Monday, August 10, 2020


Philip DeFranco video uploaded 08/10/2020

My comment:

I am reserving my anger for governmental officials who are lazy, incompetent, narcissistic and basically brain-dead. Singers and other entertainers are not THE problem. I can appreciate the need for national security (aka ByteDance), however when it becomes a smokescreen to obscure ongoing problems (aka unemployment and COVID) I just wonder....  The Lebanon situation is more than sad as they (as do we in the U.S.) appear to be in a loop of: disaster occurs, ignorance shown, corruption uncovered, apologies made, restructuring put in place...then back to step one of the loop. Argh, I think that Philip DeFranco is going to have to make a more nihilistic merch line.

Response to a comment on same video:

Sad how no one realizes that the world is not filled with places that allow that freedom of choice. So yes, if it upsets you turn it off. Yoda may not be real, but the message is: “Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger… anger leads to hate… hate leads to suffering.”

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