Friday, March 1, 2024

MARCH 2024

 Posted to Emily D. Baker (RE: Day 6 - Afternoon - RUST Trial) Uploaded 02/29/2024

Thank you to EDB for doing this on a travel day, "soldiering on" even with the tech issues of buffering and freezing.

I had thought that Hannah Gutierrez had contacted (not sure how many times) Gabrielle Pickle, RUST producer, stating that there was not enough time to do the armorer position. Out of the 3, Alec Baldwin, Peter Halls and HG...I blame Peter Halls the most. However the primary cause of this mess, albeit one who is not currently not under a criminal indictment, was the entire coterie of producers of this film (including Mr. Baldwin). While the object of this trial is not to enforce professional and ethical contact on a film set, it would be nice if in memory of Halyna Hutchins, stricter enforcement of safety procedures was accomplished.

Posted to Footless Jo (RE: Stroke on January 28 2024) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/01/2024

I do not know what to say, except it was so kind of you to check in and say what happened. That in itself is an accomplishment for anyone post-stroke. A relatively young (35 - 45 years of age) You Tuber had a stroke over a year ago. This is a link to a series that he posted about his rehab:       You should contact him. He is a lawyer, a gamer, a You Tuber and a survivor.You both have much in common. Love and thoughts go to you and your puppies.

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Day#7 of RUST trial) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/03/2024

Question: In the criminal indictment against Alec Baldwin only against him as the actor not as a producer?   Sorry, if addressed so many trials out there, and I have so little bandwidth. While Alec Baldwin the actor was negligent, I would rather see Alec Baldwin the producer found guilty...along with the rest of the Rust's producers.  Rust Productions had to be aware of problems on this set with the original camera crew leaving, 2 previous accidental shootings and lots of negative buzz regarding the armorer.

Posted to Mia Maples (RE:TikTok inexpensive clothing...worth it?) Uploaded to You Tube 03/02/2024

Because I am both lazy AND curious using both Insta and TikTok shops could a series of videos be done on products (usually is clothing, jewelry, house decor) proclaiming products as, "hand-made" OR "small owner-owned business" OR  "created by artisans". I mean are they really? Or is WISH and TEMU just getting sneaky and selling to 3rd parties to resell as "crafts" or unique items?  My fav for now avoiding (got caught once) was "We are going out of business, sadly must sell all our inventory OR "This product discount will not last long, so buy now". I bought a pendant which was of decent quality, but I found out later the scam was regarding the "out of business" portion of the ad. 

Posted to Little Adventures (RE: What Happened to Nugget) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/02/2024

I know Nugget got the best care. I also would have also gone that extra time in hopes of a recovery. I have said goodbye to beloved animals so many times in my life. I have never learned how to manage it yet I still share my home with animals, a few are elderly and a few are young. Love your herd, give them extra play time as this must be a stressful for them also. Nugget's enthusiastic and comical attacks on pea flake boxes will always be in my mind when I feed my two girls pea flakes. Love to the entire family, humans and the herd.

Posted to Little Adventures (RE: What happens now) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/05/2024

We treasure every day with these adorable puff balls whether virtually on this channel and/or in our own homes. I have always adopted guinea pigs from shelters. When I adopted my current two girls (I can only afford a 2-pig sized cage), there were easily 20 piggies waiting for a forever home. So Nugget's legacy, along with numerous adorable videos is opening a place for a guinea pig needing a home and a herd. LOVE to you all.

Posted to Emily D. Baker (RE: Day# of RUST armorer trial) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/05/2024

I had to giggle at EDB's hypothetical that she posed with the query, "is a person who identifies as a re-enactor also a LARPer ?" I regularly cosplay (totally in amateur/fan mode) at anime cons, comic cons and at Renfaires. My FYI for everyones' safety and well-being is NEVER ever ever mention or use a word that begins with  "LARP" within the hearing of any individual who participates regularly in reenactments. 😉

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Suit against "Braun" ) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/04/2024

Yes hurt feelings do not belong in a lawsuit. I am guessing this suit has probably reached 5 numerals to the left of a decimal point by the date of this comment.

QUESTIONS: I have never thoroughly researched a particular defamation suit, but I have always wondered about the judge's ruling (I do not think it was a jury trial) for the defendant. A certain owner of a certain overpriced social media company that has been oddly renamed to a single letter of the English alphabet, called an individual who was rescuing some students trapped in an underwater cave the "p" word. This word is directly linked to a highly prosecutable and severely punished crime. The judge's reason was that the plaintiff had not shown economical damage done by the defendant's comment. A current example, still in litigation, is that TikTok'r accused a history professor of being involved in the de-aliving of 4 students. Why didn't the plaintiff win the 1st case and why is the plaintiff still in litigation in the 2nd case?  EDB has said it is law not ethics, but still...?

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: RUST trial Day 10) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/07/2024

The Defense did not show expertise or a decent strategy so the verdict was inevitable especially when the jury was shown the video of one witness giving a devastating interview (HG's 2nd interview with the police) along with a defense attorney basically signing away his client's rights to privacy/self-incrimination (HG's cell). When it comes to punishment (in NM a max of 18 months and $5k fine) the maximum may not be appropriate. There were SO many fails by people above HG in power and control that giving her the max is sending the wrong message to Rust Productions and the entertainment industry. Think of it this way, there is an old adage that punishment should be an "eye for an eye". While this ancient law would eliminate the danger from one person, it will do nothing to prevent the greed, immorality and incompetence of a company or an entire industry causing future damage and deaths.

Posted to NatalieLawyerChick (RE: RUST TRIAL - Day 10 Verdict) Uploaded on 03/07/2024

REPLAY crew here. I agree that HG is guilty. HG should have stopped production, walked off set with her property (guns and ammo) or quit.  She did not do any of this either through hubris or fear (being shunned by future employers and not getting into the union). However, what about everyone else? Many on the set and in admin (including G.Pickles) knew Hannah was making mistakes daily, that she was struggling to maintain 2 jobs (armorer and props assistant), there were multiple complaints about "unattended" guns and prop (aka ammo) cart, 2 previous gun accidents (I believe with no injuries) and this was HG's 2nd job as an armorer. What happened on her first...she was fired (from a Nic Cage movie set) due to issuing no warnings on set concerning an imminent gun-related sound effect. RANT ALERT: What about the future, who is more likely to cause serious injuries or worse on movie sets, HG or movie producers looking to minimize expenses at the cost of the set's safety?

Posted to Justine Lecompte (RE: 2024 Wearable Spring Trends) Uploaded on 03/07/2024

The trend I love most is wearing a very tailored piece with a very frilly piece. If you get the colors and shapes right, it makes for a distinctive look even on a budget. A reluctant no to the oversize earrings. I love the look, but as I am quite short oversized earrings gives me the appearance of a little girl cosplaying as her mum. However, I would wear those tiny shorts under a long sheer skirt. I know a  model can carry it off as a single lower garment, still my thoughts run to, "there is a tall attractive woman wearing a...diaper" (aka the ones toddlers wear when they are in training mode). Actually I have already worn shorts and a skirt as one does have to occasionally sit down or raise arms in public. I have several adorable thrifted mini skirts, that "walk well" but are not as attractive when the wearer is seated or reaching up. 😆

Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: 2024 Endangering Everest Climbers) Uploaded on 03/07/2024

I would hope that since Sandy Hill's 1996 climb that there would be more stringent physical requirements for permission to climb Mount Everest than a large personal investment account. As of this comment the other requirements for Everest are: (1) you must have climbed 7.0 meters in Nepal, (2) be tech savy (climbing ropes, tools etc) and (3) [my fav] comfortable in cold temps. Everest is 8,848.9 m. high with frequent sudden storms and limited gear that accompanies the climbers to the summit. Ms. Hill's rather hefty supply of hubris before the climb and Dr. Grande's factoid of her throwing a pricey piece of jewelry off the mountain in front of guides after the climb, says it all.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: New Haven may remove tax exempt status) 03/08/2024

As a city that prides itself on historical significance, I am surprised that the City of Philadelphia has not declared this building to be abandoned and demolished or reno'd. The exterior of this skyscraper looks like it could tumble down in one good windstorm. One can only imagine the state of the wiring, plumbing and of course foundation. Forget being an eyesore, this building is a potential danger to the locals not to mention (so I will) the potential liability of personal injury or death lawsuits.  Well on the plus side if this cult actually and effectively reno's these empty buildings when the cult dies, there will be considerable available real estate in highly prized historic and commercial districts.

Posted to Boss Attorney Bri (RE: Verdict in Armorer Trial) Uploaded to You Tune 03/07/2024

I agree with the verdict, however I would like to see AB and the rest of the producers accompany HG to her soon-to-be temporary residence. However the producers should each do the max allowed (18 months+$5,000 fine) by NM. HG did take on the 2 part time jobs of Props Asst. and Armorer. One could argue that the production company in hiring an AD, Props Master and Armorer with questionable skill sets and having only one ineffectively equipped medic on site is an issue. Should this movie have been finished, no. I would have packed up all film products, notes and related docs under lock and key to be  stored until Halyna's son is 21.

RANT ALERT:  The production company hired an inexperienced, incompetent, immature individual. She was fired from her only other armorer position which was on the set of a Nic Cage movie...for gun safety reasons (explosion occurred without HG notifying cast and crew to have ear protection). Production split this inexperienced person's time between two jobs. Production ignored stories of guns and ammo left unattended from day 1 of HG's tenure and forward. Production ignored the daily (maybe were only verbal) complaints from those on set about HG. Production did not seem to comprehend texts from HG herself showing HG's indecision and incompetence. Production did not suspend or fire HG after the two accidental shootings that happened before Halyna Hutchins was un-alived. Production did not equip the one medical person on set with proper trauma supplies or keep an ambulance on call with full trauma equipment. 

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: Kardashians selling their own used clothing at a premium) Upld 03/07/2024

I am not surprised at the family overpricing their castoffs.  I think that most of their decisions have the primary objective of keeping their brand, the names "Kardashian/Jenner",  trending. Remember what SKIMS were originally to be called...KIMONO. Word had it (rumor?) that Kim K was going to trademark that name. I do not care how entitled the K/J family feels that they are, none of them (including their attorneys) actually thought that name was going to survive. However this wild extreme example of cultural appropriation certainly launched Kim K's shape-wear line quite well, and she came up with the name SKIMS  so so so fast.😉  BTW the actual shocker in all of this (at least to me) is that they get their children's clothing at Zara and Target.

Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Assault on demonstrator and VICE program) Uploaded 02/12/2024

(Regarding a wannabe restaurant), I live in an Eastern (U.S.) state, but I thought that there were laws all over regarding emergency exits for any venues open to the general public. This is a restaurant, WITH a kitchen, WITH alcohol, possibly WITH heaters in their outdoor area and  obviously WITH people smoking. Yet there is NO emergency exit?  Not familiar with local codes, but that seems sus. Maybe ask "Your Lawyer Friend Zac"?     OR   

That Californian law has several amendments so I am guessing the oddly named restaurant found a loophole?  Yelling hate crime (or "wolf") isn't up to the person/entity involved or police to determine, but is the job of the prosecutor's office to define, prosecute and then prove in a court of law? 

Internet Today (RE: Contest for wildest rumor concerning Kate Middleton) Uploaded 03/12/2024

Disclaimer (THIS THEORY IS FAKE): Even though estranged from the Royal Family, Harry and Meghan REALLY want to be king and queen as California, U.S.A. hasn't worked out for them. They hired a wizard recommended to them by J.K. to set out some spells of misfortune which will only strike those adult Royals who are negative about Harry and Meghan returning to the UK in their previous positions of Prince and Princess. As for the Palace's PR department, no spells were needed due to the already misfortunate condition of steadfastly believing this is mid-20th century. Assuming Harry and Meghan's final payment to J.K. clears that famous bank whose name starts with G and ends with ringotts, the spells will remain intact until Harry and Meghan make their triumphant return to England (or Kate stands in front of Buckingham Palace waving royally while skipping rope).

Posted to Morgan Donner (RE: "Corset-Vest" using sample remnants) Uploaded 03/15/2024

The arrangement of different patterns in one garment was art in itself. I have never gotten the hang of putting different prints and materials together effectively in one look.The result of this hybrid is beautiful on so many levels, appearance, use and versatility. I know that the ribbon makes a statement in back, but would narrow-width cord also work? I love how cats demand attention. We humans pet them on their free time not our own. My two guys are no different, with my computer time being their fav time to decide on "pets".

Posted to Rachel Maksey (RE: New "little one") Uploaded to You Tube on 03/15/2024

The completed Appa was definitely petite as a full-sized one might do some ceiling damage.  I do enjoy watching the "birthing" of these little guys. My skills do not lie with being adapt with needles in crafting or sewing so my "little guys" are delivered and adopted at comic cons. The last con saw me accompanied on my train trip home with 2 dragons, one llama which was reportedly made "Inception-wise" from llama fleece (but I am guessing probably polyester) and an adorbs bulbasaur.

Posted to Nicole Rudolph (RE: Boycotts) Uploaded to You Tube on 03162024

Excellent essay on boycotting. I never knew that there was actually a Captain Charles Boycott, I do not officially boycott fast fashion, it just happens organically (pun intended) as the majority of my clothing is thrifted and often not 100% synthetics. In food stores, I tend to generics (aka house brands) mainly for price savings. However, I rarely read the small print in the manufacturing section so I could be buying products from a now sketchy corporation that I had previously vetted as ethical. Sometimes boycotts can be simple. Remember that questionable ad campaign by Balenciaga? Easy for me to boycott as their fashion and products even when discounted in thrift shops are still beyond my means.😉

Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Kate Middleton's convalescence/disappearance) Uploaded 03/17/2024

In the last few minutes of this video, I noticed 5 edits with the first beginning at time code 10:52-53. I will leave it to other internet sleuths to give time codes of the remaining edits.  

THEORIES and QUERIES: (1)is Dr. Grande alright (2) is he at home (3) is he visiting Buckingham Palace because they are obviously in need of advice and updating. I know he is not a lizard person because lizards prefer botanicals of the cactaceae family...oh wait!

Posted to SpillSesh (RE: Dan Schneider interview) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/20/2024

Highly likely this "interview" is coming out now as the series "Quiet On Set" was released on MAX and Discovery+  March 17 2024. Do I believe him? I believe that he is sorry (and worried) about the release of this series on the treatment of child actors. Is he sorry for the behavior itself, I doubt it.

Posted to Down The Rabbit Hole News (RE: Dan Schneider) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/19/2024

Admittedly this is an "interview" not an INTERVIEW by a professional, but Dan Schneider's responses are smooth, fluid and practiced. One would expect in such an interview, that in the responses there would be pauses, sighs, some fidgeting (touching one''s hair or face) and regret. I see none of that in Dan Schneider's responses. The only reason for this interview is the recent release of the series "Quiet On Set" concerning mistreatment of actors and employees on these sets.This is spin to bolster reputations.

Posted to Antphrodite (RE: Dan Schneider) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/20/2024

I watched that "interview" (in quotes as I believe interviewer is friends with DS).  Ant is spot on. I guess I should not be surprised, the entertainment industry execs enabled Harvey Weinstein and most likely did the same for DS as both seemed to have the gift to spot others with talent. In certain circles it appears that money matters more than morality and ethics.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: William Gude) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/21/2024

William Gude did an excellent job of teaching all of us how to legally and ethically protest. One thing he said that is SO relevant, is that any group is always judged by its weakest/most problematic member. Fair or not, it should always be kept in mind. The only point of disagreement that I have with what he said, was I feel that no one (even if you are over 6 feet/1.83 meters tall and skilled in self-defense) should ever protest alone, walk home alone or to their vehicle alone. You can never have too many friendly videographers in a protest.

Posted to Zaid Tabani (RE: Nickelodeon Scandals) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/21/2024

I appreciated the ukulele joke. While it is a benign musical instrument, (at least in my head) the ukulele has become a symbol of the ineffective, unauthentic and cringey apologies that periodically flood social media. This cringe is usually followed by the inevitable reworked, yet somehow still bad, apology-version2.0. Amazing how no one has learned from the incident in 2003 concerning Barbra Streisand to be forever immortalized by those of us who appreciate irony and snark entitled..."The Streisand Effect".

Posted to Emily D. Baker (RE: Interview with Sir Mix-A-Lot) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/14/2024

This is quite an intelligent man. He accepted the advice of his manager/attorney concerning a clause inserted into his record contracts regarding re-recording rights. Intelligence is not simply having an extraordinary IQ, it is also recognizing that quality in others and accepting their advice.

BTW SO sweet of him to mention how transfixed he was by EDB's coverage of the Depp vs. Heard trial. That is also when I got "addicted" to EDB!♥

Posted to NatalieLawyerChick (RE: Phone interviews with defendants and Kevin Franke) 03/22/2024

Question: Is there any upcoming custody hearing regarding (the 4 minor) Franke children? The idea of Kevin Franke getting sole custody of his children disturbs me. I think that Mr. Franke (judging by 8 Passengers pre-Jodi Hildebrandt videos) is as guilty as is his soon to be ex-wife. JH is different, as she is a danger to all, not only to her immediate family. Ironically redemption of those who have "sinned" is part of the doctrine of many religions. Perhaps in several decades, JH might reach that level.

Posted to The Behavior Panel (RE: Princess of Wales-Kate Middleton's video) Uploaded 03/26/2024

However the ring ended up on the Princess's finger, I believe in this video's authenticity and I believe the Princess's message. I did have a slight twinge of questioning her, whenever William's name was mentioned along with the inclusion of the word "both". Their relationship was under stress before these 2 incidents of cancer in the royal family.  That raised eyebrow could be due to stress (benign blepharospasm), botox (also a treatment for migraines) or perhaps simply a bad makeup job (Occam's razor).

All seriousness and conspiracy theories aside, I was amused by Mark Bowden going into the origin of the BBC before its current incarnation. Now that is an intriguing rabbit hole to go down with or without an "Alice" in tow.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Cleopatra's Tomb) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/25/2024

This was a fascinating reading. My level of expertise in ancient history is minimal, but I know enough to see the plausibility of the data being highlighted by the cards. I wish Ant had lectured at my ancient history class, I might have stayed more focused. OTHER possible readings [sorry if repeats] : (1) Helen of Troy - kidnapped or bolted a bad marriage  (2) Trojan Horse - did it exist, if so size, was it destroyed (3) Alexander The Great - was he tutored by Aristotle if so did that stimulate his desire to conquer as benignly as possible (4) Socrates' actual cause of death (5) Bernadette Soubirous, what did she see at Lourdes (6) Joan of Arc, simply bipolar or a visionary leader or both (7) Rasputin, really "mad" and eventually difficult to execute or just the victim of "bad historical press". They say history is written by the "winners". I might add that in text and in lecture formats it is often presented with all the excitement and energy of watching paint dry so THANK YOU Ant for reengaging my interest in ancient history.

Posted to Let's Talk IBD (RE: Ectopic Pregnancy) Uploaded to You Tube 03/24/2024

I have very close knowledge regarding a nonviable pregnancy and in subsequent months to that event,  a successful result. There is always a grieving period for what was imagined and hoped for that one has to pass through, let no one minimize that grief. Sadly insurance/money worries exacerbate what was already a stressful time. Thank you for the bravery and generosity of sharing. Get the necessary injections, hopefully that will resolve this situation without internal intervention. Pack up the puppies onto a comfy bed with fluffy quilt, put on videos [my guilty pleasures are: (any) Minion movies, Galaxy Quest (1999), The Mummy (1999), The Mummy Returns (2001) and The Mask (1994)] then relax with hydration and stoma maintenance being your only jobs. Warning: if one watches those movies as a consecutive grouping be prepared for some really random dreams!😉

Posted to Monde's Threads (RE: Order vs. Received) Uploaded to You Tube 03/27/2024

Not sure whether or not this consumer is self-aware. On TikTok/You Tube many people are deliberately buying cheap dups to expose these problematic shopping sites and laugh at "Expectation versus Reality" results. For anyone who would like expensive dresses at affordable prices there are many reliable online recycle/vintage sites which will actually allow returns (unless "final sale"). Your purchase may not have walked a recent high fashion show in Paris, but you will probably get a relatively unique item.

Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Ruby Franke's journal) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/27/2024

I cannot imagine why this journal even exists, it is literally self-incrimination. I know that evil seldom recognizes itself, but as the parole board will have access to this journal hopefully they will recognize the evil that should never be allowed to regain freedom. Unfortunately I can imagine JH and RF organizing "prayer" (quotes indicate that we do not know to what entity they will be sending their prayers to) groups in jail. Whether inhumane or not, these two women should have limited contact with anyone, guard or prisoner, during their incarceration. One can only hope their prison terms extend to the end of each of their lifespans. Dramatic sure, but who wants either Ruby Franke, and especially wannabe cult leader Jodi Hildebrandt, roaming free?

Posted to Observe (RE: Dan Schneider's Interview - Part 1) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/25/2024

Dan Schneider's cadence is smooth and fluent without many random pauses such as; ohs. ahs, hmms as is common with most people in a stressful situation.  He appears actually to be quite calm, in control, almost as if he had practiced these responses. Even the interviewer seems to be speaking his lines while providing exposition to the viewer and topic cues to Dan Schneider. Perhaps this "interview" should have been converted to a social media/blog post to avoid these obvious visual pitfalls. Looking forward to part 2 on Observe.

Posted to Rachel Maksey (RE: Restoring Apothecary Cabinet) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/29/2024

I LOVE watching artisans declutter. Their clutter is so interesting and not something that would usually be exploited or prized by a reality show. Even just seeing the natural wood emerge from its painful past was satisfying. My reality is 4 humungous tote bags filled with jewelry findings, charms, vintage buttons, sequins, beads, wires, glues along with the usual only used once uniquely colored thread and of course a variety of sewing and crafting tools that are all entombed within their tiny-to-large (probably bad for the environment) zipped bags. Whenever I begin a project I have the unavoidable, CAN'T FIND IT, tantrum with the resulting purchase online or in-store. If I ever get myself into organizing these Santa-size (as in what that individual is shown carrying not the icon themself), I probably could set up quite the thrift store. Actually, I am too anti-social for that (can't make eye contact). So YES, more decluttering, saving furniture and organization.  Burnout is real, so take the time to sniff out the end of winter/early spring air.

Posted to Sewstine (RE: Edwardian Ball Gown Part 1) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/29/2024

I think that my favorite items on the skirt are the cloud appliqués along with draped (Etsy) lace . That bracelet instead of a bustle feature is perfection. If I could have any style gown I would choose the (fantasy) Bridgerton era. For the designing style, I would choose mixture of the embroidery and materials of Guo Pei's designs accompanied by the fantasy laser-cut artistry of Iris van Herpen. Fashion from both individuals takes my breath away and sends my mind to places and galas that I will never visit in person. Both designers make wearable fantasy that can be worn on many shapes and sizes.

Posted to Observe (RE: Dan Schneider's Interview - Part 2) Uploaded to You Tube on 03/30/2024

Observe is correct in that Brian Peck and Dan Schneider could not have operated with such freedom without corporate protection (aka follow the money). Regarding those 41 letters, possibly some of those 41 individuals were not at the sentencing. Did any of the 41 even ask why or do minimal research? I do agree that Dan Schneider did show some truthful comments, but the only conclusion I can come to is quite scary. Dan Schneider still does NOT get it, he believes that he was acting appropriately with the (tacit) permission of those who wanted maximum profits with minimal efforts. Whenever animals are on set, by law, there are independent entities present to object, to document and to end any mistreatment. Are there comparable independent entities present on set, to ensure that the humans, especially the very young ones, are given the same protection?

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Kevin Franke - Second Interview) Uploaded on 03/26/2024

If it wasn't for the 8 Passengers' videos, I might feel more kindly to Mr. Franke. Husbands and children were a favorite target of Jodie Hildebrandt. One of the more vocal of her victims, Adam Paul Steed did try to check on his children's welfare at the risk of his own freedom and his job (which he lost), unlike Kevin Franke. Supposedly Kevin Franke also lost his job. FULL DISCLOSURE: I am not sure if this happened pre-JH or after due to anger management issues. My take away is that Kevin Franke should only have supervised visitation with his 4 younger children, once they are in a better place emotionally, physically and mentally. To answer that poll question, I see Kevin Franke as 30% victim and 70% victimizer.

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: Ruby Franke's sister speaks out) Uploaded on 03/30/2024

While I can understand the failure to see one's child in a negative light, the letters from Ruby's parents/brother indicates to me they do not know their daughter/sister at all. Even more scary and depressing, they seemed to think that the "8 Passengers" Ruby was the normal one. As for the availability of the photographs of the children, I actually think Ruby's  (soon to be ex-) husband, sisters, brother and parents should view these images, but no one else. These adults were the next line of defense after Ruby Franke. They all failed these children. Harsh I know, but imagine how this situation would have ended without that brave boy's escape from JH's basement.

Posted to jeffostrow (RE: Collapse of Baltimore MD bridge - Part 2) Uploaded to You Tube 03/30/2024

I would be very interested in a series on the protection ability of concrete dolphins at various U.S. ports. As was said container ships are getting bigger and our infrastructure (like bridges) is becoming older. I am currently living in an eastern U.S. state near a seaport so I am more than hypothetically interested in the safety measures currently in place. 

Posted to Zaid Tabani(RE: News of the week, including Baltimore bridge collapse)  03/31/2024

I am enjoying this channel. "Free-styling" the news somehow makes it more palatable. Just commenting on one of the stories...that bridge. Very plausible reasons available to anyone, even conspiracy theorists, with access to a computer or a smart phone can explain and illustrate the result of a humungous ship with seemingly no backup operating system hitting bridge with insufficient protective structures, also see:   While there are some successful conspiracies in this world along with annoying algorithmic inflating 'bots, Occam's razor usually is the answer.  

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