My comment to Jeremy Jahns (RE: Invincible: Season 1) video uploaded April 30 2021
No spoilers, so I cannot give specifics to prove why I liked this series. In generalities, the voice acting cast, the story themes, the animation is effective, visceral and evocative. Early in the series, there is a little more teenage angst than I would like, but it diminishes to manageable amounts in plot time as the series moves on. While the ending is satisfactory, keep in mind that this is a huge (book) series so every plot thread is not answered in episode 8 (end of season one).
My comment to The Dodo (RE: Cat brothers destroy Dad's home) video uploaded December 5 2020
Heard of "Elf On The Shelf"? Well in my home, my 2 cats have: Catnip Mice On The Cat Tree. As with said "Elves", these mice are constantly on the move. However never ever when one or both of the cats are awake. They are cats, so I have plenty of their sleep time to move these mice. I graduated from college and now I play (and sometimes lose) mind games with cats.
My comment to David Pakman Show (RE: USA popular again) video uploaded May 1 2021
Nice, now it's middle school again. Your best friend finally dropped their abusive companion and now everyone is re-inviting said friend to the table. Of course what is scaring all the friends, is that this victim/survivor talks about this abuser at lunch and at recess wondering if the separation was a mistake. This scenario is right up with my old nightmares regarding going to school in pjs and forgetting the final exam was today.
My comment to The Ring of Fire (RE: Joe Rogan statement on vaccinations) uploaded April 30 2021
Unfortunately there is so much misinformation (widely promulgated by the Trump administration, well excluding one respected physician at the CDC) matched with distrust of corporations (big pharma can come through with vaccines, but can also make our prescriptions absurdly expensive) that celebrities with huge followings do not have the luxury to be stupid, lazy or both. That is our reality. We have to live with it or ask Elon Musk about SpaceX tickets. (BTW I think that they are one-way).
My comment to The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (RE:Biden address) uploaded April 29, 2021
"The Nation is still basking in the glow of basic competence...." and this is why I am subscribed to this channel. The phrase says so much in so few words while still being honest and hilarious.
My comment to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: mentally ill woman and police) video uploaded 05/02/2021
This incident is a "poster-child" in regards to promoting improved academy admittance rules, along with tactical and mental health training along with need for actual mental health professionals as an adjunct to active police work. Yes, like many of us police are prejudiced. However they are also armed which has repeatedly proven itself to be a lethal combination. Police need to re-trained not de-funded. Sadly many will use the easier route, lower policing budgets and then wonder why this abuse and incompetence continues to occur. And then there is this bit of tech news:
I know I am "preaching to the choir", but police do not need bigger and more lethal weapons, they need more effective training.
My comment to LegalEagle-Shorts (RE:Students and Free Speech) video uploaded 05/03/2021
It always amazes me when people who literally grew up in front of computers do not truly grasp its power. That being said no bodily harm was threatened, no armed attack was planned. It was just 2 teens whose frontal lobes have not yet fully formed. Were I that school's principal I would assign punishment covering a 6 month period along with a notation on a permanent record or avoid the punishment and permanent record issues by attendance and completion of a course on Privacy, Ethics and the Internet. I am sure that there is an online class for that!
My comment to The Ring of Fire (RE: Matt Gaetz) video uploaded 05/03/2021
When I read the thumbnail I laughed. For a lobbyist to tell a news source, "no comment" when questioned about Gaetz is beyond hysterical floating into the surreal. A lobbyist's mission statement is to talk. They will talk about anything for the opportunity to propel their employer's needs, wants and wishes into public view. I am guessing DOJ is waiting to pounce on Gaetz until they have a 99% chance of winning their case. The Republicans are probably waiting to request Gaetz's resignation until a suitable (Republican) replacement can be found. Is it 2023 yet?
NOTE TO ME: Gaetz's term ends in 2023.
My comment to Farron Balanced (RE: Giuliani) video uploaded 05/03/2021
My theories about the Giuliani of 9/11 and the current simulacrum that calls itself "Giuliani":
(1) He had an excellent administrative staff to back him up September 11 2001, all he had to do is make speeches and look presentable.
(2) He had a cluster of mini-strokes not detected by doctors over the last decade which lacerated his brain.
My comment to LegalEagle(Shorts -- robo-dog) video uploaded 05/05/2021
As we have seen, the police have considerable (human) training issues to grapple with such as knowing the difference between a taser and a gun along with other issues when handling a suspect who may be mentally ill or even, gasp, innocent. Giving police access to tech normally used in military situations by specially trained soldiers or formerly operated in a lab with quality tech support, is not prudent. However:
QUERY: Is it legal for equipment used by a highly trained (for example) SEAL team to be used by local police department?
My comment to PossessedbyHorror (Ranking Every Horror Trope) video uploaded 05/05/2021
I agree with most of them, except for jump scares. I would choose "Please Stop Doing This". Scares can be very nicely and profitably transmitted with good writing, on point acting and imaginative set design. Those hyper-loud jump scares can literally lead me to develop a migraine. It kind of becomes my own mini horror movie. Full onset of my migraine usually peaks at about one-half hour after initial acquisition. I have to get myself to someplace safe, FAST. Hence I always check out sites and reviews before I see a horror movie.
My comment to FootlessJo (RE: adapting to possible amputation) video uploaded 05/06/2021
I am glad that Jo mentioned that soon after the operation, the process of learning to adapt becomes the new normal. I went through a long process for a life-threatening disease. Fighting it was my life. After winning said fight and no longer seeing doctors, nurses and rehab people who my brain had accepted as my forever companions was jarring in an odd way. I am not sure if my situation was typical or not. My advice is simply to accept help whether physical, emotional or remedial in order to "graduate" to the next part of your life.
My comment to LittleAdventures (RE: Guinea Pig Mistakes Everyone Makes) uploaded 05/08/2021
Unfortunately I make the same mistakes regarding all of my animals. I buy a toy, safe. healthy and most importantly real cute to me. I put it in front of the animal...and crickets (not real ones), no engagement with toy at all. The guinea pigs and cats will ignore my mistakes. However Keiko (the chinchilla) will go the extra mile and dump it in a corner of her cage. This corner is where she deposits her trash (chewed toys she no longer wants). So I remove the fresh, new unchewed toy from "trash" and put it back into a play area. Five minutes later it is back in trash. Result: chinchilla 1 and human - 1 (less than zero as I have lost money...and my pride).
My comment to LegalEagle (RE: Should Tucker Carlson Go To Jail) video uploaded 05/08/2021
This should be illegal (hence the trope that free speech does not indicate one can falsely yell fire in a crowded theater), but Tucker gets a pass by blurring the meaning between news and editorial/opinion. Judging by the fact that our EX-(love that word)President is up and around at Mar-a-Lago without an ankle bracelet, I would say that Tucker spinning wild tales on video will not be prosecuted. Sadly we have learned allowing famous people to spew lies which can lead to dangerous situations is not always successfully prosecuted. However filing a one billion dollar lawsuit regarding slander, now that elicits compliance at light-speed.
My comment to Emily D. Baker (RE: Josh Duggar Release From Custody) video uploaded 05/05/2021
While it sounds like everyone (at least legally) was being very careful, I wonder about the man himself. I am new to this situation (and channel), but I do know that those who are attracted to content such as Josh Duggar has shown, are very resistant to change. I am only partially into this video, so perhaps that will be addressed. Caging someone temporarily will benefit innocents from this individual. However Josh Duggar is 33 years old as of this comment. His lifespan is probably 40+ more years. His extended family is huge. My question is, how can this individual ever become safe enough to release into general society or even mixing with his own extended family?
My comment to John Campea (RE: Jupiter's Legacy) video uploaded 05/10/2021
In general I was disappointed by this series. I liked the flashbacks and disliked the current day stories. The "elders" were clueless as to their job in the 21st century while the progeny were mostly whiney and quite immature. While the thesis concerning the change in Villains was valid, this "next gen" heroes were very binary in their behavior. They had 2 modes, blind obedience to The Utopian or a complete rejection of the hero's creed. Not sure if this is based on a graphic novel or not, but to survive and be relevant this series need MUCH better writing and coherent themes.
Gather the older You Tubers who messed up a few years ago, who have now grown and matured. Next set up a You Tube advisory council with at least 2 You Tube employees along with these veteran You Tubers.This would hopefully be a mentoring group to the "younglings" (<---Star Wars ref). Perhaps 2 -3 mandatory sessions which must be completed in order to upload videos to You Tube and be monetized. As for those who fail, doing things like finding dead bodies in Japan and posting videos, these individuals must attend a remedial session before they can return to being monetized. Not going to happen, but just a thought. It is so painful watching so many crash and burn before they even turn 30.
My comment to HauteLeMode (RE: British Music Awards 2021) video uploaded 05/12/2021
I would reluctantly pick the Dua Lipa (Vivienne Westwood) look as my top choice. Reluctantly because my eyes go right to the stockings and shoes, in a bad way. I did appreciate the choker though. I think Rina Sawayama's look (Balmain) was sad. The top half of the dress looked like someone had tried to channel Iris Van Herpen, but utterly failed. I am giving Billy Porter an honorable mention for two reasons, (1) he can wear anything and (2) his charisma or whatever it is jumps off the screen to make me smile. Being reminded that I can smile...priceless.
I respectfully disagree. Malicious is defined as being characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm. As such malice involves planning, forethought and a deliberate path. Judging by the unbelievable level of ineptitude and hubris of the Trump Administration, malice while a part of their algorithm for handling just about anything, was not the dominant culprit. A multitude of issues were mishandled which included almost everything that administration handled which included, but not limited to the areas of immigration, Russian interference in U.S. government, a pandemic and an insurrection. Even before the November 2020 election the circle around Trump was filled with sycophants and incompetents. Dr. Fauci being the solitary exception who was unfortunately in a position of limited power. After the November 2020 election the remaining coterie around Trump were soulless, helpless, with their only expertise being the state of cluelessness.
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