Friday, December 20, 2019

PG -- 2019
2 hours

(As of this date never saw the actual movie, only the trailers) 12/20/2019.

I have seen a (professional) production of the musical,CATS. There is NO plot. There is however some nice music, dancing and unitards/leg-warmers. Why the proposed animated version by (I think) Steven Spielberg was not green-lit and this live-action Doctor Moreau rip-off was produced, I will never understand. Not to be snarky, but I would LOVE to hear what Martin Scorsese's opinion was concerning this "event" and did it quality as "film"?

Nope not spending money on this Island of Doctor Moreau knockoff. That being said when it streams I am having a party, because the entertainment will be free.

I appreciate that all the artists involved in this film were honestly trying their hardest, but did no one look at why the stage production lasted so long?  What kept the stage play going was the experience of it all in real life. The stage musical was real actors singing songs live, real sets and real costumed actors interacting with the real audience. Keep trying new ideas Entertainment Industry, but please please as they say in the reading, pay attention to the instructors and (forgive me for this cliche) do your homework.

RE: John Campea's 12/27 video---Jason Derulo complaining about critical/public reception of CATS:
My google search of Mr. Derulo's cred indicates: singer, songwriter, and dancer. His talents are well-documented. He is entitled to his personal opinions...on anything (as are we all). However, celebrities should keep their hyperbole off Twitter and sites seeking to use them as clickbait. Art is made and evolves along with people's memories. 10 years from now I could be wearing cat ears, sitting in a theater with a Rocky Horror-type crowd, with some sort of liquid in my hand,  having a great time, watching the 2019 movie, CATS.

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