Friday, March 5, 2021

March 2021

My comment to Dan Murrell (WandaVision Ep. [Finale] video uploaded to You Tube 03/05/2021

This finale was better cardio than any online YouTube exercise video. While I have a few nitpicks, none worth mentioning. Even regarding Evan Peters, I still think that there is more to come regarding him. THANK YOU to Dan Murrell for the professional and detailed analysis of that questionable Luke Skywalker quote attributed to Elizabeth Olsen. As for the quote attributed to Paul Bettany regarding a guest star he was looking forward to appearing with, well that is an obvious joke on all of us...he was referring to appearing opposite himself.

My comment to Chris Stuckmann (WandaVision 9 ep series) video uploaded to You Tube 03/05/2021

The ending did seem abrupt, but more in the sense that I wanted more rather than being disappointed. I have "theories" on Evan Peters so his reveal did not disappoint me. I also believe that the White Vision will return as Vision. Way back after Infinity War I expected to see him return. After all his traits and personality were downloadable. Judging by the 2nd stinger, I am sure he won't be the only "deceased" character to return. 

My comment to David Packman Show (RE: Jen Psaki)video uploaded to You Tube 03/08/2021

The weirdly phrased/loaded question regarding linking immigration from Mexico to high COVID rates, may be due to the Reporter's supervisor. Most likely comes from her producer. Depending on the reporter's status within the news division, a reporter may not be able say no to a provided question. In any event, it is SO refreshing to have a White House Press Secretary who is knowledgeable, willing to admit if further research is needed and is usually the smartest person there.

My comment to Observe (RE: Harry/Meghan Interview) video uploaded to You Tube 03/10/2021

While monarchies are basically anachronistic, I feel what will finally sink the English version won't necessarily be The Royals themselves. Their downfall will be due to  the tabloids and the keepers. I define "keepers" in this context as those whose importance and identity is their proximity to The Royals.

My comment to LegalEagle (what lawyer should be profiled next) YouTube video uploaded 03/10/2021

Two Categories Regarding Famous Lawyers: 

(1) REAL -- Per Google, 27 U.S. presidents were lawyers (I am not sure how many were trial lawyers, delegate and ask an intern). 

Using this group have a "legal pageant" and chose: (a) most ethical (b) most winning (c) most losing (d) best grades and (e) most wealthy.

(2) IMAGINARY -- there is a very obscure movie where, SPOILER ALERT, the attorney, whose client is accused of murder,  hooks up with a juror. That piece of forgotten cinema is entitled, SUSPECT (1987) starring (as the defense attorney)...Cher. The Cher I refer to, in her non-acting life, was formerly was part of a singing duo, Sonny and Cher.

My comment to FootlessJoe (prejudice) You Tube video uploaded 03/12/2021

Beyond being awkward in social situations, physically I can "blend in". In a way this makes it difficult for me (regarding perception) to ask for help when needed. As for labels indicating specific traits, issues or conditions, there is the good, the bad and the ugly. Our language is fluid, constantly evolving and changing. I am usually 2 steps behind what is current. I agree with Jo, changing opinions should not involve unforgiving behavior and isolation.

My comment to Farron Balanced Tweet (republished on You Tube 03/13/2021)

Trump]s appearance is the least of anyone's problems. His current physicality is due to his lifestyle, age and genetics. He could morph into Jabba the Hutt and not horrify, shock or surprise me. What does horrify, shock and surprise me is the hold he has on the Republican party. It also makes me quite sad.

My comment to LastWeek Tonight w/John Oliver --  uploaded to You Tube 03/15/2021

Mr. Carlson is a walking (actually I have never seen him walk), breathing (we think), living entity (less possible) whose main object on that Fox (oxymoron alert) News show seems to be human clickbait.

My comment to Observe (Re: Detective in Lam Case) -- uploaded to You Tube 03/15/2021

In a tragedy like this, it is human to want to know why. There are so many reasons for the failure to prevent Elisa Lam's death or even find her body. The failure is spread widely through (1)the LA county officials who by neglect allowed the neighborhood to become home to the mentally ill, (2) to the police, (3) hotel staff, (4) hotel owners and although understandable, by a family who did not want to admit their child was mentally ill. Humans want to make order out of chaos to get answers. Most likely no one lied, however most likely everyone felt guilty resulting in superficially suspect behavior.

My comment to Dan Murrell (RE: Zack Snyder's Justice League - uploaded to You Tube 03/20/2021

Dan's frustration with what was done to the theatrical cut of JL flew right off my screen. This is why I love watching this channel,  honest and passionate opinions. There is a place for accountants, attorneys and even corporate dilettantes in our world, just not in determining the creative direction of storytelling.

My comment to Late Night with Seth Meyers (McConnell Threatens "Scorched Earth") 03/18/2021

I will have to contact the educators who valiantly tried to teach U.S. history to me . Seems like the "scorched earth" section of the Constitution of the United States was omitted. When did many of the low level villains of super hero movies all join the Republican party. These individuals are now literally saying in response to why, is that they just want to see the Earth burn (literally and figuratively).

My comment to Rachel Maksy (Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff cosplay) You Tube video 03/20/2021

This video gave me comic-con reminiscences. Way way back, sometime in 2019AD  I cosplayed as Scarlet Witch - Wanda/Civil War edition. Most of my cosplay items were thrifted, a few Amazon items, black boots I already owned and I dyed my long hair a deep strawberry blond shade. This all sounds like a weird wedding to do list. Anyway fast forward (no Flash required, see I like DC also) to March 2021 and I am heavier, lonelier and currently vaccine-less. I love Rachel's snarky asides, fails not edited out and histories unfolded. It all cheers me up.  One thing, with all the paint, plastic, glueing and other hazardous materials, I hope that cellar is well-ventilated.

My comment to Mama Doctor Jones   (Re: David Dobrik scandal) You Tube video uploaded 03/21/2021

I would blame this situation on the fast forward of fame on social media sites such as You Tube which can propel young, immature people to positions of power, but then there is Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby and others. So I guess it just equates to the misuse of power whether you are 18 or 80 whenever said power is attained. To paraphrase many historical (and fictional) entities, with power comes responsibility. It is really that simple.

My comment to The Way We Wore (Re: Hubert Givenchy) You Tube video uploaded 03/21/2021

I always gravitate to clothing that depends more on architecture rather than excess frills, sequins and paillettes. Audrey Hepburn has been my fashion icon since I was a child. Hearing about her reaction to Givenchy losing credit for a movie's fashion design made me love her even more. Doris can use all the notes she wants (take my phone away and I have to pause to remember my own cell number). The history behind the designers is equally as fascinating and magnetic as the designs. ❤️

My comment to The Ring of Fire (Re: Leaked call/Ted Cruz) You Tube video uploaded 03/22/2021

Every time these leaked conversations/posts appear, whether due to apathy or stupidity of those who fall into the abyss, it is almost breathtaking to witness. In a movie we would not accept this "trope". In our reality this "trope" is rampant. While the Democrats are not 100% shining beacons of morality and intellect either, those will be the people that I hope prevail.

My comment to David Pakman (charges against an ex-President) You Tube video uploaded 03/22/2021

I will happily settle for charged... as long as it is in perpetuity. Seriously, long-term charges against his estate might diminish the unpleasant possibility of his progeny running for office.

My comment to TryPods/Sit With Us (Re: Laundry) You Tube video uploaded 03/23/2021

I found this pod fascinating. I never realized how central the concept and actuality of laundry is to my existence. So much to discuss regarding the why, when, how and put the jeans...where? Unless I become rich enough to buy my jeans their own freezer, these items will never see the inside of those walls. However, I will share a minor hack regarding jeans. I love dark wash and black jeans. In order to slow down the fading process, turn jeans inside out when washing (or even all the deities forbid, DRYING). I also safety pin the zipper in a  closed position as when unfettered my jeans have attached my tops. When it comes to washing machine agitation, it is always: Jeans 1 Tops 0.

My comment to David Pakman (Re: Jordan Peterson on Medical Care) YouTube video 03/23/2021

I think that a better statement concerning U.S. and/or Global healthcare would be the following:  for-profit hospitals and medical centers (at least in the U.S.) bankrupt more people than do stock market losses. Medicine itself is an art, a constantly evolving entity. Some facilities have excellent care, some have less than excellent care. As such, Mr. Peterson's original premise is inaccurate and over-generalized (was he talking about the U.S. or Global, private or public or government run?). I do respect Jordan Peterson. He can make excellent points and equivalencies, but not so much in the clip shown. If in the rest of the interview he repeatedly emphasized that he was stating an opinion not recounting a fact, then he is entitled to express that opinion. One can only hope that his audience will recognize the difference between fact and opinion.

My comment to David Pakman (Re: Fox News Trump Interview) You Tube video 03/23/2021

I keep thinking, yes we have heard the weirdest exiting a Fox News broadcast, yet it continues. It reminds me of what Alice said concerning her trip through Wonderland getting  "curiouser and curiouser". Labeling this channel as a producer of fake news is elevating their content. Perhaps a name change to something like, Fox Forum of Fantasy would be more apt and maybe even bump up their numbers.

My comment to Observe (Re: 2nd David Dobrik apology) You Tube video 03/23/2021

The quantity of all (not just Dobrik's) You Tuber apologies has officially lent itself to a need for EXCEL spreadsheet status. At least that would assist me to fully comprehend the when, where, why and how of it all. I read the text of David Dobrik's (2nd) apology. It does seem sincere. Perhaps as part of his personal "renovation" he should assist You Tube in setting an advisory/mentoring program to stop this cycle of new You Tubers who accelerate to fame quickly, but are too immature cope with its consequences. Two benefits: (1)keeps Dobrik relevant on You Tube and (2)stops this seemingly endless series of apologies coming from all corners of social media and streaming.

My comment to David Pakman (Re: Medical Insurance) You Tube video 03/23/2021

I know we should not expect administrative work from a doctor assigned to physical care, but the ENT specialist should have run the "extra" tests by the insurance carrier before performing them. Only at restaurant buffets do you pay one flat fee for all you can eat in one meal.

Yes our health care system is broken. Giant insurance carriers negotiate lower rates due to all the business they bring to a "preferred provider".  The irrational result is that the poorer you are, the more you pay for medical exams, tests and treatments. Our pyramid is built upside down so stability is not an option. Unless of course, you have your own BFG. I have to joke, or I will cry.

My comment to Farron Balanced (Republican Furious about Immigrants) YouTube video 03/23/2021

I really really hate it when Republican legislators start talking about history. Whether Democrat presidents were right, wrong or just confused, let us accept the past and move ahead. Were I a teacher, I would assign every legislator (Republican and Democrat) to submit an essay using a single side of a single sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 paper. The report would have to be written/typed in the halls of the Senate and the House by each member. No assistants allowed. No wifi. No cheating. Maybe use Barack Obama as the proctor. Everyone would have the same (but limited as no wifi) tablet with spell check, maybe also with a dictionary and thesaurus app included. The subject would be: why they decided to be in public service, what they have already accomplished and what they hope to accomplish. And then when USPS gets their equipment and staff back mail hard copy to all of us because we would really like to know who these people really are.

My comment to Legal Eagle (RE: Cuomo Scandals) You Tube video uploaded 03/24/2021

(1)RE: Harassment - I do not believe Cuomo       

(2)RE: COVID Death count - not sure

There many contradictions in media reports. However the practice of re-admitting a patient to a care facility when patient is positive for COVID infection to me is the worst crime among a group of horrible crimes. Following "Trump - administration guidelines" in re-admitting such patients to their care facility is the ultimate irony to be spoken by a Democratic governor who openly distrusted the Trump administration.

VERDICT (by someone with zero legal knowledge): Guilty.  SENTENCE: resign or be prosecuted

My comment to David Pakman (RE: Colorado Shooting) You Tube video uploaded 03/25/2021This is a quote I found using Google search regarding AR-15 : 

"Designed by American gun manufacturer ArmaLite in 1956, it was based on its AR-10 rifle. The ArmaLite AR-15 was designed to be a lightweight rifle and to fire a new high-velocity, lightweight, small-caliber cartridge to allow INFANTRYMEN to carry more ammunition."

The capitalization is mine. Why can anyone, not on active duty for the U. S. Military, have access to and ownership of such a thing?

My comment to Rebel HQ (Re: Senator quoting Bible) You Tube video uploaded 03/25/2021

I thought that "Remember the sabbath and keep it holy..." is Exodus 20:8-11 (maybe her Book has 20:18). However, it is also one of the ten commandments.  As for the Senator, would advise a re-reading of all 10 commandments. Perhaps she might add in Luke 6:31, Matthew 7:12 and most importantly Matthew 7:1-6. Lots of others for the Senator to Google should she find the need. I would especially recommend:  Proverbs 12:15.

My comment to Internet Today (Chet Hanks, son of Tom) You Tube video uploaded 03/29/2021

Are we sure that Chet Hanks isn't Tom Hank's secret agent set forth to remove Proud Boys' groups from popularity and power? Perhaps after that important mission is completed, he will appear in a bright blue hat labeled, "Make America Smart Again". You go Tom!!

My comment to LegalEagle (RE: adult w/child into elephant pen) You Tube video uploaded03/29/2021

This kind of idiocy from an adult who probably feels we live in a socialistic over-protective society is why my hair straightener instruction booklet was 8 pages long.  It included about 4 pages of "please don't sue us, don't worry you can't" data along with 3 pages of social media and warranty addresses (They have a FB account?!  Who says FB isn't cool any more?) Finally the data I was searching for encompassed a lowly one sided sheet with a rather cryptic "Ikea-like" drawing and a few actual real-world operating instructions...sigh.

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