Thursday, June 28, 2018

Floyd Norman: An Animated Life (2016)

a documentary watched on Netflix 06/28/2018


This movie gave me everything I could want from a documentary. I learned new things, was entertained and found a role model. I was just passing through Netflix looking for something, anything and came across this film. It began slowly, with the usual talking heads motif, but Floyd Norman's attitude, talent and lack of filter began to grab my attention. Interest in Disney, Pixar and general animation is a plus, but not necessary to enjoy this movie. An Animated Life manages to give the viewer data on Floyd Norman, Disney's early animation years (while Walt Disney was still alive) and even what makes an artist. There are discussions on corporate employment that will surprise the viewer in their direction. These discussions are as real and as vital as Floyd Norman himself. This is a well-edited and directed movie. Of course, that the primary attraction becomes Floyd Norman which as the film says, is an animator, a storyteller and a troublemaker.

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