Saturday, March 1, 2025

MARCH 2025

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Data from a co-worker of Lively on The Rhythm Section)  03/01/2025

A petition started by a person using such an obviously fictitious name is suss. Also it makes Blake Lively look quite bad which to me indicates a troll. I am not any kind of mental health expert, but having difficulty in making and maintaining eye contact is not indicative of dominance, quite the opposite. I have extreme difficulty with that rather normal human behavior. School was h3ll for me as I was considered quite standoffish and egotistical by my peers. Now Blake Lively is a grown up with children and a decent actor so there is not much of an excuse for her behavior. To save the shreds of her career, she needs to own her behavior, formulate a plan for improvement and for all the deities settle this mess out of court ASAP.

Posted to Nate The Lawyer (RE: Epstein Files) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/01/2025

Pam Bondi's department assembled binders containing sheets of paper with more redactions than data and still released them.  Hilariously these influencers were warned not to distribute the data for 3 hours. Some infamous deceivers, P.T. Barnum, L. Ron Hubbard, Carlo Ponzi, Bernie Madoff and plus whoever convinced Pam Bondi to release these binders.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Rebecca Ferguson Interview and Ex-CIA hire) Uploaded on 03/01/2025

Magnus's hundreds of years of experience covering the entertainment industry must have resulted in his advanced wisdom. As Magnus so sensibly said, "This is basically a business dispute." Kjersti had hypothesized that RR was responsible for that pointless petition regarding Baldoni. However this ex-CIA hire seems more like RR behavior. If this ex-CIA hire is real, someone has wasted money. Right now there are hundreds of twitter sleuths looking for unfortunate tweets by all the main players in this farce...for free. A farce that began in a format which could have been settled quickly and quietly had all parties been adults. Seems like it has been ages ago when Blake Lively filed a civil complaint with the California Civil Rights Department. It was December 20, 2024. Think of all that energy, money and time expended by both sides. Think of the good it could have done directed positively. On second thought, don't think about it. 

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Interview w/cult expert Rick Alan Ross)  03/01/2025

Excellent interview. I had a very close relative who came to my new home to visit. He was barely in the door when the cult talk began. I was quite sad. My (now ex) SO, not known for holding in anger, insisted loudly that my relative needed to leave NOW. Haven't seen this relative in decades. As was said by Rick Ross, it would be highly ironic if L. Ron Hubbard was tormented by his own imaginary creations in his last years due to his deteriorating mental health and/or physical condition. 

Posted to Heavy Spoilers (RE: Film Theory)  Uploaded to You Tube on 03/02/2025

I agree. Most wells are not endless. IP wells are especially limited. We are getting the film version of biological inbreeding. Not healthy for an organism, not healthy for creativity. Employ new writers, pay veteran writers more, much more. Try to get some new perspectives on all film genres.

Posted to Relatable Reese (RE: Tommy Scoville) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/02/2025

All parties need to take an extended (as in years not months) no-contact break that includes no texts, no phone calls and no emails. SORRY, this will be long. This situation sounds dangerous for everyone. This woman or her family could take legal action against ALL parties. It could get worse, the IRS or DEA could get involved. Update LE with any additional data (including seeing some kind of "white powder") to be added to the previously filed complaint. Make copies of everything in the LE complaint file. Hire an attorney. Ask that attorney if the knowledge of this wealthy woman would make a romantic partner complicit. Ask attorney what to do with any property not purchased by you, that includes the motorcycle. Let the attorney ship whatever is necessary. Mention seeing some kind of "white powder" but it was not examined by you. Make copies of all credit card statements which involve lent money which was not repaid. Leave copies of data (audio tape, text images and card statements) with the firm of the hired attorney. Leave paper copies of all data in a sealed/initialed/dated envelope with a trusted person who is not known to anyone from You Tube. Hopefully any threats were only meant to engender fear and maintain control. As for acquiring a restraining order, also get a legal opinion along with what the police had said. Install outdoor cameras, one obvious, several hidden. Be sure all data is saved to the cloud, without overwriting except at your direct instruction.

Posted to Scott Rouse (RE: Trump, Vance and Zelenskyy) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/02/2025

I agree that Trump and Vance showed far more confidence than Zelenskyy. Even with an alert translator in attendance, the person to whom English is not their native language is at a disadvantage. Hence Zelenskyy's body language that is leaning towards weakness, confusion and frustration. I was surprised to see Vance there. I am unaware if Zelenskyy brought a comparable official from the Ukraine. I know that national (U.S.) politics will affect some viewers' attitudes. I am not proud of the fact that my knowledge of the background and status of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine is minimal. However I did come away from this video with the feeling that on an admittedly simplistic level Zelenskyy can be compared to the consternation of the student who walks into the classroom late. The student realizes that the professor has handed out an unscheduled exam. The final blow to the student is that this exam may count for as much as one-half of that semester's grade. Imagine that body language. I do not have to. It happened to me, hence my attendance at "summer school". 

Posted to Doctor Elliot (RE: Reaction to an S2 E5 of New Amsterdam series on Peacock) 10/03/2024

MY COMMENT MADE ON 03/03/2025:

Just came across this channel reacting to a clip of S2 E5 of the New Amsterdam series via You Tube algorithm. I never watched this series. I only saw the portions of that episode as reacted to on this channel. The brain does not fully mature until age 25. Does that give any advantage to a child diagnosed as a psychopath over an adult diagnosed as a psychopath (or whatever DSM-5 is calling the disorder these days)?  Assuming there is no chemical or hormonal imbalance or discernible brain issue such as a tumor, would stimulating the brain with a type of tiny pacemaker in non-responsive areas (seen via MRI) such as near the amygdala and prefrontal cortex be worth such an invasive procedure? Or would MRI scans result in too many false positives or false negatives to be worth such a risk? In the 1940's - early 1950's some medical specialists felt that the PreFrontal Lobotomy would cure depression, neurosis and dozens of other conditions. However, it only succeeded in ruining lives.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Odd You Tube/social media Traffic) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/04/2025

Are these odd incidents on any videos mentioning Lively/Baldoni, perhaps coincidences or perhaps  deliberate? If deliberate, then it is a massive waste of someone's time. If there is an employer of that "someone" then include a waste of money. There is also the venerable, verifiable, valid theory called, The Streisand Effect. The one way to slow and eventually end the tsunami of social media coverage for these celebrities: be boring, be silent (unless you have THE receipts) and settle out of court with NDA's. Somewhere someplace, the next celebrity scandal is waiting to emerge, to be mishandled and to go viral. It is  🎶♬♫"The Circle of Life"... on the internet.

Posted to Dan Murrell (RE: Review of the 2025 Oscars show) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/04/2025

I did not watch the Oscars 2025 live stream. I probably will catch the main item that I was curious about, Conan's sections, elsewhere. Having Hulu just turn off the Oscars due to time issues, would ordinarily be an issue regarding being considered for the job next time. However with Disney owning ABC and HULU, I am guessing all will be forgiven except for the poor soul who pressed the disconnect button. A long LONG time ago a certain NFL game (1968 w/ NY Jets vs. Oakland Raiders) was interrupted by NBC to switch from the Oscars to a movie, "Heidi". Doubtful that movie's devotees were in the same demo as NFL fans. Imagine if in 1968 there had been a reactive social media presence. The tweets and reddit comments would have been epic.

Kjersti Flaa - Community Page -- Uploaded to You Tube on 03/04/2025 -- my comment 03/05/2025

One of you creative souls suggested to me that there should be a "name" for this drama. The girl who sent me this suggested: The Khaleesi Movie Stickup, The Meanpool Movie Coup, The Rug Pull Movie Heist, The Fake Cryin Movie Scam. What can you come up with? Let's make a #

(1) When Dragons Fly (2) How I Met My Nemesis (3) It Takes One to Make a Civil Suit (4) What Not To Be...Ever (5) My Crazy Ex-Employee (6) Conversational Chaos (7) How NOT To Train Your Dragon (8) No Florals Here (9) Nothing To See Here (10) OSHA Wherefore Art Thou (11) "Reality is often disappointing" (quotation credit: Thanos/Marvel) (12) To Boldly Go Where No One Should Ever Go  (13) A Meet UNcute (14) This End Does Not Justify The Means (15) May Peace Be With You, Or Not (16) Ode To A Disaster  

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Wiki Page explanation) Uploaded on 03/04/2025

At this point whether these PR reps or tech people have been officially employed by Lively and Reynolds is irrelevant. No events or reliable data released since the original filing of that workplace complaint validates Lively's assertions. In actuality, quite the opposite has happened. At this point, who would believe anything from Lively or Reynolds? PR involvement has exacerbated the situation into a virtual war fought on the fields of social media. Now quite likely there are "independent contractors" on those fields (aka in this case, trolls) who owe their allegiance to no one. That makes them the most dangerous of all involved. Lively and Reynolds may have been mean-spirited and self-entitled for decades. I had never thought of either of them as bereft of all critical thought. Yet, here we are.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Odd Incidents for Influencers) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/06/2025

I do not have You Tube Premium. While I have not noticed any "technical difficulties"  I have noticed that the commercial insertion on videos (not solely those that discuss celebrities) is off the charts.  Most likely that is on You Tube. I lost faith in MSM a long time ago. Their fact checking is minimal. Their desire for clicks and ad money is of maximum proportions. I have muted (not deleted) news apps on my phone. As for Lively and Reynolds (or any celebrity) trying to win a social media war is a waste of time without either dramatic incontrovertible evidence or an accepted apology.

Posted to Lawyer You Know (RE: Bias) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/06/2025

I agree with LYK that there is judicial bias. It has been a journey for me to maintain impartiality. From the beginning of trial one, I had doubts about Judge Cannone. Not recusing herself from being the judge on the Read trial gave me extreme doubts about this judge. Then came the countless times Judge Cannone "assisted" (now former lead) prosecutor Lally by sustaining his weak/irrelevant objections.  I respect Peter for taking time before mentioning judicial bias. QUESTION: Is the wording of the court's acceptance of both the defense and prosecution expert witnesses (re: dog bites/attacks) enough to include in a legal filing of bias should the second trial jury verdict go the way of the first (in either in mistrial or guilty verdict)?

Posted to Let'sTalkIBD (RE: Pregnancy Update) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/06/2025

I was considered high risk for both of my children, mostly due to my advanced age (thirties' ?!😉). In addition, I am quite short, my SO is quite tall. Walking in those final weeks of pregnancy was an accomplishment. Breathing was not as easy as it used to be. Yes on the heartburn, oddly not eating made the heartburn worse. Even 2 or 3 stairs became a  challenge to traverse. Duration of my sleep, seemed to exceed the time that I was awake. Other than the  "phantom" rectum pains, Maggie's pregnancy sounds healthy, routine and challenging like most pregnancies. Glad to hear this update.💗 to all in "Baby Girl's" orbit.

Posted to The Young Jurks (RE: Interview with attorney Carl Steinbeck) Uploaded on 03/06/2025

I am not minimizing the insightful commentary of any of the legal experts on You Tube. However, I do appreciate "fresh eyes" of any legal expert new to the Read case. As I have heard online (sorry forget whom) it was indicated that this trial contains the most gas-lighting (by prosecution) that they have ever seen in one trial. I have subscribed to Mr. Steinbeck's You Tube channel.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Are certain influencers being affected) Uploaded on 03/06/2025

When Baldoni's attorney issued the full (allegedly until discovery/trial) text chains of what Lively's attorney had only chosen some (allegedly until discovery/trial) out of order texts, public opinion has swung towards Baldoni. I do not know if these planted articles that are pro Lively or pro Baldoni are released by PR reps, trolls, 'bots or ex-CIA. What I am noticing is that none of these newly planted articles are exculpating Lively and Reynolds. The only way to control this narrative is to end it before it de-evolves into a streaming reality show taking place in civil court. BTW: You Tube is always in trouble for removing subscribers. As Kjersti mentioned, those who seek to increase their subscriber and viewer count through bashing others are just plain sad. 100% negativity is not a viable long-term business plan.  Such sites should be left alone and unnamed. Two states of being that such channels absolutely detest.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Interview with writer, interviewer; Nelson Aspen) Uploaded on 03/07/2025

I agree with Nelson Aspen, Blake Lively needs some family time away from the public. I definitely have entered the land of Lively-Reynolds (& even Baldoni) fatigue. Mr. Aspen also mentioned how at this point, this is a war waged by PR firms. I am SO old, I remember when PR reps were essentially well-paid cheerleaders. They would show the client saving puppies, donating to children's hospitals, helping to clean trash off a beach and of course pointing how good the client was in a theatrical movie/streaming movie/broadway show or whatever. I find any PR firm dropping negative articles highly suspect. MSM seems to have developed the habit of cutting and pasting these PR releases as news articles published without editing, checking sources and fact checking. This may have cost MSM the last shred of relevancy they had...their credibility.

Posted to Molly Burke (RE: Sadness and Blindness) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/07/2025

Not sure what the You Tube analytics are showing. At least for me, I rather like fashion and makeup. I also like videos showing more serious topics such as the process of acquiring and training a guide dog or how Uber and Lyft have problematic histories with guide dogs. I love a good travel vlog. I find it fascinating seeing decor from the perspective of someone who doesn't pick an object simply because it "looks good". Everyone deserves kind treatment from themselves, even if it is just muting a few news apps. This quotation has been attributed to several individuals (including Mahatma Gandhi and Hubert Humphrey). While I cannot 100% accurately attribute the author of this quotation, it remains on its own merits, insight of immense value:  "The greatness of a nation can be judged by how it treats its weakest member." Maybe some day, in the near or distant future, that quotation can be correctly attributed and used in a speech to encourage those in control of an area prone to earthquakes, fires and mud slides that there is an urgent need for a plan that allows EVERYONE to safely escape a natural disaster.

Posted to Rachel Maksy (RE:Thrift Store Knicknacks Made Cute) Uploaded to You Tune on 03/08/2025

I do appreciate Rachel going to a thrift store in order to reveal the crafty greatness that is hidden by kitsch, tackiness and glitz (sounds like a group of trolls, as in fables not internet). Maybe me, but Sir Bunny looks much happier with his "new" couture. Suggestion: Find an uggo wooden frame, whittle it into submission then give its interior a Leonardo DaVinci "Hands" moment. Definitely add that sign to the Hobbit door (in English on one side and Elvish on the reverse).

Posted to Life After a Cult (RE: Talk with Aaron Smith-Levin) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/08/2025

I am a never-in regarding this particular cult. It is refreshing listening to adults discussing topics with honesty, candor and humor. Tribalism is not just an issue of any one community. At one point, that way of living worked. However that was a very very long ago with caves, ice ages and woolly mammoths being involved. Thank you to Natalie and Aaron for educating me and entertaining me regarding a cult which I will not identify by name. However will identify it with my amazement that it still has tax exempt status when most of us are not looking forward to April 15. (tax due date in the U.S.).

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Lively at premiere of A Second Simple Favor) Uploaded on 03/08/2025

There is an expression that person is so beloved that they can do no wrong. Lively and Reynolds have entered the land of; they can do nothing right. As for showing up at this premiere, I am not shocked. It seems that the director and the other actors did the best that they could in trying to stay upbeat, polite and non-committal.  Perhaps Blake Lively still thinks that all this drama will all work out in her favor? After all, it worked for her in the past. Perhaps Blake Lively's attorneys and representation will convince her to take some time off (for self-reflection😉). IMDb indicates that she has 6 "upcoming projects" so perhaps disappearing completely is not possible. Karla Sofía Gascón should send Lively a thank you note. All those awful tweets, yet not nearly the quantity of coverage on Gascón that has been on Lively.

Saturday, February 1, 2025


 Posted to Midge Munster (RE: 2025 Trends) Uploaded to You Tube 02/01/2025

I wear recycled clothing. I mostly wear black. I love fantastical aquatic and flying creatures. My sewing skills are limited to hems, button changes and removing unnecessary "bedazzling" of my thrifted finds, but still valid. So I may be good to go with 2025, at least trend-wise. Looked up detached retina (w/o images of course). Sounds like the SO is likely in the regaining lost vision phase. I am blind in one eye, so I need no empathy regarding mobility issues. I have lots of banged knees and stubbed toes to validate that statement. Wishing everyone good health.♥

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Her poll and Updates) Uploaded to You Tube 02/01/2025

Out of that poll assessing blame, my choices were not on the list. I would have chosen both Reynolds a 30%-blame assessment AND Lively a 20%-blame assessment. A no, at this point, on Baldoni. The inclusion of Taylor Swift made me laugh. Another choice not on that poll was the behind the scenes people  (PR, Crisis PR, Agents, Managers, Studio execs) who obviously enabled this disaster instead of separating, scolding and providing sanity to the children.  IMO the behind the scenes people get a 50%-blame assessment. Final rant: whomever (hopefully not TS) gave Blake Lively, not renown for her creative writing skillset (for evidence see THE movie), the imagery of GoT, Daenerys Targaryen and dragons should be barred from public posting until the year 3000 AD or later.😉 Did anyone ask George R. R. Martin if he wants to sue?🤣 BTW very cute tee shirt. I admire Kjersti taking literal ownership of that phrase (copyrighted I hope).

Posted to Molly Burke (RE: Taking boyfriend to see old home town) Uploaded on 12/01/2025

It was fun to see how "pumped" Molly was recalling places, events and people from her past. I know that it always wasn't good for Molly in those days, but the look on her face, the tone of her voice showed such joy. My vision is very slowly degrading (not due to retinitis pigmentosa), but I can only imagine how awful it was to lose most of her vision in her early teens. That is a sensitive time for all. I am not sure how the girl I was would have handled that abrupt transition. Probably took the combination of a fantastic family and other caring people to assist in making the Molly we see now.


Posted to Broken Baker (RE: SP Hank Brennan loses 2 motions)Uploaded to You Tube on 02/01/2025

I would love to know what the Commonwealth promised Hank Brennan to take on the position of "special prosecutor".  As far as I can determine he is only allowed a maximum of 75,000-usd. Does he also get lifetime Commonwealth passes for: parking tickets and speeding tickets? Or my fav conspiracy theory; does he get a chance at DA Norfolk County position which goes up for election in November, 2026. Or is he playing the long game as the current Commonwealth Attorney General's position ends January 6, 2027.  BTW I have missed a few recent hearings on this case. Is poor Lally still sitting next to Brennan all hunched over, focused on a blank legal pad and utterly silent? 



Film: IT ENDS WITH US --- as of 02/02/2025**

Production Budget: $25 million** 

Worldwide Gross: Over $350 million** 

(financial data per Google AI, Wiki, Forbes*, The Numbers,com)    * = behind a paywall

SCREEN RANT explaining the numbers;


Posted to Attorney Melanie Little (RE: Judge Jeannine Pirro of Fox News) Uploaded on 02/02/2025

Is someone punking Judge Pirro? I am not a follower of FOX (or any MSM). I have come across Pirro's commentaries. I may not agree with Pirro's conclusions on other cases, but at least I can recognize the case in question from her commentary. If Judge Pirro ever shows up for an interview, I would like to know the following: With an audience that trusts and believes Pirro's opinions, why didn't Judge Pirro fact check or ask a trusted associate to fact check her commentary on Karen Read before it was read to her audience?

Posted to Dan Murrell (RE: Emilia Pérez scandals) Uploaded to You Tube on 02/02/2025

I finally watched this movie. I cannot speak to the level of accuracy of accents, political issues or the trans experience. However I have watched a telenovela or two and that is what I am reminded of with the film, Emilia Pérez. IMO Zoë Saldaña's performance was Oscar worthy. Zoë Saldaña's performance along with Adriana Paz, in a small but pivotal role as Epifania, made this film watchable. I think Oscar votes are due by 02/18/2025. Doubtful that this drama can turn around before that upcoming deadline.  Dan did provide an excellent apology format should those involved in the social media drama decide to make a short, concise and relevant apology. Wonder if Dan should dabble in Crisis PR? I hear that there are, or soon will be, lots of openings. 😉

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Recent Drama) Uploaded to You Tube on 02/02/2025

Replay crew here. I do not know what the answer is regarding YT drama. I do know trying to convo with trolls on twitter is useless. As for influencers on You Tube, I do like viewer/chat suggestion of addressing rumors in a special segment.  Perhaps limit these "Truth or Troll" sessions once per month to channel members?  My guess is that regular viewers want to hear news about how this cult is weakening, how it can be weakened further and any relevant legal cases (even Leah Remini's). BTW I believe in therapy, but acknowledge cost is a valid issue. 

Posted to SpillSesh (RE: Drama this week - Weekly Teacap) Uploaded to You Tube on 02/02/2025

I watched Emilia Pérez on Netflix. I know there has been controversy about the authenticity of the accents/dialects, why more Mexicans were not employed on set, why it was not filmed in Mexico and Trans individuals seem to not be happy about Trans depiction. I cannot claim knowledge in any of those areas, but I found the movie not very watchable. Emilia Pérez reminded me of a much too long telenovela. After about 20 minutes I started to lose interest, but I continued to watch due to the performance of Zoë Saldaña (as Rita). Adriana Paz in a small role as (as Epifanía) was also excellent. However, I do not see 13 Oscar nominations here, except maybe for Zoë Saldaña's performance. BTW like the format of Weekly Teacap.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: More History on Blake Lively) Uploaded to You Tube on 02/03/2025

There is no excuse for the very bad behavior of 2 powerful celebrities, but Kjersti may have just answered my "WHY?"  and "HOW?" it unfolded. Gossip Girls ran 2007 when Lively was about 20 years old to 2012. The wardrobe of the actors on that show was basically one of the co-stars.  Lively's immediate family is full of talented, attractive actors and powerful behind the scenes people. While having body issues is quite sad, the enablers over the years (and I include Baldoni however benign his original intent was) have produced a beautiful woman who has no idea that she is not the center of the entertainment-verse. Probably a very bad analogy, but whatever we think of the monster in Frankenstein by Mary Shelly, don't we have to deposit the majority of the blame onto the ultimate enabler, Dr. Victor Frankenstein for the resulting chaos that he created? My advice for all in this mess: settle out of court, speak up honestly about image issues, sign those NDAs and move on. This is an excellent time for that due to the media focusing on recent Oscar nominee scandals.

Posted to Little Adventures (RE: Controversial GP Opinions) Uploaded to You Tube on 02/03/2025

One of my controversial opinions is that a small amount of pelleted food (a rounded tablespoon per guinea pig) is fine. Adds variety, nutrients and dish tipping is fun for my two pigs. Usually there are pellet leftovers by the end of the day mixed with...well you know, which I toss. Another controversial thing that I do is;  partially as a taming treat, partially per a vet's instruction, is to hand feed each pig 1/2 vitamin-C/timothy wafer per day. My final (that I will document here😉) controversial decision is that I also have cats. I have always had cats and guinea pigs. Never had a problem, well until yesterday. I adopt all of my animals from shelters. About 4 months ago I adopted second cat. This cat seemingly has Houdini DNA. He opens closed cabinets, doors, boxes and yesterday he figured out how to open the pigs' cage. I woke up to find my cat sleeping on top of one of the pig's wooden houses with 2 extremely confused, but not scared with no teeth chattering, guinea pigs milling around in the cage.  What can I say?  I was 50%horrified and 50%laughing to tears when it happened. The cage now has a childproof lock.

Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Grant Cardone and Scientology) Uploaded to You Tube  02/03/2025

I know nothing about Grant Cardone beyond what I have learned from this channel. So my hypothesis is just that, an uninformed guess. Perhaps this cult is giving Cardone a long leash. They allow him to take in a minimal amount with the hope/promise that Cardone may be the lure for bigger fish. Then these "bigger fish" may make donations or even lead to other wealthy and/or powerful contacts for Scientology. Like most cons, this cult is all about the money.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Collision of Military Helicopter and Passenger Plane) Uploaded 02/03/2025

I have heard it said that our culture is reactive not proactive. Years of budget and personnel cuts have probably taken their toll on FAA. A tragic accident was inevitable. It happens, so we react. Southern California almost burns down due to ignoring land management and weather patterns. So now we react. Neither tragedy should have happened. The weaknesses and the problems were there in plain sight waiting to be judged, evaluated and corrected. I hate this loop that seems to have captured humanity. Conspiracy theories can be accurate, but usually these theories are simply us humans trying to make order out of the chaos. It has been a rough few months. Ant, any positive events coming up? 

Posted to Observe (RE: Study of Baldoni's behavioral language) Uploaded to You Tube on 02/24/2025

With Baldoni's past good works, rep in the industry, close family relationships, he is either the best actor on the planet or the worst choice for any cancellation conspiracy. Reynolds and Lively may not only have chosen the wrong IP/film to hijack (as sadly there are many books on abu3e out there), but also may have chosen as a "person of interest" the living male version of Mother Theresa. Unless Lively and Reynolds are sitting on unreleased receipts, numerous witness testimonies from the set or unseen film clips my advice to all would be to settle out of court, sign those NDA's and move on with their lives. If new data emerges, I would enjoy a commentary by Observe. 


A COMMENT:@jricrianne-------I don't understand why people keep saying that his voicemail is creepy... He's apologizing sound and empathetic and obviously responding to something that she sent to him before.

MY REPLY TO ABOVE COMMENT: Baldoni's response is creepy/inappropriate only in the sense that it is coming from an employer (aka co-founder Wayfarer, owner of film's IP, director of this movie). It is not creepy/not inappropriate if it were coming from one BFF (guessing that is not applicable here) to another. I am not assigning blame, I will leave that to others.


A COMMENT:  We shouldn’t be asking “why did Justin stay?” We should be asking “Why does Blake harm?”

MY REPLY TO ABOVE COMMENT: Valid, but I want to ask additional questions. Why hire Lively to begin with? Yes she has THE name, but isn't she too old for the part as written? She had just had a baby. Her reputation as a diva on set goes back to "Gossip Girl" days. Steve Sarowitz, a very wealthy individual, is one of the owners of Wayfarer. Seemingly they could have "released" Lively by paying off her contract and moving on?  Admittedly none of that changes the fact that reputations and livelihoods have been damaged.

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Baldoni vs. Lively Amended Complaint - part one) Uploaded 02/04/2025

Blake Lively IS a bully, self-entitled, insensitive and epitomizes the phrase, "cannot read the room". One thing I do not see her as being is someone who has the mental RAM necessary to plan and to implement a coup d'état on her own. Quite unofficially and IMO I am assessing blame as follows: PR/advisors= 50%, Reynolds= 30% and Lively= 20%. Celebrities for the sake of our sanity and your careers please settle out of court, sign those numerous NDA's and move on. No one directly involved should want this to go to trial. However, speaking as a subscriber to several legal channels, I have to admit that this trial would be a good watch.

Posted to Mormon Stories (RE: Discussion-Shari Franke's book,The House of My Mother) 01/06/2025

(my comment was made 02/04/2025): Thank you to Mormon Stories. This panel was fair, kind, truthful and informative. Under my own volition I have left a religion which I believe is no longer  relevant, at least to me. Religion can give humanity so much. It can supply a framework to support personal relationships, ethical interactions at work, respect for our parents and of course the "big one" to avoid un-aliving violence. It is heartbreaking that a high demand/high control religion is knowingly creating followers who are easily manipulated by bad actors and put into danger. My hope is that perhaps Shari Franke's book might edge this (and many) religion(s) towards self-reflection and respect for the rights of all humans.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Kanye West and Bianca Centuri at Grammy red carpet) 02/05/205

I reluctantly concede to ant's reading. Bianca is on board with being Kanye's art. As many have pointed out, Kanye West was fully dressed. IMO West being all covered up made Bianca look like a victim. For a fleeting moment, I thought that I saw fear, or perhaps it was indecision, in Bianca's eyes. As a former model, baring all is probably not unfamiliar. When "art" is displayed at a highly attended, well-publicized and videoed event, it does become everyone's business. Hence all the speculation about Bianca's mental health. BTW when Lady Gaga does fashion experiments, we KNOW that she is 100% informed and on board with her look.

Posted to Broken Baker (RE: Defense Motion Denied in Karen Read case) Uploaded 02/06/2025

Replay crew here. Defense may have lost a relatively small skirmish (reimbursement of $12K expert fee), but IMO won a major battle. The Defense now has it on record that the Prosecutor for the Commonwealth (aka lackadaisical Lally) did not turn over ALL evidence prior to trial one. As we all learned (along with Kari Morrissey apparently) in NM vs. Alec Baldwin it is not the job of the Prosecutor to decide if evidence is exculpatory. I do not expect Judge Cannone to dismiss all charges which would release Karen Read. This "mistake" by the Prosecution would, to my non-legal mind, make a good case for appeal should trial 2 (due to begin on April 1st...what brain trust thought that date would be good) run its course.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE:Anna Kendrick&Blake Lively/Lively lost a role?Side Effects/2013) 02/07/25

So sorry to hear about that influencer's embellished/incorrect remarks. What Kjersti said was logical and relevant. A side benefit is instead of trying to convince anyone, just leave a link to this episode. I had heard that Anna😉 was "not a fan" regarding Blake Lively. Only a GUESS-->I wonder if Lively attempted "to direct" Anna Kendrick?<--GUESS only.  Anna Kendrick's first professional appearance was on Broadway at 12. She is approximately 2 years older than Lively. Blake Lively had a small movie part at 10 and then began her career full time in Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (2005) at age 18. Who knows, maybe Anna and Blake only had a public disagreement about some dialogue. Of course run a disagreement through a Hollywood whisper campaign (more of a shouting campaign these days) and who knows what emerges in MSM?

Posted to Dan Murrell (RE: Review of trailer for Jurassic World: Rebirth) Uploaded 02/06/2025

Along with Dan Murrell, I am hoping for the best in a movie about dinosaurs. Often the SPX/CGI is not in its final form on trailer release day. Thus far I have been spared viewing the trailer for Jurassic World Rebirth. Seems a little bit that many in this movie are there for the paycheck, not the art...well except for the CGI dinos. Maybe this time all the dinosaurs are smarter than the people? All that charging, chasing and chaos is basically the dinosaurs trying to get those pesky irresponsible humans off their Isla  (or Isla Nublar or Isla Sorna or does it really matter?)

Posted to The Behavior Panel (RE: Rachel Jackson bizarre meltdown) Uploaded on 02/06/2025

Mark Bowden did an ORC voice in LotR? I think that I may have a new favorite panel member😉. Remember that Deadhead pilot (not necessarily a Grateful Dead fan, but a pilot flying as a passenger) who had taken an edible shortly before getting on a plane. It did not end well for him, at least professionally. This video showed Nashville police performing a masterclass on how to safely contain a mentally unstable,  possibly over-medicated, individual. Perhaps Chase Hughes can add this video to his de-escalation training sessions with LE. There are so many news reports of an incident like this going tragically wrong. At least this time, it went as right as was possible.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Community questions for Kjersti read by Magnus) Uploaded on 02/07/2025

I agree that asking a narcissist "why" is probably not going to elicit a satisfactory response due to their personality. Some people are color blind and sadly there are those who appear to be emotionally blind. As for mentioning pregnancy, if that type (or any type) of comment/query was not acceptable by a celebrity, it is the job of the PR rep to instruct the journalists prior to interviews. BTW I still find it VERY odd that neither Lively's or Posey's PR  rep made any attempt to either defuse the situation in real time or request edit privileges before publication. Scary hypothesis, but could it be that as uncomfortable as that interview was, there was no perceived issue from the PR reps? 

Posted to The Behavioral Arts (RE: Spidey analyzes the Grammy Awards) Uploaded on 02/08/2025

Did Jaden or Spidey wear it better? My vote goes to...Spidey. Yes, I feel that perhaps Beyoncé knew about the award in advance as her movements were somewhat surprise-as-cartoonish. However, there was that wardrobe malfunction which I believe she was already aware of hence the stiffness of her movements. Totally agree on Taylor Swift.  As Spidey said, Taylor was uncertain on how Beyoncé wanted this to happen. On Billie Eilish, I felt it was more 80% "finally!" for Beyoncé plus a 20% sadness for herself. I thought that I saw indecision in Bianca's eyes. Her eyes briefly seemed wider with less blinking, but that could be an "engage model mode" moment.  Whatever the intent, I highly doubt that a memo went out to each Grammy attendee, "You ok with female nudity today?"  IMO the nudity was a selfish act without thoughts of others even passing through their frontal lobes (as in brains😉).

Posted to Dan Murrell (RE: How Oscar Program can improve) Uploaded on 02/08/2025

I just watched that Conan performance of "Trouble...With NBC" on You Tube (of course😉). Still hilarious and still relevant. The Oscar core audience (beyond critics and nominees) is aging out. To remain relevant, not be some niche awards show, they need to think outside that TV box. Full disclosure, I am not an awards show viewer. Judging by the viewer count on recent awards shows, I am not alone. The best the Oscars can do is have many entertaining "moments" that can be easily clipped out and uploaded onto You Tube, apps and other places on social media. No pay walls please. The Oscars should want as many eyes on these clips as possible. Maybe, just maybe their viewing numbers will rise. Or a shortcut to all those excellent Murrell ideas, just invite Will Smith and have him do that anatomy song from Emilia Pérez with a full stage of dancers.🤣

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Critics Choice Awards and more Gossip Girl drama) 02/08/2025

The emerging stories of the behind the scenes Gossip Girl drama concerning Blake Lively is featuring self-entitled behavior that most of us grow out by 18. College is useful not just for education, but seeing you are one among many, no matter who you are. One constant I see in a lot of these stories (even the baby bump interview) is a very disturbing obsession with weight. It appears to be a trigger for Blake Lively. At this point, I find it unlikely that the Lively/Reynolds attorneys are sitting on exculpatory evidence. I hope attorneys on both sides are trying to jolt their clients into sanity with an out-of-court settlement and the requisite NDAs. The trial would be an absolute circus with no winners...well except for the audience watching and the lawyers being paid.

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: Kanye West and Bianca Censori at 2025 Grammy Red Carpet) 02/08/2025

I would love to hear Kanye West's definition of "stunt". He and Bianca Censori did not have reserved seats as he was not expected to attend. On the red carpet Kanye West was completely clothed in what looked like atheleisure (probably his clothing line). Beyond her coat, Bianca was not "clothed" in any public sense of that word.. How is that not a "stunt"?  Nudity in certain museums or certain shows is legal, probably expected and can be art. Unless West had consent from every attendee (children were there) at the 2025 Grammy Awards, that was a "stunt". There were no arrests because these two are celebrities. Also they left immediately after the Red Carpet. Bianca is a model. She has done nude shoots before, but this was in public. So who knows her mindset?

Posted to Hazariel Atelier (RE: Helmets) Uploaded to You Tube on 02/09/2025

3D printers are fun but making those creations HUGE was some amazing crafting. I think the funniest scene was seeing those helmets travel up an escalator on the heads of their creators. Comedy gold, wear the fantastical while doing the familiar.  BTW I know it takes a village to make a video game, so I very much appreciated all members of Big Helmet Heroes team getting their moment, especially Menza (aka Chief Encouragement Officer).

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Reynolds Update) Uploaded to You Tube on 02/09/2025

The 15-year old mentioned died a few days ago (02/05/2025) after a 3 year cancer battle. I am guessing Reynolds was upset. Having social media rise up and accuse Reynolds of trying to reno his image shows just how bad, that bad has become. As for those talk show hosts, that Mint Mobile money came with a contract and the usual "strings", so there might be something there. The Lively/Baldoni et al lawsuits should be settled ASAP, along with multiple NDA's. The Reynolds family could go off on a long vacation where Ryan Reynolds can legally acquire a script or book for his next project. An intensive course of cognitive therapy would be helpful for Lively, but I do not see that happening.

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: Farm Chores with music) Uploaded to You Tube on 02/10/2025

At first I thought I had accidentally opened two tabs when I opened this channel. The music seemed...different. I did warm up (ironic weather comment) to the music by the end of the video. I think that the music was a little "twangy" and presto for farm chores. Maybe a tune more adagio or andante and lower pitched? This opinion comes from someone who plays show tunes (Moulin Rouge, Wicked) and retro rock (Queen at the moment) to relax. So basically take my music choices with a bag of salt.  Glad to see the barn cats slept inside. Is it difficult to herd barn cats inside or do you use edible bribes?

Posted to Dan Murrell (RE: 2025 Super Bowl Ads and Kendrick Lamar) Uploaded 02/10/2025

I can do Dan Murrell one better. This was my first viewing of most of the 2025 Super Ball commercials. Thank you to Dan for the analysis and expert wiki of the Kendrick kerfuffle. However, thank you Dan for showing me the seal-seal and head-hat commercials? My sentimental fav was the DD ad. I grew up on their product. My general favorite was the Catherine O'Hara and Willem Dafoe pickle ball commercial. I paused this video so I could watch the actual commercial. Honestly 5 minutes later I had forgotten the product (beer) and the manufacturer. Still enjoyable and I am not in the beer demo anyway.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Taylor Swift at 2025 Super Bowl) Uploaded to You Tube on 02/10/2025

I wish only the best for the person who is Taylor Swift. Should the celebrity known as Taylor Swift become less popular or her albums do less well than expected that does not equate to the lives of anyone in that crowd becoming something more or better.  The Blake Lively connection doesn't help, but does not validate the negativity. I am tired, weary and just plain sad with all the political incompetence and celebrity drama. I do find ant's readings insightful and interesting especially from a psychological and emotional perspective. While I would welcome any reading he has scheduled, maybe throw in a funny one or at least a reading that will inspire smiles.

Posted to Lawyer Lee (RE: Supreme Judical Court - rules against Karen Read) Uploaded 02/10/2025

I join with others in thanking Lawyer Lee for providing a coherent commentary on this plea. IMO this jury was not fully informed as to the definition/state of such concepts as "reasonable doubt" or even the more obvious "innocent until proven guilty"* (and I would add...*by the prosecution). The judge issued confusing instructions to the jurors before/during deliberation. The jurors were provided a verdict form that would have taken me considerable time to parse even before considering the evidence. Not having a trial transcript thus having to depend on my own note taking (which is BAD) or that of other jurors (which is problematic) most likely added to the confusion. Both the family of the late Officer O'Keefe along with Karen Read and her family deserve so much better from the Commonwealth.

Posted to nurse_kim (RE: Discussion w/Colleen O'Neil, small business owner in Canton) 02/10/2025

I love Colleen. The combination of her being indomitable, intelligent and having a good lawyer might make certain individuals more reasonable. Of course they will probably try to stall with extra requests, delayed hearings and maybe even "experts". I do agree with the attorney, no gift bags. As incongruous as it sounds, this crowd could accuse Colleen of an attempted bribe or even making a threat. Also take care on twitter as no matter what the subject, there are some who seemingly put their brains under lock & key at an undisclosed location before they tweet.

Posted to The Behavior Panel (RE: Melody Farris to the Court after guilty verdict) 01/31/2025

my comment made on 02/12/2025

I did not watch much of this trial. However I believe that I heard the son that she blamed had a verifiable alibi. Melody Farris is a decently good crier with proper sound effects (the sniffs). I had trouble seeing her eyes with the reflection in her lenses, but I do not think there were tears or redness. I know this is a written speech, but its length, its details seems to lean towards someone who is trying to protect her sense of self. Her speech reminded me of Sarah Boone's long response to the court after Sarah's guilty verdict. I think that the judge in Sarah's case was also warning Sarah to stay focused. 

Posted to The Behavior Panel (RE: Brian Cohee) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/12/2025

my comment made on 02/12/2025

This is a theatrical observation. While Brian Cohee looks human, he acts like an interplanetary alien who crash landed on earth. They took on our form. They had no concept of emotions, behavior or even how to move their human body. The scariest monsters are the ones who look like us. What is he? I cheated and read a few trial reports. He is the unfortunate holder of multiple syndromes including but not limited to ADHD (diagnosed at 5) and Autism (diagnosed at 19). As The Behavior Panel mentioned there are probably 3 or 4 other syndromes in Brian Cohee. As I have enough nightmares, I won't watch the You Tube docs on this person. However I do wonder about his childhood, even infancy. Not to absolve Cohee of any responsibility, but along with genetics, it must have taken a village to create this monster.

Posted to Hoeg Law (RE: Baldoni vs. Lively) Uploaded to You Tube on 0212/2025

Hoeg Law has done an excellent legal commentary on a subject quickly giving me a headache. These are my total non-legalities. Blake Lively is overbearing, dominating and overly sensitive somatically. Justin Baldoni may be a real nice guy, but appears to not have strong leadership and management skills. PR firms seem to have forgotten that their mission is to raise up their client with good stories, not by purveying bad stories concerning others.  Ryan Reynolds is kind of the wild card. Is he an over-concerned spouse or a power mad celebrity or maybe both? I am with the Hollywood Reporter, should this go to public trial, it is mutually ensured destruction. However Hollywood is full of the un-alived rising again, so who knows?  (NOT PART OF MY COMMENT) :

Posted to The Way We Wore (RE: Fashion In Flight) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/13/2025

Of course fashion is a reflection of its time and its designer, but amazing to see the care, not to mention money,  that the airlines put into even what their attendants wore. Now we are joyous when there is sufficient leg room, space for carry-ons and snacks other than fossilized pretzels. As you can guess, when I am a passenger on a plane, my seating is "basic". Always a good view when Doris uploads a new video. THANK YOU!

Posted to Sarah Spaceman (RE: Wig) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/13/2025

I like to compliment people at cons as it obviously takes WORK to do a full cosplay. I have said, "love that look", "beautiful colors" and of course "wow that katana is epic". From now on, I will also make mention of, "fantastic hair".  I viewed this video in edited for You Tube time.  I can only imagine the hours of labor, tools and fumes it took to create that Momo Ayase wig.

Posted to Observe (RE: Kanye West and Bianca Censori's 2025 Grammy Stunt) 02/13/205

I am glad Observe is doing this analysis. Knowing a person's baseline under stress or in normal situations is essential. I have no desire to go down the West-Censori rabbit hole. I thought that I detected uncertainty by Bianca. Then just like a switch being activated, it seemed like the well-educated architect Bianca goes away. We are left with Bianca in full model mode. Sadly Observe picked up clues inadvertently left by Bianca which indicated fear.  Kanye West's rep is well known. As for Bianca Censori I hope that she is safe and happy.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Interview w/DV survivor, Roseanne Carlo)Uploaded on 02/13/2025

Excellent interview. Thank you Kjersti for finding all these fascinating people to interview. Roseanne Carlo should have been a script writer on this film. It would be interesting to see a 100% Blake Lively version vs. a 100% Justin Baldoni version. The version that arrived at the theaters was a "frankin-movie". A hybrid that functioned neither as an accurate portrayal of DV or a comedy/drama about a creative florist with an impossibly prosaic name and big goals. It makes me wonder how actors choose (or their agents) what films that they would or would not audition for then if chosen, act in.

Posted to The Behavior  Panel (RE: Interview with Megan Boswell) Uploaded on 02/13/2025

I do know how this all turned out. My comments may reflect that knowledge. Megan Boswell's answers are very matter-of-fact, detached and distant. She recites stories about the child as if the child was someone she babysat for last week. Megan Boswell does appear to have decent mimicry skills adding some appropriate sniffs and laughs. I hear nothing that sounds like someone's deep love for a missing child. What I find really interesting is the tone of the interviewer. I agree with Scott Rouse, the reporter may be gradually realizing that she is not  interviewing a grieving mother, but something else.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Aaron Smith-Levin & Jenna Miscavige) 02/14/2025

(1) Did I expect to see Aaron and Jenna back together, NO. (2) Do I think that posting this video on Valentines' Day is a little unimaginative, possibly on the nose and definitely sentimental, YES😉. (3) Is this any of my business, NO.  My (unrequested) advice to both; accept who each one is now. Drop any need to change the other even a tiny amount. Most of all avoid the urge to enter the "who got hurt worst by this cult" competition as there are no winners. BTW: to a certain individual who wishes to avoid therapy, give it a try. Do research to find a relevant therapy method. Think of it as an app comparable WAZE, but expensive. It could lead to finding the best route from yourself to all others that you care about.

Posted to Molly Burke (RE: That $7,000 Cartier forever bracelet) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/14/2025

I remember when Molly bought that bracelet. I did not know the cost. I had thought good for her, she is purchasing a luxury item for herself with her own money. I am so sorry that "other Molly" felt that bracelet was the requisite golden ticket needed in order to enter that room of influencers and feel accepted. I recognize that pain of non-inclusion. I also recognize how Molly has evolved on You Tube. That bracelet whatever the cost, is still a step (yes a very highly priced and golden step😉) forward enabling her to inspire others. 

Posted to Hazariel Atelier (RE: Reno Basement into a medieval tavern) Uploaded 02/14/2025

Fantasy made real by a valiant party of talented travelers in need of a proper place to sing, have an ale and of course play Dungeons & Dragons.  I would be neglectful or even derelict in my role as viewer of this video if I did not compliment the stalwart supervisor who justifiably took needed naps in baskets, under blankets and on cushions in between command decisions..."the cat who is not my cat".👏

Posted to Life After a Cult (RE: Natalie's news of the week) Uploaded to You Tube on 02/14/2025

I love these updates concerning what is going on in the fight against the cult that has tax exempt status or even for a cult without tax exempt status🤣. There is too much going on these days to try to watch it all especially as I know Natalie will do it so well😉. What I admire most about Natalie is her combination of critical thinking skills, empathy and a super snarky sense of humor. Natalie and comments to this video have said it with clarity. For those locked in a loop, try to escape from this cycle of pain, anger and blame. You were brave enough to escape once, you can do it again.

Posted to natalielawyerchick (RE: What is all this w/Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni) 02/15/205

Replay crew here. I am TEAM->Please-Settle-Out-of-Court. Analysis and commentary from the perspective of someone unfamiliar with the case is very helpful. IMO all the involved PR firms, to varying degrees, should share a large portion of the blame of exacerbating what probably began as a personality conflict into a media war. Everyone on that set and in certain film studio offices saw the approaching disaster. No one effectively intervened. Now we are here, The Neverending Lawsuit Story.  (apologies to Falkor, Atreyu and Bastian) 


Blake Lively has a past (rude at interviews, past co-worker/on-set conflicts) which show her as being entitled, domineering and easily triggered somatically. By the time Lively threatened to not return after the quarantine lifted, it was probably too late for replacements. Baldoni took on the jobs of co-star, director, co-founder of Wayfarer and owner of the IP (the book this movie is based upon and its sequel/prequel by Colleen Hoover). IMO Baldoni was not able effectively handle all the multi-tasking required regarding the challenges that some of these roles presented. There is an absurd text by Blake Lively comparing herself to a major character in GoT with Lively's (human) friends analogous to "her dragons". Maybe 3/4 hour later (at 2AM) Baldoni left Blake Lively a very cringy, apologetic 6 minute voice mail in response to her earlier text regarding her concerns. 

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Update Baldoni and Lively lawsuits) Uploaded to You Tube on 02/15/2025

I love seeing the sane duo of Kjersti and Magnus patiently try to explain all the entertainment industry craziness. Thus far, am still confused, but please keep trying😉! IMO, (not an attorney), what the judge may do is issue subpoenas for some or all of the work phones from the multiple PR firms involved. Both sides have already released text excerpts, so relevance has been demonstrated. If Lively's lawyers can demonstrate a very specific need/date/time/subject for those personal phones, then MAYBE?  Without someone like the FBI or LE making the request, I doubt a judge will cheerfully issue subpoenas for personal phones simply on the request of an attorney in a civil case.  As for the incident with Cara Delevingne's manager, I wonder if it wasn't simply his HUGE ego? While you had the permission of the fashion brand doing the behind the scenes shoot, power (next to money) is everything in the entertainment business. Guessing that this individual is used to subservience, submissive behavior and complete control over his client...and in need of a personality transplant 🤣

Posted to Sewstine (RE: 1890's Dress with very large sleeves) Uploaded to You Tube on 002/15/22052/15/2025

While all the reveal images showed the absolute beauty and elegance of the dress, I got a little misty-eyed seeing the whole family (guess the pups were too fidgety) in the group shots. I am always interested in what accessories someone would wear that would be in the period style of the dress or gown worn. I would enjoy seeing accessories being thrifted or purchased at a store with vintage jewelry, bags, hats and hair ornaments. Or maybe design it yourself and subcontract it out to a local artisan? It has probably been mentioned, but where do all of these gowns and dresses get stored? I have trouble even storing a few cosplay (anime, comic) items!

Posted to Nate The Lawyer (RE: Yvonne Missy Woods -DNA Tech at Colorado Bureau of Investigation for 29 years) 02/04/2025

Her sentence should be as long as it takes for the aftershocks of her crimes to settle back down to normality. In the meantime, there will be lawsuits by any unjustly imprisoned with substantial financial awards. The guilty will be retried and perhaps released if the DNA samples are gone. Taxes in Colorado will go up or services will be cut due to this unexpected expenditure of millions. However the worst of the worst may be in the lack of faith of future juries to either convict or find innocent a defendant where the only evidence is via a DNA test. I would say that her permanent change of address should be that of a prison.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Defamation civil suit to be filed against Nora) 02/15/2025

I agree.  How many times can you say, "Please stop. What you say is false." then only to see it get worse. Seeing a woman who survived a cult. Who was brave enough to leave that cult descend into such chaos is heartbreaking. Those who call themselves her friends seem also to be locked into their own loop of dysfunction. What we see now is what this cult (and any cult) will try to do, erase your past, control your present and decide your future for you. 

Posted to jeffostrow (RE: Plane and Helicopter crash in DC) Uploaded to You Tube on 02/16/2025

Please excuse my lack of skills. The closest that I have ever been to the flight deck of an aircraft is as a passenger about 15 rows away. My trigonometry and algebra skills are practically nonexistent. Both the plane and the Blackhawk were flying via IFR? Not sure how effective night vision goggles are regarding an airport or even if either pilot had access. The safety systems did not work in both aircraft? What I do not understand is why a plane with permission to land, probably on its final approach, could also be on a path to collide with the Blackhawk? Are military aircraft also handled by the same control center as passenger aircraft? Please continue to follow the how's and why's. 

Posted to Liz Gale (RE: Drama in the anti-scientology community)Uploaded toYou Tube on 02/16/2025

I appreciate the calm, measured and fair way that Liz Gale has been describing this drama. Physically leaving a cult is only step one of many necessary steps. My opinions on the relationship of Jenna and Aaron are irrelevant. IMO if someone lies about you repeatedly, will not stop when requested to multiple times, there is a problem. Even if the accusations are demonstrably false, the emotional stress and the professional damage is real. A mental health issue does not equate to permission to defame others. I do hope that those close to this person will intervene to offer their assistance. The Hollywood Reporter said this about Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni, but it is applicable to this discussion. Taking this particular drama to a court could end in, "...mutually assured destruction...." In other words, there will be no "winners".

Posted to Legal Bytes (RE: Baldoni vs. Lively) Uploaded to You Tube on 02/15/2025

With information leaking/being released almost by the hour, impartiality is difficult to maintain. Anyone can file a lawsuit, but not everyone can win one. I see no winners coming out of this trial. Lively may emerge as difficult, domineering, mean-spirited and unprofessional on set which could slow up filming time (aka costing studios money). Baldoni might emerge as a director without effective skills or judgement to address problems quickly and successfully (aka costing studios money). Both Baldoni and Lively have put in approximately 20 years each into their careers. A few weeks in a court room could set them back considerably. 

Posted to Lawyer Lee (RE: Expert Witness Hearings in Read trial postponed one week) 02/18/2025

Thank you for the concise, easy to comprehend commentary. IMO if the Read defense paid ARCCA, it was for transportation and hotel only.  Not disclosing a fee for expert testing is an error that seems far too amateurish to be made by either Alan Jackson or David Yannetti. The rest of Brennan's accusations, such as prepping ARCCA seemed odd.  Brennan's assertion regarding, "...if we had known that ARCCA indicated that most vehicle vs. pedestrian accidents happen at night then we would have asked about that during discovery..." seemed somewhat specious. My years of commuting has given me a special set of skills. So free of charge and available to any attorney anywhere is: "Duh, yes it is highly likely that there are more pedestrian vs vehicle accidents with the pedestrian losing, AT NIGHT.  The more relevant issue is concerning the possibly undisclosed fee paid to the experts for their appearance at Read trial one. I will be interested in hearing the defense's explanation.

Posted to Lawyer You Know (RE: SP Brennan questioning Defense relationship w/ARCCA) 02/18/25

I am glad LYK is keeping a sense of humor. We may disagree with him at times, but we stay for the expert commentary. Meanwhile on the other end of the expert spectrum, that comment Brennan made, " would be nice to know that more pedestrian accidents happen at night..." says it all about Brennan's motives. He is either incredibly incompetent (doubtful) or these nits he keeps picking are strategic. SP Hank Brennan is dragging this process out for as long as possible. I am surprised to hear from LYK that an expert fee only involving transportation and hotel (guessing receipts can be produced) is considered as important as paying for an expert's testing, reporting and opinions. Postponing this hearing for one week, is not an act of judicial restraint by Judge Cannone. It is yet another delay. BTW I haven't kept  track, but hasn't Brennan backtracked multiple times in these hearings?

Posted to Broken Baker (RE: SP Hank Brennan assertions regarding ARCCA evidence) 02/18/2025

Judge Cannone had a 1/2 hour, could she easily have accessed the voir dire testimony of ARCCA. We know that she dislikes the defense. Does she now dislike the prosecution? Why did the Judge not speak to the defense or allow a statement? Why is the hearing suspended for one week?  At the end of this video, Broken Baker gave his opinion of Lally and Brennan. I 100% agree with his descriptions of both individuals.

Posted to Nurse_Kim (RE: SP Hank Brennan assertions regarding ARCCA evidence) 02/19/2025

I am in awe of Nurse Kim's instincts, knowledge and snark. This all began with an indictment then a trial based more on personalities in control of a highly insular town (drinking and driving if you are LE or problemo) than any inculpatory evidence regarding the tragic d3ath of Officer O'Keefe. Perhaps due to the quantity of smoke and multitude of mirrors, I have become confused. That half hour that Judge Cannone was gone was more than enough time to check video, court transcripts, make a quick phone call and finally becoming fearful that the prosecution may have deviated beyond her ability to legally assist the Commonwealth.  While Judge Cannone's motives are murky, I wonder if that postponement is not so much as to assist either side, but primarily to check with the ringmasters of this circus?  

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Latest (amended) Filing by Blake Lively) Uploaded to 02/19/2025

Fascinating how SONY seems to be coming out of all this unscathed. Had SONY intervened early on this event probably would not have plunged us into one of Dante's (Inferno) circles of h3ll (maybe fifth circle?) Full disclosure, I have not read the latest chapter in this convoluted legal saga, but could this amended filing have been issued to include more Jed Wallace mentions? He has a PR firm mentioned in an earlier Lively filing (I think) that he/his firm allegedly colluded in an alleged PR campaign against Lively. He had already filed a lawsuit against Lively.  Major respect for those like Kjersti who can make it through all these filings. A very minor plus for me, I may have finally learned how to type "allegedly" without snarky AI spell corrections.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Is Taylor Swift engaged to Travis Kelce) Uploaded to You Tube 02/19/2025

As ant read, this "engagement" would be highly unlikely to lead to a permanent (in the non-Hollywood-sense) relationship. I wonder if all the drama floating around Taylor Swift's BFF Blake Lively has brought an epiphany to Taylor Swift? Perhaps Taylor Swift's management team strongly encouraged her to participate in an "unofficial" partnership with Blake Lively in order to get a Taylor Swift song onto It Ends With Us? Now Taylor Swift is being mentioned (aka as a "dragon") in lawsuits. She probably would need to be deposed in discovery and maybe even subpoenaed to appear at a future trial. Those events would certainly shake anyone's world, whether a celebrity or one of us relatively obscure individuals.

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: Tiktoker Avery Woods podcast drama)  Uploaded to You Tube 02/19/2025

I have not heard of Avery Woods, her podcast guest, her podcast or even its network.  However as a long time viewer of social media, I have seen LOTS of apologies.  Disclaimer: I have no expert background in either behavioral analysis or counseling. My apology critique: too many words, too much detail, way too long, sounded way too scripted.  Suggestions (for an Apology Prime):  briefly restate the problem, take full responsibility of your involvement in the problem then conclude with a few SHORT details of what you will be doing to make improvements in all future podcasts/social media posts. DO NOT re-apologize hours later for your previous apology. Only repeat the OG apology one more/last time, in the format of a SHORT printed/audio "header" (aka Apology 1.1) to the next podcast. 

Posted to Nika (RE: Review of It Ends With Us) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/19/2025

I have only seen clips of this movie and read a synopsis of the book that inspired the movie. The version released to theaters and Netflix is essentially a franken-movie. There were multiple people doing each job (officially and unofficially) such as, directing, writing, editing, costume designing and even scoring the soundtrack. It would be fascinating to see a completed version by each individual (100% Baldoni vs. 100% Lively). These stats are from wiki:  this movie grossed 351 million-usd worldwide against a production budget of 25 million-usd. Even though the book's author Colleen Hoover has a huge fan base, those stats are unusual for a movie in the drama/DV category. Will I see this movie on Netflix, probably but only out of curiosity. Will I read, "It Ends With Us" or "It Starts With Us" (the prequel/sequel)

Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Cults) Uploaded to You Tube on 02/19/2025

Cults seem to be in over abundance lately or perhaps the internet is igniting these waves of interest?  I agree with other comments, "transgender" and "veganism" are the shields covering the sword of a pirate that is Jack, but not Sparrow. In the wake of Jack's taking the helm of his movement's start aboard a very leaky tugboat there have been countless storms.  Often danger and tragedy begin as small squalls which can be prepared for thus minimizing the danger to life and property. The U.S. Coast Guard seemingly was adrift when the tugboat arrived.  There were no USCG observers to take the conn of that floating oil leak. The crew on board the leaky tugboat should have been arrested (guessing USCG would not go for keelhauling) for ecological crimes along with more bureaucratic ones like no license, inadequate navigation and no safety equipment. The harbor at Vallejo and coastline of Southern California personnel would not have to declare mayday regarding the imminent danger of being deep-sixed by the tempest caused by these mutineers from society. One would guess this harbor should fly the flag of, "be proactive not reactive". And maybe this cult's casualty rate would be zero.

Posted to natalielawyerchick (RE: Baldoni's lawsuit against Lively) Uploaded to You Tube 02/19/2025

GENERAL COMMENT SECTION: Trying to remain impartial on this case is becoming immensely difficult. As for Nicepool, I agree legally it is not actionable or indicative of Reynolds (or Lively's) state of mind at that time. As Natalie noted, actually Deadpool was considered the negative personality. The 10th annual Forbes Power Women's Summit was held on September 15, 2022 in New York City. The summit's theme was "The Power of Now". This is the interview where Blake Lively mentioned "creative control of ". I have not watched the entire interview. Did Wayfarer, Baldoni and SONY know about Blake Lively's interview? Principal photography for the movie It Ends With Us began on May 5, 2023 in Hoboken, New Jersey. Filming was halted due to the 2023 Writers Guild of America strike, and resumed in January 2024. 


Pinned by natalielawyerchick

@natalielawyerchick    --    1 day ago (edited)

This one got spicy! 🌶️ Stick it out because I think I actually go on a rollercoaster of legal reasoning here. Enjoy! #nicepoolgate  MY REPLY TO PINNED COMMENT:

EDB once made a quote about legal issues which I have to paraphrase due to my bad memory. Essentially while ethics, compassion and law can coexist, more often than not it is simply by itself, THE LAW as written, voted on and incorporated into our legal system. People were arguing that Nicepool showed negativity from Reynolds and Lively regarding Baldoni. Also as a Marvel fan, I could see the contradiction in that Deadpool is portrayed to be egotistical, amoral and fond of chaos while Nicepool was well...nice.  BTW the "spiciness" was handed admirably and clearly by natalielawyerchick.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Is Elon Musk blackmailing Donald Trump) Uploaded on 02/21/2025

I just can't with Elon Musk. Irregardless as to the way Elon Musk's mind works, we can go to "a better human" in a less dystopian way. Have Musk use the superiority that he boasts he has to find a solution or at least an improvement, regarding poverty, famine, education.  As for Trump, unless your name is Melania or Barron (or maybe Ivanka), do not believe this man cares for you or about you. As implausible as the rumor of Musk blackmailing Trump was, potentially it could happen. However only if Elon Musk is alert, smart and very quiet (yeah not likely) , could he acquire interesting data on his boss.

Posted to Rachel Maksy (RE: Rachel's aesthetics ) Uploaded to You Tube on 02/21/2025

I always enjoy a fashion themed video. My favorite was the penniless writer aesthetic due to my extreme love of that magnificent coat. Trash Goblin is the aesthetic I am most known for by close friends and relatives. For the outside world, my aesthetic is "witchwear" (or as some like to call it "wiccanwear") composed of black boots, dark navy or black jeans, a dark-colored (maroon or green or black) long sleeve tee, covered by an over-sized black sweater with the outerwear being a black (shocker I know) hooded puffy jacket and black earmuff/headband combo. BTW my front yard looks like Rachel's back yard. The northeastern section of the U.S. has had some rather (alert for a politically incorrect pun) bi-polar weather recently.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: more information on Lively, Baldoni, Jenny Slate, Jaimey Heath)02/21/2025

The sad/serious tone from Baldoni & Wayfarer's poster, accompanied by the bright/cheery floral tones from Lively's poster does say it all. I assume (do not know) that SONY only used Lively's poster choice? Regarding Slate's apartment, it is possible Jamey Heath left the impression, that Jenny Slate was getting her deposit refunded solely because of motherhood, not due to her status as an actor. While irritating, perhaps even disrespectful, it doesn't sound actionable. I would love a full text of their convo. Creatives and critics often complain about big studio interference. In this case SONY should have taken a firm hand; demanded that all contracts be signed before day one of filming, all intimacy coordinator meetings must be attended and that DGA credits will not be given out like a gift baskets. I keep hoping for sanity and settlement before these people fall to the "mutually assured destruction" mentioned in a recent Hollywood Reporter article.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Is Emily Armstrong still a cult member) 02/22/2025

I remember Brooke Shields replying to the assertion that Tom Cruise made concerning Brooke's connection with psychiatry and medication   I did not realize that Cruise had apologized to Shields. Important to note though, while the accusation regarding her use of psychiatry and meds was made on MSM, the apology was made at Brooke Shield's home. I agree with Aaron, the gold standard of determining Emily Armstrong's affiliation with or departure from this cult, would be as a direct question posed in real time.

Posted to Nate The Lawyer (RE: White Woman Gives Birth to Black Child) Uploaded 02/22/2025

Ten million is way too low. Doesn't the actual statement of the clinic "...and put additional safeguards in place to further protect patients...."  seem to me as a non-attorney, to be an admission for guilt? The award given to this woman should involve, but not limited to, the following: (1) all IVF expenses paid to conceive this baby (2) all medical expenses during those 9 months including delivery (3) all legal expenses paid to family court regarding this child's parentage (4) all medical and counseling appointments paid by this woman since child's birth (5) all pediatrician appointments/procedures paid by this woman during the months of custody before surrender (5) full costs paid to this woman should she choose to get pregnant again irregardless as to how long it takes to achieve a live birth (6) all medical care is to be paid by clinic for this (future) baby for the first 12 months after birth. (7) And finally punitive costs paid by the clinic to be deposited in an escrow account designed to pay an outside attorney to have independent auditors check this clinic's work monthly for the next 1 - 2 years. Reports to be submitted to the judge/court.  Obviously this story makes me ANGRY, but not because race was involved. This was a careless, avoidable error which caused so such pain to so many innocents.

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Netflix Documentary on Gabby Petito) Uploaded 02/24/2025

I admire the courage and fortitude that Gabby's family and friends have had through this whole process. The documentary shows the person Gabby Petito was and who she wanted to become someday. As for hearing her voice, yes it takes you by surprise, maybe even a slight shock. I am guessing besides being a creative choice, it was also the family's choice. As painful as it must be to hear the voice of someone who is no longer with us, who wouldn't want a permanent record of their loved one's life and dreams in their own voice?  Thank you Peter for presenting this interview with JB Biunno.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Intimacy Coordinator of ItEndsWithUS interview of law&court)02/`

As Kjersti has astutely pointed out whenever there is intimacy involved whether romantic or a one-on-one interview, Blake Lively becomes defensive. Possibly is why Lively was reluctant to attend intimacy coordinator meetings away from her home. What follows is my unsubstantiated GUESS regarding the end of a possible trial. Let's say Blake Lively waits until she is on the witness stand to admit to certain personality issues. Her attorneys then point out by not asserting his control as director and co-owner of Wayfarer studios, Justin Baldoni essentially enabled and reinforced Blake Lively's fears and concerns. Lively is a much better actor than another female actor who once tried to win a lawsuit. This is my question no matter the verdict. Whose career will probably bounce back first, a repentant actor or a director who cannot handle and solve on-set problems?  Maybe not fair, but then that is the

Posted to Observe (RE: Blake Lively Followup - interview by Magnus SO of Kjersti Flaa) 02/25/2025

I follow Kjersti Flaa (her SO is Magnus) on You Tube. Link from her channel which contains a bit more data in relation to Magnus's interview of BL:    

Kjersti Flaa has noted a relevant factor possibly leading to this current mess. Over the years Blake Lively has shown overly defensive behavior in situations which were not 100% under her control. With any comments about her body even tangentially on topics such as pregnancy or clothing eliciting an extreme passive/aggressive response from BL. Unfortunately Baldoni catered to BL's every wish and desire. Too late into filming, he realized that his method of "handling" BL had only made things worse. My amateur opinion of this mess is that this was a perfect storm of two particular personalities who never should have been on the same set in the business relationship of Boss and Employee.        #kjerstiflaa  #kjersti_flaa

Posted to Dan Murrell (RE: Kathleen Kennedy Leaving Lucas Film/Disney) Uploaded 02/25/2025

Disney bought Lucas Film (essentially Star Wars) in October 2012. Maybe 1/2 decade later, I feel projects began under performing or were even outright disappointments. It is easy to blame a corporate overlord like Disney. However I agree with Dan Murrell, Kathleen Kennedy was a much more effective leader of creatives under George Lucas than under Disney corporate. Corporations have their own culture, laws,  even communication. Hence that euphemistic phrase that can mean trouble for a beloved series, Blank-Blank (as in, fill in the) has left due to creative differences. Or, Blank-Blank has left to pursue other projects. As for Kathleen Kennedy's replacement, it will take, "someone with a special set of skills" who can deal with creatives and still tow the corporate line.

Posted to Growing Up in Scientology (RE: Convo with Nora) Uploaded to You Tube on 02/26/2025

Replay crew here and I made it thru the ENTIRE video. I feel like I ran an emotional marathon. For hour one, Nora was funny, snarky and outrageously politically incorrect.  Then came the mention of an unproven PTSD therapy. From then on it was a revolving 35 minutes of Nora's World (we just live in it) with injections of 5 minute reality breaks usually by Aaron sometimes by Nora. By the last half-hour, the discussion seemed to return to a better dialog. Nora frequently supports or criticizes what she does not watch. In the past a self-admittedly angry Nora called a foundation that she does not fully understand, a fake. While showing improvement, Nora still deep down considers a person in a negative way because he cannot not heal the world with a thought or a desire. I believe that particular subset is rather small, so no insult to Aaron. My wish is (btw, I am not in the subset either) for Nora that she continues to heal. It is always worth rebuilding the self that a cult once tried so hard to obliterate. 

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Next celebrity scandal in 2025) Uploaded to You Tube 0n 02/27/2025

Tarot Card Suggestions: (1) California, will there be any successful improvements in disaster control? (2) Is Billy McFarland punking us with new Fyre Festival? (3) Are religious cults increasing in numbers and control? (4) Will human cloning ever be done or has it already been done? (5) Does AI created currently have a chance to become self-aware?  (6) MSM, will it disappear within our lifetimes? (7) Will SpaceX ever make a successful round-trip to Mars? (8) Amazon Rain Forest regarding its long term viability along with any hidden ancient architecture or species? (9) Will physical currency completely disappear in favor of electronic credits/debits?  (10) Consider making a follow up reading for previous readings of several years ago - members of this channel could vote on their top ten?

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Possible quote from Reynolds "Taking over Hollywood") 02/27/2025

I had thought that the "mutually assured destruction" would happen at trial. It is apparent that it will only get worse before that event. Every problematic Reynolds/Lively quote, interview and co-worker story is emerging at warp speed. The wild card is SONY. If SONY corporate supports Lively and Reynolds that would give Lively and Reynolds a soft landing (financially at least). Social media has been a relatively strong presence for over 20 years. Nothing disappears completely from the internet. Reynolds is 48, Baldoni is 41 and Lively is 37.  Even Baldoni probably has a few posts that he would rather not see posted onto the notification feed of countless phones. Time for the children in adult cosplay to end their disputes and move on.

Posted to Let'sTalkIBD (RE: Hospital Bag Items) Uploaded to You Tube on 02/27/2025

I think that it is quite smart for "early" packing. Even if one's medical history isn't full of many past stays, each labor has its own time line. Something my mother told me, if the nipple cream doesn't work (weirdly it did NOT work on me), try wet tea bags at room temp. Odd, I know, but for me it worked. Another low tech item, a journal and 2 pens. For some reason it was easier (and more diverting) for me to hand write rather than use tech. I used tech for music actually and of course to call the new Grandmothers. Do bring a newborn and the next size up onsie. In spite of numerous ultrasounds and medical experts, both my babies were longer and heavier than expected. It happens!


Posted to Marilyn Honig Coffee, Cults and Crafts (RE: Lessons Learned) Uploaded on 02/27/2025

Replay crew here. As alluded to by Marilyn and suspected (no stats) by me, some of the more vitriolic comments posted on twitter and other social media sites are by people who are offended by the idea that something may have happened, without taking the time to confirm the data. We need to regulate ourselves. The alternative is that our (U.S.) government will eventually institute laws. Irregardless as to who happens to be in the office of President of the United States, laws especially in the areas of tech or science can be in a format that is either overly broad or totally insufficient.

Posted to Gavin Fish (RE: Deaths of Gene Hackman, Betsy Arakawa & one dog) Uploaded 02/27/2025

All I know about this sad event is that a welfare check had been requested. Those who arrived found 2 adults and one canine un-alived. I believe that carbon monoxide poisoning leaves a "cherry-red" color on the skin. I wonder if after 2 weeks, that color would fade?  I am not surprised that search warrant was so broad. Whether this was a horrible accident or some other type of tragedy, LE needs to be meticulous in the paperwork for the autopsy, an inquest or possibly a criminal trial. 

Posted to DownTheRabbitHole News (RE: Aaron Smith-Levin and Nora) Uploaded on 02/27/2025

It was an exhausting watch of close to 4 hours (I took breaks). I was treated to a Nora who was funny, snarky and just plain hilariously politically incorrect. Nora even admitted that she called the Foundation fake because at that moment, she was angry. Nora did promise to watch full videos, not just clips, regarding those she supports and those she criticizes before she makes accusations or gives accolades. Aaron brought up an important point about Nora feeling Aaron could fix the world in general and her world in particular. Nora seemed to accept that she was holding Aaron to an impossible standard of being all-powerful and all-knowing. I did hear apologies from her. I do not remember if Aaron actually said the word apology. However, Aaron being Aaron, he projected his apologies by being very patient, allowing Nora to state her views frequently with minimal interruption and providing his responses. Even when it got a bit heated, they still came to what appeared to be the beginning of a mutual understanding. Both promised to do another live convo soon. Whether a never-in or a survivor from a cult, we are all works in progress. Unfortunately the survivors have a harder road, but at least now it is a road of their personal choice.

Posted to Legal Bytes (RE: Baldoni vs. Lively) Uploaded to You Tube on 02/27/2025

I do not think that this amended complaint either added or subtracted much in regards to either side. In a court room, or more preferably during private arbitration, Lively's attorneys could spin this tempest this way:  (1) Blake Lively has a long history of requesting editing power, changing/adding dialogue and offering "suggestions" to the director. (2) In fact at the 10th annual Forbes Power Women's Summit held on September 15, 2022 in New York City Lively said as much in a roundtable interview. (3) Not sure BL would authorize this, but there is record of (as far back as Gossip Girl) with her being over-sensitized to any discussion regarding her body, even if it is only the size on a garment's label. (4) Finally Lively's lawyers could indicate that a director, producer, co-owner of an independent studio, must not only be creative but be able to be effective in keeping every one on point, on schedule and on budget. (5) In cross BL would be ready with contrition, but no tears (BL is a much better actor than AH) indicating how she intends to become more self-aware and considerate. (6) Cross, then why did she lie? Ans. Those were not lies just the way I felt that I was being treated by those in control. (7) Cross, Mr Reynolds why did you insert yourself in this? Ans. My wife would come to me so stressed and so sad. I may have been overly protective. Jury Result: the nice man who aspires to direct wins a tidy sum. Realty Result: Studios are reluctant to hire the nice director person whose answer to most on set problems is to first ignore, then compromise and finally to capitulate. However, after few months out of social media, the now contrite, penitent, self-aware actor receives a job offer from SONY. Is any of this recognizable law, no but it may be all Lively and Reynolds have left to try.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


 Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Lively complaint against Baldoni et al) Uploaded 01/01/2025

"Who would do those things...why would they do those things?" questions posed by Uncivil Law is an excellent summary of the list of the 30 allegations by Blake Lively concerning issues on that movie set. The least controversial point on that list was regarding Justin Baldoni's "self-stated" back injury issues. I have not seen the film, but "heard on internet" (more dubious a source than ever with Crisis PR seeding various stories) that at least in the final cut of this film there was no scene of Justin Baldoni carrying Blake Lively.  IMO we are still in "she said, he said" (legal)  territory. My personal (not legal) guesses on assignment of fault/blame: 5% to BL (fault: somewhat self-centered, a bit "my way or the highway" in tone), 45% to the PR and Crisis PR reps (fault: for spreading misinformation leading to disinformation and possibly de-evolving into libel) and 50% to Justin Baldoni and other Wayfarer execs (fault: for utter tone-deafness, misogyny and for thinking with their d***s). I hope Kurt continues to follow this case as  Baldoni et al have filed a lawsuit jumping over Blake Lively's complaint before it enters the law suit stage. BTW speaking as a very old person, birthdays in theory are fine. What is an annoyance is the resulting chaos coming from family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers on social media who seem to feel that on that day all ordinary rules of public behavior have been rescinded.😉 Needless to say my b-day opinions are not popular in my friend group.😲

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Baldoni filed lawsuit against NY Times in connection w/ Lively)01/01/2025

Thank you for repeating that there were NO instructions to avoid any pregnancy mentions directed to the journalists on the 2016 film, Café Society press tour. I heard that rumor (on a YT channel) implied as a fact. I do wonder why PR (they are like attorneys during police interrogation, usually highly motivated to make their sure that their client(s) say NOTHING incriminating), did not try to "rein in" Blake Lively and Parker Posey?  BTW I just noticed Parker's last name. Wait until twitter notices it. They LOVE improbable conspiracy theories.  Admittedly. I was affected by many of Lively's assertions, but especially that Baldoni had a video of his unclothed wife giving birth to his child ON HIS PHONE. I believe that either he or a Wayfarer producer then proceeded to mansplain child birth to a woman who had recently given birth to her 4th child. Between that and Justin Baldoni insisting that he was in contact with Blake's deceased father, has admittedly affected my opinions. Legally, I believe us to still be at the he said/she said level. Personally, I believe that sanity and common sense have left the building (aka Hollywood).

Posted to Jenna Miscaviage (RE: Relationships) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/01/2025

With the smiling thumbnail of Jenna and Aaron, I had assumed that this was Aaron cheating on a diet or smoking, (obviously I live a very quiet life). As a never-in, I can only assume the amount of psychological damage that is done to people, who were born into this cult or joined as children with their parents. That being said, this is the life of Jenna Miscavige the person, the woman, the mother and the entrepreneur. No one should have dominion over another's journey, whether it is by a former cult member, partner or the cult itself. Please be well, treasure your children and friendships. As others have posted,  it will get better. 

Posted to Collier Landry (Re: New Orleans mass murder) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/01/2025

Thank you to Collier Landry for discussing this so clearly. These repetitive opportunistic acts of violence perpetrated at schools, parades, shopping centers or any place where people congregate, indicate more an avoidance of the U.S. to invest in mental health care than concentrated attacks by a foreign power. Oh I am sure, that these assassins have involvement with online presences designed to draw membership from the angry, the confused and the damaged (due to wartime or psychosis). I do not want to minimize anyone's humanity, but these assassins are basically armed drones, without anyone at the controls. We need to address this or watch our freedoms disappear not from conquest or elections, but from neglect.

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Baldoni suit against New York Times) Uploaded on 01/02/2025

I appreciate LYK's impartiality on this legal case with its excessive drama. I also am seeing considerable he said/she said without verification from witnesses (not counting submitted texts or emails as full unedited context matters). Thus far there are no clear heroes or villains, just people with oversized egos who seem to not be able to read the room.  Were I the judge, I would reduce all this "Sturm und Drang" to a consideration of workplace behavior. The judge should analyze as to how set safety, business productivity and personal reputations were adversely affected and if any laws were broken. Beyond all the accusations being thrown around, what bothers me the most is how easily Crisis PR firms may be affecting public opinion whether it be simply nudging twits or aggressively shoving us all towards the objective of the PR firm and their client(s).

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: Baldoni suit against the New York Times) Uploaded on 01/03/2025

This is becoming a rather unpleasant game of tennis minus the officials, but with all of us in the far-away stadium seating trying to figure who deserves to win. This is still a he said/she said/they*said (*they being ALL the PR reps) until a judge can parse the drama from the truth. I hope for a trial that is solely directed at the workplace safety issues not a social and MSM media spectacle of Team 1 vs.Team 2. Thank you to Spill Sesh for showing the clip of Flaa. The YT videos of Kjersti Flaa's YT give relevant context (as does this channel) to all these highly ego-centric people who are essentially children with easy access to attorneys and PR firms.     


Posted to Jenna Miscavige (RE: Follow-up to Aaron Smith-Levin) Uploaded on 01/03/2025

Once the initial raw pain (I always felt that the lying/gaslighting is worse than the actual cheating) has lessened, please allow yourself to experience the happy moments of life (which I would define as allowing yourself to laugh and gives one a short vacation from pain and regret) is the advice I would give. BTW it was once asked if Jenna would ever change her last name. IMO using the name Miscavige in videos, books or any social media that express and feature individuality is a massive  f***-u to a certain insecure despot. Obviously this is your life, your name and your choice. Please be well...and please be happy.

Posted to Mia Maples (RE: Stylist Video #3 -- picks from Mia's own closet) Uploaded 01/03/2025

Love these stylist videos. I think my fav was the pink blanket jacket look. My closet is probably 70% black with 20% neutrals with the remainder being a hodgepodge (I love that word) of a few prints in neutrals/black of course with rare sightings of a few jewel tone colors (burgundy, forest green, some blue/teals). POSSIBILITIES: (1) It would be interesting to limit a stylist to a client who does not have or wish to buy any new (aka no fast fashion) clothing in bright colors, prints or stripes. Maybe you can get a collab with ThredUp, as in the stylist has to choose from that site? (2) I do like to see gowns and dresses on this channel so what about a maxi dress (or any length dress or skirt) that can be styled to wear in one 24-hour period or maybe a 2-day weekend involving trips to a grocery store, to work (outside the home) and wear to a formal party with only the accessories changing? Unfortunately this means that Mia will have to "break into" her own jewelry cabinet OR for more fun and less risk to life & limb go to the local thrift store for a jewelry haul (if so PLEASE video).

Posted to Down the Rabbit Hole News (RE: Aaron Smith-Levin and Jenna Miscaviage) 01/03/2025

The current Hollywood scandal (Lively and Baldoni) is a good example of side leaping as each new detail emerges. It is head spinning to see comments bounce from side to side in the space of days, even hours. I speak only from MY viewpoint: (1)This news from Jenna is disturbing and heartbreaking. (2) ASL should book himself into intensive counseling. (3) My guess which comes from a "never-in" is that very few people emerge from any cult undamaged physically, mentally or emotionally. However, the ones born into a cult and young children forced to be in the cult by adults, have the longest road to travel back to the individual that they were meant to be. Please keep trying Rabbit, being unbiased is a rare commodity these days. You are needed.

Posted to The Behavioral Arts (RE: Diary of a CEO interview of Dr. Martha Beck) 01/04/2025

Thank you to Spidey and the FB user who suggested that this interview should be watched. I have not seen this episode of DOAC, but I have watched many of Mr. Bartlett's other past interviews. Even before Spidey showed his bemused friend this technique, I noted that Dr. Beck used the basic magician technique of misdirection and suggestion. Also a factor in this particular demonstration was the physical set up of a rather wide rounded table with both individuals leaning forward awkwardly. Dr. Beck may be "dumbing it down" regarding the demonstration, not necessarily for the interviewer but to make her point clearly and quickly. (Only an assumption, but guessing that she has been on twitter😉.)  It is too bad that the interviewer did not follow up Dr. Beck's statement concerning lie detectors. Perhaps had she expanded upon that statement she might have clarified that lie detectors may show some anxiety, doubt, conflicted thoughts about any identification, but that does not equate to an outright absolute 100% accurate detection of lies all the time. When I hear an attorney boast that their client passed a lie detector test or the police triumphantly announce that the person of interest failed the lie detector test, I just sigh sadly.

Posted to Nurse_Kim (RE: Discussion w/Mark Bederow regarding recent Read case dev) 01/05/2024

I am glad that Mr. Bederow is pointing out that based SOLELY on reasonable doubt a jury should have found Karen Read innocent of all charges found in the Commonwealth's indictment. IMO the jury and all those twits with twitter law degrees cannot differentiate between the concept of innocent per a jury's verdict and an innocent in dictionary terms of purity and gentility. The blame for the jury's confusion rests with the judge, the prosecutor, the DA of Norfolk County for not properly explaining the concept of reasonable doubt to the jury.





1. The Commonwealth’s theory is that John’s arm was hit by Karen’s polycarbonate plastic taillight at 24 mph causing it to virtually explode resulting in the cuts to Johns right arm, also spreading across the Alberts lawn leaving a wide debris field of more than 47 pieces and shards of many shapes and sizes.

2. There are nine holes on the right arm of John’s sweatshirt, but there are 20 plus wounds on Johns right arm more than twice the number of wounds compared to the holes in the sweatshirt, that doesn’t happen with shards of exploding glass or plastic, you get one hole, one wound, matching like a bullet hole.

3. The nine holes on the right arm of John’s sweatshirt are all round/ oval, and about the thickness of a pencil 6 to 8mm in diameter. What are the chances that all these pieces of taillight of various shapes and sizes made these 9 almost identical size holes in the right sleeve of Johns sweatshirt?

4. If the wounds were from a broken taillight shard, there would be a square/rectangular hole in the sweatshirt and a square/rectangular wound on John’s arm matching the hole in the sweatshirt and the shard would most likely be still lodged in his arm just like any sharp projectile hitting your body, say shattering glass or a bullet.

5. The polycarbonate plastic in this case is about one eight of an inch in thickness about 3mm, shards from this taillight will not produce round holes, no matter if they are large or small, they will always produce rectangular shaped holes. Judging by the scale next to the largest hole in the sleeve of the sweatshirt it is no more than 10 mm in diameter. Logic will tell you that a shard no bigger than 10mm x 3mm would have passed through the sweatshirt. Most all the wounds are substantially larger than the holes in the sweatshirt.

6. All the holes show pulled fibres around the edges which tells us whatever made the holes was also removed from the holes, like a stab wound, or a dog bite. If Johns wounds had been caused by shards of taillight, we would expect to find at least some splinters or fragments of plastic in the wounds.

7. A dogs canine tooth is cone shaped and it will produce round or slightly oval holes depending how deep it penetrates; this is what we see in John’s sweatshirt, and it’s also what we see on his arm, small and large puncture wounds some distorted and some elongated due to the dog attack and John pulling away defending himself.

8. On his arm we see round puncture holes, and at least four of the bites we see parallel tear-drop shaped lacerations, caused by the two front canines pulling through the skin in the same direction.

9. When you compare the damage to the sweatshirt, to John's arm it proves that it was from canine teeth not shards of taillight. Small holes on the sweatshirt opposed to the long linear wounds on the arm. The reason that the damage to the sweatshirt does not match the amount of wounds on John’s arm, is because the dogs canines were already lodged in John’s loose sleeve as it tried to bite again and again.

 10. If the wounds on John’s right arm were caused from broken taillight, then the sleeve of John’s sweatshirt would match perfectly with those wounds which they do not. You can’t fit a square peg into a round hole, everyone knows that.

MY 01/05/2025 REPLY:

Those 10 points cohesively fit with available evidence thus making death by car and its driver impossible. Unfortunately the Commonwealth is going for something more creative with the rarely used, "Transformers' Theory" with Karen Read's car turning into Ravage attacking thus causing the tragedy that befell Officer O'Keefe. I think that Michael Bay and I would agree that the Commonwealth's theory makes a far better movie and maybe even video game, but does nothing to honor Officer O'Keefe or elicit the truth.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE:Interview w/another journalist dragged to Baldoni/Lively mess) 01/06//2025

Thank you to Kjersti for posting that interview. The collateral damage of the "Clash of The Egos" (aka Lively vs. Baldoni et al and Baldoni vs. NYTimes) continues I guess. My opinion of most actors and Hollywood elite, is that they have narcissistic tendencies. It sort of makes sense as an actor, director, writer you probably hear "NO" much more than you hear "YES" so having a strong sense of self worth is a requirement. However to continue a successful career without drama and collateral damage you will also need some logic and deductive reasoning. I  see no winners in any of these celebrity combatants beyond the fees for the attorneys and maybe clicks for MSM. Time for all of them to grow up, settle everything out of court and generously hand out NDA's. 😉

BTW saw ads regarding 82nd Golden Globes. I did not watch the January 5 show. I guess that they are too big (aka well-financed) to fail and many of us have very short memories.

Posted to Lawyer You Know (RE:  Brennan examining Dr. Marie Russell) Uploaded on 01/07/2025

Perhaps I am thinking in terms of ethics not legalities in my feeling that this prosecutor is cheating in trying to make a defense witness make a slip of the tongue due to being upset. I am guessing that Mr. Brennan has noted that Dr. Russell gets irritated when being misquoted or having her expertise questioned. I agree that eliminating defense experts will assist the Commonwealth's case, but I would prefer to see the prosecution present expert testimony proving their case. Family, friends and co-workers lost Officer O'Keefe on January 29 2022. It is January 7 2025, so many reputations ruined, so many lives forever changed and yet still no closure for anyone.

Posted to Scientology - Life After A Cult (RE: Death of Mike Rinder) Uploaded on 01/06/2025

I am so glad that Natalie made this video. I will not dwell on the recent drama of blame and behavior that has surfaced. Once beyond the cult's direct influence, Mike Rinder sounded the alarm about this cult and the harm it inflicted (and continues to inflict) on so many people. That is how he should be remembered. Condolences to his family and friends. May his loved ones still confined in this cult find their way out to experience the truth and love that Mike Rinder would have wanted them to regain. 

Posted to Diary of A CEO (RE: Interview with Chase Hughes) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/26/2024

MY COMMENT posted on 01/08/2025:  I watch The Behavior Panel on You Tube all the time, so I am familiar, but still always impressed with Chase Hughes' knowledge. Mr. Hughes did mention the Kitty Genovese story, as an example of group behavior. The story seems to be a little more complicated in that not everyone in that neighborhood heard everything yet did nothing. However, as some recent news has illustrated, people are reluctant to interact with strangers especially in areas without easy exits due to fear of violence or verbal aggression. Ideally we should all be taught skills on behavior and verbal interaction during our school attendance. BTW When I am really bored I will play a game with commercials. Can I guess the product that they are selling before the final reveal. My unofficial survey has found that prescription medications (why are these even allowed on public streams?) and car commercials seem to dwell much more on ambiance, soundtrack and even cinematography than what the product is, what it does and why should I purchase it.

Posted to Lawyer You Know (TMZ interviews Baldoni's attorney) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/08/2025

I do like long form LYK for a full day of trial or reading a complaint, plea or indictment. However I also very much enjoyed this condensed data version for interview analysis. Now we appear to have, the he said (Baldoni), the she said (Lively), the they said (numerous PR's) with the latest addition, the lawyer (Baldoni's) said. This verbal tennis match of so many egos is confusing. I am going to add yet another name one who may help parse this mess, William of Ockham as in Occam's razor. Yes he is deceased but his principle still applies. Everyone involved in this mess is behaving badly with no one truly innocent. The questions TMZ asked were surprisingly intelligent and direct. Now I am REALLY confused. Noms for TMZ gossip replacement: The Daily Mail or The NY Times (partially joking re the Times),

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Canadian politics and HONEY class action law suit) 01/07/2025

I was present for approximately the last 90 minutes of this video's live stream. However here with the replay crew to acquire a soupçon of knowledge regarding the governing system of Canada. This is a random QUESTION: I was intrigued to learn that there is a Canadian law specifically designed to punish self-titled psychics (I am assuming that there is no Canadian registry for paranormal professionals) from lying to and stealing from their customers. It has been over 2 years since this TikTok influencer declared that she KNEW who un-alived those 4 Idaho students. Would the Canadian legal system have allowed this case to go on so long were she a Canadian not a U.S. citizen? (The defendant arrested in December 2022, was not the individual "foretold" by Tik Tok influencer.) As of this comment, the TikTok influencer, who would be psychic, is still going full speed pro se regarding non-payment of damages owed to the plaintiff. 

Posted to Legal Eagle (RE: Blake Lively's complaint and Baldoni's lawsuit vs. NYTimes)01/09/2025

Pinned by LegalEagle:  Does this mean "It Ends With Us" is the new Citizen Kane of Bad Movies?

MY REPLY---> Objection. The film "It Ends With Us" is not a treasure or a masterpiece or a classic of a film that is so bad that it is good. It is just an average turgid drama which would have been seen on the afternoon movie of the week television (ask your parents or grandparents regarding "television") in the late 1970's of course minus any nudity or simulated personal contact. As a self-proclaimed judge (no CV no degrees no problem), I would add an extra charge for intolerable use of irony in adopting the book's title then entering into multiple law suits with enough "players" to make their own movie.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Sam Taylor-Johnson, Aaron's wife) 01/10/2025

This reading reminded me of the plot of the 2023 movie, May December with all the creepy overtones. I checked Aaron Taylor-Johnson's wiki and learned about his marriage at a young age and his children.  When I am uncertain about seeing a movie that I feel will upset me, I seek out spoilers and watch a short trailer. The film, May December struck me as just as uncomfortable as it was listening to ant's reading. The really weird thing is that the actors portraying the young husband and his much older wife rather resemble  Aaron Taylor-Johnson and his wife. Probably means nothing. While this was a very interesting reading, it did make me feel somewhat icky.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa Phonetic spelling of kjersti. K-jer-sti. Kjer-sti (Drama Update) 01/10/2025

First THANK YOU. I always enjoy Kjersti's calm, logical manner and even seeing a bit of humor in this mess. She spoke such a simple fact, before you speak out/post online, first consult with those you trust who are not necessarily those to whom you pay thousands. Above all take a breath...think. That ridiculous photoshopped image Lively (or maybe a rep?) made a while back regarding Kate (UK princess), was a classic example of posting first, thinking and apologizing later. Hopefully, soon before craft services files a complaint (joke), a judge will read through the enormous amounts of texts, posts and emails, interview the cast and crew of this film then arrive at an appropriate verdict regarding an issue that should have been a workplace complaint not a middle school contest of who is the most popular (and now I have THAT song stuck in my head along with learning to say Kjersti😉). Wishes to everyone near the fires, stay safe and stay alert.

Posted to Spill Sesh (Latest Baldoni vs Lively news from Baldoni's atttorney) Uploaded 01/11/2025

Thank you to Spill Sesh for trying to make order out of this chaos. Blake Lively is not brightest bulb in the room, nor will she win any Miss Congeniality award. However I rather doubt that she would willingly and knowingly file a false workplace complaint concerning misconduct/harassment. I would imagine there are rather unpleasant consequences for those who "embellish" any complaint. To say there was a lack of communication on this movie set, is an understatement. The PR part in this scares me most of all. Who are their clients, any politicians, any CEOs? PR firms seem to be using MSM as a tennis ball being lobbed from one side to another. MSM is like a sentient dinosaur knowing extinction is imminent, but not having a clue regarding how to avoid it as such they will print almost anything without identifying fact from opinion. I really hope this goes to arbitration or trial soon, I think all the he said, she said, they said is adversely affecting the ozone layer.😉

Posted to The Behavioral Arts (RE: What Really Happened) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/11/202

I think Spidey got it correctly. I had heard Justin Baldoni was a method actor. Trying to communicate with an actor using that process during filming can result in problems. Now make that method actor also the director and adding yet another level of power with that actor also being a co-founder of the primary studio (Wayfarer).  Then came the PR groups, who seem to behave in a similar manner to the middle school mob who do not want to be publicly involved in an incident so instead they do chanting or whispering to others. TOTAL RANDOM THEORY: Wayfarer (aka Justin Baldoni) purchased the rights to "It Starts With Us" from Colleen Hoover in 2019. If this were a chess match I might compare the ownership of this sequel/prequel to the chess piece, Queen (no not the immortal rock group). With the Queen being "sacrificed" to reach checkmate  (aka a lawsuit with a certain complaint being withdrawn?). Maybe Spidey should write a spec script on how to avoid this chaos, "Communication...It Begins With Us"😉

Posted to Observe (RE: New format -- Ideas requested) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/09/2025

Observe already has a platform, so I think that keeping the "regular" content still available while also adding more of a variety seems like a very sound business plan. From avoiding burnout to expanding our knowledge seems like a win-win.  Possible topics: (1) How body language can vary in different cultures, different countries and what might be seen globally. (2) What about reading body language of someone who is blind and/or deaf? (3) What about babies, toddlers can their body language be read not just when they cry (obviously pixelate their faces for YT). (4) Compare an actor's body language from a film role (not in a film where face makeup or costumes obscure view) to a one-on-one interview or in a conversational format such as a round table situation (a convention maybe) where the actor in question is one of several speaking. (5) Has our (U.S.) body language changed even subtly from 1940 to 2025? (6) What body language do babies acquire from their parents'/caretakers' vocalizations and facial expressions or even imitating older children? (6) What if that baby were blind at birth? (7) People on the fringes of our society often do badly in complex situations such as crowds as recent events have shown...can we read their body language to enable us to help them or give us a heads up to escape their presence? (8) Often social occasions are difficult when you are "on the spectrum". How can that person be taught both to read body language and behave in a way that others can read their body language? (9) Job interviews are often stressful. Besides being well prepared on your CV, what body language is appreciated by interviewers and how can interviewers put their candidate at ease in order to get the best result? (10) This one is basically a public service. Instruct (influencers) on how to effectively apologize, not just with words but with their body language. The cycle of do something really bad, apologize badly, then apologize for your previous apology is getting SO old.

Posted to Molly Burke (RE: Recent deaths of disabled who were not able to flee the fires) 01/11/2025

In California quakes, fires, mudslides are not rare events. Evacuations in California are also not rare events. Unfortunately disabilities are not rare and as Molly has said joining this demo can happen to anyone at any time, hence not rare. With all of these "this is not rare" details, why was there never either an expanded 911 system or more localized assistance organized regarding mandatory evacuation? A reminder to the California local, state and federal representatives, disabled people also pay taxes and vote. If elected individuals cannot put into place that ethical and supportive assistance needed by some of their constituents who are essentially their "employers" then these representatives should resign to open these positions to those who have the will and power to help others.

Posted to Lawyer You Know (RE: Analysis of recent cases with Emily D. Baker) 01/12/2025

I thoroughly enjoyed seeing two intelligent attorneys analyze some recent cases with attorneys who were presenting flamboyant flourishes along with legal filings. Perhaps Alexander Spiro and Tony Buzbee are presenting two cases per client with one presented to the judge and one presented to media? I have found that if intelligent and impartial commentary is what you are looking for, You Tube has it in far more supply than MSM.

Posted to Lawyer You Know (RE: Daubert Hearing of Dr. Russell's testimony) Uploaded 01/13/2025

Great synopsis by LYK. The amount of hate and vitriol directed towards Karen Read and anyone, whether expert or not, who believes reasonable doubt alone deemed this case to not be prosecuted, seems almost pathological IMO in nature even though the afflicted "individual" is instead the power of The Commonwealth. Yet no anger from the Commonwealth towards; incompetent LE, corrupt individuals from MST, inadequate prosecution in Trial 1 with mostly unbelievable prosecution witnesses and most "experts". As for Judge Cannone's ruling, no surprises. It allowed Dr. Russell in but included more cheat codes for the prosecution in her ruling than I have seen on reddit for winning a video game in record time. However, it works both ways as now the defense knows how to prepare their questions, prepare for numerous objections and prepare their cross. This trial (these trials?) concerning the death of Officer O'Keefe is more of a textbook case in: "How to Waste Tax Money and Court Time then Lose An Election" (DA Norfolk County position is scheduled to go to the ballot in 2026).

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Update on "It Ends With Us" and the Pacific Palasades Fire) 01/15/2025

I really wish the Lively, Baldoni situation would go to court asap. I am so tired of this tennis game of he's guilty, she's guilty, they're (PR) guilty and now the lawyers are talking up their client's side (as they should), but still demonizing the opposing side. While I am far away from the fires, I am astonished at the utter destruction of so much of an area. For those who have lost family, friends, animals, physical objects evoking memories, no matter who you are, I am so sorry. No one deserves a tragedy like this one, but everyone deserves at least consolation. 

Posted to Liz Gale (RE: Leah Remini and Mike Rinder) Uploaded 01/15/2025

Like other comments, I wish to thank Liz Gale for that summary. IMO (as a never-in) it seemed fair to all involved. I would be interested in a Part 2.This cult has done so much damage and ruined so many lives. The best way to combat a cult literally built on the lies of a con man is to tell recount experiences and move ahead. Escape from a cult does not turn the clock back, it is understandable that not everyone is in "the same place" even years after departing. Whatever one feels about Mike Rinder, the fact that he never got to see his family still in this cult is beyond sad.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Justin Bieber) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/15/2025

As we hear more and more about the entertainment industry, it all seems so unhealthy, predatory and immoral. Yet I support it by buying music, seeing movies and of course my pitfall, buying IP merch. SUGGESTION: what about a reading on The Entertainment Industry? Was it, is it, will it always be so cruel and unfeeling to its participants (actors, singers, tech crews, everyone who earns money from entertainment ind.)? IMO the "rot" goes way back to the silent film days. This is a for profit industry that has forgotten that its biggest resource, creatives should treasured not trashed.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Ryan Reynolds and Baldoni) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/15/2025

I too am trying to remain impartial. Lively's complaint of workplace misconduct should not be difficult to either prove or disprove with receipts and witnesses.  While Reynolds and Lively are powerful, bossy and probably very, "my way of the highway", Baldoni still bothers me, and I can't specify how. Baldoni has been in the entertainment world for almost 2 decades, that can change people negatively if they do not have self-awareness and real friends who tell you when you need to step back, take a breath and think. Do they all are share (albeit in different amounts) blame for what probably began as a personality conflict and now is revealing the darker side of the entertainment industry? While California has bigger things to address, I do hope this case gets settled soon and there is a little less vitriol in the world. Thank you to Kjersti (I always try to pronounce that name if my head, hopefully accurately) for this coverage.

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: More Ryan Reynolds involvement) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/16/2025

As was pointed out, this all begin with (no pun on sequel/prequel book intended😉) a workplace complaint. Now if Lively's complaint is false and/or irresponsibly filed then Blake Lively has way more problems than bad PR. The name Hollywood makes it sound like a fun, gentle and happy place. It is instead a jungle where bullies abound, the strong can ruin careers and everyone sleeps with one eye open (aka has a publicist tracking social media). While somewhat childish, making fun of someone in a movie is probably fair use. Had everyone involved been intelligent adults, contracts would be been adjusted to allow for "friendly departure(s)" with NDAs galore. 

Posted to Smoky Glow (RE: Tinder and Moving) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/16/2025

I have never been bored watching and listening to videos on this channel. Real enthusiasm can jump off the screen and hold attention of viewers no matter how mundane the topic. Go with the creative passion, in other words what is uppermost at this moment in the life, mind, tinder tragedies, whatever. Also, I am always in for an apartment reno, decor haul and reveal. I find the idea of a group that tracks serial daters fascinating and wish to know MORE.

Posted to Rosanna Pansino (RE: 3 more lawsuits filed = 4 in Baldoni/Lively Saga)

I did laugh when I saw the "visual aids", but they actually helped me follow this twisted saga. I had not paid as much attention to the PR lawsuit, so this commentary was quite helpful. Wouldn't it be fascinating to learn who are on the client lists from all these PR firms. Meanwhile all that originally needed to be resolved is the workplace complaint filed by Blake Lively. Is it actionable, if so trial. The rest of these lawsuits are only going to benefit the attorneys. I agree with Rosanna, the real scary thing in all of this are what the puppeteers (PR firms) doing with the puppets (us). 

My vote is for channel name: RO & MO in the KNOW

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Interview with someone who had a 20 year ago experience) 01/17/2025

The lawsuit involving the PR firms: Jonesworks LLC (Stephanie Jones) vs. Jennifer Abel, Melissa Nathan, Justin Baldoni, Wayfarer.... seems to be the most telling regarding this mess.  IMO these particular PR reps made what may have started as a professional disagreement worse, so much worse. SONY needed to take more direct action or allow everyone to break their contracts and begin again. I continue to wonder, is Blake Lively that scary that no one, not her agent, publicists, attorney, trainer (last one is a joke) told her that it was not advisable to file a workplace complaint without the proper receipts and the witness testimonies in place.  Filing a false complaint with the court, puts the filer into a "please sue me and get lots of money for yourself" position.  

Sorry if behind a paywall:

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: Update-Justin Baldoni's Lawsuit vs Lively, Reynolds, Jones et al) 01/17/2025

Miniature kudos to Lively as this IS GoT, but not as she referenced. Instead we got GoT's unexpurgated violence appearing as words (articles, texts, emails. social media posts). Were this a sports event, I would say the Baldoni side is "winning".  I would have thought that at least SONY would step up, be the only adult on set. SONY should have given Lively a healthy settlement for breaking her contract and then recast (of course this might have affected Wayfarer temporarily adversely but admittedly in hindsight still worth it). The original movie script (I never read the book or saw the movie) may have had an important message for those abus3d and those who commit that offense. I wonder, without all this bad, wild and awful buzz would "It Ends With Us" have grossed $351 million worldwide against a $25 million budget (source: wikipedia)? IMO no. Perhaps Baldoni's original film concept might have been more of a critical success than it was (source: Rotten Tomatoes---approval ratings as of this post are 56%-critics and 94%-audience). So Netflix docu-movie idea: "When Will It All End"?

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Latest Lawsuit Baldoni vs a lot) Uploaded 01/17/2025

I have a way to sort of solve some of this. Justin Baldoni's production company, Wayfarer Studios, owns the rights to the sequel to "It Ends with Us," titled "It Starts with Us". How about Blake and Ryan purchase these rights at a GENEROUS profit. All lawsuits and complaints are then dropped with everyone paying their own legal costs and signing a plethora of NDAs. Probably the PR vs. PR lawsuit will keep going, although it would be in all of their interests to end their squabble before people start focusing on their client lists.  Finally, "We All Can Move On" coincidentally also a possible name for a Netflix doc on this drama-palooza.     Hope the Runkles have a satisfactory week off.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Trainer to Baldoni and Lively telling Lively about weight query) 01/19/2025

Beyond giving a warning to the police regarding imminent harm, a trainer should never repeat what one client says to another client. How can anyone trust this trainer's judgement now? I heard about that drink being named for the character who abus3d his wife. I had hoped it was a joke.  For a serious movie like "It Ends With Us" no character's name is appropriate for a commercially sold product. I believe the foundation:  was listed on the film's credits. I cannot remember hearing anyone from the film emphasize that fact during the press tour or recently. Not PR-worthy enough? I really do not know how this mess began. What I do know is that most of the adults associated with this film are behaving like middle school cliques and even have their own whisper campaigns via the PR firms.

Posted to Observe (RE: Interview with Attorney Representing Justin Baldoni) Uploaded 01/18/2025

Defense attorneys are hard-wired to fight passionately for their clients and are essentially actors with a special set of skills (thank you Liam Neeson). I agree with Observe. At this point there are way too many egos and noise in this he/she/they said saga to make a definitive conclusion regarding guilt or innocence.  Historically Hollywood has had the reputation for making anyone "rocking the boat" not highly employable. SONY should have been the adult in the room. Now we come to the puppet masters (aka PR/Crisis PR firms). Guess who are the puppets in that scenario. While the PR lawsuit cannot be judged in terms of body language, it is still a relevant puzzle piece that can give some context to this clash of egos (sounds like a bad mobile game😉) .   Apologies if this link is behind a paywall: 

Posted to Dan Murrell (RE: Latest Baldoni vs. Lively, Reynolds, et al) Uploaded 01/19/2025

Thank you to Dan for presenting an impartial view on this situation of adults behaving like middle school cliques. I did giggle at the "Nicepool" character mention. Yes, it probably stings personally for Mr. Baldoni, but isn't satire, snark and silliness more fair use and free speech than defamation or legally actionable content? That premiere party with Baldoni and friends "held" in the basement just seems weird. So no one told anyone there would be issues at the premiere, really? There is so much he said, she said, they (PR) said and now we have, attorneys' said. While it is a bit peripheral to the the rest of the lawsuits, the PR vs PR lawsuit is quite an interesting piece in this very messy puzzle:

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: Frozen Water Lines) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/20/2025

While I live in the northeastern portion of the U.S. thus not unfamiliar with cold temps, ice and snow, it still seems like every December my (re-)learning curve begins. I feel my spirit animals, the weird chickens would understand my viewpoint the most. I wondered if heat/solar activated tape could help in reducing freezing in some of the water lines? Since my search unearthed many sources (would you believe TEMU also sells it?) I am guessing that has been already been considered and dismissed. Please give an update on the chicken's necropsy. Even a parasocial relationship like the one I have regarding this channel still elicits my concern. 

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Donald Trump and Melania)  Uploaded to You Tube 01/22/2025

ant's reading supports the impressions that I feel whenever I see Melanie along with the rarity of any images and discussions about Barron. Melania's HAT from the inauguration spoke volumes about her state of mind. Barron is now 18 so I would not be surprised to see him attend school as far away from Washington DC as Melanie can get him. And of course with Barron far (maybe Europe?) away, she will have to set up a home nearby her son hence excusing her from DC activities. Trump has other children, 2 sons and 2 daughters, who seem to enjoy the pomp and circumstance of DC, so no problems there. Hopefully with Melania's care, Barron will continue to grow and mature away from Washington DC.

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: Wayfarer/Baldoni releases raw footage of dance scene) 01/21/2025

Unless Lively's attorney has their own receipts to counter this film footage and back up Lively's workplace complaint, then a financial settlement might be worthwhile for all concerned. It takes a very centered, very talented, very commanding personality to assume multiple roles on a film. Being a co-star, a director, an executive producer, writer, owner of IP (Colleen Hoover's 2 novels) and co-founder of a movie studio (Wayfarer), was IMO too much for Baldoni to manage. There needed to be someone on that set to say NO, YES and have directions followed.  Instead what seemed to have happened on that set was a Hollywood version of coup d'état. Children, please settle your differences(which is Hollywood-ese for money paid), sign lots of NDA's and move on.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/24/2025

I am a viewer with no industry ties who watches shows that discuss the entertainment industry. I had heard about Blake Lively's persona when off-stage. However filing accusations in a federal court is beyond "mean girl" behavior. It is unwise and possibly in contempt of court. Historically courts have no senses of humor, little patience with embellishments and require only the facts supported by case law.  Whoever persuaded and/or encouraged Blake Lively (even if RR) to attempt this highly inadvisable and unethical Hollywood coup d'état should be fired or divorced. RR can recover, he is just that big. As for the future career of BL who knows?

Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Aaron Smith-Levine's arrest January 2024) Uploaded 01/24/2025

This obvious form letter from the LAPD does seem to indicate a very well-run paperwork operation from an organization that was created primarily to protect and to serve not to send polite YOU ARE WRONG SIR missives. IMO, I would hypothesize that behind such an efficient operation, is considerable practice.😉

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Interview with Ulyses Osuna--Crisis Mgmt) Uploaded on 01/24/2025

Yes, please have Mr. Osuna on again. He gives a measured, calm and logical face to crisis management as opposed to all those recent PR texts and emails that are now immortalized (the internet is forever) in several court cases. Mr. Osuna is what I would expect and want from a crisis manager. Maybe also have a psychologist on, because I continue to not understand how no one stopped Blake Lively (and Ryan Reynolds) from marching so confidently into a highly dangerous jungle. If Lively's reps have proof, they either should use that evidence asap in discovery (pre-trial) or in an arbitration making a settlement and papering the room with NDA's. 

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Will TikTok be banned forever) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/24/2025

I would be interested in a reading on that online conspiracy theory, "The Dead Internet". I have my own opinions, but I find ant's readings always so intuitive and providing discussion points that had not previously occurred to me. Also maybe a reading on the concept of "privacy", does it still exist? Can we reasonably expect privacy even in our own homes with so many interactive devices constantly switched on?

Posted to Rachel Maksy (RE: Gigi of Kiki's Delivery Service) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/24/2025

Excellent homage to Kiki's Delivery Service. While one may have to explain to certain passers-by who seem puzzled and disturbed, Con-goers will know. It would be hilarious if somehow when the human arm is pulled out some sort of springy thing (I always use technical terms especially when I know nothing about the process) like in bobble-heads that can be inserted when  "the creator" (note that I did not use THE) wishes to do biologically-related things like eat, drink, hug other humans and touch Con merch. Gigi could probably use a snap on neck brace in black when their human assist is removed. You know after 2 or 3 days at a Con don't we all need a brace...of some sort.😉

Posted to Nicole Rudolph (RE: Move from Nevada to Indiana) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/25/2025

With "burnout" hovering above some You Tube channels, I was somewhat in fear as I clicked on.  That view from the old location's bathroom was absolutely spectacular. However what's a view when a change can take one where there are old friends in residence, new friends to be made, an adventure to take on and a chance to reno the blank out of a new space. Vlog it all, if time permits of course. BTW looks like Bailey is doing just fine being in a whole new state.

Posted to Mia Maples (RE: Popflex vs. Blogilates x Target= same designer) Uploaded 01/24/2025

To parse ALL these factors, I probably would need to make a spread sheet with columns for sustainability, proper wages, material content, design, color, "chest accessories", fit, much data. I appreciate all Mia's work. I guess the bottom line (pun?) if the Popflex line is too pricey you would not be wasting your money, your time or even your green planet/wage fairness ideals in buying the Blogilates x Target garments as long as chest "support" was not a major factor. Just wondering, are these Target prices firm or would these low prices exist for an intro period to get the buzz loud and the crowds into the store? Don't mind me, my glass is always, "half empty" not "half full"😉

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: Blake Lively's attorneys issue 2 "gag" order on Wayfarer/Baldoni) 01/25/2025

I know egos, narcissism, power issues, but still it is astounding regarding how any adults must have signed off on this mess from its start as set issues to the current multiple law suits. I cannot say how PR and Crisis PR firms work, but making everything worse seems to be counter productive. Meanwhile my hope is that very soon a judge will consider the validity of that long long ago workplace complaint made by Blake Lively regarding the set of "It Ends With Us". Remember that complaint, it was filed in federal court on December 20, 2024. Seems like years ago, doesn't it.

Posted to Jenna Miscaviage (RE: vlog - update) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/15/2025

While we can care about those we watch, the interaction is a parasocial relationship not a friend you can call on when your child is sick or just to hear a familiar voice. I am always posting suggestions, that I hope are taken as casual viewpoints not edicts. We are all responsible for our own happiness. Our friends and loved ones are that something extra in our lives, like buttercream icing on a cake. Stay well and happy 💗.

Posted to Dan Murrelll (RE: The film, The Brutalist and its use of AI) Uploaded on 01/25/2025

AI used in movies should be regulated by the industry itself. No one wants intervention by "unnamed others". Until people are used to the fact that properly utilized AI can add magic and accuracy to a film, without harming or diluting contributions by creatives perhaps in the credits show, along with the list of AI tech people, that  __% of audio was enhanced and ___% of video was enhanced. I think that AI used for writing scripts is a much different topic with any such use being highly problematic. BTW I am amazed, astonished, astounded, and (my fav), flabbergasted that the many complaints made regarding AI used were by misinformed/non-viewers of this movie.😉

Posted to Collier Landry (RE: Interview with Zett Espinosza) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/26/2025

Zett Espinoza has lived multiple lifetimes, I wish that this video had been longer. It is astounding that she is alive, never mind happy, sane, healthy and married with a family. What she said should be worked into the her book/movie script ,  "...hold that torch up, hold it high and let other people light their own torches with the one that you are holding." If anyone ever doubted how important an identity and a home is, Zett Espinoza is living proof of those needs. I hope her brother also regains his identity. Thank you Collier for this interview.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Interview with Dave Neal) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/26/2025

I enjoyed hearing Dave Neal's take on this situation. Excellent questions from Kjersti.  Mr. Neal's measured viewpoint was refreshing. I am very tired of Team this or Team that. I also feel that this whole mess could be settled with a sizable award (plus Ryan Reynolds buying the rights to the sequel/prequel book), one of those powerful celebrity "apologies", accompanied by the gracious acceptance of said "apology" from the less powerful celebrity. As people in Hollywood are fond of TALK, there will have to be, "...and you get an NDA and you get an NDA and...." Well that's the dream. The only ones who will benefit from all these lawsuits going to court are all the firms of the attorneys involved not any celebrities. 

Posted to Dave Neal (RE: Interview with Kjersti Flaa) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/26/2025

I am here from Kjersti Flaa's channel. I am finding more impartiality and facts from her channel and now this one. MSM needs to learn the difference between opinion pieces and factual news stories. The dinosaurs did not, could not, recognize their impending extinctions. I would like to think that the humans behind MSM would recognize the danger of losing relevance, trust of readers and not sufficiently fact-checking stories.

Posted to Lawyer You Know (RE: Convo of Law&Lumber and LYK on Maya lawyers) 01/256/2025

This is all so sad, with the appeal by JHACH it should be "all hands on deck" not "Mutiny On The Bounty". However I did enjoy listening to the discourse between two attorneys I not only know (only on You Tube of course), but I trust.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: NYT interviewing themselves on the Baldoni/Lively article) 01/28/2025

The New York Times made a huge mistake in not doing proper research before their publishing their article. Their current reticence is not a surprise due to Baldoni's lawsuit against the NYT. As for Blake Lively's "receipts" beyond her own words, there is only the data produced by the subpoena to Jonesworks LLC (Stephanie Jones). Now we learn that there was more context between those particular emails and texts. Unless there is evidence we haven't yet seen, this should be settled out of court asap. A possible scenario is that this court case might end with the labeling of Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds as greedy, corrupt, usurpers of another's ideas (not a first in Hollywood sadly). While Justin Baldoni could win the case legally but be labeled in the industry as someone who cannot command a set, make the tough decisions and handle a diva. Bottom line, no winners. Maybe have Ulyses Osuna on again?

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: Long Voice Message to Blake Lively fm Justin Baldoni at 2AM) 01/28/2025

I agree that Baldoni's voice message was somewhat cringy, too long and touchy/feely for any work-related message. Even if Justin Baldoni is completely innocent of every count of misbehavior listed in that workplace complaint that Lively's attorneys filed with the California Civil Rights Dept., he might still have an image problem should these lawsuits go to trial. A director needs to be in complete command of a set (admittedly studios often try to interfere). The director need not be a dictator, but a good CEO who can immediately recognize problems before they escalate. A director should be able to deal with relevant issues directly or delegate appropriately. Even though Baldoni co-owns a studio (Wayfarer), this does not guarantee that he will be offered the jobs which could take his career to the next level. 

Posted to Dave Neal (RE: analysis of Justin Baldoni's long voice mail to Lively) 01/28/2025

Baldoni's voice mail to Lively is cringy, somewhat unprofessional, way too long, but IMO not love bombing or gas lighting. Whether one wishes to do a behavioral or a vocal analysis, you need to know a person's baseline (aka the way they speak and react during their normal routines along with times of stress). BTW I minored in Psychology at a State College in northeastern U.S. (not RI) several centuries ago, so judge accordingly. Even if Baldoni wins all the lawsuits, he might find acquiring a future job of directing a prestigious/big budget film not coming from his own studio (Wayfarer) problematic. Handling divas and dissension on set is as essential for a director as is "their vision".

Posted to Morgan Gold (RE: Analysis and History of the American Farm) Uploaded 01/27/2025

I always enjoy the documentaries/discussions on this channel. I am torn between 2 alt titles: Manifest Destiny... and Feudalism 2....   I think that I will land (pun intended) on the Manifest Destiny title. Every generation seems to have a bit of conceit that we did it first or we do it better now then "they" did. While having a home full of items with computer tech, we are not that far removed from our history. SUGGESTION: a doc on a variety of U. S. farmers and their differing farms. Perhaps the majority of 21st century U. S. farmers are those who sell locally and supplement their income with another job or income stream? What do typical farms and ranches in other countries such as Australia, Japan, Iceland or Argentina look like? I welcome any knowledge that comes from a person who tries to make sure that his animals and birds "only have one bad day" on his farm.

Posted to Dan Murrell (RE: 2025 Oscar Nominees) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/24/2025

I never watch any of the awards shows. Although whenever there is controversy whether it is a nominee behaving badly or a film that makes people say, "THAT was nominated?!" I do find that aspect entertaining. My personal dream would be that every academy member who voted for Emilia Pérez would have to certify (with images and metadata of them actual watching that movie) along with a signed testimony that yes indeed they watched the entire film at least once. There would be extra gift bags if the academy member can prove they saw the entire movie 2 or more times. Yes, I dream BIG.🤣

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Dead Internet Theory) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/28/2025

I have noticed more 'bots and trolls in the Chat sections of live streams on You Tube. Ant did seem somewhat down about this subject which made me very sad. There is a latin expression, "caveat emptor" meaning, buyer beware. A quick internet search says its origin in law goes back to the early 17th century. Another resource indicated that expression goes back to the time of the Roman Empire. Either way, humans have been lying and/or embellishing about products and people for a very long time. The rise of social media has accelerated that action. I agree that we will quite soon lose anonymity online. Gut/instant reactions can be funny and relatable or can be totally inaccurate and unkind. IMO 'bots are like PR firms on steroids either over-praising or over-condemning. Maybe ant should revisit this topic, but with a future outlook?


Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Interview with counselor Dr. Aman Kaur ) Uploaded on 01/29/2025

I appreciated Dr. Kaur's measured attitude. As is the case, the doctor mentioned that we do not know everything yet. Even concerning the released clips of Baldoni and Lively dancing. Are they both in character? Neither? Whatever actually happened on that set and in MSM, none of this will benefit anyone's careers or finances, excepting the attorneys. All parties should settle out of court, sign those NDA's and move on with their careers.

Posted to Dr. Aman Kaur (RE: Discussion of Baldoni's 2 am phone message to Lively) -2/28/2025

Here from Kjersti Flaa's channel. I thoroughly enjoyed the discussion. I appreciated that it was said that we must wait for more information. IMO that call from Baldoni was a mistake. His response should have been in short, concise text message format. Baldoni sounded so sad, so apologetic and to Blake's ears, probably quite malleable. Baldoni needed to be decisive to keep control on that set. After listening to Dr. Kaur and Kjersta discuss how perhaps this is how Blake Lively has always been. She seems to be easily triggered, is insecure, responds with an awkward sense of humor and is somewhat deficient in empathy. Baldoni and Lively had an incompatible business relationship. I am not sure why no one stepped in before it was too late. Perhaps all film sets should have a resident psychiatrist?

Posted to Lawyer You Know (RE: Commonwealth trying to block defense experts) 01/29/2025

Officer John O'Keefe's death has been mishandled since day one, 3 years ago. IMO the Commonwealth is stalling. Whether it is in the hope of wearing Karen Read and her supporters down and/or waiting until Michael Morrissey can be re-elected to DA of Norfolk County in November 2026, I am uncertain. My theory has no legal merit. However neither is what is currently unfolding in Norfolk Superior Court in Dedham Massachusetts. I am not sure this quotation (by Arthur Conan Doyle) applies, but it did come to my mind, 'When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'  

Posted to LegalBytes (RE: Baldoni and Lively law suits) Uploaded to You Tube on 1/30/2025

Baldoni appears to be winning the social media war. Settling out of court along with NDA's may be the best move for all involved. No matter which litigant(s) walks away from these trial(s) with a legal win, IMO everyone will be damaged professionally. The damage is already evident to the field of public relations and MSM. The New York Times was one of the few OG news sources that I trusted  (past tense is intentional). Thank you to LegalBytes for covering this case. I apologize if already covered, but the PR law suit regarding Stephanie Jones and Jonesworks LLC does provide an additional piece to this messy puzzle.

Posted to Andrea Burkhart (RE: Update--State vs.Richard Allen-Motion to Correct Error) 01/30/2025

I found the sound fine on this vlog. I did love that music! The remainder of the background noise was in the context of white noise. Unlike the Delphi jurors, I have considerable reasonable doubt concerning the involvement of Richard Allen. However I had the benefit of listening to Andrea Burkhart's frequent commentaries as an in-court observer. I am surprised that the conditions Mr. Allen endured before trial are not actionable as "cruel and unusual" especially as this incarceration was pre-conviction. If Richard Allen's appellate attorney does decide to cite "ineffective assistance of counsel" does this reflect upon Mr. Allen's trial attorneys in any substantive way?   BTW I would love a vlog on the Chilean trip. Perhaps make it members only to limit views and to maintain some privacy?

Posted to Hoeg Law (Lively and Baldoni Lawsuits) Uploaded to You Tube 01/30/2025

Replay crew here. Thank you Hoeg Law for translating logorrhea into legalities.This is a he said/she said/they(PR firms) said case. I have no idea even with all the "leaks" and filed lawsuits where legal fault lies. IMO should this mess go to court no reputation will emerge from trial either improved or unscathed. It would be a kindness to the clients, if the attorneys explained the nature of a pyrrhic victory.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Copyright Strike) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/31/2025

As Replay Crew, audio was fine. As annoying as it is to the targeted individual, drama is irrelevant to You Tube. What is relevant to You Tube is when an influencer issues a copyright-strike "in retaliation" . This is weakening whatever their credibility is with You Tube. Improper complaints to You Tube is not the way to either sustain or grow a channel. This is all so sad.

Posted to Caitlin Doughty (RE: Dr. Bill Bass and the First Body Farm) Uploaded on 01/31/2025

I never knew the history behind the first body farm. A man made a mistake then uses that experience to forever improve forensics and increase scientific knowledge. Thinking of the rarity that is Dr. Bill Bass, I think my "boo-hoo days" might just be beginning. BTW the closing of this video ...(living but amateur) chef's kiss.  Thank you Caitlin Doughty!