Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Thoughts on 06/06/2018

Star Wars (00:06), David Hogg (2:51), Brock Turner (5:27), Kim Kardashian(9:16)
 My comment made on Philip DeFranco video published on YouTube 06/06/18

(1) Still not on twitter and glad of it. A lack of impulse control is endemic to that particular platform.(2) Yes, that is definitely a crime. I hope that individual(s) involved were stupid enough to use their own phone(s). (3) Didn't have Brock Turner have "connections", so judgement is not a surprise? However, the court's decision that Brock Turner is not a danger to the public, may be true...for about 1/2 the public. As for Aaron Persky recall, I agree with it as long as it does not result in future misuse. (4) We have tried punishment of drug offenders via jail for decades, it is not working. Time to try something else. As for KK personally requesting a pardon for this woman, I think at least one of the Kardashians may be growing up.

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