Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

2 hours 22 minutes
(seen in a theater 12/23/2019)

I heard rumors that the plan for the direction of this trilogy was not carefully plotted, like Marvel has done and the Harry Potter (DO NOT confuse with Fantastic Beasts) series. Unfortunately Star Wars episode IX followed the path of the last season of Game of Thrones, with the need to fast forward way too many characters and plot threads. I enjoyed Episode IX for what it was not the Star Wars movie some of the fans wanted, but as in this time of giving gifts, it's the thought that counts. The Witcher was b*****t fun (@Netflix) and The Mandalorian (@Disney+) has the pacing and fun of the original Star Wars (Episodes 4-5-6) but without the expensive CGI and overly lofty themes
I agree that the last 3 Star Wars films seemed to not have had the planning of a Marvel film or Harry Potter film. Characters in episode 9 appeared and disappeared almost in the cameo format of one of those heist movies. I was entertained by this movie, but it did feel like I walked away with being filled with empty calories not nutritious content (actually I was fillled with popcorn). For alternate entertainment without spending $11 for popcorn and $5 for a bottle of water, try: (1)The Witcher which was b*****t fun (@Netflix) and (2)The Mandalorian (@Disney+) which has the pacing and action of the original Star Wars (Episodes 4-5-6) but without the expensive CGI and overly lofty themes.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I agree with Chris Stuckmann regarding the fact that all the pieces, except for writing continuity, were in place. This 3 episode series needed one writer, at least one head writer to develop a linear vision without using "patches" like certain software developers do, to correct their product AFTER it is released to the public. Did I like it, well my one view was like the all over the place views of Chris Stuckmann's friends. I liked it, but was disappointed about some plot threads. Visions can be beautiful, but when transferred to the format of a movie, they need to have a coherent flow.
I like The Rise of Skywalker as general entertainment. However as a long awaited conclusion to the Skywalker saga (in spite of what a certain character verbalizes), I was not enthused. I knew that I was walking into a less than satisfying movie when I realized its length was only 2 hours 22 minutes with no extra scenes in the ending credits.This movie should have been several separate movies with a head-writer to coordinate the plot threads BEFORE episode 8 and 9 were even in preproduction. The scene changes along with entrance/exit of characters almost causes a whiplash as you think you recognized someone, wondered why this was possible, knowing that is not where The Last Jedi plot thread was going, where is that person, what power was that, and does cloning really work that way? To paraphrase Elsa's famous quote (from another film in the Disney Dynasty), we all must just move on. If The Mandalorian is any indication, maybe Disney/LucasFilm will return the force to Star Wars.
I had thought that George Lucas was being a bit controlling and overly petulant when he complained that they did not use any of this ideas concerning episodes 7-8-9. Now that it appears that there was no head writer who mapped out this trilogy. This makes me so sad. I would have thought that Disney, seeing how well planning worked with Marvel movies, would have applied the same algorithm to Star Wars.
I knew that  this movie wasn't going to be the conclusion that I wanted when I saw the run time...2 hr. 22 min. No one, not even JJ Abrams is that good. I feel conflicted about this movie.  While I did enjoy it, I wanted so much more. Wait a minute...maybe a JJ Abrams cut?
While I enjoyed The Rise of Skywalker, I was disappointed for what might have been. This movie had characters entering/exiting in almost a fast forward manner or barely around. That along with a fair amount of unresolved plot threads did temper my enthusiasm. Judging by the quiet audience at the showing I attended, I was not alone in that opinion. I knew before going in (due to the 2 hr 22 min run time) to see this movie that I was not going to get the conclusion that I wanted.  I can hardly wait for the internet to start buzzing about the JJ Abrams Cut. My guess, it will be about 6 hours long.
All the discussion about Star Wars has left me confused about my own reactions. I really liked The Mandalorian. Did I like it more because of its serial presentation, I do not know. I sort of liked (in the sense of never checking the time) The Rise of Skywalker, but on the drive home thought of multiple inconsistencies. As in the Home Alone 2 early scene with Kevin McCallister and his Dad running through the airport. I am not sure if I reached my intended destination, but I am too winded to care. What I take away from this is that I will always be interested and fascinated by the Star Wars series, good or bad/satisfying or confusing.  Since I doubt anyone is reading my comment this far, I will admit to loving and laughing at the Star Wars Christmas Special and being oddly riveted to the screen by those Ewok films.

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