Wednesday, January 1, 2025


 Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Lively complaint against Baldoni et al) Uploaded 01/01/2025

"Who would do those things...why would they do those things?" questions posed by Uncivil Law is an excellent summary of the list of the 30 allegations by Blake Lively concerning issues on that movie set. The least controversial point on that list was regarding Justin Baldoni's "self-stated" back injury issues. I have not seen the film, but "heard on internet" (more dubious a source than ever with Crisis PR seeding various stories) that at least in the final cut of this film there was no scene of Justin Baldoni carrying Blake Lively.  IMO we are still in "she said, he said" (legal)  territory. My personal (not legal) guesses on assignment of fault/blame: 5% to BL (fault: somewhat self-centered, a bit "my way or the highway" in tone), 45% to the PR and Crisis PR reps (fault: for spreading misinformation leading to disinformation and possibly de-evolving into libel) and 50% to Justin Baldoni and other Wayfarer execs (fault: for utter tone-deafness, misogyny and for thinking with their d***s). I hope Kurt continues to follow this case as  Baldoni et al have filed a lawsuit jumping over Blake Lively's complaint before it enters the law suit stage. BTW speaking as a very old person, birthdays in theory are fine. What is an annoyance is the resulting chaos coming from family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers on social media who seem to feel that on that day all ordinary rules of public behavior have been rescinded.😉 Needless to say my b-day opinions are not popular in my friend group.😲

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Baldoni filed lawsuit against NY Times in connection w/ Lively)01/01/2025

Thank you for repeating that there were NO instructions to avoid any pregnancy mentions directed to the journalists on the 2016 film, Café Society press tour. I heard that rumor (on a YT channel) implied as a fact. I do wonder why PR (they are like attorneys during police interrogation, usually highly motivated to make their sure that their client(s) say NOTHING incriminating), did not try to "rein in" Blake Lively and Parker Posey?  BTW I just noticed Parker's last name. Wait until twitter notices it. They LOVE improbable conspiracy theories.  Admittedly. I was affected by many of Lively's assertions, but especially that Baldoni had a video of his unclothed wife giving birth to his child ON HIS PHONE. I believe that either he or a Wayfarer producer then proceeded to mansplain child birth to a woman who had recently given birth to her 4th child. Between that and Justin Baldoni insisting that he was in contact with Blake's deceased father, has admittedly affected my opinions. Legally, I believe us to still be at the he said/she said level. Personally, I believe that sanity and common sense have left the building (aka Hollywood).

Posted to Jenna Miscaviage (RE: Relationships) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/01/2025

With the smiling thumbnail of Jenna and Aaron, I had assumed that this was Aaron cheating on a diet or smoking, (obviously I live a very quiet life). As a never-in, I can only assume the amount of psychological damage that is done to people, who were born into this cult or joined as children with their parents. That being said, this is the life of Jenna Miscavige the person, the woman, the mother and the entrepreneur. No one should have dominion over another's journey, whether it is by a former cult member, partner or the cult itself. Please be well, treasure your children and friendships. As others have posted,  it will get better. 

Posted to Collier Landry (Re: New Orleans mass murder) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/01/2025

Thank you to Collier Landry for discussing this so clearly. These repetitive opportunistic acts of violence perpetrated at schools, parades, shopping centers or any place where people congregate, indicate more an avoidance of the U.S. to invest in mental health care than concentrated attacks by a foreign power. Oh I am sure, that these assassins have involvement with online presences designed to draw membership from the angry, the confused and the damaged (due to wartime or psychosis). I do not want to minimize anyone's humanity, but these assassins are basically armed drones, without anyone at the controls. We need to address this or watch our freedoms disappear not from conquest or elections, but from neglect.

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: Baldoni suit against New York Times) Uploaded on 01/02/2025

I appreciate LYK's impartiality on this legal case with its excessive drama. I also am seeing considerable he said/she said without verification from witnesses (not counting submitted texts or emails as full unedited context matters). Thus far there are no clear heroes or villains, just people with oversized egos who seem to not be able to read the room.  Were I the judge, I would reduce all this "Sturm und Drang" to a consideration of workplace behavior. The judge should analyze as to how set safety, business productivity and personal reputations were adversely affected and if any laws were broken. Beyond all the accusations being thrown around, what bothers me the most is how easily Crisis PR firms may be affecting public opinion whether it be simply nudging twits or aggressively shoving us all towards the objective of the PR firm and their client(s).

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: Baldoni suit against the New York Times) Uploaded on 01/03/2025

This is becoming a rather unpleasant game of tennis minus the officials, but with all of us in the far-away stadium seating trying to figure who deserves to win. This is still a he said/she said/they*said (*they being ALL the PR reps) until a judge can parse the drama from the truth. I hope for a trial that is solely directed at the workplace safety issues not a social and MSM media spectacle of Team 1 vs.Team 2. Thank you to Spill Sesh for showing the clip of Flaa. The YT videos of Kjersti Flaa's YT give relevant context (as does this channel) to all these highly ego-centric people who are essentially children with easy access to attorneys and PR firms.     


Posted to Jenna Miscavige (RE: Follow-up to Aaron Smith-Levin) Uploaded on 01/03/2025

Once the initial raw pain (I always felt that the lying/gaslighting is worse than the actual cheating) has lessened, please allow yourself to experience the happy moments of life (which I would define as allowing yourself to laugh and gives one a short vacation from pain and regret) is the advice I would give. BTW it was once asked if Jenna would ever change her last name. IMO using the name Miscavige in videos, books or any social media that express and feature individuality is a massive  f***-u to a certain insecure despot. Obviously this is your life, your name and your choice. Please be well...and please be happy.

Posted to Mia Maples (RE: Stylist Video #3 -- picks from Mia's own closet) Uploaded 01/03/2025

Love these stylist videos. I think my fav was the pink blanket jacket look. My closet is probably 70% black with 20% neutrals with the remainder being a hodgepodge (I love that word) of a few prints in neutrals/black of course with rare sightings of a few jewel tone colors (burgundy, forest green, some blue/teals). POSSIBILITIES: (1) It would be interesting to limit a stylist to a client who does not have or wish to buy any new (aka no fast fashion) clothing in bright colors, prints or stripes. Maybe you can get a collab with ThredUp, as in the stylist has to choose from that site? (2) I do like to see gowns and dresses on this channel so what about a maxi dress (or any length dress or skirt) that can be styled to wear in one 24-hour period or maybe a 2-day weekend involving trips to a grocery store, to work (outside the home) and wear to a formal party with only the accessories changing? Unfortunately this means that Mia will have to "break into" her own jewelry cabinet OR for more fun and less risk to life & limb go to the local thrift store for a jewelry haul (if so PLEASE video).

Posted to Down the Rabbit Hole News (RE: Aaron Smith-Levin and Jenna Miscaviage) 01/03/2025

The current Hollywood scandal (Lively and Baldoni) is a good example of side leaping as each new detail emerges. It is head spinning to see comments bounce from side to side in the space of days, even hours. I speak only from MY viewpoint: (1)This news from Jenna is disturbing and heartbreaking. (2) ASL should book himself into intensive counseling. (3) My guess which comes from a "never-in" is that very few people emerge from any cult undamaged physically, mentally or emotionally. However, the ones born into a cult and young children forced to be in the cult by adults, have the longest road to travel back to the individual that they were meant to be. Please keep trying Rabbit, being unbiased is a rare commodity these days. You are needed.

Posted to The Behavioral Arts (RE: Diary of a CEO interview of Dr. Martha Beck) 01/04/2025

Thank you to Spidey and the FB user who suggested that this interview should be watched. I have not seen this episode of DOAC, but I have watched many of Mr. Bartlett's other past interviews. Even before Spidey showed his bemused friend this technique, I noted that Dr. Beck used the basic magician technique of misdirection and suggestion. Also a factor in this particular demonstration was the physical set up of a rather wide rounded table with both individuals leaning forward awkwardly. Dr. Beck may be "dumbing it down" regarding the demonstration, not necessarily for the interviewer but to make her point clearly and quickly. (Only an assumption, but guessing that she has been on twitter😉.)  It is too bad that the interviewer did not follow up Dr. Beck's statement concerning lie detectors. Perhaps had she expanded upon that statement she might have clarified that lie detectors may show some anxiety, doubt, conflicted thoughts about any identification, but that does not equate to an outright absolute 100% accurate detection of lies all the time. When I hear an attorney boast that their client passed a lie detector test or the police triumphantly announce that the person of interest failed the lie detector test, I just sigh sadly.

Posted to Nurse_Kim (RE: Discussion w/Mark Bederow regarding recent Read case dev) 01/05/2024

I am glad that Mr. Bederow is pointing out that based SOLELY on reasonable doubt a jury should have found Karen Read innocent of all charges found in the Commonwealth's indictment. IMO the jury and all those twits with twitter law degrees cannot differentiate between the concept of innocent per a jury's verdict and an innocent in dictionary terms of purity and gentility. The blame for the jury's confusion rests with the judge, the prosecutor, the DA of Norfolk County for not properly explaining the concept of reasonable doubt to the jury.





1. The Commonwealth’s theory is that John’s arm was hit by Karen’s polycarbonate plastic taillight at 24 mph causing it to virtually explode resulting in the cuts to Johns right arm, also spreading across the Alberts lawn leaving a wide debris field of more than 47 pieces and shards of many shapes and sizes.

2. There are nine holes on the right arm of John’s sweatshirt, but there are 20 plus wounds on Johns right arm more than twice the number of wounds compared to the holes in the sweatshirt, that doesn’t happen with shards of exploding glass or plastic, you get one hole, one wound, matching like a bullet hole.

3. The nine holes on the right arm of John’s sweatshirt are all round/ oval, and about the thickness of a pencil 6 to 8mm in diameter. What are the chances that all these pieces of taillight of various shapes and sizes made these 9 almost identical size holes in the right sleeve of Johns sweatshirt?

4. If the wounds were from a broken taillight shard, there would be a square/rectangular hole in the sweatshirt and a square/rectangular wound on John’s arm matching the hole in the sweatshirt and the shard would most likely be still lodged in his arm just like any sharp projectile hitting your body, say shattering glass or a bullet.

5. The polycarbonate plastic in this case is about one eight of an inch in thickness about 3mm, shards from this taillight will not produce round holes, no matter if they are large or small, they will always produce rectangular shaped holes. Judging by the scale next to the largest hole in the sleeve of the sweatshirt it is no more than 10 mm in diameter. Logic will tell you that a shard no bigger than 10mm x 3mm would have passed through the sweatshirt. Most all the wounds are substantially larger than the holes in the sweatshirt.

6. All the holes show pulled fibres around the edges which tells us whatever made the holes was also removed from the holes, like a stab wound, or a dog bite. If Johns wounds had been caused by shards of taillight, we would expect to find at least some splinters or fragments of plastic in the wounds.

7. A dogs canine tooth is cone shaped and it will produce round or slightly oval holes depending how deep it penetrates; this is what we see in John’s sweatshirt, and it’s also what we see on his arm, small and large puncture wounds some distorted and some elongated due to the dog attack and John pulling away defending himself.

8. On his arm we see round puncture holes, and at least four of the bites we see parallel tear-drop shaped lacerations, caused by the two front canines pulling through the skin in the same direction.

9. When you compare the damage to the sweatshirt, to John's arm it proves that it was from canine teeth not shards of taillight. Small holes on the sweatshirt opposed to the long linear wounds on the arm. The reason that the damage to the sweatshirt does not match the amount of wounds on John’s arm, is because the dogs canines were already lodged in John’s loose sleeve as it tried to bite again and again.

 10. If the wounds on John’s right arm were caused from broken taillight, then the sleeve of John’s sweatshirt would match perfectly with those wounds which they do not. You can’t fit a square peg into a round hole, everyone knows that.

MY 01/05/2025 REPLY:

Those 10 points cohesively fit with available evidence thus making death by car and its driver impossible. Unfortunately the Commonwealth is going for something more creative with the rarely used, "Transformers' Theory" with Karen Read's car turning into Ravage attacking thus causing the tragedy that befell Officer O'Keefe. I think that Michael Bay and I would agree that the Commonwealth's theory makes a far better movie and maybe even video game, but does nothing to honor Officer O'Keefe or elicit the truth.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE:Interview w/another journalist dragged to Baldoni/Lively mess) 01/06//2025

Thank you to Kjersti for posting that interview. The collateral damage of the "Clash of The Egos" (aka Lively vs. Baldoni et al and Baldoni vs. NYTimes) continues I guess. My opinion of most actors and Hollywood elite, is that they have narcissistic tendencies. It sort of makes sense as an actor, director, writer you probably hear "NO" much more than you hear "YES" so having a strong sense of self worth is a requirement. However to continue a successful career without drama and collateral damage you will also need some logic and deductive reasoning. I  see no winners in any of these celebrity combatants beyond the fees for the attorneys and maybe clicks for MSM. Time for all of them to grow up, settle everything out of court and generously hand out NDA's. 😉

BTW saw ads regarding 82nd Golden Globes. I did not watch the January 5 show. I guess that they are too big (aka well-financed) to fail and many of us have very short memories.

Posted to Lawyer You Know (RE:  Brennan examining Dr. Marie Russell) Uploaded on 01/07/2025

Perhaps I am thinking in terms of ethics not legalities in my feeling that this prosecutor is cheating in trying to make a defense witness make a slip of the tongue due to being upset. I am guessing that Mr. Brennan has noted that Dr. Russell gets irritated when being misquoted or having her expertise questioned. I agree that eliminating defense experts will assist the Commonwealth's case, but I would prefer to see the prosecution present expert testimony proving their case. Family, friends and co-workers lost Officer O'Keefe on January 29 2022. It is January 7 2025, so many reputations ruined, so many lives forever changed and yet still no closure for anyone.

Posted to Scientology - Life After A Cult (RE: Death of Mike Rinder) Uploaded on 01/06/2025

I am so glad that Natalie made this video. I will not dwell on the recent drama of blame and behavior that has surfaced. Once beyond the cult's direct influence, Mike Rinder sounded the alarm about this cult and the harm it inflicted (and continues to inflict) on so many people. That is how he should be remembered. Condolences to his family and friends. May his loved ones still confined in this cult find their way out to experience the truth and love that Mike Rinder would have wanted them to regain. 

Posted to Diary of A CEO (RE: Interview with Chase Hughes) Uploaded to You Tube on 12/26/2024

MY COMMENT posted on 01/08/2025:  I watch The Behavior Panel on You Tube all the time, so I am familiar, but still always impressed with Chase Hughes' knowledge. Mr. Hughes did mention the Kitty Genovese story, as an example of group behavior. The story seems to be a little more complicated in that not everyone in that neighborhood heard everything yet did nothing. However, as some recent news has illustrated, people are reluctant to interact with strangers especially in areas without easy exits due to fear of violence or verbal aggression. Ideally we should all be taught skills on behavior and verbal interaction during our school attendance. BTW When I am really bored I will play a game with commercials. Can I guess the product that they are selling before the final reveal. My unofficial survey has found that prescription medications (why are these even allowed on public streams?) and car commercials seem to dwell much more on ambiance, soundtrack and even cinematography than what the product is, what it does and why should I purchase it.

Posted to Lawyer You Know (TMZ interviews Baldoni's attorney) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/08/2025

I do like long form LYK for a full day of trial or reading a complaint, plea or indictment. However I also very much enjoyed this condensed data version for interview analysis. Now we appear to have, the he said (Baldoni), the she said (Lively), the they said (numerous PR's) with the latest addition, the lawyer (Baldoni's) said. This verbal tennis match of so many egos is confusing. I am going to add yet another name one who may help parse this mess, William of Ockham as in Occam's razor. Yes he is deceased but his principle still applies. Everyone involved in this mess is behaving badly with no one truly innocent. The questions TMZ asked were surprisingly intelligent and direct. Now I am REALLY confused. Noms for TMZ gossip replacement: The Daily Mail or The NY Times (partially joking re the Times),

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Canadian politics and HONEY class action law suit) 01/07/2025

I was present for approximately the last 90 minutes of this video's live stream. However here with the replay crew to acquire a soupçon of knowledge regarding the governing system of Canada. This is a random QUESTION: I was intrigued to learn that there is a Canadian law specifically designed to punish self-titled psychics (I am assuming that there is no Canadian registry for paranormal professionals) from lying to and stealing from their customers. It has been over 2 years since this TikTok influencer declared that she KNEW who un-alived those 4 Idaho students. Would the Canadian legal system have allowed this case to go on so long were she a Canadian not a U.S. citizen? (The defendant arrested in December 2022, was not the individual "foretold" by Tik Tok influencer.) As of this comment, the TikTok influencer, who would be psychic, is still going full speed pro se regarding non-payment of damages owed to the plaintiff. 

Posted to Legal Eagle (RE: Blake Lively's complaint and Baldoni's lawsuit vs. NYTimes)01/09/2025

Pinned by LegalEagle:  Does this mean "It Ends With Us" is the new Citizen Kane of Bad Movies?

MY REPLY---> Objection. The film "It Ends With Us" is not a treasure or a masterpiece or a classic of a film that is so bad that it is good. It is just an average turgid drama which would have been seen on the afternoon movie of the week television (ask your parents or grandparents regarding "television") in the late 1970's of course minus any nudity or simulated personal contact. As a self-proclaimed judge (no CV no degrees no problem), I would add an extra charge for intolerable use of irony in adopting the book's title then entering into multiple law suits with enough "players" to make their own movie.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Sam Taylor-Johnson, Aaron's wife) 01/10/2025

This reading reminded me of the plot of the 2023 movie, May December with all the creepy overtones. I checked Aaron Taylor-Johnson's wiki and learned about his marriage at a young age and his children.  When I am uncertain about seeing a movie that I feel will upset me, I seek out spoilers and watch a short trailer. The film, May December struck me as just as uncomfortable as it was listening to ant's reading. The really weird thing is that the actors portraying the young husband and his much older wife rather resemble  Aaron Taylor-Johnson and his wife. Probably means nothing. While this was a very interesting reading, it did make me feel somewhat icky.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa Phonetic spelling of kjersti. K-jer-sti. Kjer-sti (Drama Update) 01/10/2025

First THANK YOU. I always enjoy Kjersti's calm, logical manner and even seeing a bit of humor in this mess. She spoke such a simple fact, before you speak out/post online, first consult with those you trust who are not necessarily those to whom you pay thousands. Above all take a breath...think. That ridiculous photoshopped image Lively (or maybe a rep?) made a while back regarding Kate (UK princess), was a classic example of posting first, thinking and apologizing later. Hopefully, soon before craft services files a complaint (joke), a judge will read through the enormous amounts of texts, posts and emails, interview the cast and crew of this film then arrive at an appropriate verdict regarding an issue that should have been a workplace complaint not a middle school contest of who is the most popular (and now I have THAT song stuck in my head along with learning to say Kjersti😉). Wishes to everyone near the fires, stay safe and stay alert.

Posted to Spill Sesh (Latest Baldoni vs Lively news from Baldoni's atttorney) Uploaded 01/11/2025

Thank you to Spill Sesh for trying to make order out of this chaos. Blake Lively is not brightest bulb in the room, nor will she win any Miss Congeniality award. However I rather doubt that she would willingly and knowingly file a false workplace complaint concerning misconduct/harassment. I would imagine there are rather unpleasant consequences for those who "embellish" any complaint. To say there was a lack of communication on this movie set, is an understatement. The PR part in this scares me most of all. Who are their clients, any politicians, any CEOs? PR firms seem to be using MSM as a tennis ball being lobbed from one side to another. MSM is like a sentient dinosaur knowing extinction is imminent, but not having a clue regarding how to avoid it as such they will print almost anything without identifying fact from opinion. I really hope this goes to arbitration or trial soon, I think all the he said, she said, they said is adversely affecting the ozone layer.😉

Posted to The Behavioral Arts (RE: What Really Happened) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/11/202

I think Spidey got it correctly. I had heard Justin Baldoni was a method actor. Trying to communicate with an actor using that process during filming can result in problems. Now make that method actor also the director and adding yet another level of power with that actor also being a co-founder of the primary studio (Wayfarer).  Then came the PR groups, who seem to behave in a similar manner to the middle school mob who do not want to be publicly involved in an incident so instead they do chanting or whispering to others. TOTAL RANDOM THEORY: Wayfarer (aka Justin Baldoni) purchased the rights to "It Starts With Us" from Colleen Hoover in 2019. If this were a chess match I might compare the ownership of this sequel/prequel to the chess piece, Queen (no not the immortal rock group). With the Queen being "sacrificed" to reach checkmate  (aka a lawsuit with a certain complaint being withdrawn?). Maybe Spidey should write a spec script on how to avoid this chaos, "Communication...It Begins With Us"😉

Posted to Observe (RE: New format -- Ideas requested) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/09/2025

Observe already has a platform, so I think that keeping the "regular" content still available while also adding more of a variety seems like a very sound business plan. From avoiding burnout to expanding our knowledge seems like a win-win.  Possible topics: (1) How body language can vary in different cultures, different countries and what might be seen globally. (2) What about reading body language of someone who is blind and/or deaf? (3) What about babies, toddlers can their body language be read not just when they cry (obviously pixelate their faces for YT). (4) Compare an actor's body language from a film role (not in a film where face makeup or costumes obscure view) to a one-on-one interview or in a conversational format such as a round table situation (a convention maybe) where the actor in question is one of several speaking. (5) Has our (U.S.) body language changed even subtly from 1940 to 2025? (6) What body language do babies acquire from their parents'/caretakers' vocalizations and facial expressions or even imitating older children? (6) What if that baby were blind at birth? (7) People on the fringes of our society often do badly in complex situations such as crowds as recent events have shown...can we read their body language to enable us to help them or give us a heads up to escape their presence? (8) Often social occasions are difficult when you are "on the spectrum". How can that person be taught both to read body language and behave in a way that others can read their body language? (9) Job interviews are often stressful. Besides being well prepared on your CV, what body language is appreciated by interviewers and how can interviewers put their candidate at ease in order to get the best result? (10) This one is basically a public service. Instruct (influencers) on how to effectively apologize, not just with words but with their body language. The cycle of do something really bad, apologize badly, then apologize for your previous apology is getting SO old.

Posted to Molly Burke (RE: Recent deaths of disabled who were not able to flee the fires) 01/11/2025

In California quakes, fires, mudslides are not rare events. Evacuations in California are also not rare events. Unfortunately disabilities are not rare and as Molly has said joining this demo can happen to anyone at any time, hence not rare. With all of these "this is not rare" details, why was there never either an expanded 911 system or more localized assistance organized regarding mandatory evacuation? A reminder to the California local, state and federal representatives, disabled people also pay taxes and vote. If elected individuals cannot put into place that ethical and supportive assistance needed by some of their constituents who are essentially their "employers" then these representatives should resign to open these positions to those who have the will and power to help others.

Posted to Lawyer You Know (RE: Analysis of recent cases with Emily D. Baker) 01/12/2025

I thoroughly enjoyed seeing two intelligent attorneys analyze some recent cases with attorneys who were presenting flamboyant flourishes along with legal filings. Perhaps Alexander Spiro and Tony Buzbee are presenting two cases per client with one presented to the judge and one presented to media? I have found that if intelligent and impartial commentary is what you are looking for, You Tube has it in far more supply than MSM.

Posted to Lawyer You Know (RE: Daubert Hearing of Dr. Russell's testimony) Uploaded 01/13/2025

Great synopsis by LYK. The amount of hate and vitriol directed towards Karen Read and anyone, whether expert or not, who believes reasonable doubt alone deemed this case to not be prosecuted, seems almost pathological IMO in nature even though the afflicted "individual" is instead the power of The Commonwealth. Yet no anger from the Commonwealth towards; incompetent LE, corrupt individuals from MST, inadequate prosecution in Trial 1 with mostly unbelievable prosecution witnesses and most "experts". As for Judge Cannone's ruling, no surprises. It allowed Dr. Russell in but included more cheat codes for the prosecution in her ruling than I have seen on reddit for winning a video game in record time. However, it works both ways as now the defense knows how to prepare their questions, prepare for numerous objections and prepare their cross. This trial (these trials?) concerning the death of Officer O'Keefe is more of a textbook case in: "How to Waste Tax Money and Court Time then Lose An Election" (DA Norfolk County position is scheduled to go to the ballot in 2026).

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Update on "It Ends With Us" and the Pacific Palasades Fire) 01/15/2025

I really wish the Lively, Baldoni situation would go to court asap. I am so tired of this tennis game of he's guilty, she's guilty, they're (PR) guilty and now the lawyers are talking up their client's side (as they should), but still demonizing the opposing side. While I am far away from the fires, I am astonished at the utter destruction of so much of an area. For those who have lost family, friends, animals, physical objects evoking memories, no matter who you are, I am so sorry. No one deserves a tragedy like this one, but everyone deserves at least consolation. 

Posted to Liz Gale (RE: Leah Remini and Mike Rinder) Uploaded 01/15/2025

Like other comments, I wish to thank Liz Gale for that summary. IMO (as a never-in) it seemed fair to all involved. I would be interested in a Part 2.This cult has done so much damage and ruined so many lives. The best way to combat a cult literally built on the lies of a con man is to tell recount experiences and move ahead. Escape from a cult does not turn the clock back, it is understandable that not everyone is in "the same place" even years after departing. Whatever one feels about Mike Rinder, the fact that he never got to see his family still in this cult is beyond sad.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Justin Bieber) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/15/2025

As we hear more and more about the entertainment industry, it all seems so unhealthy, predatory and immoral. Yet I support it by buying music, seeing movies and of course my pitfall, buying IP merch. SUGGESTION: what about a reading on The Entertainment Industry? Was it, is it, will it always be so cruel and unfeeling to its participants (actors, singers, tech crews, everyone who earns money from entertainment ind.)? IMO the "rot" goes way back to the silent film days. This is a for profit industry that has forgotten that its biggest resource, creatives should treasured not trashed.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Ryan Reynolds and Baldoni) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/15/2025

I too am trying to remain impartial. Lively's complaint of workplace misconduct should not be difficult to either prove or disprove with receipts and witnesses.  While Reynolds and Lively are powerful, bossy and probably very, "my way of the highway", Baldoni still bothers me, and I can't specify how. Baldoni has been in the entertainment world for almost 2 decades, that can change people negatively if they do not have self-awareness and real friends who tell you when you need to step back, take a breath and think. Do they all are share (albeit in different amounts) blame for what probably began as a personality conflict and now is revealing the darker side of the entertainment industry? While California has bigger things to address, I do hope this case gets settled soon and there is a little less vitriol in the world. Thank you to Kjersti (I always try to pronounce that name if my head, hopefully accurately) for this coverage.

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: More Ryan Reynolds involvement) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/16/2025

As was pointed out, this all begin with (no pun on sequel/prequel book intended😉) a workplace complaint. Now if Lively's complaint is false and/or irresponsibly filed then Blake Lively has way more problems than bad PR. The name Hollywood makes it sound like a fun, gentle and happy place. It is instead a jungle where bullies abound, the strong can ruin careers and everyone sleeps with one eye open (aka has a publicist tracking social media). While somewhat childish, making fun of someone in a movie is probably fair use. Had everyone involved been intelligent adults, contracts would be been adjusted to allow for "friendly departure(s)" with NDAs galore. 

Posted to Smoky Glow (RE: Tinder and Moving) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/16/2025

I have never been bored watching and listening to videos on this channel. Real enthusiasm can jump off the screen and hold attention of viewers no matter how mundane the topic. Go with the creative passion, in other words what is uppermost at this moment in the life, mind, tinder tragedies, whatever. Also, I am always in for an apartment reno, decor haul and reveal. I find the idea of a group that tracks serial daters fascinating and wish to know MORE.

Posted to Rosanna Pansino (RE: 3 more lawsuits filed = 4 in Baldoni/Lively Saga)

I did laugh when I saw the "visual aids", but they actually helped me follow this twisted saga. I had not paid as much attention to the PR lawsuit, so this commentary was quite helpful. Wouldn't it be fascinating to learn who are on the client lists from all these PR firms. Meanwhile all that originally needed to be resolved is the workplace complaint filed by Blake Lively. Is it actionable, if so trial. The rest of these lawsuits are only going to benefit the attorneys. I agree with Rosanna, the real scary thing in all of this are what the puppeteers (PR firms) doing with the puppets (us). 

My vote is for channel name: RO & MO in the KNOW

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Interview with someone who had a 20 year ago experience) 01/17/2025

The lawsuit involving the PR firms: Jonesworks LLC (Stephanie Jones) vs. Jennifer Abel, Melissa Nathan, Justin Baldoni, Wayfarer.... seems to be the most telling regarding this mess.  IMO these particular PR reps made what may have started as a professional disagreement worse, so much worse. SONY needed to take more direct action or allow everyone to break their contracts and begin again. I continue to wonder, is Blake Lively that scary that no one, not her agent, publicists, attorney, trainer (last one is a joke) told her that it was not advisable to file a workplace complaint without the proper receipts and the witness testimonies in place.  Filing a false complaint with the court, puts the filer into a "please sue me and get lots of money for yourself" position.  

Sorry if behind a paywall:

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: Update-Justin Baldoni's Lawsuit vs Lively, Reynolds, Jones et al) 01/17/2025

Miniature kudos to Lively as this IS GoT, but not as she referenced. Instead we got GoT's unexpurgated violence appearing as words (articles, texts, emails. social media posts). Were this a sports event, I would say the Baldoni side is "winning".  I would have thought that at least SONY would step up, be the only adult on set. SONY should have given Lively a healthy settlement for breaking her contract and then recast (of course this might have affected Wayfarer temporarily adversely but admittedly in hindsight still worth it). The original movie script (I never read the book or saw the movie) may have had an important message for those abus3d and those who commit that offense. I wonder, without all this bad, wild and awful buzz would "It Ends With Us" have grossed $351 million worldwide against a $25 million budget (source: wikipedia)? IMO no. Perhaps Baldoni's original film concept might have been more of a critical success than it was (source: Rotten Tomatoes---approval ratings as of this post are 56%-critics and 94%-audience). So Netflix docu-movie idea: "When Will It All End"?

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Latest Lawsuit Baldoni vs a lot) Uploaded 01/17/2025

I have a way to sort of solve some of this. Justin Baldoni's production company, Wayfarer Studios, owns the rights to the sequel to "It Ends with Us," titled "It Starts with Us". How about Blake and Ryan purchase these rights at a GENEROUS profit. All lawsuits and complaints are then dropped with everyone paying their own legal costs and signing a plethora of NDAs. Probably the PR vs. PR lawsuit will keep going, although it would be in all of their interests to end their squabble before people start focusing on their client lists.  Finally, "We All Can Move On" coincidentally also a possible name for a Netflix doc on this drama-palooza.     Hope the Runkles have a satisfactory week off.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Trainer to Baldoni and Lively telling Lively about weight query) 01/19/2025

Beyond giving a warning to the police regarding imminent harm, a trainer should never repeat what one client says to another client. How can anyone trust this trainer's judgement now? I heard about that drink being named for the character who abus3d his wife. I had hoped it was a joke.  For a serious movie like "It Ends With Us" no character's name is appropriate for a commercially sold product. I believe the foundation:  was listed on the film's credits. I cannot remember hearing anyone from the film emphasize that fact during the press tour or recently. Not PR-worthy enough? I really do not know how this mess began. What I do know is that most of the adults associated with this film are behaving like middle school cliques and even have their own whisper campaigns via the PR firms.

Posted to Observe (RE: Interview with Attorney Representing Justin Baldoni) Uploaded 01/18/2025

Defense attorneys are hard-wired to fight passionately for their clients and are essentially actors with a special set of skills (thank you Liam Neeson). I agree with Observe. At this point there are way too many egos and noise in this he/she/they said saga to make a definitive conclusion regarding guilt or innocence.  Historically Hollywood has had the reputation for making anyone "rocking the boat" not highly employable. SONY should have been the adult in the room. Now we come to the puppet masters (aka PR/Crisis PR firms). Guess who are the puppets in that scenario. While the PR lawsuit cannot be judged in terms of body language, it is still a relevant puzzle piece that can give some context to this clash of egos (sounds like a bad mobile game😉) .   Apologies if this link is behind a paywall: 

Posted to Dan Murrell (RE: Latest Baldoni vs. Lively, Reynolds, et al) Uploaded 01/19/2025

Thank you to Dan for presenting an impartial view on this situation of adults behaving like middle school cliques. I did giggle at the "Nicepool" character mention. Yes, it probably stings personally for Mr. Baldoni, but isn't satire, snark and silliness more fair use and free speech than defamation or legally actionable content? That premiere party with Baldoni and friends "held" in the basement just seems weird. So no one told anyone there would be issues at the premiere, really? There is so much he said, she said, they (PR) said and now we have, attorneys' said. While it is a bit peripheral to the the rest of the lawsuits, the PR vs PR lawsuit is quite an interesting piece in this very messy puzzle:

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: Frozen Water Lines) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/20/2025

While I live in the northeastern portion of the U.S. thus not unfamiliar with cold temps, ice and snow, it still seems like every December my (re-)learning curve begins. I feel my spirit animals, the weird chickens would understand my viewpoint the most. I wondered if heat/solar activated tape could help in reducing freezing in some of the water lines? Since my search unearthed many sources (would you believe TEMU also sells it?) I am guessing that has been already been considered and dismissed. Please give an update on the chicken's necropsy. Even a parasocial relationship like the one I have regarding this channel still elicits my concern. 

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Donald Trump and Melania)  Uploaded to You Tube 01/22/2025

ant's reading supports the impressions that I feel whenever I see Melanie along with the rarity of any images and discussions about Barron. Melania's HAT from the inauguration spoke volumes about her state of mind. Barron is now 18 so I would not be surprised to see him attend school as far away from Washington DC as Melanie can get him. And of course with Barron far (maybe Europe?) away, she will have to set up a home nearby her son hence excusing her from DC activities. Trump has other children, 2 sons and 2 daughters, who seem to enjoy the pomp and circumstance of DC, so no problems there. Hopefully with Melania's care, Barron will continue to grow and mature away from Washington DC.

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: Wayfarer/Baldoni releases raw footage of dance scene) 01/21/2025

Unless Lively's attorney has their own receipts to counter this film footage and back up Lively's workplace complaint, then a financial settlement might be worthwhile for all concerned. It takes a very centered, very talented, very commanding personality to assume multiple roles on a film. Being a co-star, a director, an executive producer, writer, owner of IP (Colleen Hoover's 2 novels) and co-founder of a movie studio (Wayfarer), was IMO too much for Baldoni to manage. There needed to be someone on that set to say NO, YES and have directions followed.  Instead what seemed to have happened on that set was a Hollywood version of coup d'état. Children, please settle your differences(which is Hollywood-ese for money paid), sign lots of NDA's and move on.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/24/2025

I am a viewer with no industry ties who watches shows that discuss the entertainment industry. I had heard about Blake Lively's persona when off-stage. However filing accusations in a federal court is beyond "mean girl" behavior. It is unwise and possibly in contempt of court. Historically courts have no senses of humor, little patience with embellishments and require only the facts supported by case law.  Whoever persuaded and/or encouraged Blake Lively (even if RR) to attempt this highly inadvisable and unethical Hollywood coup d'état should be fired or divorced. RR can recover, he is just that big. As for the future career of BL who knows?

Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Aaron Smith-Levine's arrest January 2024) Uploaded 01/24/2025

This obvious form letter from the LAPD does seem to indicate a very well-run paperwork operation from an organization that was created primarily to protect and to serve not to send polite YOU ARE WRONG SIR missives. IMO, I would hypothesize that behind such an efficient operation, is considerable practice.😉

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Interview with Ulyses Osuna--Crisis Mgmt) Uploaded on 01/24/2025

Yes, please have Mr. Osuna on again. He gives a measured, calm and logical face to crisis management as opposed to all those recent PR texts and emails that are now immortalized (the internet is forever) in several court cases. Mr. Osuna is what I would expect and want from a crisis manager. Maybe also have a psychologist on, because I continue to not understand how no one stopped Blake Lively (and Ryan Reynolds) from marching so confidently into a highly dangerous jungle. If Lively's reps have proof, they either should use that evidence asap in discovery (pre-trial) or in an arbitration making a settlement and papering the room with NDA's. 

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Will TikTok be banned forever) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/24/2025

I would be interested in a reading on that online conspiracy theory, "The Dead Internet". I have my own opinions, but I find ant's readings always so intuitive and providing discussion points that had not previously occurred to me. Also maybe a reading on the concept of "privacy", does it still exist? Can we reasonably expect privacy even in our own homes with so many interactive devices constantly switched on?

Posted to Rachel Maksy (RE: Gigi of Kiki's Delivery Service) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/24/2025

Excellent homage to Kiki's Delivery Service. While one may have to explain to certain passers-by who seem puzzled and disturbed, Con-goers will know. It would be hilarious if somehow when the human arm is pulled out some sort of springy thing (I always use technical terms especially when I know nothing about the process) like in bobble-heads that can be inserted when  "the creator" (note that I did not use THE) wishes to do biologically-related things like eat, drink, hug other humans and touch Con merch. Gigi could probably use a snap on neck brace in black when their human assist is removed. You know after 2 or 3 days at a Con don't we all need a brace...of some sort.😉

Posted to Nicole Rudolph (RE: Move from Nevada to Indiana) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/25/2025

With "burnout" hovering above some You Tube channels, I was somewhat in fear as I clicked on.  That view from the old location's bathroom was absolutely spectacular. However what's a view when a change can take one where there are old friends in residence, new friends to be made, an adventure to take on and a chance to reno the blank out of a new space. Vlog it all, if time permits of course. BTW looks like Bailey is doing just fine being in a whole new state.

Posted to Mia Maples (RE: Popflex vs. Blogilates x Target= same designer) Uploaded 01/24/2025

To parse ALL these factors, I probably would need to make a spread sheet with columns for sustainability, proper wages, material content, design, color, "chest accessories", fit, much data. I appreciate all Mia's work. I guess the bottom line (pun?) if the Popflex line is too pricey you would not be wasting your money, your time or even your green planet/wage fairness ideals in buying the Blogilates x Target garments as long as chest "support" was not a major factor. Just wondering, are these Target prices firm or would these low prices exist for an intro period to get the buzz loud and the crowds into the store? Don't mind me, my glass is always, "half empty" not "half full"😉

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: Blake Lively's attorneys issue 2 "gag" order on Wayfarer/Baldoni) 01/25/2025

I know egos, narcissism, power issues, but still it is astounding regarding how any adults must have signed off on this mess from its start as set issues to the current multiple law suits. I cannot say how PR and Crisis PR firms work, but making everything worse seems to be counter productive. Meanwhile my hope is that very soon a judge will consider the validity of that long long ago workplace complaint made by Blake Lively regarding the set of "It Ends With Us". Remember that complaint, it was filed in federal court on December 20, 2024. Seems like years ago, doesn't it.

Posted to Jenna Miscaviage (RE: vlog - update) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/15/2025

While we can care about those we watch, the interaction is a parasocial relationship not a friend you can call on when your child is sick or just to hear a familiar voice. I am always posting suggestions, that I hope are taken as casual viewpoints not edicts. We are all responsible for our own happiness. Our friends and loved ones are that something extra in our lives, like buttercream icing on a cake. Stay well and happy 💗.

Posted to Dan Murrelll (RE: The film, The Brutalist and its use of AI) Uploaded on 01/25/2025

AI used in movies should be regulated by the industry itself. No one wants intervention by "unnamed others". Until people are used to the fact that properly utilized AI can add magic and accuracy to a film, without harming or diluting contributions by creatives perhaps in the credits show, along with the list of AI tech people, that  __% of audio was enhanced and ___% of video was enhanced. I think that AI used for writing scripts is a much different topic with any such use being highly problematic. BTW I am amazed, astonished, astounded, and (my fav), flabbergasted that the many complaints made regarding AI used were by misinformed/non-viewers of this movie.😉

Posted to Collier Landry (RE: Interview with Zett Espinosza) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/26/2025

Zett Espinoza has lived multiple lifetimes, I wish that this video had been longer. It is astounding that she is alive, never mind happy, sane, healthy and married with a family. What she said should be worked into the her book/movie script ,  "...hold that torch up, hold it high and let other people light their own torches with the one that you are holding." If anyone ever doubted how important an identity and a home is, Zett Espinoza is living proof of those needs. I hope her brother also regains his identity. Thank you Collier for this interview.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Interview with Dave Neal) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/26/2025

I enjoyed hearing Dave Neal's take on this situation. Excellent questions from Kjersti.  Mr. Neal's measured viewpoint was refreshing. I am very tired of Team this or Team that. I also feel that this whole mess could be settled with a sizable award (plus Ryan Reynolds buying the rights to the sequel/prequel book), one of those powerful celebrity "apologies", accompanied by the gracious acceptance of said "apology" from the less powerful celebrity. As people in Hollywood are fond of TALK, there will have to be, "...and you get an NDA and you get an NDA and...." Well that's the dream. The only ones who will benefit from all these lawsuits going to court are all the firms of the attorneys involved not any celebrities. 

Posted to Dave Neal (RE: Interview with Kjersti Flaa) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/26/2025

I am here from Kjersti Flaa's channel. I am finding more impartiality and facts from her channel and now this one. MSM needs to learn the difference between opinion pieces and factual news stories. The dinosaurs did not, could not, recognize their impending extinctions. I would like to think that the humans behind MSM would recognize the danger of losing relevance, trust of readers and not sufficiently fact-checking stories.

Posted to Lawyer You Know (RE: Convo of Law&Lumber and LYK on Maya lawyers) 01/256/2025

This is all so sad, with the appeal by JHACH it should be "all hands on deck" not "Mutiny On The Bounty". However I did enjoy listening to the discourse between two attorneys I not only know (only on You Tube of course), but I trust.

Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: NYT interviewing themselves on the Baldoni/Lively article) 01/28/2025

The New York Times made a huge mistake in not doing proper research before their publishing their article. Their current reticence is not a surprise due to Baldoni's lawsuit against the NYT. As for Blake Lively's "receipts" beyond her own words, there is only the data produced by the subpoena to Jonesworks LLC (Stephanie Jones). Now we learn that there was more context between those particular emails and texts. Unless there is evidence we haven't yet seen, this should be settled out of court asap. A possible scenario is that this court case might end with the labeling of Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds as greedy, corrupt, usurpers of another's ideas (not a first in Hollywood sadly). While Justin Baldoni could win the case legally but be labeled in the industry as someone who cannot command a set, make the tough decisions and handle a diva. Bottom line, no winners. Maybe have Ulyses Osuna on again?

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: Long Voice Message to Blake Lively fm Justin Baldoni at 2AM) 01/28/2025

I agree that Baldoni's voice message was somewhat cringy, too long and touchy/feely for any work-related message. Even if Justin Baldoni is completely innocent of every count of misbehavior listed in that workplace complaint that Lively's attorneys filed with the California Civil Rights Dept., he might still have an image problem should these lawsuits go to trial. A director needs to be in complete command of a set (admittedly studios often try to interfere). The director need not be a dictator, but a good CEO who can immediately recognize problems before they escalate. A director should be able to deal with relevant issues directly or delegate appropriately. Even though Baldoni co-owns a studio (Wayfarer), this does not guarantee that he will be offered the jobs which could take his career to the next level. 

Posted to Dave Neal (RE: analysis of Justin Baldoni's long voice mail to Lively) 01/28/2025

Baldoni's voice mail to Lively is cringy, somewhat unprofessional, way too long, but IMO not love bombing or gas lighting. Whether one wishes to do a behavioral or a vocal analysis, you need to know a person's baseline (aka the way they speak and react during their normal routines along with times of stress). BTW I minored in Psychology at a State College in northeastern U.S. (not RI) several centuries ago, so judge accordingly. Even if Baldoni wins all the lawsuits, he might find acquiring a future job of directing a prestigious/big budget film not coming from his own studio (Wayfarer) problematic. Handling divas and dissension on set is as essential for a director as is "their vision".

Posted to Morgan Gold (RE: Analysis and History of the American Farm) Uploaded 01/27/2025

I always enjoy the documentaries/discussions on this channel. I am torn between 2 alt titles: Manifest Destiny... and Feudalism 2....   I think that I will land (pun intended) on the Manifest Destiny title. Every generation seems to have a bit of conceit that we did it first or we do it better now then "they" did. While having a home full of items with computer tech, we are not that far removed from our history. SUGGESTION: a doc on a variety of U. S. farmers and their differing farms. Perhaps the majority of 21st century U. S. farmers are those who sell locally and supplement their income with another job or income stream? What do typical farms and ranches in other countries such as Australia, Japan, Iceland or Argentina look like? I welcome any knowledge that comes from a person who tries to make sure that his animals and birds "only have one bad day" on his farm.

Posted to Dan Murrell (RE: 2025 Oscar Nominees) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/24/2025

I never watch any of the awards shows. Although whenever there is controversy whether it is a nominee behaving badly or a film that makes people say, "THAT was nominated?!" I do find that aspect entertaining. My personal dream would be that every academy member who voted for Emilia Pérez would have to certify (with images and metadata of them actual watching that movie) along with a signed testimony that yes indeed they watched the entire film at least once. There would be extra gift bags if the academy member can prove they saw the entire movie 2 or more times. Yes, I dream BIG.🤣

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Dead Internet Theory) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/28/2025

I have noticed more 'bots and trolls in the Chat sections of live streams on You Tube. Ant did seem somewhat down about this subject which made me very sad. There is a latin expression, "caveat emptor" meaning, buyer beware. A quick internet search says its origin in law goes back to the early 17th century. Another resource indicated that expression goes back to the time of the Roman Empire. Either way, humans have been lying and/or embellishing about products and people for a very long time. The rise of social media has accelerated that action. I agree that we will quite soon lose anonymity online. Gut/instant reactions can be funny and relatable or can be totally inaccurate and unkind. IMO 'bots are like PR firms on steroids either over-praising or over-condemning. Maybe ant should revisit this topic, but with a future outlook?


Posted to Kjersti Flaa (RE: Interview with counselor Dr. Aman Kaur ) Uploaded on 01/29/2025

I appreciated Dr. Kaur's measured attitude. As is the case, the doctor mentioned that we do not know everything yet. Even concerning the released clips of Baldoni and Lively dancing. Are they both in character? Neither? Whatever actually happened on that set and in MSM, none of this will benefit anyone's careers or finances, excepting the attorneys. All parties should settle out of court, sign those NDA's and move on with their careers.

Posted to Dr. Aman Kaur (RE: Discussion of Baldoni's 2 am phone message to Lively) -2/28/2025

Here from Kjersti Flaa's channel. I thoroughly enjoyed the discussion. I appreciated that it was said that we must wait for more information. IMO that call from Baldoni was a mistake. His response should have been in short, concise text message format. Baldoni sounded so sad, so apologetic and to Blake's ears, probably quite malleable. Baldoni needed to be decisive to keep control on that set. After listening to Dr. Kaur and Kjersta discuss how perhaps this is how Blake Lively has always been. She seems to be easily triggered, is insecure, responds with an awkward sense of humor and is somewhat deficient in empathy. Baldoni and Lively had an incompatible business relationship. I am not sure why no one stepped in before it was too late. Perhaps all film sets should have a resident psychiatrist?

Posted to Lawyer You Know (RE: Commonwealth trying to block defense experts) 01/29/2025

Officer John O'Keefe's death has been mishandled since day one, 3 years ago. IMO the Commonwealth is stalling. Whether it is in the hope of wearing Karen Read and her supporters down and/or waiting until Michael Morrissey can be re-elected to DA of Norfolk County in November 2026, I am uncertain. My theory has no legal merit. However neither is what is currently unfolding in Norfolk Superior Court in Dedham Massachusetts. I am not sure this quotation (by Arthur Conan Doyle) applies, but it did come to my mind, 'When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'  

Posted to LegalBytes (RE: Baldoni and Lively law suits) Uploaded to You Tube on 1/30/2025

Baldoni appears to be winning the social media war. Settling out of court along with NDA's may be the best move for all involved. No matter which litigant(s) walks away from these trial(s) with a legal win, IMO everyone will be damaged professionally. The damage is already evident to the field of public relations and MSM. The New York Times was one of the few OG news sources that I trusted  (past tense is intentional). Thank you to LegalBytes for covering this case. I apologize if already covered, but the PR law suit regarding Stephanie Jones and Jonesworks LLC does provide an additional piece to this messy puzzle.

Posted to Andrea Burkhart (RE: Update--State vs.Richard Allen-Motion to Correct Error) 01/30/2025

I found the sound fine on this vlog. I did love that music! The remainder of the background noise was in the context of white noise. Unlike the Delphi jurors, I have considerable reasonable doubt concerning the involvement of Richard Allen. However I had the benefit of listening to Andrea Burkhart's frequent commentaries as an in-court observer. I am surprised that the conditions Mr. Allen endured before trial are not actionable as "cruel and unusual" especially as this incarceration was pre-conviction. If Richard Allen's appellate attorney does decide to cite "ineffective assistance of counsel" does this reflect upon Mr. Allen's trial attorneys in any substantive way?   BTW I would love a vlog on the Chilean trip. Perhaps make it members only to limit views and to maintain some privacy?

Posted to Hoeg Law (Lively and Baldoni Lawsuits) Uploaded to You Tube 01/30/2025

Replay crew here. Thank you Hoeg Law for translating logorrhea into legalities.This is a he said/she said/they(PR firms) said case. I have no idea even with all the "leaks" and filed lawsuits where legal fault lies. IMO should this mess go to court no reputation will emerge from trial either improved or unscathed. It would be a kindness to the clients, if the attorneys explained the nature of a pyrrhic victory.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Copyright Strike) Uploaded to You Tube on 01/31/2025

As Replay Crew, audio was fine. As annoying as it is to the targeted individual, drama is irrelevant to You Tube. What is relevant to You Tube is when an influencer issues a copyright-strike "in retaliation" . This is weakening whatever their credibility is with You Tube. Improper complaints to You Tube is not the way to either sustain or grow a channel. This is all so sad.

Posted to Caitlin Doughty (RE: Dr. Bill Bass and the First Body Farm) Uploaded on 01/31/2025

I never knew the history behind the first body farm. A man made a mistake then uses that experience to forever improve forensics and increase scientific knowledge. Thinking of the rarity that is Dr. Bill Bass, I think my "boo-hoo days" might just be beginning. BTW the closing of this video ...(living but amateur) chef's kiss.  Thank you Caitlin Doughty!

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