Monday, July 1, 2024

JULY 2024

Posted to Lawyer You Know (RE: Mistrial declared in case of Karen Read) Uploaded on 07/01/2024

I had assumed only 2 or maybe 3 jurors were for a guilty verdict. Now I do not know. I find myself wondering what trial did I watch? I saw so much reasonable doubt around such an ineffective investigation showcasing some rather incoherent prosecution expert witnesses that I compared it to a circus. I found the jury verdict form quite confusing, wonder if any jurors were also confused. Perhaps my ability to opening discuss this trial with others, know about the FBI investigation and absorb expert commentary on channels like this one has pushed me more towards not guilty? If the news of the CW intending to retry this case is accurate without NEW relevant data being available to both sides, then the O'Keefe family and friends, the defendant, her family and friends and certain citizens of Canton has been sentenced to unresolved future by the CW.

Posted to NatalieLawyerChick (RE: Judge Granville backtracks- Young Thug Trial) Uploaded 07/02/2024

It is not so much that this judge is or is not corrupt, he seems (with past examples given by Natalie) to be utterly ignorant of what the role of a judge is. On that basis alone, he should be removed from his post. Perhaps "sentence" this man who would be a judge, to a few law school refresher courses  in subjects such as ethics, defense rights along with some rage management classes. Right now he is literally his own worst enemy. His most effective savior is self-awareness.

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Alec Baldwin's attorney's Motion in Limine) Uploaded 07/03/2024

Glad Runkle is on board to provide the translation of this motion. Is this Motion In Limine: (1) pre-trial snark? (2) mind games? (3) 3-D Chess? (4) A way to up AB's billable hours? My vote is on #1 with #4 as a close second. Not that I believe for a minute that AB will get anything like that HG-type prison sentence, but this trial promises to be an interesting watch. Then, I remember Halyna Hutchins. Where is she in all this "theater of the law". How will any of this prevent the next tragic accident on a movie set when those in charge of providing a safe working environment on the RUST set were never punished or even named (beyond AB).

DEFINITION:A "motion in limine" is a pretrial motion that seeks the exclusion of specific evidence or arguments from being presented during a trial. A motion in limine is decided by the judge outside of the presence of the jury.

Posted to Lawyer You Know (RE: Upcoming Alec Baldwin trial) Uploaded on 07/04/2024

Whatever anyone's opinion is of HG, she deserved better representation. I knew that she was in trouble during her second LE interview when she freely surrendered her phone, answered all LE questions while her attorney sat (mostly) quietly by her side. What I am looking forward to in the Alec Baldwin trial is competent, professional and passionate (as in "not Lally") representation from both sides. Perhaps this trial might even lead to better safety enforcement by SAG/AFTRA, NM OSHA (or any local version) and enhanced responsibility of the production company to provide a safe workplace. With the death of Halyna Hutchins and the subsequent insurance payouts, I am guessing the attraction of spending less money on safety should now be a moot point for all producers and corporations.

Posted to Legal Vices (RE: Lawyers React to Karen Read mistrial verdict) Uploaded 07/04/2024

The public statement of State Police (Interim) chief, John Mawn to me symbolized most of the LE work in this case with an official statement that was cringy, incompetent, clueless and arguably containing as much word salad as a political convention speech. BTW smart for Legal Vices to reverse image to avoid copyright strike AND echo a certain prosecution snafu. I always enjoy these group discussions.  

Posted to Smokey Glow (RE: Mental Health and Addiction) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/06/2024

Ironically this video of someone coming through that black hole alive comes at a time when someone I knew (only through social media) did not make it through. Like all of the videos on this channel, this video was blunt, detailed and helpful. I was feeling rather down, this video gave me hope. Thank you for being so generous with very personal details and process in order send the message that there is help to be found before making any irrevocable decisions.

Posted to Legal Bytes (RE: Karen Read mistrial- Proctor removed from job) Uploaded on 07/05/2-24

State Police Colonel John Mawn and the Massachusetts Troopers' Union are missing the point in their public statements. Those nasty texts by Proctor were bad, but even worse was sharing any information with civilians in that group text. There was also that circus of an investigation, which almost any regular viewer of police procedurals and legal dramas could have done more competently. Per this posted interview with the brother of the late Officer O'Keefe,  seems that sadly the O'Keefe family still see Karen Read as THE ONLY reason for the death of Officer John O'Keefe. Grief can cloud our perception of reality. While Karen Read and Officer John O'Keefe seemingly had a toxic personal relationship what probably contributing most to the un-aliving of Officer John O'Keefe was incompetence, arrogance and cluelessness of local LE and the office Norfolk County DA. For anyone to file civil suit is more complex and would not give closure financially or emotionally. I would rather see "a cleanup" in LE and DA's office.

Posted to Attorney Melanie Little (RE: Sandra Birchmore Wrongful Death Civil Suit) 07/07/2024

Thank you to Attorney Melanie for being clear, careful and concise in her analysis. What are the requirements of entering police academy...a pulse?... a temp of 98.6 F? Psych evaluations in the formats of a written and in person evaluations can show anti-social tendencies. A minimal fee can allow a preliminary criminal background check of whomever you choose. People do not simply join LE or any group and instantly become monsters. There is a "tell" in past behavior. Whether it is a bible or a weapon, there should be more oversight in giving powers to people unable to handle these "gifts" ethically and properly.

Posted to Attorney Melanie Little (RE: Defense Motion to Dismiss all charges on Read) 07/08/2024

Officer O'Keefe and his family have been failed by so many. Canton PD and Massachusetts State Troopers provided an amateurish investigation regarding the death of Officer John O'Keefe that would send any viewer of Law and Order and CSI into utter disbelief. The Norfolk County DA Michael W. Morrissey allowed this circus of a trial to come to town. Finally Judge Beverly Cannone proved her unsuitability to be a judge: (1) by not recusing herself due to her prior contact with prosecution witnesses, (2) by not properly instructing the jury before deliberation and (3) by not polling the jury before declaring a mistrial. Judge Beverly Cannone should resign immediately.

Posted to Emily D. Baker - Quick Bits (RE: Karen Read Case-Motion to Dismiss) Uploaded 07/09/2024

Has there ever been a trial with participants who have so much power and so much civic responsibility acting so badly and incompetently? In a WBZ (CBS tv affiliate in Boston) interview the brother of the late Officer O'Keefe,  Paul O'Keefe seems to be locked in a bubble of sorrow and hate. IMO he knew the questions ahead of time as he was quite fluid with his responses. He was even fine with those Red Solo cups and felt the LE investigation was subverted and manipulated by the defense. Now the jurors are talking? Ironically the defendant accused of 2nd degree homicide and her attorneys may be the only individuals to someday emerge from this mess able to move on with their lives. 

Posted to Megan Fox (RE: Read Juror Speaks to Jackson) Uploaded to You Tube 07/09/2024

While re-watching the unbelievably cringy cross of Brian Higgins by Jackson I had a thought, isn't Brian Higgins working for the ATF? Doesn't the ATF take a dim view of their employees lying to a Grand Jury? (On June 10, 2022 a Norfolk County Grand Jury indicted Karen Read on charges of second-degree murder, manslaughter while operating under the influence of alcohol, and leaving the scene of personal injury and death.) How is Brian Higgins not being "re-homed" like Proctor?

Posted to Attorney Melanie Little (RE:4th Juror comes forward & Kevin Albert suspended) 07/10/2024

When I hear these official "apologies" I just groan as they do not get it. "It" being the job to which Proctor was hired/promoted. Even if those group texts had not been read at trial, Proctor is incompetent, clueless, corrupt and beyond the ability for formulate logical deductions.  As for Chris Albert's apology, it was as stiff and unbelievable as Proctor's was during testimony at the Read trial. It is all very simple, quit before you become a headline, demoted, dishonored and fired from being a judge or Norfolk County DA or Commonwealth prosecutor or LE. My takeaway...the self-awareness is not strong in this group (btw no apologies to Darth Vader for mangling his quote😉).

Posted -- Lawyer You Know (RE: Recent Canton Town Mtg) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/10/2024

Thank you LUK (and The Young Jurks channel) for showing this video.  When the town of Canton renewed the Police Chief's contract for another year that was the proverbial final straw. The contract renewal, for whatever reason it was done, was a huge F*** U from the Canton government directed at its own citizens, whom I believe that the Canton government has forgotten, are also taxpayers.  It will take far more than the slapping of Proctor on the wrist to renew the faith of Canton residents in their own town government. While putting the town of Canton into receivership might be the nuclear option, (read:  ) unless this government and LE makes changes, that option may be the only help that the citizens of Canton can hope for.


@KimN.M.T.-------->I Disagree with you Peter, sorry but that apology was pathetic. He made it about himself first before his apology. I've watched these in the past and I'm from MA. I feel so bad for these Canton residents. 

LUK as an attorney rightfully tries to be impartial, so I can understand Peter's viewpoint. However since I am not nearly as evolved as Peter I would say several recent apologies/comments are fighting for the worst of the worst. In no special order of the dismal and the depressing are:  Chris Albert (no acting awards here, I have seen better acting in pre-school plays), Michael Proctor (honorable mention for the most cringy apology),  MSP - Colonel Jack Mawn  (no awards as I think that this was a hostage situation)  and President Brian Williams of the State Police Association of Massachusetts (honorable mention for being absolutely clueless regarding the mission statement of LE).

Posted -- Lawyer You Know (RE Another Juror from Read Trial Comes Forward) Uploaded 07/10/2024

QUESTIONS:  Judge Bev sustained countless (I lost count) prosecution objections and overruled many defense objections, usually without explanations. While I cannot give an example, (1) did the judge deliberately avoid any explanations to make an appellate issue more difficult? (2) Can an objection be challenged, at a later date, if there was no legal reason for her ruling and thus be used as evidence for appellate court?

Posted to Chris Cillizza (RE: Upcoming Biden Press Conference) Uploaded to You Tube 07/11/2024

There is an easy way out of this. The President should "own" his lackluster appearance at the debate. Admit at his age his physical stamina may not be what it once was decades ago. Emphasize that the debate was just one appearance at one evening. It would be nice if the President sounds "throaty", maybe sneezes or coughs a bit indicating he was in the throes of a cold (not COVID) during the debate and he is recovering now. Perhaps a polite and informative discussion regarding what happens if a president is incapacitated by any reason via Biden reading/summary of Amendment 25...assuming the Supreme Court has not yet abolished it. And above all, as Chris has said, President Biden needs to be funny, gracious, smart, admit that he does not have statistics in his head for every global threat, tragedy, war and epidemic, but he can easily access that data later should the press corps wish to know.

Posted to Microdots (RE: Phone Timeline of January 29 2022 calls of Jen McCabe) 07/07/2024

Very well done reconstruction video. The prosecution in this case did not have that expertise. I know it was necessary to include for accuracy, but I muted the voices of the women as frantic calls like those are problematic for me. Lally (lead prosecutor in Karen Read trial)  had his own (powerpoint?) timeline of the phone calls. It was impossible to read or understand even read aloud and there were gaps. Essentially the prosecution's phone timeline was analogous to the Commonwealth's case: amateurish, confusing, conflicting, inaccurate with a heavy dose of word salad.

Posted to Mia Maples (RE: Beautiful Pieces-online-expectation vs reality) Uploaded on 07/13/2024

That heart bag was adorable. I too have sensitive skin so whenever Mia mentions "it is itchy", I get "sympathy" skin reactions. Odd I know. The dress was my fav, but would never fit me. The nails scared me and probably would scare my cats, guinea pigs and chinchilla. PJs looked comfy, but I prefer the less than stylish version of sweats and tee shirt to sleep in. I do appreciate Mia venturing into the often unknown and unsettling experience of social media shopping.

Posted to Monde's Threads (RE: Nightmare Client) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/14/2024

Talk about clueless and entitled, that was quite the client. Sounds like there was a lot of "tongue biting" on your part. Are you still on good terms with the friend/acquaintance who gave this client your name? Not sure that I would be. In my case, I thrift all of my clothes. Many are worth more as a new retail item of course, but I always make sure they are in good shape or am promised a "no fault" return. My sewing skills are minimal, so that is my bar. If I cannot fix the problem myself, I will usually not purchase the item. Exceptions being: cosplay items or drastically marked down gowns, coats and jackets. Yes I have thrifted VERY nice outerwear for pennies while paying an equal (or more) amount to a tailor. Never had to make it a "rush" order though. I did think it was "cute" when I dropped off a very insulated VERY expensive winter coat in a Summer month. The tailor looked very serious and mentioned that she could not get it back to me for a least 2 weeks. We both laughed when I told her, no problem as long as I get the coat back by Autumn. BTW I ALWAYS pre-pay the entire cost as long it is a tailor I have used in the past otherwise I will pay half or maybe a deposit amount specified by the tailor.

Posted to The Young Jurks (RE:  Karen Read defense filing ) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/14/2024

While Proctor's comments concerning a defendant in an ongoing case were misogynistic, egregious and juvenile, people miss the elephant(s) in that virtual room. Proctor's supervisor and other LE's were aware of and seemingly fine with this group text. Proctor indicated only hours into the investigation that there was only one person guilty of Officer O'Keefe's death. Proctor had personal friends on this text chain disclosing private secure information to non-LE. To summarize, Proctor has literally written the manual on how not to investigate a death as Lally has on how not to prosecute. 

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: RUST case against Alec Baldwin dismissed) Uploaded 07/15/2024

I consider Alec Baldwin guilty...and lucky. However I agree with the judge's decision to dismiss all charges with prejudice.  The investigators made bad decisions and lied repeatedly, even under oath. The entire investigation and thus trial, has been tainted. The Prosecutor in the RUST case, was first negligent (especially as a former Defense attorney) in not comprehending the relevance of the relinquished ammo. That negligence turned into an ethical violation when Prosecutor Morrissey's second (Erlinda Johnson) brought this problem to Morrissey's attention. Attorney Johnson understood the existence of these violations and resigned her position. Police corruption/incompetence and prosecutorial hubris are making courtrooms into back alleys where one can be injured or worse.

Posted to Attorney Melanie Little (RE: A tale of 2 judges: Baldwin & Read cases)Uploaded 07/15/2024

I have been told one of the biggest hurdles to removing people from cults or changing entrenched viewpoints is that a successful removal or change of opinion inherently forces the person to acknowledge that they were WRONG. Most of us do not like being told we are wrong, especially after years of belief in a group or a cause. Now add incompetence, corruption and cluelessness to that discomfort with being wrong. We are left with recent streamed trials that look like ineptly written movies. What bothers me deeply is the thought of what happens in a trial if the judge does not allow real-time or any video to be shared with the public?

Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Case against Alec Baldwin dismissed with prejudice) 07/15/2024

I have been following the RUST trials. While Alec Baldwin the actor may have been legally innocent. Alec Baldwin the producer should have been culpable. However the court disallowed Baldwin's role as a producer to be part of this trial. No other producers were indicted. Dave Halls (AD who said "cold gun" which led to Hutchins' death) was given a plea deal. The Rust Production company tried to save money, hence Hannah Gutierrez's hire. There is video of Baldwin "showing off" with a loaded weapon in front of an outsider at the RUST location. Baldwin skipped safety meetings or showed up only to spend time on his phone. After the death, there were the interviews (police, George Stephanopoulos) indicating how familiar Alec Baldwin was with weapons and safety. Mr. Baldwin can now thank  incompetent investigators and an over confident prosecutor for his freedom. Ironically the prosecutor Kari Morrissey was similar to the man she desired to imprison, she could not believe that she could ever be wrong. Unlike Halyna Hutchins, Alec Baldwin will be just fine, it is his nature.

Posted to A Charming Abode (RE: Amazon Prime Shopping Suggestions) Uploaded 07/16/2024

After "window shopping" on past Prime Days and over spending on items which end up under used, I become one with a simple no-thoughts, no-efforts method. I use my Amazon "Save For Later" folder for special (not needed daily) and frequently used items. That helps me see when my special and routine items go on sale. This year I bought $38 earrings (need, but love them...yes) for approximately $29 along with routine items like cleaning products. My only foray into the unknown retail jungle (aka Amazon) is through recommendations from You Tubers that I trust which includes A Charming Abode! Think that I will check out those Martha Stewart towels.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: Shooting at Trump Rally) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/16/2024

I appreciated ant's diplomatic handling of this reading. I must admit the word "conspiracy" did float through my mind. However, I agree that Trump was not responsible, but will use this incident to further his ambitions. From limited data, I believe we have yet again, mentally ill individual(s) who has not had access to mental health services, feels alienated and/or has refused to submit to therapy and meds. Health insurance in the U.S. is in crisis. One only has to look through GoFundMe with people having to ask for help from strangers regarding huge medical bills. There is also, still a stigma among many regarding mental health needs. Add in a stressful year of political rhetoric and unrest all over the world we are left with a portion of the population that has very limited self-control, is overwhelmed by delusions and missing stability in their lives.  There is that human need to be seen, to be heard, to be known which in this very small but significant number of affected individuals can deteriorate into senseless violence without consideration of consequences.

Posted to Katie Couric (RE: Shooting at Trump Rally) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/16/2024

I always enjoy watching Katie Couric and Mary Trump discuss events. To be honest right now, I could use a psychologist. We have an incumbent president representing the Democrats who may or may not be suffering from diminished capacity and we have the Republican candidate being the individual who roused his followers to a riot on January 6, 2021 where people died.  As was asked by Katie Couric, how did we get here and how do we evolve out of this? While I am not entirely enthused with the Democratic party, I feel that the Republican party is so badly broken that it can no longer to produce a U.S. that fulfills the hopes, wishes and rights as written into the U. S. Constitution.  BTW thank you to Walter for making me feel a tiny bit calmer.

Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Shooting at Trump Rally) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/16/2024

It hurts my head to imagine all the conspiracy theories that will be spun over the next few days. I do not know what kind of counselors the parents are, but if their work involves mental illness, these two people need new careers. The description by classmates of this individual indicate that this person needed help. He wanted to be seen, to be known and maybe even to be famous/infamous. Unless this individual had a recent medical issue, it is highly doubtful that he just woke up one day and decided to commit murder. As for the lackluster security, I know that the Trump rally attracts people who carry (weapons), wear camo and generally like to military cosplay. Still I am amazed at how easily this person went through security with a range finder. I frequently go to comic cons. My badge (aka entry ticket) must be around my neck. Any weapons (we are talking bright blue swords or light sabers) have to be inspected, occasionally zip-tied.  I have to have my backpack thoroughly searched. I have to remove my coat, show my phone and finally still pass through a metal detector to get INTO A COMIC CON.

Posted to HauteLeMode (RE: Balenciaga Show) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/17/2-24

I appreciate Luke's comment in regards to this collection being less about art, craft and beauty, but more about a "look at me" tone. I appreciate a couture line that matches their " shock-like look at me" with an "amazing, how did they do that". 

Posted to Micarah Tewers (RE: Trip to Europe and Fashion) Uploaded to You Tube on 0718/2024

I love it when clothes match the excitement and joy of a trip to new locations. Which says a lot about the usual contents of my suitcase:  comfy shoes, 2 pairs yoga pants, long skirt, short skirt and various tops. All items belong to the un-rainbow spectrum of beige, tan and black. LOVE those crafted earrings. I am also recovering from an ankle injury. I fell off my platform crocs (black of course), while in my house, rushing to feed my two cats , before I did laundry. If anyone can get more boring than that, well it is not for me to judge.

Posted to Molly Burke (RE: Toxicity and Service Animals) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/19/2024

I incorrectly read the thumbnail and thought that Molly was going to talk about all the stores, car services and events that refused admittance to service dogs. I think that Molly's story should win some  contest for most toxic, yet oddest individual, with a principal of a school for blind students being antagonistic towards service dogs. Probably many of those posted negative comments are by people who have do not know the extent of service training, but have only been exposed to viral videos of people with birds, reptiles and other untrained creatures entitled "service animals" solely by their humans YES I do like the fashion and makeup segments, but I also enjoy learning, so thank you Molly...and Elton.

Posted to The Young Jurks (RE: 5th Juror wants ID blocking permanent) Uploaded on 07/19/2024

This juror's affidavit sounded odd. It seemed more focused on media (one individual mostly) than the ones that the jurors really should be really be afraid of who probably can already locate them anyway. I found the low amount of documentation/links to back up the claims in this affidavit also odd.  Were I a juror I would contact Jackson, get legal advice from my own attorney regarding safety measures and stay off of social media for several months. Isolation will not work, internet amateur sleuths can be scarily accurate and not always concerned with real-life consequences.

Posted to Rachel Maksy (RE: Brimfield Fair haul) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/19/2024

I have not been to the Brimfield Fair in centuries (aka super pre-covid). I love viewing hauls from these places. I was going to suggest that Rachel should have bought the foot @1:58 for at least one of the spats. Upon reflection that ankle is super-chonky. Perhaps find some willing victim, oops I mean friend or relative, who would like to immortalize their slim feet and even slimmer ankles?  I think that you can use plaster bandages for making the casts, but that opinion is highly uniformed. You should display those spats "in action", not just on a wall.  Just me, but I would add a vintage bracelet to one of the ankles.

Posted to The Behavioral Panel (RE: Political Rally Shooting) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/19/2024

TIL: (1) "If you see something, say something." While that action is obviously important, taking video and audio for the purpose of helping LE and the FBI during the subsequent investigations can also be of value AND my fav: (2) The other 3 on The Behavior Panel are leaning towards Scott being a psychopath @33:00--33:04😉. 

QUESTIONS: Mine are mostly tactical not behavioral: (1) why do you think that security did not flag this person when they discovered he had a range finder? (2) why weren't surrounding buildings surveilled/guarded for potential sniper access? (3) how was this person able to exit the event and re-enter with his weapon without being discovered?

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Sarah Boone's litany of letters) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/20/2024

I am not a constitutional law scholar. I am not even much of a regular scholar. However isn't there a "point of no return" on cases like this (where the defendant is on a different planet maybe even in a different galaxy)? Couldn't Sarah Boone, as the new/sole "attorney" delay this case with various filings? Or are the dates:  09/29/2024 of the trial management conference and 10/07/2024 trial date engraved (metaphorically of course) onto the granite walls of the courthouse. As for Uncivil Law representing Sarah Boone, that would be a No as we like him too much, along with a bigger NO for this defendant becoming part of a new administration of a certain former president trying to become a future one. I think that the bloviating, bubble-headed, blustering, blockhead staff and personal quota has been reached for said former president.

Posted to Legal Eagle (RE: Logan Paul suing Coffeezilla for defamation) Uploaded on 07/20/24

I wonder, why does Logal Paul think that he could pass through the discovery process undamaged? Whatever you think of Logal Paul, I cannot believe he is ignorant of The Streisand Effect. All I can think of is that this lawsuit was borne of the intent to delay and/or negotiation tactics with the CryptoZoo class action lawsuit. or perhaps it has something to do with PRIME's  (Paul's energy drink company) tax or investment position causing Paul's liability insurance costs to soar. I am not looking for conspiracies. Logal (I probably mean Logan) Paul has a problematic relationship with truth and lies. IMO, his body language is similar in either situation which does give rise to interesting subjects covered in the DSM-5-TR.

Posted to Legal Eagle (RE: Shooting at Trump Rally in PA) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/19/2024

Will anyone be held liable for the shooting?        MY REPLY:

Not sure about LE immunity from civil suits as it seems to change from State to State and even county to county. However, sending up an UN-armed officer (unless Hawkeye was available) to check the roof was negligent. Why no communication a CELL PHONE to keep everyone (especially the LE sniper IN that building) aware of suspicious activity. Probably cannot sue the Secret Service/Homeland Security either although they were negligent for not properly coordinating and communicating with local LE. I suppose the people running the rally could be sued, but even class action plaintiffs would not want to be fodder for social media. The parents are both licensed in Pennsylvania as "professional counselors". Depending on who or what they counsel, there may be a civil suit in their future.

MY GENERAL COMMENT: Devin has said that LE (local police) are only there to protect the public but not individuals as per The Public Duty Doctrine (not legal but simply put---> All you communities with LE vehicles that have a huge  "to protect and serve" message and/or website need to get repainting and revising. My suggestion, "to protect and serve you as the public, but not you as an're on your own". Yeah, a bit wordy for a website and too long for most police vehicles, but truth in advertising.

Posted to A Charming Abode (RE: Fall trends) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/21/2024 

I do not do a lot of decor at home, however I LOVE to watch decor on this channel. What I do primarily is focus on just a few things like throw pillows and blankets in colors reminiscent of the season and/or holiday with the occasional iconic item such as a pumpkin for Halloween. Halloween decor is especially appealing for children, hence the very literal, in your face, decor. One thing that grabbed my attention was that enormous skeleton skull seat, it was hilarious. I was surprised that there was no spider-mode seating. I mean it is all there in the Little Miss Muffet rhyme. Having a "tuffet" in the form of a spider appeals to my sense of the absurd. I would totally put such an item in a corner and then see who spots it!

Posted to Liz Gale (RE: Return to You Tube) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/22/2024

Thank you for returning. Sadly Scientology is not the only cult out there. However that restrictive and unhealthy life, even when one is no longer attached, affects the present and future. Communicating this to others is valuable even for those of us "never-ins". SO happy that your older son was able to follow his future to become a college student. As for the 10 year old, well my advice is wear them out with challenges, activities and even trips to new (local or further) locations. Again ❤ to all.

Posted to Abby Cox (RE:When looking pregnant was trendy)Uploaded to You Tube 07/23/2024

I never knew about this trend. Absolutely wild that for at least a few years in the 18th century you could be unmarried and pregnant with "the permission" of fashion, well at least until your due date. Love extra material, possible projects: pockets, belt, corset, head wrap, bag?

BTW, I appreciated the disclaimer. Anyone's physical condition is NONE of my business but I did think that this video was going in a certain direction🙄.

Posted to Dr,Berry:Psych Resp (RE:SarahBoone  pro se-be own attorney-after dismissing 9) 07/23/2024

I have heard the details of the crime for which Sarah Boone will be tried along with her problems with her 9 former attorneys. I cannot imagine her adhering to proper/respectful behavior while in court. QUESTIONS: (1)What about a collab with one or more of the lawyers on You Tube regarding this case? (apologies if this has already been discussed) (2) How do you effectively defend a client, who by their very personality, is unlikely to cooperate or communicate logically. I know the hurdle for being legally sane to stand trial is a low one, but what about someone like Sarah Boone who I assume passed her sanity evaluation? Patience for a defendant going pro se will probably prolong the trial unless the judge sets strict limits. These limits might actually turn into objections by the pro se defendant to be submitted to Appellate Court. (3) How much money is the court willing to spend one one trial?

Posted to Roxxsaurus (RE: New Release KHY swimsuits) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/22/2024

Only viewing these suits on my screen, as buying them is not an affordable option, it seems like most of the suits are IG-ready, but not movement-ready as in walking or swimming. Admittedly, I am self-conscious about my kind of clumsy swimming techniques. I taught myself to swim. To anyone not familiar with "my style", I look like I am drowning. I need a suit which literally knows its place😉. I am glad Roxx does these overviews as she is saving us all from fashion emergencies.

Posted to Nicole Rudolph (RE: History of The Tuxedo) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/10/2024

I find that long-ish fitted mens' formal jackets/tuxedo (preferably in black) make unique and comfy coverups, especially useful for evening/formal events. I do try to keep the length in proportion to my own height as I am short. A jacket that is too wide or too long makes me appear as if I am cosplaying an adult instead of actually being an adult. I know tailoring is an option, but I am somewhat frugal. 

 OFF TOPIC: I adore Nicole's earrings.

Posted to Community Page of Growing Up In Scientology on 07/24/2024

Long-time viewers and newcomers alike, what’s a question you have about Scientology that you haven’t heard answered yet? (this question was posted 07/20/2024) :

All of my questions are based on LRH's SF novel, Battlefield Earth (published in 1982).(1) Is this novel part of required reading for Scientologists? (2a) If yes, as this is not cult doctrine, then why? (2b) If not required reading, are Scientologists even aware of this book's existence?  (3) What motivated Captn. Davy to make this novel into a 2000 movie? (4) Wouldn't knowing/seeing LRH's name in the credits of this movie confuse his loyal minions (not the cute yellow Minions)?  IMDb lists 3 screenwriters: LRH, Corey Mandell and J.D. Shapiro. (5a) Were/are Mandell and Shapiro Scientologists? (5b) If not, do we know why they participated? (6) Obviously the film tanked, so has this SF novel's existence been redacted from all Scientology records and physical media?

Posted to Growing Up in Scientology(RE: Does David Miscavige believe in Scientology) 07/20/2024

Like any cult leader, DM believes he deserves all the money and the power that he accrues but does not actually earn. He believes that he is better than the rest of us, even other Scientologists whom he probably sees as weak and ineffective.  Does he believe in Scientology?  I am guessing that the only entity DM believes in, trusts in and has devotion to himself. As for Tom Cruise, my 2nd guess is that DM sees him as a tool (pun intended) to advance the wealth and power of...DM.

Posted to Jeffostroff (RE: Political Rally - posts left unguarded) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/23/2024

I doubt that this tragedy was a thought out conspiracy no matter what is trending on Twitter . However it is a massive failure by Secret Service, local LE and Rally organizers. I am guessing that there was no thought out chain of command with detailed instructions for everyone present who were responsible for security  This happened TWO years ago in Uvalde resulting in a horrific tragedy due to clueless, disorganized LE.  In the collapse of that Baltimore bridge, people (who were on bridge maintenance) were un-alived as there was no plan to enable remote communication in the event of emergencies. We need to learn from history, instead of being caught up in these nightmare loops. The man who managed to bring a weapon through the back of the event unchallenged, has parents who are both registered as "counselors" in Pennsylvania. Not sure who or what they counseled, but I am guessing both need to find new employment.

Posted to Growing Up in Scientology (RE: Pat Broeker, surveilled for 25 years by cult) 07/24/2024

I agree that Scientology would do best to ignore Pat Broeker should Mr. Broeker write a book or speak publicly. I also agree that Scientology would make the wrong decision and aggressively try to discredit Broeker using any methods at their disposal. All that "007" stuff being said, I believe the sister, this man just wants to be left alone. As a result, it is highly doubtful that we can expect a tell-all book or a Netflix doc in the near future. However all you screenplay writers out there, this story would make an intriguing "based on true events" type of movie!  BTW guess the tech is fixed, YAY full screen!

Posted to Legal Bytes (RE: Ashley Banfield Trial - Day#1) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/23/2024

I am somewhat burnt out after the Vallow, Daybell, Franke/Hildebrandt, Hannah Gutiérrez, Alec Baldwin and Karen Read trials so I have not been watching this trial. Regarding violence to a partner in a relationship or marriage, many spouses who suffer abuse fear ever being free of said abuse. The result is the victim will often choose a time favoring them, as in un-aliving the abuser while abuser is asleep or somehow distracted. A divorce or any rejection can cause increased antagonism in the abuser who has lost their control of their former companion. Then again maybe it is all about the defendant wanting her ex out of her life permanently?  I hope that this trial proceeds without a repeat of recent incidents of incompetent LE, unethical attorneys, problematic judges and confused juries. 

Posted to Nicole Rudolph (RE: Making a 1910 man's tuxedo) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/22/2024

That suit is amazingly fitted with the silhouette and tailoring absolutely exquisite. I hope that suit and its creator get invited to a gala as it needs to be seen in party format. I would add statement (HUGE + GLITTERY) earrings in black and maybe pull hair back with a black jeweled comb. Not sure about the shoes, but fuchsia (that is what the material looks like on my aged screen) heels would be gorgeous.

Posted to HauteLeMode (RE: Vogue World Paris) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/24/2024

I think Vogue World Paris was going for a mix of 30% fashion, 10% athletics and 60% entertainment. In view of an Olympics "pre-show", I think that being primarily an entertainment show was the right call. The location was perfect, at least from my viewing perspective. Whoever choreographed and directed this show deserves to win Gold!

Posted to Nate The Lawyer (RE: Mr. Beast fires business partner) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/25/2024

I am not a follower/subscriber of Mr. Beast. As Nate has said, who among us would wish to see our teenage years documented on social media basically forever. I do wonder how a close friend and business partner could keep so much behavior hidden. The only way to defuse early bad behavior is to own it, explain it and if necessary apologize for it. Sounds like Mr. Beast is proceeding properly. Hopefully the report from this professional sleuth (as opposed to the sleuths of the internet) will be released in a timely manner with privacy for those adversely affected by Mr. Beast's former associate.

Posted to Legal Eagle (RE: Dismissal of Charges against Alec Baldwin due to Brady Rule) 07/25/2024

QUESTION:Will Gutierrez-Reed's conviction be overturned? 

MY REPLY:  So many trials lately, so my data may not be correct. Didn't Baldwin's defense receive knowledge of this evidence from Bowles (HG's attorney)? Hence HG's defense knew about this evidence at some point. Hence Bowles could have based an appeal on this evidence, he did not. IMO Hannah Gutierrez's case is not effected nor should she should be released, even briefly for the appeal. She has already broken one of the rules for release, she is a danger to the public. Proof was her hiding a weapon on her person in order to bring weapon into a bar. Then HG made the error typical of too many, she boasted and posted about this event on social media.


There were multiple mistakes by LE, that the special prosecutor ignored or perhaps chose to not consider "relevant". I still hope that AB doesn't make LE incompetence into some legal vendetta or potential movie treatment. A talented woman who was a wife, sister, daughter and mother died in a preventable accident at her place of work. While HG was obviously at fault what about the people who employed her and were instructed to supervise her? These individuals chose to ignore complaints about HG's quality of work on set, even chose to ignore 2 (non-lethal) gun accidents. These people should be sharing a cell block with HG. I agree with the dismissal of all charges with prejudice against AB however being free legally does not mean that ethically and morally he is innocent.

Posted to Little Adventures (RE: Wilby Chirps!) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/27/2024

Never heard that chirping noise, but it makes sense that Wilby, as guinea pig herd leader, would be making important announcements to the herd as the most likely reason. Kind of like an alert or maybe an all clear? Obviously guinea pigs grow up quickly. Do you think that Zelda is going through pre-teens or teenage behavior issues?

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Tom Cruise gets award in France) Uploaded 07/27/204

Possibilities: (1) France likes the money/cachet that a Tom Cruise movie being filmed in their country produces. (2) With the Olympics, I would imagine the French government's version of public affairs is going into overdrive (in Oprah's voice... and you get an award and you get an award). (3) Highly likely that those in charge of these awards have no idea that Tom Cruise represents a very damaging cult.  BTW Every time Scientology opens a new building, somewhere a local community's tax base weakens.🙄

Posted to Scott Rouse (RE: Body language stories and other reminiscences ) Uploaded 07/17/2024

On a recent Behavior Panel video, there was a comment by one member and affirmed by the other 2 regarding Scott Rouse fitting the definition of a certain category of personality. The "baby whisperer" and "one engine landing" stories confirm that hypothetical. Fun fact about body language, I now realize that I have been self-taught in that field all my life. I had to be able to analyze, predict and mimc behavior (example, I have difficulty in remembering to make eye contact) in order to participate in that maze that is social interaction. 

Posted to Hazariel Atelier (RE: Medieval Fantasy Cosplay) Uploaded to You Tube on 06/01/2024

Loved the upgrade on the medieval clothing purchase. That is my fav project, either dismantling an over-designed/over-bedazzled thrift find or adding my own style with new buttons or lace trim. (This comment is prob 4 weeks too late.) Being that the Marquis' cape is going to get wet, and perhaps due to the environment, an "earthy" tone anyway,  I would upgrade first. Add more gold adornments (chains, tassels, trims) and definite repaint those letters metallic gold. If time  then make a new cape. After all, he is a Marquis, mais non? He serves extra stuff.♥

Posted to That Curious Cat (RE: Controversial Opening Ceremony at Paris Olympics) on 07/24/2024

This "skit" had to go through many levels of approval.  Supposedly the 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony Creative Director, Thomas Jolly (born in France), has said that there was no intention to satirize DaVinci's Last Supper or denigrate any religious views. Nothing wrong with drag shows, religious satire and experimental theater but at the opening of the Olympics? An opening ceremony should be to honor the attending group of international athletes who have spent their lives improving their skills who now come together to show their dedication irregardless as to their race, creed and religion. 

Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Controversial Opening Ceremony at Paris Olympics) 

Deliberate no, tone deaf yes.  Art needs to take chances, however this was not the time and it was not the place. Nothing wrong with a varied group of models, but arranging them to match one of the most famous masterpieces in the world then feigning ignorance of that reference is somewhat disingenuous. An opening ceremony should be to honor the attending group of international athletes who have spent their lives improving their skills who now come together to show their dedication irregardless as to their race, creed and religion.  Depressingly the insincere apologies from people who should know better and the inadequate reasoning of those on Twitter who never seem to know better are already filling news feeds.

Posted to Down The Rabbit Hole (RE: Controversies at 2024 Olympics) Uploaded on 07/24/2024

The opening ceremony of the Olympics is supposed show the strengths and culture of the host country along with honoring the international athletes who participate. Instead viewers were treated to a weird satire on an Italian masterpiece of religious figures, "The Last Supper" matched with the Greek god Dionysus (who notably resided on Mt. OLYMPUS, see the astonishing breath of Thomas Jolly's imagination😉) being a featured player. With centuries of French culture, art, philosophy, literature and architecture out there, this is what Thomas Jolly and his employer, the Olympics Committee, thought would be relevant?   As for the announcer mixing up Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) with Republic of Korea (South Korea), that is just sloppy and incompetent while both flags share colors they completely different in appearance.

Posted to Legal Bytes (RE: IOC suing Logan Paul's PRIME for trademark infringement)07/29/2024

Remember when SKIMS (Kim K's shape wear brand) was going to be called Kimono? She/her attorneys even tried to copyright and trademark, "Kimono". Naturally it did not happen, but all that chatter was a "bump up" to let everyone know Kim had a new company. Probably that was Prime's/Logan Paul's intent. This "error" will get eyes on and purses open to the new launch of this part of Prime's line. Probably not the channel to ask, but do you think when Logan Paul capitulates to the IOC that all those legal costs will be used to lower Prime's tax obligations? One yes vote here!

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: "Trad" Wife and Mother had wanted to be a ballerina) Uploaded 07/30/2024

Getting into Juilliard is difficult. You cannot simply pull an all-nighter to pass the entrance exam. You need a lifetime of talent and work, probably beginning in very young childhood. Hence I make the assumption that had Daniel not fixated on her, she might have gone on to join a national ballet company. Perhaps, the fulfillment of that dream still might have left her lonely, wondering what was missing. What bothers me is that her husband, who seems not to have money issues, did not fund a ballet studio which might have even earned some money back or in any case given his wife more variety to her life and to her children's. Not having pain relievers for most of her pregnancies, also seems disconcerting, especially if this was not her decision. Hopefully this woman's family will be enough to sustain her mentally, physically and emotionally through the years. Being only a spectator to her life through this video, I guess I will never know.

Posted to The Behavioral Arts (RE: Video of Gypsy Rose Blanchard announces pregnancy) 07/17/204

Is she lying I want to say yes as it is difficult for me to forget my prior knowledge concerning Gypsy Rose Blanchard and thus be impartial. However, Spidey made it easy for me by defining the difference between performing and lying.  I did find her verbal details jumbled in terms of chronology, contradictory details and the clichéd references to pregnancy. Her old "tell" used to be higher pitch = bigger lie. Communication is going to be drastically affected as this individual has spent most of her life in the custody of an unstable mother and a highly structured institution. Is she really pregnant?  Maybe. What worries me more than any deception on her part, is this individual being the primary caregiver of an infant. IMO, I do not think she is ready.

Andrew Gold/Heretics (RE: Ritchie Herron regrets gender surgery) Uploaded to You Tube 07/25/22024

If I understand this correctly, doctors convinced Ritchie Herron that the OCD Ritchie was suffering from was hormonal. Doctors indicated that the only cure for the anxiety, self-harm ideation and OCD was gender surgery? Then this would make every medical practitioner who attended to Richie, whether psychiatrist, family physician, surgeon and counselor, guilty of malpractice. All should lose their licenses and probably serve time in a secure institution. I differ from Andrew Gold in that I do not believe being "woke" is the primary cause of this malpractice, rather inadequate medical training and a lack of ethics matched with greed are my choices for blame.

Posted to Down the Rabbit Hole News(RE: Trump Rally shooting) Uploaded to You Tube on 0729/2024

The Secret Service/Homeland Security, LE and Rally organizers should have had a clear chain of command, with pre-planned scenarios and communication devices to link them all. Why was anyone's time on duty allowed to conclude before the rally ended?  This wasn't a conspiracy. This was a monumental failure of literally every security organization at that rally.

Posted to The Behavioral Arts (RE: Suspicious Woman at political rally) Uploaded 07/21/2024

I am commenting approximately 10 days after this video was uploaded to You Tube (10 years in internet time). I am guessing that everyone (except me as I am not on Twitter or reddit) knows who she is. However, I will take a guess that "suspicious woman" is a member of one of these categories: (1) influencer/media rep or (2) security. My opinion is not based on her physicality, simply on her phone usage. I love these Spidey + Chase videos. BTW on the card trick, I did see the  re-positioning, but was uncertain how Spidey knew the card. Interesting how I understood the hard part, but totally missed the easy part of ID-ing the card.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: What happened to the dinosaurs?) Uploaded to You Tube on 07/29/2024

Interesting, as Ant spoke about maybe this deliberate mass extinction event had happened before? On Earth? Somewhere in our solar system? READING SUGGESTION: Maybe do a reading of Mars (the planet not the Roman mythical god). Supposedly water was discovered on Mars. Was there ever life there? If so what or who and what happened to them?,Mars%20Odyssey,to%20fill%20Lake%20Michigan%20twice.

Posted to The Behavioral Arts (RE: Congress Furious at Secret Svc Dir. ) Uploaded on 07/27/2024

I am too angry at the utter incompetence of the United States Secret Service to properly observe and comment on body language of anyone at that hearing. However, I was still able to appreciate the insight and explanations of Chase Hughes, Scott Rouse and Spidey. I did not realize Kimberly Cheatle had Secret service background prior to her position at PepsiCo. I had assumed she only had a corporate security background which somehow makes this all worse. Questions I would like answered: (1)When/How did this department begin preparing for security for this (or any recent) event? (2a)How many meetings and (2b)Who attended? (3)Was there a discussion of chain of command? (4)Was there a discussion of onsite communication between all security personnel at the rally?   Kimberly Cheatle's departure, leaves a bigger issue, how can this unacceptable management infrastructure problem be solved?        BTW I agree with Chase, Pluto will always be a planet in my star charts.

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: Chad Daybell responds to Mommy Vloggers) Uploaded 07/08/2024

Chad Franke is still working through his experiences regarding 8Passengers and the abuse inflicted on his younger siblings.  His words should be viewed through that perspective. I would imagine "Mommie-Vlogger" channels could be measured on a spectrum from "A Ruby Franke disaster" to an innocuous fun video. While compensating the child (via a trust fund situation) is a good idea, there is still the problem of informed consent from a being whose brain is still maturing. Perhaps getting a note from both the child's usual pediatrician along with an unrelated medical professional permitting said child to appear in videos might help? Although knowing humanity, I am guessing even getting medical permission could potentially be subject to profit and other questionable motives.

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