Sunday, December 31, 2023


 Posted to SpillSesh (RE: James Charles and his brother) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/28/2023

Difficult to determine any family relationship states of being unless you are in the midst of the experience. As others have commented, a lot of us just **** it up at holiday times. What I do not understand is why James Charles isn't simply using the Raya dating app. I hear that they are QUITE thorough in vetting their membership listing.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: State Prison source) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/31/2023

I agree with others who have posted. Find other sources. The description of this individual's crimes as being WORSE than those mentioned during Danny Masterson's trial and conviction makes me highly uncomfortable and even somewhat ill. I cannot mandate Aaron's actions, nor do I wish to. There is a term used in movies or books called "unreliable narrator" where honesty and ethical behavior is suspect. It is my opinion, that label applies in this case. Love this channel, but PLEASE PLEASE Aaron (may I call you that?) don't use any data given by this criminal in any format.

Posted to The Life Boat (RE: Epstein files being released) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/01/2024

Harvey Weinstein "operated" unchecked in Hollywood for decades. He ruined lives and careers. A well-known celebrity who is not known for immoral or unethical behavior being on an Epstein island without commenting publicly regarding what went on at those islands does not surprise me. However individuals who attended these island parties more than once are the ones to be revealed, questioned and possibly accused of criminal behavior.

Posted to Andrew Gold (RE: Epstein List Being Released) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/03/2024

Shocker, Bill Clinton will be (officially) on THE LIST๐Ÿ˜‰.  I do not wish to make light of this situation however, for those who visited the island only once and were subsequently blackmailed by Epstein, does provoke in me a certain feeling of sorrow...for their families. Had anyone done their due diligence (or asked their accountant, business manager, agent or unpaid intern๐Ÿ˜‰) to do a rudimentary search they would have located troubling rumors and issues. Beyond ethical, moral and legal issues, the island's guests (aka those invited by Epstein not forced to attend by Maxwell) were naive, self-deluding, ignorant of social media and really really dumb.

Posted to Attorney Tom (RE: Logan Paul CryptoZoo Case) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/04/2024

Am I shocked, surprised, startled at LP's offer, no. This is SOP by those who think the rest of us are at best unimportant and at worst "nothing of value".  I hope the victims of this scam come to the realization that LP's current offer is"nothing of value"...exactly like his opinion of his investors and his fans. No matter what Paul brother's face appears on thumbnails or offers, essentially this is a corporation without ethics, without honor trying to cut their losses. I hope Attorney Tom has prevented any victims from signing away their rights and due process.

Posted to Rachel Maksy (RE: Does Portable Sewing Machine Work) Uploaded on 01/05/2024

Love that blouse! I think that I remember seeing that "portable sewing machine" in my mother's attic decades ago or maybe it was in a smaller 21st century version on Ye Old Amazon?  I like the concept but for actual usefulness, especially at a Con, it is probably not worth its weight. That and I am not sure the security guys who check bags would be amused. During a Con (anime, comic) I have more use for duct tape (not just for ducts๐Ÿ˜‰), safety pins, elastic bands, crafting glue and a retro sewing kit (needle, assort. threads with if I am feeling fragile, a thimble).

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Jodi Hildebrandt pleading guilty and sentencing) 01/08/2023

Should anyone choose to do a deep dive into the horror wrought by Jodi Hildebrandt for decades upon so many people, they will find proof that there is no sentence possible that is sufficient for her crimes. This woman is a cult leader. Jodi Hildebrandt is a danger to all impressionable individuals, not just children. While it might be considered cruel and unusual punishment,  ideally Jodi Hildebrandt should live the remainder of her life in solitary confinement without internet, phone or snail mail access beyond her attorney. Judging by her attorney's insulting, to all victims, statement to the press, I am not certain that even he is immune to being controlled by JH.

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Judge Scherer Resigns) Uploaded to You Tube 01/08/2023

While hugging the prosecutors in itself shouldn't have caused her to resign, it obviously was a bad look. More importantly, I think that action of hugging, was more thematic of (former) Judge Scherer's emotional nature. She is no doubt intelligent, educated and proficient in the legal an attorney.  Obviously a judge must be impervious to personal comments and innuendo. Highly likely that the defense noticed and noted her "thin skin", hence their disrespectful behavior. 

QUESTION: While every defendant deserves a zealous defense, I feel that in this case the defense relied more on bullying expertise than legal expertise. Just me?

Posted to Andrew Gold (RE: Epstein's victims and those involved) Uploaded to You Tube 01/10/2023

While I understand that all this talk of Epstein's island, Maxwell's list and those wealthy and powerful guests, could be considered as not suitable for media of supposedly civilized countries to publicize.  I prefer to look at this information as a massive warning. If you do wrong, you risk being exposed or worse. If you are young, naive and desperate, you must be suspicious of those who do not have your rights, liberties and future well-being on their top ten life goals listing.

Posted to Andrew Gold (RE: Aaron Smith-Levin w/update on Masterson sentencing) 01/12/2024

Great interview and discussion! I enjoyed it all, from camera tech for interviews to yeeting this cult's tax exemption status to hearing that FB is for old people. Can one get age deduction points for rarely being on FB, sometimes being on IG and Twitch, usually being on TikTok, while very occasionally posting on Discord...asking for a very close friend ๐Ÿ˜‰? Sadly "my friend" also frequently posts never read comments on You Tube, so ๐Ÿคฃ.

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Lauren The Mortician and Jeanette Braun) Uploaded 01/13/2024

This was filed in Illinois right? Illinois has anti-SLAPP Suit legislation, but unfortunately I think that law in Illinois only applies to governmental issues (735 ILCS 110/15) as it is also called, "Citizen Participation Act". California has quite effective anti-SLAPP legislation. While I agree that this is all ridiculous and I would laugh except that these "defendants" will have to pay for legal advice and representation which is probably not in their budgets. And yet, it is highly likely that plaintiffs, attorneys and defendants alike will see their social media follower numbers rise. Social Media be weird ๐Ÿ˜‰.

Posted to Gold Shaw Farms (RE: Arrival of 3 white cows) Uploaded to You Tube 01/15/2024

Watching one of the white cows push her sister in regards to the treat-test was behavior I had not seen before. It did almost seem that maybe it was a "you do it first" move or maybe the "Aunt" was too close to the "Niece".  As for "A" names, how about famous singers' names:   Ariana (Grande), Adele, Avril (Lavigne), Amy (Winehouse) or Alice (Cooper). Obviously the last name could be considered gender-neutral.๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted to Andrew Gold (RE: Another Lie from Meghan and Harry) Uploaded to You Tube 01/15/2023

I blame both, Meghan and Harry for any lies including this last senseless, clueless one regarding their child's name. Why would Harry do this to one of the few Royals to whom he felt close? Quite odd. Harry, and for that matter Andrew, did not arise full grown in a lab. They were raised up to what they became. Andrew and Harry grew up, were educated and lived in an environment which molded the behavior that has been exposed in our era where there are few secrets. As for why other siblings and relatives seem to have adapted better, it is a probable balance of better genetics, a mentor who made a difference, pure dumb luck, who knows?

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Juror Sentenced to 170 days for lying) Uploaded 01/16/2024

I did only minor research, so perhaps I am missing some relevant points. My problem is that I do not understand the need for multiple trials after defendant was found guilty of murder in the first trial. Isn't the only variable involved related solely to the punishment (life in prison or death penalty) factor? Doesn't a judge have the final word (within the laws in their state) to determine the punishment? I agree that this juror should be punished, not sure about the extensive jail time. I would offer this juror a choice:  jail time or mandatory attendance at a course in jury duty specifically and the laws regarding first degree murder generally. I would also order a psych evaluation for this (former) juror to be sure mental illness is not a factor. As proof of her education, she should be required to stand in front of this judge along with court officers from the trial  and report on what she has learned concerning juror behavior and deliberation. If she lies, plagiarizes or doesn't "do the work",  prison option is back on the table.

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Judge's Response to JHACH defense's motions) 01/17/2024

"Excessive" jury awards are made not to enrich the plaintiff(s), but to teach a lesson to the defendant(s) as in "NEVER DO THIS AGAIN and it would be nice if you own your behavior, apologize and show in detail how JHACH and insurers will never allow this to happen in their institutions ever again". After listening to all the post-verdict motions by the defense I see zero self-awareness. Speaking only for myself, I would never voluntarily and/or consciously  ever use the services of JH owned hospitals.

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Braun/Lauren the Mortician lawsuit) Uploaded 01/18/2024

Runkle's coverage of this inadvisably submitted, and ineffectually researched, filing appears to be the gift that keeps on giving. The attorney, aka Janet, Jean Jeannette's, legal place of residence MAY be in California?! If proven correct, that would be AMAZINGLY ironic. Am I a troll, for inwardly wishing that is the case? Probably, but I am still silently giggling. My brain cannot apply any logic to this whole thing except that the explanation might be acquired by using Occam's razor problem-solving approach. This case exists solely for the clicks and the fame (or infamy same thing for some social media participants)? Guess I am just trying to make "order out of chaos"?๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Alec Baldwin Indicted for Murder) Uploaded 01/19/2024

I find Alec Baldwin a narcissistic, bloviating, arrogant individual. However a conviction on any count accompanied by the usual (celebrity version) community service sentence would be part of Alec Baldwin's permanent record. This can be more impactful than prison time. A conviction would be something that pops up whenever he is being insured for a movie, buying a mansion, getting a "fast pass" through TSA or renewing his passport. That is lifetime punishment that tax dollars do not have pay for. Should Alec Baldwin get sentenced to actual jail time, 10 minutes later he would have a book deal, 20 minutes later he would have a studio-approved film script treatment (ironically with him as a Producer) plus he would have to be isolated from the general prison population (aka lots of tax dollars spent).

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Maya Kowalski Settlement) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/19/2024

From interviews that I have heard from plaintiffs' attorneys, this suit was primarily filed to expose JHACH wrongdoing, malpractice and just plain evil behavior. Were I the plaintiffs I would offer to lower the award even further with the stipulation that the following is to be accomplished before this case is settled: (1) a public apology made to the Kowalski family, (2) proof of oversight department in place at JHACH stating in print that all patients retain their rights to competent and ethical care along with independent patient rights consultants and (3) setting up an endowment fund at JHACH to be named, "The Beata Kowalski Fund for Children's Care" to ensure all children, whether their guardians/parents can pay or not, will receive treatment irregardless as to costs.

Posted to Your Lawyer Friend Zac (RE: LAPD Arrest Aaron Smith-Levin) Uploaded on 01/19/2023

Thank you for your calm, clear and concise commentary on this incident.While Aaron's arrest is most likely a Scientology tactic (aka fair-gaming), I would think with the huge amount of video available from so many individuals at the scene that would make any legal official, whether tainted by this cult or not, be discouraged from prosecuting. QUESTION: This is a tangent, but couldn't the ASPCA be called in? The dog (tbd "weapon") is most likely being mistreated, judging by its behavior. Penalties For Animal Cruelty Under CPC §597(a) is quite the list, but I am not sure mistreatment is a qualification for a felony. What about a misdemeanor? Could that be an easier conviction on or at least probable cause to arrest the human responsible for the dog? If yes, we get a "two-for", saving an animal and turning this cult's tactic back onto them.

Posted to Growing Up in Scientology (RE: Aaron freed) Uploaded on 01/19/2024

Just imagine those taxpayers of LA county, watching 2 helicopters and 5 cars being dispensed for basically NOTHING. Ironic as the puppet master (guess who) is tax exempt. I would advise all residents of LA county remember this at the next this the way you want your tax dollars spent?

Posted to Dr. Berry: Psychologist Responds  (RE: Kevin Franke - JH's house sale) 01/19/2024

I agree 100% that Kevin Franke should be thoroughly assessed for psych/anger issues before he gets visitation even with supervision. As for custody of these 4 children, I have major doubts on his ability to parent. While Jodi Hildebrandt is the master manipulator who is primarily responsible for this damage, anyone who watched the "8 Passengers" videos (pre-Jodi Hildebrandt) with Ruby and Kevin Franke was witness to considerable problematic parental behavior for both. I am disturbed by no mention of the harm done to the older two girls.These were the two girls (whom I believe are both under 18) who were routinely "assigned" to clean the home of the 3rd member of Jodi Hildebrandt's company without pay or any benefits that I am aware of. QUESTION: While these 2 girls may have no physical scars, shouldn't they also get therapy?  Admittedly my viewpoint is as a non-professional with no personal knowledge of these people, but wouldn't these 2 girls have had to obey without questions, hesitations or explanations in order to remain free of the torture to which the younger two children were subjected?

Posted to Molly Burke (RE: Being disabled and facing a medical emergency) Uploaded 0120/2024

Molly always amazes me the way she can memorize a route, using Elton to avoid stepping into pot holes or bumping into people.  Knowing yourself so completely that you can choose what is best for someone else rather than what you would like to do, is more self-awareness than most people have. Glad to hear that the SO is better.

Posted to Growing Up in Scientology (RE: LAPD showed up again...briefly) Uploaded 01/20/2024

Wonder how many crimes involving robberies, SAs and even porch-pirate activity took place during the time these members of the LAPD were standing around doing nothing and apparently knowing less. Maybe those "hypothetical" victims of actual illegal acts would like to contact their congressional rep or at least get a tax rebate from LA county? Take away from this...LAPD is really good at a game of TikTok Statues.

Posted to Jessica Kellgren-Fozard(RE: Attitudes regarding disabled individuals thru years) 01/17/2024

I LOVE Hugh Jackman, but could never sufficiently "suspend my disbelief" in order to watch The Greatest Showman and enjoy the songs. My disability is not a visible one which I find endlessly ironic as it is related to vision and balance issues. Yet I still find myself saying things about others like "wow she is blind and she can do that"! Minutes (or sadly hours) later I realize how cringeworthy that statement comes off. I appreciate Jessica's reminder to all of us to be more aware of our attitudes towards any disabled individuals whether said issue is obvious or not.  

A personal, most likely narcissistic, rant; fans at cons, patrons at theaters and yeah you too Gen Alpha PLEASE do not have discussions, meetups or check your phones while leaning on or otherwise obstructing the bannister on stairways. My life and limb involves having a death-grip on bannisters from the first stair to the last one due to my visual and balance issues. Thank you. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted to Your Lawyer Friend, Zach (RE: Discussion with Uncivil Law re: Aaron) Uploaded 01/21/2024

I was going to ask how long a person in California can be held without a formal charge and was not happy with the answer I found: "...California Penal Code Section 825, a person arrested in California must be brought before a judge within 48 hours of their arrest and either be charged with a crime or released. The presiding legal officer must then set a bond or agree to release them without charge." Aaron was released after approximately 6 hours. However being handcuffed to a bench for all/most of those six hours does seem odd when there was a holding cell available. 

QUESTION: In malpractice there is a "standard of care" which if not met can be actionable. Does the police (at least per federal law) have similar rules which might negate the immunity benefit? What if the person cuffed to a bench is a dangerous felon...said suspect can still spit, kick, threaten and release numerous expletives at an impressive level of audio. Also Aaron was, admittedly only briefly, handcuffed inside an open bathroom. I am guessing this is unusual, thus not SOP? Would that be actionable as in behavior not expected from a professional paid for by the State "To Protect and to Serve"?

Posted to Abby (RE: Ath-leisure clothing, danger to our environment and fashion) Uploaded 01/18/2024

I buy most of my clothing at online (I do occasionally venture into the 3-D version) thrift sites. I went back to look at all my thrifted jeans. While they are primarily cotton, polyester has snuck into many of them at a range of approximately  5 - 12% content level per pair. I also own many (aka more than 5) pairs of thrifted black yoga pants which I am sure tell a sad story on their content labels. Consumer and environment data has become more accessible so hopefully there is still time for controlling our situation. Up to you Gen Z and Gen may be our only hope.๐Ÿ™„

Posted to Legal Bytes (RE: Alex Baldwin charged in New Mexico) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/23/2024

I agree that a conviction will be hard to acquire regarding Alec Baldwin the actor. I am disappointed that Alec Baldwin the producer is not the one charged, along with the RUST production company most of whom were aware (or should have been as administrators of this film) of the disorganized, not properly budgeted and under-staffed movie set. Mr. Baldwin is a narcissistic, arrogant, bloviator. Unfortunately none of these descriptives are actionable by law. Yes a jury could find Alec Baldwin the actor, guilty. However on appeal the expert attorneys that Mr. Baldwin can easily afford will no doubt have any guilty verdict reversed. The family of Halyna Hutchins and her memory deserves so much better. I like the suggestion by LegalBytes regarding, "ALL actors handling weapons be held responsible for that weapon while in their hands."  I would like to add to that suggestion...AND SAID ACTORS' EMPLOYER(S) for that movie.

Posted to Growing Up in Scientology (RE: Lisa McPherson) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/26/2024

I did a very quick online search. It would be respectful to this individual's memory if a few members of the cult responsible for her death took the 60 seconds (which is all that it took me) to learn about Lisa and reflect on her unnecessary loss. Lisa McPherson died in 1995 at the age of 36. The link below, hopefully not behind a paywall, gives some context. Sadly, as it was published in 1997 approximately 4 years after this cult had regained its tax exempt status. This article obviously had little effect on the clueless bureaucrats that rewarded this cult with tax exempt status, as this status still lives on...unlike Lisa McPherson.

Posted to The Behavioral Arts (RE: Jimmy Kimmel - Accusation by Aaron Rodgers) Uploaded on 01/26/2024

I didn't watch that show in which Aaron Rodgers attempted to make a very problematic joke by seemingly randomly using the name of Jimmy Kimmel in association with an evil man. That was a thoughtless clueless and cruel mistake on Mr. Rodgers' part. While admittedly angry, Jimmy Kimmel did go too far in questioning the intellect of Aaron Rodgers (aka "punching down"). Both men should research, "The Streisand Effect" and move on to more profitable, important pursuits. Some years ago, the current owner of Twitter (I will never use that one letter wannabe trademark for this site) called a man who rescued some trapped students in an underwater cave, the "p"-name. That man sued this current owner of Twitter. He lost even though this CEO's remark was careless, clueless, problematic and just plain wrong. Take away from this mess...think before you speak. This is possible with or without a diploma on your wall.๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted to Justine Lecompt (RE: Updating Wardrobe - 2024) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/28/2024

Favorite Item: Straight Leg Jeans in a dark navy wash or black. I try for cotton as a majority of the material used, but like a synthetic stretch material of 2 - 5% mixed in the jean content.  Except for underthings all my clothing comes from recycled/vintage sites.

Favorite accessory: Short black leather boot (just touching or slightly over my ankle) with a 2 - 2 1/2 inch block heel. 

Updates:  whenever I venture out of my comfort zone (LOVE dark tone neutrals) the garment spends its time mostly in the closet. However, I have newly discovered that "jewel" tones (deep purples, blues, greens) feel comfortable to me and on I am probably not trying Pantone's color of the 2024 ("Peach Fuzz") anytime soon!๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Accusations concerning Vince McMahon ) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/29/2024

Ant got this one 100%! I would not mind a part 2. The plaintiff in this case, although in her early 30's when introduced to VM, seemed unusually naive and clueless about "adult behavior". Why, I wonder? There was some scandal a few years back, subsequently VM left WWE. He later sold WWE (? to Endeavor?) then he was hired back. I agree with Ant, Mr. McMahon won't be thrown back into this company anytime soon. I listened to a legal podcast which examined the victim's statements, it was literally a litany of the most degraded treatment of anyone that I have ever had the misfortune to hear. While VM may still have a few powerful friends out there, I doubt anyone will publicly assist him in this legal suit. However, Jeffrey Epstein in 2008 was found guilty of crimes which one can easily guess about yet he still was still sailing and flying to that notorious island well into 2017-18.

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Judge Toal's verdict on a new trial) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/30/2024

Replay crew here. I happened to see a chat replay comment (sorry did not get their name) that mentioned, "Judge Toal just kicked the can down the road." That actually was her job. She was there to narrowly determine whether the verdict in THIS trial had been affected by Ms. Becky. While committing "malpractice", incompetence or whatever is caused when you epic-fail the mission statement of your job, Becky Hill's inappropriate comments were most likely not taken seriously by the jurors who were reminded on a daily basis of their duty as jurors. Perhaps at least in this court venue, there should be a team meeting every morning to remind the local court officers of THEIR duty to the maintain a legal system which delivers equal justice to all.

Posted to Attorney Tom (RE: Too Smart for Jury Duty?) Uploaded to You Tube 0n 01/30/2024

I was called as a juror for a domestic crime, coincidentally I was going through my own "domestic issues" at that time. I was dismissed immediately and was back home by noon. However I got the distinct impression (from his body language) that the prosecutor was unhappy with my dismissal. Guessing that those of my age and gender (mid-thirties, female) were his jurors of choice, can't blame him. Just hearing the facts of this particular case and the long list of witnesses (mostly medical experts) to be called to testify made me predisposed to consider the husband culpable. So I was as Attorney Tom pointed out...BIASED in favor of the "alleged" victim.

Posted to UnCivil Law (RE: Murdaugh request for a new trial denied by Judge Toal) Uploaded 01/30/2024

So Poot, (I think at this point I can safely call Attorney Harpootlian his highly casual nickname) made a VERY VERY big error benefitting the prosecution? Perhaps I am just doing the old thing about "making order out of chaos" but I still wonder...WHY? Of course there will be appeals coming. However it will take years with AM remaining in a State, not his preference of a Federal, prison . The Twilight Zone-type cloud hanging over this trial remains.

Posted to Attorney Melanie Little (RE: Gabby Petito Case Update) Uploaded to You Tube on 0130/2024

While the Laundrie parents' behavior is despicable on so many levels, I also question the local (Florida, although the Moab police handling of domestic violence incidents could use an upgrade) police department's competency and resolve for justice. While there is probably an immunity situation regarding suing the police, there was the seemingly incompetent investigation of and surveillance on, the Laundrie family home after the son returned home with Gabby's van but without Gabby. I am not impressed with the "word salad" being spun by this attorney. While ethically questionable and an expert in bloviating, guess that he and his license to practice law will emerge intact. What I would like to see is an apology and a funded scholarship endowment from the Laundrie family In Memory of Gabby Petito and of course pay all legal expenditures incurred by the parents of Gabby Petito.

Posted to Scientology - Life After a Cult (RE: Protest at Jimmy Kimmel and Mike Rinder letter) Uploaded 01/31/2024

Replay crew here. What Natalie said concerning recent events regarding Mike Rinder, The Aftermath Foundation along with Aaron's false arrest are reasonable, logical and very insightful. At the end of the day the best way to defeat this cult is to maintain connections with all willing to fight and bring down this cult. Am I curious what Rabbit's questions were, sure! Do I wonder who wrote and authorized that letter sent to Rabbit, oh yes. Whew!

Had to add: When Natalie said that (regarding serving DM) this cult could sniff out process servers like a truffle-pig I LOST it! Natalie is a gift to all of us.

Posted to Sterling Tompkins (RE: Letter from attorney representing The Aftermath Fdn/Mike Rinder) 01/31/2024

I cannot see the logic of this cult except to enrich certain ones at the top of the leadership. I also cannot see the logic of this highly inappropriate letter, from an attorney no less. Even more confounding is that the attorney indicated in this letter that this letter be read EVERY time the victim is discussed or interviewed. I would have more luck finding gold in my back yard than logic in that letter.

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Trial of the mother of school shooter Crumbley) Uploaded to You Tube 01/31/2024

I agree holding parents criminally accountable is a slippery slope. The Crumbley parents should be found culpable of not cooperating with the police (they fled their home), not properly securing a weapon (this is a law) and probably ineffective mental health care for a minor (unethical but illegal?). In the case of another set of infamous parents one can view the Laundrie family. The letter that the Mom wrote to her son is highly problematic and very leading. Multiple calls from the son about the time period of Gabby's death, the son's return with van but without Gabby, not communicating with Gabby's parents (or police) may not be admissible to a criminal court, but will be interesting to see how the civil (with less needing to be proved) suit goes.

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