Friday, October 5, 2018

Venom (2018)
Seen in a theater (regular 2D format) on 10/05/18

(comment made on MovieBob review on You Tube):

The humor in Venom saved it for me. The night-time (because daytime CGI is more expensive ?) CGI vehicle chase scenes and fight scenes were at an ineffectual, disappointing level. I saw this is regular (not 3D) format. I give this movie 2.5 stars. My generosity may be due to that fact that I held Venom to a very very low bar due to the RT score (at 30% as of this comment) and other reviews. I probably should lower my score by .5 as Michelle Williams' long blond wig was the worst I have seen since Kate Mara's wig in Fantastic Four (2015).

(comment made on Double Toasted review on You Tube):

I call your bad red wig in Venom's extra scene, and raise you a Michelle Williams' bad blond wig in this movie. She is a decent actress, but that wig was more distracting than Venom. All I could think of was Kate Mara's (as Sue Storm) wig in the Fantastic Four (2015) movie. As for the accuracy of MPAA system, even with Venom's  PG-13, I saw 2 boys looking between 7 - 10 years old in the audience at the theater I attended. I never heard any disturbance from them, so I guess they made it through the movie, sanity intact. Just to show how weird the rating system is, while Venom was PG-13 (with its language, violence and head eating), A Star is Born is rated R. I plan to see A Star is Born in the next few days, be interesting to see all that R-rated maturity.

(comment made on Jeremy Jahns review on You Tube):

I agree, not as bad as everyone said it was or as good as we all hoped.  I did laugh many times through this movie. I am not familiar with this character from the comics (just from a wiki read), so I cannot say whether or not Venom and Eddie Brock were true to their "roots". The movie was a bit choppy, studio editing? The night-time chase and violence scenes were not as well imaged as I would have hoped (saw this movie in regular format, not in 3D). I got nostalgic when I remembered how good that night chase scene and railroad fight scene were in Black Panther...sigh.

(comment made on SJnews Spoiler review on You Tube):

The humor in Venom made all the difference for me providing an entertaining experience. Thanks to Roth for mentioning that WIG, omg only Michelle Williams' talent kept me from staring only at that WIG every time she came onto the screen. Definitely in the Sue Storm Wig Hall of Infamy. Oh and add that brightly colored wig shown in a certain scene of Venom. All that being said (admittedly from the point of view of someone who never read those comics), this movie deserves more love than it is currently getting on RT. It is not a classic, but Venom is enjoyable.

(comment made on Andre/Black Nerd review on You Tube):

While Upgrade is a better, darker movie, I laughed a lot during Venom. I have not read the comic series so I cannot speak to what is canon. Just from entertainment value, this movie made me laugh. I did find the concept and visuals of Venom more believable than Eddie Brock as a famous but disgraced NYC journalist with an uber-popular SF news show who then steals some data with the finesse of an older elementary school student from his girlfriend. Thanks to Andre for verbalizing what I have been feeling, it is ok for a movie just to entertain us, even if CGI is a main player.

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