Thursday, July 12, 2018

Potential Projects for Dwayne Johnson

My post on Double Toasted video published on You Tube 07/12/2018

My choice for potential Dwayne Johnson projects:  (remakes, yeah I know but if done well..., of ) Outland (1981) as Marshall O'Niel and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003) as Allan Quatermain, however take more plot and character details from the Alan Moore graphic novel series than the 2003 version failed to do successfully. 

As for the action/thriller, Skyscraper (2018) even with The Rock it looks too derivative. I will check it out when this movie is on a streaming service.

Every review that I find on this movie seems to be burying the lead (conspiracy theory). Based on that jump, with that leg, can anyone say "Bionic Man -- THE REBOOT "?   Apologies to all for my very weak, even if funny,  pun.

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