Posted to Megan Fox (RE: Ruby Franke's Journal) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/29/2024
Replay crew here. Possible explanation for the prosecution's behavior
This individual is elected. While I have no idea if every registered voter in Washington County, Utah is a member of a certain church, but if this individual wishes a 3rd term, he has to be elected. I am sorry this sounds so negative, so conspiratorial. I could be wrong, I hope that I am. Perhaps he knew that he could not find enough jurors in his county able to convict on the charge that should have been submitted to the court, attempted murder.
Posted to jeffostrow (RE: latest film of Baltimore bridge destruction) Uploaded to You Tube 04/01/2024
Sometimes I wish that along with the periodic mass mailing of the U.S. census, the government should add tee shirts with the graphics: "It's NOT Conspiracy, It's Occam's Razor". As was said on this series, a huge container ship with apparently no backup for helm control was matched with a municipality's outdated infrastructure. We watch movies with supervillains. We try to solve true crime mysteries on the internet. The answer here is not as cinematic or exciting. This tragedy's supervillain was actually a combination of incompetence, misdirected tax dollars and random chance. BTW Good catch on the HDMI cable!
Posted to GeoBeatsAnimals (RE: Poe the Raven) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/27/2024
Years ago, I remember a person who had his larynx (voice box) removed, who would gulp air in order to produce an approximation of speech. I wonder if Poe has self taught himself this method to more closely (to his ears) imitate human sounds? Either way Poe is a super-smart, healthy looking raven. May Poe "live long and prosper".
Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Major Investors leave Clearwater) Uploaded 04/02/2024
What are the real estate taxes and public services like in Clearwater Florida? With only one major business property owner remaining in Clearwater, obviously residents are paying the majority of taxes covering infrastructure, police, fire and other services unless DeSantis is assisting this town. Local tax money without viable businesses to contribute to the municipal budget, is not sustainable.
Posted to Andrew Gold-Heretics (RE: Interview with Aaron Smith-Levin) Uploaded 04/04/2024
This is one of my favorite interviews in the Heretics series. Listening to Andrew Gold and Aaron Smith-Levin converse is like cool water on a hot day, satisfying and refreshing. Unless a conversation can proceed logically, openly and with respect we are left with the default, "us or them". As either Andrew or Aaron said, tribalism worked best when we were hunting, gathering or running from some huge 4-legged mammal.
Posted to antphrodite (RE: Multiverses) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/05/2024
No apologies from ant are needed. The overview of anything can be complex and the subject of this reading was like a 4 year course compressed into minutes. I would advise taking one element of this reading and focus on it. Moving on when the path begins to make sense. Slightly boring but applicable personal story alert: I remember years ago my mother and I visited a local (but with global elements) crafts fair. There were multiple sounds and images of unfamiliar languages, music, bright colors, many people in costume and lots of crafts that we had never seen before. I was fascinated but could not seem to focus on individual items. Unfortunately my mom got a migraine and had to sit down. Essentially both of us were overwhelmed with an immersion into unfamiliar territory. Had we directly gone into one shop, maybe our senses could have handled and translated what we were seeing. Hence my suggestion pick anything from this reading and focus on that.
Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Defense survey) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/05/2024
I still do not understand how something like this can happen without the direct permission of the court and subsequent discussion among relevant legal representatives to decide when, how, where, and what will be on the surveys. Isn't this censurable activity? Assuming each potential person surveyed heard all or even some of the questions, NOW these individuals are potentially tainted as jurors. What happened to voir dire?
Posted to The Behavioral Arts (RE: The View apologizes for Kate rumors) Uploaded 04/06/2024
I do not watch The View. From the clip shown here, I was glad to hear Whoopi Goldberg warn the others. I do believe that the members of The View are sorry but mostly in that they and their show are now "in trouble" with the need to apologize to avoid reputation damage. Admittedly I have heard worse apologies, some accompanied by music, but I am not certain that any lessons have been permanently learned by any of these individuals. BTW I found it extremely cringy and depressing that many vocalized their main regret was in "not listening to Whoopi".
Posted to Chase Hughes (RE: Recent diagnosis Temporal Lobe Epilepsy) Uploaded on 04/05/2024
That phrase, "watch my recovery or watch my decline", hit me hard. After watching Chase Hughes for quite a while on The Behavior Panel, I see him as a man who goes straight to the point without the use of euphemisms, sugar coating or false deference. Watching him explain his diagnosis with those same skills, gives me hope that perhaps there is a way for him to live with this condition rather than to have it consume him. I have face blindness so in a quite a small way I have experienced that out of body feelings of: who the heck is this person who stopped me at the grocery store. I do not know if this is a salesperson or my next door neighbor. So I have also played that smile game, while talking in generalities or faking an appointment to make my get-away. THANK YOU Chase Hughes. I have just subscribed to this channel. I feel honored to be educated on this journey by a person that I trust, even if I could not ever recognize him at my local grocery store.
Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Recent Request of The Court by JC) Uploaded on 04/06/2024
Would I grant this request, no. Although I would LOVE to hear how this attorney was going to handle this new job as a jailer along with her employment and personal obligations. I could use some lessons in multi-tasking. I would have preferred that these 2 parents were convicted of another charge such as child endangerment, child abuse, deliberate mishandling/storage of a weapon or even tax evasion (that last one is a "hail mary"), rather than setting a precedent for certain DA's looking for notoriety or re-election in a conservative climate. While LYK is always fair, logical, calm, measured in comments, I believe a saw a few cracks of humor fight to the surface during this commentary. My comment is immaterial as I am not a body language expert...I only watch a few on You Tube.๐
Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Must Read Grant Cardone's Book)Uploaded 04/09/2024
She did say she did not mind if they read it on work time (mixed messages?) plus I am assuming she bought the books/audio files for all employees. Were I her employee with those conditions (free books and reading at work permissible) met I would read it, smile at everyone, start assembling my CV at home, keep any positive comments (from email or written memo) regarding my work stored on my home computer or personal phone, keep only unimportant personal items at work and then get out of there ASAP. Whether leaving a cult or a company/cult always carefully plan your exit strategy. On her YT channel, Natalie Webster in an early post on "Scientology - Life After a Cult" spoke on her family's escape from this cult which, highly ironically, sounded like a Mission Impossible plot.
Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Prosecution Response to Defense) Uploaded on 04/09/2024
Thank you to Runkle for clarifying weapons and ammunition data along providing legal commentary. The Prosecution's case almost writes itself: (1) AB's interview with the police, (2) the network interview of AB with George Stephanopoulos (3) an extremely problematic, proposed by AB, doc on Halyna Hutchins and (4) the phone video made for PERSONAL USE that illustrates AB's unsafe shooting practices. From this video I learned about the HH doc and the phone video. Whatever we think of Alec Baldwin the man, the actor or the man who would be producer Alec Baldwin, as was Hannah Gutierrez, will be the most damaging witness in his own trial. Of course the legal representation for AB is a considerable upgrade from HG's, so who knows which evidence will be admitted and thus how jury will deliberate on said submitted evidence.
Posted to antphrodiTEA(RE: New Apartment search and No one likes me) Uploaded on 04/09/2024
I have a friend who had to move out of a major city which has owner/rental prices very similar to NYC and LA (her roommate was selling the unit). She also lives in an area with decently reliable mass transit. All she had to do to cut monthly rental costs and still find an appropriate apartment, is to move about a 15-20 bus ride away from her former apartment into a more residential area. Just enlarge that circle of interesting places on your virtual (or paper, I do not judge) real estate map. As for not making friends of strangers, I can relate. My behavior tends to be very quiet with the occasional blurting out a comment such as "wow that's an ugly paint color" then laughing, alone, at my own faux pas. To make it all worse, I dislike making direct eye contact which turns many people off. However, I am lucky in that I can be anonymous unlike ant...You Tube giveth and You Tube taketh away.๐
Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Crumbley's sentencing) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/08/2024
While Jennifer Crumbley and James Crumbley were most certainly guilty, they were not alone. A pity that there was no proper gun locking law in Michigan before this incident. That law, along with charges of child endangerment or abuse might have better way to incarcerate these 2, landlords maybe? I do not feel that they fit the definition of "parent" legally morally or ethically. Giving the school immunity when the shooter spent about one third of his life there, was unfortunate. The school had the duty to keep ALL of the children onsite safe. A promise that obviously was not kept. I won't even go into the costs and availability of mental health providers in general or specifically onsite at schools, as it depresses me.
Posted to Observe (RE: Gypsy Rose - 2 interviews) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/08/2024
While I wish Gypsy Rose well, interviews especially the 2nd one by ET, is doing her no favors. Fame is complex for everyone, anyone. For someone like Gypsy Rose fame could lead to problems with which she is not equipped to handle. As for committed long term relationships, again not easy for anyone to sustain, but Gypsy Rose's personality adds a level of difficulty to that state of being. Gypsy Rose must learn to speak truthfully and learn how act within a society of laws and rules. She learned neither from her mother.
Posted to Katie Couric (RE: Interview with Sam McAlister/Andrew Interview) Uploaded 04/10/2024
THANK YOU Katie Couric for a great interview, wish it were longer Sam McAlister is fascinating. Hearing about the actual events behind this interview was more entertaining than the actual Andrew interview (I have not yet seen "Scoop" but plan to) where I found the responses from Andrew seemingly locked in an infinite loop of cringy to clueless. I am an American so while I know about the royals, I do not have an emotional attachment to their careers or personas. Watching the actual interview, I feel that there were multiple individuals at the palace (not just that assistant to the man formerly know as "Prince") who should be sacked, such as PR team, managers, lawyers, admin assistants or at the very least be forced to re-apply to their jobs by CV not heredity or a royal friendship.
Posted to Spell Sesh (RE: Coachella 2024) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/12/2024
My assumption was that Coachella only featured concerts on stage and influencers/celebrities in the audience, but sounds like there are other things to do and to see. The PR should be pushing these "extras". Not sure if Coachella has one, but other weekend cons that I have attended usually have an app with general info along with schedule and location changes being updated in real time. I would hope that the sprinkling of "drama" is not happening. There are enough reality shows out there and they are a lot cheaper to view.
Posted to Rachel Maksey (RE: 3 new outfits from 3 old items) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/11/2024
Transformations are always interesting. I think it is the things that initially go slightly wonky requiring a change during the actual process is what adds the interest. Takeaway for me, I guess that I enjoy watching sewing cliff hangers that can be resolved in a single long form video. Anyway, loved all three reveals and that embroidery machine is MAHvelous!
Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Kevin Franke files civil suit against JH) Uploaded 04/13/2024
I am in the group that Kevin Franke is guilty of child endangerment, irregardless of JH's instructions and powers of persuasion. I am wondering if this suit, is just another check mark in Kevin Franke's list to things to do in order to receive full custody of the 4 children. These 4 children are so damaged and in need of 24/7 care that no matter what Kevin Franke does or says, he is not the proper guardian. He made his choices back in the "8 Passengers" days and doubled down after JH entered the lives of the Franke family.
Posted to the Behaviorial Arts (RE: recent Will Smith interview) Uploaded to You Tube 04/13/2024
Spidey has my respect for being able to analyze Will Smith's behavior simply in the moment of time of this interview without that 2022 Oscar filter affecting his analysis. My impression is that many viewers (myself included) are waiting for a rational, clear and concise answer to why at that moment Will Smith kicked himself off a pedestal that admittedly we all put him on. I doubt that will ever happen. Is Will Smith being honest in this interview, in places yes, but when he gets into word salad territory (philosophy) my impression is that he is trying to persuade himself that his search for self-knowledge and spirituality will lead to redemption and a return to the fame that he admitted he found quite safe.
Posted to Hazariel Atlier (RE: Old beautiful Dress Remade into New beautiful Dress) 04/132/2024
Yes I had doubts, but worth the change. I thoroughly enjoyed the guest appearance by, "The Cat Who Is Not My Cat". This new gown is beautiful. It may even be in theme with the MET Gala 2024, "Garden In Time" (based on a story about time inevitably invading a perfect couple's perfectly beautiful mansion creating a beautiful change). Of course I may be completely incorrect. I get confused because the stated theme is supposed to align with the new exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (NYC) costume institute, "Sleeping Beauties...Awakening Fashion" with gowns and items not usually displayed due to their age and condition.
Posted to antphrodite (RE: OJ Simpson's Death) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/15/2024
Nicole Brown Simpson warned everyone and anyone who would listen that she felt her ex would eventually kill her. I would like to think that her cries for help would be taken more seriously now. To me she is the symbol for all to remember that domestic violence should never be ignored. It should be investigated, chronicled and if proven accurate then prosecuted so that the victim can live THEIR life. Simpson lived his life, quite fully judging by interviews of him on the golf course and his Twitter posts.
Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Protesting in Clearwater)Uploaded to You Tube 04/15/2024
Those almost empty streets on a weekday, in Florida, is shocking. What are the local real estate taxes like for these residents and non-Cult members of the business community? I am assuming The Cult is not paying for all (or any) city services, at least not in a way that would benefit residents. Not surprised that real estate investor group is leaving Clearwater. BTW quite astute of Aaron to know what is private property and what is not. I just had to add this, AMAZING police behavior!
Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Ebony Parker, Asst Principal indicted) Uploaded 04/16/2024
The assistant principal obviously failed. What puzzles me is that her behavior was beyond cowardice. Her behavior is akin to the expression "deer in headlights". Parker would freeze and not even acknowledge a potential or actual danger. QUESTION: I am wondering if there was any psych eval done (not to excuse her behavior just to identify its cause) on Parker? As for those who should share Parker's guilt and her eventual fate; every administrator in that school who ignored teacher reports, that community's school board, CPS (who ignored a child living with a drug addict and a career criminal) and who knows how many other supposedly competent adults in positions of power failed. We keep punishing the perpetrator. We need to address the root of the problem, not wait until tragedy to act.
Posted to Dr. Berry (RE: HG sentencing and recorded phone calls) Uploaded 04/16/2024
Looking forward to this commentary. Question: Nature, nurture or both? I struggle to understand how a woman of the chronological age of 27, still has the emotions and personality of a 12 year old with the attention span of a 3 year old? Until I heard these phone calls, I was of the opinion that while guilty, HG's prison time should be reduced. My opinion has changed. HG should share the guilt with others, such as the Production Company of Rust as they knew workplace safety was threatened yet they did nothing. Seth Kinney and Sarah Zachary while also sharing responsibility for HG being on set, were either lucky enough (or they "read the room" unlike HG and AB) to avoid jail time.
Should have added the AD (Dave Halls) who also got & accepted a plea deal from prosecution.
Posted to Dr. Berry (RE: Jodie Hildebrandt company & former college Paige Hannah) 04/18/2024
I agree that the "8 Passengers" Ruby (and Kevin) Franke had very questionable, even disturbing, parenting methods and this was pre-Jodie. JH did not corrupt Ruby or mesmerize Kevin. Jodie Hildebrandt weaponized Ruby's attitudes and methods of parenting from inappropriate to inhumane and Kevin "followed orders".
Posted to NatalieLawyerChick (RE: Hannah Gutierrez Jail Calls Before Sentencing) 04/17/2024
I was shocked to learn HG is 27. She has the tonality, attitude, magical thinking and mindset of a tween along with the sense of empathy of a 3 year old.While I continue to have the opinion that those at the film company who hired her should carry most of the blame for the death of Halyna Hutchins, I do agree with the verdict in HG's trial. HG's attorney should have insisted on a psych eval (after the verdict but before sentencing). It might have shortened her sentence, as there are probably (I have no diagnostic training or degrees) multiple mental health issues that would be diagnosed and then presented to the judge connected with mandatory probation linked to the attendance of daily therapy sessions.
Mayim Bialik "The Breakdown" (RE: children on a movie or tv/streaming set) 04/16/2024
As was said, there is an independent expert in charge of weapons, stunts, animals or simply to be sure that the production adheres to the rules of a complicated profession. It is curious that there are no independent representative (maybe one for every 3 child actors on set) who is on set only for the children. Teachers on set are necessary, but are usually not equipped to negotiate with a director or judge mental health issues. This child advocate would be in addition to, not a substitution for, the parents on set. As for the documentary itself, I have not viewed it. I believe that at least for me, it would be triggering.
Hoeg Law (RE: NPR reporter suspended for substack article unfavorable to NPR) 04/18/2024
I have heard of NPR, but I have never made use of their articles or podcasts. Was this reporter treated unfairly? His essay had the tone of someone wishing to walk off into the sunset (aka departing NPR/retirement). I would have to see his employment contract to make that decision such as legal or not. I have noticed a change in news media around 2015 ( Presidential election year in U.S.) which then further de-evolved during 2020 "with the p**demic which must not be named" or You Tube will yeet. Now add the events of 2015 and 2020 to the wildly diverse amount of online news sources from new and more trusted sources equates to a Bermuda Triangle of disappearing viewers/listeners of legacy media.
Posted to Dr. Berry (RE: Sentencing of Robin Howington) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/19/2024
Mixed feelings, I do not like cameras spending time on any defendant, it can either re-victimize or give in to the notoriety craved by the defendant. I would rather see close up video of the witnesses, attorneys and judge. However during the sentencing phase in focusing on the defendant, it is possible to analyze feelings as actual or acting, so which is right? As for this case everyone loses; a daughter, a grand-daughter, freedom and of course all those who would have known and been affected by the woman that Destiny was not allowed to become.
Posted to The Behavioral Arts (RE: OJ Simpson Fox interview suppressed for 10 years) 04/20/2024
I come to this body language analysis prejudiced. I fully believe that OJ Simpson was guilty. I do feel he had assistance. I surmise the extreme damage to the bodies was done just after both individuals had died by Simpson's hand was accomplished by another to try to exonerate Simpson. I agree with Spidey, there is nothing hypothetical in Simpson recounting of that night. It sounds chillingly like truth. Enormous credit goes to the interviewer for not giving her feelings away. Simpson used his fame, public persona and police incompetence to escape conviction for the murder of two people. That is his legacy,
Posted to Little Adventures (RE: Guinea Pig Toys and Play Activities) Uploaded 04/20/204
I can't claim patent of any of these games, they were "invented" by my 2 pigs: (1) drop the rattan/twig balls into the round ceramic bowls (2) drag the hay leaf (hay not divided almost looks like a thick mat) around the cage (3) Toss and jump (usually sleep) upon the felt/material hidies (4) clanking small aluminum bowls on sides of the cage and the oldie but goodie (5) Turn the twig tunnel upside down and sleep in it.
Posted to NatalieLawyerChick (RE: Similarities: Lori Vallow, Ruby Franke) Uploaded 04/19/2024
I do appreciate NatalieLawyerChick's intelligent and relevant commentary, but I just can't listen to this entire video. My mind cannot make any order out of this tragic chaos. I cannot either support or discount the existence of devils and demons, but I have seen the faces of evil sitting at defendants' tables during these trials. The scariest thing is that those faces, pleasant, ordinary, even pretty, they look just like us.
Posted to Red Thread (RE: OJ Simpson Trial) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/18/2024
If anyone wants to go down this horrific rabbit hole even further, an expert in body language does commentary of Simpson's interview with FOX regarding Simpson's ghostwritten book, "If I Did It: Confessions of the Killer". If your system can tolerate it, and you can keep track of the word "hypothetical", you can see and hear Simpson implicating himself in the murder of these two people. We pardon people after their death, wonder if we can convict?
Posted to Let's Talk IBD (RE: Maggie's update 1 week after emergency surgery) Uploaded 04/21/2024
Glad you are better. That tight feeling near the incision while walking and sitting down along with the sneeze pain, is very normal albeit scary and uncomfortable. Once the strips are off, try highly concentrated aloe gel (warning it is "chilly" also) to ease any topical irritation. I was somewhat surprised to see someone out of surgery so recently lifting and setting down grocery purchases into the car. I take that as good news, health-wise. I too have had several planned surgeries along with two emergencies. It is oddly amazing how placid, calm and routine a planned surgery can be when you can compare it to one that turns into an emergency. Thanks for sharing so much information with all of us. Coming from a former nurse and a You Tuber that I trust, I consider all information received on this channel enormously helpful. BTW thank your significant other, his "bye" made me jump, but then even my cat can startle me so....
Posted to penguinz0 (RE: Watcher ending its You Tube run) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/20/2024
I have been a subscriber to Watcher on You Tube a very long time (in internet years). I am only staying subscribed (temporarily) to see all the comments. It is kind of like a fun virtual wake for the beloved deceased with people crying, laughing, angry at the early demise, telling funny stories about the deceased and of course how they will all miss the deceased. Eventually I will move on to the final stage of grieving, acceptance which will be me unsubscribing.
Posted to Zaid Tabani (RE: News of the Week) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/21/2024
Loved Watcher, but in spite of the words spoken on their "goodbye to YT video" of the affordability $6/month, in the entertainment world there is considerable content behind a paywall. As funny and creative as Watcher is, I am at my limit on paid streaming services. I even had to cancel Crunchyroll (if you know, you know my pain) as several other services raised their rates so I had to choose. The college thing is sad. This is where I went not only to matriculate but be exposed to new ideas, different people and variety of events. No one should go to school (and be in debt for YEARS) just to spend 4 years in a very bland echo chamber.
Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Kohberger's Alibi for night of murder) Uploaded 03/21/2024
Replay crew here. I think that I appreciate Peter's careful and cautious style way more in the replays than in the live streams. There are many non-human witnesses out there to daily life, such as Ring cameras, metadata on phones, cameras in public areas, not to mention that we all carry a camera and data recorder via our phones. Privacy is an illusion. I mumble to myself about needing coffee while doing my taxes, seconds later "by magic"๐ my phone opens my Starbucks app. I do not discount Kohberger possibly driving nights to calm himself or maybe to observe others to feel more connected, but I would like to see technical or scientific-based proof. For the sake of the victims' families and the rights of the defendant, this trial needs to begin and proceed quickly.
Posted to Modern Gurltz (RE: Coachella then and now-2024) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/19/2024
Actually I would go to Coachella if I lived on the West Coast (U.S.). I think that the price of one weekend (assuming all day Sat & Sun) for one person in 2024 was about $500.00. With multiple musical acts, plus additional events occurring every day of the festival, prorated that cost is not too bad. Of course I am not allowing for the huge up-charge (for what Ticketmaster,...AI? or your company's stock value?) that Ticketmaster foists upon its customers. Another negative for me is that the cost of travel, hotel, food would be prohibitive. Having never been to Coachella, I cannot complain or applaud the celebrities, influencers and faux celebrities and wannabe influencers that appear except to say, it is all part of the show, the experience of the event so why not?
Posted to Mina Le (RE: CorporateCore Fashion) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/17/2024
Even before the pandemic (2020), I have worked from home, I have mastered the art of sweatpants & sandals worn with a carefully pressed and pristine tailored shirt with appropriate cardigan or blazer along with Zoom-ready makeup. I laughed when Mina admitted that she could not read the entire, "American Psycho" book. Forget the book, I cannot watch the 2000 movie! I also hear that the book has more violence than even the movie has. This is a random comment, but I need someone to do a fashion cut of the movie only showing the character of Patrick Bateman when he is not un-aliving people or even thinking about that activity. Damn if Christian Bale did not look good in those suits!๐คฃ
Posted to Watcher (RE: Followup to Goodbye video of 04/19/2024) Uploaded to You Tube 04/22/2024
Thank you to Watcher for the reasonably quick turnaround time of this video (uploaded 3 days after "Goodbye" video). I can't help but wonder how many hours, days, weeks or even months did it take to create, troubleshoot and complete then upload the previous video? While I have not given financial contribution to Watcher via merch or Patreon due to (my) budget issues, I do what I can to assist the dreaded YT algorithm by doing; "like", "subscribe" and "comment" (ok yes, I did NOT "ring" the bell icon). With many of the currently existing streaming services raising their rates, even the addition of 6 USD expense per month is not manageable for me. As a way of saying thanks for the laughter and entertainment that Watcher has given me, along with adventures to places that I will probably never visit, I will adopt a wait and see approach. My statement is not funny, entertaining or adventurous, but is a promise to Watcher.
Posted to Observe (RE: Watcher's "Goodbye" Video) Uploaded 0422/2024
-->QUESTION: Are you going to pay for the new Watcher streaming platform?
I like the guys, but I find the April 19th video beyond elitist and self-important to be almost insulting (regarding the ONLY 6 USD/month) to the current Watcher audience. I will NOT pay for the new Watcher platform. While I did appreciate the April 22nd (Follow up ? or Apology ? or ?Folology?) video, I commented on the April 22nd video saying I will adopt and wait and see approach regarding staying subscribed on the current YT channel.
---> COMMENT: Watcher's followup April 22nd video is much shorter, much less word salad and more to the point of addressing the negative viewer reaction. As I said in my comment on Watcher's April 22nd video I will wait and see before I unsubscribe from their You Tube channel. However this decision, in the words of these 3 individuals, took a long time. I tend to think they said what they meant in the first video and the second video may sadly be simply damage control.
Posted to penguinz0 (RE: Watcher's Apology Video) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/22/2024
I agree that acceptance of the apology along with a wait and see approach is probably the way to go. My concern is that the "Goodbye" video came from weeks and months of decision making, going past many eyes. While admirably quick (3 days after "Goodbye"), their apology, most likely an honest one, was also damage control. I am still subscribed (only to YT channel, 'cause there are a f*****g amount of huge streamers with ever rising prices out there) to Watcher. Who are these 3 who have created Watcher? The answer, maybe 3 fun, talented and ambitious people with employees numbering in the double digits or perhaps self-entitled, detached and clueless wannabe media moguls? I guess that we wait and see.
Posted to HauteLeMode (RE: Reacting to Disney Adult Fashion "Disney Bounding" 04/23/204
I anime-bound at cons. I have very weak crafting and sewing skills and even less money to buy an outfit...hence "bounding". LOVED Luke's commentary. Some people "bound" a little high, but nice to see happy people having a happy time. I would love to see more Disney Bounding or for that matter any IP-type bounding.
Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Brian Kent and the Child USA Fdn) Uploaded 04/24/2024
I would not put it beyond the scope of a certain individual's motives and personality to withhold action even in such an egregious case as Brian Kent in order to keep the reputation of a certain organization pristine. This does seem to point to a pattern of behavior by such an individual(s) to avoid scandals and to maintain the gloss of purity. I would have more trust in an organization or group that not only would not tolerate predators in the outside world, but also in the inside world of said organization.
Posted to Emily D. Baker (RE: Murder of 2 missing moms and custody cases) Uploaded 04/24/2024
My take away from these tragic cases, is that they are more about control and power than of the welfare of the children. The short term solution is to take custody hearings as seriously and carefully as DA cases. The old clichรฉ is valid, hope for the best and prepare for the worst. For a long term solution, beyond injecting all concerned with a serum that forces sanity, logic and empathy into all adults involved, I have absolutely no idea other than enforced lifetime counseling and therapy.
posted to The Behavior Panel (RE: Harassment of Celebrities) Uploaded to You Tube 04/24/202
Oddly I feel compelled to preface my comment with, "I am not a fan of this celebrity but..." which probably says a considerable amount about MY behavior. No one, not even Alec Baldwin, should feel unsafe and uncomfortable due to inappropriate behavior of another customer or store employee. This should have been stopped by the store manager notifying this individual to immediately leave the store or the police would be called. If I feel uncomfortable in a store, I am not coming back. If this clip does go viral, human nature being what it is, this shop may get lots of provocateur-clones who probably will not be making purchases, only trouble.
Posted to Uncivil Law (RE:Ineffective Assistance of Counsel--Thornell v. Jones) Uploaded 04/24/2024
I will not claim any understanding of the legal arguments presented along with the judges' questions and comments, but it was quite compelling. Andrea Burkhart and Uncivil Law clarified what I heard. Even with the serious subject matter, hearing some humorous comments was welcome. It was so strange though, I found that after hour one, I had forgotten the violence that had led everyone to the Supreme Court of the United States and was total enthralled with this process.
Posted to The Behavior Panel (RE: Quick Confession Aquired) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/25/2024
I know zero facts concerning this case. Being an amateur body language reader (self-taught in middle school as a survival skill ), I wonder how this outwardly passive individual committed the murder and burial of his wife. I am guessing that he is intimated by men generally or by authority figures specifically. As for the police, whether deliberate or their usual technique, they were more histrionic and voluble than anything I have seen or heard since my child's kindergarten play (un-ironically the theme was friendship) not hurt me๐. IMO all of The Behavior Panel from 54:10 - 1:03 were being slightly less than truthful. Mark Bowden wins the comedy award for this episode for his muppet comment in the last few minutes. Chase Hughes wins the "take time to enjoy the beauty of nature" award for pointing out a background that was hopefully not green screened (unless that was a CGI'd german shepherd).
Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: Mistakes) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/25/2024
Mistakes made in doing one's daily job is common. Admittedly less common is facing the ire of a flock of geese, ducks and raptors (I mean chickens) expecting their water not to mention those huge mammals with even huger horns. Even more rare, is sharing that mistake with others to provide a learning experience. All that being said as the owner of infrastructure (heating, plumbing and air conditioning) that is aging quicker than I am, I really wish that Alfred was "MY buddy Alfred living down the road...."
Posted to Observe (RE: 2nd Watcher video, "The Apology") Uploaded to You Tube on 04/25/2024
I also got the impression that Shane and Ryan were emotionally vested in what they said. Steven seemed to be regurgitating someone else's words because it was required of him for damage control. I am remaining subscribed to Watcher (on You Tube only) with a wait and see approach. While I appreciate their quick reaction time (3 days after the "Goodbye" video), I do wonder about the extent of time preparing the "Goodbye" video. I am guessing it was considerably longer than 3 days. Full disclosure, I have no intention of paying for their streaming service primarily due to my finances not questioning Watcher's talent. I am only questioning Watcher's motives.
Posted to Molly Burke (RE: 10 years on You Tube) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/26/2024
Molly has always been pretty, but now she is strikingly attractive. What is also striking is that Molly has shown that inclusion is not just ethical, inclusion is a gift that permits people to share their skills, interests and stories benefiting us all. Thank you Molly Burke, I know life isn't all smiles and fun, but I always am glad that I watched a video on this channel.
Posted to Rachel Maksy (RE: comparing 3 methods of Uploaded to You Tube 4/26/2024
While foam rollers and pin curls win the day for retro devices, I think that we have to give a very honorable mention to "That Viral TikTok Thing" for the most compressed coiffure cosplay in one 4 minute segment. My hair styling when I occasionally step into the real world is essentially left to hair elastics, huge claw clips, and if I feel "fancy", headbands...yes, I am coiffure-impaired, but I am willing to learn.
Posted to Little Adventures (RE: Expectation vs. Reality) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/27/2024
I remember years ago, guinea pigs were advertised as "starter pets" (at least in the U.S.). I am not a violent person, but I have thoughts about the individual or group that created that concept. Those thoughts are not suitable for any comment section on You Tube. That being said I adore my 2 girls, Yoko and KiKu even when they "mistake" their food dish for a toilet, wheek at me when I open the fridge (to get MY food) and kick out what should be in a toilet onto the floor (MY floor not theirs).๐
Posted to SpillSesh (RE: Ellen Degeneres' return) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/27/2-24
There is an old saying which I will paraphrase, people successful in their current position are promoted repeatedly until a level of incompetence is reached. There these people remain until fired or leave voluntarily. Had Ellen stayed a famous comedian, with some specials, guest appearances, maybe even a podcast she might have been able to hid her lack of empathy and deficiency in being a boss. Do I believe what Ellen says, not sure, but I am certain that Ellen Degeneres believes it.
Posted to Liz Gale (RE: The Aftermath Foundation) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/26/2024
The behavior of this new member of The Aftermath Foundation is lazy (not watching referenced videos), antithetical to the mission statement of an organization set up to help victims of a cult and their families along with being scarily similar to the "fair gaming" activity mentioned in Leah Remini's lawsuit. Yet another complication regarding Mike Rinder is that (I believe) he is linked as a source/possible plaintiff's witness in the Leah Remini's lawsuit. One of Liz Gale's suggestions, was not having former scientologists who had committed bad acts while in this cult potentially dealing with those that they had hurt. Liz Gale, from what I have learned viewing her channel and other SPTV channels, is funny, intelligent, eloquent woman who is most obviously a very caring parent. These are facts that the board knew when Liz's son was awarded the scholarship, that they now seemed to have forgotten.
Posted to (RE:Trybals reacting to Pentatonix singing "Hallelujah") Uploaded to You Tube 04/27/2024
I would love to see more analysis, not necessarily Trybals, but any videos showing another country's reaction to new (to them) things. Spidey's statement,"Abdul and Mohammad are behavioral analysts' kryptonite" did make me laugh. I wonder how many of this Trybals group would have gotten that joke. I have not watched the "TRYBALS", but in just volunteering for this series, doesn't that speak volumes about this group's (even the constrained and contained Abdul and Mohammad) openness to new ideas and customs? That might make them unusual or exceptional in their own communities.
Posted to Down The Rabbit Hole News (RE:Aftermath's Fdn newest--Stefani Hutchinson) 04/28/2024
Smart to no longer give this person time. Trolls literally feed and thrive on hearing their names/handles and comments reposted. While I question the empathy and kindness of the members on the board of The Aftermath Foundation, until now I had thought that they were more astute (not a hard thing) than to participate in "fair gaming". Highly ironic in view of the fact that "fair gaming" is the center of Leah Remini's civil suit against this cult. Full disclosure, am NOT sure: however I believe that Mike Rinder is an important source (for LR) in her civil case. If my data is accurate, just imagine that conflict of interest.
Posted to Monde's Threads (RE: Prom dress makeover) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/30/2024
I enjoy these makeovers so much. While 5 minutes isn't exactly "long form", I do appreciate the additional details that can be discussed here versus the "short form". The only downside to the finished garment is the mesh. Could mesh be dyed (in place) slightly darker using tea or coffee? I am not an expert tailor by any definition, but I get satisfaction when I take a thrifted dress or top or jacket and re-form it to fit my taste and style. There are a lot of garments out there that look like they were made by a committee...a committee that obviously never shared notes. When I thrift, very often it is with the observation; this is what I am buying, but what can it become?
Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Karen Read trial - Day 2) Uploaded to You Tube on 04/30/2024
Interesting that a party replete with police officers, their families and friends that seemingly (I may have missed a mention) gave no one leaving the party a breathalyzer test. Amazon has about 20 or 30 under the price of 100 USD). I have no idea whether Karen Read is likely to have committed 2nd degree homicide as a drunk driver or not. Thus far what I know about the police investigation seems that it was lacking in accurate details, a thorough investigation and where (and why) was Chloe, German Shepard the family had for 7 years (who did NOT LIKE non-family members) "re-homed" shortly after the death of John O'Keefe. As this trial proceeds, it will interesting to see how the prosecution addresses the list of inconsistencies in the defense's opening argument.