Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Data from a co-worker of Lively on The Rhythm Section) 03/01/2025
A petition started by a person using such an obviously fictitious name is suss. Also it makes Blake Lively look quite bad which to me indicates a troll. I am not any kind of mental health expert, but having difficulty in making and maintaining eye contact is not indicative of dominance, quite the opposite. I have extreme difficulty with that rather normal human behavior. School was h3ll for me as I was considered quite standoffish and egotistical by my peers. Now Blake Lively is a grown up with children and a decent actor so there is not much of an excuse for her behavior. To save the shreds of her career, she needs to own her behavior, formulate a plan for improvement and for all the deities settle this mess out of court ASAP.
Posted to Nate The Lawyer (RE: Epstein Files) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/01/2025
Pam Bondi's department assembled binders containing sheets of paper with more redactions than data and still released them. Hilariously these influencers were warned not to distribute the data for 3 hours. Some infamous deceivers, P.T. Barnum, L. Ron Hubbard, Carlo Ponzi, Bernie Madoff and plus whoever convinced Pam Bondi to release these binders.
Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Rebecca Ferguson Interview and Ex-CIA hire) Uploaded on 03/01/2025
Magnus's hundreds of years of experience covering the entertainment industry must have resulted in his advanced wisdom. As Magnus so sensibly said, "This is basically a business dispute." Kjersti had hypothesized that RR was responsible for that pointless petition regarding Baldoni. However this ex-CIA hire seems more like RR behavior. If this ex-CIA hire is real, someone has wasted money. Right now there are hundreds of twitter sleuths looking for unfortunate tweets by all the main players in this farce...for free. A farce that began in a format which could have been settled quickly and quietly had all parties been adults. Seems like it has been ages ago when Blake Lively filed a civil complaint with the California Civil Rights Department. It was December 20, 2024. Think of all that energy, money and time expended by both sides. Think of the good it could have done directed positively. On second thought, don't think about it.
Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Interview w/cult expert Rick Alan Ross) 03/01/2025
Excellent interview. I had a very close relative who came to my new home to visit. He was barely in the door when the cult talk began. I was quite sad. My (now ex) SO, not known for holding in anger, insisted loudly that my relative needed to leave NOW. Haven't seen this relative in decades. As was said by Rick Ross, it would be highly ironic if L. Ron Hubbard was tormented by his own imaginary creations in his last years due to his deteriorating mental health and/or physical condition.
Posted to Heavy Spoilers (RE: Film Theory) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/02/2025
I agree. Most wells are not endless. IP wells are especially limited. We are getting the film version of biological inbreeding. Not healthy for an organism, not healthy for creativity. Employ new writers, pay veteran writers more, much more. Try to get some new perspectives on all film genres.
Posted to Relatable Reese (RE: Tommy Scoville) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/02/2025
All parties need to take an extended (as in years not months) no-contact break that includes no texts, no phone calls and no emails. SORRY, this will be long. This situation sounds dangerous for everyone. This woman or her family could take legal action against ALL parties. It could get worse, the IRS or DEA could get involved. Update LE with any additional data (including seeing some kind of "white powder") to be added to the previously filed complaint. Make copies of everything in the LE complaint file. Hire an attorney. Ask that attorney if the knowledge of this wealthy woman would make a romantic partner complicit. Ask attorney what to do with any property not purchased by you, that includes the motorcycle. Let the attorney ship whatever is necessary. Mention seeing some kind of "white powder" but it was not examined by you. Make copies of all credit card statements which involve lent money which was not repaid. Leave copies of data (audio tape, text images and card statements) with the firm of the hired attorney. Leave paper copies of all data in a sealed/initialed/dated envelope with a trusted person who is not known to anyone from You Tube. Hopefully any threats were only meant to engender fear and maintain control. As for acquiring a restraining order, also get a legal opinion along with what the police had said. Install outdoor cameras, one obvious, several hidden. Be sure all data is saved to the cloud, without overwriting except at your direct instruction.
Posted to Scott Rouse (RE: Trump, Vance and Zelenskyy) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/02/2025
I agree that Trump and Vance showed far more confidence than Zelenskyy. Even with an alert translator in attendance, the person to whom English is not their native language is at a disadvantage. Hence Zelenskyy's body language that is leaning towards weakness, confusion and frustration. I was surprised to see Vance there. I am unaware if Zelenskyy brought a comparable official from the Ukraine. I know that national (U.S.) politics will affect some viewers' attitudes. I am not proud of the fact that my knowledge of the background and status of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine is minimal. However I did come away from this video with the feeling that on an admittedly simplistic level Zelenskyy can be compared to the consternation of the student who walks into the classroom late. The student realizes that the professor has handed out an unscheduled exam. The final blow to the student is that this exam may count for as much as one-half of that semester's grade. Imagine that body language. I do not have to. It happened to me, hence my attendance at "summer school".
Posted to Doctor Elliot (RE: Reaction to an S2 E5 of New Amsterdam series on Peacock) 10/03/2024
MY COMMENT MADE ON 03/03/2025:
Just came across this channel reacting to a clip of S2 E5 of the New Amsterdam series via You Tube algorithm. I never watched this series. I only saw the portions of that episode as reacted to on this channel. The brain does not fully mature until age 25. Does that give any advantage to a child diagnosed as a psychopath over an adult diagnosed as a psychopath (or whatever DSM-5 is calling the disorder these days)? Assuming there is no chemical or hormonal imbalance or discernible brain issue such as a tumor, would stimulating the brain with a type of tiny pacemaker in non-responsive areas (seen via MRI) such as near the amygdala and prefrontal cortex be worth such an invasive procedure? Or would MRI scans result in too many false positives or false negatives to be worth such a risk? In the 1940's - early 1950's some medical specialists felt that the PreFrontal Lobotomy would cure depression, neurosis and dozens of other conditions. However, it only succeeded in ruining lives.
Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Odd You Tube/social media Traffic) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/04/2025
Are these odd incidents on any videos mentioning Lively/Baldoni, perhaps coincidences or perhaps deliberate? If deliberate, then it is a massive waste of someone's time. If there is an employer of that "someone" then include a waste of money. There is also the venerable, verifiable, valid theory called, The Streisand Effect. The one way to slow and eventually end the tsunami of social media coverage for these celebrities: be boring, be silent (unless you have THE receipts) and settle out of court with NDA's. Somewhere someplace, the next celebrity scandal is waiting to emerge, to be mishandled and to go viral. It is 🎶♬♫"The Circle of Life"... on the internet.
Posted to Dan Murrell (RE: Review of the 2025 Oscars show) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/04/2025
I did not watch the Oscars 2025 live stream. I probably will catch the main item that I was curious about, Conan's sections, elsewhere. Having Hulu just turn off the Oscars due to time issues, would ordinarily be an issue regarding being considered for the job next time. However with Disney owning ABC and HULU, I am guessing all will be forgiven except for the poor soul who pressed the disconnect button. A long LONG time ago a certain NFL game (1968 w/ NY Jets vs. Oakland Raiders) was interrupted by NBC to switch from the Oscars to a movie, "Heidi". Doubtful that movie's devotees were in the same demo as NFL fans. Imagine if in 1968 there had been a reactive social media presence. The tweets and reddit comments would have been epic.
Kjersti Flaa - Community Page -- Uploaded to You Tube on 03/04/2025 -- my comment 03/05/2025
One of you creative souls suggested to me that there should be a "name" for this drama. The girl who sent me this suggested: The Khaleesi Movie Stickup, The Meanpool Movie Coup, The Rug Pull Movie Heist, The Fake Cryin Movie Scam. What can you come up with? Let's make a #
(1) When Dragons Fly (2) How I Met My Nemesis (3) It Takes One to Make a Civil Suit (4) What Not To Be...Ever (5) My Crazy Ex-Employee (6) Conversational Chaos (7) How NOT To Train Your Dragon (8) No Florals Here (9) Nothing To See Here (10) OSHA Wherefore Art Thou (11) "Reality is often disappointing" (quotation credit: Thanos/Marvel) (12) To Boldly Go Where No One Should Ever Go (13) A Meet UNcute (14) This End Does Not Justify The Means (15) May Peace Be With You, Or Not (16) Ode To A Disaster
Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Wiki Page explanation) Uploaded on 03/04/2025
At this point whether these PR reps or tech people have been officially employed by Lively and Reynolds is irrelevant. No events or reliable data released since the original filing of that workplace complaint validates Lively's assertions. In actuality, quite the opposite has happened. At this point, who would believe anything from Lively or Reynolds? PR involvement has exacerbated the situation into a virtual war fought on the fields of social media. Now quite likely there are "independent contractors" on those fields (aka in this case, trolls) who owe their allegiance to no one. That makes them the most dangerous of all involved. Lively and Reynolds may have been mean-spirited and self-entitled for decades. I had never thought of either of them as bereft of all critical thought. Yet, here we are.
Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Odd Incidents for Influencers) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/06/2025
I do not have You Tube Premium. While I have not noticed any "technical difficulties" I have noticed that the commercial insertion on videos (not solely those that discuss celebrities) is off the charts. Most likely that is on You Tube. I lost faith in MSM a long time ago. Their fact checking is minimal. Their desire for clicks and ad money is of maximum proportions. I have muted (not deleted) news apps on my phone. As for Lively and Reynolds (or any celebrity) trying to win a social media war is a waste of time without either dramatic incontrovertible evidence or an accepted apology.
Posted to Lawyer You Know (RE: Bias) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/06/2025
I agree with LYK that there is judicial bias. It has been a journey for me to maintain impartiality. From the beginning of trial one, I had doubts about Judge Cannone. Not recusing herself from being the judge on the Read trial gave me extreme doubts about this judge. Then came the countless times Judge Cannone "assisted" (now former lead) prosecutor Lally by sustaining his weak/irrelevant objections. I respect Peter for taking time before mentioning judicial bias. QUESTION: Is the wording of the court's acceptance of both the defense and prosecution expert witnesses (re: dog bites/attacks) enough to include in a legal filing of bias should the second trial jury verdict go the way of the first (in either in mistrial or guilty verdict)?
Posted to Let'sTalkIBD (RE: Pregnancy Update) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/06/2025
I was considered high risk for both of my children, mostly due to my advanced age (thirties' ?!😉). In addition, I am quite short, my SO is quite tall. Walking in those final weeks of pregnancy was an accomplishment. Breathing was not as easy as it used to be. Yes on the heartburn, oddly not eating made the heartburn worse. Even 2 or 3 stairs became a challenge to traverse. Duration of my sleep, seemed to exceed the time that I was awake. Other than the "phantom" rectum pains, Maggie's pregnancy sounds healthy, routine and challenging like most pregnancies. Glad to hear this update.💗 to all in "Baby Girl's" orbit.
Posted to The Young Jurks (RE: Interview with attorney Carl Steinbeck) Uploaded on 03/06/2025
I am not minimizing the insightful commentary of any of the legal experts on You Tube. However, I do appreciate "fresh eyes" of any legal expert new to the Read case. As I have heard online (sorry forget whom) it was indicated that this trial contains the most gas-lighting (by prosecution) that they have ever seen in one trial. I have subscribed to Mr. Steinbeck's You Tube channel.
Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Are certain influencers being affected) Uploaded on 03/06/2025
When Baldoni's attorney issued the full (allegedly until discovery/trial) text chains of what Lively's attorney had only chosen some (allegedly until discovery/trial) out of order texts, public opinion has swung towards Baldoni. I do not know if these planted articles that are pro Lively or pro Baldoni are released by PR reps, trolls, 'bots or ex-CIA. What I am noticing is that none of these newly planted articles are exculpating Lively and Reynolds. The only way to control this narrative is to end it before it de-evolves into a streaming reality show taking place in civil court. BTW: You Tube is always in trouble for removing subscribers. As Kjersti mentioned, those who seek to increase their subscriber and viewer count through bashing others are just plain sad. 100% negativity is not a viable long-term business plan. Such sites should be left alone and unnamed. Two states of being that such channels absolutely detest.
Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Interview with writer, interviewer; Nelson Aspen) Uploaded on 03/07/2025
I agree with Nelson Aspen, Blake Lively needs some family time away from the public. I definitely have entered the land of Lively-Reynolds (& even Baldoni) fatigue. Mr. Aspen also mentioned how at this point, this is a war waged by PR firms. I am SO old, I remember when PR reps were essentially well-paid cheerleaders. They would show the client saving puppies, donating to children's hospitals, helping to clean trash off a beach and of course pointing how good the client was in a theatrical movie/streaming movie/broadway show or whatever. I find any PR firm dropping negative articles highly suspect. MSM seems to have developed the habit of cutting and pasting these PR releases as news articles published without editing, checking sources and fact checking. This may have cost MSM the last shred of relevancy they had...their credibility.
Posted to Molly Burke (RE: Sadness and Blindness) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/07/2025
Not sure what the You Tube analytics are showing. At least for me, I rather like fashion and makeup. I also like videos showing more serious topics such as the process of acquiring and training a guide dog or how Uber and Lyft have problematic histories with guide dogs. I love a good travel vlog. I find it fascinating seeing decor from the perspective of someone who doesn't pick an object simply because it "looks good". Everyone deserves kind treatment from themselves, even if it is just muting a few news apps. This quotation has been attributed to several individuals (including Mahatma Gandhi and Hubert Humphrey). While I cannot 100% accurately attribute the author of this quotation, it remains on its own merits, insight of immense value: "The greatness of a nation can be judged by how it treats its weakest member." Maybe some day, in the near or distant future, that quotation can be correctly attributed and used in a speech to encourage those in control of an area prone to earthquakes, fires and mud slides that there is an urgent need for a plan that allows EVERYONE to safely escape a natural disaster.
Posted to Rachel Maksy (RE:Thrift Store Knicknacks Made Cute) Uploaded to You Tune on 03/08/2025
I do appreciate Rachel going to a thrift store in order to reveal the crafty greatness that is hidden by kitsch, tackiness and glitz (sounds like a group of trolls, as in fables not internet). Maybe me, but Sir Bunny looks much happier with his "new" couture. Suggestion: Find an uggo wooden frame, whittle it into submission then give its interior a Leonardo DaVinci "Hands" moment. Definitely add that sign to the Hobbit door (in English on one side and Elvish on the reverse).
Posted to Life After a Cult (RE: Talk with Aaron Smith-Levin) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/08/2025
I am a never-in regarding this particular cult. It is refreshing listening to adults discussing topics with honesty, candor and humor. Tribalism is not just an issue of any one community. At one point, that way of living worked. However that was a very very long ago with caves, ice ages and woolly mammoths being involved. Thank you to Natalie and Aaron for educating me and entertaining me regarding a cult which I will not identify by name. However will identify it with my amazement that it still has tax exempt status when most of us are not looking forward to April 15. (tax due date in the U.S.).
Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Lively at premiere of A Second Simple Favor) Uploaded on 03/08/2025
There is an expression that person is so beloved that they can do no wrong. Lively and Reynolds have entered the land of; they can do nothing right. As for showing up at this premiere, I am not shocked. It seems that the director and the other actors did the best that they could in trying to stay upbeat, polite and non-committal. Perhaps Blake Lively still thinks that all this drama will all work out in her favor? After all, it worked for her in the past. Perhaps Blake Lively's attorneys and representation will convince her to take some time off (for self-reflection😉). IMDb indicates that she has 6 "upcoming projects" so perhaps disappearing completely is not possible. Karla SofÃa Gascón should send Lively a thank you note. All those awful tweets, yet not nearly the quantity of coverage on Gascón that has been on Lively.