Friday, August 30, 2024


Posted to Dan Murrell (RE: Movies for the remainder of 2024) Uploaded to You Tube 09/01/2024

It took multiple views of this video (you are welcome Dan) to get my own list. Interestingly more than half of my list contained animated films. I am putting in my order now for a spoiler episode concerning the film, The Substance as I have extreme body horror issues.  I will be watching the docs, on Christopher Reeve and Ibelin on a very small home screen with its inadequate home audio as I have a very unpleasant "cry face". Good or bad, I HAVE TO watch Megalopolis. Finally because I am a very easy mark for antithetical holiday movies, I will watch, Red One.  I am at my financial limit on streaming services (remember the good old days when we all gleefully cut that cord?), hence most likely anything not on Disney+, Max, Hulu and Prime is not on my streaming list, but I do have "acquaintances" with deeper pockets.

MY LIST (not published in full on above comment) FROM THIS VIDEO:

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

Transformers One

The Substance

Christopher Reeve (doc)

Wild Robot


Saturday Night

Ibelin (doc)

Red One



Sonic 3

Posted to penguin0z (RE: Woman died at desk at WellsFargo not noticed for 4 days) 09/02/2024

I assumed this story was fake, maybe an advert for the series Black Mirror. This is REAL?! So the Bermuda Triangle effect now has an updated dystopian version with: [1]impaired security, [2]cubicle anonymity (as in no meeting requirements, emails unanswered, no family/friends) and [3] a cleaning crew that...doesn't ?  

Posted to Roxxsaurus (RE: Lost Luggage Purchase) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/03/2024

I do like mysteries, but Amazon-type return boxes do seem to have a better outcome (along with less hygiene concerns). In selling lost luggage it would be both nice and ethical if the airlines banked that money for the, "Let's Not Lose Our Customer's Luggage Especially After Over-charging Our Customer for Check-In Bags" Fund.๐Ÿ˜‰ As for a lost luggage backstory, I would say that this is a divorced (non-custodial parent) Dad taking his young (maybe 11 - 14 years old?) child on an island vacation with lots of different activities planed...or like Roxx said this was simply a combo of multiple lost items!

Posted to Spill Sesh (RE: Continuing Drama regarding "It Ends With Us") Uploaded 09/03/2024

This drama is getting SO complicated. I actually forgot about the writer's strike element.  It would seem that the WGA would be more concerned about not selling new scripts or not fully writing a scene for a film already in development. Like so many celebrity dramas, this one started relatively small and fixable. Before the promotional tour began for "It Ends WIth Us" there should have been meetings between all interested parties of whom I am assuming to be 100% adults concerning the goals of the tour. However, before anyone starts feeling sorry for, or angry at, anyone involved in this film, just check out some of the financials: (apologies if this is behind a paywall). Fame, money and future opportunities have a great effect on making celebrities feel "whole" and happy.

The Breakfast Club(RE: Review of Lover of Men:The Untold History of Abraham Lincoln) 09/03/2024

You know how people read a book and then say that they cannot wait until it is put on film? Well in this case, sounds like a bound copy of the script for "Lover of Men...Abraham Lincoln" might be something in which I would be far more interested. Fascinating to think that the "love that they could not name" in the 1800's might have been somewhat responsible for the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: SF police towed a Tesla because of data) Uploaded 09/03/2024

Due to a paywall put up by SFChronicle, all I could read was that the "victim" was a Canadian tourist (so sorry). This action by SF-LE seems really close to theft. I am surprised that the subpoena did not have instructions to LE indicating that the subpoena had to be physically handed to and read by the owner/driver before the car could be removed. There are ring doorbells, expensive exterior home cameras, along with pricey Teslas. These items are all privately owned property. QUESTION: Unless the owner is proven complicit in the crime that the cameras caught, how can it be legal to tow the car without proper/in-person notification?  Also, why isn't the Tesla's sentry data uploaded to a cloud?

Posted to The Young Jurks (RE: Karen Reed and DA of N.cty) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/02/2024

I have often heard that therapists say the main difficulty in counseling people deep into cults is getting these people to acknowledge that, " yes, the cult is wrong" because the next step is that obviously by association this makes the "participant" wrong in their beliefs. Admitting you were wrong requires a certain amount of logical thinking, ethics and intelligence. I wonder if those in Canton and Stoughton LE, MSP along with the office of the DA of Norfolk County are even capable of rational thinking at this point?

Posted to The Young Jurks (RE: commentary-Read case with Mark Bederow & LVcopsTV) 09/04/24

I always enjoy the addition of Mark Bederow to commentaries, but I also enjoyed (new to me) LVcopsTV.  Obviously, the Karen Read case is polarizing. In trials, I try to look at both sides. However how can any one look at the incomprehensibly amateur (I could have done better job by viewing CSI and Law & Order) investigation done by local LE with the MST and say "good job"? Ironically, the death of Officer John O'Keefe was probably a tragic accident that took place inside or near a certain home. Trying to distance themselves from this incident led "individuals of interest" to put all of us in the place that we find ourselves now.  Hopefully the indictment of FORMER officer Farwell (regarding Sandra Birchmore), will lead to more indictments or at the very least early retirements. Norfolk County taxpayers deserve to get the "to protect and to serve" as promised.

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: Monthly Farm Meeting & Goats) Uploaded to You Tube 09/04/2024

As a comment pointed out, goats get into trouble when they get bored and/or hungry. I would love a video on "How Gold Shaw Farm Will Try to Keep 3 Goats Entertained...and Safe".  I am not a working farmer, but do consume products produced on farms. Perhaps I speak for the "companion animal" position, but I do appreciate Morgan's attitude about everything living on his farm, whether a tree, cattle or a barn cat. Kindness, respect and care is necessary no matter what you are growing.

Posted to Heretic - Andrew Gold (RE: Woman incorrectly told to transition to male) 09/04/2024

The danger about "woke behavior" run amok seems to be unfortunately be seen at universities. A university should be a place to encourage debate and the exchange of ideas. As for doctors, I would go with Occam's razor depositing the blame for these unnecessary surgeries to greed and to incompetence. I do not think that NHS-UK coverage for the public is sufficient patient follow up. Any irreversible surgical procedures should be done within a hospital setting after a thorough history, labs, physical examination and psych evaluation have been administered. After 13 years of age, puberty blockers have a time frame, I believe it to be (I am not a medical professional) months to 1 or 2 years to avoid future fertility and other medical problems. The stories of people trying to de-transition is so sad as their pain is directly attributable to doctors forgetting their oath, "...first, do no harm...".

Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Carly Gregg ended her mother) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/05/2024

In doing a quick search, I cannot find a Mississippi law requiring guns in private homes to be locked and stored unloaded. However, if there was a psychosis due to medication or mental health condition, this individual would probably have found another type of weapon. I wonder about the friend who saw the deceased, remained at the home seemingly fine with the situation until both girls ran away?  Either way Carly Gregg needs a full psych evaluation, lab tests, a detailed medical history and probably a forensic psychiatrist to make all the data comprehensible to the judge and jury. She definitely presents a danger to society, but I think a 24/7 controlled environment with more doctors than security guards might be the best place for her. After several years of therapy and maturation of her frontal lobe (specifically the pre-frontal cortex), a re-evaluation could be made at age 25. 

Posted to Uncivil Law (RE: Federal Indictment of Matthew Farwell) Uploaded on 09/05/2024

Possibilities: (1) We have the laws, now we need reputable, ethical and intelligent LE, attorneys and justices to implement them. (2) CORI checks should be performed on ANYONE who works with children or victims of a past crime. If individual(s) is/are currently member(s) of LE then the research should be done by a reputable non-involved 3rd party submitting any data directly to the FBI for distribution to local LE. (3) Be sure the individual in charge, let's just say a DA of a particular county, is subject to periodic reviews by outside sources not within their home county or state...maybe the FBI? While slow-moving, FBI agents do seem to be capable of being conscientious and thorough.

Posted to Mina Le (RE: Why aren't RomComs romanic anymore) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/05/2024

I am guessing that this video was written and filmed before the whole Blake Lively vs. Justin Baldoni "thing". I wonder if the success of the (romantic drama) film, "It Ends With Us" will result in the studio elders rushing a similar themed grouping to a wide release? They might wish to consider 2 factors first:  (1)This movie was based on a best-selling novel  (01/2022 NY Times best seller list) AND even more importantly (2) the dueling PR tours for this movie has resulted in considerable free advertising which most likely brought in people who were intrigued by the drama off-screen. I wonder how it will all shake out?    BTW, "I Dreamed A Dream" (from  Les Misรฉrables) also always makes me cry.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Emily Armstrong Apology) Uploaded on 09/06/2024

I agree that the Emily Armstrong apology seems to be more PR than sincere. In that aspect it echos the effect of the Ashton-Mila apology. The couple's dead-eyed stare, staged background/clothing along with the bland, generic, hollow, ineffective content of the verbal portion simply made people angrier. However what makes the Emily Armstrong apology even worse than the Ashton-Mila apology is the tragedy of Linkin Park band member Chester Bennington. Whatever the level of her talent, Emily Armstrong should have to make a choice, Linkin Park or a certain cult blamed for covering up and allowing SA and destruction of families.

Posted to The Behavior Arts (RE: Interview with Rachel Gunn (aka Raygun) Uploaded on 09/06/2024

I think that Rachel Gunn is now having some (but not enough and probably not permanent) awareness of the problematic issues surrounding her Olympic involvement. A positive attitude becomes a problem, when it adversely affects judgements and decisions. Any blame or animosity regarding this situation should be on the judges who put her on the Olympics team, but especially on the convoluted Olympic rating system for Breaking. Ivan "FLIPZ" Velez had relevant ideas to improve the Olympics rating system to become more focused and faithful to the sport:( A large YES regarding the Richard Branson comments, no need to see HIS body language on video!๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted to The Style Theorists (RE: Topical Assistants for Hair Growth) Uploaded on 09/07/2024

I admire everyone "sticking with the program" in spite of adversities like break outs. Without mentioning brands, topicals did not work for me. I am currently on a supplement program. After 5 weeks, it seems to be quite promising with definitely less shedding along with perhaps more thickness. To illustrate where I was before the supplements, I was getting to the point where I was vacuuming up more human hair than pet fur. A brushing using a light weight brush with soft natural bristles could fill a hairbrush after only 4 or 5 strokes. I wish a successful accomplishment for everyone that takes this journey. For myself, I may have to come to terms with the fact that the daily supplements will be my new normal.

Posted to Zaid Tabani (RE: News of the Week) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/08/2024

When my kids were toddlers, I would find it amusing when they would double-down, triple-down with the magic thinking of if you say a lie enough times it becomes a truth. Hearing grown-*** adults confidently and publicly on social media do the same is beyond belief. BTW my kids have grown beyond that behavior. I wish that I could say the same for certain others. As for the new Linkin Park singer:     Can we appreciate the art and not the artist or maybe Linkin Park needs to reopen their job search.

Posted to A Charming Abode (RE: Decor Savings) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/08/2024

Leslie did a beautiful job. I am an "autumnal baby" and absolutely adore the fall colors. There is a tiny little OCD voice in my head that is expressing concern about the safety of that beautiful green/blue swirled glass pumpkin. However I trust Leslie's judgement.  As for using words as decor, in this case the combination of the font, size and color makes the word itself a piece of art...and a great centerpiece for this decor.

Posted to Observe (RE: Recent Rachael Gunn Interview in Australia)  Uploaded on -09/07/2024

Dr. Gunn's (she has a PhD) body language leans toward someone who is not used to being criticized even in a positive/learning experience type of way. Odd, considering her (self-reported?) competitive background. Animosity regarding her inclusion on Australia's team should be directed at the judges whose ratings allowed her to complete at the 2024 Olympics, plus the confusing convoluted Olympic scoring system for this sport. Directing negative comments or harassment at Rachael Gunn, her family and friends gains nothing for this sport. A good place to start learning is by listening to experts such as Ivan "FLIPZ" Velez on how the scoring can be improved.

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: Posting Land after the floods) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/09/2024

What about the "sacred purity" of being a small landowner, is what I would ask Vermont Fish and Game. Isn't requesting aged or handicapped landowners to physically post their land against federal laws regarding discrimination?  Fish and Game's attitude is likely a combination of an older generation fixated on the image of the self-sufficient hunter of past centuries matched with the entrance of a more modern entity... the lobbyist. Admittedly small farmers and other landowners do not have the money, especially in view of the flood tragedy, but perhaps the lobbyists' methods can be (affordably) adapted to get attention in Montpelier. 

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Ontario Woman arrested for assault with a water gun) 09/10/2024

When I heard the location, Norfolk County, I thought oh no what now, but this one is on Canada not the CM. With absolutely no knowledge of this incident, I sense that this lack of "love your neighbor" attitude probably has deep roots. I would be surprised to learn that this neighbor accusing neighbor of a criminal offense, began the day of the soaking. Giving a huge benefit of the doubt, perhaps local LE just wanted to give everyone a chance to (water pun alert) to cool down, dampen hurt feelings of both sides and clean up the neighborhood. Apologies to all!๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted to Let's Talk IBD (RE: Fashion with an ostomy) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/12/2024

I usually do not like jumpsuits, but this one is very pretty. It actually looks like a 2-piece. The last dress is definitely my favorite. This video is informative regarding fashion when there is a medical appliance involved. For a 3 - 4 week period, I had to wear a drain. I lived in sweatpants and humungous shirts. Fortunately I had no job or special occasion fashion requirements. However, a video like this one would have been quite ALL of the outfits shown looked great on Maggie.

Posted to Chris Cillizza (RE: Laura Loomer in Trump campaign group) Uploaded on 09/12/2024

Random thought, could Trump be keeping this individual around as a human lightening rod. People will criticize this extremely problematic person thus making Trump look sane by comparison?  I am settling into a level of campaign fatigue proven by that conspiratorial hypothesis hovering in my head. Occam's razor indicates that most likely Trump is flattered by her attention along with hoping to garner votes from individuals who were not swayed by that recent Taylor Swift endorsement. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted to Roxxsaurus (RE: Originals and Dups) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/13/2024

Interesting range as some of the dresses were decent dupes, visually (obviously not quality-wise) and some looked like they were made in my long ago middle school sewing class (we were NOT good tailors). One way to predict the result, is the ones that used the exact model and style of the original for the copy seemed to be the worse dups. As opposed to the ones that did their own photoshoot with the dresses ending up to be closer to expectation. Either way I hope with these You Tube videos educate buyers. Unless it is a reputable re-sale site, if the garment is way under-priced, then caveat emptor!

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Images of Emily Armstrong at child cult camp)09/13/2024

Thank you Aaron for this information. It is so sad looking at all those young faces (including Emily Armstrong's) while knowing now how much many of them suffered along with little access to parents. Seems doubtful that Emily Armstrong will post anything that could be damaging to this cult. I hope that I am wrong. Now it is up to Linkin Park and their fans to decide if they wish to honor the memory of Chester Bennington or just keep singing and attending concerts hoping everyone else forgets about the new lead singer's connection to this cult.

Posted to The Style Theorists (RE: Makeup collab's with Fast Food) Uploaded on 09/14/2024

Fun and watchable content for the subscribers was the winner. However, that cheesy hair dye (admittedly on fake blond hair) was impressive. Curious as to what it would have done to brown hair. 85% of the U.S. population has brown hair.

Posted to Morgan Gold (RE: The Myth of Living Off The Land) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/01/2024

For me, this video was a journey covering 2 days and 3 different devices (iPhone, MAC and ROKU). Economics, history and societal trends are not subjects I usually spend long periods of time with, but  Morgan Gold made it enjoyable and informative.  I understand the phenomenon of parasocial interaction, yet I still made judgements (aka posted comments) about the Jet Blue heir, his ex-ballerina wife and many children. I have zero actual knowledge concerning their day-to-day life or if they ever went to Greece. I appreciate Morgan Gold's reality check.  I have never felt that Gold Shaw Farm was ever presenting a myth, only the life of one particular family of 2 humans and many I agree with other comments. Never hire the attorney that "cold calls" you to offer their services at a "reasonable cost". The first personal conversation initiated by the attorney was the final red flag for this client. While the makeup business is a somewhat crowded and highly competitive marketplace, being inexperienced regarding attorney/client contracts should not ruin the life of a small makeup company owner. The lawsuit, in discovery, will make information public that I am assuming no one wishes to be made public. Arbitration can be problematic (ask Disney), but in this case perhaps it can end the financial drain and PR nightmare for all involved parties..

Posted to Attorney Melanie Little (RE:Worcester County DA on recruit's death) Uploaded 09/16/2024

The praises that officials are giving concerning Enrique Delgado-Garcia seem empty and perfunctory. Instead of helping, their comments seem almost enraging. We are now at the point where no one believes the MSP, the DA's or any person employed by the Commonwealth. The CM's best hope was to stay with provable facts, not prevarication, not empty acclaim and certainly not this press conference full of word salad without any clarity.

Posted to Runkle of The Bailey (RE: Client and Attorney contract problems) Uploaded 09/16/2024

I agree with other comments. Never hire the attorney that "cold calls" you to offer their services at a "reasonable cost". The first personal conversation initiated by the attorney was the final red flag for this client. While the makeup business is a somewhat crowded and highly competitive marketplace, being inexperienced regarding attorney/client contracts should not ruin the life of a small makeup company owner. The lawsuit, in discovery, will make information public that I am assuming no one wishes to be made public. Arbitration can be problematic (ask Disney), but in this case perhaps it can end the financial drain and PR nightmare for all involved parties.

Posted to Growing Up In Scientology (RE: Natalie and Aaron discussing Emily Armstrong)09/18/2024

Always good to hear a respectful discussion with even slightly differing viewpoints. Unfortunately such discussions are rare these days. Emily Armstrong showing up at DM's pre-trial hearing to be part of the group that harassed the Jane Doe's, at least for me, this is a step too far.  Her posted explanation seemed soulless and without personality as if written by a PR firm. Unfortunately Emily Armstrong isn't the first celebrity to be (ironically) a front person for this cult. Fans need to do research concerning this cult. When informed of this cult's abuses, then let the fans make their own choice regarding Art vs.The Artist. 

Posted to the Lawyer You Know (RE: New (special) prosecutor - Karen Read Trial) 09/20/2024

I am sorry, this news does not resonate with me. This special prosecutor could be the best attorney since Clarence Darrow and a model of ethical behavior. Whatever Karen Read did or did not do in those early morning hours, the ability to legally determine why Officer John O'Keefe died was lost that morning with inclusion of the leaf blower, red solo cups, S&S grocery bags and an incompetently managed chain of evidence. For the future "to be better, cleaner more to the point" reform MSP, clean up Norfolk County LE and do better to keep the residents of the Commonwealth safe.

Posted to antphrodite (RE: 2nd assassination attempt) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/20224

Ant is correct, giving these disturbed people fame and coverage is giving them the "food" that they crave, encouraging others equally disturbed to mimic the behavior, thus placing us all in a horrific loop. I am talking about the mentally unstable, the narcissists, not any kind of political conspiracy. The U. S. has a large problem with undiagnosed and untreated mental illness.  I agree with ant, it is scary to be afraid to go to school, to go to the theater or even go shopping. 

Posted to Hazariel Atelier (RE: Scale Sorting) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/20/2024

With two such valuable assistants ("cat who is not my cat" and le Marquis) the sorting time must have flown by.๐Ÿ˜‰ The colors and scale designs were so vibrant. The final gown has to be amazing just with that alone. While I cannot go to the Florida convention, I know that I would love to see a panel on "craft hacks". These would be ways to handle a fast finishing of one's cosplay when time is just about up. What to do (supplies, repair techniques) for "fashion emergencies". I am not a fancy cosplayer so my emergency kit consists of elastics bands, lots of safety pins, tape and one needle with neutral color thread.

Posted to Little Adventures (RE: Nail Cutting) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/21/2024

Due to vision issues (mine) I never cut anyone's nails. I make nail cutting part of the annual vet visit. The expert trimming of the nails was impressive to watch. It is funny how our animal companions know are movements so well in that today's "good girl" can be tomorrow's flight risk.

Posted to More Mia Maples (RE: Astronaut/Camping Food) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/21/204

As I am non-starter in the field of physics, when that bag started smoking I was AMAZED. Some of the items remind me of "con" (as in anime- or comic- ) food. Along with actual water, I bring granola bars, nut/dried berry packets, raisons and (if I am feeling wealthy) grapes. Grapes, at least in my area of the U.S. are pricey.

Posted to Nurse_Kim (RE: Death of ENRIQUE DELGADO-GARCIA) Uploaded on 09/21/2024

These cadets would be better at LE if their program prioritized areas such as: (1) investigative and interrogation skills,  (2) martial arts that emphasizes self-defense such as karate, (3) behavioral (body language) analysis, (4) shooting to disable not to kill (using shoulders, knees as targets) and (5) proper handling of a crime scene. Judging by errors made by CM police departments in recent years this academy is not producing LE officers who can fulfill their mission statement, to protect and to serve. As for "Fight Night" the fate of Enrique Delgado-Garcia indicates that the negatives of this activity far outweigh any positives that the current people in power may imagine.

Posted to Nate the Lawyer (RE: Sean Combs' arrested-no bail) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/18/2024

The legal (and constitutional) right is "innocent until proven guilty", however I am too affected by news for me to stay with that basic tenet. Also keeping a straight face (and open mind) during Combs' attorney's press conference was impossible. I laughed during the attorney's statement. Good luck finding impartial jurors. The voir dire may be almost as long as the actual trial. Wonder if defense might request a bench trial?

Posted to Dan Murrell (RE: review of Megalopolis) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/24/2024

I would have liked to watch this in a theater, but I need a cohesive plot (I am prone to migraines) which sounds like I would not have. Was it someone other the Francis Ford Coppola I would blame the studio for the plot issues and the bumpy editing. With Coppola financing this movie that does not seem likely. Seems like this beautiful mess of a movie will be watched by me on a streaming service where I can control the pause and FF buttons. 

Posted to Dr. Todd Grande (RE: Carly Gregg) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/24/2024

Dr. Grande is correct, Carly Gregg's sentence does protect society. Although I would add, protection only from THIS individual. Charging Carly as an adult was done according to Mississippi law. However, I have lingering doubts about her capacity to control her impulses and comprehend consequences (significant mental health problems in her maternal and paternal lines). A better solution would have put her into a secure mental health institution with a re-evaluation done after she turned 25. Tragically she is not the first teenager with access to a gun to act on impulse. Until we can identify and treat adolescents properly she will not be the last.

Posted to Rachel Maksy (RE: Halloween Decor) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/27/2024

Hanging lit pumpkins, chef's kiss. I love the colors and textures of the sofa decor plus it's Frodo The Pup approved. I am an inhabitant of a northeastern U.S. state so Halloween is heavily nostalgic for me. I do love the candy corn metaphor, analogy, fable, wisdom? I would like to think that as one person who believes candy corn to be less tasty than styrofoam (accidentally ate a sliver once), I still feel that this candy is the omen of a time of tasty treats and beautifully decorated (by nature) outside "decor".

Posted to Lucy Livin (RE: Clothing DeCluttering) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/28/2024

The stained white tee shirt @7:30 reminds me of mineral stains, usually caused by laundering in "hard" water. Lots of methods online, but the one that worked for me: "Mix baking soda with water to make a paste, apply it to the stain, and let it sit for up to 15 minutes. Then, lightly scrub with an old brush." Beware of removing the stain and the material! When I declutter, I also consider whether the item could be retired to my (small) cosplay closet. Keep the Barbie jacket, probably not the Minnie denim dress/coat and get that beautiful pink plushy jacket somewhere to be restored, it is stunning.

Posted to Collier Landry (RE: Audio tape of Doyle professing his innocence) Uploaded 09/28/2024

I know nothing of this Pastor, but I suspect that he thinks he knows more about criminal behavior than he actually knows. That is only annoying. What is frightening is the ease, the fluidity, the smoothness of the responses of Collier’s father to the Pastor's questions. Too bad this was not filmed, as I wonder if body language would have given Collier's father away even before his lies were exposed. Leaving in those vintage commercials and traffic updates, alright I admit it, made me laugh.

Posted to The Red Letter Media (RE: tour of a ghost house) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/28/2024

I say go to one of these places, get comfy and read aloud Finnegans Wake (by James Joyce). If ghosts exist they will do one of two things, they will indicate happiness or more likely they will become frustrated with Mr. Joyce's writing style and throw that ball or shut that f'ing door.

Posted to Gold Shaw Farm (RE: Broken Toe) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/30/2024

Get (real) leather boots that fit securely. Wear them around the house for a few days to acclimate them to your feet. I used to constantly roll my ankles as I have impaired depth perception. I wear short boots in the warm months and tall boots in the cold months. While I still step into holes, crevices and cracks,  I usually emerge uninjured. Once I did damage my toe, not broken but still quite painful. I bought toe wraps on Amazon that are made of velcro to immobilize my toe for several weeks. I took "rest" (aka no toe wrap) periods while I was seated at my computer. Full Disclosure: this is anecdotal evidence only, as I was not seen by a physician.  I do like the staff idea mentioned in comments.  Make one or get a crafted one at a Renfaire (usually pricey, but very Middle Earth-ish). Heal soon!

Posted to Dan Murrell (RE: Weekly Box Office) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/30/2024

The internet proves the Dunning — Kruger effect is alive, is well and is haunting us all 24/7. There was a comment on this already, so I will second it; whenever Giancarlo Esposito's name comes up, just play that clip  (btw assuming this clip is short enough to not generate a copyright strike). Haven't seen Megalopolis yet. Many reviews seem mention the beautiful images and the confusing editing. When this film streams, having a running commentary by Francis Ford Coppola would be fascinating.

Posted to Observe (RE: Nikocado Avocado - deep fake or not) Uploaded to You Tube on 09/29/2024

I do not follow this individual. I can only make a guess from the video segments I see here.  His stilted speech, bad acting kind of suss. This is a person who has been online for years. He knows how to present himself to gain the response that he wants. I wonder if he got the idea for the mask, the oddness and the vocal tones from the movie Frank (2014) starring Michael Fassbender? Wherever the truth lies, Nick appears to not be hurting anyone, at least with the information currently available.

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