Sunday, December 31, 2023


 Posted to SpillSesh (RE: James Charles and his brother) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/28/2023

Difficult to determine any family relationship states of being unless you are in the midst of the experience. As others have commented, a lot of us just **** it up at holiday times. What I do not understand is why James Charles isn't simply using the Raya dating app. I hear that they are QUITE thorough in vetting their membership listing.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: State Prison source) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/31/2023

I agree with others who have posted. Find other sources. The description of this individual's crimes as being WORSE than those mentioned during Danny Masterson's trial and conviction makes me highly uncomfortable and even somewhat ill. I cannot mandate Aaron's actions, nor do I wish to. There is a term used in movies or books called "unreliable narrator" where honesty and ethical behavior is suspect. It is my opinion, that label applies in this case. Love this channel, but PLEASE PLEASE Aaron (may I call you that?) don't use any data given by this criminal in any format.

Posted to The Life Boat (RE: Epstein files being released) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/01/2024

Harvey Weinstein "operated" unchecked in Hollywood for decades. He ruined lives and careers. A well-known celebrity who is not known for immoral or unethical behavior being on an Epstein island without commenting publicly regarding what went on at those islands does not surprise me. However individuals who attended these island parties more than once are the ones to be revealed, questioned and possibly accused of criminal behavior.

Posted to Andrew Gold (RE: Epstein List Being Released) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/03/2024

Shocker, Bill Clinton will be (officially) on THE LISTπŸ˜‰.  I do not wish to make light of this situation however, for those who visited the island only once and were subsequently blackmailed by Epstein, does provoke in me a certain feeling of sorrow...for their families. Had anyone done their due diligence (or asked their accountant, business manager, agent or unpaid internπŸ˜‰) to do a rudimentary search they would have located troubling rumors and issues. Beyond ethical, moral and legal issues, the island's guests (aka those invited by Epstein not forced to attend by Maxwell) were naive, self-deluding, ignorant of social media and really really dumb.

Posted to Attorney Tom (RE: Logan Paul CryptoZoo Case) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/04/2024

Am I shocked, surprised, startled at LP's offer, no. This is SOP by those who think the rest of us are at best unimportant and at worst "nothing of value".  I hope the victims of this scam come to the realization that LP's current offer is"nothing of value"...exactly like his opinion of his investors and his fans. No matter what Paul brother's face appears on thumbnails or offers, essentially this is a corporation without ethics, without honor trying to cut their losses. I hope Attorney Tom has prevented any victims from signing away their rights and due process.

Posted to Rachel Maksy (RE: Does Portable Sewing Machine Work) Uploaded on 01/05/2024

Love that blouse! I think that I remember seeing that "portable sewing machine" in my mother's attic decades ago or maybe it was in a smaller 21st century version on Ye Old Amazon?  I like the concept but for actual usefulness, especially at a Con, it is probably not worth its weight. That and I am not sure the security guys who check bags would be amused. During a Con (anime, comic) I have more use for duct tape (not just for ductsπŸ˜‰), safety pins, elastic bands, crafting glue and a retro sewing kit (needle, assort. threads with if I am feeling fragile, a thimble).

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Jodi Hildebrandt pleading guilty and sentencing) 01/08/2023

Should anyone choose to do a deep dive into the horror wrought by Jodi Hildebrandt for decades upon so many people, they will find proof that there is no sentence possible that is sufficient for her crimes. This woman is a cult leader. Jodi Hildebrandt is a danger to all impressionable individuals, not just children. While it might be considered cruel and unusual punishment,  ideally Jodi Hildebrandt should live the remainder of her life in solitary confinement without internet, phone or snail mail access beyond her attorney. Judging by her attorney's insulting, to all victims, statement to the press, I am not certain that even he is immune to being controlled by JH.

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Judge Scherer Resigns) Uploaded to You Tube 01/08/2023

While hugging the prosecutors in itself shouldn't have caused her to resign, it obviously was a bad look. More importantly, I think that action of hugging, was more thematic of (former) Judge Scherer's emotional nature. She is no doubt intelligent, educated and proficient in the legal an attorney.  Obviously a judge must be impervious to personal comments and innuendo. Highly likely that the defense noticed and noted her "thin skin", hence their disrespectful behavior. 

QUESTION: While every defendant deserves a zealous defense, I feel that in this case the defense relied more on bullying expertise than legal expertise. Just me?

Posted to Andrew Gold (RE: Epstein's victims and those involved) Uploaded to You Tube 01/10/2023

While I understand that all this talk of Epstein's island, Maxwell's list and those wealthy and powerful guests, could be considered as not suitable for media of supposedly civilized countries to publicize.  I prefer to look at this information as a massive warning. If you do wrong, you risk being exposed or worse. If you are young, naive and desperate, you must be suspicious of those who do not have your rights, liberties and future well-being on their top ten life goals listing.

Posted to Andrew Gold (RE: Aaron Smith-Levin w/update on Masterson sentencing) 01/12/2024

Great interview and discussion! I enjoyed it all, from camera tech for interviews to yeeting this cult's tax exemption status to hearing that FB is for old people. Can one get age deduction points for rarely being on FB, sometimes being on IG and Twitch, usually being on TikTok, while very occasionally posting on Discord...asking for a very close friend πŸ˜‰? Sadly "my friend" also frequently posts never read comments on You Tube, so 🀣.

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Lauren The Mortician and Jeanette Braun) Uploaded 01/13/2024

This was filed in Illinois right? Illinois has anti-SLAPP Suit legislation, but unfortunately I think that law in Illinois only applies to governmental issues (735 ILCS 110/15) as it is also called, "Citizen Participation Act". California has quite effective anti-SLAPP legislation. While I agree that this is all ridiculous and I would laugh except that these "defendants" will have to pay for legal advice and representation which is probably not in their budgets. And yet, it is highly likely that plaintiffs, attorneys and defendants alike will see their social media follower numbers rise. Social Media be weird πŸ˜‰.

Posted to Gold Shaw Farms (RE: Arrival of 3 white cows) Uploaded to You Tube 01/15/2024

Watching one of the white cows push her sister in regards to the treat-test was behavior I had not seen before. It did almost seem that maybe it was a "you do it first" move or maybe the "Aunt" was too close to the "Niece".  As for "A" names, how about famous singers' names:   Ariana (Grande), Adele, Avril (Lavigne), Amy (Winehouse) or Alice (Cooper). Obviously the last name could be considered gender-neutral.πŸ˜‰

Posted to Andrew Gold (RE: Another Lie from Meghan and Harry) Uploaded to You Tube 01/15/2023

I blame both, Meghan and Harry for any lies including this last senseless, clueless one regarding their child's name. Why would Harry do this to one of the few Royals to whom he felt close? Quite odd. Harry, and for that matter Andrew, did not arise full grown in a lab. They were raised up to what they became. Andrew and Harry grew up, were educated and lived in an environment which molded the behavior that has been exposed in our era where there are few secrets. As for why other siblings and relatives seem to have adapted better, it is a probable balance of better genetics, a mentor who made a difference, pure dumb luck, who knows?

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Juror Sentenced to 170 days for lying) Uploaded 01/16/2024

I did only minor research, so perhaps I am missing some relevant points. My problem is that I do not understand the need for multiple trials after defendant was found guilty of murder in the first trial. Isn't the only variable involved related solely to the punishment (life in prison or death penalty) factor? Doesn't a judge have the final word (within the laws in their state) to determine the punishment? I agree that this juror should be punished, not sure about the extensive jail time. I would offer this juror a choice:  jail time or mandatory attendance at a course in jury duty specifically and the laws regarding first degree murder generally. I would also order a psych evaluation for this (former) juror to be sure mental illness is not a factor. As proof of her education, she should be required to stand in front of this judge along with court officers from the trial  and report on what she has learned concerning juror behavior and deliberation. If she lies, plagiarizes or doesn't "do the work",  prison option is back on the table.

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Judge's Response to JHACH defense's motions) 01/17/2024

"Excessive" jury awards are made not to enrich the plaintiff(s), but to teach a lesson to the defendant(s) as in "NEVER DO THIS AGAIN and it would be nice if you own your behavior, apologize and show in detail how JHACH and insurers will never allow this to happen in their institutions ever again". After listening to all the post-verdict motions by the defense I see zero self-awareness. Speaking only for myself, I would never voluntarily and/or consciously  ever use the services of JH owned hospitals.

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Braun/Lauren the Mortician lawsuit) Uploaded 01/18/2024

Runkle's coverage of this inadvisably submitted, and ineffectually researched, filing appears to be the gift that keeps on giving. The attorney, aka Janet, Jean Jeannette's, legal place of residence MAY be in California?! If proven correct, that would be AMAZINGLY ironic. Am I a troll, for inwardly wishing that is the case? Probably, but I am still silently giggling. My brain cannot apply any logic to this whole thing except that the explanation might be acquired by using Occam's razor problem-solving approach. This case exists solely for the clicks and the fame (or infamy same thing for some social media participants)? Guess I am just trying to make "order out of chaos"?πŸ˜‰

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Alec Baldwin Indicted for Murder) Uploaded 01/19/2024

I find Alec Baldwin a narcissistic, bloviating, arrogant individual. However a conviction on any count accompanied by the usual (celebrity version) community service sentence would be part of Alec Baldwin's permanent record. This can be more impactful than prison time. A conviction would be something that pops up whenever he is being insured for a movie, buying a mansion, getting a "fast pass" through TSA or renewing his passport. That is lifetime punishment that tax dollars do not have pay for. Should Alec Baldwin get sentenced to actual jail time, 10 minutes later he would have a book deal, 20 minutes later he would have a studio-approved film script treatment (ironically with him as a Producer) plus he would have to be isolated from the general prison population (aka lots of tax dollars spent).

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Maya Kowalski Settlement) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/19/2024

From interviews that I have heard from plaintiffs' attorneys, this suit was primarily filed to expose JHACH wrongdoing, malpractice and just plain evil behavior. Were I the plaintiffs I would offer to lower the award even further with the stipulation that the following is to be accomplished before this case is settled: (1) a public apology made to the Kowalski family, (2) proof of oversight department in place at JHACH stating in print that all patients retain their rights to competent and ethical care along with independent patient rights consultants and (3) setting up an endowment fund at JHACH to be named, "The Beata Kowalski Fund for Children's Care" to ensure all children, whether their guardians/parents can pay or not, will receive treatment irregardless as to costs.

Posted to Your Lawyer Friend Zac (RE: LAPD Arrest Aaron Smith-Levin) Uploaded on 01/19/2023

Thank you for your calm, clear and concise commentary on this incident.While Aaron's arrest is most likely a Scientology tactic (aka fair-gaming), I would think with the huge amount of video available from so many individuals at the scene that would make any legal official, whether tainted by this cult or not, be discouraged from prosecuting. QUESTION: This is a tangent, but couldn't the ASPCA be called in? The dog (tbd "weapon") is most likely being mistreated, judging by its behavior. Penalties For Animal Cruelty Under CPC §597(a) is quite the list, but I am not sure mistreatment is a qualification for a felony. What about a misdemeanor? Could that be an easier conviction on or at least probable cause to arrest the human responsible for the dog? If yes, we get a "two-for", saving an animal and turning this cult's tactic back onto them.

Posted to Growing Up in Scientology (RE: Aaron freed) Uploaded on 01/19/2024

Just imagine those taxpayers of LA county, watching 2 helicopters and 5 cars being dispensed for basically NOTHING. Ironic as the puppet master (guess who) is tax exempt. I would advise all residents of LA county remember this at the next this the way you want your tax dollars spent?

Posted to Dr. Berry: Psychologist Responds  (RE: Kevin Franke - JH's house sale) 01/19/2024

I agree 100% that Kevin Franke should be thoroughly assessed for psych/anger issues before he gets visitation even with supervision. As for custody of these 4 children, I have major doubts on his ability to parent. While Jodi Hildebrandt is the master manipulator who is primarily responsible for this damage, anyone who watched the "8 Passengers" videos (pre-Jodi Hildebrandt) with Ruby and Kevin Franke was witness to considerable problematic parental behavior for both. I am disturbed by no mention of the harm done to the older two girls.These were the two girls (whom I believe are both under 18) who were routinely "assigned" to clean the home of the 3rd member of Jodi Hildebrandt's company without pay or any benefits that I am aware of. QUESTION: While these 2 girls may have no physical scars, shouldn't they also get therapy?  Admittedly my viewpoint is as a non-professional with no personal knowledge of these people, but wouldn't these 2 girls have had to obey without questions, hesitations or explanations in order to remain free of the torture to which the younger two children were subjected?

Posted to Molly Burke (RE: Being disabled and facing a medical emergency) Uploaded 0120/2024

Molly always amazes me the way she can memorize a route, using Elton to avoid stepping into pot holes or bumping into people.  Knowing yourself so completely that you can choose what is best for someone else rather than what you would like to do, is more self-awareness than most people have. Glad to hear that the SO is better.

Posted to Growing Up in Scientology (RE: LAPD showed up again...briefly) Uploaded 01/20/2024

Wonder how many crimes involving robberies, SAs and even porch-pirate activity took place during the time these members of the LAPD were standing around doing nothing and apparently knowing less. Maybe those "hypothetical" victims of actual illegal acts would like to contact their congressional rep or at least get a tax rebate from LA county? Take away from this...LAPD is really good at a game of TikTok Statues.

Posted to Jessica Kellgren-Fozard(RE: Attitudes regarding disabled individuals thru years) 01/17/2024

I LOVE Hugh Jackman, but could never sufficiently "suspend my disbelief" in order to watch The Greatest Showman and enjoy the songs. My disability is not a visible one which I find endlessly ironic as it is related to vision and balance issues. Yet I still find myself saying things about others like "wow she is blind and she can do that"! Minutes (or sadly hours) later I realize how cringeworthy that statement comes off. I appreciate Jessica's reminder to all of us to be more aware of our attitudes towards any disabled individuals whether said issue is obvious or not.  

A personal, most likely narcissistic, rant; fans at cons, patrons at theaters and yeah you too Gen Alpha PLEASE do not have discussions, meetups or check your phones while leaning on or otherwise obstructing the bannister on stairways. My life and limb involves having a death-grip on bannisters from the first stair to the last one due to my visual and balance issues. Thank you. πŸ˜‰

Posted to Your Lawyer Friend, Zach (RE: Discussion with Uncivil Law re: Aaron) Uploaded 01/21/2024

I was going to ask how long a person in California can be held without a formal charge and was not happy with the answer I found: "...California Penal Code Section 825, a person arrested in California must be brought before a judge within 48 hours of their arrest and either be charged with a crime or released. The presiding legal officer must then set a bond or agree to release them without charge." Aaron was released after approximately 6 hours. However being handcuffed to a bench for all/most of those six hours does seem odd when there was a holding cell available. 

QUESTION: In malpractice there is a "standard of care" which if not met can be actionable. Does the police (at least per federal law) have similar rules which might negate the immunity benefit? What if the person cuffed to a bench is a dangerous felon...said suspect can still spit, kick, threaten and release numerous expletives at an impressive level of audio. Also Aaron was, admittedly only briefly, handcuffed inside an open bathroom. I am guessing this is unusual, thus not SOP? Would that be actionable as in behavior not expected from a professional paid for by the State "To Protect and to Serve"?

Posted to Abby (RE: Ath-leisure clothing, danger to our environment and fashion) Uploaded 01/18/2024

I buy most of my clothing at online (I do occasionally venture into the 3-D version) thrift sites. I went back to look at all my thrifted jeans. While they are primarily cotton, polyester has snuck into many of them at a range of approximately  5 - 12% content level per pair. I also own many (aka more than 5) pairs of thrifted black yoga pants which I am sure tell a sad story on their content labels. Consumer and environment data has become more accessible so hopefully there is still time for controlling our situation. Up to you Gen Z and Gen may be our only hope.πŸ™„

Posted to Legal Bytes (RE: Alex Baldwin charged in New Mexico) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/23/2024

I agree that a conviction will be hard to acquire regarding Alec Baldwin the actor. I am disappointed that Alec Baldwin the producer is not the one charged, along with the RUST production company most of whom were aware (or should have been as administrators of this film) of the disorganized, not properly budgeted and under-staffed movie set. Mr. Baldwin is a narcissistic, arrogant, bloviator. Unfortunately none of these descriptives are actionable by law. Yes a jury could find Alec Baldwin the actor, guilty. However on appeal the expert attorneys that Mr. Baldwin can easily afford will no doubt have any guilty verdict reversed. The family of Halyna Hutchins and her memory deserves so much better. I like the suggestion by LegalBytes regarding, "ALL actors handling weapons be held responsible for that weapon while in their hands."  I would like to add to that suggestion...AND SAID ACTORS' EMPLOYER(S) for that movie.

Posted to Growing Up in Scientology (RE: Lisa McPherson) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/26/2024

I did a very quick online search. It would be respectful to this individual's memory if a few members of the cult responsible for her death took the 60 seconds (which is all that it took me) to learn about Lisa and reflect on her unnecessary loss. Lisa McPherson died in 1995 at the age of 36. The link below, hopefully not behind a paywall, gives some context. Sadly, as it was published in 1997 approximately 4 years after this cult had regained its tax exempt status. This article obviously had little effect on the clueless bureaucrats that rewarded this cult with tax exempt status, as this status still lives on...unlike Lisa McPherson.

Posted to The Behavioral Arts (RE: Jimmy Kimmel - Accusation by Aaron Rodgers) Uploaded on 01/26/2024

I didn't watch that show in which Aaron Rodgers attempted to make a very problematic joke by seemingly randomly using the name of Jimmy Kimmel in association with an evil man. That was a thoughtless clueless and cruel mistake on Mr. Rodgers' part. While admittedly angry, Jimmy Kimmel did go too far in questioning the intellect of Aaron Rodgers (aka "punching down"). Both men should research, "The Streisand Effect" and move on to more profitable, important pursuits. Some years ago, the current owner of Twitter (I will never use that one letter wannabe trademark for this site) called a man who rescued some trapped students in an underwater cave, the "p"-name. That man sued this current owner of Twitter. He lost even though this CEO's remark was careless, clueless, problematic and just plain wrong. Take away from this mess...think before you speak. This is possible with or without a diploma on your wall.πŸ˜‰

Posted to Justine Lecompt (RE: Updating Wardrobe - 2024) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/28/2024

Favorite Item: Straight Leg Jeans in a dark navy wash or black. I try for cotton as a majority of the material used, but like a synthetic stretch material of 2 - 5% mixed in the jean content.  Except for underthings all my clothing comes from recycled/vintage sites.

Favorite accessory: Short black leather boot (just touching or slightly over my ankle) with a 2 - 2 1/2 inch block heel. 

Updates:  whenever I venture out of my comfort zone (LOVE dark tone neutrals) the garment spends its time mostly in the closet. However, I have newly discovered that "jewel" tones (deep purples, blues, greens) feel comfortable to me and on I am probably not trying Pantone's color of the 2024 ("Peach Fuzz") anytime soon!πŸ˜‰

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Accusations concerning Vince McMahon ) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/29/2024

Ant got this one 100%! I would not mind a part 2. The plaintiff in this case, although in her early 30's when introduced to VM, seemed unusually naive and clueless about "adult behavior". Why, I wonder? There was some scandal a few years back, subsequently VM left WWE. He later sold WWE (? to Endeavor?) then he was hired back. I agree with Ant, Mr. McMahon won't be thrown back into this company anytime soon. I listened to a legal podcast which examined the victim's statements, it was literally a litany of the most degraded treatment of anyone that I have ever had the misfortune to hear. While VM may still have a few powerful friends out there, I doubt anyone will publicly assist him in this legal suit. However, Jeffrey Epstein in 2008 was found guilty of crimes which one can easily guess about yet he still was still sailing and flying to that notorious island well into 2017-18.

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Judge Toal's verdict on a new trial) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/30/2024

Replay crew here. I happened to see a chat replay comment (sorry did not get their name) that mentioned, "Judge Toal just kicked the can down the road." That actually was her job. She was there to narrowly determine whether the verdict in THIS trial had been affected by Ms. Becky. While committing "malpractice", incompetence or whatever is caused when you epic-fail the mission statement of your job, Becky Hill's inappropriate comments were most likely not taken seriously by the jurors who were reminded on a daily basis of their duty as jurors. Perhaps at least in this court venue, there should be a team meeting every morning to remind the local court officers of THEIR duty to the maintain a legal system which delivers equal justice to all.

Posted to Attorney Tom (RE: Too Smart for Jury Duty?) Uploaded to You Tube 0n 01/30/2024

I was called as a juror for a domestic crime, coincidentally I was going through my own "domestic issues" at that time. I was dismissed immediately and was back home by noon. However I got the distinct impression (from his body language) that the prosecutor was unhappy with my dismissal. Guessing that those of my age and gender (mid-thirties, female) were his jurors of choice, can't blame him. Just hearing the facts of this particular case and the long list of witnesses (mostly medical experts) to be called to testify made me predisposed to consider the husband culpable. So I was as Attorney Tom pointed out...BIASED in favor of the "alleged" victim.

Posted to UnCivil Law (RE: Murdaugh request for a new trial denied by Judge Toal) Uploaded 01/30/2024

So Poot, (I think at this point I can safely call Attorney Harpootlian his highly casual nickname) made a VERY VERY big error benefitting the prosecution? Perhaps I am just doing the old thing about "making order out of chaos" but I still wonder...WHY? Of course there will be appeals coming. However it will take years with AM remaining in a State, not his preference of a Federal, prison . The Twilight Zone-type cloud hanging over this trial remains.

Posted to Attorney Melanie Little (RE: Gabby Petito Case Update) Uploaded to You Tube on 0130/2024

While the Laundrie parents' behavior is despicable on so many levels, I also question the local (Florida, although the Moab police handling of domestic violence incidents could use an upgrade) police department's competency and resolve for justice. While there is probably an immunity situation regarding suing the police, there was the seemingly incompetent investigation of and surveillance on, the Laundrie family home after the son returned home with Gabby's van but without Gabby. I am not impressed with the "word salad" being spun by this attorney. While ethically questionable and an expert in bloviating, guess that he and his license to practice law will emerge intact. What I would like to see is an apology and a funded scholarship endowment from the Laundrie family In Memory of Gabby Petito and of course pay all legal expenditures incurred by the parents of Gabby Petito.

Posted to Scientology - Life After a Cult (RE: Protest at Jimmy Kimmel and Mike Rinder letter) Uploaded 01/31/2024

Replay crew here. What Natalie said concerning recent events regarding Mike Rinder, The Aftermath Foundation along with Aaron's false arrest are reasonable, logical and very insightful. At the end of the day the best way to defeat this cult is to maintain connections with all willing to fight and bring down this cult. Am I curious what Rabbit's questions were, sure! Do I wonder who wrote and authorized that letter sent to Rabbit, oh yes. Whew!

Had to add: When Natalie said that (regarding serving DM) this cult could sniff out process servers like a truffle-pig I LOST it! Natalie is a gift to all of us.

Posted to Sterling Tompkins (RE: Letter from attorney representing The Aftermath Fdn/Mike Rinder) 01/31/2024

I cannot see the logic of this cult except to enrich certain ones at the top of the leadership. I also cannot see the logic of this highly inappropriate letter, from an attorney no less. Even more confounding is that the attorney indicated in this letter that this letter be read EVERY time the victim is discussed or interviewed. I would have more luck finding gold in my back yard than logic in that letter.

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Trial of the mother of school shooter Crumbley) Uploaded to You Tube 01/31/2024

I agree holding parents criminally accountable is a slippery slope. The Crumbley parents should be found culpable of not cooperating with the police (they fled their home), not properly securing a weapon (this is a law) and probably ineffective mental health care for a minor (unethical but illegal?). In the case of another set of infamous parents one can view the Laundrie family. The letter that the Mom wrote to her son is highly problematic and very leading. Multiple calls from the son about the time period of Gabby's death, the son's return with van but without Gabby, not communicating with Gabby's parents (or police) may not be admissible to a criminal court, but will be interesting to see how the civil (with less needing to be proved) suit goes.

Friday, December 1, 2023


 Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Aaron's Update) Uploaded to You Tube 11/30/2023

Excellent idea with decentralization of agencies so that there are more organizations to help former cult members reclaim their lives and current cult members escape. As a "keyboard warrior" I want all the organizations fighting Scientology to succeed. I do not agree with the way the current board of the AfterMath Foundation conducted themselves regarding Aaron and the wording of that problematic ethics clause. My hope is that they will remember the main objective of AfterMath and proceed accordingly.

Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Book Scandal) Uploaded to You Tube 12/01/2023

Loving Dr. Grande's description of Omid Scobie as "...challenged relationship with the truth." There is a certain member of the U.S. House of Representatives from a certain northern state of the U.S. with a similar rep regarding veracity. I would pay major currency to see a debate between this "author" and that elected official (still in office as of this post) regarding any topic.  As for Meghan and Harry, take your children, cash in any trusts and buy a secure island or location and stay there, quietly, at least until the children are old enough for middle school or when either Harry or Meghan is capable of a job. I do not even blame either of them at this point as neither was educated or prepared for, reality as the rest of us know it. As for this book, it was scummy to blame the translator. The "author" should take ownership of this gaffe, apologize and write THEIR own life story. Fantasy fiction sells well along with making for interesting Netflix programming, so win-win.πŸ˜‰

Posted to Down the Rabbit Hole (RE: Receipts regard Aaron Smith-Levin)

This may be the perfect storm of: (1) members of the Foundation board who were unhappy with the personal life of one of its founding members, (2) a man who grew up in a cult and (3) an extremely unstable fan. The request of this fan that Aaron be removed from the board was "the nuclear option", in other words the most damage, the most hurt that this fan could inflict upon her idol. Sure she could be an operative from this cult, but the physical contact is not typical of this cult's usual MO.

Posted to Megan Fox [RE: Past cases Dr. Sally Smith found (nonexistent) abuse] 11/20/2023

I agree, that this is a violent crime that should be examined by those whose training is primarily investigation. As for an initial medical determination of abuse, a 2 part team of the child's pediatrician along with independent working (as in they get their salary from "regular" medical practice) specialists such as an orthopedist and neurologist would probably be more accurate. Dr. Sally Smith reminds me of Jodi Hildebrandt (Franke case)  in the areas of the exporting unbelievable amounts of harm.

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Ms. Becky's son indicted) Uploaded to You Tube 12/04/2023

Not for Ms. Becky's sake, but for the many victims of Alex Murdaugh, I was hoping that a second trial would not happen. However the latest details of unethical, illegal conduct is flowing so quickly that conclusion without a new trial seem less and less likely with every passing hour. Is SLED is leading the investigation into this mess? Seriously? Cleaning this up, if left to local control, may take as long as the generations it took to produce an Alex Murdaugh. 

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Delphi Academy abuse) Uploaded to You Tube 12/04/2023

Possibly just me, but during this video Karen Dale seemed to blink much less than I would consider normal. There is something odd about her body language as it seems very minimalistic almost like an avatar who learned human behavior from  ChatGPT. Thank you Aaron for continuing to spotlight these abuses. Like any abuser, this cult's power over victims can only be diminished by confronting, telling and prosecuting.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: interview with Natalie Webster of Tonka Talks)12/07/2023

This interview with Natalie was fascinating, informative yet still painful to hear. Scientology tries to eliminate an essential quality of being human...empathy. I was not born into any particular cult, but Natalie's description of being judged by others and needing to align beliefs towards a particular direction, resonates with me. I think the "recovery" label can be misused. You can catch a virus or develop a bacterial infection then (hopefully) you "recover".  Perhaps when one departs a cult, the resulting reality is more a "return" (to a normal life) rather than a recovery?

Posted to Dan Murrell (RE: Wish Uploaded to You Tube 12/04/2023

Not that I am on everyone's notification list, but I did not know about this movie until a few days before its release. Why so many Disney failures? Hypothesis: unrealistic profit margins (due to huge film budgets) and forgetting that its primary product is creativity. Someone chose this film's title, "Wish". Corporate irony or a desire? Maybe Disney's next film should be called, "Wake Up" or perhaps "Read The Room". I hope Disney course corrects more than raising their streaming, park and merch prices to make up for their deficit...that is MY wish.

Posted to ModenGurlz (RE: Uploaded to You Tube 12/01/2023

I would compare Disney corporate to an individual who was never cooked a meal going to Erewhon acquiring all the highly pricey (been to Erewhon?) organic top of the line ingredients to make soup. Tosses them all into a pot at one time then needlessly adjusts the temperature up and down every minute. This non-chef serves the concoction to their family and wonders why no one likes it. Along with their bottom line as this is a business after all, Disney needs to remember its main product (creativity) its workers (the creatives) and its audience (us). That is MY wish.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Mark Bunker's Campaign) Uploaded on 12/09/2023

I donated only a small amount, for now, to Mr. Bunker's campaign. That individual's speech was full of innuendo, abstractions and specifics except one word. Were I a registered voter in that district, I would not vote for him just on that basis. His mention of Scientology by name is the one specific detail he should have also left out. Using that name in a favorable context certainly perked up my ears.

Posted to SimplyPodLogical (RE: AITA---reddit) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/10/2023

Plane etiquette is tricky. What has made it worse over the years is shrinking seat room, rising prices, frequent delayed/canceled flights and of course let's add COVID to this list of inflicted misfortunes. Our time ensconced in our homes bathing in antiseptics for 2020 and part of 2021 has not improved our public etiquette. Babies and toddlers are wild cards on flights. Some sleep, some wail and some play quietly. Maybe several weeks before the flight see if one's descendant(s) can tolerate headphones, be distracted by iPad games, enjoy crafts such as old fashioned coloring books for an extended time. To be honest, some of the childish adults I see on planes scare me more than any actual children. 

Posted to Andrew Gold (RE: Death of Doug Scott Kramer) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/12/20223

I can see the pain in Andrew's face. I am so sorry to hear about this death of his friend. Most likely everyone who knew that individual wants closure. Judging by the messages from him to Andrew Gold, I do not believe there was any ill will in the heart of either towards one another. Scientology is a malignancy that effects so many souls whether in or out of the cult or even the friends and family who were never in but had to "lose" their loved one. Remembering Doug Scott Kramer with love and truth is the way to go, along with continuing the fight to exposure and eviscerate the cult with tax-exempt status known as Scientology.

Posted to Morgan Donner (RE: Winter Hat) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/12/2023

Speaking as someone with multiple piercings either dislodged by a hat and lost or lodged inside a hat to be discovered months later, this is not only a great crafting exercise but also does community service! The pom pom hat made me smile, but I like to be invisible (probably due to my rudimentary social skills) in public. The red and white hat is so luxurious looking but somewhat thematic of the season. My fav, the one I would buy in a flash is Mr. Donner's hat. LOVE that hat!

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Maya Kowalski Interview) Uploaded to You Tube 12/12/2023

The board of directors at JH-ACH, their attorneys (and possibly JH-ACH's liability insurance company) continue to astound me with the libel (writing) and the slander (spoken) concerning the jury specifically Juror#1 and spouse. I am amazed that the libel is not actionable legally. I highly doubt the doxxing of Juror #1/spouse was accidental. Not a good way to encourage people to participate in the jury process. I hope the judge at least sanctions the defense team. QUESTIONS:    As for the individual who perpetrated a physical crime regarding Maya, if the plaintiff's attorney hires a PI, finds this individual can the name of said individual be given to authorities? Would this data be admissible in a civil trial or for that matter (it not timed out) a criminal trial?

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Response of Plaintiff to latest filing by Defense in JH-ACH case)12/12/23

Replay crew here. I enjoyed Kurt's comment, "Maybe if you hear the dog whistle, you are THE dog (regarding the Defense's preoccupation with a certain letter of the alphabet)." Kurt always does an excellent analysis while continuing to remain neutral. I like my legal lessons with a side of significant snark. My private theory, the current attorneys have a very well written contract with JH-ACH or their liability insurers. JH-ACH is trying to break said contract by proving attorney incompetence/failure to provide proper representation.  If not that, what is their endgame?  Eventually even the most patient court will eventually balk and then sanction or worse those involved.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Problem with gun turn in list) Uploaded 12/14/2023

Why did the court accept such an important document with any redactions, especially as important a line item as indication of the customer name? Obviously this doesn't excuse any of the parties involved from misdeeds, sanctionable offenses or criminal acts. However "loopholes" can get the innocent, or unfortunately the guilty, off.

Gold Shaw Farm (RE: New Barn Tour and Costs) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/14/2023

Excellent investment for the future of the farm, even for the future of the property itself. I still have issues with the floor, but I guess gravel flooring saved money and can be cemented at a later date should it be wanted. All involved in the creation of this barn should be complimented judging by the esthetic and utilitarian result. This barn could be an image within any Vermont tourism promotion, it is beautiful.

Posted to Dr. Joe Corcoran (RE: Defense motions on Maya verdict) Uploaded to You Tube 1215/2023

Rewatch crew and new subscriber here.  I still wonder why all this random nonsense masquerading as legal filings by the Defense? Surely the award amount could be bargained down by "noncombatants" from both sides. After all, most of all the Kowalski family wanted this mistreatment public so they won irregardless as to whether the award was one dollar or one billion dollars. The reputations are priceless. My current take-away from the new reality show, Attorneys Behaving Badly is this: (1)walk into any hospital owned or administered by JH, no thank you. (2) Hire anyone from the firm to which the Defense attorneys belong, no thank you. (3) Serve on a jury, when potentially the opposing side could blow up your life, I would state my fears and feelings during the voir dire.  As for the judge in the Georgia case, if he does not believe diagnosis by the family's own pediatrician, surely there are experts in osteogenesis imperfecta syndrome who have never met these parents or these children who could administer a test of this specific defect or other birth defects. I question any judge's credentials who cannot fairly listen to the attorneys from both sides, view the evidence, listen to the experts and make a balanced judgement.

Posted to The Life Boat (RE: Matthew Perry cause of death: ketamine) Uploaded on 12/15/2023

As others have said, Matthew Perry spent half of his unnecessarily shortened life trying so hard to get off drugs and relay how difficult that process was in order to hopefully help people. What bothers me is that he decided to ingest the drug then get into a hot tub which is known for lulling people to sleep.We need better mental health and addiction services in this (U.S.) country. For Matthew Perry, it must have been so tiring to always be fighting, I just wish he had not been alone that night.

Posted to Andrew Gold (RE: Matthew Perry cause of death: ketamine) Uploaded on 12/15/2023

This video is not gossip. The autopsy results, which I assume were checked and rechecked, indicated the presence of a dose of ketamine comparable to medical sedation. I would like to think that Matthew Perry who fought so long and so hard to be free of substances, would not mind his death being used as a cautionary tale. He used some of his last few years to warn people of substance abuse. I feel that pain, whether emotional or physical is not properly addressed, at least here in the U.S. Matthew Perry was talented, brave and generous in sharing his short time on this planet with all of us.

Posted to HauteLeMode (RE: Debutante Gala) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/15/2023

It is difficult to roast this age group (assuming teens or early 20's?), but I think that Luke did it properly. He just commented on the dress. Well, yes money was mentioned several times, but it sounds like the majority of the participants had extremely well-connected and wealthy ancestors (aka parents and grandparents). I love galas! Some participants get it on-point, some get it average and well some try very very intensely so A for their effort.πŸ˜‰

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Tucker Carlson/Jimmy Dore interview) 12/15/2023

I agree that Mr. Carlson wasted a potential moment regarding questioning the IRS  commissioner regarding his reasons for granting tax exempt status to a cult. Perhaps was just me, but Mr. Carlson was VERY quick to point out that this happened under the watch of a U.S. president who was/is a member of the Democrat party. I distrust politicians irregardless as to their party, but I just wonder would Mr. Carlson be as passionate with this opinion had it happened under the watch of a president from the Republican party. πŸ˜‰

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: House of 4 murdered Idaho students) Uploaded 12/17/2023

After seeing the behavior of the Defense attorneys on the JH-ACH civil trial, I do not have trust in attorneys on this case. Leave the house up until the trial has concluded with a verdict. Not sure of the expense, but perhaps the house could be encased in a temporary (locked) structure until that time. Yes even if found guilty, the accused still has pleadings available, but waiting for the verdict might be the best compromise. Maybe have artists chosen by the victims' families to paint a landscape-type mural on the temporary structure in honor of those students. This mural could be removed before the demolition date.

Posted to Abby Cox (RE: Comparing modern publishing to fast fashion) Uploaded 12/17/2023

I agree that fast fashion is what does the most damage environmentally, rather than quality/quantity of covers and content of modern literature. Want to complain? Please consider fast (aka clickbait) news. Much of what is published online or on paper seems to have barely any fact-checking, is bereft of editorial input, contains opinions masquerading as news, obvious insertion of cut and paste journalism, misleading article titles and worst of all making me the fact checker at zero pay. Possibly accurate analogy: fast fashion is to environmental damage as fast news is to frontal lobe diminution. Admittedly my rant is selfish, although I have discovered a skill for research, so...?

Posted to Roxxsaurus (RE: KHY line) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/18/2023

IF, Kylie Jenner had indicated that these items were manufactured locally, with good wages for the workers and perhaps environmentally friendly sourced material, that might excuse the lack of flair, fit and fashion in this grouping. Since she did not, I am assuming none of that is the case. Yes the oddly cropped hoodie, probably looks good on the runway, maybe for IG reels, but for real life, 'fraid not. As for pocketless joggers, that should be a legally punishable offense especially in a line helmed by a woman. We WANT pockets.

Posted to Dani Ahn Direct (RE: Ruby Franke Plea Deal) Uploaded to You Tube 0n 12/18/2023

I have heard of the wet cloth tie method of curling/waving hair. What impressed me, or rather surprised me more than her hair, was her face. I do agree with Dani's observation. In the beginning of this court video Ruby Franke was calm, composed, pleasant. When she stood and responded to the judge, we are now watching a performance. Actual fear, regret, stress leaves its impression. Ruby Franke looks like she is sleeping just fine. Whether her prison time is extensive or short, she should never get unsupervised visits with her (minor-aged) children. Ideally no visits until all children are over 21. She has done enough damage.

Posted to LegalEagle (RE: Rudy Giuliani filing for bankruptcy) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/23/2023

Giuliani should go pro se. Now instead of "he lied for Trump" being his legacy, perhaps Giuliani can be remembered for proving that venerable and revered quote, “The man who represents himself has a fool for a client.”

Gold Shaw Farm (RE: The Legend of Molly Murder Mittens) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/23/2023

Many of us have probably lost a beloved companion animal to illness or accident. While I am sure that some will scoff, at devoting a long video to Molly along with her favorite human showing honest pain at her unexpected departure, please allow that type of negativity to disappear into the atmosphere without taking residence in your heart. As infants we learn to love and be loyal to our caretakers.  However being able to love unconditionally (even if Molly hadn't made Gold Shaw Farm Barn Cat of The Year), care for, protect and honor another species in addition to our own makes both sides of that equation stronger. Thank you for reminding us all of the mischief, the marvel and the legend of Molly M.M.♥

Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Defamation law suit filed-Lauren the Mortician her attorney)12/24/2023

On the plus side with this suit's many unsubstantiated allegations, insinuations, hurt feelings and an odd, repetitive use of the word "rogue", that hopefully discovery will bring all involved to a certain level of logic and practicality. BTW is The Streisand Effect taught in law school? It should be. You Tube might also wish to add that knowledge to their creators' rules of conduct. QUESTIONS: Is the phrase, "The Streisand Effect" copyrighted? If so has the actual B. Streisand commented? Well, Kevin Bacon has learned to live with the "6 degrees of Kevin Bacon" and prosper so maybe hope is out there .πŸ˜‰

Posted to Emily D. Baker (RE: Jodi Hildebrandt pleas Guilty) Uploaded to You Tube 12/27/2023

I would guess the only other legal suits Ruby Franke might face (beyond divorce) is losing custody of her children, maybe even losing supervised visitation.  However Jodi Hildebrandt has quite the history of bad acts, even not including her niece (who has mentioned that they may have been JH's "test case"). Unfortunately many of those that suffered due to JH's "care" were members of a certain church in Utah and may not wish to sue or may have had that option timed out.

QUESTION: However should any of these potentially harmed individuals decide to initiate a civil suit (I hear JH's comes from MONEY) naming JH as the perpetrator, how would that be handled regarding someone in jail for an extended time period? Could this be a class action suit? I believe the church in question paid JH for all "care" given, in spite of the many unfortunate outcomes so that probably would affect any civil suits

Posted to Dani Ahn Direct (RE: Jodi Hildebrandt and Ruby Franke guilty pleas) Uploaded 12/28/2023

Reply crew here. Thank you for the commentary. What I (ironically as I follow Law Tube channels for,  legalities made slightly easier) appreciate most on this plea deal hearing commentary is the NON-legal analysis. I was internally yelling most of what Dani was saying. I wish Dani could be an expert advising the judge on incarceration times and the danger that both women pose to the public. I am hoping for maximum sentencing for both individuals. QUESTIONS: As for their cult "parental advise" site, isn't there a 3rd individual involved? I believe 2 of Ruby's children were unpaid (and underaged) housecleaners for this 3rd site owner. Or has JH's company been dissolved? Why hasn't this 3rd person been indicted for the mistreatment of minors?   BTW, I did not know that about Mozart so thank you, I think, Dani πŸ˜‰

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Cease and Desist Letter by Jeanette Braun) Uploaded 12/29/2023

The Cease and Desist letter is odd in that it is a whole undiscovered level of inexperience, incompetence and incoherence. Yet this is a letter sent by an attorney whom (I assume) has graduated law school and passed the bar and has clients. In seconds, simply by typing these words, "cease and desist letter template" I found multiple FREE examples of this type of letter. Using the FREE templates along with suitably patterned font along with a few graphics to add gravitas to my use of that FREE template, along with a reliable spell check app and within hours I could come up with a better version of JB's letter. Negative attention does garner clicks, wonder how everyone's subscriber/follower count is going?

Tuesday, October 31, 2023


Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Update on Richard Allen case) Uploaded to You Tube 10/31/2023

So many cases, I cannot keep up, thus this is may already been discussed and answered. If so I apologize. QUESTIONS:

Why was theft of documents blamed on attorneys? Assuming it was a real theft then the attorneys should not be guilty of gross negligence.  If collusion (with the thief) is what the judge suspected, then why would the defense purposely leak photos so horrific...what would they have to gain?  Even if these images contained some artifacts or symbols from this cult, wouldn't any attorney realize the backlash? Weren't these photos part of either evidence already admitted to the court or about to be admitted? Also why would the attorneys bail (at least originally before the pro bono offer) so quickly? Why is the trial being postponed for an entire year? Are Carroll County, Indiana criminal cases that backed up?

Posted to HauteLeMode (RE: Celebrity Halloween Fashion) Uploaded to You Tube 11/01/2023

That was an excellent group of costumes worn by celebrities. These people have the money but not often the will (or assistants) to come up with an imaginative homage to past iconic costumes. What I did chortle a bit about was Kendall Jenner's recreation of MM's cover photo for Life Magazine in 1953. While the pose, the attire was respectful and sophisticated, remember what a certain Kardashian sister wore to the Met Gala I giggled at bit at Kendall's possible intent. Maybe just me?

Posted to Law and Lumber (RE: Maya Trial Day#28 with some "flashback" testimony) 11/01/2023

A posted comment by Rob of a viewer (sorry I cannot remember person's name) indicated that the previous culture of ACH may not have been brought up to date to the expected level of Johns Hopkins in terms of oversight of procedures designed to not only treat, but protect the patient's rights appropriately and humanely. That data led me on a search. All Children's Hospital (ACH) was merged (no money changed hands) into the Johns Hopkins (JH) system in 2011. The bigger pockets of Johns Hopkins probably added new equipment and additional facilities. I wonder about the personnel in place prior to 2011. Maya arrived at JH-ACH only 4 years after ACH was "absorbed" by JH. This data does make me wonder about the efficacy of hospital procedures in areas such as patient advocacy and patient's rights.

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: Making a Fenced In Garden) Uploaded to You Tube 11/01/2023

A secure fence is a start, now consulting with local craftspeople on wooden decorate posts (to camouflage the secure posts) and perhaps getting some interesting stone from..."My Buddy Alfred" (thinking a mini Zen garden minus chickens) and most importantly spending a few minutes on Pinterest, could produce the fence of dreams and legends which also keeps out the chomping chipmunk, voracious vole and greedy groundhog.πŸ˜‰

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Proof of Abuses) Uploaded to You Tube 11/02/2023

I am so glad that this and other channels are pointing out how it is extremely valuable to accumulate as much data as possible on this cult's intent and practices. The sheer volume might help in these cases of older documents where computer date/time stamps were not possible. Judges require plaintiffs to following the letter of the law on signed agreements requiring arbitration. It is heartbreaking when a judge forces a plaintiff, who is a former cult member,  to argue their case with their abusers (both the perpetrators and the cult itself) and the rules of their abusers as in no representation. 

Posted to Mia Maples (RE: Trying 3 different online stylists) Uploaded to You Tube 11/03/2023

Stylists 1 and 2 got the "stylish", "sophisticated", "metro/city" look on point, but the 3rd stylist got Mia's daily vibe and emotional "CUTE" factor. As for shoes, yes practice around the house, but be smarter than me. I wore my fancy New Year's Eve shoes around the house 7 hours, NO pain. However, I forgot that I was wearing socks at home but sheer tights to the party. As I walked from the car (changed shoes en-route, another mistake) I felt like I was a grade school child walking in her mom's shoes. At the party, after 10 minutes of practice I developed a model-like walk. I most likely looked pretentious, but at least I did not fall on my face!

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Defense/JH-ACH wishes to remove one juror) 11/04/2023

QUESTIONS: In permitting juror questions per Florida law, are jurors given a format for questions? Are their questions pre-read by a clerk or the judge before being entered into the trial? Adding an opinion or personal observation before the actual question portion is obviously problematic, but would a non-attorney understand or be expected to understand that fact? If a juror gives interviews to "Page 6" on the court house steps in the middle of a trial, sure yeet them. A personal preamble to questions MAY indicate a potential bias, but hasn't the proverbial horse already escaped the barn? Both sides had a chance to dismiss this juror BEFORE the trial, so why insist on yeeting them now (yes, I can guess whyπŸ˜‰)? Who is to say that the alternate doesn't also have inner feelings or opinions? Regarding juror questions permitted by the state of Florida, a very old quote may be relevant; "...reap what you sow."

Posted to Community Page of Law and Lumber (RE: Sam B-F and JH-ACH/Maya Cases)11/04/2023

(1) Do you think that the parents of Sam Bankman-Fried will be indicted? Hopefully their lawyers will quickly negotiate a settlement returning all property and financial assets to be distributed to former investors in FTX in return for zero prison time. Putting two elderly professors (Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried) whose only son is in prison is really not worth the court's time should they agree to relinquishing said items. Would you even be able to find a jury pool unfamiliar or at best unbiased regarding these 2 individuals?

(2) The state of Florida allows jurors to submit questions. Also all these jurors were "vetted" by the Defense and Plaintiff attorneys before the trial began. Yes one or two of Juror #1's questions were problematic as they were prefaced with "opinions". However unless Juror #1 stands on the courthouse steps telling a CNN reporter that mega-hospital corporations are ineffective, how can they be dismissed now? Also does anyone at court review these questions before they are presented? Are jurors given a format, to succinctly phrase their questions? I would guess most if not all of these jurors have zero legal experience.

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: Hound Hunting) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/06/2023

I am not a hunter, however I do realize that hunting predators (of all species) are currently the most economical way to keep wild populations in check and disease down. A comment on this video pointed out how hound response training with tech is not difficult. My advice would be to find an advocate, ideally a local hunter, who successfully uses tech to control his hounds and is willing to share their successes and instructional information. Perhaps the company who manufacturers this equipment might wish to gain more customers by sponsoring this "advocate" and providing purchase discounts. The sad alternative is that we can all just wait for the inevitable hunting expedition gone wrong resulting in casualties. This will be followed by the inevitable bureaucratic overreaction in terms of badly written laws. Let's not go to that reality, please.

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Admission of errors by defense/JH-ACH) 11/06/2023

I admit to leaning strongly onto the plaintiff's side. However the evidence I saw in this video along with the very very painful explanation by the defense for not submitting all paperwork to their own expert witness (or to the judge) along with this damning evidence that won a Pulitzer Prize for reporting makes me wonder how this made it to court? Perhaps liability insurance carriers covering JHACH wanted to roll the dice and perhaps win the civil suit avoiding huge payouts? Or just plain hubris? To be honest, I just do not want to go to that place in my head. BTW I know Peter tries to remain neutral during these commentaries, but even he could not keep a straight face with this evidence of a major hospital using lots of words that can be summarized by saying "we failed."

Posted to coolirpa (RE:  Japanese Fabric and Accessory Haul) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/06/2023

The one-sleeved jacket is cute, but made me think of a possible project. Add on a sleeve using one or two of the scrap (smaller pieces) material(s) to that thrifted blue jacket. Perhaps line the sleeve in order to have an equal weight to the "regular" sleeve. I am more a finisher as opposed to someone skilled in sewing. My unexpected hauls from a fabric or thrift store involve too many trims, fasteners, findings and beads! LOVE that long pink skirt, yes dye it black and then make an accessory (top or jacket or hat or bag) out of the panda bear quilted material. The jewelry display per creator was like a "brick&mortar" ETSY-type store. Hope TSA did not give you any grief regarding the mini-tool bag.πŸ˜‰

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Murdaugh Dismissal Update) Uploaded 11/09/2023

Perhaps repetitive warnings to the jury to the effect that jurors must only listen to the witnesses, defense, prosecution and judge and no one else might be enough to avoid retrial, but Peter's conclusion unfortunately seems more likely. One point though, this jury was not sequestered. They were allowed to keep their phones (at least at home) without phone content being monitored by the court. Theoretically the jurors might have accidentally been exposed to/over heard opinions by their family, friends and even routine news notifications on their phones. Whether or not Ms. Becky tried to influence jurors, the timing of her "book", her being overly interested in her participation in news (communication with Netflix) interviews and her accompanying jurors to news conferences makes the whole jury process in this case look problematic. Ironically, when this is all over,  Ms. Becky may have a much more interesting book to write and a riveting Netflix doc to present to all of us. Be nice if all profits go to victims of Murdaugh.

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: JH-ACS trial results) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/09/2023

So brave of the family not to settle out of court with probably all documents sealed. Maya and her family are heroes for making not only JH-ACS accountable, but medical care in general. Experts have been called out for very bad behavior, ACS whose culture was not addressed and corrected when JH absorbed this institution has been called to task and if nothing else liability insurers for medical facilities will make updated patients' rights mandatory before they will insure a medical facility/corporation. Thank you to Peter for keeping neutral, explaining both sides during this very difficult trial. ONE SUGGESTION TO Law & Court or anyone who videos a trial --stay off the plaintiff or victim or defendant as much as possible. We want to see the judge, opposing attorneys and witnesses.

Posted to Pretty Pastel Side Quest (RE: Day#7 of Thrift-mas) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/09/2023

I LOVE that pink floral stretchy dress, but agree with Alex's decision to sell on Depop. Probably the vintage clothing collectors would be quite angry, but I wonder how that dress look as a cropped or tunic (aka long) top layered over a stretchy long sleeve tee shirt in solid color of deep rose or grey-ish green? For the excess material, make an accessory or lining for a thrifted jacket or plain bag/back pack?  I would love videos on bird care, bird purchases and bird sanctuaries. The You Tube algorithm can be somewhat illogical and perplexing. Some You Tubers start additional channels when venturing into niche areas. Putting thrifting on PP-Side Quest is a good fit. Maybe get advice from a friend in marketing? I would definitely subscribe to a PP BirdsETC. The ETC gives you the flexibility to include other creatures "great and small" on said channel. Not sure how to create one, but a poll can be set up on the You Tube community page for this channel or maybe on Instagram reels. Voting on a channel name can happen after content is voted upon. Argh, I always talk too much, interrupt people and well I would guess that is obvious from this XL comment. πŸ™„

Posted to Coffeezilla (RE: End of Samuel Bankman-Fried) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/08/2023

This was a masterful summary. While I was aware of SBF's skewed version of reality and mathematics, I did not keep up with the daily craziness that was this trial. One thing SBF successfully created was an extremely thorough blending of "the shell game" and "pyramid scheme" with a dash of "Inception" (a 2010 film) that I can ever remember occurring.  Full disclosure, I have no doubt been adversely affected by social media with its primary effect of reducing the capacity of my frontal lobe. I have mostly forgotten the illegality, incompetence and insanity that was ENRON and Theranos.πŸ˜‰

Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Sue Klebold) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/09/2023

"They searched his room from time to time." If this tragedy was such a shocking surprise, why the searches? This happened at a time when such an event was rare that parents might not have expected anything so horrible could happen. Whether Mrs. Klebold's son was led or a fully willing participant that day, his mindset, emotions, attitude, personality issues did not begin that morning in Colorado before school was in session. 

Posted to Dr. Patrice Berry (RE: Conclusion of the civil trial of JH-ACH) Uploaded on 11/09/2023

While no doubt JH-ACH will fight this award for years, perhaps the (original) size of the full penalty in this civil case will force liability insurance carriers for medical institutions to insist on up-to-date patients' rights protocols being in place before insurance is granted. Being that the primary clients of a hospital are the patients, it seems almost counterintuitive to literally mistreat the patients. 

I agree with Dr. Berry regarding the videographer/streaming service's focus. Throughout the trial, the video stayed on Maya's face excessively. Cameras should be in the courtroom, however the plaintiff in a civil trial and the defendant in a criminal trial should be on camera only minimally. 

Posted to MDJ (RE: 19 year old accused of murder) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/09/2023

It does seem odd that a 19-year old would go to the hospital with the intent of ending anyone.  Why not leave your home alone go somewhere you are not known, then have the baby away from medical professionals and security? Something seems off, maybe we just do not have enough details. The parents' lawsuit is an extra dose of weird. In New Mexico 18 is the age of majority, so removing a 19-year old from her parents' home via CPS is not an option. A psych evaluation might prove that this girl is operating at a maturation age considerably lower than her calendar age. Perhaps the potential father in this situation was someone the girl could not or would not identify. Such a very tragic situation all around.

Posted to Micarah Tewers (RE: New Home) Uploaded to You Tube on11/10/2023

MY RESPONSE COMMENT TO MT's pinned comment:

To have a house with a plaque on it, deliberately affixed to the wall (lots of rude plaques at my local thrift shop) is amazing. Always remember; past the comments, the tweets (I will never say X's) and the IG reaction reels that this house was earned with YOUR money, time and passion. It is yours, but insure that baby ASAP.

MY GENERAL COMMENTThat mansion is amazing. It is a basically a theme park without long lines and huge prices. Well, the huge price part is probably mostly in the past right? No ghosts? What is up with that? There is just one problem, did the mortgage come with free (or discounted) cleaning crew of 12? We are talking waaaay more than a mop, broom, dust pan and brush here. Also, you need vacuum cleaners basically at the power level of jet engines. Actually the capacity to fly would be helpful. SERIOUSLY though, congrats, this new home is deserved, decent NYC apartments are always in demand and the other house will hopefully sell or get out there in the job market and wrangle some renters.♥

Posted to Molly Burke (RE: Overstimulation effects) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/11/2023

I appreciate Molly sharing this information. Intellectually you know you are most likely not the only one to have these issues, but emotionally it is another story. For whatever reason I have an extreme startle reflex. Any one, even my cat, who seemingly suddenly appears (am blind in left eye) can cause my overreaction. A jump scare in a movie can actually cause full body pain as if I were knocked down. Either way I feel nauseous, shaky, scared. Going someplace quiet, where I can control my environment (aka any place with a door) has been my go to. As for movies with jump scares...spoiler sites are my saviors!

posted to Pretty Pastel Side Quest (RE: Thrifting Day# 8) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/11/2023

Regarding black sheer dress, I would wear a body suit, bike shorts and probably tights, under the dress probably along with tall boots. Or perhaps a body-con black dress beneath sheer dress? Sheer dress might have been a bathing suit coverup. LOVE all the items purchased. There were one or two black items that looked good, but not purchased. (1) Lisa Ho dress looked promising. (2) That black skirt with the ruffle bottom looked pretty. Def try to re-find that Billie J fuchsia  dress, quite cute. As for the Mr. K. dress, well I have to say it, not today Mr. K. Loved the "Meet the baby birds" portion of the video that bantam chick is adorbs. Q:   Do all birds of both sexes populate one aviary?  I know nothing about birds (I know that they usually flyπŸ˜‰), but could a larger male bird mate with a small bird then have the mom become egg bound? Looking forward to seeing the parental grouping!

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Explanation of verdict in the JH-ACH case) Uploaded 11/11/2023

I agree a jury's only responsibility in a civil suit is to determine damage if any and compensation if necessary. This case has been closely watched by many individuals and institutions, not just the Kowalski family and JH-ACH. Liability insurers hate spending money. A hospital's corporate owners also hate spending money. Even considering the inevitable appeal, insurers may be reluctant to cover a hospital without requiring an independent audit to prove compliance with patients' rights thus encouraging the hospital's board of directors to comply. Perhaps with an up-to-date patient's rights in place, the next patient with a difficult diagnosis and treatment plan might be treated more equitably and ethically than the plaintiff in this case. Any benefits such as I have just outlined are pertaining to the serendipitous NOT legal category as such they may be ignored, but are certainly not in the legal definition of duties of the jury. QUESTION: As for specific amounts of compensation, doesn't each state in the U.S. determine their own methods for determination of compensation limits? 

Posted to Andrew Gold (RE: Russell Brand Update - NY Times  Magazine) Uploaded 11/13/2023

Pinned by Andrew Gold  Let me know your thoughts below. Are we to blame to an extent? Is it all on Brand? And was the NY Times biased?

Yes we are to blame but in a minor way.The general population could be blamed for every ill on the planet. We are not living in a utopia. This is why there are laws regulating personal behavior, laws regulating the sale of food, laws regulating corporate treatment of their employees (HR, work hours, salaries) and obviously public security (police, FBI, CIA). The majority of the blame is on Mr. Brand, and Mr. Brand's corporate employers. As for NY Times (magazine format) being biased; the length, vocabulary and some of the ideas presented in the article read aloud leads me to think that it was more of an opinion piece/editorial than a "just the facts" news article. Still, I am so weary of legacy news supporting the binary rule that seems to rule social media. Right, left should be directions on a map not a way to live a life.

Posted to The Behavioral Arts (RE: 2016 interview of Britany Spears) Uploaded on 11/12/2023

That was the first thing that I noticed when she entered the stage, her smile never lit up her face. I like her music but was not a fan who could tell by her body language or social media posts that something was wrong as years passed. This woman was able to care for herself, work a very challenging job that involved rehearsals, choreography and memorization. How a conservatorship was kept on for 13 years without the person in the conservatorship being audited annually to be sure her status had not changed is unbelievable. Shame on those in power who did nothing to help her all the way from the laws in California, to the judge, to the attorneys and finally to Brittany's family. Only her fans did not fail her.

Posted to Footless Jo (RE: Faith Healing) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/14/2023

My disability is not easy to discern, unless you know me well enough for me to explain my story. However I consider making it through each day as challenge accepted, challenge met, survival level attained aka I am happy. For someone to stop me and indicate that I need to "be healed" in order to consider myself a success is a painful thought. The waitress who said no should have been respected for having the right to that opinion and not thought imperfect and unworthy. What do you say if/when you are stopped by that type of person? Maybe say, "And peace be with you also" (as unironic as possible) then vacate the area ASAP or just do not engage which is the norm for most virtual contact with unwelcome comments?

Posted to Mina Le (RE: Fashion Industry and Older Women) Uploaded to You Tube 11/14/2023

Mina Le always makes a great mini doc with historical references and images. My opinion is that whether you prefer granny-core, body-con, religious-required attire or any style, you do you. I have been told (by 98.8% of my in-laws so take that however you wishπŸ˜‰) that I dress too young.  My usual go to is dark wash or black jeans, black boots, loose tops layered over a form fitting long sleeve opaque tee shirt with the only visible skin being my wrists, hands, upper neck area and head. Perhaps just me, but I suspect that these 98.8% opinions are more relevant to the fashion of the ones who criticize, not the fashion of the object (aka me) of their criticism. πŸ˜‚ Not marketing to an older demo may actually be lowering the profitability of a brand. Forgetting individualism, human rights or free choice, I would ask all brands (from fast fashion to haute couture) are you making that much money that you can exclude any demo?

 Posted to Katie Couric (RE: Interview with Adam Kinzinger) Uploaded to You Tube 11/10/2023

Adam Kinzinger reminds me of the type of Republican that I used to vote for as an independent voter prior to 2016. With our current population of politicians in Washington DC, I was thinking that it might be nice if before a senator or representative could officially start their office there would need to be proof concerning their knowledge of the specific amendments and more importantly their comprehension of The Bill of Rights (Amendments #1 - #10) and the Preamble to the Constitution of The United States. (Extra points if they can briefly describe Amendments you can chair a committee.) Looking at the disarray in government especially at the federal level I hypothesize that these documents have been at worst forgotten and at best misunderstood. Full disclosure, this opinion comes from someone (I am a U.S. citizen) who avoided any class in U.S. History and when I was forced to attend such a class struggled to maintain a 2.0 GPA for the entire semester.😳

Posted to Law & Lumber (RE: Interview with Dr. Joe Corcoran) Uploaded to You Tube 11/14/2023

Thank you Rob and Dr. Corcoran for presenting and taking the time to do this interview. I am only one among many in this comment section, that courtroom (in Sarasota County, Florida), the doctor's family and his workplace, who feels that Dr. Corcoran perfectly represents what so many entrusted with our care should be or could be...a wise, compassionate, intelligent caregiver and human.

Posted to Recovery Addict (RE: Interview with Attorney and Paralegals - Plaintiff) 11/14/2023

This was an informative interview which tied up many questions that I still had concerning this trial. Well except for 2 questions which were not the object of this trial but still puzzles me: (1) How did ACH develop such a hostile work environment regarding its own personnel who had questions on patient care and treatment? (2) Why did JH absorb this hospital in 2011 without a thorough review of ACH's policies, treatments and outcomes? A bonus question for students of ethics and medical history, if Hippocrates got it right regarding patient rights well over a millennia ago, why are we still struggling with these concepts?

Living with Dementia (RE: Update by Leslie regarding Jason - episode 29) Uploaded 11/15/2023

Thank you for the update. I have no experience with being a caregiver, so I can only use the airplane emergency example. You put your own oxygen mask on first, then you can help others. What I am saying is that a caregiver must, whenever possible, put their own mental and physical health first. This condition is a marathon not a sprint.  You have to pace yourself, treat yourself and care for yourself with the result that you can better care for someone who can no longer do that alone. My thoughts are with you both.

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Change of venue for Murdaugh Trial) Uploaded 11/15/2023

Perhaps time passing would be an assist? However, waiting would also give Murdaugh what he wants, prison time in a "Club Fed" for the financial crimes, not prison time for the murders. However I would go much further afield than just a different county in the same circuit. Literally everyone in that community is a long-term acquaintance/friend, does business with the family, is simply a neighbor of anyone previously involved in this case and finally either worships or hates the Murdaugh family. It is not so much that you want a jury that doesn't know the facts or has not watched a streaming doc,  you want someone who is not within that "6 degrees of Kevin Bacon" trope only substitute Murdaugh for Kevin Bacon. 

Posted to Emily D. Baker (RE: Navarro College Lawsuit) Uploaded to You Tube 11/15/2023

I think that the amount of past issues with the Navarro College Cheerleading Program indicates a known problem. No one would send their children to a college who does not feel it is their top priority to protect all their students, at all times, at all places where the students are competing for Navarro. Navarro's "cachet" for having a top cheer program, will evaporate unless they react proactively indicating how all students will have the college's support and protection. Even a perfunctory internet search by me produced: "Navarro Cheer Scandal". Humans may have short memories, but the internet does not. Navarro needs to look to the future, own these problems, set in protocols and settle the lawsuits asap. One year from now, will a search for Navarro result in "Cheer Scandals" or "Cheer Team wins competition" is literally Navarro's call.

Posted to The Try Guys (RE: Obstacle Course - Regular, Drunk and High) Uploaded 11/15/2023

I see "Don't leave a piano in the rain" as being tee-shirt worthy...but first we need proof of life regarding Eugene. While watching the guys try (see what I did there), fail and succeed, having the play-by-play by Matt Iseman and Akbar Gbajabiamila along with interspersed science with Dr. Jay Mahajan was genius production!  Whose ever idea that was: pay raise and an overpriced coffee e-gift card (from corporate)!

Posted to Pretty Pastel Side Quests (RE: Thrifting Day#12) Uploaded to You Tube 11/18/2023

Social anxiety is my life.  I use my phone for games, social media, weather reports, time of the day, my calendar, news, note pad and just about everything else except to converse with a human. It is worse, I prefer company's robo-machines (as long as I initiate the call) rather than talk to a PERSON. Even with the "Urban Outfitters" dress (maybe do an image search?) there were some great purchases from the flea market. Maybe go back to the stores, for that Japanese 2000 fashion magazine and the adorable black butterfly dress.  Vivienne Westwood was an icon, her clothes were designed to show off one's form. Find images online of her designs (print or save to phone) then try to recreate them strictly from thrift shops and/or flea markets or even retail stores (but has to be on their sale rack).

Posted to Abby Cox (RE: gifts at funerals) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/17/2023

Being honest (and knowing that none of my family are on social media so unable to read this comment), I avoid funerals as my takeaway is depression and/or a migraine. Being even more honest, the promise of taking away a goodie bag filled with edible treats, handcrafted gloves and perhaps jewelry, would definitely make me far more motivated to participate.  Lewis is adorable glad he has a home with a very good family.  Nicole "rises" for puppies and I applaud her for doing so.

Posted to The Behavioral Arts (RE: Tiffany Gomas - plane incident) Uploaded on11/18/2023

My opinion was and still is that Ms. Gomas wanted off that plane, either because she was unhappy with her seating or due to a dose of something which altered her behavior. This event reminds me of the behavior of that (probably former) Alaska Airlines deadheading pilot (Joseph D. Emerson) who tried to set off the fire extinguishers on a Horizon Air flight in October 2023. Like Ms. Gomas, Mr. Emerson mistakenly believed that the plane and all on board were in imminent danger. Approximately 24+ hours before his flight, Mr. Emerson who stated to the police that he had recently been battling depression, had consumed "magic" mushrooms for the first time. While in the pilot's cabin, Mr. Emerson went from seemingly sane to hallucinating in seconds. Ms. Gomas may simply be too embarrassed personally or maybe afraid of losing her career/business to admit to a mental health or a substance issue.

Posted to NeuroTransmissions (RE: Mass Shooters - Why) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/20/2023

I came across this video about a week after yet another mass shooting. I wanted to know why. Mental health coverage suffers from insufficient coverage along with the stigma of embarrassment or fear of the process.Yes, most individuals with mental health disorders do not become serial killers. However, I wonder concerning the reverse of that statement. We (aka non-professionals) often ascribe these tragedies to sociopathy and psychopathy characteristics. Neither pathology is listed in the DSM-5 (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition). What is listed is ASPD (antisocial personality order). ASPD can show itself in traits such as uncontrolled rage, extreme beliefs, no remorse or guilt which when weapons are added produce tragedy. We should never demonize or stigmatize the mentally ill, it is wrong ethically and absolutely no help in our current situation. I agree proper insurance coverage along with destigmatizing mental illness is vital to end this loop of tragedies. 

Posted to Growing Up in Scientology (RE: Aaron is no longer a member of AfterMath Fdn)11/20/2023

I like the attitude that Aaron has verbalized, as in there are multiple You Tube channels exposing this cult, why not have multiple organizations that can financially help former cult member while also assisting current members escape this cult. BTW if for no other reason it would show a certain cult solidarity if both foundations recommend each other to those in need irregardless as to personality conflicts. I wonder if "Your Lawyer Friend Zac" (who has a growing You Tube channel) might be willing to help in setting up this new foundation? Don't forget all those ethical statutes πŸ˜‰

Posted to Sterling Tompkins (RE: AfterMath Foundation) Uploaded to You Tube 11/21/2023

Another thank you here. I was close to unsubscribing from Mike Rinder. I am only a single number (on any site's subscriber total), but I like to feel that I am in agreement with a site's mission statement that has that single number. Mike Rinder and Growing Up in Scientology have a common goal, remove that cult's tax exempt status and free its members to be with their friends and families. Thank you Sterling for bringing me back to the intellectual adult side. Yes I know, a badly misquoted Star Wars line, no excuses as I did NOT grow up in a cult.πŸ˜‰

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Case of baby Indi) Uploaded to You Tube 11/21/2023

I would be interested in a followup on this story. QUESTIONS:

(1)What was the main argument given by the hospital for not releasing the child to the parents for at home palliative care or care abroad? 

(2) Is there no AMA (patient discharged against medical advice) form to sign in the UK?

(3) Were Indi's parents, like Maya's, threatened with criminal action or loss of custody if they removed their child from the hospital?

(3) Did the parents expect the NHS (National Health Service) to cover all or some of the costs to go to Italy for care? 

(4) Is a lawsuit possible for wrongful death of this child or as an agency of UK govt. is the NHS and the hospital immune from that legal action?

Posted to the Recovery Addict (RE: New Defense Motion in Maya case) Uploaded on 11/22/2023

The horse is out of the barn, SchrΓΆdinger's cat  has escaped that box, Icarus flew too close to the sun and has fallen. Unless the judge specified/ordered that family members living with any juror stay off social media, said family members do not visit the courtroom and these family members do not even verbalize opinions formed from the knowledge shared by various Law Tube videos and streaming content, then this brief's points are weak and irrelevant. Mr. Shapiro you fought valiantly, (not ethically), yet vigorously for your client. All you should do now is try to lower the financial award amount. Every brief filed, every interview given and every accusation thrown at the plaintiffs only makes the defendant, aka your client, look more and more guilty.

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: New Defense Motion in Maya case) Uploaded on 11/22/2023

Were I to write a scenario to make things even worse for JH-ACH's public image I could not come up with a better one than this motion listing the what ifs, fantasies, irrelevancies, internet/social media illiteracy and misogyny than JH-ACH's attorneys' motion regarding juror 1 and mrs. juror 1 (shhh juror 1 and mrs. juror 1 live together). Perhaps the defendant's attorneys should focus on lowering the financial award to the plaintiff, making sure/proclaiming that JH-ACH is in compliance with patient rights and leave the fictional fantasy writing to pros like Neil Gaiman. Mr. Gaiman has absolutely nothing to do with this trial, he is just my favorite fantasy author, although the writer of this motion is almost a close second.

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: Conversation w/homesteader, Jess Sowards) Uploaded on 11/24/2023

Jess's love and enthusiasm for her family and farm came right through my monitor. I am not a farmer, so it could be correctly assumed that I am here for entertainment. I am also here for learning and seeing different lives. Traditionally learning can come from facts presented in a manual, but I have always felt that the trial and error form of learning is the transmitted knowledge that stays with you long term. My current Morgan error/learning experience fav was hearing about that gang of adolescent geese who destroyed a garden. This is not schadenfreude on my part. I imagine the joy that those young geese felt when they found heaven in a garden. It makes me smile along with reminding me to never turn my back on that salmon or grilled chicken that is sitting on my kitchen counter no matter what the age (or socialization level) of the humans or creatures that share my home. BTW awwww for GinnyBarnCat.

Posted to Andrew Gold (RE: More discussion on Meghan and Harry) Uploaded on 11/24/2023

Everyone in the royal and non-royal families of Meghan and of Harry need a time out, finances permitting, maybe for approximately a year and one half? Then have Charles, William and Harry discuss where they see family relationships going. Not sure if Meghan's half-sister still has that law suit pending, but maybe put it on hold or just end it as if it is still in effect any benefits probably only involve the law firm net profit. Life is complicated, hard and often too short, everyone needs move forward not dwell on the group's stupid, selfish or clueless mistakes from the past.

Posted to Growing Up in Scientology (RE: Updates) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/25/2023

I am thankful for all; a win for Florence (Kentucky), a good start for Mark Bunker and a rebounding of Aaron's energy. I quite like that this channel (and others) are owning the phrase "keyboard warriors". Leaders are only as powerful as the strength and number of their followers. A keyboard can allow its users the power of communication, education and support. These keyboard users can become de facto warriors who are collectively working towards the breakup of a tax-exempt cult whose main objectives are power and money for its "captain" along with forced dissolution of families and abandonment of friends for cult's followers.

Posted to Andrew Gold (RE:  Update on Huw Edwards situation) Uploaded on 11/25/2023

Odd that a teenager could be determined to be legally an adult in one country while being classified legally as a child in another country, but that is the situation we live with.  However as a 62 year old married person (over 25 years to one person and 5 children from this marriage) with ethical and public responsibilities due to his job, having an affair with a teenager, even if said teen is of legal age, is problematic. The power imbalance alone should be obvious and avoided. As the 17 year old and Mr. Edwards had met (mother of 17 year old saw a photo of them together), the age discrepancy should have been obvious to Mr. Edwards. I have read that Mr. Edwards is currently in hospital suffering from depression. Yes this is an unfortunate situation. However, I wonder how this teenager is doing, what is that individual's mental health status, has a prognosis been made, any treatment plans formed? Even with NHS, will there be any financial issues for the 17 year old's family? Before embarking on this behavior, the more mature, ethical individual of 62 years of age, depressed or not, should have sought assistance before forever affecting the future of this 17 year old.

Posted to Andrew Gold (RE: Discussion with writer Vanessa Griogoriadis) Uploaded 11/24/2023

This was a fascinating discussion. I have just subscribed to Vanessa Griogoriadis' podcast, "Infamous". Ozempic was developed by Novo Nordisk in 2012 and approved by the FDA (in the U.S.) in 2017. I would guess the drug has been in distribution, at least for the diabetic population in the U.S. for 5+ years. I am guessing somewhere online there is data on medically observed side effects, however not sure that 1/2 decade of observation is enough to release to the general population for off-label use. However, I am not shocked that people with the means to buy this drug, are buying this drug for specifically for weight loss. Nice of celebrities to be the beta testers on weight loss meds for the rest of us.πŸ˜‰

Posted to penguinz0 (RE: Netflix's version of Squid Game) Uploaded to You Tube on 11/25/2023

I knew about the MrBeast version (did not watch) but I did not know about this show shown on Netflix. I intend to forget about this after I watch this video with an admitted amount of schadenfreude in my soul. As for being scripted, all "reality" shows are scripted. They even plan the arguments, the angst and the resulting absurdity. Although I usually manage to avoid movie spoilers, avoiding reality show participants (those Housewives are everywhere, even in jail cells) is much more difficult.

Posted to Kelli Copter (RE: AfterMath Foundation removing Aaron Smith-Levin) 11/26/2023

New subscriber here, oddly via You Tube's algorithm (am a subscriber to Growing Up in Scientology, Mike Rinder, R.Reese and Sterling Tompkins ). Thank you for the very fair commentary. I do have my own opinions on this situation, but I agree that all involved do have one thing in common, to end this cult by removing their tax exemption status (in the U.S. specifically) and  "freeing" this cult's members to reunite with family and friends. Kelli is correct soon there may be an additional avenue (Foundation) for current and ex-members of this cult to find assistance and advice.

BTW beautiful song, message and love that graphic. I would like to think that the phrase "I'm calling...." refers to all those as yet in this cult thus unable to hug their family members and friends on the outside.

Posted to SpillSesh (RE: Casey Neistate and the David Dobrik documentary) Uploaded 11/25/2023

I agree with this commentary on the unreleased Dobrik doc. Casey got too close to the subject of his film. Perhaps Casey Neistat saw a young Casey in David Dobrik. Casey Neistat is a smart, gifted and ethical individual but he made a major filmmaking mistake in becoming Dobrik's close friend before the film's completion. It made the process of releasing the film personal rather than professional. These interviews are being made to attract a buyer. Unfortunately for Casey Neistat until this film is someone else's property, this smart, gifted, ethical creator will always feel a certain amount of guilt and regret.

Posted to Lisa Gale (RE: AfterMath Foundation and Aaron Smith-Levin) Uploaded 11/27/2023

New subscriber (coming from Growing Up In Scientology, R.Reese and Sterling Tompkins), I do hope the AF foundation watches this video as there were so many valid, helpful and necessary suggestions proposed  (aka free PR advice) to edit those problematic ethical addition to the Foundation's bylaws. My impression of Aaron(Growing Up In Scientology) is that he would be open to these ideas. I do not agree with the way the AF handled this situation. However as ex-cult members admittedly the board has its own "baggage". That new ethics clause does have a cult-ish vibe, it needs editing ASAP.  Everything in this comment is obviously MY opinion. MY hope is that everyone who has escaped from this cult will work together to end this cult's abuses, help remove its tax exempt status and most importantly assist all ex-members of this cult in whatever ways that they can.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Grant Cardone interview with ice cold  ) 11/28/2023

I did watch the Lex Friedman interview------->

I found Aaron quite clear and easy to understand in spite of the Scientology's rather hyperbolic terms and acronyms for ordinary things and bad science fiction labels for non-existent things. For those triggered by family alienation and loss, know that that there were some questions that rightfully elicited an emotional response from Aaron. Aaron is not being egotistical, he is a far more eloquent spokesperson than Grant Cardone (talk about a low barπŸ˜‰) for anyone wishing the answer to, "what is Scientology?" Simply watch even the first 10-15 minutes of this Lex Friedman interview then compare to the Cardone interview.

Posted to Costume Drama (RE: Vlog of trip to St. Louis - museum and ball) Uploaded 11/29/2023

The museum fashion and accessories were exquisite in their design, tailoring and embellishments. The stories of their creation, actual real-life use and how they ended up in this museum would fascinating to know. Fun to see so many familiar faces at the ball, especially Abby doing early 21st century moves while in much older century's attire.  I am following lots of trials (JH-ACH, Murdaugh) on You Tube so this vlog was the fresh air I needed.

Posted to Living With Dementia (RE: a Jason update) Uploaded to You Tube 11/29/2023

I did look up confabulation and dementia. It was so sad, the brain is trying to fill in blanks created by the deteriorating memory function in order to try and hold onto reality and logic. I so so hope as a caregiver there is considerable one-to-one therapy available and being utilized. A caregiver needs to be able to talk to someone not personally involved in this new path. I cannot imagine the pain involved and the generosity of spirit that a caregiver needs. Thank you again for sharing this voyage with subscribers to this channel.

Posted to Mia Maples (#Short - Antique Dollhouse finished) Uploaded to You Tube 11/20/2023

I feel like Indiana Jones, "this should be in a museum". However donating it to be played with is a generous idea. Maybe donate to a secondary school, one that teaches design, architecture and decoration to children? YES do another one!