Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Philip DeFranco "The Ridiculously Strange & Confusing Mueller Conspiracy Mess, WWF.....
published on YouTube on 10/31/18

My comment posted 10/31/18:

WWF Study shows that climate change may not be our biggest problem, habitat destruction due to agricultural or industrial reasons may impact everyone much much sooner than global climate issues. No idea what to do, except to study the "entities" (individual, corporate or government) and provide more promising alternatives to earning their money. As for rhino horns or tiger bones, "China you are better and smarter than this!" The Mueller morass is amusing, scary and (in view of the ability to connect so many dots with novice-ability level internet research) rather STUPID.

Safiya Nygaard -- Mixing Every Beauty Guru's Eyeshadow Palette Together
published 10/31/18

Comment posted 10/31 to safiya pinned comment:

Only into the beginning (@3:00) of this video, but kudos (seriously, not trolling) in really getting full disclosure of methods, manner, materials used. Being OCD I appreciate attention to detail.  Random query, will you read the latest iteration of iTunes/Apple software rules that I keep agreeing to (unexamined) every update?  I have a bad feeling that I have surrendered my first born child, my home and probably my soul to a monolithic corporation. Yes I am also slightly...wait, what's that?😉

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Season 2 - 8 episodes 2018*

on Netflix October 26, 2018

Posted to Jeremy Jahns review published on 10/30/2018

Writing, voice acting, animation, story, its all amazing. This story is truly epic with wild abilities, super strength and more time (but none of it boring) in a library than a Harry Potter movie. Jeremy Jahns is right, binge the 2 seasons, even if you saw season 1 when it first streamed. While the subject, vampires and magic may be like "been there seen that", this series is different. The animated faces, body language and voice acting takes this series to a much more exclusive excellent video game based movie.

*Season 1 - 4 episodes   July, 2017

Monday, October 29, 2018

Philip  DeFranco You Tube Video published 10/29/2018

My comment posted 10/29/2018:

Who knew that I would be pleased to see everyone online wound up about Justin Bieber's purported food consumption habits (almost as much fun as Jenner/Vogue hair styles). I could not believe that I heard the President say had there been an armed guard.... These murders, whether at a school, church, temple or mall needs to start with identifying and treating  the confused, unmedicated, narcissistic individuals. These people should to be noticed, helped or isolated before acting out. I have no answers, except perhaps better (or ideally free) mental health care, more attention paid to comments by caregivers (parents, teachers) and maybe decriminalization and legalization of a certain substance known to help with seizures, certain eye conditions, pain management and oh yes, a mood stabilizer.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Philip DeFranco Video published on You Tube 10/25 regarding proposed Title IX defining sex as to the sex designated at birth.

Comment posted on 10/25/18

My immediate reaction is that there are better areas to focus our laws/action on: (1) Why Puerto Rica has not been helped since their last big hurricane (2) What those thousands marching want, that seemingly they cannot find in Honduras, (3) What the Saudis are doing in Yemen, (4) What the Saudis are doing period (5) Why do airlines hate their passengers. The road that a transgendered person travels (Caitlyn Jenner excluded) is hard enough without diminishing their legal, economic and employment rights. Maybe I am being pessimistic and the final bill will be more inclusive.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


a British TV series (2018) on Netflix
6 episode limited series

Very well-acted, with a soundtrack that accentuates the stress and stain on screen. The lead Richard Madden handles the gravitas and the emotions of PTSD (from his service in Afghanistan) without dialogue, just with this posture and face. The editing and directing is concise, the dialogue to the point without too many words.

Interesting as to how all the security problems seem to originate from within several different governmental and military agencies against one another. Episode one began with a more typical threat, a suicide bomber from an unnamed middle eastern country with an unnamed cause. By the end of Episode 1 and onward appears to be more conspiracies and threats from within, than without.

Currently on episode 3 (of 6)
Posted to Philip DeFranco YouTube Channel published 10/24/2018

I am guessing that this individual was given a background check before being employed?  I do not know what to do. I had heard of an MRI test that showed test subjects certain images and see what parts of their brains light up on the display. Sounds a bit invasive and probably not legal for the general population. So we are left with questioning our children without alarming them concerning improper behavior from adults you know, adults in charge of your sports team,  adults in charge of your scout troop, adults who teach, adults who provide after-school care/activities. It is just so depressing and exhausting. Maybe this is why people like horror and superhero movies so much, the monsters are easily identified and dealt with.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Joe Rogan Experience # 1187 - Kyle Kulinski - published 10/23/18

Comment posted to the above You Tube video on 10/14/18

Regarding the FB and Twitter removal of accounts, I am sure that there is some truth in that it was due to the examples presented of one site using multiple accounts. My hypothesis is that social media sites are doing this primarily to avoid having any government regulation/involvement in their corporations. They are trying to avoid federal regulation by regulating from within. Not a bad idea, however these removals should be decided per individual account. Again, I think that FB and Twitter felt rushed in that they had to deliver the account removals to the news media (ironically) and US government very quickly. Unfortunately the outcome of this behavior may end in kind of a generic, superficial presentation of national and international news.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Haunting of Hill House

A 10 episode series on Netflix
watched 10/17/18

The Haunting of Hill House series is beautifully filmed, expertly acted. There are no weak players in this limited series. Even the children were believable. While the ending is somewhat sentimental, I appreciated the tying up of loose ends. Due to some violence, sexual content and drug use, this is a series best viewed by older teens and adults.This is a series based on a Shirley Jackson (1959) novel. There are also 2 other film (1963 and 1999) incarnations. This series is a vast improvement over the forgettable 1999 version. The 1963 film takes a different route from this series, remains a classic on its own. The set design of the locations used in this series reflects many moods and tones. Hill House becomes an actor. I am guessing that many of the special effects were practical not CGI. That becomes a positive in lending a true feeling of dread or fear. Although this series flirted with being maudlin, it rights itself quickly with the use of flashbacks. However this technique is not overused or misused. Being familiar with the novel and the 2 films, I did see twists coming. However, the dialogue, acting and cinematography was worth the 10 episode binge.

Posted 10/22/18 on You Tube - Perri Nemeroff's The Witching Hour - published 10/16/18

I have seen the whole series. I am ok with the conclusion, still processing it. Just wondering if the creators of this series made it conclude in that manner to open up the chance for a season 2? The acting is off the charts. It has been a very long time since I read the Shirley Jackson novel that this series is based upon, so I cannot speak to what has changed. However, the 1999 film (called The Haunting) was a disaster, more funny (inadvertently) than suspenseful. The 1963 film (also called The Haunting) was good, but very different from the Netflix series. The 1963 movie is a classic, at least for its time, for being a good representation of suspense and dread.

Posted 10/23/18 on You Tube - Perri Nemeroff's The Witching Hour-SPOILERS - pub.10/23/18

Thanks to Perri and Haleigh for doing this spoiler ep. My least favorite episode was #9. There was one particular character in that episode with behavior that was deliberately exaggerated, but drove me almost as crazy as the character was. However as a singular entity (the series not me), I enjoyed the entire series. This series was scary and enlightening (with the family conflicts and addiction themes). While I have not read the Shirley Jackson (1950's) novel, this series is a vast improvement over the 1999 movie and extremely different, in a good way,  from the 1963 movie. To make a future anthology have more of a variety, it might treat the central character (the house) as diseased not evil. It is something which can infect people relative to their "immune system" (aka moral center/psyche). There then would be more opportunity for a variety of stories, some ending well, some ending badly.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Bad Times at the El Royale

This is an intense, very violent film.  This is also a film full of main characters, all with an arc and all with a personality. While most of the action either happens inside or in the dark, I never lost sight of the characters or their actions.

Darlene Sweet (played by Cynthia Erivo) was my favorite through the first 2/3 of the movie. However for the last third of the film, Miles Miller (played by Lewis Pullman) was really really good. There was a scene where he acted so strongly that dialogue was not even necessary (or possible) to make that scene work beautifully.

I left this film feeling that I needed to decompress as this film stays with you.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Venom (2018)
Seen in a theater (regular 2D format) on 10/05/18

(comment made on MovieBob review on You Tube):

The humor in Venom saved it for me. The night-time (because daytime CGI is more expensive ?) CGI vehicle chase scenes and fight scenes were at an ineffectual, disappointing level. I saw this is regular (not 3D) format. I give this movie 2.5 stars. My generosity may be due to that fact that I held Venom to a very very low bar due to the RT score (at 30% as of this comment) and other reviews. I probably should lower my score by .5 as Michelle Williams' long blond wig was the worst I have seen since Kate Mara's wig in Fantastic Four (2015).

(comment made on Double Toasted review on You Tube):

I call your bad red wig in Venom's extra scene, and raise you a Michelle Williams' bad blond wig in this movie. She is a decent actress, but that wig was more distracting than Venom. All I could think of was Kate Mara's (as Sue Storm) wig in the Fantastic Four (2015) movie. As for the accuracy of MPAA system, even with Venom's  PG-13, I saw 2 boys looking between 7 - 10 years old in the audience at the theater I attended. I never heard any disturbance from them, so I guess they made it through the movie, sanity intact. Just to show how weird the rating system is, while Venom was PG-13 (with its language, violence and head eating), A Star is Born is rated R. I plan to see A Star is Born in the next few days, be interesting to see all that R-rated maturity.

(comment made on Jeremy Jahns review on You Tube):

I agree, not as bad as everyone said it was or as good as we all hoped.  I did laugh many times through this movie. I am not familiar with this character from the comics (just from a wiki read), so I cannot say whether or not Venom and Eddie Brock were true to their "roots". The movie was a bit choppy, studio editing? The night-time chase and violence scenes were not as well imaged as I would have hoped (saw this movie in regular format, not in 3D). I got nostalgic when I remembered how good that night chase scene and railroad fight scene were in Black Panther...sigh.

(comment made on SJnews Spoiler review on You Tube):

The humor in Venom made all the difference for me providing an entertaining experience. Thanks to Roth for mentioning that WIG, omg only Michelle Williams' talent kept me from staring only at that WIG every time she came onto the screen. Definitely in the Sue Storm Wig Hall of Infamy. Oh and add that brightly colored wig shown in a certain scene of Venom. All that being said (admittedly from the point of view of someone who never read those comics), this movie deserves more love than it is currently getting on RT. It is not a classic, but Venom is enjoyable.

(comment made on Andre/Black Nerd review on You Tube):

While Upgrade is a better, darker movie, I laughed a lot during Venom. I have not read the comic series so I cannot speak to what is canon. Just from entertainment value, this movie made me laugh. I did find the concept and visuals of Venom more believable than Eddie Brock as a famous but disgraced NYC journalist with an uber-popular SF news show who then steals some data with the finesse of an older elementary school student from his girlfriend. Thanks to Andre for verbalizing what I have been feeling, it is ok for a movie just to entertain us, even if CGI is a main player.