Saturday, December 19, 2020

Pandemic 2020

This comment was posted to a You Tube video -- Mütter Museum of the College of Phy. of PA 12/11/2020:

A new Nobel category should be created for the individual who develops a procedure to successfully convince a majority of humanity to follow the science, discriminate between lies and truths without emotion or prejudice and realize that the scientific method allows for the acceptance of a result that may disprove the hypothesis (step 3 of that method) after multiple tests by multiple sources. In other words, that old but accurate trope, "...try, try, try again". Use of hallucinogenic/addictive drugs, lobotomies and physical/mental torture will not be acceptable as research methods to qualify applicants for this prize..

After being in quarantine (voluntary due to impaired immune system) since March 2020 and watching the infection and death stats rise, fall and rise again my sense of the world not repeating this pandemic mistake is hovering weakly between optimism and pessimism.

BTW to (with all the acuity of a quarantine brain; mine) quote a line I heard re-used in a Marvel movie (Thor, 2011), "Magic is just science that we have not yet learned." Hence both Caitlin Doughty and her sister/aunt, Anna Dhody are both witches AND scientists. 

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