Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
2 hours 22 minutes
(seen in a theater 12/23/2019)
I heard rumors that the plan for the direction of this trilogy was not carefully plotted, like Marvel has done and the Harry Potter (DO NOT confuse with Fantastic Beasts) series. Unfortunately Star Wars episode IX followed the path of the last season of Game of Thrones, with the need to fast forward way too many characters and plot threads. I enjoyed Episode IX for what it was not the Star Wars movie some of the fans wanted, but as in this time of giving gifts, it's the thought that counts. The Witcher was b*****t fun (@Netflix) and The Mandalorian (@Disney+) has the pacing and fun of the original Star Wars (Episodes 4-5-6) but without the expensive CGI and overly lofty themes
I agree that the last 3 Star Wars films seemed to not have had the planning of a Marvel film or Harry Potter film. Characters in episode 9 appeared and disappeared almost in the cameo format of one of those heist movies. I was entertained by this movie, but it did feel like I walked away with being filled with empty calories not nutritious content (actually I was fillled with popcorn). For alternate entertainment without spending $11 for popcorn and $5 for a bottle of water, try: (1)The Witcher which was b*****t fun (@Netflix) and (2)The Mandalorian (@Disney+) which has the pacing and action of the original Star Wars (Episodes 4-5-6) but without the expensive CGI and overly lofty themes.
I agree with Chris Stuckmann regarding the fact that all the pieces, except for writing continuity, were in place. This 3 episode series needed one writer, at least one head writer to develop a linear vision without using "patches" like certain software developers do, to correct their product AFTER it is released to the public. Did I like it, well my one view was like the all over the place views of Chris Stuckmann's friends. I liked it, but was disappointed about some plot threads. Visions can be beautiful, but when transferred to the format of a movie, they need to have a coherent flow.
I like The Rise of Skywalker as general entertainment. However as a long awaited conclusion to the Skywalker saga (in spite of what a certain character verbalizes), I was not enthused. I knew that I was walking into a less than satisfying movie when I realized its length was only 2 hours 22 minutes with no extra scenes in the ending credits.This movie should have been several separate movies with a head-writer to coordinate the plot threads BEFORE episode 8 and 9 were even in preproduction. The scene changes along with entrance/exit of characters almost causes a whiplash as you think you recognized someone, wondered why this was possible, knowing that is not where The Last Jedi plot thread was going, where is that person, what power was that, and does cloning really work that way? To paraphrase Elsa's famous quote (from another film in the Disney Dynasty), we all must just move on. If The Mandalorian is any indication, maybe Disney/LucasFilm will return the force to Star Wars.
I had thought that George Lucas was being a bit controlling and overly petulant when he complained that they did not use any of this ideas concerning episodes 7-8-9. Now that it appears that there was no head writer who mapped out this trilogy. This makes me so sad. I would have thought that Disney, seeing how well planning worked with Marvel movies, would have applied the same algorithm to Star Wars.
I knew that this movie wasn't going to be the conclusion that I wanted when I saw the run time...2 hr. 22 min. No one, not even JJ Abrams is that good. I feel conflicted about this movie. While I did enjoy it, I wanted so much more. Wait a minute...maybe a JJ Abrams cut?
While I enjoyed The Rise of Skywalker, I was disappointed for what might have been. This movie had characters entering/exiting in almost a fast forward manner or barely around. That along with a fair amount of unresolved plot threads did temper my enthusiasm. Judging by the quiet audience at the showing I attended, I was not alone in that opinion. I knew before going in (due to the 2 hr 22 min run time) to see this movie that I was not going to get the conclusion that I wanted. I can hardly wait for the internet to start buzzing about the JJ Abrams Cut. My guess, it will be about 6 hours long.
All the discussion about Star Wars has left me confused about my own reactions. I really liked The Mandalorian. Did I like it more because of its serial presentation, I do not know. I sort of liked (in the sense of never checking the time) The Rise of Skywalker, but on the drive home thought of multiple inconsistencies. As in the Home Alone 2 early scene with Kevin McCallister and his Dad running through the airport. I am not sure if I reached my intended destination, but I am too winded to care. What I take away from this is that I will always be interested and fascinated by the Star Wars series, good or bad/satisfying or confusing. Since I doubt anyone is reading my comment this far, I will admit to loving and laughing at the Star Wars Christmas Special and being oddly riveted to the screen by those Ewok films.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Witcher
binged on Netflix Saturday, December 21 - Sunday, December 22. 2019
Rating: TV-MA
This is an 8 episode season of The Witcher. I binged my viewing. While there might have been waaay too much nudity (I think that the video game influenced that theme), it has the quests and personalities both referential to the game yet still well written enough to hold together as one very large movie. Watch for Henry Cavill (as Geralt of Rivia, the titular "Witcher") and game-type action, but stay for the excellent performances of the rest of the cast and the great world building. I would recommend this season of The Witcher to more than gamers, it has the tone and ethics of Lord of The Rings and the action and gore of Game of Thrones.
Entertainment Weekly Reviews The Witcher Without Watching It
Dec 23, 2019----------------------------------------------John Campea/You Tube
Clickbait is a coarse word, bringing to mind news slanted incorrectly, unfairly and inaccurately. As there is a ton of content out there, reviewers can be forgiven for only watching part of it, but ONLY IF that disclaimer is printed along side the heading, in the first paragraph and in the conclusion of the review. In news outlets the search for relevance (and income) may lead to their obsolescence if that type of reporting is continued. For me, have I cancelled almost all of my news/entertainment subscriptions as each story has to be vetted and researched before treating it as truth. Sadly I am probably hurting myself by limiting my reading/watching content by not utilizing a variety of sources for viewpoints.
Yes there is gratuitous (female) nudity, but I think that the writers are trying to keep the game vibe (aka lots of nude ladies) in this series while going more in depth with character and plot like the novels. Ironically as Geralt, while The Witcher is supposed to be without emotion, I think Henry Cavill showed a lot more emotion as the Witcher than in his role as Superman/Clark Kent. The look in his eyes when townspeople about 1/3 his size taunt him or try to fight him is hysterical. There was one kill (in Ep1 or 2) where he did show regret towards "the lesser of 2 evils". As for Game of Thrones, I do not know why people make comparisons in any artistic realm as each film is its own thing. Save the comparisons for sales at food markets.
binged on Netflix Saturday, December 21 - Sunday, December 22. 2019
Rating: TV-MA
This is an 8 episode season of The Witcher. I binged my viewing. While there might have been waaay too much nudity (I think that the video game influenced that theme), it has the quests and personalities both referential to the game yet still well written enough to hold together as one very large movie. Watch for Henry Cavill (as Geralt of Rivia, the titular "Witcher") and game-type action, but stay for the excellent performances of the rest of the cast and the great world building. I would recommend this season of The Witcher to more than gamers, it has the tone and ethics of Lord of The Rings and the action and gore of Game of Thrones.
Entertainment Weekly Reviews The Witcher Without Watching It
Dec 23, 2019----------------------------------------------John Campea/You Tube
Clickbait is a coarse word, bringing to mind news slanted incorrectly, unfairly and inaccurately. As there is a ton of content out there, reviewers can be forgiven for only watching part of it, but ONLY IF that disclaimer is printed along side the heading, in the first paragraph and in the conclusion of the review. In news outlets the search for relevance (and income) may lead to their obsolescence if that type of reporting is continued. For me, have I cancelled almost all of my news/entertainment subscriptions as each story has to be vetted and researched before treating it as truth. Sadly I am probably hurting myself by limiting my reading/watching content by not utilizing a variety of sources for viewpoints.
Yes there is gratuitous (female) nudity, but I think that the writers are trying to keep the game vibe (aka lots of nude ladies) in this series while going more in depth with character and plot like the novels. Ironically as Geralt, while The Witcher is supposed to be without emotion, I think Henry Cavill showed a lot more emotion as the Witcher than in his role as Superman/Clark Kent. The look in his eyes when townspeople about 1/3 his size taunt him or try to fight him is hysterical. There was one kill (in Ep1 or 2) where he did show regret towards "the lesser of 2 evils". As for Game of Thrones, I do not know why people make comparisons in any artistic realm as each film is its own thing. Save the comparisons for sales at food markets.
Friday, December 20, 2019
PG -- 2019
2 hours
(As of this date never saw the actual movie, only the trailers) 12/20/2019.
I have seen a (professional) production of the musical,CATS. There is NO plot. There is however some nice music, dancing and unitards/leg-warmers. Why the proposed animated version by (I think) Steven Spielberg was not green-lit and this live-action Doctor Moreau rip-off was produced, I will never understand. Not to be snarky, but I would LOVE to hear what Martin Scorsese's opinion was concerning this "event" and did it quality as "film"?
Nope not spending money on this Island of Doctor Moreau knockoff. That being said when it streams I am having a party, because the entertainment will be free.
I appreciate that all the artists involved in this film were honestly trying their hardest, but did no one look at why the stage production lasted so long? What kept the stage play going was the experience of it all in real life. The stage musical was real actors singing songs live, real sets and real costumed actors interacting with the real audience. Keep trying new ideas Entertainment Industry, but please please as they say in the reading, pay attention to the instructors and (forgive me for this cliche) do your homework.
RE: John Campea's 12/27 video---Jason Derulo complaining about critical/public reception of CATS:
My google search of Mr. Derulo's cred indicates: singer, songwriter, and dancer. His talents are well-documented. He is entitled to his personal opinions...on anything (as are we all). However, celebrities should keep their hyperbole off Twitter and sites seeking to use them as clickbait. Art is made and evolves along with people's memories. 10 years from now I could be wearing cat ears, sitting in a theater with a Rocky Horror-type crowd, with some sort of liquid in my hand, having a great time, watching the 2019 movie, CATS.
PG -- 2019
2 hours
(As of this date never saw the actual movie, only the trailers) 12/20/2019.
I have seen a (professional) production of the musical,CATS. There is NO plot. There is however some nice music, dancing and unitards/leg-warmers. Why the proposed animated version by (I think) Steven Spielberg was not green-lit and this live-action Doctor Moreau rip-off was produced, I will never understand. Not to be snarky, but I would LOVE to hear what Martin Scorsese's opinion was concerning this "event" and did it quality as "film"?
Nope not spending money on this Island of Doctor Moreau knockoff. That being said when it streams I am having a party, because the entertainment will be free.
I appreciate that all the artists involved in this film were honestly trying their hardest, but did no one look at why the stage production lasted so long? What kept the stage play going was the experience of it all in real life. The stage musical was real actors singing songs live, real sets and real costumed actors interacting with the real audience. Keep trying new ideas Entertainment Industry, but please please as they say in the reading, pay attention to the instructors and (forgive me for this cliche) do your homework.
RE: John Campea's 12/27 video---Jason Derulo complaining about critical/public reception of CATS:
My google search of Mr. Derulo's cred indicates: singer, songwriter, and dancer. His talents are well-documented. He is entitled to his personal opinions...on anything (as are we all). However, celebrities should keep their hyperbole off Twitter and sites seeking to use them as clickbait. Art is made and evolves along with people's memories. 10 years from now I could be wearing cat ears, sitting in a theater with a Rocky Horror-type crowd, with some sort of liquid in my hand, having a great time, watching the 2019 movie, CATS.
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Garden of Words
(2013) TV-14 46 minutes
Watched on Netflix 11/23/2019 (version was dubbed not subtitled)
This is a slow, but charming very beautifully animated movie.
The primary theme of this anime, finding your true self, where you belong, where you need to be, is applicable to most people. However the way this theme is presented would probably not be acceptable to most Westerners. In having a 15 year old boy fall in love with an older (late twenties) woman who turns out to be a teacher (not in a class he attends) at his school many would find this anime problematic.
The Garden of Words is a short movie, which flows slowly but not in a "check the time" kind of way. The animation is beautiful, the soundtrack languid and peaceful. It has the usual chipper upbeat (typical for anime) music to accompany the closing credits. Stay through the credits as there is a stinger about 1 minute from the close of the credits. This short scene does tie up a few loose ends left by the final (before closing credits) moments of the movie. Again, the plot thread mentioned above is continued.
I would recommend this movie for anyone (older teens and adults) who enjoys anime.
(2013) TV-14 46 minutes
Watched on Netflix 11/23/2019 (version was dubbed not subtitled)
This is a slow, but charming very beautifully animated movie.
The primary theme of this anime, finding your true self, where you belong, where you need to be, is applicable to most people. However the way this theme is presented would probably not be acceptable to most Westerners. In having a 15 year old boy fall in love with an older (late twenties) woman who turns out to be a teacher (not in a class he attends) at his school many would find this anime problematic.
The Garden of Words is a short movie, which flows slowly but not in a "check the time" kind of way. The animation is beautiful, the soundtrack languid and peaceful. It has the usual chipper upbeat (typical for anime) music to accompany the closing credits. Stay through the credits as there is a stinger about 1 minute from the close of the credits. This short scene does tie up a few loose ends left by the final (before closing credits) moments of the movie. Again, the plot thread mentioned above is continued.
I would recommend this movie for anyone (older teens and adults) who enjoys anime.
The Mandalorian
As of 11/22/19 = 3 episodes
Season to encompass 9 episodes
The story is so well-written, I can see the expression of Mandalorian in spite of that helmet. I know that Disney money is involved, but I am extremely impressed by the sets, costume and effects on this streaming series.
While Episode 4 of The Mandalorian certainly wasn't the best of the ones shown thus far, I did enjoy the homage to films, Magnificent Seven and Shane. I think that Episode 4 was basically a "bridge" episode to get us from the introduction theme and characters to the explanation and resolution in the remaining 5 episodes. Maybe The Mandalorian was written as a single script and then divided up.
As of 11/22/19 = 3 episodes
Season to encompass 9 episodes
The story is so well-written, I can see the expression of Mandalorian in spite of that helmet. I know that Disney money is involved, but I am extremely impressed by the sets, costume and effects on this streaming series.
While Episode 4 of The Mandalorian certainly wasn't the best of the ones shown thus far, I did enjoy the homage to films, Magnificent Seven and Shane. I think that Episode 4 was basically a "bridge" episode to get us from the introduction theme and characters to the explanation and resolution in the remaining 5 episodes. Maybe The Mandalorian was written as a single script and then divided up.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Doctor Sleep
R rated
2 hr 33 min.
Watched in theater November 13, 2019
I have not read either The Shining or Doctor Sleep. I just watched Doctor Sleep at a theater. It was a very entertaining, scary but still very few jump scares. My cat has learned how to scare me (am not telling how), so when I spend money on a movie and popcorn I would prefer more thought go into it than that of a wacky cat. The acting, writing, cinematography, even CGI, everything is all extremely watchable. The movie did not seem like a 2 hour 33 minute movie, everything flowed quickly, every conversation interesting.
R rated
2 hr 33 min.
Watched in theater November 13, 2019
I have not read either The Shining or Doctor Sleep. I just watched Doctor Sleep at a theater. It was a very entertaining, scary but still very few jump scares. My cat has learned how to scare me (am not telling how), so when I spend money on a movie and popcorn I would prefer more thought go into it than that of a wacky cat. The acting, writing, cinematography, even CGI, everything is all extremely watchable. The movie did not seem like a 2 hour 33 minute movie, everything flowed quickly, every conversation interesting.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
(not yet seen)
(My comment made to Jeremy Jahns video posted 10/06/2019 concerning Joker Theories)
The discussion of did this really happen concerning events/memories in Joker give me headaches (as do discussion about paradoxes in time travel). I have not seen this film, but have deliberately ventured into spoilers. I will see this film when the static dies down for its craft, acting, cinematography and writing. Events like those in this movie require me "to immunize" myself with tiny spoiler-ific doses of violence and despair so that I can go the movie and come out without needing any drugs more potent than caffeine.
This is one of the best, most coherent discussions on this movie that I have seen or heard as of this comment. Panel does its part to distribute some sanity and thought into a world with some clueless people who are angry at a movie that they may not have even seen and who are also ignorant of the nature of movies, Movies reflect, not create, reality.
The violence (aside from the puppy in John Wick 1 and the eye of an opponent in John Wick 3) in the John Wick series is at comic book level. I cannot understand how anyone who has seen Joker could posit that the film glorifies violence. Perhaps these people are afraid that this movie excuses violence. Actually with Arthur Fleck being so unlikeable and repellant no matter what his mental condition may be, glorification seems doubtful. I have heard some reviewers hypothesize that Arthur Fleck is hallucinating much of the "Joker"scenes. I think Joker will require multiple viewings where I can pause, ff and rerun scenes before I go along with that theory.
I have not yet seen Joker. I agree that I would like to see more of an arc (or descent) for the main character of a movie. Whether Joker is a canonical prequel to the DC character of the Joker or just a living symbol for the director's viewpoint of society, it does not matter. What is the point of seeing the early life of a character without some sort of an evolution. Internet talk (always a source both for imagination and negativity) indicates that there may be a Joker 2 in development.
(not yet seen)
(My comment made to Jeremy Jahns video posted 10/06/2019 concerning Joker Theories)
The discussion of did this really happen concerning events/memories in Joker give me headaches (as do discussion about paradoxes in time travel). I have not seen this film, but have deliberately ventured into spoilers. I will see this film when the static dies down for its craft, acting, cinematography and writing. Events like those in this movie require me "to immunize" myself with tiny spoiler-ific doses of violence and despair so that I can go the movie and come out without needing any drugs more potent than caffeine.
This is one of the best, most coherent discussions on this movie that I have seen or heard as of this comment. Panel does its part to distribute some sanity and thought into a world with some clueless people who are angry at a movie that they may not have even seen and who are also ignorant of the nature of movies, Movies reflect, not create, reality.
The violence (aside from the puppy in John Wick 1 and the eye of an opponent in John Wick 3) in the John Wick series is at comic book level. I cannot understand how anyone who has seen Joker could posit that the film glorifies violence. Perhaps these people are afraid that this movie excuses violence. Actually with Arthur Fleck being so unlikeable and repellant no matter what his mental condition may be, glorification seems doubtful. I have heard some reviewers hypothesize that Arthur Fleck is hallucinating much of the "Joker"scenes. I think Joker will require multiple viewings where I can pause, ff and rerun scenes before I go along with that theory.
I have not yet seen Joker. I agree that I would like to see more of an arc (or descent) for the main character of a movie. Whether Joker is a canonical prequel to the DC character of the Joker or just a living symbol for the director's viewpoint of society, it does not matter. What is the point of seeing the early life of a character without some sort of an evolution. Internet talk (always a source both for imagination and negativity) indicates that there may be a Joker 2 in development.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Ad Astra
PG-13 -- 2 hrs. 04 min.
Watched in the theater 09/22/2019
This movie is paced quite slowly, I liked (not loved) it. I agree with the panel, many interesting plot threads were shown and quickly dropped.Ruth Negga played a character that should have gotten her own movie. Donald Sutherland was great, but they wrote him out way too soon. The lawlessness on the moon was intriguing, but never explained. Brad Pitt's character had a decent arc. As for any message to take away from this film, maybe it is just a simple one. What we are here and now is what we will be there and then? Just find a big screen in a theater with a superior sound system, settle back and enjoy the 2 hours and a few minutes while comfortably in your seat munching your popcorn.
I liked the movie. However, my friend in I were part of an audience of 6 in a theater with a 260 seat capacity. I am guessing no box office records for this movie. Actually it is too bad, this movie should be seen on a theater screen with high quality sound.
AD ASTRA is latin for "to the stars"
PG-13 -- 2 hrs. 04 min.
Watched in the theater 09/22/2019
This movie is paced quite slowly, I liked (not loved) it. I agree with the panel, many interesting plot threads were shown and quickly dropped.Ruth Negga played a character that should have gotten her own movie. Donald Sutherland was great, but they wrote him out way too soon. The lawlessness on the moon was intriguing, but never explained. Brad Pitt's character had a decent arc. As for any message to take away from this film, maybe it is just a simple one. What we are here and now is what we will be there and then? Just find a big screen in a theater with a superior sound system, settle back and enjoy the 2 hours and a few minutes while comfortably in your seat munching your popcorn.
I liked the movie. However, my friend in I were part of an audience of 6 in a theater with a 260 seat capacity. I am guessing no box office records for this movie. Actually it is too bad, this movie should be seen on a theater screen with high quality sound.
AD ASTRA is latin for "to the stars"
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Friday, September 6, 2019
The Fanatic - Hilariocity Review - Chris Stuckmann----09/06/2019
this movie offends on so many levels, with its pointless violence, ridiculous acting, shameless (music video) plug, crude portrait of mental illness, incoherent plot structure and incompetent direction. However its biggest failure is masquerading as a movie. And that rant is from someone who has only seen a trailer and this video. I am going to have to find and watch The Room (not ROOM) to cleanse my film palate. Chris Stuckmann's talent alone kept me watching this entire video. Thanks?❤️
So sad, Travolta, Durst (and Redbox?) could not even make a movie that is laughably bad. Actually the only way to save this movie, would be to edit it down to maybe 15-20 minutes and make this an anthology film with different segments about the levels/kinds of fandom. Not sure if Travolta should be the "fan" in each segment, maybe trade off among all the actors (depending on their skill level) each getting a chance to be a fan in a particular scenario.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
What We Did On Our Holiday
Watched on Amazon Prime on 09/05/2019
What starts out as a comedy, with superior acting by the very young to mature, a great script and brilliant cinematography does change into a quirky black comedy. There is a decent message concerning life and love. While the ending does wrap up rather neatly and quickly, it still feels honest. Just a disclaimer, this is not a movie that I would show to children under 12 unless they were as wise as the 3 young children portrayed in this film.
Watched on Amazon Prime on 09/05/2019
What starts out as a comedy, with superior acting by the very young to mature, a great script and brilliant cinematography does change into a quirky black comedy. There is a decent message concerning life and love. While the ending does wrap up rather neatly and quickly, it still feels honest. Just a disclaimer, this is not a movie that I would show to children under 12 unless they were as wise as the 3 young children portrayed in this film.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Shadows In The Sun (2005)
1 hr 40 min
Watched film on Amazon Prime 09/05/19
REVIEW TITLE: Comfortably Romantic
This film while predictable, is beautifully shot and well-acted. It is almost like short video vacation in Italy, but without the heat, stress of travel or expensive plane trips. The characters have as much warmth as their environment. This film is a no frills and satisfying vacation from superhero films and over-emotional aliens (as in interplanetary).
1 hr 40 min
Watched film on Amazon Prime 09/05/19
REVIEW TITLE: Comfortably Romantic
This film while predictable, is beautifully shot and well-acted. It is almost like short video vacation in Italy, but without the heat, stress of travel or expensive plane trips. The characters have as much warmth as their environment. This film is a no frills and satisfying vacation from superhero films and over-emotional aliens (as in interplanetary).
Find Me (2018) 1 hr. 44 min.
I saw film on Amazon Prime -- 09/04/2019
I had not heard of this movie. I stumbled onto it through Amazon Prime's maze of movies. It was a happy surprise. The lead (Tom Huang as "Joe") was also the director, producer and writer. None of those areas suffered from a lack of attention. Due to plot necessities, there was considerable narration by a main character (Sara Amini as "Amelia"). Usually too much narration or exposition is annoying, but in this case, by this performer, it fit. I was never taken out of the story. This movie was funny, sad, beautiful, heartbreaking and ultimately satisfying. The sound track was a bit "crunchy granola" so I do admit to a little fast forwarding to get to the dialogue. A very inexpensive storage device made cell phones a secondary character in the story. The cinematography (done by Kyle Crowell) breathtakingly imaged areas of California (such as Yosemite). The conclusion of this movie is downbeat, but quite satisfying.
I saw film on Amazon Prime -- 09/04/2019
I had not heard of this movie. I stumbled onto it through Amazon Prime's maze of movies. It was a happy surprise. The lead (Tom Huang as "Joe") was also the director, producer and writer. None of those areas suffered from a lack of attention. Due to plot necessities, there was considerable narration by a main character (Sara Amini as "Amelia"). Usually too much narration or exposition is annoying, but in this case, by this performer, it fit. I was never taken out of the story. This movie was funny, sad, beautiful, heartbreaking and ultimately satisfying. The sound track was a bit "crunchy granola" so I do admit to a little fast forwarding to get to the dialogue. A very inexpensive storage device made cell phones a secondary character in the story. The cinematography (done by Kyle Crowell) breathtakingly imaged areas of California (such as Yosemite). The conclusion of this movie is downbeat, but quite satisfying.
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Another LIfe
10-part series on Netflix
(Finished in a 2 day binge: 08/05 and 08/09/2-19)
Good concept, some excellent performances, however needs editing maybe down to 6 - 8 part series.
(1)way too soapy in parts (seems like a bad high school romance movie)
(2)too much Earth time per episode, also Earth-bound characters are mostly 2D tropes in human suits
(3)odd character tangents - motivation changes quickly
(4)crew seems random, unprofessional, unorganized. Almost looks like a group that was applying for a reality show and some how were instead accepted for a vital scientific mission to contact Alien intelligence
(5)lots and lots of whining--made me want to open an airlock w/o a suit
(6)MAJOR SHARK JUMP#1 S1 E6 (@ approx 30:35) - one of crew is looking for an emergency manual shutoff and cannot find it. Then the camera focuses briefly on a rather prominently displayed plaque which states "Emergency Accelerator Shutoff" on the wall at the exact eye level of the (confused) crew member.
(7)MAJOR SHARK JUMP#2 S1 E9 (@ approx 1:20)
Captain and crew members leave a major baddie in a room with countless active terminals which are obviously NOT password-protected. So said baddie gets online and shuts down life support and messes with environmental control over most of the ship.
Ending is obviously angling for a 2nd season. Trope used dooms the series to a tone that will not enhance this series possibility of returning.
10-part series on Netflix
(Finished in a 2 day binge: 08/05 and 08/09/2-19)
Good concept, some excellent performances, however needs editing maybe down to 6 - 8 part series.
(1)way too soapy in parts (seems like a bad high school romance movie)
(2)too much Earth time per episode, also Earth-bound characters are mostly 2D tropes in human suits
(3)odd character tangents - motivation changes quickly
(4)crew seems random, unprofessional, unorganized. Almost looks like a group that was applying for a reality show and some how were instead accepted for a vital scientific mission to contact Alien intelligence
(5)lots and lots of whining--made me want to open an airlock w/o a suit
(6)MAJOR SHARK JUMP#1 S1 E6 (@ approx 30:35) - one of crew is looking for an emergency manual shutoff and cannot find it. Then the camera focuses briefly on a rather prominently displayed plaque which states "Emergency Accelerator Shutoff" on the wall at the exact eye level of the (confused) crew member.
(7)MAJOR SHARK JUMP#2 S1 E9 (@ approx 1:20)
Captain and crew members leave a major baddie in a room with countless active terminals which are obviously NOT password-protected. So said baddie gets online and shuts down life support and messes with environmental control over most of the ship.
Ending is obviously angling for a 2nd season. Trope used dooms the series to a tone that will not enhance this series possibility of returning.
Sunday, August 4, 2019
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw
2019 PG-13
2 hours 17 min.
This was a fun movie. I suspended my belief on almost everything. However there was one part involving a 3D printer and a piece of advanced tech/prototype (no this was not about Brixton (Idris Elba), that I thought, hell no (I might have said it aloud). Even considering that part, oh and the Captain America rip-off, I would see this movie again because a good laugh is priceless.
2 extra scenes during closing credits
1 extra scene at conclusion of closing credits
I agree: (1) film was fun, mindless illogical fun with plot swiss-cheese elements galore (2) film repeated the hokey joking dialogue with a humor at middle schooler level way too many times.When the camera briefly focused on the 3D printer, I laughed (only one in theater though). All that being said I laughed a lot, cringed a little, but in general I was entertained.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The Boys (2019)
An 8 episode series on Amazon Prime -- binge watched 06/29-6/30/2019
I binged this series (8 episodes). The series was riveting and more fearless than any superhero. Before I began watching I had not realized that this was based on a comic series. Amazon Prime has a feature which provides written commentary on each episode.The episodes have more warning labels regarding adult themes, violence and sex than I have seen on some R-rated movies. There are many scenes, where you do not think that they will go there...and they do. A superhero ("Homelander") gives a speech to a very responsive audience, that was almost uncannily, reminiscent of a certain political figure.
I binged this series, maybe a mistake as it was a major adrenaline rush with a cliffhanger ending. Just about every time that I thought, no they won't go there, they did. Loved this show, but take the insanely amount of warnings before each episode as truth, not hyperbole.
An 8 episode series on Amazon Prime -- binge watched 06/29-6/30/2019
I binged this series (8 episodes). The series was riveting and more fearless than any superhero. Before I began watching I had not realized that this was based on a comic series. Amazon Prime has a feature which provides written commentary on each episode.The episodes have more warning labels regarding adult themes, violence and sex than I have seen on some R-rated movies. There are many scenes, where you do not think that they will go there...and they do. A superhero ("Homelander") gives a speech to a very responsive audience, that was almost uncannily, reminiscent of a certain political figure.
I binged this series, maybe a mistake as it was a major adrenaline rush with a cliffhanger ending. Just about every time that I thought, no they won't go there, they did. Loved this show, but take the insanely amount of warnings before each episode as truth, not hyperbole.
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Lion King (2019)
live action remake - Disney
True, this live action (not sure what to call this category...enhanced CGI ?) remake of The Lion King was not necessary, but it was beautiful and much more involving than the live action remake of Beauty and The Beast. However, without Timon's and Pumbaa's voice actors, this movie would have been much less entertaining. Every time that I heard Zazu (hornbill) talk, I giggled not so much for the actual dialogue, it was due to the very famous individual voicing this bird. Kamari and Azizi (hyenas) needed much more screen time. Alfre Woodard (as Sarabi - the Queen of the pride) was as majestic as you would want and Florence Kasumba (as Shenzi - the Queen Hyena) was VERY intimidating. Too bad neither voice actor had enough screen time.I guess that I would have to admit that I enjoyed the secondary characters far more than the main characters.I would like to think that was by Jon Favreau's design not accident.
Maybe showcasing the others in Simba's world was his way of honoring the original animated version of 1994 and yet adding his spin to the story.
This movie's existence was never demanded (by the audience anyway) However, this new version entertained me. I liked the secondary characters far more than the main characters. To me these voice actors were the standouts: Keegan-Michael Key (as Kamari, hyena), Eric André (as Azizi, hyena), Alfre Woodard (as Sarabi), Florence Kasumba (as Shenzi, hyena leader), Billy Eichner (as Timon) and Seth Rogan (as Pumbaa). These voice acted characters needed much more screen time and way more dialogue. John Oliver made me laugh, but more because I was imagining him doing his HBO show as Zazu.. The most sharp critics of all, the children in the audience, while not cheering Simba on, were well-behaved and reasonably still. Just one question, why do parents of young children take them up to the higher level of seating, in the middle of a row knowing their little ones have little bladders. So children's behavior 👍 , parental behavior 👎.
While I LOVED the original animated feature, I was still entertained by the 2019 version. For me the secondary characters were the standouts, perhaps that is what Jon Favreau intended? The director was in a difficult place, keep it similar (with some audience members and critics screaming cash grab) or make it different (with some audience members and critics screaming you destroyed my childhood). Why do it at all...well why not.There should be a place in this world for the 1994 and 2019 movies as both are creatively crafted works of art and entertainment.
live action remake - Disney
True, this live action (not sure what to call this category...enhanced CGI ?) remake of The Lion King was not necessary, but it was beautiful and much more involving than the live action remake of Beauty and The Beast. However, without Timon's and Pumbaa's voice actors, this movie would have been much less entertaining. Every time that I heard Zazu (hornbill) talk, I giggled not so much for the actual dialogue, it was due to the very famous individual voicing this bird. Kamari and Azizi (hyenas) needed much more screen time. Alfre Woodard (as Sarabi - the Queen of the pride) was as majestic as you would want and Florence Kasumba (as Shenzi - the Queen Hyena) was VERY intimidating. Too bad neither voice actor had enough screen time.I guess that I would have to admit that I enjoyed the secondary characters far more than the main characters.I would like to think that was by Jon Favreau's design not accident.
Maybe showcasing the others in Simba's world was his way of honoring the original animated version of 1994 and yet adding his spin to the story.
This movie's existence was never demanded (by the audience anyway) However, this new version entertained me. I liked the secondary characters far more than the main characters. To me these voice actors were the standouts: Keegan-Michael Key (as Kamari, hyena), Eric André (as Azizi, hyena), Alfre Woodard (as Sarabi), Florence Kasumba (as Shenzi, hyena leader), Billy Eichner (as Timon) and Seth Rogan (as Pumbaa). These voice acted characters needed much more screen time and way more dialogue. John Oliver made me laugh, but more because I was imagining him doing his HBO show as Zazu.. The most sharp critics of all, the children in the audience, while not cheering Simba on, were well-behaved and reasonably still. Just one question, why do parents of young children take them up to the higher level of seating, in the middle of a row knowing their little ones have little bladders. So children's behavior 👍 , parental behavior 👎.
While I LOVED the original animated feature, I was still entertained by the 2019 version. For me the secondary characters were the standouts, perhaps that is what Jon Favreau intended? The director was in a difficult place, keep it similar (with some audience members and critics screaming cash grab) or make it different (with some audience members and critics screaming you destroyed my childhood). Why do it at all...well why not.There should be a place in this world for the 1994 and 2019 movies as both are creatively crafted works of art and entertainment.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
R rated
Just saw trailers, not the movie.
(posted to Andre Black Nerd - video published on 05/29/2019)
Everyone seems to be saying this (so I will too), great premise with kind of a weak follow through. Wish there was more "origin" info on the baby's arrival, plus more than just an immediate transition from bullied child to villainous psychopath. I know puberty is a scary time, but there needs to be some sort of arc to hold my attention. Well two good things happened; Andre got to see an R-rated movie and the Gunn family got work.
R rated
Just saw trailers, not the movie.
(posted to Andre Black Nerd - video published on 05/29/2019)
Everyone seems to be saying this (so I will too), great premise with kind of a weak follow through. Wish there was more "origin" info on the baby's arrival, plus more than just an immediate transition from bullied child to villainous psychopath. I know puberty is a scary time, but there needs to be some sort of arc to hold my attention. Well two good things happened; Andre got to see an R-rated movie and the Gunn family got work.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Aladdin (2019)
PG (viewed in 3D at theater)
Disney's live action remake.
My biggest fear (Will Smith's Genie) about this remake was my biggest source of entertainment. There were a few (maybe ?) Guy Ritchie-isms, some fast/slow cinematography and that "Thanos" moment, but overall I had a good time.
I enjoyed this movie. What surprised me, after the trailers, was how much that I enjoyed Will Smith's performance in this film. I was more interested in his character's arc than the others in the cast. It was a great cast, but Will Smith was definitely MVP. However, the supporting characters, whether human or CGI, all had their moments. Who knew that Jafar had a backstory which led him to where we see him now. Due to scheduling (mine), the only performance I could see was 3D. Maybe it was the movie theater's tech, but I felt that the 3D cost did not transfer to superior viewing quality.
PG (viewed in 3D at theater)
Disney's live action remake.
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Posted to Philip DeFranco You Tube video --Why is Harvard Being Sued Over This 169-Year Old Slave Photographs -- 05/09/2019
On a micro level, proving the actual ownership of the photos would be difficult with the information presented in this video. However on a macro level, the ownership of these photos should not belong to a single individual or even to a family. Somehow all photos should be saved in a single location, perhaps one per [former slave owning] state, with any income earned, excepting maintenance/upkeep for that particular location and staff, be applied to educational scholarships to anyone proving slaves in their lineage. All that being said, while my ancestors were not treated kindly, to the best of my knowledge none were slaves. Educating these descendants of slaves making this modern generation both financially and personally independent, may be the best reparation that can be provided.
Saturday, May 4, 2019
Peter Mayhew
May 15, 1944 - April 30, 2019
Peter Mayhew's spirit and energy was not contained by his Chewbacca persona. He imbued a well-crafted suit with a persona; a creature of great nobility, kindness and humor. It makes me sad that CG matched with voice actors is now so proficient, that we may not see this "joining" ever happen again.
May 15, 1944 - April 30, 2019
Peter Mayhew's spirit and energy was not contained by his Chewbacca persona. He imbued a well-crafted suit with a persona; a creature of great nobility, kindness and humor. It makes me sad that CG matched with voice actors is now so proficient, that we may not see this "joining" ever happen again.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
News via You Tube
posted on Philip DeFranco channel published on 04/18/19
I am only a user of, not creator on, You Tube. I am grateful for the (usually free) knowledge, latest information and entertainment that I find on this site. I know that You Tube has its faults, but the platform is large and still relatively open as compared to some other countries. Lately I feel that many news outlets in their search for relevance and survival have gotten both sloppy (in fact checking) and salacious (in content) as print tabloids of the 20th century. Most of the informative news that I feel answers my questions and provides fairly understandable explanations are from places like Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, The Joe Rogan Experience and of course, Philip DeFranco. Thank you to creators who provide positive and intelligent channels (in spite of some 'bot demonetization and overzealous/greedy copyright strikes).
posted on Philip DeFranco channel published on 04/18/19
I am only a user of, not creator on, You Tube. I am grateful for the (usually free) knowledge, latest information and entertainment that I find on this site. I know that You Tube has its faults, but the platform is large and still relatively open as compared to some other countries. Lately I feel that many news outlets in their search for relevance and survival have gotten both sloppy (in fact checking) and salacious (in content) as print tabloids of the 20th century. Most of the informative news that I feel answers my questions and provides fairly understandable explanations are from places like Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, The Joe Rogan Experience and of course, Philip DeFranco. Thank you to creators who provide positive and intelligent channels (in spite of some 'bot demonetization and overzealous/greedy copyright strikes).
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Less Press Conferences in last 2 years than the previous administrations
(beginning with George W. Bush)
comment posted to Philip DeFranco channel - video published 04/16/2019
Personally I found the press conferences in the last 2 years ranging from contentious to ridiculous. I do not miss them. Press conferences can be helpful as was said by a former press secretary in order to come to a consensus, so I guess my answer would be press conferences are important, just not in our reality. The President wishes to make his reality our reality by reducing explanations to the amount of characters determined by a particular type of social media, rather than be determined by the importance or relevance of that information. The reality of news (print, video, online) is changing which I am guessing is causing editors and publishers to become more anxious for clicks, subscribers and readers. They may send reporters out with a directive to secure a viral quote rather than effective information. When added together these two entities can cancel one another out. Zero is not a practical situation where crisis matched with an urgent need for a decision, appear daily.
Monday, April 15, 2019
YA Movies
(posted comment to Double Toasted review of "After" published on You Tube 04/15/2019)
My initial response to, what are some good YA movies out there, was zero. However thinking about it for a while I thought of two: (both currently on Netflix) To All The Boys I've Loved Before (rated TV-14) and The Edge of Seventeen (rated R). I used as my criteria that the movie should be: (1)upbeat (2)without major illnesses (3) no heavy drug habits or felony/criminal activity and (4) no life/death situations (5) well-written and well-acted. I hear that Boy Erased (2018) and Love Simon (2018) are very good, but have not seen either of them.
(posted comment to Double Toasted review of "After" published on You Tube 04/15/2019)
My initial response to, what are some good YA movies out there, was zero. However thinking about it for a while I thought of two: (both currently on Netflix) To All The Boys I've Loved Before (rated TV-14) and The Edge of Seventeen (rated R). I used as my criteria that the movie should be: (1)upbeat (2)without major illnesses (3) no heavy drug habits or felony/criminal activity and (4) no life/death situations (5) well-written and well-acted. I hear that Boy Erased (2018) and Love Simon (2018) are very good, but have not seen either of them.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Hellboy (2019)
I had wanted an additional Hellboy not a reboot. However Ron Perlman doesn't even make a cameo, which is sad. As for the movie itself, the editing seemed a choppy. There wasn't a smooth flow like the 2004 version. In fact, the 2004 movie is more accessible to the casual fan than the 2019 version. I am not blaming the actors, David Harbour (as Hellboy), Sasha Lane (as Alice Monaghan), and Daniel Dae Kim (as Major Ben Daimio) were great. I just feel that the 2019 movie was almost made with breaks almost like the old movies for television were made, with slowdown in dialogue/action which led to the next commercial. The end of credit moment (stinger) tries to set up a Hellboy 2 (along with a moment of discovery towards the end of the film). Judging by the attendance in my theater, that is doubtful. Maybe Netflix will take it on as a limited series.
The movie entertained, but still disappointed me. Who edited this film? It was so choppy that commercial insertion when it hits TV (for the younglings that is streaming video that is "free") will be easy. Maybe the same ones who put together Fantastic Four (2015)? Anyway, there is a scene towards the end of the movie and a stinger at the end of the credits that indicate maybe a #2 coming? Not if the attendance in my theater is any indication. Maybe Netflix will try Hellboy 2 as a limited series, which might be the best case scenario.
There was a fight in this movie for tone and consistency. Unfortunately no one won.I do not regret my 2 hours in the theater, but this is not a movie I will be revisiting anytime soon. SPOILER: Actually I thought the character in the stinger was Rasputin, however it might be Karl Ruprect Kroenen.
I was entertained by this film (disclaimer I like the character of "Hellboy" and was a fan of the 2 Ron Perlman movies), but the editing was Fantastic Four (2015)-level bad. I hadn't heard about problems with the studio, director and creative visions. I guess that this explains the choppiness of the scene changes, oddly written script and bad pacing. My biggest negative though was the lack of a Ron Perlman appearance or even a cameo.
I had wanted an additional Hellboy not a reboot. However Ron Perlman doesn't even make a cameo, which is sad. As for the movie itself, the editing seemed a choppy. There wasn't a smooth flow like the 2004 version. In fact, the 2004 movie is more accessible to the casual fan than the 2019 version. I am not blaming the actors, David Harbour (as Hellboy), Sasha Lane (as Alice Monaghan), and Daniel Dae Kim (as Major Ben Daimio) were great. I just feel that the 2019 movie was almost made with breaks almost like the old movies for television were made, with slowdown in dialogue/action which led to the next commercial. The end of credit moment (stinger) tries to set up a Hellboy 2 (along with a moment of discovery towards the end of the film). Judging by the attendance in my theater, that is doubtful. Maybe Netflix will take it on as a limited series.
The movie entertained, but still disappointed me. Who edited this film? It was so choppy that commercial insertion when it hits TV (for the younglings that is streaming video that is "free") will be easy. Maybe the same ones who put together Fantastic Four (2015)? Anyway, there is a scene towards the end of the movie and a stinger at the end of the credits that indicate maybe a #2 coming? Not if the attendance in my theater is any indication. Maybe Netflix will try Hellboy 2 as a limited series, which might be the best case scenario.
There was a fight in this movie for tone and consistency. Unfortunately no one won.I do not regret my 2 hours in the theater, but this is not a movie I will be revisiting anytime soon. SPOILER: Actually I thought the character in the stinger was Rasputin, however it might be Karl Ruprect Kroenen.
I was entertained by this film (disclaimer I like the character of "Hellboy" and was a fan of the 2 Ron Perlman movies), but the editing was Fantastic Four (2015)-level bad. I hadn't heard about problems with the studio, director and creative visions. I guess that this explains the choppiness of the scene changes, oddly written script and bad pacing. My biggest negative though was the lack of a Ron Perlman appearance or even a cameo.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
RE: image of black hole and reemergence of measles
Posted onto Philip DeFranco (video published 04/10/19)
I agree with Time Magazine, the black hole images remind me of Sauron. I knew that it would come down to a legal and/or monetary punishment regarding the individuals who refuse to vaccinate. These individuals are obviously as unfamiliar with the history and mechanisms of pandemics/epidemics as they are concerning proven science. Edward Jenner would be horrified. You know why, his research into vaccination, specifically smallpox vaccination was done in the LATE 18TH and EARLY 19TH centuries. Makes me want to scream, hence the caps. Free speech does not permit an individual to yell fire in a public area causing panic and injury if there is no actual danger. Neither should an individual be allowed to kill us all by spreading diseases (especially airborne ones) which can maim or kill simply because they do not wish to be vaccinated.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
PG-13 -- 2hr 12 min.
Watched in the theater in regular (2D) format
I like a happy MovieBob, not a requirement for subscribing but still nice. Admittedly when it comes to science fiction or super hero movies, I am an easy sale. I was almost late for the movie, so I did not go to concessions. This movie doesn't need empty calorie snacks to raise any endorphin levels. The script, acting, editing, dialogue, almost perfect soundtrack and interesting CGI, not just photo-realistic CGI kept my attention on point for the entire film...right up to the amazing stinger at the conclusion of the closing credits.
PG-13 -- 2hr 12 min.
Watched in the theater in regular (2D) format
I like a happy MovieBob, not a requirement for subscribing but still nice. Admittedly when it comes to science fiction or super hero movies, I am an easy sale. I was almost late for the movie, so I did not go to concessions. This movie doesn't need empty calorie snacks to raise any endorphin levels. The script, acting, editing, dialogue, almost perfect soundtrack and interesting CGI, not just photo-realistic CGI kept my attention on point for the entire film...right up to the amazing stinger at the conclusion of the closing credits.
Where do you rank Shazam among the DCEU movies?
Having loved last year's Aquaman, what do Brad and Laura think of the latest DCEU movie, Shazam! and how do they feel it compares to not just other super hero movies, but also some films of the 80s such as Big?
(posted this onto Stoned Gremlin channel 04/06/19):
1. Wonder Woman
2. Shazam!
3. Aquaman
4. Suicide Squad
5. Justice League
At this point, my ratings on multiple Superman, Batman movies becomes more of a chore that I want to approach. Let's just say, there is a lot of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly, minus a Clint Eastwood appearance of course, flying and fighting through most of them.
Rewatching the movie Big, which I remember liking as a child, is an odd experience. It is kind of problematic when viewed through our current societal norms.
Having loved last year's Aquaman, what do Brad and Laura think of the latest DCEU movie, Shazam! and how do they feel it compares to not just other super hero movies, but also some films of the 80s such as Big?
(posted this onto Stoned Gremlin channel 04/06/19):
1. Wonder Woman
2. Shazam!
3. Aquaman
4. Suicide Squad
5. Justice League
At this point, my ratings on multiple Superman, Batman movies becomes more of a chore that I want to approach. Let's just say, there is a lot of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly, minus a Clint Eastwood appearance of course, flying and fighting through most of them.
Rewatching the movie Big, which I remember liking as a child, is an odd experience. It is kind of problematic when viewed through our current societal norms.
Monday, April 1, 2019
Social Media
Posted comment to Casey Neistat video (published on You Tube 04/01/2019)
I deleted Tumblr and Snapchat, although was not a big user of either app. I never joined Twitter because I have a tendency towards addiction and a well-known lack of filter in actual (not virtual) life. As for FB, I am on a lot less. I primarily use that app as kind a of virtual/video scrapbook (posting cute animal videos, dumb or smart celebrity comments and in memoriam videos) along with checking out 2 or 3 private groups to which I belong. Instagram is my biggest social media black hole---I post images, comment on others' images, watch instagram stories and just plain gawk and like.
Posted comment to Casey Neistat video (published on You Tube 04/01/2019)
I deleted Tumblr and Snapchat, although was not a big user of either app. I never joined Twitter because I have a tendency towards addiction and a well-known lack of filter in actual (not virtual) life. As for FB, I am on a lot less. I primarily use that app as kind a of virtual/video scrapbook (posting cute animal videos, dumb or smart celebrity comments and in memoriam videos) along with checking out 2 or 3 private groups to which I belong. Instagram is my biggest social media black hole---I post images, comment on others' images, watch instagram stories and just plain gawk and like.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Jordan Peele
Because I am somewhat a wuss, I usually spoil horror movies for myself. I enjoyed Get Out, but needed to prepare myself for Us. I am not going to see the movie in a theater not because of the horror, but because it is so sad, at least to me. I respect Jordan Peele's talent though, he literally made two movies in one, movie one for the horror fans and movie two for the allegory/philosophical fans. No special nerdy glasses are needed. I would be looking forward to his Twilight Zone reboot, not have CBS All-Access. Am saving up for Disney Plus streaming service.
Because I am somewhat a wuss, I usually spoil horror movies for myself. I enjoyed Get Out, but needed to prepare myself for Us. I am not going to see the movie in a theater not because of the horror, but because it is so sad, at least to me. I respect Jordan Peele's talent though, he literally made two movies in one, movie one for the horror fans and movie two for the allegory/philosophical fans. No special nerdy glasses are needed. I would be looking forward to his Twilight Zone reboot, not have CBS All-Access. Am saving up for Disney Plus streaming service.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Love, Death and Robots
The title does tell the tale, lots of blood, lots of sex with interesting AI story themes that frame 18 stories. I "semi-binged" (in 2 binges) this series due to the high energy of each episode. Intense, beautiful and graphic does not even begin to describe this anthology series. While I appreciate the freedom to binge and zero cost (as long as one has a Netflix subscription), seeing this on an IMAX screen with superior audio would have been amazing. Agree that Ep3 - The Witness was somewhat fetishistic, but its conclusion almost (but not quite) redeemed itself. I enjoyed most of the stories, but as an anthology it is not necessary to like, or even watch, each episode in its entirety to appreciate the art and talent of this series. I would like it to continue to multiple seasons, assuming the creative talent, diversity and imagination is intact.
Brief Synopsis: personal impressions regarding each episode:
1) Sonnie's Edge - Sonnie is a futuristic MMA fighter with a very high success rate
2) Three Robots -- very funny, although the humor is obvious the jokes land successfully
3) The Witness --- kind of fetishes women -while animation is interesting, even ending not sufficient
4) Suits -- male and female farmers using mechs to defend land and family from Alien invasion
5) Sucker of Souls -- funny, but ending just dropped off
6) When the Yogurt Took Over -- satirical with some jabs at our reality
7) Beyond the Aquila Rift - I kept screaming a line from a Jordan Peele movie at my screen
8) Good Hunting - a "special woman" goes from victim to savior
9) The Dump - ironic humor -- kind of grindhouse variety
10) Shape-Shifters - good themes and even though animated, great acting
11) Helping Hand - a woman astronaut makes a critical and heroic choice
12) Fish Night - odd, interesting, but kind of fails at its conclusion
13) Lucky 13 - a ship that no one would fly, was flown successfully by a (woman) pilot
14) Zima Blue - beautiful both the visuals and the dialogue
15) Blind Spot - retro, funny right thru its conclusion
16) Ice Age - quirky and a little sad
17) Alternate Histories - just plain weird
18) The Secret War - interesting take on the Russian military
Watched on Netflix March 23 and March 24 2019
The title does tell the tale, lots of blood, lots of sex with interesting AI story themes that frame 18 stories. I "semi-binged" (in 2 binges) this series due to the high energy of each episode. Intense, beautiful and graphic does not even begin to describe this anthology series. While I appreciate the freedom to binge and zero cost (as long as one has a Netflix subscription), seeing this on an IMAX screen with superior audio would have been amazing. Agree that Ep3 - The Witness was somewhat fetishistic, but its conclusion almost (but not quite) redeemed itself. I enjoyed most of the stories, but as an anthology it is not necessary to like, or even watch, each episode in its entirety to appreciate the art and talent of this series. I would like it to continue to multiple seasons, assuming the creative talent, diversity and imagination is intact.
Brief Synopsis: personal impressions regarding each episode:
1) Sonnie's Edge - Sonnie is a futuristic MMA fighter with a very high success rate
2) Three Robots -- very funny, although the humor is obvious the jokes land successfully
3) The Witness --- kind of fetishes women -while animation is interesting, even ending not sufficient
4) Suits -- male and female farmers using mechs to defend land and family from Alien invasion
5) Sucker of Souls -- funny, but ending just dropped off
6) When the Yogurt Took Over -- satirical with some jabs at our reality
7) Beyond the Aquila Rift - I kept screaming a line from a Jordan Peele movie at my screen
8) Good Hunting - a "special woman" goes from victim to savior
9) The Dump - ironic humor -- kind of grindhouse variety
10) Shape-Shifters - good themes and even though animated, great acting
11) Helping Hand - a woman astronaut makes a critical and heroic choice
12) Fish Night - odd, interesting, but kind of fails at its conclusion
13) Lucky 13 - a ship that no one would fly, was flown successfully by a (woman) pilot
14) Zima Blue - beautiful both the visuals and the dialogue
15) Blind Spot - retro, funny right thru its conclusion
16) Ice Age - quirky and a little sad
17) Alternate Histories - just plain weird
18) The Secret War - interesting take on the Russian military
Thursday, March 21, 2019
James Gunn ReHired for Guardians of the Galaxy 3
I still blame Alan Horn for not properly fact checking the tweets, the trolls and the multiple apologies by James Gunn. Maybe when a new CEO is chosen, current Disney wizards in charge (looking at you Robert Iger) might want to widen their net beyond the man who bit on bad bait.
I still blame Alan Horn for not properly fact checking the tweets, the trolls and the multiple apologies by James Gunn. Maybe when a new CEO is chosen, current Disney wizards in charge (looking at you Robert Iger) might want to widen their net beyond the man who bit on bad bait.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Philip DeFranco (published on You Tube 03/18/2019)
JK Rowling Backlash (00:06), James Gunn Rehired (2:28), Shane Dawson Cat Controversy (3:38), TIA (7:46), Christchurch (8:55)
MY POST (made 03/19/2019)
I love the Harry Potter series and although I found Fantastic Beasts wanting (especially part 2), but both were still entertaining. Although it is obvious, Grindelwald and Dumbledore are fantasy characters, their sexual experiences can change with a keystroke or a pen. I am sure that individuals upset with the fantasy lives of these fantasy characters, will recognize this phrase, "Let It Go....". Also, take that phrase further and apply it to Shane Dawson, all cats and all young individuals who make stupid comments, but grow up and out of that stupid behavior. I appreciate anyone who can discuss this tragedy in New Zealand, try to prevent it from happening again and above all give absolutely no publicity to the murderers, their social media and any of their published material. Give them nothing, they have already taken way too much.
Friday, March 8, 2019
Captain Marvel
Saw at Showcase Cinema in Foxboro on March 8 2019
While not my favorite Marvel movie, I did enjoy Captain Marvel. I think that the placement of this movie on the Marvel film release time line, might have diminished this movie's story importance. Endgame is coming soon, which makes this movie seem less important. Perhaps as was said, it was also less "directed", both literally and metaphorically. However, I was never bored, never tried to sneak a look at my phone to check the time and would probably grade it as a low B.
I liked Captain Marvel. I could have used more Kree vs. Skrull backstory, but I was entertained by this movie. The opening montage as credits began made me a bit weepy, but I was pleased that was done. I felt the arc was more in Carol/Vers recognizing her power and unleashing it appropriately. To give her an emotional arc, the audience would need more than snapshots (literally photographs in one scene) of her maturation as an Terran child to young girl to pilot and woman.
Saw at Showcase Cinema in Foxboro on March 8 2019
While not my favorite Marvel movie, I did enjoy Captain Marvel. I think that the placement of this movie on the Marvel film release time line, might have diminished this movie's story importance. Endgame is coming soon, which makes this movie seem less important. Perhaps as was said, it was also less "directed", both literally and metaphorically. However, I was never bored, never tried to sneak a look at my phone to check the time and would probably grade it as a low B.
I liked Captain Marvel. I could have used more Kree vs. Skrull backstory, but I was entertained by this movie. The opening montage as credits began made me a bit weepy, but I was pleased that was done. I felt the arc was more in Carol/Vers recognizing her power and unleashing it appropriately. To give her an emotional arc, the audience would need more than snapshots (literally photographs in one scene) of her maturation as an Terran child to young girl to pilot and woman.
Friday, February 22, 2019
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
(3rd installment)
PG 1 hour 44 minutes
(seen in regular format in a theater on 02/22/2019)
I enjoyed this film. Due to a huge crowd in the upper/stadium level, I sat in the floor level, the section closer to the screen in the last row. I watched the regular format version, but I still saw details like strands of hair blowing in the wind, dragons weaving, soaring and even a beach scene with sand getting on Toothless. The story held my attention along with the animation that was crystal clear even in the low lit scenes. Best recommendation that I can give this film is a description of the audience. There were no cries, no complaining and no bad behavior...and the children were fine also (insert rim shot at your own discretion).
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Jussie Smollett Situation
Posted on Collider Live#77-----02/21/2019
Initially I was kind of upset regarding the Jussie Smollett situation (at least as it stands at this moment in time) at Mr. Smollett specifically. Obviously he has issues, but news media, celebrities and anyone who ranted about this on social media (yes I did post comments to friends when I first learned about this incident) are complicit in this scam. Many of us share a modicum of the blame. For a start I would tactfully request of news media, rehire those fact checkers. And the rest of us, while still protecting the innocent and helpless, maybe take at least a 24 hour pause to study the situation before judging and commenting.
Posted on Collider Live#77-----02/21/2019
Initially I was kind of upset regarding the Jussie Smollett situation (at least as it stands at this moment in time) at Mr. Smollett specifically. Obviously he has issues, but news media, celebrities and anyone who ranted about this on social media (yes I did post comments to friends when I first learned about this incident) are complicit in this scam. Many of us share a modicum of the blame. For a start I would tactfully request of news media, rehire those fact checkers. And the rest of us, while still protecting the innocent and helpless, maybe take at least a 24 hour pause to study the situation before judging and commenting.
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
PG-13 2 hours 2 minutes
(saw in theater in 3D on 02/19/2019)
I did enjoy this movie although some of the romantic subplot needed some editing and smarter dialogue. Alita is supposed to be the last of her kind, so it would make sense that she looks "different". Before I saw this movie, I read book one of the manga. I am glad I did as I could follow the humanity of this story rather than dwell on (well I did for the first few minutes) the bionic limbs and bodies. While there are no credit extras at the end of this movie, the movie's last scene with the character, NOVA made me laugh out loud. As I was the only one in the theater who did so, I guess no one else was impressed with NOVA's appearance.
I liked Alita: Battle Angel, but agree that its weakest part is the teen love story. The dialogue indicated that Alita was actually 300 years old. Most of those 300 years were spent in a coma, so emotionally she was still a teen. The 300 year old Edward Cullen in Twilight kind of creeped me out as those years were spent (emotionally) growing up. Actually the paternal love of Doctor Ido for Alita and a certain (adult) character's change of attitude towards Alita had far more emotion impact than the love story subplot. I did hear many reviewers (Rotten Tomatoes) say that this film was confusing. So I decided to read volume one (free if a member of Amazon Prime). Maybe that information improved my opinion concerning this film. However, at 2 hours some judicious editing probably would have made a vast improvement in reviews.
PG-13 2 hours 2 minutes
(saw in theater in 3D on 02/19/2019)
I did enjoy this movie although some of the romantic subplot needed some editing and smarter dialogue. Alita is supposed to be the last of her kind, so it would make sense that she looks "different". Before I saw this movie, I read book one of the manga. I am glad I did as I could follow the humanity of this story rather than dwell on (well I did for the first few minutes) the bionic limbs and bodies. While there are no credit extras at the end of this movie, the movie's last scene with the character, NOVA made me laugh out loud. As I was the only one in the theater who did so, I guess no one else was impressed with NOVA's appearance.
I liked Alita: Battle Angel, but agree that its weakest part is the teen love story. The dialogue indicated that Alita was actually 300 years old. Most of those 300 years were spent in a coma, so emotionally she was still a teen. The 300 year old Edward Cullen in Twilight kind of creeped me out as those years were spent (emotionally) growing up. Actually the paternal love of Doctor Ido for Alita and a certain (adult) character's change of attitude towards Alita had far more emotion impact than the love story subplot. I did hear many reviewers (Rotten Tomatoes) say that this film was confusing. So I decided to read volume one (free if a member of Amazon Prime). Maybe that information improved my opinion concerning this film. However, at 2 hours some judicious editing probably would have made a vast improvement in reviews.
Friday, February 8, 2019
The Lego Movie 2:The Second Part
1 hour 47 minutes
I also left liking the movie a little less than the first one. Lego 2 did have a more childlike quality to the dialogue. However there were adult (in the pop culture sense) jokes, that I feel I might have missed due to that peaceful (but not sleepy) zen state induced by some of that dialogue. I think that Chris Pratt's imitation of a particular costar from a live action movie was ingenious to use in this film. It kept my attention. There were several other "guest Lego stars" that just having them as extras in the background was very funny. Basically for adults who have not yet seen the film, to keep their attention rapt, count/find the easter eggs (mostly Lego characters, with occasional verbal references).
While I liked Lego Movie 2, it seemed a bit more child-like in the dialogue (although there were numerous Easter Eggs for the above 13 crowd). When General Mayhem was in full costume, I kind of saw it as a funny dig at Captain Phasma. Very interesting in view of Lord and Miller being the writers on THIS film (Hint: Solo).
The Lego Movie 2:The Second Part did kind of dumb down some of the dialogue along with laying out a plot literally in fluorescent colors. But the Easter Eggs made it all worth it for me (as a wannabe adult). General Mayhem (before transformation) reminded me of an infamous character related to a franchise that the writers of Lego 2 (Lord and Miller) were fired from. Having Chris Pratt do an imitation of Kurt Russell made me giggle every time that character spoke. There was even an appearance of a very unlikely Lego character several times once (in the ceiling air vents) that was funny on several levels. There were many Lego "film extras" in the background that were amusing just by being in the scene. I would advise any adults to play find the Easter eggs game if they find themselves becoming overly soothed by the dialogue or thin plot.
1 hour 47 minutes
I also left liking the movie a little less than the first one. Lego 2 did have a more childlike quality to the dialogue. However there were adult (in the pop culture sense) jokes, that I feel I might have missed due to that peaceful (but not sleepy) zen state induced by some of that dialogue. I think that Chris Pratt's imitation of a particular costar from a live action movie was ingenious to use in this film. It kept my attention. There were several other "guest Lego stars" that just having them as extras in the background was very funny. Basically for adults who have not yet seen the film, to keep their attention rapt, count/find the easter eggs (mostly Lego characters, with occasional verbal references).
While I liked Lego Movie 2, it seemed a bit more child-like in the dialogue (although there were numerous Easter Eggs for the above 13 crowd). When General Mayhem was in full costume, I kind of saw it as a funny dig at Captain Phasma. Very interesting in view of Lord and Miller being the writers on THIS film (Hint: Solo).
The Lego Movie 2:The Second Part did kind of dumb down some of the dialogue along with laying out a plot literally in fluorescent colors. But the Easter Eggs made it all worth it for me (as a wannabe adult). General Mayhem (before transformation) reminded me of an infamous character related to a franchise that the writers of Lego 2 (Lord and Miller) were fired from. Having Chris Pratt do an imitation of Kurt Russell made me giggle every time that character spoke. There was even an appearance of a very unlikely Lego character several times once (in the ceiling air vents) that was funny on several levels. There were many Lego "film extras" in the background that were amusing just by being in the scene. I would advise any adults to play find the Easter eggs game if they find themselves becoming overly soothed by the dialogue or thin plot.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Comment to video published 01/28/19 on his channel in regards to a 20 minute video on Lillian Vernon
I hope that Lillian Vernon and her sons were happy with the video. This woman lived through some of the most chaotic, violent and sadistic years of the 20th century to emerge sane and successful. The irony of her brother was so sharp that it hurt, even through a video. The Neistat guys honored her epic life with a great story that deserves epic views. And when I shop at later today, I will appreciate an entrepreneur who did it without the internet.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
The Merry Maids of Madness
Watched 01/27/19 on Amazon Prime
Being familiar with Shakespearean comedies is helpful, but not essential to enjoyment of this film. While the majority of this film's story takes place with seemingly VERY light security) where individuals are sent to regain their sanity and their ability to live in the outside world.
All the characters are well-acted and three dimensional. I can't single anyone out as each character seemed alive and interesting. Directing and editing keeps this story in motion even with limited locations. This is not a documentary of life in an asylum, but it is a comedy with themes that are easily relatable. The soundtrack does the job enhances times of action and odd occurrences.
Maybe a cliché, but the phrase that comes to my mind was "All's well that ends well." This movie is worth your time and thought.
Watched 01/27/19 on Amazon Prime
Being familiar with Shakespearean comedies is helpful, but not essential to enjoyment of this film. While the majority of this film's story takes place with seemingly VERY light security) where individuals are sent to regain their sanity and their ability to live in the outside world.
All the characters are well-acted and three dimensional. I can't single anyone out as each character seemed alive and interesting. Directing and editing keeps this story in motion even with limited locations. This is not a documentary of life in an asylum, but it is a comedy with themes that are easily relatable. The soundtrack does the job enhances times of action and odd occurrences.
Maybe a cliché, but the phrase that comes to my mind was "All's well that ends well." This movie is worth your time and thought.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Screen Junkies'Movie Fights (published on You Tube 01/24/2019)
If you could have any celebrity (alive or dead) step into the Movie Fights ring, who would it be?
While it would require some binging on some of these individuals' part, my first choice is William Shakespeare (1564-1616), playwright, poet and actor. My second choice (out of curiosity due to a certain film) would be William A. Wellman (1896-1975), award winning director. My third choice would be Elizabeth Taylor(1932-2011), actress. She was a hoot and usually spoke without filter. You want a living person? My fourth choice would be Robert Downey Jr. He has been an actor longer than some of his fans have been alive. He is from a show biz family and has participated in multiple areas of entertainment. That artistic genealogy and his life work, thus far, when paired with personal turmoil and redemption would make him a worthy debater.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Glass (2019)
Watched at a theater January 25, 2019 (matinee)
I liked this movie although the tsunami of negative reviews almost put me off seeing it in a theater.. While I have a few minor complaints regarding the pacing at the beginning and some of the editing (plus M. Night's cameo was a little long for my taste), but overall I enjoyed this film. I wonder how many of the negative reviewers had also seen Unbreakable and Spilt.
I liked this movie. However, knowledge of facts, themes and characters from M. Night Shyamalan's movies Unbreakable(2000) and Spilt (2016) are essential to a full enjoyment of this film. Perhaps to most critics that is contrary to their view of film, but I was fine with that prerequisite.
I think Mr. Glass's view was to the long game, kind of like weakening a wall (sorry about that) with a single but steady drip of (yes I am doing it) water. Actually slowly would be best for humanity especially in terms of a biological and sociological evolutionary turn.I kind of wish David Dunn's son had perhaps intervened, if only by shouting "Dad no" , but I am fine with M. Night's reasoning. Besides, could anyone ever picture Bruce Willis coming back? Ooooo just had a thought, maybe David Dunn is in a coma. I bet Bruce Willis would sign on to another movie for that part!
Watched at a theater January 25, 2019 (matinee)
I liked this movie although the tsunami of negative reviews almost put me off seeing it in a theater.. While I have a few minor complaints regarding the pacing at the beginning and some of the editing (plus M. Night's cameo was a little long for my taste), but overall I enjoyed this film. I wonder how many of the negative reviewers had also seen Unbreakable and Spilt.
I liked this movie. However, knowledge of facts, themes and characters from M. Night Shyamalan's movies Unbreakable(2000) and Spilt (2016) are essential to a full enjoyment of this film. Perhaps to most critics that is contrary to their view of film, but I was fine with that prerequisite.
I think Mr. Glass's view was to the long game, kind of like weakening a wall (sorry about that) with a single but steady drip of (yes I am doing it) water. Actually slowly would be best for humanity especially in terms of a biological and sociological evolutionary turn.I kind of wish David Dunn's son had perhaps intervened, if only by shouting "Dad no" , but I am fine with M. Night's reasoning. Besides, could anyone ever picture Bruce Willis coming back? Ooooo just had a thought, maybe David Dunn is in a coma. I bet Bruce Willis would sign on to another movie for that part!
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