properly angry at MST, Canton LE and the DA of Norfolk County, but no one should enter private spaces or businesses unless invited by word or intent. (2)RANDOM: The named LE of this report is Detective Timothy Taylor. Any one remember an old TV series called, Tool Time? The protagonist's name was Tim "The Toolman" Taylor.  If this ducky narrative (that noun in itself is suss) is real, then this LE unit really does know how to do a proper investigation. (3)SUMMARY: Leaning towards this being faked, just to intimidate protestors. Of course first the narrative's author had to watch a multi-season marathon of  Law & Order.πŸ˜‰

Posted to Liz Gale (RE: Resignation from SCTV Fdn) Uploaded to You Tube on 10/01/2024    

As others have said, being on a board of directors for any business or foundation is not for all of us. I know that I could not do it. However I would only unsubscribe, had the theme of this channel drastically changed. As Liz Gale still believes in removing this cult's tax exempt status, helping those recover from this cult's influence and continuing to warn those of us never-ins to continue that viewpoint, I will remain subscribed. Bones need rest to heal and so does stress. 

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: Sean Combs connections to celebrities) Uploaded to You Tube on 10/02/2024

The list of offenses attributed to Sean Combs gives me dΓ©jΓ  vu. Jeffrey Epstein had questionable parties, allegedly kept film and images of attendees at those parties, made donations to foundations when it suited his purpose, was often seen pictured with entertainment and political celebrities, was accused then convicted of tr****ing  Think back further and there is Harvey Weinstein. While enablers often keep these monsters alive, focusing on minor celebrities will not solve the larger problem of the way society can reward bad behavior, especially if such behavior is profitable. 

Posted to Attorney Melanie (RE: Civil Suit filed against Canton bars and Karen Read) 10/03/2024

This began with those in authority forgetting that their power was granted by the citizens of Massachusetts to protect and serve the public. Thanks to the incompetence, lies and utter narcissism of the MST, local LE and certain individuals linked to LE by blood or marriage, Officer O'Keefe will never receive the honor, respect and allegiance that is due to his family and to his memory. These false guardians should be ashamed and removed from the one thing they appear to value above all else, power.

Posted to Microdots (RE: Wild Animals) Uploaded to You Tube on 10/04/2024

While this video is dramatic, intense and quite cinematic, it is also a very plausible representation of what happened when a group of powerful and well-connected individuals were present at the scene of an accident that they sought to cover up. Wild animals is a good metaphor as there is no conscience, no ethics, no compassion, only the absolute primal need to survive.

Posted to Smokey Glow (RE: Matt and Abby Parent Vloggers) Uploaded to You Tube 09/05/2024

HELLO! Glad to see a new (at least to me) video on this channel. I have not seen any Matt & Abby videos, but with the data from this commentary I can certainly hypothesize. Problematic parenting videos are all over social media.  Remember the vlog, 8 Passengers? Remember Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrand's online cult of parenting and marriage advice? Considering the loose definition of "reality" on certain vlogs, who knows what we are seeing. Unfortunately there are viewers that cut and paste someone else's techniques and lives without considering the consequences. I do appreciate this cautionary message!

Posted to Collier Landry (RE: What is in that rug) Uploaded to You Tube 10/05/2024

I admit that I initially looked at this whole rug and laptop thing with, a big REALLY? However since she was hacked and lost her funds, I am very very sad for her and furious at the hacker as I am assuming Katie Santry does not have Elon Musk-level of financials. Sounds like at least for this one point in time for one particular person that good won over evil. Hope her kind helpers find and expose this 'bot, person, troll or whatever.

Posted to Hazariel Atelier (RE: Office/Closet/Guest Room Makeover) Uploaded on10/06/2024

So transformative AND most importantly, "cat who is not my cat" approved. While in real time the work was most likely strenuous, the editing made it look like so much fun (and pushes me to do something, anything with my space).This is now a beautiful room which tells so many stories and has multiple functionality, I was not looking at the curtains. While watching paint dry is the fav statement for illustrating boredom, in this instance watching paint, wallpaper and glue being stripped from surfaces had an oddly hypnotic and relaxing effect on me (full disclosure I do not get out muchπŸ‘€).

Posted to LVCopsTV (RE: Enrique Delgardo-Garcia) uploaded to You Tube on 10/04/2024

I cannot understand why this investigation of Enrique Delgardo-Garcia is taking so long. Is the delay is intentional or incompetence-related? A comment was made concerning (maybe?) California sending only a social worker out to a domestic or an unstable person call. Never ever send a mental health worker or anyone alone without LE backup to a call like that. The victim could have easy access to a weapon, too far altered to listen to words or even capable of self-harm. We need both types of professionals on site, It may be expensive, but could save lives on both sides of "the line".

Posted to Gold Shaw Farms (RE: Chicken loss) Uploaded to You Tube on  10/07/2024

I would echo what other comments suggest, position more cameras, as many as is affordable. I know zero about farm life (beyond videos on this channel), but I would think as with any random violence the best defense would require knowledge of the identity (aka species) of the perpetrator in order to guard the flock. Whatever it was it had to be fast, relatively small but still strong along with being quite agile to not ignite the wrath of Toby and Abby.  BTW shock can impact the immune system so pamper that rooster until his behavior returns to the typical rooster level of confidence.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Possibility of the release of the Menendez Brothers) Uploaded 10/07/2024

I was going to comment about Kim K getting involved in the movement to release the brothers, when ant spoke on that in the very end of this video. I am guessing that hold would be coming from the judge and prosecutors involved in the brothers' conviction...probably from the second trial. This person is likely in a more powerful (and/or influential) position now and does not wish their "legacy" to be diminished with the release of either or both of the brothers. Unfortunately hubris, not justice, rules the day in this situation.

Posted to Chris Cillizza (RE: Does Trump have dementia) Uploaded to You Tube 10/07/2024

I agree the gloss, facade, and negativity has increased while Trump's filter has, yes he had a slight one, has diminished. Candidate Trump 2.0 (2024) is just twice whatever Trump Prime (2015) was like. I wish Elon Musk would offer Trump and family a free SpaceX trip to Mars. If nothing else it would get them off the planet until the election is over, too late to annoy every election precinct in the U.S. and most importantly maybe certain members of the Supreme Court could encouraged to retire.

Posted to Heretic-Andrew Gold (RE: Interview with Keira Bell) Uploaded to You Tube on 10/07/2024

I probably have not seen all of the interviews on people transitioning more due to the will of clinics than well-thought out personal choice, but seems like all these clinics and medical personnel are from the UK. What is going on at the NHS? I have heard that often there is difficulty in booking any specialists, getting vital surgeries and new treatments yet there seems to be no such issue if you want to permanently reno your body. Is this greed, incompetence, both?

Posted to Breakfast All Day (RE: Dave White Reviews Terrifier 3) Uploaded to You Tube 10/08/2024

I listen to Dave and Alonso's podcast, Linoleum Knife (very funny, very informative and highly recommended) so I was well aware of the cinema polymath that is Dave White. I do appreciate that Christy and Alonso were game enough to sit through this movie.  I respect Mr. White as a person, as a movie reviewer and a podcaster, but I am NOT seeing the 1st, 2nd or Terrifier 3 at any theater, any streaming service or any drive-in. Forget blood, clowns severely creep me out.

Posted to Emily D. Baker (RE: More charges for Diddy?) Uploaded to You Tube on 10/09/2024

What I find increasingly scary is the amount of enablers (music industry, employees, family, friends, celebrities) it took to keep Sean Combs seemingly invulnerable (until the Cassie video) from prosecution. Criminal indictment, prosecution and "final destination" of those enablers, not to mention the civil suits, could take multiple decades. The basis for for the U.S. judicial system,  presumption of innocence  is a philosophy that I find harder and harder to maintain in recent years. I appreciate those like EDB who continue to remind all of us that the presumption of innocence is the right of ANY defendant.

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: DA (colorado) Linda Stanley disbarred) Uploaded 10/09/2024

QUESTION: I realize that Kari Morrissey was appointed, but are elected prosecutors like Michael Morrissey (DA Norfolk County) and Linda Stanley (former DA Colorado) more prone to losing their way by being more protective of their jobs than of the rights of individuals?  ANSWERS: (1) Disbarment, level achieved. (2) Any attack on judges should be predicated on their judicial behavior during trials regarding rulings and verdicts. (3) You know what, "let them talk" (apologies for slight alteration of that line to the writer(s) of the Dr. Serizawa comment in 2014 film, Godzilla). If you cannot stay off social media, as a grown a** adult, well it's on you.

Posted to Relatable Reese (RE: Relationship breakup) Uploaded to You Tube on 10/08/2024

Personal relationships of people I follow on You Tube are none of my business. In general, I would advise anyone to protect themselves first, especially where there is a child in the home. From the previous video, I had thought that there was violence in the home. I apologize for jumping to conclusions. Concentrate on living one's own life and protecting one's child until adulthood should be the priorities now. The cult of Scientology essentially tries to destroy individuality and parenthood. As a never in I cannot imagine the lifelong psychological damage that is done. Stay well, be happy and watch your child grow up the way you were not allowed.πŸ’—

Posted to Relatable Reese (RE: 3 guns given to "police"?) Uploaded to You Tube 0n 10/09/2024

Replay crew here That was a wild ride! However protect yourself, get a lawyer familiar with gun laws to register the 2 guns from the late husband. Keep all paperwork in a lock box in a safe location with copies at a secure 2nd location. Get paperwork proving that LE (officers' names, badge numbers, date and gun serial#) confiscated that 3rd (gifted) gun, in case the ex, "forgets" he claimed it. File a stalker report with any info (handle,  copies of any texts or email) regarding the individual who knew the police were there. Keep stalker report copy in a secure location. Having an indomitable spirit is important, but there be dragons out there so be alert, inquisitive and prepared.πŸ’—

Posted To Gold Shaw Farm (RE: Planning slowed due to injury) Uploaded to You Tube on 10/10/2024

You Tube analytics frown on video upload inactivity, but I feel most current subscribers would not unsubscribe, so (DAD pun alert) be supportive of your foot. Maybe just do more live streams from the house with the foot up?  I know it's a "Hail Mary", but have you seen an orthopedic specialist at a facility that treats athletes? If it exists (it would be pricey) perhaps there is an orthotic that can be inserted into an ordinary boot to immobilize the broken toe. Just a thought, but ask a medical professional (aka Mrs. G) if it would be safe to stabilize the broken toe by linking (via velcro bandage) to the uninjured toes while you are walking around the farm. It would be like grafting apple trees, only no knife plus you still end up with 5 movable toes...hopefully.πŸ˜‰

Posted to NatalieLawyerChick (RE: Piers Morgan) Uploaded to You Tube on 10/10/2024

Due to my schedule, The Morning Docket will have to be The Closing Summation for me. However even as a replay crew viewer I will stay subscribed, πŸ‘ and rant...oops I mean comment.πŸ˜‰  I agree regarding the plaintiff who never stops. They cannot stop unless acted upon by an outside force (thank you Newton's Laws of Motion for my odd analogy) which would probably be a judicial and/or LE intervention.

Posted to Kevin Smith (RE: Joker 2 folie a deux) Uploaded to You Tube on 10/10/2024

I know lightning can strike regarding a movie with a huge budget making an even more huge profit but such occurrences are rare. While Todd Phillips was allowed to pursue his vision without studio interference, he should have kept the budget as low as possible. Blumhouse and A24 have proven that reasonably budgeted movies can be profitable, enjoyable and occasionally worthy of a nomination for an award.  Not my idea, but someone on YT mentioned that only one audience test screening might have enabled those in charge of this film to (quoting my car's AI) recalculate.

Posted to Microdots (RE: Interview with LVcopsTV) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/08/2024

I cannot conceive of the courage needed to run towards shooting.  When the 2017 Vegas shooting was mentioned, I did not remember the enormous devastation. I only vaguely recalled "a 2017 shooting at a concert in Las Vegas". While that is my fault, there is also the violence that seems to erupt on a regular basis in our society has done something horrific to me; making me forget. I am so sad for the victims and so ashamed of myself.

Posted to Nurse_Kim (RE: Interview with Attorney Mark Bederow) Uploaded to You Tube 10/11/2024

Listening to Mark Bederow's logic, reasoning and statements of fact, is beyond refreshing. I know that it is a low bar (pun intended, maybe) of humor,  but early in this discussion Attorney Bederow indicated that if a prosecutor (just plucking a name out of my head, Lally) is called by the defense as a witness, there is a problem. I have to admit that I laughed at that remark. I am hoping all registered voters in Massachusetts will remember Molly Bish, Sandra Birchmore, Karen Read and Enrique Delgado-Garcia and vote appropriately. I know that I will....

Posted to Attorney Melanie Little (RE: police cadet deaths across the country) Uploaded 10/11/2024

Whether Denver Colorado (Victor Moses' life altering injuries) or Southwestern Indiana (Asson Hacker un-alived during physical training exercise) or MST (Enrique Delgado-Garcia being un-alived during "training"), there is obviously a problem with police academy training methods along with a lack of properly educated instructors familiar with the medical profiles of their cadets.  WHY, are police being trained as Seal Team 6 combatants,  when their jobs will be mostly dealing with fatal accidents, substance abuse, theft, SA, mental illness and domestic calls. Criminals are argumentative along with being unhappy at being arrested, but they are not enemy soldiers. 

Posted to ModernGurlz (RE: Method Dressing) Uploaded to You Tube on 10/11/2024

I like method dressing. It seems perfectly matched to the job of promoting a movie. Of course when you take a leap, sometimes you fall. Blake Lively's method dressing in the "It Ends With Us" tour, was a unicorn due to the on set and on tour turbulence. A course correction probably was not easy to attempt as I am guessing months go into the wardrobe planning for a tour. However, I feel that somewhere in Blake Lively's personal wardrobe were strong, structured, impeccably tailored garments that could be accessorized with hint of a floral for hair, jewelry or other accessories? That phrase attributed to Blake Lively, "grab your friends, wear your florals" made me imagine a wacky rom-com not a movie about DV. Publicists and stylists should take note of what went wrong and do better next time.

Posted to Midge Munster (RE: Beetlejuice cosplay) Uploaded to You Tube on 10/12/2024

Here from Rachel Maksy's channel. I have no skillset for crafts or sewing, but I love watching talented people like Midge and Rachel make practical magic become reality. The reveal was great. Definitely put "the girls" and the signage into the honorary Beetlejuice suite.  Could 2 dolls be made over into Dante's employees?  I am thinking not a Barbie type, maybe a plushy-type?  Attach one doll to each shoulder with velcro or snaps? Ideally the tops of the 2 dolls' heads are in line with the top of the cosplayer's head. As for being smaller, tell people that the witchdoctor shrunk them. Make the eyes glow (fluorescent paint or batteries) to add to the mood of the night. 

Posted to LVCopsTV (RE: Jen McCabe cross examination in Read Trial) Uploaded 10/11/2024

I appreciate LVCopsTV pointing out what not to do when there is a sudden tragedy. Hubris has led us to where we are now. A tight, closed group of self-entitled citizens of Canton refused to admit their part in what was most likely, a tragic accident. They lied and lied until their lies became their truth. The psychology behind this mess could fill an entire chapter in the DSM-5.  Officer John O'Keefe has become a background player in his own story. There is no honor for his memory. There is no justice regarding this tragedy. And ultimately, no closure for his family in any of this.

Posted to penguinz0 (RE: Civil Case of Billy Mitchell) Uploaded to You Tube on 10/12/2024

To all those who refuse to accept the evidence that we currently exist in a broken alternate reality, the endgame of some time traveler's messing with butterflies, a malfunctioning simulation, I submit the evidence that Charlie has so kindly and succinctly presented in this video. Have a nice day everyone,πŸ‘€