Monday, March 30, 2020

Coronavirus -  COVID-19 (aka SARS-CoV-2)

March 30, 2020

There is more fiction coming out of the White House (Dr. Fauci excepted) then in the entire inventory at Amazon's book department. Ashamed to say I watched Trump's reality show, The Apprentice, for about 2 seasons, I found it funny. However now I find it chilling. The confabulation, pitting team members against each other, demoting successful team leaders while appointing the weakest link as new team leader, boasting about his ratings and making up reasons in the infamous, "you're fired" segments. Sound familiar?

Late Night with Seth Meyers - You Tube published April 2, 2020

I had heard about the broken generators , oops I mean ventilators. being shipped to states like NY.  I did not realize that the repair contract had been canceled by, SURPRISE, The Trump administration.

I know that the comment attributed to Marie Antoinette "Let Them Eat Cake" may not be true, but its meaning concerning the incompetent and clueless aristocracy of France in the late 18th century, seems eerily repeated in Trump's comment about wearing scarves as protection against a virus.

Jimmy Kimmel's Quarantine Monologue -- posted 05/12/2020

While I had always assumed Pence was joking, what I found really amusing was Pence pushing the cart containing some "real" boxes maybe 6 or 7 feet from the back of the van to just outside the doors to the building.  Forget the empty boxes, photo ops are for re-election campaigns not pandemics. Photo ops do not:  help the sick, develop a vaccine for the healthy, alleviate the pain of those who cannot breathe or assist any one financially due to job loss...because THEY ARE PHOTO OPS. The height of the cluelessness was asking for a public apology from Jimmy Kimmel instead of trying to prove the competence and compassion of the current U.S. administration. They just don't know and worst of all, they just do not care.

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