Monday, July 13, 2020

Philip DeFranco
YouTube video posted July 13, 2020

comment posted 07/13/2020:

Ordinarily for a sports team, I would suggest the state bird or something pertinent to that state. However, since this is a Washington DC team and home to  countless politicians, lobbyists, and attorneys one word comes to mind, "Spinners". When I think of Washington DC, truth and intelligent discourse is (unfortunately) not what comes to my mind. I am not so much outraged about where Mr. Stone will be spending the remainder of his life. What bothers me is the control the office of the president over what should be separate and independent judicial matters. Sadly the Dr. Fauci spin (see what I said earlier), will convince the Trump acolytes while making the rest of us just shake our heads. All I can say is VOTE on November 3, 2020 (USA national elections).

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